AP Euro test answers

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What Florentine artist was commissioned by Pope Julius II to build his tomb and paint the Sistine Chapel?


**What group of people benefited the most from large prices increases in the sixteenth century

Middle Class

History of governments is called

Political History

The Loyalist faction int he American Revolution

Tended to be wealthy and politically moderate

The Colloquy of Marburg

failed to resolve the differences among Protestants on the issue of the Eucharist

**In the wake of the Great Fear in the summer of 1789, the National Assembly restored order by

Abolishing all of the old noble and church privileges

**How did Europeans initially justify the enslavement of Africans?

Enslavement benefited Africans by bringing Christianity to them

The legal definition of the composition of the prerevolutionary third estate included

Everyone who wasn't a member of the clergy or a noble

History "from above" is called

Intellectual History

In the 1780s, over 50 percent of France's annual budget was expended on

Interest payment son the debt

Why did most ordinary Poles oppose the Lutheran reform movement?

They held strong anti-German feelings

**How did inquisitorial legal procedure differ from the accusatorial legal procedure?

An accuser could be sued if charges were not proven

What was Jethro Tull's contribution to English agriculture in the eighteenth century?

He critiqued accepted farming methods and developed better methods through empirical research

What aided Martin Luther as his call for reform emerged?

Luther understood the power of the new printing press and authorized the publication of his works

How did the introduction of Ptolemy's Geography mislead European cartographers?

Ptolemy asserted that the world was much smaller than it actually is, indicating that Asia was not far removed from Europe to the west

What purposes were served by sumptuary laws?

Sumptuary laws reinforced social hierarchies, attempted to impose moral standards, and sought to protect local industries

The Spanish Inquisition was an attempt to

Target Jewish converts to Christianity who were believed to continue Jewish religious practice

*In the eighteenth century, advocates for agricultural innovation argued that

The key to agricultural innovation was to provide support for the peasants against the lords, as the lords resisted innovation that they feared would diminish their authority

**What was the fate of most people brought before the Inquisition and accused of witchcraft?

They were sent home with a warning and ordered to do penance

** The overriding goal of the Catholic religious orders established in the sixteenth century was

To uplift the moral condition of both clergy and laity

What was the name given to the Catholic and Hugenot moderates in France?


What did Columbus believe he had found when he arrived in the Caribbean?

Islands off the coast of Japan

How did the Turks' expansion of the Ottoman Empire and their conquest of the Byzantine Empire and its capital Constantinople in 1453 influence European exploration?

It forced Europeans to search for alternate routes to China, bypassing the overland routes now controlled by the Ottoman Empire

In Hungary, Lutheranism was

Spread by Hungarian students who had studied at the University of Wittenburg

The Reformation in England was primarily the result of

The dynastic and romantic concerns of Henry VIII

**How did Magellan's circumnavigation of the glove affect Spanish colonization?

The great distance of the Pacific convinced the Spanish to abandon efforts to trade in Asia and develop their American colonies instead.

In the early sixteenth century, anticlericalism focused primarily on which of the following issues?

The immorality of priests who were drunkards and neglected the rule of celibacy

How did the choice to embrace or reject the reform movement occur in a territory or region in the Holy Roman Empire?

The political leader(s) of the territory of region determined whether to introduce reforms

According to the text, Thomas More's Utopia was remarkable for its time because it asserted that

The problems plaguing society could be solved by a beneficient government

How did Portuguese merchants obtain most of their slaves in Africa?

They traded for slaves with local leaders

What was the Star Chamber?

A cour that dealt with noble threats to royal power in England

What did the Saint Bartholomew's Day Massacre lead to?

A lengthy civil war

Which of the following best characterizes the immigration patterns (forced and unforced) of Europeans and Africans to the Americas between 1500 and 1800?

About four times as many Africans migrated to America as did Europeans

Why did Great Britain seek to raise taxes on its American colonies in the 1760s?

After doubling its national debt in the Seven Years' War, Great Britain sought to tax the American colonies to fund the further defense of the colonies

Louis XV damaged the sense of his sacred authority by

Allowing his common-born mistress to exercise tremendous influence culturally and politically

Luther's ideas about Roman exploitation of Germany

Appealed to the national sentiment of German princes

Which of the following characterizes eighteenth-century colonial trade in Europe?

Britain's mercantilist system achieved remarkable success as trade with its colonies grew substantially

What individuals believed the merging of Christian and classical traditions could provide reform for the church and deepen the spiritual lives of the people?

Christian humanists

*Who provided the labor force for Britain's initial colonization of Australia

Convicted prisoners

*Who predicted in Reflections on the Revolution in France that reform like that occuring in France would only lead to chaos and tyranny?

Edmund Burke

How did English colonies differ from other majority European colonies in their treatment of African women?

English masters rarely freed the children that they fathered with female slaves

The Declaration of the Rights of Man and of the Citizen garunteed

Equality before the law

**Shakespeare's history plays, such as Richard II,

Expressed an English national consciousness

**How did the problem of food shortages change in the eighteenth century?

Increased road and canal building permitted food to be more easily transported to regions with local crop failure and famine

The European voyages of the fifteenth century were derived from a desire to share in the wealth of the

Indian Ocean Trade

*In Africa, the slave trade primarily resulted in

More wars and likely fewer people

Who wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Man and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, the latter a founding text of the feminist movement?

Olympe de Gouges

The string of French military victories after the winter of 1793-94 owed largely to

Patriotism and the superior numbers supplied by the draft

In the fifteenth century, two rival Islamic empires dominated the Middle East; the Turkish Ottomans, and the

Persia Safavids

The Pilgrimage of Grace attested to

Popular opposition, in northern England, to Henry VIII's reformation

*According to recent scholarship, during the eighteenth century the guild system

Remained flexible as masters adopted new technologies and circumvented impractical rules

Which of the following best characterizes the Renaissance idea of virtu

The ability to shape the world around oneself according to one's will

The Abbe Sieyes considered the third estate

The true strength of the French nation

*Merchant capitalists complained bitterly about

Their inability to supervise and direct the work of rural laborers

In religious affairs, Elizabeth I of England followed a policy that

Was a middle course between Catholic and Protestant extremes

Which of the following was one of the central components of the Italian Renaissance?

A glorification of individual genius

*In the eighteenth century, the West's largest and richest city was


*Population growth in Europe in the eighteenth century occurred

in all regions

Why was France unable to manage its debt in the eighteenth century, even though that debt was much smaller, relative to its population, than the debt of either Great Britain or Holland?

France lacked a central bank and paper currency

What did the Treaty of Tordesillas accomplish?

It divided the Atlantic Ocean, giving Spain control of everything west of an imaginary line and Portugal everything east of the line

After the arrest and deportation of Toussaint L'Ouverture, how was the war of Haitian Independence resolved?

Jean-Jacques Dessalines, L'Ouverture's lieutenant, led the resistance to a crushing victory over the French and later declared Haitian independence

The Spanish conversos were which of the following?

Jewish Christians, some of whom held prominent positions in the state, church, and business

What were Lutheran and Calvinist attitudes toward secular rulers?

Lutherans taught respect for authority while Calvinists encouraged opposition to political authorities who were considered ungodly

Luther viewed celibacy as

Opposed to human nature and God's commandments

How did the English and French seek a route to East Asia?

They sought a northwest passage across North America

The Treaty of Cateau-Cambresis ended the conflict known as the

Habsburg-Valois Wars

How did the Calvinists understand the idea of work or labor?

Hard work, well done, was pleasing to God, and all work with a religious aspect was dignified

Which of the following characterizes Girolamo Savonarola?

He came to power in Florence denouncing vice and corruption, but as people tired of his moral denunciations, he lost authority.

Which of the following correctly identifies Napoleon Bonaparte's background?

He won brilliant victories in Italy in 1796 and 1797

Why did European slave traders in Africa adopt the "shore method" of trading in the eighteenth century?

It permitted Europeans to move easily along the coast, obtaining slaves at various slave markets and then departing quickly for the Americas

**Why was the Declaration of Independence so important to the American Revolution?

It universalized the traditional rights of English people and made them rights of all mankind

How did the closing of the monasteries and convents affect upper-class women?

Marriage became virtually the only occupation for upper-class women

France supported the Protestant princes of Germany in order to

Prevent Charles V from increasing his power

Porgual's participation in European expansion was given critical support by

Prince Henry

The Tudor Henry VII of England won broad, popular support by

Promoting peace and social order at the local level

**In the summer of 1789, the National Assembly was driven to more radical action by

Revolutionary actions of French peasants and the common people of Paris

History "from below" is called

Social History

The attack on the Bastille had what political effect?

The king's plans to reassert his authority were forestalled, permitting the National Assembly to continue its work

How did the Spanish monarchy seek to maintain control over its colonies?

The monarchy established intendants with broad administrative and financial authority who were responsible directly to the monarchy.

What was the importance of "fate" to Machiavelli's analysis in The Prince?

The most skilled and prepared ruler could not fully escape the operations of fate that might cause a prince to lose his realm

*Holland's leadership in farming methodology can be attributed to

The necessity to provide for a densely populated country

What was the basis of financial support for the evolution of the Renaissance artists?

The patronage of wealthy individuals and rulers

Why did members of the National Convention turn against Robespierre on the Ninth of Thermidor?

They believed that Robespierre might soon have them arrested and executed

The treaty that ended the Seven Years' War in Europe and the colonies in 1763 and ratified British victory on all colonial fronts was the

Treaty of Paris

Wealthy Spanish landowners kept indigenous workers on their estates through a system of

Debt peonage in which landowners advanced food, shelter, and some money, in this way keeping the workers in perpetual debt

What is the name given to French Protestants?


The industrious revolution was a result of

Poor families choosing to reduce leisure time and the production of goods for household consumption in order to earn wages to buy consumer goods

The Concordat of Bologna, between Francis I of France and Pope Leo X, gave the French monarch the authority to

Select bishops and abbots

**Why did the Directory continue French wars of conquest begun by early revolutionary governments?

The Directory understood that big, victorious armies kept men employed

Which of the following did Francesco Petrarch believe?

The recovery of classical texts would bring about a new golden age of intellectual achievement

Martin Luther's first response to the Peasants' War was

To side with the peasants

What new religious order for women emerged in the sixteenth century?

Ursuline Order

History of foreign policy/international relations is called

Diplomatic History

*The English Navigation Acts mandated that all English imports and exports be transported on English ships, and they also

Gave British merchants a virtual monopoly on trade with British colonies

How did the National Assembly respond to the hopes and expectations of Saint-Domingue's different social groups?

It frustrated the hopes of all the different social groups

**By July 1794, how had the central government in Paris managed to reassert control over the provinces and gain momentum against the First Coalition?

It harnessed the explosive forces of a planned economy, revolutionary terror, and modern nationalism

*Which of the following correctly characterizes the transformation of the English and Scottish countryside in the enclosure area?

The elimination of common rights and access to land turned small peasant farmers into landless wage earners

What was the status of Jews in European colonies in the eighteenth century?

They faced political and economic forms of discrimination but were considered to be white Europeans and thus could not be enslaved.

What was the goal of the Committee of Public Safety?

To use dictatorial powers to respond to threats to France from without and within

Settlers from the Massachusetts colony dispersed into new communities such as Connecticut and Rhode Island because

There were religious disputes among the colonists

**How did the delegates to the Legislative Assembly that convened in October 1791 differ from the delegates to the Estates General/National Assembly?

They were younger and less cautious; many joined political clubs

*The proletarianization of peasants in the eighteenth century forced them to

Become landless rural wage earners

When Vasco da Gama arrived in the Indian Ocean, how did he navigate these waters?

He hired an Indian pilot as his guide

**Who forced the king and the royal family to abandon Versailles and return to Paris?

Several thousand Parisian women

How did justifications for slavery change from the fifteenth to eighteenth century?

Arguments supporting slavery began to focus more on science and nature and less on religion

As a result of the Peace of Augsburg, the people of Germany

Became either Lutheran or Catholic, depending on the preference of their prince

What was Napoleon's Grand Empire?

An enlarged France, a number of satellite kingdoms, and the independent but allied states of Austria, Prussia, and Russia.

Why did the Industrial Revolution happen first in England?

1. Functional, rational, pro-business government 2. Unlimited supply of cheap labor 3. Coal mines 4. Water supply 5. Bank of England 6. Government supported low interest loans 7. Glorious Revolution

What was the result of the War of the Austrian Succession?

An inconclusive standoff that set the stage for further warfare

Which of the following was a major motivation for European exploration?

Desire for material profit

John Calvin rejected the idea of free will because he believed it would

Detract from the sovereignty of God

How did Napoleon consolidate his rule?

He appealed both to disillusioned revolutionaries and members of the old nobility and offered them high posts in the expanding centralized state

*People of Spanish ancestry born in the Americas were referred to as


In addition to reforming the church, what was the other goal of the Council of Trent?

Securing reconciliation with the Protestants

How did the Spanish respond to the trap set by Inca King Atahualpa?

The Spanish ambushed and captured Atahualpa, holding him for ransom and then executing him

What was the primary cause of the emergence of inflation in Spain in the sixteenth century?

The inability of Spanish agriculture and manufacturing to meet the growing demand for goods

*From 1701 to 1763, what was at stake in the wars between Great Britain and France?

The position as Europe's leading maritime power, with the ability to claim profits from Europe's overseas expansion

*What was a competitive advantage of the rural putting-out system?

The rural poor worked for low wages

**As the Jacobins gained power, what was their reaction to women's political activity?

They banned all women's political activity, which they believed to be disorderly and a distraction from women's proper domestic duties

**On the Iberian Peninsula, what was the social position of African slaves?

They intermingled with the people they lived among and sometimes intermarried with them

How did French armies during the French Revolution offer a mixed message to the people they conquered?

They presented themselves as liberators to the peasants and middle class but seemed more like foreign invaders as they requisitioned food and supplies and plundered local treasure

In terms of gender relations, Renaissance humanists argued that

Women's sphere of activity was private and domestic

Which of the following characterizes the regions to which slaves were carried from Africa to the Americas?

About 90 percent of slaves were transported to Brazil or the Caribbean, with only 3 percent brought to North America

After losing access to slave trading from the Black Sea, the Genoese obtained which of the following as slaves?

Black Africans

**The National Assembly that ruled France from 1789 to 1791 passed laws that

Broadened women's rights to seek divorce and inherit property

"Everyone gets a fair share, so there are never any poor men or beggars. Nobody owns anything, but everyone is rich-for what greater wealth can there be than the cheerfulness, peace of mind, and freedom from anxiety? Instead of being worried about his food supply, upset by the plaintive demands of his wife, afraid of poverty for his son." This quote describes the ideal society in what humanist's work?

Thomas More

In the eighteenth century, many liberal thinkers believed that representative institutions could defend the liberty and interests of the people. What did this mean in terms of political practice?

Voting for representatives would be restricted to men of property

In the seventeenth century, the Dutch East India Company...

took over much of the East Indies from Portugal

Who was the wealthy Florentine responsible for the vast patronage of Renaissance artists?

Cosimo de Medici

The marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile

Created a dynastic union but did not unify the separate kingdoms into a single state

What was the economic effect of Napoleon's Continental System?

French artisans and the middle class suffered, for they were economically damaged by the blockade of Great Britain

The Edict of Nantes

Granted French Hugenots the right to worship in 150 towns

Which of the following identifies the term race in the Renaissance

Groupings of people based on ethnic, national, or religious factors

In seventeenth and eighteenth century Europe, guild masters

Guarded their guild privileges jealously

How did Pico della Mirandola understand the uniqueness of humankind?

Humans, lacking a fixed placed, were the one part of the created world that could freely choose to rise to the heavens or sink into the realm of animals

**How did the reaction of kings and nobles in continental Europe toward the French Revolution change over the revolution's first two years?

Initially pleased by the revolution's weakening of France, they came to feel threatened by its increasingly radical message

How did America's Constitutional Convention of 1787 deal with the discord between pro and anti slavery delegates?

It compromised by stipulating that an enslaved person would count as 3/5s of a person for purposes of taxation and proportional representation in the House of Representatives

Why did a woman's work receive less compensation than a man's work?

It was understood that a woman was either married or to be married and, therefore, not responsible for supporting a family

On the Iberian Peninsula, who were the people referred to as the "New Christians"?

Jewish and Muslim converts

Who was the most prominent metal smith who helped develop metal moveable print?

Johann Gutenberg

Arthur Young, an eighteenth century agricultural experimentalist, advocated

Large-scale enclosure as a necessary means to achieve progress

The men elected to represent the third estate at the Estates General were primarily

Lawyers and government officials

"Assiduous in the science and skill of dealing with arms and horses and musical instruments, as well as in the pursuit of letters and the fine arts." Who authored this self-described his important qualities?

Leon Battista Alberti

How did Luther benefit from his appearance before the Holy Roman Emperor Charles V at the Diet of Worms?

Luther gained a larger audience for his reform ideas, and others began to challenge the church's teachings and practices

*Which of the following describes the role of women in guilds in the eighteenth century?

Masters began to hire more female workers, often in defiance of guild rules

**According to Olympe de Gouges,

Men and women should be equal in the eyes of the law

Who resisted the Portuguese efforts to gain control over Indian Ocean trade?

Muslim-controlled port cities

*What occurred during the Hundred Days in France?

Napoleon returned from exile to rule France briefly

According to Machiavelli, government should be judged on whether it

Provided order, security, and safety of the populace

What French word was coined by historian Giorgio Vasari to describe the "rebirth" of the culture of classical antiquity?


**Which of the following best describes Martin Luther's doctrine of salvation?

Salvation came through faith alone as a free gift of God's grace

Italian humanists stressed the

Study of the classics for what they could reveal about human nature

*In the eighteenth century, the biggest increase in British foreign trade was with

The British colonial empire

How did the Concordat resolve the crisis over Catholicism in France in the Napoleonic era?

The Catholic Church gained the right to practice religion freely, while the French state gained greater control over the nomination of church officers and church activities

What educational book by Baldassare Castiglione provide a treatise on training a young man in the discipline and fashion needed for the courtly ideal of being a gentleman?

The Courtier

Why did the Dutch fail to maintain their dominance in Asia?

The Dutch East India Company failed to diversify its trade to meet changing consumption patterns in Europe

What caused the life and death political struggle between the Girondists and the Mountain?

The Girondists' more moderate policies

How widespread was the influence of the Inquisition?

The Inquisition effecitvely destroyed heresy within the Papal States but had little influence elsewhere.

*At the center of Adam Smith's arguments in The Wealth of Nations was the belief that

The pursuit of self-interest in competitive markets would improve the living conditions of citizens

Why did the Antifederalists oppose the new American constituion proposed by the Constitutional Convention?

They feared for the individual freedoms for which they had fought

Why did Protestants allow the dissolutions of marriages in divorce?

They viewed marriage as a contract for mutual support, and married partners who failed to provide support endangered their souls and the entire community

**The most important factor in the emergence of the Italian Renaissance was the

great commercial (and economic) revival in Italy

Bartolome de Las Cases asserted that the Indians

had human rights

At the time of his death, Columbus beleived the islands he found were

off the coast of Asia

Who was Prester John?

A mythical Christian king in Africa believed to be a descendant of one of the three kings who visited Jesus after his birth

Luther believed that the church consisted of

A spiritual priesthood of all Christian believers

*By the eighteenth century, the elite of Spanish colonial society

Came to believe that their circumstances gave them different interests and characteristics from those in Spain

How did French colonies respond to the problem of the low migration levels from France?

Colonial officials encouraged French traders to form ties with and marry native women

**The Calvinist doctrine of predestination led to a

Confidence among Calvinists in their own salvation

What was Hernan Cortes's crucial advantage in his conquest of the Mexica Empire?

Cortes was able to exploit internal dissention within the Mexica Empire

Which of the following characterizes the role of Europe in the system of world trade prior to the voyage of Columbus

Europe was a minor outpost that produced few products desired by other civilizations

Britain's great rival for influence in India in the eighteenth century was


According to his agreement with the Spanish crown, what rewards would Columbus receive if he found a water route to Asia?

He would be named viceroy over any territories he discovered and receive one tenth of the material rewards of the journey

*In the eighteenth century, European public health measures

Improved water supply and sewage systems

*The British won the American component of the Seven Years' War owing to

Ineffective French military leadership

**In early Renaissance Italy, art

Manifested corporate power

Why did Elizabeth I have her cousin and heir Mary, Queen of Scots, executed?

Mary became implicated in a plot to assassinate Elizabeth

Why did a unified Italian state fail to develop in the fifteenth century?

Political loyalty and feeling centered on a passionate attachment to the individual city-state

Which European nation- with the help of Genoese financiers, merchants, and navigators- initiated an exploration along the Atlantic Coast of Africa in search of new sources of gold, silver, and copper?


*The spinning of thread for the loom

Required the work of several spinners for each loom, which led to merchants to employ the wives and daughters of agricultural workers at terribly low wages

The dissolution of the English monasteries

Resulted from Henry VIII's desire to confiscate their wealth

*Between 1650 and 1790, a crucial component of the global economy was established when European nations developed

The Atlantic economy

In chronological order, what were the three successive commercial empires established by Europeans in the fifteenth, sixteenth, and seventeenth centuries?

The Portuguese, the Spanish, and the Dutch

How did the encomienda system function?

The Spanish crown granted conquerors the right to employ or demand tribute from groups of Native Americans in exchange for prodiving food and shelter. Basically slavery

What two fundamental principles of the French Revolution were incorporated into the Napoleonic Code?

The equality of all male citizens before the law and the absolute security of wealth and private property

Which of the following characterizes the intersection of the hierarchies of wealth and orders in the Renaissance

The noble retained its status by taking in and integrating the new social elite of wealth

Which of the following inhibited women's success as painters in the Renaissance?

They could not work in public where the fresco technique was done

Why did the French commissioners in Saint-Domingue abolish slavery in 1793?

They were desperate to rally the rebel slaves to the French cause against the Spanish and English forces on the island

Which of the following characterizes the condition of peasants in Western Europe in the eighteenth century?

They were generally free from serfdom and owned land that they could pass on to their children

*Within the family, the operation of the loom

Was reserved for the male head of household

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