AP Euro: Illustrative Examples, Unit 3

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Josephine Butler

(1828-1906) English reformer who challenged the Contagious Diseases Acts in order to protect the livelihood and rights of women.

July Revolution in France

(1830) *Paris barricaded *a provisional government led by a group of liberals was hastily formed and appealed to Louis-Philippe *Charles X fled to Britain


(1834, Prussia) A coalition (alliance to do something) of German states formed to manage tariffs and economic policies within their territories. But free trade among themselves (Industrial Rev)

Friedrich List's National System

(1841) An idea that advocated rapid and large-scale program of industrialization as the surest path to develop a nation's strength.

Louis Pasteur's germ theory of disease

(1854) In his observation, he realized that fermentation was dependent on the growth of living organisms, and the activity of the organisms could be concealed by heat, or pasteurization. This implied that germs caused disease, but they could be controlled.

Polish Rebellion

(1863) Poles rebelled against polish autonomy; rebellion failed completely and many people were either executed or sent to siberia

Congress of Berlin in 1878

(1878) Assembly of representatives from Germany, Russia, Hungary, Britain, France, Italy, and the Ottoman Empire. Meeting was to reorganize the countries of the Balkans - led to greater nationalism.

Triple Alliance

1879 Bismarck signed alliance with Austria-Hungary. In 1882 Italy added. If any member attacked by 2 powers other members would help. Leads to WWI and WWII...

Public health Projects

Allowed for more acts to be put in place as the understanding of how diseases are spread continue to be discovered

Berlin Conference (1884-1885)

Also called the Congo Conference, this conference was called to divide Africa amongst the more powerful European nations. Arranged by Bismarck, it was intended to help Germany colonize because Germany was new to Imperialism. It's result was the "scramble for Africa." IMPERIALISM

Bessemer Process

Confusing process that makes steel and removes impurities (I'm not going to worry about it)

Conservative and Liberals in Great Britain

Conservatives: those who do not want to move on from past held practices Liberals: Those who are more for change in the government

Conservatives and socialists in France

Conservatives: those who do not want to move on from past held practices Socialists: Those who wanted equality among workers

Charles Fourier

Crazy guy. Extreme socialist who wanted to create communes called "Phalansteries" with work for all to benefit.

Jules Verne's Literature of exploration

Describes imperial encounters with non-European people. Influenced the styles and subject matter of artists and writers at the time

Pankhurst Family

Emmeline Pankhurst and her two daughters, and many other women organized a suffragist movement to demand voting rights for women before WWI. She used tactics such as processions to the House of Parliaments, window smashing and bombs in letter boxes. When they were arrested and jailed, the women suffragists went on hunger strikes. The government let the women go when they were sick because of hunger but rearrested them when they recovered (cat-and-mouse strategy). War delayed the suffragist movement.

John Stuart Mill

English philosopher who advocated right of works to organize, equality for women, and universal suffrage.


English reformers who advocated better social and economic conditions for working people.

Social Democratic Party in Germany

Establish in 1863 Wanted to undermine current politics for workers rights, wanted revolution. Led to Hitler and WWII.

Fashoda Crisis (1898)

Fashoda Incident In 1898 England and France almost came to war over Fashoda, located in Sudan. The area was of no economic or political importance. This incident illustrated the dangers of imperialism, in that European nations were willing to fight over useless territory. But, resulted in an alliance between the two as they did not fight and wanted to go against the threat of Germany.

Repeal of the corn laws

First established in Britain to keep the imported corn of high price as to make their citizens want to buy domestic goods (mercantilist ideas) Repealed in 1849 because of fall of food supplies and because parliament thought it would hurt capitalism.

British Women's Social and Political Union

Formed to make national feminist movement under Pankhurst and hoped to appeal to men and lawmakers.

Joseph de Maistre

French Spokesman for counterrevolutionary and authoritarian conservatism. Said absolute monarchy could guarantee "order in society"

Henri de Saint-Simon

French advocate of socialism, argued that it was the key to industrial development, and that the doers should be in charge of organizing the economy rather than the "parasites" (nobles who abuse power)

Georges Sorel

French socialist who thought their socialism would come from a general strike of all workers that would cripple the capitalist system. Thought socialism sounded too good to be true. Thought a new socialist gov would lead to only a small elite but also disliked democracy.

Friedrich Engels

German communist with Marx who wrote "THe Communist Manifesto".

J.G Fichte

German philosopher who favored the "liberation of the human spirit". Accepted pro-Rousseau idea of state as embodiment of sovereign will of people. (nationalist)

Clara Zetkin

German socialist who went to jail because she refused to stop denouncing the war and tried to mobilize working-class women against a struggle between capitalist states that pitted worker against worker.


Heat, light, motion was often converted into electricity and moved through wires. 1870s, moire practical generators of electrical current 1910-hydroelectric stations and coal-fired steam enabled entire that provided a common source for homes, shops, and industrial enterprises.

Vincent Van Gogh and Japanese prints

Impressionist painter, influenced by Japanese culture after Japan opened up trade to West. Created paintings inspired by Japanese prints. Van Gogh's Japanese works spread Japanese culture throughout Europe, including influencing music and entertainment


Industrial Revolution all over, but especially in Britain required more banks for capitalists since they needed people to invest in them. Also helps with trade and exchanging of currency

Giuseppe Mazzini

Italian who uses religious concepts of divine destiny of nations. (nationalist)

Second Balkan War

This war was a conflict which broke out when Bulgaria, dissatisfied with its share of the spoils of the First Balkan War, attacked its former allies, Serbia and Greece, on 16 June 1913. Serbian and Greek armies repulsed the Bulgarian offensive and counter-attacked, penetrating into Bulgaria. Having previously engaged in territorial disputes with Romania, the new war caused a Romanian intervention against Bulgaria. The Ottoman Empire also took advantage of the situation to regain some lost territories from the previous war. When Romanian troops approached the capital Sofia, Bulgaria asked for an armistice, resulting in the Treaty of Bucharest, in which Bulgaria had to give up much of its First Balkan War gains to Serbia, Greece, Romania and the Ottomans.

Factory Acts of 1833

Movement in Great Britain that outlawed the employment of children under the age of nine in textile mills; also limited the work days for those aged nine to thirteen to nine hours a day, and teenagers to twelve hours a day.

Irish Potato Famine

Only a couple types of potatoes, all of which were susceptible to a certain pathogen which majorly decreased the yield. Led to famine/death in Great Britain and Ireland Led to immigration to other places like U.S.

Leisure time and where people decided to spend it...

Parks Sports clubs and arenas Beaches Department stores Museums Theaters Opera Houses

Rosa Luxemberg

Polish socialist who went to prison for her efforts to turn more members of the party against war (WWI).

Decembrist Revolt in Russia

Political revolt in Russia in 1825; led by middle level army officers who advocated reforms; put down by Tsar Nicolas I. Followers were illiterate. Failed. Leaders executed or exiled. Came about over who the rightful heir was after Alex I died.

Three Emperors' League

This was an alliance started by Bismarck, between Germany, Austria, and Russia. Conflicting interests between Austria and Russia during the Russo-Turkish war and the resulting Congress of Berlin caused it to fall apart. Soon, Russia sought Germany for an alliance again, and it was rekindled in 1881.

Reinsurance Treaty

This was created to restore German relations with Russia. It was created because Russia refused to renew its membership in the alliance of the three emperors. Bismarck negotiated it and both powers promised to remain neutral if either was attacked. It was ended in 1890 when Emperor William dismissed Bismarck because of Bismarck's friendly policy towards Russia.

Anti-Corn Law League

Those who wanted to appeal the Corn Laws (especially the capitalistic manufacturers). In doing so, would abolish tariffs protecting the domestic price of grain.

Russian Serfdom

Russia is still pretty behind... Serfdom was still a major social institution and were bound to their lords over generations of debt. Finally stopped because of Crimean War, Russia saw it was underdeveloped and how England and France did not force its people to participate in war.

Mikhail Bakurnin

Russian Revolutionary ("Father of Anarchy"). Led many revolts in Russia against the tsar.

Mines Act of 1842

UK Prohibited underground work for all women and for boys under ten.

Ten Hours Act of 1847

UK put this in place that women and young people (13-18) could only work ten hours a day.

Growing influence of Serbia

Serbia wanted to be independent and wanted an ethnic serb state which led to tension with countries that had serbs ( ottomans and austria/hungary)


Sets of tracks made of steel rails along which passenger and freight trains run.

Examples of reforms/changes because of problems with overcrowding in urban cities...

Sewage and water systems Public lighting Public housing Urban redesign Parks Public Transportation

Christian Social Party in Germany

Socialist party with an anti semitic attitude Established in 1878

Sunday School Movement

Starts out as a Protestant thing, but Catholic churches caught on • Started in Britain • Successful in Prussia • Not public but is free • British religious groups launched the Sunday school movement, which reached its zenith in the 1840s; Sunday schools taught children how to read at a time when few working-class children could go to school during the week

New efficient ways of transportation and ways to preserve goods in transportation...

Steamships Railroads Refrigerated rail cars Ice boxes Streetcars Bicycles

New ways of transport that allowed for the expansion of European empires...

Steamships, railroads, telegraph, photography

More examples of communication and transportation...

Telegraph Steamship Streetcars or trolley cars Telephones Internal combustion engine Airplane Radio

Flora Tristan

Used the ideas of socialism and feminism to advocate complete equality of men and women in the Women's Union (1845) in order to achieve true economic equality. Others did not really take to it, especially men.

Karl Lueger, mayor of Vienna

Very popular and used Anti-Semitic rhetoric Appealed to the German-speaking lower middle class.

Peter Styolypin

Witte, who had been "rehired", was replaced by P.A. Stolypin who did not support the idea of a parliamentary gov't and wanted to dissolve the duma. So, he did but another duma replaced this one - this time it was more conservative; by 1907, all progress had receded. rebels were put to death. Stolypin also "forgave" peasant debt so that they could own their own land; they were also taught how to increase production. Many peasants gave up farming and became workers in industry. Many hated Stolypin and he was assassinated in 1911

Georges Haussmann

Worked under Napoleon III to rebuild Paris to make it more spacious and cleaner.

Adoption of improved methods of manufacturing

The Prussian Junkers and gov adopted the newer and more efficient methods of manufacturing to gain more materials (INDUSTRIALIZATION)

Social Darwinism

The application of Darwin's concept of the survival of the fittest to explain evolution in nature to human social relationships. In that way, saying a certain type of people are better than other, affecting fascism.

British Labour Party

Their goals were not socialist but they became more militant as the government became more active in mediating labor disputes.

The "Hungry '40s"

There were poor harvests and so prices increased a lot leading to a lot of famine There had to be cutbacks leading to unemployment because of financial crises (not able to transport any goods)

First Balkan War

This war lasted from October 1912 to May 1913, pitted the Balkan League (Serbia, Greece, Montenegro and Bulgaria) against the Ottoman Empire. The combined armies of the Balkan states overcame the numerically inferior and strategically disadvantaged Ottoman armies, and achieved rapid success. As a result of the war, almost all remaining European territories of the Ottoman Empire were captured and partitioned among the allies. Ensuing events also led to the creation of an independent Albanian state. Despite its success, Bulgaria was dissatisfied with the peace settlement and with the Ottoman threat gone, soon started a Second Balkan War against its former allies.

"The White Man's Burden"

poem by Kipling about how white men were supposed to take care of "uncivilized" people because they were better than them.

Sergei Witte

was a leader in moving Russia towards industrialization, kept Russia on the gold standard, raised taxes, and kept a very efficient government. Kept strong fiscal connections to France as they were the ones who funded Russia's industrialization. Due to Whites Leadership: railways grew by almost 30,000 kilometers, trans Siberian railroad completed, coal production grew by 3X, steel production also grew. People didn't see the benefit of Wittes high taxes.


• Derivative of cinchona tree bark. • Effective treatment for malaria. • Carried by European explorers, traders, missionaries and adventurers in pill form • First important test was in Algeria in 1830, where it allowed the French to stay healthy during their invasion

Paul Gauguin and Pablo Picasso's Primitivism

A belief in the idea of simplicity, in both art and literature. Against imperialism

Edmund Burke

A conservative leader who published reforms on The Revolution in France, one of the greatest intellectual defenses of European conservatism. Tried to defend inherited privileges in general of those in the English monarchy and aristocracy (he was apart of the English Parliament)

Dreyfus affair

A divisive case in which Alfred Dreyfus, a Jewish captain in the French army was falsely accused and convicted of treason. The Catholic Church sided with the anti-semites against Dreyfus;because of this, the French gov severed all ties between the state and church.

Mass Production

Process in which a large number of items are quickly made using an assembly line. Identical items could be quickly and cheaply produced.


Production of alkali and sulfuric acid which helps to produce paper, soap, textiles, fertilizers, etc.

Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness

Reprimanded the "pure selfishness" of Europeans "civilizing" Africa

Russian Social Democratic Party

Revolutionary socialist Russian political party formed to unite various revolutionary organizations into one party; later split into Bolshevik and Menshevik factions

Grimm Brothers

German brothers who collected local fairy tales and published them.


Those who intended to promote the cultural or political unity of all Slavs. Resulted in Russia supporting them in WWI.

New Weapons used in Industrialized areas...

Minie ball (bullet) Breech-loading rifle Machine gun

British abolitionist movement

(England, Late 1780s-early 1800s) Abolition movement in Britain; women important because highlight immorality of human bondage and cruel treatment of female slaves and families; went to mass public opinion

Investment in transportation network

(Prussia) Rich families and the gov invested in transportation by funding engineers and workers.

Moroccan Crises (1905, 1911)

1. Moraccan Crisis 1905: France can have Morocco if they support Great Britain's control of Egypt. In the Algeciras Conferance (Germany), it is dicussed if France and Great Britain should get land. It ends up isolating Germany even further as France and Great Britain becomes closer since they both resent Bismark in interfering with their affairs. 2. Moroccan Crisis 1911: France tries to annex Morrocco, but other countries are concerned because it is not imperialism since France isn't just making it a colony. France decides to put its troops in Morrocco first. Results of the 2 Moroccan Crises: Germany is isolated (not as strong/powerful as once thought), Great Britain and France form an alliance.

Lack of adequate transportation

A lack of a good transportation system, such as canals and railroads, led to the need for a more industrialized economy.

Lack of Resources

A lack of raw materials and other resources led to the need for a more industrialized economy in eastern and southern Europe (whether or not they could afford it) (NOTHING NEW)

"Mission Civilisatrice"

A mission of French imperialism to implement French religion, culture, etc in their colonies. Similarly to "White Man's burden," this policy considered European culture to be superior to that of less developed ethnicities

Government financial awards to inventors

A system where the gov will give money to inventors for them to spend on their inventions (influenced the capitalists)

Manchester, England

A very industrialized city within England (resulting in positive and negative changes)

Alexander II

Abolished serfdom, formed zemstevos, reformed military, repressed and "russify" Poland, "Tsar Liberator", never popular.

Increase in goods resulted in new ways in having to appeal to the consumer...

Advertising Department stores Catalogs

Trade Agreements

Agreements between two countries that they will trade goods and services back and forth

Anesthesia and antiseptics

An invention of modern surgery that solved a major barrier; alcohol and opiates were used for centuries, but were crude and not very efficient; after experiments, sulfuric was used successfully as well as chloroform within a year

The Krupp Family (Essen, Germany)

An old and prestigious family in Germany who became famous for their steel production and for their manufacture of ammunition and armaments. They were the largest company in Europe for a while in the 1900s.


Artificial waterways constructed to allow the passage of boats and ships inland or to convey water for irrigation

War of Greek Independence

Attracted many writers in hope of a revival of the ancient democracy. Britain, France, and Russia assisted the Greeks by sending them troops to drive the Ottomans out of Greece and gain Greek independence in 1829 and 1830. Otto I was the the first king of the new Greek kingdom.

Overall, industries that grew popularity due to the Industrial Revolution

Chemical Industry Electricity and utilities Automobile Leisure travel Professional and leisure sports

Bosnia-Herzegovina annexation crisis, 1908

Austria annexed bosnia and Herzegovina angering the serbs and Russians; William II forced Russia to accept annexes or face war with Germany

Klemens von Metternich

Austria's foreign conservative minister who wanted a balance of power in an international equilibrium of political and military forces that would discourage aggression.

Theodor Herzl

Austrian Jew Founder of Zionism, a political solution for Anti-semitism

Edwin Chadwick

Believed that disease and death led to poverty. As a sick worker allowed for poverty in his family. Believed that if he could clean the urban cities, it would help with poverty.

The Crystal Palace at the Great Exhibition of 1851

British organized the first industrial fair at London in the Crystal palace with many exhibits that expressed how far ahead Britain was ahead in terms on Industrialization. Symbol of wealth and success.

Jeremy Bentham

British theorist and philosopher who proposed utilitarianiam (idea that gov should operate on the basis of utility, or the greatest good for the greatest number)

Robert Owen

Major British contributor to the early socialist tradition. He treated those who worked in his cotton factory with respect, figuring they would work better that way.

Temperance movement

Middle Class Women who wanted to ban alcohol • Corruption and violence • Catholics and Protestants alike participated in the temperance movement; fight the "pestilence of hard liquor;" temperance advocates saw drunkness as a sign of moral weakness and a threat to social order; industrialists pointed to the loss of worker productivity, and efforts to promote temperance often reflected middle and upper class fears of the lower classes' lack of discipline

Barbara Smith Bodichon

began a petition that helped Parliament pass the Married Women's Property Act and later helped with the establishment of Britain's first divorce courts

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