AP euro WW2

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As practiced in the 1930's, appeasement was...

A British policy that aimed to give Hitler whatever he wanted in order to avoid war

In the 1920's, how did Hitler shape the Nazi party's message to appeal to middle class voters?

He deemphasized the anti-capitalism elements of National Socialism and vowed to fight communism

Why was Mussolini expelled from the Italian socialist party?

He urged Italian entry into WW1

What was the Nazi party policy of "coordination"?

It combined the German public school system with Nazi propaganda programs

What was the effect of the 1935 "Nuremberg Law"

It defined as Jewish anyone having three or more Jewish grandparents

What was the purpose of the "enabling act" in 1933

It outlaws all socialist and communist political parties

In the Lateran agreement, how did Mussolini resolve the status of the Catholic Church in Italy?

The Vatican was recognized as an independent state that received heavy support from the Italian state

How did the Nazis seek to legitimize their radical policies

They established research institutes and academics that measured and defined radical differences in order to present prejudice in the guise of enlightened science

Why did Stalin and his supporters suponser the five year plan?

They feared a gradual restoration of capitalism and, more importantly, wanted to catch up with the west and overcome traditional Russian "backwardness"

What problem was faced by most of the underground resistance groups who opposed Hitler?

They were mot well unified, for they had differing political goals

what characteristics did communist and fascist dictators share?

Both engaged in state-controlled social engineering projects meant to replace individualism

Why did Britain adopt a policy of appeasement in its relations with Hitler?

British conservative leaders underestimated Hitler

How did German Chancellor Henry Bruning try to cope with the Great Depression the the 1930's

By cutting government spending and squeezing wages and prices

Which countries in August 1939 signed a nonaggression pact that led directly to war

Germany and the Soviet Union

How did Mussolini build support from big businesses in Italy?

He left big businesses to regulate themselves and never purged its members

What was the "Europe First " policy adopted by the allied powers during WWII

Hitler would be defeated before the allies mounted an all-out attack on Japan

What was the effect of Lenin's 1921 NEP?

It encouraged peasants to sell their surpluses in free markets and allowed private traders and small businesses to do business again

According to Hitler's "New Order", which European race was considered subhuman along with the Jews

The Slavic Race

The parliamentary government in Italy was breaking down at the time of the fascist march on Rome largely because of...

The violence penetrated by Mussolini's own black-shirt militants

How did Nazis manage the northern European states that they conqueror?

They established puppet governments with collaborations willing to ruler their states in accord with German needs

what were the duties of the German Einsatzgruppen?

They followed the German army into Central Europe, systematically murdering "undesirables" as they moved from town to town

Britain and France finally confronted Germany with the treat of war when...

They used the pretext of German minorities to threaten Poland

What was Germany's official stated goal in the Battle of Britain?

To gain air supremacy in anticipation of an invasion of Great Britain

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