AP Euro Chp. 22

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In _________________, Parliament finally capitulated to pressure and passed a bill in 1876 allowing women the right to take qualifying examinations.


Britain was not troubled by revolutionary disturbances during 1848, although for different reasons than Russia. A.The ___________________ of 1832 had opened the door to political representation for theindustrial middle class, and in the 1860s, Britain's liberal parliamentary systemdemonstrated once more its ability to make both social and political reforms thatenabled the country to remain stable.

Reform Act

A kingdom of Central Italy would be created for Napoleon's cousin, ___________________, who would be married to the daughter of King Victor Emmanuel

Prince Napoleon

Bismarck and William I had achieved a major goal by 1866. ____________________ now dominated all of northern Germany, and Austria had been excluded from any significant role in Germanaffairs


Foreign policy failures led to growing criticism, and war w/ _______________ in 1870 turnedout to be the death blow for Napoleon III's regime


In the Austro-Prussian War of 1866, the new Italian state became an ally of ____________


German unity had been achieved by the ______________________ monarchy and army


It was the _________________ army that indirectly completed the task of Italian unification


Moreover, the ___________________ were mobilizing in support of Austria, and Napoleon III had no desire to take 2 enemies at once


The British feeling of national pride was reflected in ______________________, whose reignwas the longest in European history. Her sense of duty and moral respectabilityreflected the attitudes of her age, which came to be known as the Victorian Age. III.Politically, this was an era of uneasy stability as the aristocratic and upper-middle classrepresentatives who dominated Parliament blurred party lines by their internal strife andshifting positions

Queen Victoria

Bismarck had often been portrayed as the ultimate realist, the foremost 19thc practitioner of ___________________- put aside theological perspectives for reasons of state


In art, too,_________________ became dominant after 1850, although Romanticism was by no means dead. B. Among the most important characteristics of it are a desire to depict theeveryday life of ordinary people, be they peasants, workers, or prostitutes; an attemptat photographic realism; and an interest in the natural environment

, Realism

In 1850, Austria was still the dominant power on the Italian peninsula. After the failure of the revolution on 1848-9, a growing number of advocates for Italian unification focusedon the northern Italian state if ___________________ as their best hope to achieve this goal, which wasruled by the house of ____________

1 .Piedmont 2 Savoy

Despite the proclamation of the new kingdom, the task of unification was not yet complete since Venetia in the north was still held by ___________ and Rome was under ________________________, supported by French troops

1. Austria 2. papal control

____________________ had long controlled the existing Germanic Confederation, but _____________ hadgrown, strongly enforced by economic expansion in the 1850s.

1. Austria 2. prussia

At this point, ______________ reentered the scene. Aware that Garibaldi planned to march onRome, Cavour feared that such a move would bring war w/ ____________ as the defender of papal interests

1. Cavour 2. france

______________________ best exemplifies the achievements of the New German School. A.He invented the term __________________________ to refer to his works, which did not strictlyobey traditional forms and were generally based on a literary or pictorial idea.B.Under the guidance of him and the New German School, Romantic music reachedits peak.

1. Franz Liszt 2. symphonic poem

After Lord Palmerston's death in 1865, the movement for the extension of the franchise only intensified. A.Although the _________ (now called the Liberals), who had been responsible for theReform Act of 1832, talked about passing additional reform legislation, it wasactually the _______________ (now called the Conservatives) who carried it through

1. Whigs 2. Tories

The belief that the world should be viewed realistically, frequently expressed after 1850,was closely related to the _____________________________ outlook. A.The term ____________________ was first employed in 1850 to describe a new style of painting and soon spread to literature

1. materialistic 2. realism

B/w 1850 and 1870, 2 major intellectual developments are evident: the growth of ___________________ knowledge, w/its rapidly increasing impact on the Western worldview, and theshift from Romanticism and its focus on the inner world of reality to _____________ and itsturning toward the outer, material world

1. scientific 2. realism

However, the voting population was divided into ______ classes determined by the amount of taxes they paid, a system that allowed the biggest taxpayers to gain the most seats.


in the first _________________` of Napoleon's reign were a success as he reaped the benefits of worldwideeconomic prosperity as well as some of his own economic policies.A.He believed in using the resources of government to stimulate the national economyand took many steps to encourage industrial growth.B.Government subsidies were used to foster the construction of railroads, harbors,roads, and canals.C.In his concern to reduce tensions and improve the social welfare of the nation, Napoleon provided hospitals and free medicine for the workers and advocated better housing for the working class

5 years

(Austria) Under the leadership of _________________________, local privileges were subordinated to aunified system of administration, law, and taxation implemented by German-speaking officials

Alexander von Bach

(The Franco-Prussian War (1870-1871) An official peace treaty was signed in May. France had to pay an indemnity of 5 billion francs and give up the provinces of _______________________ and ____________________________ to the new German state, a loss that angered them

Alsace and Lorraine

In 1864, Napoleon installed ______________________ of Austria as the new emperor of Mexico.

Archduke Maximilian

The importance of science in the 19thc perhaps made it inevitable that a scientific approach would be applied to the realm of human activity. A. The attempt to apply the methods of science systematically to the study of society was perhaps most evident in the work of ______________________. B.His major work, System of Positive Philosophy, was published b/w 1837 and 1842 but had its real impact after 1850.

Auguste Comte

C.By 1853, all the German states except_________________ had joined the Prussian-dominated customs union.


_____________ craved more land in the Balkans (from Ottomans) , a desire that inevitably meant conflict w/Russia, and France and Britain were interested in commercial opportunities and naval bases


______________ , paying the price for its neutrality, was now w/o friends among the great powers


Only when military disaster struck again in the Austro-Prussian war did the Austrians deal w/the fiercely nationalistic Hungarians. The result was the negotiated Ausgleich, or compromise, of 1867, which created the Dual Monarchy of ___________________-_______________. A.Each part of the empire now had a constitution, its own bicameral legislature, and itsown governmental machinery for domestic affairs, and its own capital.B.Holding the 2 states together were a single monarch and a common army, foreign policy, and system of finances


Napoleon III agreed to ally w/Piedmont in driving the ________________ out of Italy. Once they were driven out, Italy would be reorganized. Piedmont would be extended into the kingdom of Upper Italy.


This agreement b/w Napoleon and Cavour seemed to assure the French ruler of the opportunity to control Italy. Confident that the plan would work, Cavour provoked the _________________ into invading Piedmont in April 1859.


W/the them isolated, Bismarck used the joint occupation of the duchies to goad the_________________ into war on June 14, 1866. A. Many expected a their quick victory, though their army was defeated. B. Bismarck refused to create a hostile enemy by burdening them w/harsh peace asthe Prussian king wanted.


the Russians assumed that they could count on support from the _________________, but it remained neutral


Napoleon III undertook a vast reconstruction of Paris. A. Under the direction of ___________________, the old streets were replaced by broad boulevards, spacious buildings, circular plazas, public squares, a sewage system, anew public water supply, and gaslights.B.The new Paris served a military as well as an aesthetic purpose: broad streets made itmore difficult for insurrectionists to throw up barricades and easier for troops tomove through the city to put down revolts

Baron Haussmann

The Tory leader in Parliament, ______________________, was motivated by the desire towin over the newly enfranchised groups to the Conservative Party

Benjamin Disraeli

___________________ worked as a Prussian delegate to the parliament of the Germanic Confederation. This,combined w/his experience as Prussian ambassador to Russia and later to France, gavehim opportunities to acquire a wide knowledge of European affairs and to learn how toassess the character of ruler


By the Treaty of Paris in 1763, _______________ passed into the hands of the British.A.By 1800, most Canadians favored more autonomy, although the colonists disagreedon the form this autonomy should take.


In 1837, a number of ___________________ groups rose in rebellion against British authority. Rebelsin Lower Canada demanded separation from Britain, creation of a republic, universalmale suffrage, and freedom of the press.A.The British government now began to seek ways to satisfy some of the Canadiandemands. The American Civil War turned to be the turning point.


______________ was a moderate who favored constitutional government. A.After becoming prime minister in 1852, he pursued a policy of economic expansion,encouraging the building of roads, canals, and railroads fostering business enterprise by expanding credit and stimulating investment in new industries


The importance of materialism was evident in the most important scientific event of the 19thc, the development of the theory of organic evolution according to natural selection. On the theories of _____________________ could be built a picture of humans as material beings that were simply part of the natural world.

Charles Darwin

Perhaps the greatest of the Victorian novelists was ___________________________, whose realisticnovels focusing on the lower and middle classes in Britain's early industrial age became extraordinarily successful. C.His descriptions of the urban poor and the brutalization of human life were vividlyrealistic.

Charles Dickens

The Crimean war broke up long-standing European power relationships and effectively destroyed the _____________________

Concert of Europe

Piedmont seemed unlikely to supply the needed leadership, however, until the new king, Victor Emmanuel II, named _____________________ as his primeminister

Count Camillo di Cavour

When the Prussian legislature rejected the new military budget submitted to parliament in March 1862, William I appointed a new prime minister, __________________ He's regarded even by the king as too conservative, came to determine thecourse of modern German history.

Count Ottovon Bismarck.

The ________________- war was poorly planned and poorly fought.A.Britain and France decided to attack Russia's (same word) peninsula in the Black Sea


Napoleon III's participation in the ________________ (1854-6) was more rewarding Napoleon was motivated by the desire to free France from the restrictions of the peace settlements of 1814-15 and to make France the chief arbiter of Europe

Crimean War

the British in particular feared that an aggressive Russia would try to profit from theweakness of the Ottoman government by seizing Ottoman territory or the ______________________. Such a move would make Russia the major power in eastern Europe and would enable the Russians to challenge British naval control of the eastern Med.


After the failure of the revolutions of 1848, Marx went to London, where he spent the restof his life. A. He continued his writing on political economy, especially in ________________

Das Kapital

In chemistry, in the 1860s, the Russian ________________________ classified all the material elements then known in the basis of their atomic weights and provided the systematicfoundation for the periodic war.

Dmitri Mendeleyev

The ______________________ of 1870 attempted to make elementary schools available for allchildren. These reforms were typically liberal. By eliminating abuses and enabling people w/talent to compete fairly, they sought to strengthen the nation and itsinstitutions.

Education Act

____________________________ achieved the 1st major breakthrough for women in medicine.She received her M.D. degree in 1849 and eventually established a clinic in NewYork City.

Elizabeth Blackwell

More people would have died if it were not for ________________________, who insistedon strict sanitary conditions and made nursing a respectable profession.

Florence Nightingale

Bismarck realized that ________________ would never be content w/a strong German state to its east b/c of the potential threat to their security .C.They were not happy w/the turn of events and Germany looked for opportunities to humiliate the Prussians


After the failure of the ___________________ to achieve German unification in 1848-9,German nationalists focused on Austria and Prussia as the only 2 states powerful enoughto dominate German affairs.

Frankfurt Assembly

In 1870, the Franco-Prussian War resulted in the withdrawl of _____________ troops from Rome. The Italian army then annexed the city on September 20, 1870, and Rome became the new capital of the united Italian state


According to Engels, Marx's ideas were partly a synthesis of _________________ thought. A.The ______________ provided Marx w/ample documentation for his assertion that a revolutioncould totally restructure society. They also provided him w/several examples of socialism

French and German French

The diet of the ____________________________ urged its members to send troops againstDenmark, but Bismarck did not care to subject Prussian policy to the Austrian-dominated German parliament. Instead, he persuaded the Austrians to join Prussia indeclaring war on Denmark on February 1, 1864

Germanic Confederation

Wagner's ____________________, a musical composition for the theater in which music, acting, dance, poetry, and scenic design aresynthesized into a harmonious whole. A.He abandoned the traditional divisions of opera, which interrupted the dramatic lines of work, and instead used a device called leitmotiv, a recurring musical theme in which the human voice combined w/the line of orchestra instead of rising above it. B. For his themes, Wagner looked to myth and epic tales from the past


Meanwhile, in southern Italy, a new leader of Italian unification had come to the fore ______________________ raised an army of _____ Shirts and on May 11, 1860, landed in Sicily, where a revolt had broken out against the Bourbon king.

Giuseppe Garibaldi red

____________________, disillusioned by its role in the war, also pulled back from Continentalaffairs

Great Britain

_______________________________ was the most famous artist of the Realist school. A.His subjects were factory workers, peasants, and the wives of saloon keepers. B. The Stonebreakers, painted in 1849, shows 2 road workers breaking stones to build aroad. This representation of human misery was a scandal to those who objected to his"cult of ugliness."

Gustave Courbet

The leading novelist of the 1850s and 60s, ______________________________, perfected the realist novel. A. His Madame Bovary was a straight-forward description of barren and sordid small-town life in France. B. His contempt for bourgeois society was evident in his portrayal of middle-class hypocrisy and smugness

Gustave Flaubert

In domestic affairs, the ____________________ had become an independent nation. D. The Ausgleich did not, however, satisfy the other nationalities that made up theAustro-Hungarian empire. E. The dual monarchy simply enabled the German-speaking Austrians and HungarianMagyars to dominate the minorities, especially the Slavic peoples in their respectivestates.


_________________ was subjected to the rule of military officers, and the Catholic church wasdeclared the state church and given control of education.C.Economic troubles and war, however, soon brought change


Marx participated in the activities of the ______________________________-- A. Formed in 1864 by British and French trade unionists, this "First International"served as an umbrella organization for working-class interests.B.Marx was the dominant personality on the organization's General Council anddevoted much time to its activities

International Working Men's Association.

The breakdown of the Concert of Europe opened the way for the _____________ and _________________ to establish national states.A.Their successful unifications transformed the power structure of the Europeancontinent

Italians and the Germans

On March 17, 1861, the new kingdom of ___________ was proclaimed under a centralizedgovernment subordinated to the control of Piedmont and King Victor Emmanuel II of the house of Savoy


__________________________________ was preoccupied w/scenes from rural life, especially peasants laboring in fields, although his Realism still contained an element of Romanticsentimentality. A.he made landscape and country life an important subject matter for French artists, but he, too, was criticized by his contemporaries for crude subject matter and unorthodox technique.

Jean-Francois Millet

_______________________, who developed the antiseptic principle, was one of the first to deal w/ postoperative infections. A. Following the work of Pasteur, he perceived that bacteria might enter a wound and cause infection.

Joseph Lister

In 1861, King Frederick William IV died and was succeeded by his brother, ______________________ .A.He had definite ideas about the Prussian army b/c of his own military training. Heand his advisers believed that the army was in dire need of change if Prussia was toremain a great power.

King William I

______________ planned to double the size of the army and institute 3 years compulsorymilitary service for all young men

King William I

B.The _____________________ had been closely controlled during the 1850s. In the 1860s,opposition candidates were allowed greater freedom to campaign, and the LegislativeCorps was permitted more say in affairs of state, including debate over the budget.

Legislative Corps

After a successful revolution had deposed Queen Isabella II, the throne of Spain wasoffered to Prince ____________________ of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, a distant relative of the king of Prussia.A.Bismarck welcomed this opportunity for the same reason that the French objected toit. If Leopold were placed on the throne of Spain, France would be virtuallyencircled by members of the Hohenzollern dynasty.B.French objections caused King William I to force his relative to w/d his candida


As a result of Napoleon's peace w/Austria, Piedmont received __________________; Venetia. remained under Austrian control.


In biology, the Frenchman ______________ formulated the germ theory of disease,which had enormous practical applications in the development of modern scientificmedical practices

Louis Pasteur

The major breakthrough toward a scientific medicine occurred w/the discovery of microorganisms as the agents of disease. A. The germ theory of disease was the work of __________________________, a chemist who approached medical problems in a scientific fashion.

Louis Pasteur

Napoleon III had considerably less success in much of his foreign policy, especially in his imperialistic adventure in ____________________ .A.Seeking to dominate their markets for French goods, the emperor sent Frenchtroops to them in 1861 to join British and Spanish forces in protecting their interests in the midst of the upheaval caused by a struggle b/w liberal and conservative factions


The Englishman _____________________ discovered the phenomena of electromagnet icinduction and put together a generator that laid the foundation for the use of electricity

Michael Faraday

________________ withdrew hastily, realizing the Austria had not been defeated and the strugglemight be longer and most costly than he had planned


After 1850, a new generation of conservative leaders came to power in Europe. Foremostamong them was _____________________ of France, who taught his contemporaries howauthoritarian governments could use liberal and nationalistic forces to bolster their own power.

Napoleon III

Cavour had no illusions about Piedmont's military strength and was well aware that hecould not challenge Austria directly. He would need the French. A. In 1858, Cavour came to an agreement w/__________________

Napoleon III

_________________ was a worse problem, but Bismarck was able to buy his neutrality w/ vague promises of territory in the Rhineland. Bismarck made an alliance w/the new Italian state and promised it Venetia in the event of Austrian defeat

Napoleon III

Stopped at

Nation Building and Reform: The National State in Mid-Century

By the beginning of the 19thc, the Ottoman Empire had entered a fresh period of decline. A. _________________ revolts gained independence for Serbia in 1817 and Greece in 1830. The Russians had obtained a protectorate over the Danubian provinces of Moldavia and Wallachia in 1829.


The mid-19thc witnessed the development of a new group of musicians known as the _____________________ It emphasized emotional content rather than abstract form and championed new methods of using music to express literary or pictorial ideas

New German School.

in compensation for its efforts, France would receive the Piedmontese provinces of __________ and ____________

Nice and Savoy

The German states north of the Main River were organized into the _________________________________, controlled by Prussia. The southern states, still largely Catholic,remained independent but were coerced into signing military agreements w/Prussia

North German Confederation

In ______________________________, Darwin discussed plant and animal species only. He was notconcerned w/humans and only later applied his theory of natural selection to humans

On the Origin of Species

The first steps toward a more scientific basis for medicine were taken in __________ hospitals during the 1 st ½ of the 19th c.B.Clinical observation, consisting of an active physical examination of patients, wascombined w/the knowledge gained from detailed autopsies to create new clinicalmedi


Encouraged by Zasulich's successful use of violence against the tsarist regime,another group of radicals, known as the ___________________________, assassinated Alexander II in1881. His son Alexander III turned against reform and returned to the traditionalmethods of repression.

People's Will

Plebiscites in the Papal States and the 2 Sicilies resulted in overwhelming support for union w/ _________________


The ____________________ army invaded the Papal States and, bypassing Rome, moved intothe kingdom of Naples


The________________________ of 1867 was an important step toward the democratization of Britain. By lowering the monetary requirements for voting, it enfranchised manymale urban workers. Although Disraeli believed that this would benefit theConservatives, industrial workers helped produce a Liberal victory in 1868.

Reform Act

Even the autocratic tsar was unable to control the forces he unleashed by his reform program. A. _________________ wanted more and more rapid change; conservatives opposed what they perceived as the tsar's attempts to undermine the basic institutions of Russiansociety. B.By 1870, Russia was witnessing an increasing number of reform movements


The ________________ were united by antislavery principles and were especially driven by the fear that the "slave power" of the South would attempt to spread the slave system throughout the country. .As polarization over the issue intensified, compromise became less feasible


The literary Realists of the mid 19thc were distinguished by their deliberate rejection of ________________ A. The literary realists wanted to deal w/ordinary characters from real life rather than their heroes in unusual settings .B.They also sought to avoid flowery and sentimental language by using careful observation and accurate description, an approach that led them to eschew poetry infavor of prose and the novel. C. Realists often combined their interest in everyday life w/a searching examination of social questions


Austria and ___________ were now enemies b/c of Austria's unwillingness to support them in the crimean war


Failure to resolve the dispute by negotiations led the Ottoman Empire to declare war on ____________ on October 4, 1853. The following year, on March 28, Great Britain andFrance declared war on them too.


_____________ withdrew from European affairs for the next 20 years


War erupted between ______________ and ____________________ in 1853 when the Russians demandedthe right to protect Christian shrines in Palestine, a privilege that had already beenextended to the French.A.When the Ottomans refused, the Russians invaded Moldavia and Wallachia

Russia and the Ottoman Empire

Bismarck had no problem gaining ________________ agreement to remain neutral in the event of anAustro-Prussian war b/c Prussia had been the only great power to support their repression of a Polish revolt in 1863


______________ proximity to the Ottoman Empire and the religious bonds b/w Greek Orthodox Christians naturally gave in special opportunities to enlarge its sphere of influence. B.Other European powers not only feared Russian ambitions but also had objectives of their own in the area


___________________ defeat in the Crimean War at the hands of the French and British revealed the blatant deficiencies behind the façade of absolute power and made it clear even toconservatives that Russia was falling hopelessly behind the western powers.


Napoleon felt that the _____________ had insulted France, 1st at the Congress of Viennaand now by their insistence on replacing the French as the protectors of Christiansliving in the Ottoman Empire


The Danish War arose over the duchies of ____________________ and _______________________. A.In 1863, contrary to international treaty, the Danish government moved toincorporate the 2 duchies into Denmark.B.German nationalists were outraged since both duchies had large German populationsand were regarded as German states

Schleswig and Holstein.

Even b/f the war had ended, the southern German states had agreed to enter the North German Confederation. A. On January 18, 1871, William I, w/Bismarck nearby, was proclaimed Kaiser of the _____________________________________

Second German Empire

By the end of July 1860, most of __________ had been pacified under Garibaldi's control. A. In August, Garibaldi and his forces crossed into the mainland and began a march up vthe Italian peninsula. Naples and the 2 Sicilies fell in early September.


_______________ has already achieved a new professionalism by the end of the 18thc, but the discovery of germs and the introduction of anesthesia created a new environment for operations. A.One major obstacle to successful operations was the inevitable postoperative infection,which was rampant in hospitals


The beginnings of Marxism can be traced to the 1848 publication of ____________________________________, written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels. A.In 1847, Marx and Engels joined a group of German socialist revolutionaries knownas the Communist League. By this time, both Marx and Engels were enthusiasticadvocates of the radical working-class movement and agreed to draft a statement of their ideas for the league. B. It appeared on the eve of the revolutions of 1848.It was initially known by only a few of Marx's friends

The Communist Manifesto

In ______________________, published in 1871, Darwin argued for the animal origins of human beings

The Descent of Man

In the _______________________, signed in March 1856, Russia was forced to give upBessarabia at the mouth of the Danube and accept the neutrality of the Black Sea.C.In addition, the principalities of Moldavia and Wallachia were placed under the protection of the 5 great powers

Treaty of Paris

German_______________________ rejoiced. They had dreamed of unity and freedom, but theachievement of unity now seemed more important


____________________________ turned his energies to a serious overhaul of the Russia system.II.Serfdom was the most burdensome problem in tsarist Russia. Reduced to antiquatedmethods of production based on serf labor, Russian landowners were economically pressed and unable to compete w/foreign agriculture. A. The serfs, who formed the backbone of the Russian infantry, were uneducated andconsequently increasingly unable to deal w/the more complex machines andweapons of war.B.Then, too, peasant dissatisfaction still led to local peasant revolts that disrupted thecountryside

Tsar Alexander II

Austria lost no territory except _________________ to Italy but was excluded from Germanaffairs


Building on the advances made by Liszt and the New German School, __________________ ultimatelyrealized the German dream for a truly national opera. A. He was not only a composer but also a propagandist and writer in support of hisunique conception of dramatic music. B. Called both the culmination of the Romantic era and the beginning of the avant-garde, his music may be described as a monumental development in classical music


(england) The 1st Liberal administration of _______________________ (1868-74), was responsible for aseries of impressive reforms. Legislation and government orders opened civil service positions to competitive exams, introduced the secret ballot for voting, and abolished the practice of purchasing military commission

William Gladstone

The extension of the right to vote had an important by-product as it forced the Liberal andConservative Parties to organize carefully in order to manipulate the electorate.A.Party discipline intensified, and the rivalry b/w the Liberals and Conservatives became a regular feature of parliamentary life. B. In large part this was due to the personal and political opposition of the 2 leaders of these parties, ____________________________ and ________________________

William Gladstone and Disraeli

_________________________ wrote Britain's prototypical Realist novel, Vanity Fair: A NovelnWithout Hero, in 1848. A. Thackeray deliberately flouted the Romantic conventions.

William Thackeray

___________________ were given a limited power to provide public services, such as education,famine relief, and road and bridge maintenance. They could levy taxes to pay for these services, but their efforts were frequently disrupted by bureaucrats, who fearedany hint of self-government


Prussia had formed the __________________, a Germans customs union, in 1834. Byeliminating tolls on rivers and roads among member states, they had stimulated trade and added to the prosperity of its member states


The growth of the Piedmontese economy and the subsequent increase in governmentrevenues enabled Cavour to pour money into a large ________


When the French troops were needed in Europe, Maximilian became an emperor without an _______________. He surrendered to liberal Mexican forces in May 1867. His execution was a blow to the prestige of the French emperor.


In 1862, Bismarck resubmitted the ______________________________ to parliament along w/a passionate appeal to liberal opponents. A.His opponents were not impressed and rejected the it once again.

army appropriations bill

the Ottoman Empire had control of southeastern Europe but in 1699 lost Hungary, Transylvania, Croatia, and Slovenia to the __________________

austrian empire

The government of Napoleon III was clearly _____________________________ in a Bonapartist sense. A. As chief of state, Napoleon controlled the armed forces, police, and civil service.Only he could introduce legislation and declare war.B.The Legislative Corps gave an appearance of representative government since itsmembers were elected by universal male suffrage, but they could neither initiatelegislation nor affect the budget.


The Prussian leadership of German unification meant the triumph of ____________________________ and _____________________ values over liberal, constitutional sentiments in the development of thenew German state

authoritarian and militaristic

Although the great discoveries of __________________________- came after the emergence of the 1st publichealth movement, they significantly furthered its development. A. Based on the principle of preventive rather than curative medicine, the urban publichealth movement of the 1840s and 1850s was largely a response to the choleraepidemic.


An important factor in the expansion of markets was the elimination of ___________________ to international trade. A.Essential international waterways were opened up by the elimination of restrictive tolls. B.The negotiation of trade treaties in the 1860s reduced or eliminated protective tariffs throughout much of western Europe


What was the reason Great Britain andFrance declared war on Russia?

because they were afraid of an unbalance in power

Joseph Lister's use of ___________________ proved effective in eliminating infections during surgery. C. Lister's discoveries dramatically transformed surgery wards as patients no longer succumbed to infections.

carbolic acid

In 1851, the revolutionary constitutions were abolished and a system of __________________________ _____________________ was imposed on the Austrian empire

centralized autocracy

B/w 1850-70, Continental iron industries made the transition from charcoal iron smeltingto _____________________ smelting. A.Despite the dramatic increases in the production of _______________, the Continental countries had not yet come close to surpassing British iron production. B. In the middle decades of the 19 thc, the textile, mining, and metallurgical industries on the Continent also rapidly converted to the use of the steam engine

coke-blast pig iron

Like Napoleon, Bismarck believed that the peasants and artisans who made up mostof the population were __________________- at heart and could be used to overcome the advantages of the liberals


Fearful of American designs on Canada during the war and eager to reduce the costs of maintaining the colonies, the British government finally capitulated to Canadian demands. C.In 1867, Parliament established the Canadian nation w/its own _________________________. Canada now possessed a parliamentary system and ruled itself, although foreign affairs still remained under the control of the British government.


He showed the same flexibility in the creation of a new ____________________ for the North Germanic Confederation. A.Each German state kept its own local government, but the king of Prussia was headof the confederation, and the chancellor was responsible directly to the king. B. Both the army and the foreign policy remained in the hands of the king and hischancellor.


In 1848, Prussia had framed a _____________________ that at least had the appearance of constitutional monarchy in that it had established a bicameral legislature w/the lower house elected by universal male suffrage.


The Danes were quickly_________________ Austria and Prussia then agreed to divide the administration of the 2 duchies. By this time, Bismarck had come to the realization that for Prussia to expand its power by dominating the northern, largely Protestant part of the Confederation, Austria would be excluded from German affairs. F.The joint administration of the 2 duchies offered plenty of opportunities to create friction w/Austria and provide a reason for war if it came to that. While he pursued negotiations w/Austria, he also laid the foundations for the isolation of Austria


Garibaldi and his men favored a _____________________________; Cavour did not and actedquickly to preempt Garibaldi.

democratic republicanism

From the German idealistic philosophers such as Hegel, Marx took the idea of __________________: everything evolves, and all change in history in the result of conflicts b/w antagonistic elements. He disagreed w/Hegel's belief that history is determined byideas manifesting themselves in historical forces. Instead, he said the course of history is determined by material forces


A number of middle-class liberals began to see Prussia in a new light; some evenlooked openly to Prussia to bring about the ___________________- of Germany


Marx and Engels predicted that the workers would eventually overthrow their bourgeois masters. After this victory, the proletariat would form a _________________ (type of gov.) to reorganize the means of production. Then a classless society would emerge and the state would whither away since it no longer represented the interests of a particular class. Class struggles would then be over. C.Marx believed that the emergence of a classes society would lead to progress inscience, technology, and industry and to a greater wealth for all


One of the reasons for Britain's stability was its continuing ____________________ growth. A.After 1850, middle-class prosperity was at least coupled w/some improvements for the working classes.B.Real wages for laborers increased more than 25% b/w 1850-70


After the Habsburgs had crushed the revolutions of 1848-9, they restored centralized,autocratic government to the Austrian empire. A.What seemed to be the only lasting result of the revolutions was the act of ___________________ of September 7, 1848, that freed serfs and eliminated all compulsorylabor services. B.Nevertheless, the development of industrialization after 1850, especially in Viennaand the provinces of Bohemia and Galicia, served to bring economic and social change to the empire in the form of an urban proletariat, labor unrest, and a newindustrial middle class


On March 3, 1861, Alexander issued his __________________________ Peasants could now ownland, marry as they chose, and bring suits in the law courts. A.Nevertheless, the benefits of it were limited. The government providedland for the peasants by purchasing it from the landowners, but the landowners oftenchose to keep the best lands. B. The Russians peasants soon found that they had inadequate amounts of good arableland to support themselves, a situation that worsened as the peasant population increased rapidly in the 2nd ½ of the 19th .Nor were the peasants completely free The state compensated the landowners for the land given to the peasants, but the peasants were expected to repay the state in long-term installments. B. To ensure that the payments were made, peasants were subjected to the authority of their mir, or village commune, which was collectively responsible for the land payments to the government. In a sense, the village commune, and not the peasants,owned the land the peasants were purchasing. And since the village communes wereresponsible for the payments, they were reluctant to allow peasants to leave their land

emancipation edict.

After Austria's defeat in the Italian war in 1859, the Emperor Francis Joseph attempted to establish an ________________________ w/a nominated upper house and electedlower house. Although the system was supposed to provide representation for the nationalists of the empire, the complicated formula used for elections ensured the election of a German-speaking majority, serving once again to alienate the ethnic minorities, particularly the Hungarians

imperial parliament

The Austrian war was a turning point in Prussian domestic affairs. A. After the war, Bismarck asked the Prussian parliament to pass a bill of _______________________,retroactively legalizing taxes he had collected illegally since 1862. B. Even most liberals voted in favor of the bill b/c they had been won over byBismarck's successful use of military power.


Governments also played a role in 1st allowing and then encouraging the formation of ___________________________ banks. A.These banks were crucial to Continental industrial development b/c they mobilized enormous capital resources for investment. In the 1850s and 60s, they were veryimportant in the promotion of railway construction, although they were not always asafe investment

joint-stock investment

Real change for the industrial proletariat would come only w/the development of socialist parties and socialist trade unions. These emerged in 1870, but the theorythat made them possible had already been developed by mid-century in the works of ___________________

karl marx

In the 1860s, as opposition to some of the emperor's policies began to mount, Napoleon III ________________ his regime.A.He reached out to the working class by legalizing trade unions and granting them theright to strike. He also began to liberalize the political process. C.Napoleon's liberalization policies did not serve initially to strengthen the hand of thegovernment.


The new scientific developments also had an important impact on the training of doctorsf or professional careers in health care. In the 19thc, virtually every Western country founded new ________________ schools, butattempts to impose uniform standards on them through certifying bodies met considerable resistance.


The public health movement also resulted in the government's hiring ______________________-- not just to treat people but to deal w/issues of public health as well.

medical doctors

the application of natural science to the field of __________________ led to revolutionary break-throughs in health care


Unintentionally, by 1859, this system had allowed control of the lower house to fall largely into the hands of the rising ________________ classes, whose numbers were growing as aresult of continuing industrialization


Middle-class liberals in the parliament, while willing to have reform, but feared compulsory _______________ service b/c they believed the government would use it to inculcate obedience tothe monarchy and strengthen the influence of the conservative military in Prussia.


W/his victory over Austria and the creation of the North Germanic Confederation,Bismarck had proved that ___________________ and authoritarian government could becombined. In using it to win support from liberals and prevent governmentreform, Bismarck showed that liberalism and it could be separated.


Darwin came to discard the notion of a special creation and to believe that animals evolved over time and in response to their environment. A. He formed the principle of ____________________-, a theory that he presented in 1859 inThe Origin of Species

natural selection

Bismarck was disappointed w/the king's actions, but at this point the Frenchoverreached themselves. Not content w/their diplomatic victory, they pushed WilliamI to make a formal apology to France and promise never to allow Leopold to be acandidate again. The French then declared war on Prussia b/c of an ___________________________--

offensive telegram

Bismarck's victories were as much diplomatic and political as they were military. B/f war was declared, Bismarck always saw to it that Prussia would be fighting only ________- power and that that opponent was isolated diplomatically


Wagner transformed ___________ into "music drama"


The basic idea of Darwin's book was that all plants and animals had evolved over a long period of time from earlier and simpler forms of life, a principle known as ________________________- A. Those that were naturally selected for survival survived. The unfit did not and became extinct. The fit who survived propagated and passed on the variations thatenabled them to survive until, from Darwin's point of view, a new species emerged

organic evolution.

The 2nd great barrier to large-scale surgery stemmed from the inability to lessen the ______ of the patient


Bismarck went ahead, collected the taxes, and reorganized the army anyway, blaming the liberals for causing the breakdown of constitutional government. C. From 1862-66, Bismarck governed Prussia by ignoring ______________________. Unwilling torevolt, parliament did nothing. In the meantime, opposition to his domestic policydetermined Bismarck on an active foreign policy, which in 1864 led to his 1 st war.


The hope of liberal nobles and other social and other social reformers that the zemstvos would be expanded into a national______________ remained unfulfilled. The legal reforms of 1864, which created a regular system of local and provincial courts and a judicial code that accepted the principle of equality b/f the law, provedsuccessful, however


Their desire was to have a real_________________________-, but the king's executive power remained too strong; royal ministers answered for their actions only to the king, not the parliament. Nevertheless, the parliament had been granted important legislative and taxation powers on which it could build

parliamentary system

Bismarck was a consummate ___________________ and _________________________ He was a moderate whowaged war only when all other diplomatic alternatives had been exhausted

politician and opportunist.

Leaders who were willing to pursue the "___________________________" found themselves in asituation rife w/opportunity. It was this new international situation that made possiblethe unification of Italy and Germany

politics of reality

Russian students and intellectuals who followed Herzen's ideas formed a movement called ________________ whose aim was to create a new society through the revolutionary acts of the peasants. D.The peasants' lack of interest in these revolutionary ideas, however, led some of them to resort to violent means to overthrow tsarist autocracy.


Comte created a system of "____________________________" based on a hierarchy of all the sciences.Mathematics was the foundation on which the physical sciences, earth sciences, and biological sciences were built. At the top was sociology, the study of human society. A. Comte saw sociology's task as a difficult one.B.The discovery of general laws of society would have to be based on the collectionand analysis of data on humans and their environment

positive knowledge

The _________________________________ movement focused on providing clean water,adequate sewage disposal, and less crowded housing conditions .C.Bacterial discoveries led to greater emphasis on preventive measures such as pasteurization of milk, improved purification of water supplies, immunizationagainst disease, and control of waterborne diseases

prebacteriological hygiene

Now once again the members of the bourgeoisie were antagonists in an emergingclass struggle, but this time they faced the _________________, or the industrial working class


In 1877, Louis Pasteur turned his attention to human diseases. B.His desire to do more than simply identify disease-producing organisms led him in 1885 to a preventive vaccination against __________________- .C.In the 1890s, the principle of vaccination was extended to diphtheria, typhoid fever,cholera, and plague, creating modern immunological science.


On the Continent, the period from 1850 to 1870 witnessed increased mechanization of thecotton and textile industries, although Continental countries still remained Britain. A.However, this period of industrial expansion on the Continent was fueled not somuch by textiles as by the growth of __________________. B.B/w 1850 and 1870, European track mileage increased from 14,500 toalmost 70,000. They, in turn, stimulated growth in both the iron and coal industries.


The technological advances of the early Industrial Revolution had depended little on pure _______________ and more on the experiments of amateur inventors. D.Advances in industrial technology, however, fed an interest in basic scientificresearch, which in the 1830s and afterward resulted in a rash of basic scientificdiscoveries that were soon converted into technological improvements that affected everybody


The popularity of scientific and technological achievement produced a wide spread acceptance of the ______________________, based on observation, experiment, and logicalanalysis, as the only path to objective truth and objective reality. B.This in turn undermined the faith of many people in religious truth

scientific method

The 19thc was an age of increasing _________________ particularly evident in the growth of _______________________, the belief that everything mental, spiritual, or ideal was simply aresult of physical forces. Truth was to be found in the concrete material existence of human beings and not in revelations gained by feeling

secularization, materialism

By the 1850s, the _______________ question had caused the Whig Party to become defunct and the Democrats to split along North-South lines. A. The Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854, which allowed slavery in the Kansas and Nebraska territories to be determined by popular sovereignty, created a firestorm inthe North and led to the creation of a new sectional party.


Some people fretted that Darwin's theory made human beings ordinary products of nature rather than unique beings. B. Others were disturbed by the implications of life as a struggle for survival. For thosewho believed in a rational order in the world, Darwin's theory seemed to eliminate purpose and design from the universe C. Gradually, however, Darwin's theory was accepted by scientists and other intellectuals. In the process of accepting Darwin's ideas, some people tried to applythem to __________________


The development of the _________________ was important in encouraging scientists to work outits theoretical foundations, a preoccupation that led to thermodynamics, the science of therelationship b/w heat and mechanical energy

steam engine

Germany W/its industrial resources and military might, the new state had become the _________________ power on the Continent. A new European balance of power was at hand


The laws of _______________________ were at the core of 19thc physics


The work of Pasteur and others who followed him in isolating the specific bacteriological causes of numerous diseases had a far-reaching impact. A.By providing a rational means of ____________________ and _____________________________ infectious diseases, they transformed the medical world. Both the practice of surgery and public healthexperienced a renaissance.

treating and preventing

After restoring ______________________, Louis Napoleon asked the French people torestructure the government by electing him president for 10 years.B.A year later, he returned to the people and asked for the restoration of the empire. C. On December 2, 1852, Louis Napoleon assumed the title of Napoleon III. TheSecond Empire had begun.

universal male suffrage

The unwillingness of medical schools to open their doors to _____________ led to theformation of separate medical schools for them. But even after graduation fromsuch institutions, they faced obstacles when they tried to practice as doctors. B.Many were denied licenses, and hospitals often closed their doors to them


Garibaldi chose to __________ to Cavour rather than provoke a civil war and retired to hisfarm


Alexander II also attempted other reforms. In 1864, he instituted a system of _________________, or local assemblies, that provided a moderate degree of self-government. A. Representatives to them were to be elected from the noble landowners,townspeople, and peasants, but the land-based system of voting gave a distinct. advantage to the nobles


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