ap euro treaties

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peace of alais

(1629) Amended Edict of Nantes: Protestants could keep their religion but not their cities, armies, or military rights

edict of restitution

(1629) Emperor declared all church territories that had been secularized since 1552 to be automatically restored to Catholic Church

peace of westphalia

(1648) is the collective name for two treaties ending the Thirty Years' War that were signed by the Holy Roman Empire, minor German states, Spain, France, Sweden, and the Dutch Republic. It confirmed the principle of "cuius regio eius religio" (that a ruler's religion determined that of his country) introduced by the Peace of Augsburg, but mandated relative tolerance of other (Christian) faiths. It adjusted the borders of German states and strengthened their princes with respect to the Emperor and transferred most of Lorraine and some of Alsace to France. says calvinism is ok

falloux law 1850

-under this, the local priest provided religious education in public schools

treaty of lodi

1454-55, political alliance which brought Milan, Naples and Florence together vs. Venice and Papal States. Helped create international/intercity state balance of power. If invaded from outside they would present a united front. Worked until Milanese despot brought outsiders in against other allies.

peace of augsburg

1555 agreement declaring that the religion of each German state would be decided by its ruler

edict of nantes

1598 - Granted the Huguenots liberty of conscience and worship.

treaty of nimwegen

1678 Ended Dutch war - gain for Fr. from Sp. and HRE was Franche Comte plus some towns in Flanders. Dutch preserved their territory intact. Within 10 years Wm. of O also becomes King of England and therefore able to bring England into combination against France and made it more a part of Euro politics and prevent Fr from dominating.

treaty of utrecht

1713, ended War of Spanish Succession between Louis XIV's France and the rest of Europe; prohibited joining of French and Spanish crowns; ended French expansionist policy; ended golden age of Spain; vastly expanded British Empire

congress of aix-la-chapelle

1818 Congress in which the European powers agreed to withdraw their armies occupying France. Alexander I tried to convince the other powers to form an international military coalition to suppress Revolution, but Castlereagh refused British participation.

monroe doctrine

1823 - Declared that Europe should not interfere in the affairs of the Western Hemisphere and that any attempt at interference by a European power would be seen as a threat to the U.S. It also declared that a New World colony which has gained independence may not be recolonized by Europe. (It was written at a time when many South American nations were gaining independence). Only England, in particular George Canning, supported the Monroe Doctrine. Mostly just a show of nationalism, the doctrine had no major impact until later in the 1800s.

anti-corn law league

1838 formed. Was a Whig-liberal-radical combo of interests. Wage earners objected to Corn Laws because food prices were high. Industrialists objected because it caused wage inflation. League organized like a political party. The famine in Ireland provided the final push. Ireland needed to import grain since potato harvest had failed and ppl were starving. Finally, the Tories under Sir Robert Peel repealed the Corn Laws.

protocol of troppau

A declaration of the right of stable governments to intervene to restore order in countries threatened by revolution, Russia, Austria, and Prussia agreed.

treaty of brest-litovsk

A signed agreement between Russia and the Central Powers when Russia withdrew from the War. Russia surrendered Poland, the Ukraine and other territory.

pragmatic sanction

Allowed lands of HABSBURG EMPIRE to pass to Empress MARIA THERESA, who was not a MALE HEIR

test act

An act forbidding anyone except members of the Church of England from holding political office or entering the professions

factory act of 1833

An act that limited the factory workday for children between nine and thirteen years of age to eight hours and that of adolescents between fourteen and eighteen years of age to twelve hours.

secret treaty of london

Between allies and Italy. Brought Italy into war on allies' side in exchange for promises of Italia irredenta(Trentino, Istria, Tyrol & Trieste + Dalmatian Islands and promises of Libya and Somaliland(to satisfy territorial expansionism). Thus a new front was opened up in WW I - i.e. the Austro-Hungarian Front in May of 1915. Also in this treaty was an agreement to give Constantinople to Russia - essentially a big "carve up" planned for post-war period.

peace of 1763

Britain won and overwhelmed France overseas and a peace treaty was signed at Paris in 1763. Overall, French presence in North America ended but they were allowed to keep their sugar plantations. French trade was barely hurt, if at all, and even though they lost the war they were not heavily affected (post-7 years war)

reform bill of 1832

British legislation that extended the vote to most male members of the middle class.

prussian constitution

Frederick subdued revolution and dissolved constitutional assembly, issued a constitution with a two house parliament but he had absolute veto

brunswick manifesto

Issued by Prussia and Austria on July 25, 1792. Stated that if harm done to the king or queen there would be severe retribution. Mistake - played right into hands of radical revolutionaries in France. They used it to panic France into thinking invasion imminent. Began recruiting defence force.

poor law of 1834

Legislation that restricted the number of poverty-stricken eligible for aid.

six acts of 1819

Parliament's response to the Peterloo Massacre, these acts labeled any meeting for radical reform as an act of treason. It restricted public meetings, facilitated the prosecution of radicals, and imposed a stamp tax intended to cripple the radical press.

ten hours act 1847

Reduced the workday for children between 13 and 18 and women to 10 hours

five treaties of 1919

St. Germain (Austria), Trianon (Hungary), Neuilly (Bulgaria), Sevres (Turkey), Versailles (Germany)

vatican council 1870

The First Vatican Council was convoked by Pope Pius IX on 29 June 1868, after a period of planning and preparation that began on 6 December 1864.[1] This twentieth ecumenical council of the Catholic Church,[2] held three centuries after the Council of Trent, opened on 8 December 1869 and adjourned on 20 October 1870.[1] Unlike the five earlier General Councils held in Rome, which met in the Lateran Basilica and are known as Lateran Councils, it met in the Vatican Basilica, hence its name. Its best-known decision is its definition of papal infallibility.

twelve year's truce

The agreement that divided the North and South provinces of the Netherlands. The upper seven became the United Provinces while the bottom ten were still part of Spain.

treaty of frankfurt

The end of the Franco-Prussian War. Alsace and Lorraine given to Germany.

corn laws

These laws forbade the importation of foreign grain without the prices in England rising substantially

edict of 1864

This by Tsar Alexander II gave certain rights to all Russians including public trials and right to representation by lawyers in court of the defendant's choosing. He also abolished class distinctions in judicial matters. Courts were established based on the English system, as were juries, and judges were to be professionally trained and paid so that corruption would be less.

Treaty of Paris (1856)

This treaty effectively ended the Crimean War. Russia was required to surrender territory near the mouth of the Black Sea, and to renounce claims of protection over Christians in the Ottoman Empire.

treaty of kuchuk

War between Turks and Russians in 1772 ended by this treaty named after the final battle which was an overwhelming victory of Catherine on the Danube. Catherine the Great secured by this a Black Sea (warm water) port for Russia. (Peter the Great had been unable to secure for effective use the port of Azov.) Russia's success in this was an additional prompt to Frederick the Great of Prussia to practice diplomacy in partitioning Poland. Russia's expansive tendancies were alarming and it seemed preferable to arrange a deal rather than a war in which Russia would take all of Poland. Also by this point Catherine and Russia were keenly aware of the fact that the closer geographically Russia became to Europe, the more fearful and less trustworthy the major power of Europe became toward the Russians

july ordinances

Which led to July Revolution in France in 1830. Chamber of Deputies had declared no confidence in Charles X. He had ordered the Chamber dissolved, censored the press, reduced the suffrage and called for new elections. The resulting July Revolution by liberals and moderate loyalists wanted to continue Const Monarchy but with different monarch. A few wanted more radical change but moderates prevailed.

treaty of dover

alliance between England and France by which Charles II promised to convert to Catholicism in return for funds from France

act of settlement 1662

each parish responisble for own poor; poor coulnd't move around = limited opportunity in england

peace of aix-la-chapelle

ended the War of Austrian Succession. It returned things to the status quo antebellum, except Silesia went begrudgingly to Prussia. Maria Teresa won Belgium but whatevs.

charter of 1838

has six points: annual election of House of Commons, universal male suffrage, secret ballot, electoral districts equal, ban property qualification for House fo Commons, payment of salaries for Parliament.

congress of troppau

meeting where leaders agreed to provide military intervention to support governments against internal revolution

paris commune 1871

radical republicans formed an independent republican government in Paris, in response to Bismarck and the monarchists dominance of the new National Assembly which refused to give up its power and decided to crush the commune, fights in April, working classes defended it, In may, government troops massacred thousands, ten thousands more shipped to French Penal colony = enlarged spilt between working and middle classes,

restoration of 1660

restoration of monarchy with Charles II after the civil war in england

Treaty of 1494

splits the world between Spain and Portugal; portugal got the east and spain got the west

declaration of pilnitz

the king of Prussia and the emperor of Austria threatened to intervene to protect the French monarchy

peace of ryswick

the secured the borders of Holland and ended Louis XIV's expansion into Germany

treaty of versailles

the treaty imposed on Germany by the Allied powers in 1920 after the end of World War I which demanded exorbitant reparations from the Germans

treaty of rastadt

treaty ending war of Spanish Succession. Hapsburgs disappointed because they did not get spanish throne. But gave them old Spanish Netherlands and Milan and Naples

Union of Utrecht

treaty signed on 23 January 1579 in Utrecht, the Netherlands, unifying the northern provinces of the Netherlands, until then under the control of Habsburg Spain. The Union of Utrecht is regarded as the foundation of the Republic of the Seven United Provinces, which was not recognized by the Spanish Empire until the Twelve Years' Truce in 1609.

bachlau secret agreement 1908

what caused the 1st Balkan Crisis. It was where Austria and Russia decided that Austria would get to annex Bosnia if Russia could get some river or straight rights.

russian-german reinsurance treaty

when Russia withdraws from alliance of three emperors, Bismark responds with this alliance- promise neutrality if russians attack part of balkans (doesnt apply to Russia vs A/H, and Germany vs. FR)

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