Ap European History Chapter 14 Study Guide

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Effects of Frederick III and Eleanor of Portugal's marriage (1452)

Because of this royal marriage, Fredrick gained a small amount of territory a great amount of money.

John Calvin (1509 - 1564)

Born in Noyon, France and he studied law, but in 1533 he experienced a religious crisis and as a result he converted to Protestantism. He believed that God had selected to reform the church in the city of Geneva. He worked to establish a Christian society for the Protestant reformers.

View of Free Will

Calvin did not ascribe free will to human beings because that would detract from the sovereignty of God.


Marriage was the only remedy for lust, therefore, prostitution was condemned. Licensed brothels were closed and harsh punishments were set for prostitution.

Thomas Moore and Anne Boleyn

Thomas Moore was Henry's best friend but in the end got beheaded because he opposed him. Similar, Anne Boleyn got beheaded because she was unable to produce a male child so Henry accused her of being a witch and incest with her brother.

Gustavus Vasa

Took over the churches personnel and income

View of Humanity

Viewed as weak


Went against human nature and God's commandments. Protestant wives were living demonstration about superiority of marriage to celibacy.

Anglican Church

What the Church of England was called. Moved toward Protestant side, service were in English, monasteries were not established, clergyman were allowed to marry, but still remained hierarchy with bishops and archbishops.

EQ: Analyze the impact the Protestant Reformation had on the domestic spheres of men and women.

-Divorce: Solution for marriage with no support. Protestants allowed to get divorced, but it did not have a huge impact on new Protestant areas, divorce was usually last resort. Annual divorce rate: 0.02-0.06 per thousand people. -Prostitution: Condemned by Protestants, brothels closed in Protestant cities, harsh punishments for prostitution. Italian cities were stricter so selling sex and thought it was immoral "whoredom", but it did not end exchange of sex with money, but reshaped it, small and illegal brothels established and women moved outside the city walls. -Marriage: Protestants stressed it was ordained by God. Remedy for human weakness, had to support each other, and based on companionship. Marriage became only choice for Protestant women.

EQ: Analyze the political and economic impact of the Protestant Reformation on the Holy Roman Empire (i.e., essentially Germany).

-Political Impact: Political power of HRE went to Charles V. Martin Luther was very influential in convincing Germans and rulers who were confused in the complexities of religious matters to convert to Protestantism. Peace of Augsburg caused Charles V to recognize Lutheranism and accepted that territories can decide whichever religion they were a part of and Charles V ended up leaving the throne. -Economic Impact: Marriages between monarchies such as Frederick III and Eleanor of Portugal brought lots of money to rulers and monarchies. Charles V transferred power and wealth to son Philip and brother Ferdinand.

EQ: Describe the spread of Protestantism in the sixteenth century, describing which Christian denomination took hold in each country and why.

-Scandinavia: King Christian III took hold in Scandinavia because he made Scandinavia the first area outside of the empire to accept the Reformation under his rule and he officially broke off from church and most clergy followed him, so Lutheran ideas quickly spread in Denmark especially. Gustavus Vasa Swedish ruler also took hold because he took control of church personnel and income, so Protestant ideas quickly spread. -England: Henry VIII took hold because he switched to Protestantism for Anne Boleyn and removed the church and made himself the head of Church instead of pope. The Protestant Church retained traditional Catholic practices and doctrines as confession, clerical celibacy, and transubstantiation. Calvinism also had influence because John Calvin believed in the sovereignty of God and was Protestant. -Ireland: Was claimed by the English, but English only had firm control of Pale. Ireland was very loyal to the Catholic Church even though England wanted them to join Protestant Reformation which caused English to have harsh repression to Irish Catholics.

Appeal of Protestant Ideas to Townspeople

-everyone should read and reflect on the Scriptures -people who envied church's wealth/resented paying for it, liked that the clergy should also pay taxes and not have legal privileges

Appeal of Protestant Ideas to Humanists

-simpler personal religion based on faith -return to the spirit of the early church -centrality in ritual and Christian life -abolition of elaborate ceremonies

View of God

Absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God


Altering social structures through revolutionary means.

Ritual of the Eucharist

Catholicism - consecrated the words of the priest during Mass, the bread and wine become the body and blood of Christ. Luther's View - Christ is present in the consecrated bread and wine, but this was the result of God's mystery. Zwingli's View - Christ is present in spirit among the faithful, but not in the bread and wine.

Abdication of Charles V, 1556

Charles gives up his throne to his son Philip and brother Ferdinard. Gave his power over his holding in Spain and Netherlands to Philip and his imperial power to Ferdinard

Thomas Cromwell

Chief Minister of Henry VIII, who reformed and centralized the king's household, the council, the secretariats and the Exchequer (royal treasury).

Impact of Diet of Worms

Created broader audience for reform ideas. Throughout central Europe, people preached and published against existing doctrines and practices of the church

King Christian III

First person outside the Empire to accept the idea of Lutheranism

Appeal of Luther's ideas to German rulers

German rulers because they could improve their economic status due to confiscation of farmland and monasteries- which gave them independence from the emperor and gave him more money due to the non-existence of tithing

Henry Vlll and Catherine of Aragon

Got a special papal dispensation to marry his brother's widow. They were only able to have a daughter so he took this as a punishment of God and wanted to get his marriage annulled. But the problem was that he couldn't because Charles V had the Pope captive and also Charles was Catherine's nephew and didn't want her to get embarrassed.

Henry Vlll and Anne Boleyn

He fell in love with Anne, but she wouldn't do the deed with him unless he married her, that was the actual reason why he wanted the divorce.

Thomas Cranmer - "Common Prayer" (1549)

He invited Protestant theologians to help him write the book that included the order for all the services and prayers of the Church of England.

Ulrich Zwingli

Humanist and preach who was convinced that Christian life rested on Scriptures. Attacked indulgences, the Mass, institution of monasticism, and clerical celibacy.

Thomas Cromwell

Influenced Henry to dissolve the monasteries and take their land and sell it. He made nuns and monks disperse everywhere and strengthened the upper class and tied them both to the Tudor Dynasty and the new Protestant Church

Pilgrimage Of Grace (1536)

It was the largest rebellion in English history and it was caused because many people didn't agree with Henry's idea of changes religions and couldn't and wouldn't convert.

The Protestant Church of England

It was traditional and had many similarities to the Catholic Church.


Italian adviser of Charles V Grand Chancellor who told him "God has set you on the path towards monarchy"

"Peace of Augsburg" 1555

Lutheranism was accepted by Holy Roman Empire politicians select Catholicism or Protestantism

Predestination and it's Impact

Men and women could not achieve salvation because God in his infinite wisdom decided at the beginning of time who would be saved and who would be damned. Many people thought it was pessimistic but it gave people strength to undergo hardships in the constant struggle against evil since they knew they couldn't change whether they went to heaven or hell.

Northern vs Southern Germany after Peace of Augsburg

North became protestants and South becomes roman Catholic

Causes of German Peasant Rebellion

Peasants heard radicals call for social and religious change. Economic condition of peasantry was worse than 15th century and crop failures created aggravation, nobles seized villages and common lands by imposing new rents and by taking peasant's best horses.


Since he couldn't get the divorce from the Pope he removed the Church and became supreme head of it and changed his religion to Protestant.

Cause of the War Between Spain and England

Phillip ll of Spain wanted to reunite England with Catholic Europe so he wanted to marry Mary Tudor, but she died so he moved on to Mary, Queen of Scots, who was next in line for the throne, but Elizabeth imprisoned her worrying she would overthrow her. Mary made plans to kill her, but she was later beheaded and the Catholic Pope urged Phillip to retaliate.

EQ1: Compare & Contrast Catholic and Protestant theology and explain the appeal of Protestant ideas to various social groups (full answer)

Protestants believed that authority exists in the Bible alone, where as Catholic theology claimed that authority rests both in the Bible and in the traditional teachings of the church.The protestants generally only believed in the sacraments that were mentioned in the bible whereas the Catholics believed in the 7 sacraments. Peasants: Protestant ideas appealed to European peasants because they were attracted to Luther's ideas that there is no need for wealth in order for salvation. Middle Class: Protestant ideas, specifically Lutheranism, appealed to the middle class because they were attracted to the idea of knowledge of education used as a tool for religious faith and professions because this meant they could save themselves without depending upon indulgences. Upper Class: The upper class was attracted to the Lutheran ideas that allowed political leaders who have been alienated by the Pope to take control of land originally belonging to the Church if they converted.

Protestant View of Marriage

Protestants stressed it was ordained by God.

Protestant View

Salvation - comes from faith alone, irrespective of good works or the seven sacrament. God initiates salvation. Religious Authority - rests in Bible alone. A doctrine or issue can only be valid if it is based on the scriptures. Sacraments - rejected Catholic teachings about the sacraments. In their eyes, only baptism and the Eucharist had scriptural support. Definition of Church - a spiritual priesthood of all believers, a fellowship not fixed in any place or person. Highest Form of Christian Life - everyone should serve God in their individual calling.

Catholic View

Salvation: achieved by faith and good works Religious authority: rests in the Bible and in the traditional teaching of the church Sacraments: rituals the church had defined as imparting God's benefits on the believer Definition of the Church: a hierarchical clerical institution headed by the Pope of Rome Highest form of Christian Life: superiority of the monastic and religious life over secular

The Reign of Elizabeth l (1558 -1603)

She referred her self as "supreme governor of the Church of England". That allowed the Catholics to remain loyal to her without denying the Pope and allowed the Protestants and Catholics have a same leader.

Mary Tudor (r. 1553 - 1558)

She was Catholic, so she brought Catholicism back to England and killed of Protestants.

Spanish Armada (1588)

Spanish ships met the English fleet in the English Channel before reaching Flanders. They battled it out but the English ships were better built, the Spanish were already low on health, and the storm gave the English the victory.

Impact of the religious war in Switzerland

Switzerland was made up of "cantons", cantons split both Catholic and Protestant Ideas.

Reformation in Ireland

The English ordered the Irish to also reform to Protestantism, but most of Ireland were strong believers of Catholicism which lead to harsh repression by England.

Imperial Diet of Augsburg (1530)

The Lutherans developed a statement of faith. Charles V rejected it ordered all Protestant to return to Catholic Church and give back any confiscated church property demands backfire military alliance between France and the pope. In 1555 Charles V agreed to peace of Augsburg


The name originally given Lutherans, which came to mean all non - Catholic Western Christian groups. It's derived from the protest drawn up by a small group of German princes at Diet of Speyer when they "protested" the decisions of the Catholics, gradually becoming a general term

Protestant Church of England

The nationalization of the Church led to important changes in the government administration. Former land owned by monks came under the power and jurisdiction of the Crown and new bureaucratic machinery needed to be developed to manage these properties.

Protestant expectation of women

Women were advised to be cheerful rather than grudging in their obedience to men. This would demonstrate their willingness to God's plan. They were allowed to be abused if they didn't listen to their husband.

Martin Luther

a German monk who became one of the most famous critics of the Roman Catholic Church. In 1517, he wrote 95 theses, or statements of belief attacking the church practices.

Cleric Pluralism

a theory of government that holds that open, multiple, and competing groups can check the asserted power by any one group.

Albert of Mainz

an archbishop who bought his bishop title from Pope Leo X by borrowing money from the Fuggers


an intermediate state where Catholics believe souls are made fit for paradise or heaven by expiatory suffering. Catholics believed indulgences, prayer, and private masses shortened time in purgatory.

Johann Tertzel

the famous indulgence preacher who was enlisted to preach the indulgence


an official nonparticipation in benefices but receiving payment and privileges. One of the corruptions in the Catholic Church

Pope Leo X

began to sell indulgences to raise money to rebuild St. Peter's Basilica in Rome. He tried to get Luther to recant his criticisms of the church and condemned him an outlaw when he would not do so and then banned his ideas and excommunicated him from the church

Diet of Worms (1521)

called by Holy Roman Emperor Charles V in 1521. Luther was ordered to repent but he refused. Charles V declared Luther an outlaw.


certificates issued by the pope, which were said to reduce or cancel punishment for a person's sins; used to raise money for the church

What is the Augsburg Confession?

declaration of ideas of lutheranism was presented

Charles V's Destiny

it was his duty to maintain political/religious unity of Western Christendom


opposition to the clergy in the early 16th century, because of the clergys' immortality, ignorance, and pluralism


the holding of several benefices, or church offices.


the selling of Church offices

Effects of Maximilian and Mary of Burgundy's marriage

through this marriage, Mary inherited the Netherlands, Luxembourg, and several other areas which lead to an international power among them

Inheritance of Charles V

vast and diverse collection of states and peoples, each governed in a different manner and held together by only the emperor

Ninety-Five Theses

written by Martin Luther in 1517, they are widely regarded as the primary catalyst for the Protestant Reformation. Luther used these theses to display his displeasure with some of the Church's clergy's abuses, most notably the sale of indulgences

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