AP Final-Exam 3

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A child has has received the diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder. You would expect that he would have a problem:

buttoning his shirt and dressing in general

Research on the cause of Alzheimer's disease has led to the conclusion that:

there appears to be a significant hereditary component, but this does not fully explain its onset

polysubstance use

-using more than one drug at once -using a combination of substances

There are three clusters of PDs.




How prevalent is paranoid PD?


About what percent of the population over age 11 shows cocaine abuse or dependence in a typical year?



1% of human population may be asexual -its not a choice, its just how you are -not attracted to men or women sexually -people that don't want to have sex or have no interest in having sex

5 positive symptoms of Schizophrenia:

1. Delusions- firmly held false beliefs 2. Persecution- being tormented/spied on 3. Hallucinations- the experiencing of sights, sounds, or other perceptions in the absence of external stimuli. 4. Heightened perceptual sensitivity- senses flooded 5. Inappropriate affect- display of emotions don't suit topic/situation

CNS stimulants

1. Cocaine (crack, meth) 2. Amphetamines 3. Nicotine 4. Caffeine

Long-term effects of alcohol

1. Delirium tremens??? 2. Korsakoff's syndrome??? 3. Fetal alcohol syndrome

slide 12-13


in order to control occasional pain and inflammation, a person uses an over-the-counter drug containing ibuprofen. interestingly, recent research shows that person also may be reducing the risk of contracting which disease

Alzheimer's disease

Huntington's disease

An inherited disease, characterized by progressive problems in cognition, emotion and movement, which results in neurocognitvie disorder

Cluster B: Antisocial Personality Disorder

Cluster B disorder, characterized by the failure to comply with social norms, violation of others' rights, acting in an irresponsible, impulsive, and deceitful manner, with a lacking conscience, empathy, and remorse

Antisocial Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Dramatic and don't comply with social norms. Steal from friends and family. Irresponsible, impuslive and deceitful. Aggressive, mania without delirium, moral insanity, egopathy, and show no remorse or concern.

one outcome due to the rise in malpractice suits related to hospitalization, based on actual hospitalization statistics is that

clinicians fear being sued

What stimulant is extracted from the cocoa plant and induces feelings of energy and euphoria, has a high potential for addiction, withdrawal symptoms include lethargy and depression, it stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and can cause psychosis or hallucinations?


What treatment is used for narcissism?

cognitive-improve empathy and coing with criticism

Down syndrome

a form of intellectual disability caused by an abnormality in the 21st chromosome

What involves compulsive drug-seeking behavior and loss of control over drug use?


what treatment is used for sexual sadism disorder

aversion therapy

One of the MOST frequent reasons for the institutionalization of Alzheimer's patients is:

because home caregivers are overwhelmed

The two MOST common treatments for attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder have been:

behavioral and drug therapies

the most common and successful treatments for encopresis are

behavioral and medical

The MOST common and successful treatments for encopresis are:

behavioral and medical treatments

LEAP (Learning Experiences: An Alternative Program)

behavioral program for preschoolers with autism. Combining autistic and nonautistic children in classroom and helping them integrate and learn social, communication, play, and other skills.

Diagnosis for Alztheimer's is confirmed...

post-mortem (shrunken brain, more holes) massive cell loss

A social explanation for substance abuse could be social _______________ from peers

pressure (peer pressure)

one difficulty with the mentally disordered sex offender classification is that

racial bias appears to effect who is given this classification

recently states have begun to abolish their sex offender laws. among the reasons they are doing this is

racial bias can effect application of the law

Which have sociocultural theorist suggested a s a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder?

rapid social change

What kind of receptors are effected?

receptors that usually receive endorphins (NT that helps relieve pain and reduce emotional tension) pleasurable feeling

courts ask for mental health professionals to help determine if defendants are

responsible for the crime and capable of defending themselves

an individual who demonstrates a severe anterograde amnesia may still demonstrate evidence of

retrograde amnesia

If one has schizotypal PD, he is more likely to develop _______


Rare Personality Disorders

schizoid, narcissistic and avoidant

What depressant have calming effects and are used in treating agitation, muscle tension, insomnia and anxiety?


research on the cause of Alzheimer's disease has led to the conclusion that

they don't know

when should paraphilic disorder be applied according to DSM-5

urges, fantasies, or behaviors cause significant distress or impairment OR when the satisfaction of the disorder places the individual or others at risk of harm

Involuntary contractions of the outer third wall of the vagina are called:


a 74-year-old man has experienced a very sudden decrement in attention, language production, and memory. CT scans show localized damage to specific areas of the brain. he has a history of cardiovascular disease. his diagnosis would most likely be

vascular dementia

Define agreeableness

willingness to cooperate and empathize with others

Early symptoms of Alzheimer's disease include:

denial of symptoms

a child is awakened during the night, goes to and uses the toilet, and receives a sticker and praise from a parent. later in the week accumulated stickers may be turned in for a highly desired toy. this child is undergoing

dry-bed training

A reading proficiency level that is much lower than would be expected based on the measure of general intelligence is called:


An individual seeking help from a geropsychologist is MOST likely:


what is acquired type

got it sometimes

what's a covert sensitization

imaginary, thinking about it

Characteristics of these patterns...

inflexible and pervasive

Saddistic Personality Disorder

people who receive pleasure by inflicting pain on others


Any natural or synthetic product that has psychoactive effects - it changes perceptions, thoughts, emotions, and behaviors e.g., alcohol, marijuana, cocaine, nicotine, heroin

If during intercourse, the female repeatedly stimulates her male partner up to the point when he almost reaches orgasm and then stops, he is probably being treated for: A) erectile dysfunction. B) early ejaculation. C) orgasmic dysfunction. D) dyspareunia.

B) early ejaculation.

Women with sexual arousal disorder have difficulty with: A) painful intercourse. B) vaginal spasms. C) maintaining proper lubrication. D) stereotypical female sex roles.

C) maintaining proper lubrication.

Discuss the issues of old age and stress

Cause by: - losses - feeling no purpose in life - biological 2 groups: 1) Disorders seen in all ages (depression, anxiety, drug use) 2) Disorders of cognition (delirium, neurocognitive)


Contributions to this disorder include smaller brain volume, inactivity of the frontal cortex and basal ganglia, and abnormal frontal lobe development and functioning

Compared to erectile disorder, early ejaculation is: A) common among older men. B) likely to have a physical explanation. C) likely related to a low testosterone level. D) common among men of all ages.

D) common among men of all ages.

Clients identify the situations that trigger pedophilic fantasies, and then learn to avoid the situations or cope with them more effectively. The treatment approach being used is: A) orgasmic reorientation. B) antiandrogenic drugs. C) aversion therapy. D) relapse prevention.

D) relapse prevention.

Assessment and diagnosis of sexual dysfunctions:

-semi structured interview -partner factors (partner sexual problems, health status) -relationship factors (poor communication, desire discrepancies) -individual vulnerability factors (poor self image, history of sexual or emotional abuse) -psychiatric comorbidities (depression, stress) -cultural/religious factors -medical factors

Psychological contributions to sexual dysfunctions:

-the role of "anxiety" vs. "distraction" -the nature and components of performance anxiety -psychological profiles associated

What is Milieu Therapy?

A humanistic approach to institutional treatment based on the belief that institutions can help patients recover by creating a climate that promotes self-respect, responsible behavior, and meaningful activity.

What is a day-center?

A program that offers hospital-like treatment during the day only. Known as day hospital as well

A person who (unfortunately) had the following disorders—clogged arteries, diabetes, kidney failure—would be at special risk for: A) erectile disorder. B) sexual aversion. C) dyspareunia. D) vaginismus.

A) erectile disorder.

A child is extremely aggressive. She is always fighting with her peers and is frequently very cruel to them. She never tells the truth. He MOST likely diagnosis is:

conduct disorder

Dependent PD may be linked to...

early neglect and disruptions in attachment patterns

Disorders of the orgasm phase include all of the following EXCEPT:

erectile dysfunction

Which of the following marks an individual as a pseudocommando?

expecting to be killed while committing mass murder

Cue exposure and response prevention

exposed to favorite substance but encouraged not to drink

About 17 percent of individuals with Alzheimer's disease also experience:

major depressive disorder

A sociocultural explanation for substance abuse could be the fact that the culture we live in sees is at as a ________ or way of life


a high school student asks a guidance counselor, parents, and friends for suggestions before deciding on a college to attend and on an academic major. this student's behavior is


Which is not a physical reason for erectile dysfunction?

performance anxiety

the drug tacrine acts through

preventing the breakdown of acetylcholine

the most common diagnosis of those found not guilty by reason of insanity is


What disorder is unique to childhood?

separation anxiety disorder

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; premature ejaculation

successfully treated by behavioral procedures such as the "stop-start" or "pause" procedure, use SSRI's or serotonin enhancing antidepressant drugs

regarding treatment of depression in the elderly, studies show that

they respond to cognitive therapy, interpersonal therapy, and antidepressants

recent research suggests that excessive levels of zinc in the brain

triggers a dumping of beta-amyloid protein

Which of the following is a projective test


"In dealing with Alzheimer's disease, exercise is the key," says a friend of yours. Which of the following would be your BEST reply?

"You're right --- exercise may reduce the chances of developing Alzheimer's, and it may help treatment if the disease does develop."

Gender Differences in Conduct Disorder

+ Boys 3x as likely to be diagnosed as girls + Boys with CD more aggressive than girls with CD + Girls' antisocial behavior manifested differently? Relational aggression? (often verbal, indirect, involves character defamation)

Discuss treatments for neurocognitive disorders

- Drug treatment - Cognitive techniques - Behavioral interventions - Support for caregivers - Sociocultural factors: day care facilities

Characteristics of Cannabis

-Hemp plant (hashish, marijuana) -active ingredient- tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) -hallucinogenic, depressant, and stimulant effects

What are the nursing implementations of AD

-No known method to reduce risk of AD -Antioxidants may be of benefit. -Promote safety in physical activities and driving. -Recognize and treat depression. -Genetic testing not performed on a regular basis

Nature of paraphilia disorders:

-sexual attraction or arousal focused on inappropriate people/objects -often multiple paraphilic patterns of arousal -high comorbidity (anxiety, mood, and substance use)

Different ways to take narcotics?

-swallow -inhale (snort) -injected by needle just under the skin ("skin popped") -injected directly into the bloodstream ("mainlined") -smoked --injections quickly bring "rush" (spasm of warmth and ecstasy, orgasmic) --spasm is followed by several hours of pleasurable feelings ("high" or "nod")

Survey research shows that alcohol-related disorders affect about:

5 percent of the elderly, more often men

What problem did early behavioral therapists focus on when treating sexual dysfunction? A) fear B) depression C) aggression D) conflict resolution

A) fear

The study of sexuality that led to a revolution in the treatment of sexual dysfunction was done by: A) Kaplan. B) Freud and Jung. C) Masters and Johnson. D) Friedman and LoPiccolo.

C) Masters and Johnson.

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate about female orgasm? A) About 50 percent of women experience orgasmic disorder. B) About 25 percent of women have never experienced an orgasm. C) Women who are comfortable masturbating are more likely to experience orgasm. D) Clitoral orgasms are inferior to vaginal orgasms.

C) Women who are comfortable masturbating are more likely to experience orgasm.

Which of the following disorders is NOT listed in DSM-5, but might be in future DSMs, following additional study? A) pedophilic disorder B) gender dysphoria C) male orgasmic disorder D) hypersexuality

D) hypersexuality

Which of the following would MOST clearly fit into the biosocial theory of the development of borderline personality disorder?

an individual who has difficulty controlling internal emotions and parents who mislabel those emotions

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually:

are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships.

the recent cases that have increased the patient's right to refuse treatment have focused largely on the right to refuse

biological treatment

Someone who has AIDS is also at risk for developing:


Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?


the least effective way to deal with conduct disorder is

having them live in juvenile training center

if a pregnant woman wishes to avoid having a child with fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS), what should she do

not drink alcohol prior to conceiving or during pregnancy

an elderly individual is suffering from agoraphobia. the form of therapy that person is least likely to receive is


sphere-shaped deposits of a certain molecule in space between neurons in the hippocampus in individuals with Alzheimer's disease are called

senile plaques

if a court decides that a defendant is mentally unstable, the defendant will

sent to a mental institution in a process call criminal commitment

Diagnostic Label: Schizophrenia Recommended Treatment(s): Antipsychotic Drugs

"They are following me. Quick, hide behind the stacks." Beth, a nineteen year-old college freshman, dragged her startled classmate by the sleeve as she peered between some books on the library shelves. "What are you talking about?" asked her friend. Beth cupped a hand over her friend's ear and whispered, "They watch me all the time. They don't think I recognize them just because they disguise themselves as teachers or students. But I can tell. I see right through their tricks." The other girl backed off and tried to gauge Beth's seriousness. Beth stepped close to her and said in an insistent whisper, "It's the Soviet KGB and the radical terrorists who are out to get me. They shoot electronic waves into my house to try to brainwash me. They douse us all with impulses to soften our brains and our resistance, and then they pipe preprogrammed thoughts into our heads. It's all part of their conspiracy to gain worldwide mind control." The other girl was backed into the far corner of the stacks by now, and, a little frightened by Beth's vehement accusations, she avoided her penetrating gaze. "You," muttered Beth, pointing a finger. "They already own you. I see it in your eyes." "Beth, I have to get to class," said the girl as she tried to squeeze past. "I knew it all along," said Beth, fleeing from the girl. "They've got you in their power just like they have seventy-five percent of the kids in this school." Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

A friend says to you, "He must have antisocial personality disorder; look how careful he is about his own well-being, but how careless he is about others' safety." Your MOST accurate reply would be:

"You're partly right; most people with antisocial personality disorder are careless about their own safety, as well as the safety of others

As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of "magical" predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which of the following broad categories of personality disorder?


Rhett's Disorder

+ Characterized by normal development until a certain point + Loss of previously acquired skills, such as language + Severe motor difficulties and trouble interacting w/others + Thought to be genetic + No language impairments, according to chart...? (difference from childhood) + Hypotonia/microephaly/seizures + Mutation of X chromosome + 1 in 12,500

Costello experiment and SES

+ Costello (2003) - natural experiment with 1420 kids in rural NC; casino opened, leading to increase in income for many families, + decrease in rates of ODD/CD after casino opened + Parental supervision improved

Negative Outcomes Associated with ODD and CD

+ History of ODD/CD present in 25-60% adults w/mental disorders + 75-85% chronically unemployed, engaged in impulsive, aggressive behavior +30-40% will be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder as adults

Costs of substance use

+ In the US, $240 billion in accidents, loss of productivity + Alcohol associated with over HALF the deaths in traffic accidents and homicides and 30% of suicides of prescriptions e.g., Aderall, Vicodin

Bipolar Disorder in Children?

+ used to be considered an "adult" mood disorder + But 40-fold increase in number of cases from 1994 to 2003 + Controversial...many children do not display "true mania" + Treated with powerful mood stabilizers and antipsychotics + DSM-V - disruptive mood dysregulation disorder?

Alzheimer's Disease

-Chronic, progressive, degenerative disease of the brain Most common form of dementia ~5.3 million Americans suffer from AD.It is estimated that 5% of people ages 65 to 74, and nearly 50% of those over age 85, have AD. -Ultimately, the disease is fatal, with death typically occurring 4 to 6 years after diagnosis, although some patients live for 20 years.

When is a LT care facility a good idea?

-Demands on caregiver can exceed resources, and total care is needed. -Person may need to be placed in a long-term care facility. -Special units for AD patients are growing in long-term care facilities. Emphasis is on safety. **For example, many facilities have designated areas that allow the patient to walk freely within the unit while the unit is secured, so the patient cannot wander outside of it.

Early/Premature Ejaculation Disorder

-Disorder of Orgasm -~30% of men experience rapid ejaculation at some time -younger males experience this one 1. during almost all occasions of sexual acitivty with a partner, ejaculation within one minute of beginning the acitivty and before the person wishes it 2. difficulty lasts 6 months or more 3. significant distress or impairment

Significant in final state of AD? Causes what?

-Gradual loss of connections between neurons Leads to damage and then death of neurons Affected parts of brain shrink. Brain atrophy

AD patients subject to other health care problems because? as a nurse you facilitate this by?

-Inability to communicate symptoms places responsibility on caregiver and health care professionals. -Hospitalization can precipitate a worsening of disease or delirium. **Patients with AD hospitalized in the acute care setting will need to be observed more closely because of concerns for safety, frequently oriented to place and time, and given reassurance.

Mild cognitive impairment what does that pt look like?

-May be able to compensate, making diagnoses difficult American Academy of Neurology recommends =Cognitive evaluation =Ongoing clinical monitoring due to increased risk of developing dementia

Early signs of Alzheimer's disease

-Memory loss that affects job skills -Difficulty performing familiar tasks -Problems with language -Disorientation to time and place -Poor or ↓ judgment -Problems with abstract thinking -Misplacing things -Changes in mood or behavior -Changes in personality -Loss of initiative

Which group has a higher rate of alcohol abuse and dependence?

-Native American males-- higher rate of alcohol abuse and dependence than any groups - same for White Americans, African Americans, and Hispanic Americans

Pain mtg in AD patient

-Pain should be recognized and treated promptly. -Monitor patient's response. -Patients can have difficulty communicating complaints. -May exhibit changes in behavior -Because of difficulties with oral and written language associated with AD, patients may have difficulty expressing physical complaints, including pain.

Behavior of patient with AD?

-Recent events and new information cannot be recalled. -Behavioral manifestations are not intentional or controllable because of ongoing loss of neurons. -Some develop psychotic manifestations. *Behavioral manifestations of AD (e.g., agitation, aggression) result from changes that take place within the brain. They are neither intentional nor controllable by the individual with the disease.

Nursing strategies to address difficult behaviors

-Redirection -Distraction -Reassurance Do not threaten or restrain patient if frustrated. ** Use reality orientation to orient to time, place, and person. Do not ask the confused or agitated patient challenging "why" questions. -Ways to distract the agitated patient may include providing snacks, taking a car ride, sitting on a porch swing or rocker, listening to favorite music, watching videotapes, looking at family photographs, or walking. -Use of repetitive activities, songs, poems, music, massage, aromas, or a favorite object can be soothing to patients.

Overall goals for caregiver of a patient

-Reduce caregiver stress. -Maintain personal, emotional, and physical health. -Cope with long-term effects associated with caregiving.

Describe Mild cognitive impairment?

-State of cognitive and functional ability below defined norms that does not meet criteria for dementia -Memory impaired but function normally *Symptoms are not severe enough to interfere with activities of daily living. To the casual observer, an individual with MCI may seem fairly normal. However, the person with MCI is often aware of a significant change in memory, and family members may observe changes in the individual's abilities.

AD incidence is slightly higher in?

-The incidence of AD is slightly higher in African Americans and Hispanic Americans. -AD has been associated with lower socioeconomic status and educational level and poor access to health care. -Women are more likely than men to develop AD, primarily because they live longer.

What is the difference between Type I and Type II Schizophrenics?

-Type I is dominated by postitive symptoms -Type II displays more negative symptoms

Urinary/incontinece problems in AD?

-Urinary and fecal incontinence during middle to late stages -Habit or behavioral retraining may ↓ episodes -Constipation may relate to immobility, dietary intake, ↓ fluids **The combination of aging, other health problems, and swallowing difficulties may increase the risk of complications associated with the use of mineral oil, stimulants, osmotic agents, and enemas.

What are the two disorder of Sexual pain?

-Vaginismus- involuntary contractions of the muscles of outer third of the vagina -Dyspareunia-severe pain during sexual activity

Overview of sexual dysfunctions:

-affect desire, arousal, and/or orgasm -pain associated with sex can lead to further dysfunction -affects about 28% of women and 18% of men

Characteristics of withdrawal from Opiods

-anxiety, restlessness, later twitching, aches, fever, vomiting, weight loss from dehydration -one of the most difficult withdrawals to experience

Causes of paraphilias:

-associated with sexual and social problems and deficits -inappropriate arousal/fantasy learned early in life -operant conditioning? -high sex drive + suppression of urges/drive


-can be natural (opium, heroin, morphine, codeine, oxycodone) or synthetic (methadone) -addiction in suburbs of Chicago (Naperville) -used for pain relief and relaxation

Nature of gender dysphoria:

-causes are unclear -gender identity develop early (18-36 months) -60% genetic vulnerability -prevalence 0.005-0.01%

relapse prevention therapy for alcohol use disorder

-clients keep track of their drinking behavior by writing down the times, locations, emotions, bodily changes, and other circumstances -clients learn coping strategies to use when risky situations arise (techniques that control rate of drinking and relaxation techniques -clients plan ahead of time , predetermine how many drinks are appropriate, what to drink, and under what circumstances -lower frequency and intoxication/binge drinking

Assessing sexual behaviour and dysfunction:

-comprehensive interview (history of sexual behaviour, lifestyle, etc) -medical examination (must rule out medical causes of sexual dysfunction) -psychological evaluation (exposure to erotic material, pattern or sexual material, penile strain gauge, vaginal photoplethysmograph)

Characteristics of Alcohol

-contains ethyl alcohol absorbed into blood through stomach lining -alcohol helps GABA (inhibitory messenger) shut down neurons to "relax" the drinker -depends on BAC -effects of alcohol subside only after alcohol is metabolized in the liver

How does one receive evidence of conduct disorder?

-cruelty to others/animals -fires, vandalism, no hw -lots of lieing/manipulation -conduct disorder

Psychological assessment of paraphilias:

-deviant patterns of sexual arousal -desired sexual arousal to adult content -social skills and the ability to form relationships

relapse-prevention therapy

-goal of this approach is for clients to gain control over their substance-related behaviors -individuals are taught to identify high=risk situations, change dysfunctional lifestyles, and learn from mistakes and lapses

Psychodynamic Therapy

-guide clients to uncover and work through the underlying needs and conflicts that they believe have led to the substance use disorder -tend to be of greater help with other approaches

Problems with Barbiturates

-many problems with barbs -abuse, dependence, and overdose -convulsions, addiction -were replaced with benzos because of accidental/suicidal overdoses -can result in sedative-hypnotic use disorder

Defining features of erectile disorder:

-marked difficulty obtaining or maintaining an erection -marked decrease in erectile rigidity

Medical treatment of pedophila:

-medication (=chemical castration, often used for dangerous sex offenders) -drugs greatly reduce sexual desire, fantasy, and arousal -relapse rates are high following medication discontinuation

Male Hypoactive Sexual Desire Disorder

-men persistently lack or have reduced interest in sex and display little sexual activity -rare in men, more common in women (16% of men) 1. persistent or recurrent deficiency of sexual thoughts or fantasies and desire for sexual activity, lasting 6+ months 2. significant distress of impairment

Psychosocial interventions for paraphilias:

-most are behavioural -target deviant and inappropriate sexual associations -covert sensitization: imagining aversive consequences -orgasmic reconditioning: masturbation with appropriate stimuli -family/marital therapy -coping and relapse prevention: self control, risk management

Sociological view of substance use disorder

-most likely to develop substance use disorders when they live under stressful socioeconomic conditions -17% of unemployed; 8% of full-time employed; 11.5% of part-time employed -families/social environments where substance use is valued or accepted

Social and cultural contributions to sexual dysfunctions:

-negative scripts about sexuality -erotophobia: learned negative attitudes about sexuality -negative or traumatic sexual experiences -poor interpersonal relationships, lack of communication

High dosages of cannabis...

-odd visual experiences, changes in body image, and hallucination

Gender dysphoria overview and features:

-person feels trapped in the body of the wrong sex -assume identity of desired sex -strong desire for physical and social characteristics of other gender -strong desire to be treated as opposite gender

Memantine (Namenda) how does this drug work?

-protects nerve cells against excess amounts of glutamate. *The attachment of glutamate to N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors permits calcium to flow freely into the cell, which in turn may lead to cell degeneration. Memantine may prevent this destructive sequence by blocking the action of glutamate.

Tolerance and withdrawal of Hallucinogens

-rare -risk persisting perception disorder "flashback" (can occur years after drug use)

Ecstasy affects which neurotransmitter?

-serotonin -causes euphoria and then depression/anxiety


-severe pain during sexual activity -~14% of women and 3% of men -usually a physical cause in women (most commonly from injury in child birth)

Treatment of gender dysphoria:

-sex reassignment surgery -75% report satisfaction with new identity (1-7% regret, 2% attempt suicide following surgery) -adjustment is better for female to male transitions -psychological treatment includes realigning gender with sex


-slow down the central nervous system (CNS) -reduce tension, inhibitions -affect judgement, motor activity, and concentration

Relation between sexual sadism and rape:

-some rapists are sadists -most rapists do not show paraphilic patterns of arousal -rapists show sexual arousal to violent sexual and consensual sexual material

Biological Views of substance use disorder

-substance use disorders may have biological causes like genetic predispositions and specific biochemical processes -drug is increasing NT activity, release of NT by the brain is less necessary -increases dopamine

Medical treatments of erectile disorder:

-viagra -injection of vasodilating drugs into penis -penile prothesis or implants -vascular surgery -vacuum device therapy

Typically a person who is going to receive an operation to "reassign" their biological gender's sexual characteristics takes hormones for _____ prior to surgery.

1 to 2 years

Alcohol use among undergraduates

44% college students report binge drinking in the last month (5+ drinks in one sitting) obviously a major cause of accidents and sexual assaults

it is estimated that as many as _____ percent of the elderly could benefit from mental health services, but only _____ percent receives them


About what percentage of those diagnosed with intellectual disability fall into the category of mild intellectual disability?


most Ritalin manufactured each year is used by

90% used by Americans

Diagnostic Label: Generalized Anxiety Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Antianxiety Drugs

A married woman, whose life was complicated by her mother's living in their home, complained that she felt tense and irritable most of the time. She was apprehensive for fear that something would happen to her mother, her husband, her children, or herself. She has no definite idea what it was that she fears might happen. She suffers from occasional attacks in which her heart pounds with irregular beats; she cannot seem to catch her breath when this happens. Often she breaks out in a profuse perspiration. Her mouth seems to be always dry, even though she drinks a great deal of water, and because of this and her diffuse anxiety she cannot sleep. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

Autistic Disorder (6 total of impaired social interaction & communication; repetitive behavior)

A total of at least 6 of the following Impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least 2 of the following 1. Marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors (e.g., eye contact) 2. Failure to develop peer relationships appropriately 3. Lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people 4. Lack of social or emotional reciprocity Impairment in communication, as manifested by at least 1 of the following 1. Delay in, or total lack of, development of spoken language 2. In individuals w/ adequate speech, marked impairment in the ability to start/sustain a conversation 3. Stereotyped and repetitive use of language, or idiosyncratic language 4. Lack of varied, spontaneous make-believe play or social imitative play Restrictive repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interest, and activities, as manifested by at least 1 of the following 1. Abnormal preoccupation w/one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest 2. Inflexible adherence to specific nonfunctional routines or rituals 3. Stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., finger flapping) 4. Persistent preoccupation w/parts of objects + Sensory problems/Seizures + Average to below average IQ + 1-2 in 1000

No matter the country—whether it is the United States, Japan, or Russia—women say casual sex is significantly less acceptable than men say it is. These results reflect which of the following regarding gender, country of origin, and sexual attitudes? A) One's gender is the most important determinant. B) One's country is the most important determinant. C) The interaction between sex and country is the most important determinant. D) One's personal history is the most important determinant.

A) One's gender is the most important determinant.

If you were instructed to imagine sexual scenes in order to identify when in the sexual encounter your anxiety about sex first arose, you would be engaging in a therapeutic technique called: A) affectual awareness. B) systematic desensitization. C) orgasmic reorientation. D) sexual satiation.

A) affectual awareness.

Which of the following drugs, used at low levels, may raise the sex drive? A) alcohol B) cocaine C) amphetamines D) pain medication

A) alcohol

Attitudes about women's sexuality are more liberal now, yet the rates of female orgasmic disorders have remained the same. This trend: A) argues against a purely sociocultural cause of female orgasmic disorder. B) suggests that the Victorians were incorrect in their assumptions about clitoral orgasms. C) implies that biological factors are at the root of orgasmic dysfunction. D) means that there must be an interaction of many factors that produce sexual dysfunction.

A) argues against a purely sociocultural cause of female orgasmic disorder.

The view that modern researchers hold about clitoral orgasms is that they are: A) as healthy as vaginal orgasms. B) felt only by sexually dysfunctional women. C) the result of fixation on neurotic infantile needs. D) superior to vaginal orgasms in terms of sexual gratification.

A) as healthy as vaginal orgasms.

Research shows that parents who want to decrease the likelihood that their young daughters will experience orgasmic disorder as adults should: A) be affectionate with each other. B) expose them to liberal religious training. C) make sure they have early sexual experiences. D) punish them for masturbation.

A) be affectionate with each other.

While inflicting pain, perhaps unintentionally, on an animal or person, a teenager may become sexually aroused and later turn out to be a sadist. The theory that BEST describes this example of the development of sadism is: A) behavioral. B) psychodynamic. C) sociocultural. D) biological.

A) behavioral.

A recently married, physically healthy man expresses great love for his new spouse, yet feels almost no sexual desire for her. One likely cause of his condition is: A) belief in a cultural double standard about women. B) decreased testosterone output due to drinking on his wedding night. C) increased estrogen output now that he has "settled down." D) a relationship that is too positive and healthy.

A) belief in a cultural double standard about women.

If someone receives "modern" sex therapy, chances are that the therapy will: A) center on specific sexual problems. B) center on specific personality problems. C) deal with broad biological/cultural issues. D) deal with broad personality issues.

A) center on specific sexual problems.

When a fetishist imagines the object of the fetish, then immediately imagines an aversive stimulus, the behavioral approach being used is: A) covert sensitization. B) relapse-prevention training. C) aversion therapy via classical conditioning. D) aversion therapy via operant conditioning.

A) covert sensitization.

Which hormone can cause decreased sexual desire when present in either low or high levels? A) estrogen B) prolactin C) testosterone D) progesterone

A) estrogen

What were once referred to as frigidity and impotence are dysfunctions that occur during the ______ phase of sexual arousal. A) excitement B) orgasmic C) desire D) resolution

A) excitement

Which of the following pairs are MOST analogous (comparable)? A) female-to-male gender dysphoria and male-to-female gender dysphoria: androphilic type B) female-to-male gender dysphoria and male-to-female gender dysphoria: autogynephilic type C) male-to-female gender dysphoria: androphilic type and male-to-female gender dysphoria: autogynephilic type D) female-to-female gender dysphoria and male-to-male gender dysphoria

A) female-to-male gender dysphoria and male-to-female gender dysphoria: androphilic type

What is the term for the use of and attraction to inanimate objects as a preferred method of achieving sexual excitement? A) fetishism B) pedophilia C) voyeurism D) exhibitionism

A) fetishism

Obsessive-compulsive symptoms may contribute to hypoactive sexual desire because someone with this disorder: A) finds contact with body fluids and odors unpleasant. B) compulsively seeks sexual partners. C) obsesses about having no sexual partners. D) is too afraid to enjoy sexual activity.

A) finds contact with body fluids and odors unpleasant.

If someone felt assigned to the wrong sex and identified with the other gender, that person would MOST likely receive a diagnosis of: A) gender dysphoria. B) homosexuality. C) fetishism. D) sexual dysfunction.

A) gender dysphoria.

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others? A) graduated cylinders B) masturbatory satiation C) orgasmic reorientation D) aversion therapy

A) graduated cylinders

An otherwise healthy man reports almost no interest in sexual activity, and has had very few sexual experiences in the past several years. That person MOST likely is experiencing: A) hypoactive sexual desire. B) paraphilia. C) sexual aversion. D) sexual repulsion.

A) hypoactive sexual desire.

Female sexual interest/arousal disorder differs from male hypoactive sexual desire disorder MOST notably in that it: A) includes difficulties in both the desire and arousal stages of the sexual response cycle. B) leads to reproductive difficulties. C) is much more likely to be physically caused than psychologically caused. D) is much more difficult to treat.

A) includes difficulties in both the desire and arousal stages of the sexual response cycle.

Studies of patterns of teenage sexual behavior today compared to such behavior a generation ago show today's teens having: A) intercourse younger, and using condoms more. B) intercourse younger, and using condoms less. C) intercourse at about the same age, and using condoms more. D) intercourse at about the same age, and using condoms less.

A) intercourse younger, and using condoms more.

If a woman had never experienced normal sexual functioning with her husband and had a problem with becoming aroused with him, but found she could be aroused with other men, the type of dysfunction would be: A) lifelong and situational. B) acquired and situational. C) lifelong and generalized. D) acquired and generalized.

A) lifelong and situational.

Recent studies of pedophiles show that: A) most have at least one other psychological disorder. B) relapse-prevention training is unsuccessful. C) most victims are boys. D) there is a clear biological cause.

A) most have at least one other psychological disorder.

A woman who can masturbate or be masturbated to orgasm but cannot reach orgasm during sexual intercourse, would be diagnosed with: A) no sexual disorder. B) orgasmic disorder. C) vaginismus. D) dyspareunia.

A) no sexual disorder.

Having a positive relationship with one's mother is associated with ______ in women. A) positive orgasm outcomes B) hypoactive desire C) hyperactive desire D) paraphilia

A) positive orgasm outcomes

A woman who experiences little sexual response to erotic cues and physical stimulation is MOST likely experiencing: A) sexual interest/arousal disorder. B) hypersexuality. C) vaginismus. D) gender dysphoria.

A) sexual interest/arousal disorder.

The event that is very likely to result in sexual aversion or hypoactive sexual desire is: A) sexual molestation. B) the birth of a child. C) infertility difficulties. D) conflict in a relationship.

A) sexual molestation

DSM-5 recommends a diagnosis of paraphilia only when associated behaviors, fantasies, or urges last at least: A) six months. B) one year. C) two years. D) three years.

A) six months.

About 90 percent of males in their ______ years masturbate one or two times a week and most have two sex partners A) teenage B) early adult C) middle age D) old age

A) teenage

Most sex therapists are uneasy about recent reliance on drug treatments for sexual dysfunctions because: A) the integrated approach to therapy might be ignored. B) drug treatment is generally not effective. C) of the risk of drug dependence. D) it makes the treatment of sexual disorders more complex than it needs to be.

A) the integrated approach to therapy might be ignored.

Delayed ejaculation appears MOST likely to be caused by disruptions in which of the following? A) the neurological system B) the urological system C) the digestive system D) the muscular system

A) the neurological system

What is the PRIMARY source of sexual excitement for sexual sadists? A) the victim's suffering B) a specific part of the victim's body C) the use of leather to cause suffering D) the intense pain they receive from their partner

A) the victim's suffering

According to Masters and Johnson, the resolution phase is more gradual and less sudden in women when: A) they do not experience orgasm. B) they do not experience arousal. C) they experience a sexual aversion. D) they have experienced multiple orgasms.

A) they do not experience orgasm.

In psychodynamic theory, the therapeutic goal in treating sexual dysfunction is: A) to cause broad personality changes. B) systematically use free association. C) overcoming learned aversion to sexual material. D) keeping a dream diary for dream interpretation.

A) to cause broad personality changes.

A client receives directed masturbation training and self-exploration instruction as part of the client's sex therapy. MOST likely, the client is a: A) woman being treated for orgasmic disorder. B) woman being treated for vaginismus. C) man being treated for erectile dysfunction. D) man being treated for premature ejaculation.

A) woman being treated for orgasmic disorder.

It is common for a person with a personality disorder to also suffer from another disorder, a relationship called: A. comorbidity B. incidence C. diathesis D. prevalence

A. comorbidity

Which type of personality disorder is NOT categorized within the "anxious" cluster? A. paranoid B. dependent C. obsessive-compulsive D. avoidant

A. paranoid

Which have sociocultural theorists suggested as a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder? A. rapid social change B. nontraditional family structures C. traditional family structures D. clinging and dependent parents

A. rapid social change

The framers of the DSM-5 have designed a dimensional approach to personality disorders for possible future use. The approach involves a diagnosis of personality disorder trait: A. specified B. dimensional C. classified D. nonspecified

A. specified

If you were instructed to imagine sexual scenes to identify when in the sexual encounter your anxiety about sex first arose, you would be engaging in a therapeutic technique called:

Affectual awareness

Of the following parents, the ones LEAST likely to have children who receive effective treatment for ADHD are:

African Americans who are Medicaid-insured

Humanistic- client-centered therapy (active listening, unconditional positive regard)

After spending some time with your therapist, it becomes obvious to you that she believes you are making unrealistic comparisons between the person you are and the person that you would like to be. You find that she mirrors many of your statements, as if asking you to reflect upon what you have just said. At the same time, you are convinced that she holds you in high esteem, no strings attached.

What is Korsakoff's Syndrome?

An alcohol related disorder that can cause memory impairment, extreme confusion and other neurological symptoms.

Which of the following findings would argue against the idea that hypoactive sexual desire in women is caused by societal treatment of women? A) The same drugs that interfere with ejaculation in men cause hypoactive sexual desire in women. B) A sexually restrictive history is just as common among women with and without hypoactive sexual desire. C) Clitoral orgasms are just as common and pleasurable as vaginal orgasms. D) Erotic fantasies are more common in women with hypoactive sexual desire than in those without it.

B) A sexually restrictive history is just as common among women with and without hypoactive sexual desire.

A person who once experienced normal to above-normal levels of sexual desire recently has begun to feel much less than normal sexual desire. A sexual dysfunction following this pattern would be called what type? A) situational B) acquired C) lifelong D) generalized

B) acquired

If an individual had experienced normal sexual functioning for years and then had a problem with becoming aroused only when with her husband as a partner, the type of dysfunction would be: A) lifelong and situational. B) acquired and situational. C) lifelong and generalized. D) acquired and generalized.

B) acquired and situational.

In therapy, a patient is taught to visualize sexual scenes and uncover any negative emotions that occur. The therapist is using: A) self-instruction training. B) affectual awareness. C) aversion therapy. D) performance anxiety.

B) affectual awareness.

According to DSM-5, all of the excitement disorders have in common the diagnostic requirement that the difficulty: A) begins in adolescence or early adulthood. B) causes significant distress or impairment. C) is apparent in all sexual encounters. D) lasts at least one year.

B) causes significant distress or impairment.

A man experiencing the process of erection and partial elevation of the testes is in which stage of sexual response? A) excitement B) desire C) orgasm D) refraction

B) desire

"It's all right to have sex with children as long as they agree." This is an example of the ______ often experienced by pedophiles. A) depression B) distorted thinking C) anxiety D) close relationships with children

B) distorted thinking

Symptoms of vaginismus always include: A) an inability to experience orgasm. B) involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles. C) a dislike for and distrust of sexual relationships. D) an emotional detachment from the partner.

B) involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles.

A paraphilia: A) usually involves rape. B) is a response to a socially inappropriate object or situation. C) is an inability to experience sexual arousal. D) is an inability to achieve sexual satisfaction.

B) is a response to a socially inappropriate object or situation.

What does the process of covert sensitization for fetishism involve? A) masturbation while thinking of the fetish object B) mentally pairing a fetish object with an aversive stimulus C) pairing electric shock to the arm or leg with the fetish object D) creating a hierarchy of arousing objects and teaching the patient to relax while thinking of each in turn

B) mentally pairing a fetish object with an aversive stimulus

During the young adult years (18-24), which of the following is LEAST common among women? A) masturbation B) not having had heterosexual contact C) having had sexual contact with a same-sex partner D) having had heterosexual contact

B) not having had heterosexual contact

If someone had a sexual dysfunction, we know that this person would not be having difficulty in which of the following phases of the sexual response cycle? A) excitement B) resolution C) orgasm D) desire

B) resolution

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others? A) sensate focus B) sexual aversion C) nondemand pleasuring D) petting

B) sexual aversion

What allows for monitoring in early stages and treatment response?

Brain imaging tests CT MRI SPECT PET -**A CT or an MRI scan may show brain atrophy and enlarged ventricles in the later stages of the disease, although this finding occurs in other diseases and can also be seen in persons without cognitive impairment. SPECT, magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS), and PET allow for detection of changes early in the disease, as well as monitoring of treatment response. {See next slide for figure.}

Why are people who go to strip clubs not generally considered to be voyeurs? A) The nudity of the performers is not complete. B) There is no sense these people who go there are doing something frowned on by society. C) The performers are consenting to being seen by the audience. D) The performers are exhibitionists and it's impossible for someone to simultaneously be an exhibitionist and a voyeur.

C) The performers are consenting to being seen by the audience.

A recent study of erectile disorder showed that most cases of erectile disorder are caused by: A) psychosocial factors. B) physical impairment. C) a combination of psychosocial and physical causes. D) causes other than psychosocial or physical ones.

C) a combination of psychosocial and physical causes.

If a man has been taught to masturbate almost to orgasm, and then to insert his penis for intercourse, the man is MOST probably being treated for: A) early ejaculation. B) dyspareunia. C) delayed ejaculation. D) gender identity disorder.

C) delayed ejaculation.

Which of the following findings BEST argues against the idea that female orgasmic problems are due to society's message to women that they should deny their sexuality? Many women with arousal and orgasmic difficulties: A) had overly strict religious upbringings. B) were punished for childhood masturbation. C) have a history of rape or child sexual molestation. D) received little information about sex and menstruation

C) have a history of rape or child sexual molestation.

A man derives sexual arousal exclusively from dressing in women's clothing. MOST likely, that person would be diagnosed as: A) normal and healthy. B) an exhibitionist. C) having transvestic disorder. D) having gender dysphoria.

C) having transvestic disorder

Which of the following responses from the person he exposed himself to would be LEAST satisfying to an exhibitionist? A) "I'm shocked. You really surprise me." B) screaming C) ignoring the exhibitionist D) hiding one's eyes and gasping

C) ignoring the exhibitionist

Which of the following is NOT a symptom of female sexual interest arousal disorder? A) lack of clitoral swelling B) lack of interest in sexual activity C) inadequate lubrication during sexual activity D) vaginal contractions that prevent penetration

C) inadequate lubrication during sexual activity

One who is experiencing gender dysphoria: A) cross-dresses for the purpose of sexual arousal. B) is content with his or her transgendered experiences. C) is unhappy with his or her biological gender. D) cannot be categorized using current DSM-5 definitions.

C) is unhappy with his or her biological gender.

Some individuals experience a normal interest in sex but choose not to engage in sexual relations. Such people would be diagnosed with: A) sexual aversion. B) hypoactive sexual desire. C) no sexual dysfunction. D) failure of the sexual response cycle.

C) no sexual dysfunction

A man being treated for a fetish to women's hats first obtains an erection from looking at women's hats, then begins to masturbate while looking at a picture of a nude woman. At the moment of orgasm, he makes sure to be looking at the picture of the nude woman. The behavioral approach being used is: A) covert sensitization. B) masturbatory satiation. C) orgasmic reorientation. D) relapse-prevention training.

C) orgasmic reorientation.

The fact that insurance companies in the United States generally covered Viagra but not birth control pills until required to by state law supports the idea that: A) birth control pills carry more medical risks than Viagra. B) private funds need to cover women's sexual health, but not men's. C) societal standards are different for sexually active men than they are for women. D) the United States lags behind other countries (such as Japan) in recognizing women's sexuality.

C) societal standards are different for sexually active men than they are for women.

A woman's dyspareunia is MOST likely caused by: A) a traumatic psychological event. B) relationship difficulties. C) some physical condition. D) sociocultural expectations related to the female role.

C) some physical condition.

Who is MOST likely to receive phalloplasty? A) someone experiencing premature ejaculation B) someone experiencing erectile dysfunction C) someone experiencing gender identity disorder D) someone who has a homosexual orientation

C) someone experiencing gender identity disorder

A man's sexual partner repeatedly stimulates him to erection, then allows the erection to subside without the man experiencing an ejaculation. The sexual technique is called the: A) phase technique. B) sneeze technique. C) tease technique. D) squeeze technique.

C) tease technique.

Couples in sex therapy who are working on eliminating the spectator role, are generally advised: A) to have sex in as many different settings as they can manage. B) to video their sexual encounters in order to increase fantasy material. C) to refrain from having intercourse and focus on other body pleasure instead. D) to drink small quantities of alcohol in order to relax.

C) to refrain from having intercourse and focus on other body pleasure instead.

What is the MOST common biological cause of erectile failure in men? A) diabetes B) performance anxiety C) vascular problems D) abnormal hormone levels

C) vascular problems

Cortical Immaturity Hypothesis

Cerebral cortex of psychopaths is at a primitive stage of development. Hence why they are childish and impulsive.

What changes in the brain structure occure bc of AD?

Changes in brain structure and function -Amyloid plaques -Neurofibrillary tangles -Loss of connections between cells and cell death

Cluster A: Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster A disorder, characterized by odd dressing and behavior, social isolation and suspicious behavior, magical thinking, ideas of reference, and illusions (similar to criteria for MDD)

Schizoid Personality Disorder

Cluster A. Detachment from social relationships and are very limited in emotions. Seem aloof, cold and indifferent to people. Turn inward and away from world. Lack expression of emotions and interest. Don't want to be close to people. Dont care about praise or criticism. Homelessness often occurs. Observers in the world not participants. Ideas of reference but have social isolation. Some have positive or negative symptoms. More negative.

borderline personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, affects, and control over impulses.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Mood and relationships are unstable and have poor self image. Feel empty and great risk for suicide. Most common in clinical settings. Impulsivity, chronically bored and difficulties with identities. Link between disorder and spousal abuse.

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Narcissus spurned the love of Echo. Stare at himself all day. Exaggerated sense of self importance and want attention. Lack compassion for others, need people to admire them, grandiosity creates negative attributes, exploit people, envious and arrogant and cant live up to own expectations.

Historionic Personality Disorder

Cluster B. Overly dramatic. Theatrical in manner. Vain, self centred, seductive, seek approval, attention seeking, suggestible and view world in black and white. Speech is vague and exaggerated. Higher rate of women have it.

dependent personality disorder

Cluster C (anxious or fearful) personality disorder characterized by a person's pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of, a condition that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation.

obsessive-compulsive personality disorder

Cluster C (anxious or fearful) personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control at the expense of flexibility, openness, and efficiency.

"The problem is that they assume they can't take care of themselves, so they think others have to meet their needs. This pattern of thinking is not very helpful in trying to deal with histrionic personality disorder." A psychologist from which perspective would agree MOST strong with this quote?


A person experiencing paranoid personality disorder frequently says things like "You've got to get them before they get you," and "People have been sinners since the Garden of Eden." If these saying reflect maladaptive assumptions the person has about people in general, the theorist who would be LEAST surprised would have which theoretical position?


treatment for autism spectrum disorder

Cognitive-behavioral - modeling and operant conditioning. LEAP. Communication training involving sign language and simultaneous communication (combination of sign language and speech). Also use of augmentative communication systems and child-initiated interactions. Parent training, group homes, and sheltered workshops.

Common infections in AD?

Common Urinary tract infection Pneumonia Ultimate cause of death in many AD patients Manifestations need prompt evaluation and treatment. **Because of feeding and swallowing problems, the patient with AD is at risk for aspiration pneumonia. Reduced fluid intake, prostate hyperplasia in men, poor hygiene, and urinary drainage devices (e.g., catheter) can predispose to bladder infection.

Vascular brain lesions can be seen by neuroimaging such as,?

Computed tomography (CT) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) To characterize central nervous system (CNS) changes: Single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) Positron emission tomography (PET) **these tools are not routinly used as an intital diagnosis of dementia, generally used as evaluation

According to Masters and Johnson, performance anxiety may result in a man: A) failing to break a "snap gauge" band. B) breaking a "snap gauge" band. C) experiencing severe depression after sexual activity. D) adopting a spectator role during sexual activity.

D) adopting a spectator role during sexual activity.

Research shows that sexual dysfunctions among homosexual couples: A) are virtually nonexistent. B) generally are more severe than among heterosexual couples. C) include two distinct categories not included among heterosexual dysfunctions. D) are the same as those seen in heterosexual couples.

D) are the same as those seen in heterosexual couples.

n the United States, over the past several decades, the typical duration of sexual intercourse has: A) increased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation. B) increased, while the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation has decreased. C) decreased, while the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation has increased. D) decreased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation.

D) decreased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation.

According to DSM-5, someone who initiates sexual contact with children is: A) experiencing a paraphilia, but only if the person is also mentally ill. B) experiencing a paraphilia but only if the behavior causes the person significant distress. C) experiencing a paraphilia, but only if the behavior is illegal. D) experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be.

D) experiencing a paraphilia regardless of how troubled the individual may be.

Women are MORE likely to be orgasmic when they have: A) unhappy marriages. B) a weak emotional attachment to their first sex partner. C) an attraction to their current partner's occupation. D) had a relatively long relationship with their first sex partner.

D) had a relatively long relationship with their first sex partner.

If grandma is 90 and healthy, what is the percent chance she still masturbates at least occasionally? A) less than 1 percent B) about 10 percent C) about 20 percent D) over 20 percent

D) over 20 percent

If grandpa is 90 and healthy, what is the percent chance he still masturbates at least occasionally? A) less than 5 percent B) about 20 percent C) about 40 percent D) over 40 percent

D) over 40 percent

The technique of having a client with pedophilia identify situations in which he performs inappropriate behavior and then teaching him more appropriate coping strategies is called: A) aversion therapy. B) masturbatory satiation. C) orgasmic reorientation. D) relapse-prevention training.

D) relapse-prevention training.

A woman reports having vivid sexual fantasies, yet is unable to experience either clitoral or labial swelling, or vaginal lubrication. The MOST likely diagnosis for this woman would be: A) vaginismus. B) fridgity. C) female orgasmic disorder. D) sexual interest arousal disorder.

D) sexual interest arousal disorder.

A woman is perfectly capable of masturbating herself to orgasm, yet is unable to reach orgasm with a partner, either through sexual intercourse or through being masturbated. MOST likely, this type of orgasmic disorder would be called: A) lifelong. B) acquired. C) generalized. D) situational.

D) situational.

"Sensate focus" refers to the technique in which: A) sexual intercourse is encouraged daily. B) eye contact is maintained during sexual activity. C) the genitals are focused on during sexual activity. D) the sexual relationship is rebuilt, concentrating on pleasure.

D) the sexual relationship is rebuilt, concentrating on pleasure.

Describe the disorders of depression, anxiety, substance abuse and psychotic disorder in later life

Depression: losses, illness; linked with increased risk of medical problems Anxiety: declining health Psychotic disorders: Schizophrenia or delusional disorders Substance abuse: - alcohol/drug use usually decline after age 60 - often look at those whose use is lifetime vs. new - new use may start because of death, retirement, etc

The LEAST likely contributor to the differences between African Americans and white Americans in receiving long acting stimulant drug treatment for ADHD is?

Differences in drug tolerance

Dimensions versus Categorical Models

Dimension: the degree for example height or inches. More flexibile. Categorical: you either have it or do not have it. Yes or no.

Objective Data to be taken in assessment

General: Disheveled appearance, agitation Neurologic -Early, loss of recent memory, disoriented to day/time -Middle,agitation, impaired ability to rec close fam member, lossing speak, muscle control -Late, inabiltiy to do self care, incontinence, inmobile, flexor posturing

Diagnostic Label: Dissociative Fugue Recommended Treatment(s): Free-association

George T., a 35-year-old auto mechanic, on several occasions found himself in a motion picture theater after having left home to report for work. He would "come to" in a bewildered fashion and would go to a bar for a few drinks. Eventually he would go home. As a child, George had a pattern of wandering away from home. He came from a very unhappy family; his parents were divorced, and he was left at home with housekeepers. His father was very harsh with him and on several occasions gave him such severe whippings that the neighbors called the police. His mother was a highly emotional person and tried to discipline George by screaming at him and threatening to place him in a boarding home. In adolescence, he twice found himself going off to school and eventually, "coming to" in a park about two miles from home. In school, George got along well with the teachers and other students. He was a poor student and failed both the second and seventh grade. He quit school at 16. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

Diagnostic Label: Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Exposure Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Antidepressant/antianxiety drugs

Joe saw a good deal of active combat during his service in the military. Some incidents in particular had never left his mind - like the horrifying sight of Gary, a close comrade and friend, being blown-up by a land-mine. Even when he returned to civilian life, these images haunted him. Scenes from battle would run repeatedly through his mind and disrupt his focus on work. Filing up at the gas station, for example, the smell of diesel immediately rekindled certain horrific memories. At other times, he had difficulty remembering the past — as if some events were too painful to allow back in his mind. He found himself avoiding socializing with old military buddies, as this would inevitably trigger a new round of memories. His girlfriend complained that he was always pent-up and irritable - as if he were on guard, and Joe noticed that at night he had difficulty relaxing and falling asleep. When he heard loud noises, such as a truck back-firing he literally jumped, as if he were readying himself for combat. He began to drink heavily. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

Should drugs be used in the treatment of schizotypal personality disorder?

Maybe; in low doses, they seem to help some clients

Thoroughly evaluate patient history, what 3 areas specifically?

Medical Neurological Psychological

Costs of Alzheimer's

Medicare Costs (2000) Hospital: Alz $7000, Non $2000 Nursing Home: Alz $2000, Non $100 Home Health: Alz $1000, Non $100

Diagnostic Label: Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Antianxiety drugs, exposure therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy

Mike, a 32 year-old man, performed many acts that were preceded by a fear of harming other people. When driving, he had to stop the car often and return to check whether he had run over people, particularly babies. Before flushing the toilet, he had to check to be sure that a live insect had not fallen into the toilet, because he did not want to be responsible for killing a living thing. At home he repeatedly checked to see that the doors, stoves, lights, and windows were shut or turned off. . . . Mike performed these and many other checking behaviors for an average of 4 hours a day. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

A child's distracting behaviors occur only in a school setting, and include failure to following instructions and finish work, answering questions before they have been completed, and a lot of seat squirming and fidgeting. Could ADHD be a diagnosis of this child?

No; the child's symptoms occur in only one setting

What is the treatment for MCI?

Presently no widely accepted guidelines for treatment Insufficient evidence Research is being conducted. Primary treatment consists of ongoing monitoring. -Observe for warning signs *Research is being conducted to determine whether patients with MCI would benefit from the medications used in AD (e.g., acetylcholinesterase inhibitors).

Diagnostic Label: Bipolar Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Mood-stabilizing medication

Prior to being admitted to the hospital, Archie, a forty-year-old male, provided the following description of how he had been feeling over the last several months. "There is a particular a kind of pain, elation, loneliness, and terror involved in this kind of madness. When you're high, it's tremendous. The ideas and feelings are fast and frequent like shooting stars, and you follow them until you find better and brighter ones. Shyness goes, the right words and gestures are suddenly there, the ability to captivate others a felt certainty. There are interests found in uninteresting people. Feeling of ease, intensity, power, well-being, financial omnipotence, and euphoria pervade one's marrow. But, somewhere, this changes. The fast ideas are far too fast, and there are far too many; overwhelming confusion replaces clarity. Memory goes. Humor and absorption upon friends' faces are replaced by fear and concerns. Everything previously moving with the grain is not against -you are irritably, angry, frightened, uncontrollable, and enmeshed totally in the blackest caves of the mind. You never knew those caves were there. It will never end for madness carves its own reality." Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

Problem Solving Skills Therapy (PSST)

Problem Solving Skills Therapy (PSST) (Alan Kazdin) Child uses the following steps to engage in better social problem solving What am I supposed to do? I have to look at all my possibilities I have to consider the consequences I have to make a choice "I did a good job" or "I made a mistake"

What problems can arise from dementia, when do drs diagnose it?

Problems disrupt individual's -Work -Social responsibilities -Family responsibilities Physicians usually diagnose when two or more brain functions are significantly impaired. (such as memory loss or language skills are sig impaired)

Asperger's Disorder (2 impairment in social interaction & 1 repetitive behavior)

Qualitative impairment in social interaction, as manifested by at least 2 of the following: 1. marked impairment in the use of multiple nonverbal behaviors such as eye-to-eye gaze, facial expression, body postures, and gestures to regulate social interaction 2. failure to develop peer relationships appropriate to developmental level 3. a lack of spontaneous seeking to share enjoyment, interests, or achievements with other people (e.g., by a lack of showing, bringing, or pointing out objects of interest to other people) 4. lack of social or emotional reciprocity Restricted repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behavior, interests, and activities, as manifested by at least 1of the following: 1. encompassing preoccupation with one or more stereotyped and restricted patterns of interest that is abnormal either in intensity or focus 2. apparently inflexible adherence to specific, nonfunctional routines or rituals 3. stereotyped and repetitive motor mannerisms (e.g., hand or finger flapping or twisting, or complex whole-body movements) 4. persistent preoccupation with parts of objects + Average IQ + 1 in 3,000

Antisocial Personality Disorder Doesn't feel guilt or anxiety

Ralph is a highly impulsive person who has difficulty making plans or sticking to a job for any length of time. He has been fired from several jobs because he was caught stealing or because of frequent absences due to periodic drinking and gambling sprees. He always blames his employer for his dismissal and will not admit that his own behavior is responsible for his poor job history. Women tend to find him charming and personable, but they soon tire of his irresponsible behavior, frequent financial sponging, and general lack of consideration. His quick temper and disregard for social regulations have brought him intro frequent brushes with the law, but he usually manages to charm his way out and has never been convicted of a crime. He appears to feel little guilt or anxiety regarding his behavior.

Dependent Personality Disorder

Rely on people to make ordinary decisions and important decisions. Anxious/fearful cluster of personality disorders because motivated by anxiety. Agree with people even they have different opinions. Want supportive and nurturing relationships which may lead them to being submissive, timid and passive. They are similar to avoidant PD but cling not avoid.

Safety risks to AD patients?

Risks -Injury from falls -Ingesting dangerous substances -Wandering -Injury to others and self -Fire or burns -Inability to respond to crisis

the two most common treatments for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder have been

Ritalin and behavioral therapy

Which types of treatments are used for pre-contemplation, contemplation and relapse? (1,2,6)

Roerian Client-Centered (Relationship)

Paranoid Personality Disorder Causes

Runs in family, mistaken basic assumptions (stay on your toes), parents tell them to be careful and impress people, look to closely at peoples actions and cultural factors (prisoners, old people, refugees)

Wes has always been a loner. He has never much scared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. Wes may be exhibiting.

Schizoid personality disorder

neurodevelopmental disorders

a group of disabilities in the functioning of the brain that emerge at birth or during very early childhood and affect a person's behavior, memory, concentration, and/or ability to learn

fetal alcohol syndrome

a group of problems in a child, including lower intellectual functioning, low birth weight, and irregularities in the hands and face, that result from excessive alcohol intake by the mother during pregnancy

A woman in a facility for those with intellectual developmental disorder. She has her own apartment, dresses herself, and goes to the dining room, where she orders breakfast off a menu. She then goes to work in a sheltered workshop. At the end of the day, she goes home to her apartment and gets ready for dinner. This arrangement is part of:

a normalization program

Ben set up an elaborate scheme to mine gold in the rockies. He had a large town meeting and made a presentation of his stock. The shares were only $5 each, and everyone could afford them. He showed pictures of the mine and explained ow the company expected to gross $100 million each month. As it turns out, he was a terrific con artist who had made several "successful" proposals such as this in town across America in the last couple of years. He is MOST likely suffering from:

antisocial personality disorder

parent management training

approach to treat conduct disorder in which parents are again taught more effective ways to deal with their children and parents and children meet together in behavior-oriented family therapy. Use of written manuals, therapy rehearsals and practice, homework. Learn to reward proper behaviors consistently.

parent-child interaction therapy

approach used with preschoolers in which therapists teach parents to work with child positively, set appropriate limits, act consistently, be fair in discipline, teach child better social skills. Also can be done in video modeling, which is same thing but with video tools.

The category of gender dysphoria in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) is controversial because many people feel that transgender experiences:

are a valid way of experiencing gender identity

One reason that the personality disorders are difficult to treat is that the afflicted individuals:

are frequently unaware that they have a problem

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with avoidant personality disorder usually

are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships

self-stimulatory behaviors

autistic individuals perform these. Acts such as repeatedly lunging into or banging their head against a wall, pulling their hair, or biting themselves.

A client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must increase his or her number of social contacts per day, The person, at the least, must greet others with the sentence, "Hello, how are you doing?" MOST likely, the therapist has which theoretical background?


antagonist drugs

biological treatment of substance use disorder -block or change the effects of the addictive drug -proven to be helpful for people who are motivated -attach to endorphin receptor sites- make it impossible for opioids to have their effects- using drug becomes pointless

A client has enlarged brain ventricles and a measurable loss of gray matter. These symptoms are:

biological, and the most likely diagnosis is schizotypal personality disorder

"there's nothing out there for me. i can't stand other people, and i can't stand myself, either. I am just really mad right now". such a statement would most likely be made by someone with which personality disorder

borderline personality disorder

Gort's parents never quite liked him. they probably did not want children in the first place. he just was not accepted. it was clear early in school that he had low opinion of himself. he also did not know how to interact with the other children. now he cuts himself and has been to the ER several times. this is a description of the possible development of

borderline personality disorder

Keira has an unstable self-image, major mood shifts, and is prone to depression and impulsive behavior. she most likely should be diagnosed as having a

borderline personality disorder

The inability to accurately interpret one's internal biological emotional or physiological states is characteristic of both:

borderline personality disorder and eating disorders

the inability to accurately interpret one's internal biological emotional or physiological states is characteristic of both?

borderline personality disorder and eating disorders

a child diagnosed with ADHD displays comorbidity, and receives both stimulant medication and a form of behavior therapy. according to research, the comorbidity is most likely

both conduct and disorders

An indvidual is extremely sad, can't sleep well, and experiences very low, and decreasing, self-esteem. These are features of depression among:

both the elderly and the young

what is female orgasmic disorder

characterized by persistent failure to reach orgasm, experiencing orgasms of very low intensity, or dely in orgasm

disorders of excitement erectile disorder (ED)

characterized by persistent inability to attain or maintain an erection during sexual activity

An individual diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder reports having a great deal of difficulty figuring out how others feel, and as a child had difficulty developing adequate language skills. These findings would make the MOST sense to a theorist with which background?


The problem is that they assume they can't take care of themselves, so they think others have to meet their needs. This pattern of thinking is not very helpful in trying to deal with histrionic personality disorder." A psychologist from which of the following perspectives would agree MOST strongly with this quote?


The type of therapist MOST likely to try to help people diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder to believe they are not helpless, and to teach them better thinking skills, is a ____________ therapist:


the theorist who describes schizoid personality disorder as arising from an inability to perceive effectively what is going on in the environment, including emotions, reflects the _____ theoretical orientation


the type of therapist most likely to try to help people diagnosed with histrionic personality disorder to believe they are not helpless, and to teach them better thinking skills is


theorists explain the paranoid personality disorder as coping with inadequacy. this leads to the ideas that people are evil and will attack you if given the chance. these ideas are consistent with _____ orientation


there is a new game called "moods" where one acts out the mood listed on a card. being encouraged to play this game is most likely treatment ____ might use for those with schizoid disorders


a child diagnosed with Asperger's disorder learns to make choices, and learns that rules are not necessarily rigid. Facing change and being flexible are other parts of the therapy. most likely, the child is experiencing

cognitive social integration therapy

There is a new game called "Moods" where one acts out the mood listed on a card. Being encouraged to play this game is most like the treatment _____ might use for those with schizoid disorders.

cognitive therapists

Selina displays normal behavior and intelligence, but she does not seem to be able to explain her actions and intentions as well as you would expect. if the deficit is severe enough, she might be diagnosed with

communication disorder- expressive language disorder

"that kid is pleasant enough, but will lie about practically anything, even things that do not seem to matter much." this behavior most closely fits which pattern of conduct disorder


Critics believe that bipolar disorder has become a catch-all diagnosis for children who display uncontrollable rage. DSM-5 addressed this concern by:

creating a new disorder called disruptive mood dysregulation

An iodine deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman may lead to a condition in which the baby was dwarflike appearance and a defective thyroid gland. The disorder is called:


an iodine deficiency in the diet of a pregnant woman may lead to a condition in which the baby has a dwarf-like appearance and a defective thyroid gland. this disorder is called


if a person accused of a crime is found not guilty by reason of insanity, he or she is committed to a psychiatric facility for treatment. this is called

criminal commitment

Paula is moderately retarded, and has a small head and flat face. she also has short fingers. her condition seems to be

down syndrome

Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?


Which treatment approach seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder?

drug therapy

the type of therapy that generally provides the least help for those with schizoid personality disorder is

drug therapy

Regarding treatment of depression in the elderly, studies show that:

drug treatments may need to be altered because drugs are broken down differently in the older body

which treatment has been most promising and most commonly used with dementias


A child is awakened during the night, uses the toilet, and receives a sticker and praise from a parent. Later in the week, accumulated stickers may be turned in for a highly desired toy. This child is undergoing:

dry-bed training for enuresis

joey has been wetting his bed since he was a baby. he is 10 years old now. as a result, he will not stay over at his friend's house or go to camp. his condition is called


Measuring nocturnal penile tumescence is an important part of determining whether _____ has a biological cause or is rooted in psychological factors.

erectile disorder

Measuring nocturnal penile tumescence is an important part of determining whether or not _____ has a biological cause or is rooted in psychological factors.

erectile disorder

Personality Disorder Cluster B

erratic, dramatic, emotional: histrionic, narcissistic, anti social and borderline

Physicians may prescribe the hormone _____ to male gender dysphoria patients in order to cause breast development and loss of facial and body hair.


"even our negative emotions help us survive. for example, aren't our suspicious often justified?" most likely someone with a ______ theoretical perspective made this statement


The _____ phase in the sexual response cycle is marked by changes in the pelvic region and increased heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, and rate of breathing.


The person MOST likely to receive phalloplasty is someone:

experiencing gender dysphoria

The category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of:

extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and perceptual peculiarities.

The category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of:

extreme suspiciousness, social withdrawal, and cognitive and pereceptual peculiarities

When people with gender identity disorder take hormones, it is MOST likely in an attempt to:

facilitate their living as the other gender

You read a case study about a ten-year-old girl from a poor background who was sexually abused. This case is:

fairly common; girls, regardless of their socioeconomic group, are the most common victims of sexual abuse

a person with the sporadic version of Alzheimer's would be likely to have

family history and brain disease

When dialectical behavior therapy is used with patients with borderline personality disorder, those patients, compared to patient receiving other for of therapy, make

far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often

Which of the following is MOST characteristic of mass murderers?

feelings of persecution and desire for revenge

Since the birth of her son almost 2 years ago, Darja has had little interest in sex with her husband. She almost never initiates sexual activity, and experiences little excitement and sensation when they do have sex. Darja is MOST likely suffering from:

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

Research has shown that, during infancy and early childhood, autistic children are MORE likely to:

have parents who divorce than are "normal" children be raised in a family with financial difficulties have cold, rejecting parents None of the answers are true

"will that program really help? I keep hearing bad things about how kids act once they leave". based on research, the person who said this would be most accurate if she or he were expressing reservations about

having them live in juvenile training center

Quentin is 25, has an IQ of 60, and never did well at schoolwork. however, now he lives on his own, has a job, and is able to perform the routine chores of life. he would not be considered mentally retarded because

he has adequate adaptive behavior

juvenile training centers

institutional treatment centers for juvenile delinquents

juvenile training centers

institutionalization of children. Frequently serve to strengthen delinquent behavior rather than resocialize the young offenders.

Most colleges and universities now require students to have a meningitis vaccination before enrolling. Untreated meningitis can lead to:

intellectual development disorder

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder

involuntary contractions of the vaginal muscles typically involves two approaches; practices tightening and releasing the muscles of the vagina to gain more voluntary control, overcome fear of penetration through gradual behavioral exposure treatment

sources of discrimination in the mental health care of the elderly include


a 65-year-old is about what percent likely to be suffering some form of dementia

less than 5%

a person diagnosed with Asperger's disorder is extremely curious about why other people think what they think, and has zero tolerance for others' occasionally illogical thinking. according to one classification system, the term for this individual would be

logic boy

a person who can grasp material immediately as it is presented, but who cannot remember it long-term, has difficult with

long-term memory


looks at people taking off their clothes "peeping tom" -starts very early

a two-year old child is evaluated as "noncompliant" by a preschool teacher. most likely, that child's level of noncompliance at five years of age will be

lower whether child is boy or girl

in the past, people with mental disorders were less likely than those without mental disorders to commit violent or dangerous acts. why do we think that is

many of these individuals lived in institutions

Schizotypal personality disorders differ from other "odd" personality disorders in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

mood disorders.

All personality disorder are classified on Axis II. They are _____stable than Axis I.

more (more resistant to treatment)

a child's distracting behaviors occur only in a school setting, and include failure to follow instructions and finish work, answering questions before they have been completed, and a lot of seat squirming and fidgeting. could ADHD be a diagnosis of this child

no because it occurs only in one setting

A person with Alzheimer's disease shows decreased brain activity in the diencephalon. This decreased activity should be related to:

no change in the function of short-term memory, but problems in the conversion of short-term memories to long-term memories

A high school student asks a guidance counselor, parents, and friends for suggestions before deciding on a college to attend and on an academic major. This student's behavior is

normal for those in highs cool

From a(n) _____ perspective, narcissistic personality disorder is explained as being an attempt by people to convince themselves that they are totally self-sufficient and lacking a need for any true close, warm relationships with their parents or anyone else


The TV show Monk features a detective who is very seldom happy, has few good friends, has a very rigid order and way in which he must do things, and who frequently has difficulty making up his mind about what to do. If he were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it would MOST likely be a __________ disorder


the TV show Monk features a detective who is very seldom happy, has few good friends, has a very rigid order and way in which he must do things, and who frequently has difficulty making up his mind about what to do. if he were diagnosed with a personality disorder, most likely, it would be

obsessive-compulsive disorder

What are the five factors dimensional model?

openness consciousntiousness extraversion agreeableness neuroticism

what behavioral principles does transvestic disorder follow

operant conditioning

Nellie is openly hostile toward her parents. she argues with them constantly and will not do anything they say. they can not control her. the diagnosis she is most likely to receive is

oppositional defiant disorder

xavier will not obey his mother. when threatened with punishment, he swears, throws things, and threatens to break everything in the house. his outbreaks seem to be restricted to his parents, but he is almost completely unmanageable. this is an example of

oppositional defiant disorder

Female Sexual Interest/Arousal Disorder

pre-DSM-5 --> "frigidity" -women that lack interest in sex and rarely initiate sexual activity (little excitement during sexual activity) ~33% of women 1. lack of sexual interest and/or arousal, lasting 6+ months with at least 3 symptoms 2. significant distress or impairment

Characteristics of narcissistic PD

preoccupied with fantasies associate with high-status individuals interpersonally exploitative envious and thinks others are envious

a preadolescent child has not received a clinical diagnosis participates in a program designed to stop the development of an antisocial pattern of behavior. most likely that program is

prevention program

a landmark california court case, Tarasoff v. Regents of the University of California, dramatically affected the right to confidentiality between client and therapist. this case led to the conclusion that

protected privilege ends where public peril begins

Group therapy is particularly useful int he treatment of avoidant personality disorder, mainly because group therapy

provides practice in social interactions

Seth does well in some school subjects. however, the only way that he can read is slowly, one word at a time. he must direct his gaze with his index finger. even with great efforts, he makes many errors and has poor comprehension. this is a description of.

reading disorder

"i'm concerned about Ritalin use; its possible effects on children's growth, and its increasing heart-attack risk in hypertensive adults" an acquaintance worries. your best reply, based on the most recent research is

right to worry, more research needed to quantify risk

the disorder that appears to be most closely related to the schizotypal personality disorder is


fragile X syndrome

second most common chromosomal cause of intellectual disability (caused by an X chromosome that is prone to breakage and loss); associated with mild to moderate levels of intellectual dysfunctioning, language impairments, and (in some cases), behavioral problems

the molecules that are found in sphere-shaped deposits in spaces between neurons in the hippocampus in individuals with Alzheimer's disease are called

senile plaques

One significant problem related to sexual dysfunction is the anxiety that such difficulties bring. An individual may become so worried about the problem reoccurring that they actually cause it to happen again (a principle known as performance anxiety). One technique that therapists suggest to help counter this problem is called _____, or nondemand pleasuring.

sensate focus

The framers of DSM-5 have designed a dimensional approach to personality disorders for possible future use. The approach involves a diagnosis of personality disorder trait:


A person who has Alzheimer's although there is no family history of the disease is said to be experiencing:

sporadic Alzheimer's

Jim enjoys engaging in activities that cause his partners intense humiliation, pain, or suffering during sexual encounters. Despite the fact that his partner occasionally enjoys these activities, Jim continues to do them even when his partner is not willing. In fact, Jim has gotten to the point where sex without these "extras" is simply boring and unsatisfying. MOST likely, Jim:

suffers from sexual sadism disorder

Harm reduction model

teaches responsible use of alcohol (RAMP - responsible alcohol management program)

If you believe that personality disorders are best understood as a matter of degree in difference from typical personality rather than as a specific diagnosis, you agree with:

the dimensional approach.

What aspect of dialectical behavior therapy relates to psychodynamic theory?

the emphasis on the patient-therapist relationship

the most common (and perhaps the most serious) objection to the insanity plea is that

the fundamental differences between law and the science of human behavior

One especially good reason to use a form of group therapy in the treatment of dependent personality disorder is that:

the group members can model appropriate behaviors and expression of feelings to one another

The strong relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse disorder means that:

there are high rates of substance abuse among those with antisocial personality disorder

The strong relationship between antisocial personality disorder and substance abuse means that

there are high rates of substance abuse among those with antisocial personality disorder

You might suspect an "era of narcissism" is approaching for a country when:

there is increasing emphasis of self-expression and competitiveness

You might suspect an "era of narcissism" is approaching for a country when:

there is increasing emphasis on self-expression and competitiveness

one similarity of those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they tend

these individuals do not have close ties with others

the schizoid personality disorder differs from paranoid personality disorder in that

these people genuinely prefer to be alone; paranoid alone because of suspiciousness

the most important similarity among the personality disorders listed in the text is that

they are inflexible, maladaptive

The MOST important similarity among the personality disorders listed in the text is that:

they are inflexible, maladaptive, and related to impaired functioning or distress

a particular problem often found more prominently in the elderly that is related to substance abuse is

they don't believe they have a problem

What is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline personality disorder?

they may attempt suicide or otherwise hurt themselves

the majority of criminals institutionalized for psychological treatment in the US are there because

they suffer from personality disorders

why is the plea of not guilty by reason of insanity generally unsuccessful for serial killers

they typically don't fit criteria of insanity

Male-to-female gender dysphoria: autogynephilic type and _____ are often confused.

transvestic disorder

Comorbidity means that:

two disorders may occur together in an individual.

The LEAP program for treating children with autism spectrum disorder is unique because it involves the use of:

typical children as models and "teachers"

The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been:


A female child is diagnosed with autism. Later, as an adult, she is unable to hold a job and has very limited communication skills. Her case is:

uncommon; most people diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder are males, and their symptoms usually remain severe into adulthood

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive compulsive personality disorder had experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The cline's behavior is

uncommon; most with obsessive compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The client's behavior is:

uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The client's behavior is:

uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy.

At a regular checkup with her gynecologist, Lauryn mentions that she has significant difficulties in her sexual activity with her boyfriend. "It is the strangest thing, doctor," Lauryn reports. "When we are trying to have sex, sometimes it feels like the outer part of my vaginal walls are spasming and clenching, and sometimes Brian and I cannot have intercourse because of it. Why do you think that is?" Given that these symptoms seem to be distressing to Lauryn and are interfering with her relationship, Lauryn's diagnosis would MOST likely be:


Based on the advice of her therapist, Gina has been practicing tightening and relaxing her vaginal muscles, and then inserting graduated dilators into her vagina. She is MOST likely receiving treatment for:


a person quite suddenly begins to show specific cognitive impairment; the person has difficulty speaking, yet other cognitive functions appear normal. most likely that person is experiencing

vascular dementia

A person quite suddenly begins to show specific cognitive impairment and difficulty in speaking, yet other cognitive functions appear normal. MOST likely, that person is experiencing:

vascular neurocognitive disorder

What are adverse physical and psychological symptoms that occur after reducing or ceasing substance intake?


Define openness.

willingness to consider and explore unfamiliar ideas, feelings, and activities

Of the following, which would MOST likely be treated with masturbatory satiation? A) transvestism. B) premature ejaculation. C) a fetish. D) erectile dysfunction.

C) a fetish.

William, a 20-year-old who is having his first sexual relationship, has gone to see a sex therapist about a sexual dysfunction problem. What is William MOST likely suffering from? A) sexual aversion B) inhibited ejaculation C) delayed early ejaculation D) hypoactive sexual desire

C) delayed early ejaculation

Recent studies show that autistic children are more likely than other children to have abnormalities in which section of the brain?



Considered the most definitive feature of madness, characterized by gross misrepresentations of reality, which include delusions of grandeur or persecution

What is a drug?

-Any substance other than food that affects out body/mind -Causes temporary changes in behavior, emotion, and thought.

Characteristics of avoidant PD

-Avoids interpersonal job activities -Won't get involved with others Is preoccupied with criticism and rejection -Views self as socially inept -Won't try new things in case they are embarrassing

What are the 4 most common stimulants?

-Cocaine -Amphetamines -Caffeine -Nicotine

4 phases of Human sexual response cycle

-Desire -Excitement -Orgasm -Resolution * dysfunction happens within the first 3 phases

Behavioral Therapy

-aversion therapy -effective only when individuals are motivated to continue with them -work best in combination with other therapies


-different senses can cross -colors may be "heard" or "felt"

Biological contributions to sexual dysfunctions:

-physical disease and medical illness -prescription medications -use and abuse of alcohol and other drugs

Sociocultural therapies

-self-help programs, culture-and gender sensitive programs, and community prevention programs

People with which type of personality disorder are sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths"? A. schizotypal B. antisocial C. borderline D. histrionic

B. antisocial

suffering from headaches, alcoholism, and ulcers would make one eligible for an insanity defense under the

Durham test

the version of the insanity defense that declares that a person can not be held responsible for his or her actions if they were the result of mental disease or mental defect is called the

Durham test


Field of psychology dedicated to the mental health of the elderly (65+)

everyone else is enjoying the warmth of the early spring day except one college student, who seems irritable, even angry. yesterday, when it was cold and dreary, the same student seemed unusually excitable. this student's behavior is most similar to that of someone with which personality disorder

borderline personality disorder

transported to the hospital after a suicide attempt, a man is later admitted to the hospital's psychiatric wing. most likely, if the man is diagnosed with a personality disorder, it will be

borderline personality disorder

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder is more common in ______ than ______.

boys; girls

The MOST recent research has provided evidence that the primary causes of autism spectrum disorder include:

brain abnormalities

how are fetishistic disorders learned through

classical conditioning

although those with paranoid personality disorder often are deeply suspicious, their suspicions usually do not


the typical patter of Alzheimer's for the patient is

denial, anxiety, withdrawal, dependency

According to psychodynamic theorists, an important factor in the development of avoidant personality disorder is:

early experiences of shame.

One speech problem displayed by many autistic children is that they repeat everything said to them. This is called:


In people with Alzheimer's disease, memory problems appear to be caused by disruption of the production of:

memory-linked proteins

Obsessive compulsive personalty diorder is MOST common among

men with jobs

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is MOST common among:

men with jobs

Obsessive-compulsive personality disorder is MOST common among:

men with jobs.

Schizotypal personality disorders differ from other "odd" personality disorders in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

mood disorders

Schizotypal personality disorders differ from the "odd" personality disorders in that they are related to schizophrenia and:

mood disorders

Boys and girls have about the same percentage chance of being diagnosed with:

oppositional defiant disorder if they are postpubertal

What is narcissism linked with?

poor parenting

Borderline PD is associated with...

poor/abusive parenting, childhood abuse, potentially early trauma

causes of conduct disorder

possibly linked to genetic and biological factors. Exposure to drugs, poverty, traumatic events, violent peers or community violence. Most often due to troubled parent-child relationships, inadequate parenting, family conflict, etc. If parents are antisocial or display excessive anger, usually leads to child developing this disorder.

some researchers not that the majority of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are female and that many of these women experienced emotion trauma, victimization, violence, and carious form of abuse as children. As a result, these researcher view the disorder as a special form o f

post-traumatic stress disorder

what are the three disorders of the orgasm phase

premature ejaculation, delayed ejaculation, female orgasmic disorder

when new information is acquired and stored in memory, _______ are produced


Group therapy formats are of particular use to those who suffer from avoidant personality disorder because they:

provide a social circumstance where interactions with others can be practiced and where support can be both given and received

historically, which of the theoretical orientations seems the most gender-based in its explanation of the development of histrionic personality disorder


those diagnosed with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder appear more responsive to which kinds of therapy

psychodynamic and cognitive therapy

the fact that those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder often were neglected, rejected, or sexually abused as children is best predicted by which view

psychodynamic therapists

"it is obvious that this case of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder arises from an early childhood fixation." which type of psychologist would most likely have made that statement?

psychodynamic- Freudian

Tamara's parents are down on her all the time. when they are not criticizing her, they ignore her. this is an example of

psychological abuse

what treatment is best for paraphilic disorders

psychological and sociocultural have been available the longest but professionals today are also using biological interventions

an important current distinction between psychologists and psychiatrists that is changing is that

psychologists may admit patients to state hospitals and prescribe medicine with proper certification

Monahan's research on the relationship between violent behavior and sever mental disorder shows that

rate of violent behavior and is somewhat higher in those with sever mental disorders

IF future editions of the DSM-5 change to dimensional approach in the diagnosis of personality disorders, clinicians will have to:

rate the degree of dysfunctioning caused by each person's traits in diagnosing personality disorders.

Renaldi has been diagnosed with pedophilic disorder. He is currently undergoing treatment in which he learns which situations trigger his sexual arousal, and then develops strategies to avoid those situations. Renaldi is receiving:

relapse prevention training

Currently, the "Big Five" approach to personality disorders is:

research being done on it.

Which is NOT a phase of normal sexual response?


after suffering severe brain trauma, Phineas Gage appeared not to care about his friends and coworkers, and developed wild, grandiose plans he later had to abandon. these symptoms are most similar to the symptoms of which of the following personality disorders


wes has always been a loner. he has never much cared for being with other people. he does not form relationships easily. he appears to be without emotion. we may be exhibiting the _____ personality disorder


Wes has always been a loner. He has never much cared for being with other people and does not form relationships easily. He appears to be without emotion. We may be exhibiting:

schizoid personality disorder

A person who is LEAST likely to be affected by criticism or praise from other people is one suffering from:

schizoid personality disorder.

The disorder that appears to be MOST closely related to the schizotypal personality disorder is:


Which is NOT the name used for a cluster of personality disorders?


digressive and vague language with loose associations accompanied by attention and concentration problems are characteristic of


when Selina sees a report of a train wreck on TV, she thinks it is a sign that she should not take the train to work the next day. she takes the bus instead. if she has a diagnosable personality disorder, it is most likely

schizotypal personality disorder

if all a woman wanted was to reduce her risk of developing Alzheimer's she should

take estrogen for years after menopause

you would suspect a problem in the _____ for someone experiencing difficulty with long-term memory

temporal lobe

You would suspect a problem in the ________ for someone experiencing difficulty with long-term memory

temporal lobes

which is NOT a problem in the use of the DSM-5 to diagnose personalty disorders?

the criteria are so restrictive that several categories rarely, if ever, are used

If you believe that personality disorder are BEST understood as a matter of degree in difference from typical personality rather than as a specific diagnosis, you agree with:

the dimensional approach

If you believe that personality disorders are BEST understood as a matter of degree in difference from typical personality rather than as a specific diagnosis, you agree with:

the dimensional approach

With the help of a therapist, a client with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder has experienced a dramatic decrease in both dichotomous thinking and worrying. The clients behavior is:

uncommon; most with obsessive-compulsive personality disorder do not seek help, and this person is most likely receiving cognitive therapy

Which adjective is the BEST one-word summary of borderline personality disorder?


Studies have shown that misuse of medication in US nursing homes occurs MOST often when staff members:

use antipsychotic drugs to control the behaviors of those who don't show psychotic symptoms

when asked, a parent says, "why does my kid had ADHD? I guess it is in the genes." given this very limited information, your research-based guess would be that the parent is

white American

Ken derives sexual arousal exclusively from dressing in women's clothing. MOST likely, Ken would be diagnosed:

with transvestic disorder

Surveys show that ______ is a common experience for close to half of all children in the US


What are some possible explanations of gender dysphoria?

-higher levels of testosterone or estrogen during fetal development? -non-binary gender? -cultural shifts?

Characteristics of schizotypal PD...

-ideas of reference, magical thinking -Suspiciousness/paranoid thinking -Inappropriate affect -Lack of social relationships -Social anxiety

What are characteristics of psychopathy?

-Deceptiveness or duplicity -Absence of empathy, compassion or remorse toward the victims of the psychopath's exploitive self-interest -Can often be charming -May or may not engage in criminal behavior

What type of diagnosis is AD?

-Diagnosis of exclusion No single clinical test -Made once all other possible conditions causing cognitive impairment have been ruled out

Acute nursing intervention for AD

-Nurse should assess for depression and suicidal ideation. -Counseling and antidepressants may be indicated. -Family members may be in denial, delaying critical early care.

Sexual interest/arousal disorder diagnostic criteria and symptoms:

-little or no interest in any type of sexual activity -reduced or absent excitement/pleasure during sexual activity -masturbation, sexual fantasies and intercourse are rare -accounts for half of all complaints at sexual clinics -prevalence about 22% of women and about 6% of men

Overview of pedophilic disorder:

-pedophiles: sexual attraction to young children -incest: sexual attraction to one's own children -victims are typically children or young adolescents -rare but not heard of in females

Psychodynamic views of substance use disorder

-people with substance use disorder have powerful dependency needs that can be traced to their early years -when parents fail to satisfy a young childs need for nurturance -more dependent, antisocial, impulsive, novelty-seeking, and depressive

frotteuristic disorder

-recurrent sexual arousal from touching or rubbing non consenting person, as manifested by fantasies, urges, or behaviours -may occur in up to 30% of adult males in general population

Characteristics of Benzodiazepines

-relieve anxiety without drowsiness -can still lead to dependence

Give characteristics of paranoid PD.

-reluctant to confide in others -finds threatening meaning -doubt loyalty and trustworthiness of others

2 categories of sexual disorders

-sexual dysfunctions -paraphilia

What causes substance use disorder?

-sociocultural, psychological, biological explanations

What is the goal of treatment for paranoid pd?

-trusting atmosphere -cognitive therapy to correct cognitive errors

"You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself.../ You're so vain, you probably think this song is about you/ You're so vain..." sang


slide 33-36


the most common of the identifies chromosomal causes of Down syndrome is


about what percentage of defendants in the US are found not guilty by reason of insanity in a typical year

1 in 400 (.25%)

Aggression Symptoms

1. Bullies, threatens, intimidates other people 2. Often initiates physical fights 3. Uses weapons that can cause serious harm 4. Has stolen while confronting a victim 5. Physically cruel to people/animals 6. Forced someone into sexual activity

Subtypes of ADHD

1. Combined types (6+ symptoms of inattention and 6+ of hyperactivity/impusivity) 2. Predominantly inattentive type (6+ symptoms of inattention and less than 6 of hyperactivity) 3. Predominantly hyperactive impulsive

Efficacy of psychosocial interventions for paraphilias:

-about 70-100% of cases show improvement -poorest outcomes: rapists and multiple paraphilias -most run a chronic course -relapse rates are high

What are some examples of sedative-hypnotic drugs?

-baribiturates -benzodiazepines -xanax and valium

Desire phase of human sexual response cycle

-consists of an interest or urge to have sex, sexual attractions to other, and sexual fantasies

Categories of substances used and studied

-depressants -stimulants -hallucinogens -cannibis -Polydrug use

Characteristics of schizoid PD?

-does not desire or enjoy close relationships -prefers solitary activities and takes pleasure in few things -indifferent to praise and criticism

Psychological treatment of sexual dyfsunctions:

-education alone (surprisingly effective) -Masters and Johnson's intervention (50-70% improvement rates) -squeeze technique (for premature ejaculation) -masturbatory training (female orgasm disorder) -use of dilators -exposure to erotic material (low sexual desire)

2 disorders of desire

-female sexual interest/arousal disorder -male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Overview and defining features of orgasm disorders:

-have adequate desire and arousal -unable to achieve orgasm -rare in adult males -25% of adult females report difficulty achieving orgasm -50% of adult females report experiencing regular orgasms

Subtypes of Conduct Disorder

1. Life-course persistent (develops early in childhood, more likely to continue having problems into adulthood) 2. Adolescent limited (onset in adolescence; LESS likely to have problems into adulthood)

Why is classifying bipolar disorder in children controversial?

1. Many children do not display true mania 2. Treated with powerful medications (mood stabilizers and antipsychotics)

Cognitive Changes in Alzheimer's

1. Massive cell loss 2. Damage to nerve cells (protein called beta-amyloid accumulates in the spaces between cells) 3. Plaques and tangles (plaques block cell-to-cell signaling at the synapses; neurofibrillary tangles) 4. Acetylcholine Transport (APP is important in transport of acetylcholine)

Distinctions between Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Conduct Disorder

1. ODD milder than CD (Oppositional mild) 2. ODD has earlier onset (Oppositional early) 3. Subset of children with ODD go on to meet criteria for CD (about 43% of boys 9-13yrs with ODD meet CD over next three years) 4. If a child meets criteria for CD, they CANNOT be diagnosed with ODD

Cognitive-Behavioral Perspective on substance abuse

1. Operant conditioning: drug tension reduction reinforced 2. Positive expectancies for alcohol's effects associated with greater risk for abuse 3. Cues are very important! classical conditioning Opponent-process model???

What are the 3 categories for Schizophrenia?

1. Positive symptoms 2. Negative symptoms 3. Psychomotor symptoms

Causes of Autistic Disorders

1. Psychodynamic perspective: "refrigerator parents" (cold and closed off?) 2. Social and environmental stress 3. Failure to develop theory of mind 4. Genetics 5. Neurocircuitry + Abnormal development of the cerebellum +Increased brain volume, structural abnormalities in limbic system, brain stem nuclei

Pervasive development disorder examples

1. Rhett's 2. Childhood disintegrative disorder 3. Asperger's 4. Autism

Property Destruction Symptoms

1. Sets fires w/the intention of causing serious damage 2. Deliberately destroys property of another person

Other Types of Dementia (5)

1. Vascular dementia (Follows a vascular accident) 2. Pick's disease (Affects frontal lobes) 3. Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (Slow acting virus) 4. Huntington's disease (Memory & motor problems) 6. Parkinson's disease (Tremors, rigidity, unsteadiness)

Internalizing disorder examples

1. separation anxiety disorder 2. other anxiety disorders (phobia, panic, PTSD, OCD) 3. Mood disorders 4. Somatization 5. Eating disorders

What is the prevalence of dependent PD?

2% no gender difference

What is the prevalence of borderline PD? which gender more?

2% more common in females

What is the prevalence of histrionic PD? more common in which gender

2-3% more common in females

Depression in the Elderly

20% people experience depression in old age + More common in women + Associated w/medical illnesses, loss of loved ones + Psychotic symptoms might be common Treatment: similar as for younger adults 1. Psychotherapy (esp. CBT) 2. Medications (but some cannot be used safe or effectively b/c they are metabolized differently) 3. ECT (electro-convulsive therapy)

about what percentage of those diagnosed with mental retardation fall in the DSM "mild retardation" category


recently the FDA banned those who had spent more than six months total time in Great Britain from the earl 1980s to the mid 1990s from donating blood in the US, because of the still-unconfirmed possibility that a form of "mad cow disease" might be in their blood from eating tainted meat. if humans could contract mad cow disease, they would have symptoms similar to those of


What is Token Economy?

A behavioral program in which a person's desirable behaviors are reinforced systematically throughout the day by the awarding of tokens that can be exchanged for goods.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) (mood disorders)

A mood disorder characterized by depression that occurs at the same time every year. This occurs around the same time every year can be triggered by that particular time.

What is a para-professional?

A person to whom a particular aspect of a professional task is delegated but who is not licensed to practice as a fully qualified professional.

pat does not follow what the teacher is doing and has difficulty focusing on the task at hand. his behavior in class is disruptive because he can not sit still. he gets poor grades in school. these symptoms indicate


Late onset (sporadic)

After age 65 Combination of genes and environment Gene apolipropotein E (ApoE) produces protein that carries fat into bloodstream 30% population have variation ApoE-4 might suggest vulnerability

Genetic component to one important aspect of psychopathy


What is hallucinosis?

Alcoholic hallucinosis (or alcohol-related psychosis) is a complication of alcohol withdrawal in alcoholics. They can occur during acute intoxication or withdrawal with the potential of having delirium tremens.

self-help programs

Alcoholics Anonymous -people with substance abuse organize themselves to help one another to recover without professional help -peer support, moral and spiritual guidelines

Which of the following is a specifier of sexual dysfunction disorders? -Acquired -Generalized -Lifelong -All of the above

All of the above

_____ drugs prescribed in low doses have been shown to be of some help to those suffering from schizotypal personality disorder, possibly because of similar neurological roots between this


Sarah respects none of society's boundaries and is insensitive to other people, frequently violating their rights. She does not consider the consequences of her actions. She MOST probably experiences:

Antisocial personality disorder

________ are a common drug that is abused by those who suffer with anxiety.


Which of these well-known people appears to have displayed symptoms of antisocial personality disorder?

Bernie Madoff

Dr. Quinones is seeing a client who clearly suffers from a personality disorder, but instead of adhering to the "category" method of diagnosing this problem, she chooses to assess the client as being high, medium, or low on several different personality traits. She feels that this will give more insight into the client's unique pathology, and thus will inform his/her treatment. Dr. Quinones is clearly a proponent of the _____ model

Big Five

Gender Difference

Borderline mostly in females 75% Histrionic and dependent more in females but recently equal Anti social usually in males, histrionic is female version of anti social Histrionic is gender biased: over dramatization, vanity, seductiveness and over concern of appearance

The child most likely to show the first symptom of autism spectrum disorder would be a

Boy under 3 years old

Dr. Smith is evaluating his client, Julia, using the supertraits of the Big Five model of personality. He determines that Julia is high in neuroticism, medium in agreeableness and conscientiousness, and very low in extroversion and openness to new experiences. According to your textbook, individuals with this combination of personality traits are MOST likely to have _____ personality disorder. A. dependent B. obsessive-compulsive C. avoidant D. paranoid

C. avoidant

What treatment is used for avoidant PD?

CBT exposure treatment

schizoid personality disorder

Cluster A (odd or eccentric) personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions.

schizotypal personality disorder

Cluster A (odd or eccentric) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of interpersonal deficits featuring acute discomfort with, and reduced capacity for, close relationships, as well as by cognitive or perceptual distortions and eccentricities of behavior.

paranoid personality disorder

Cluster A (odd or eccentric) personality disorder involving pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent.

antisocial personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others. Similar to the non-DSM-label psychopathy but with greater emphasis on overt behavior rather than on personality traits.

histrionic personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking.

Which adjective is the BEST one-word summary of borderline personality disorder? A. loner B. heartless C. indecisive D. unstable

D. unstable

nations that pioneered "normalization" in the treatment of mental retardation include

Denmark and Sweden

How might a pt/family respond to a diagnosis of AD?

Diagnosis traumatic for patient and family Patient often responds with -Depression -Denial -Anxiety and fear -Isolation **In the early stages of AD, patients are often aware that their memory is faulty and do things to cover up or mask the problem. What Happens Next? is a booklet specifically for people dealing with the beginning stages of dementia. Website.

Dissociative Identity Disorder (DID) (dissociative disorders)

Disruption of identity characterized by two or more distinct personality states. Involves marked discontinuity in sense of self with related alterations in behavior, memory, perception, cognition, etc. (multiple personality disorder)


Do men or women tend to be diagnosed more with personality disorder?

Sex, food, and drugs all stimulate what kind of activity in the nucleus accumbens?

Dopamine activity.

What are opioids?

Drugs that include opium or drugs that derived from opium. These include morphine, heroin, and codeine.

A reading proficiency level that is much lower than would be expected based on the measure of general intelligence is called


A person's thoughts, actions, feelings, or impulses being in conflict with their core beliefs, personality, and/or self-image is called:


Narcissistic PD Causes

Failure of empathic mirroring by the parents. Search for ideal person. Increasing in North America. Due to hedonism, individualism, competitiveness and success. Me generation. Self enhancers.

Home and LT care facility care of AD patitents involves? Nursing care is focused on?

Family members and friends care for most AD patients in their homes. -Various facilities should be evaluated. -Consider stage of AD patient when choosing. -Nursing care intensifies over time. **Nursing care is focused on decreasing clinical manifestations, preventing harm, and supporting the patient and caregiver throughout the disease process.

Different forms of cocaine:

Free-based and crack

What category of substances does LSD belong to?


Individuals with Down syndrome:

Have the same range of personality characteristics as do those in the general population without Down syndrome

What are Community Prevention Programs?

Help prevent substance use before it happens.

Mixed Drugs

High ALL - potential intoxication, dependency, risk of damage/death


High potential intoxication Low dependency potential Low risk of damage/death


High potential intoxication and dependency potential Moderate risk of damage/death

Fearlessness Hypothesis

Higher threshold for experiencing fear. Experiment with electric shock and galvanic glands response. Non psychopaths showed a predictable pattern. They would be sweaty when they knew the shock was coming. The psychopaths had weak GSR to tones and extinguished fear fast.

lucille experienced severe mood, personality, and movement changes. she most likely has

Huntington's disease

Historionic PD Causes

Hysteria issue before but not anymore because men have it. Relationship with anti social behaviour. 2/3 Meet criterial for anti social PD. Females predisposed to have characteristics.

Those on depressants experience impaired what, causing them to not think about the consequences?

Impaired judgement.

Possible NDX for AD

Impaired memory Self-care deficit Risk for injury Grief Wandering

Early stages of AD?

In early stages, memory aids may provide benefit. -Drugs must be taken regularly. -Drug compliance can be challenging. -Adult day care can provide -Caregiver respite -Stimulation for AD patient ** An example of a memory aid is a calendar. -Patients often develop depression during the early-stage phase. -The drugs must be taken on a regular basis. Because memory is one of the key functions to be altered in AD, adherence to drug therapy may be challenging. -During the early and middle stages of AD, the person can still benefit from stimulating activities that encourage independence and decision making in a protective environment.

Skin care in AD pt.?

In late stages, patient are at risk for skin breakdown. Incontinence, immobility, and undernutrition Tend to rashes, areas of redness. Keep skin dry and clean. Change patient's position regularly.

Oral care in AD patient?

In late stages, patient will be unable to perform oral self-care. -Dental problems are likely to occur. -Patient may pocket food, adding to potential tooth decay. -Inspect mouth regularly, and provide mouth care. **Dental caries and tooth abscess can add to patient discomfort or pain and subsequently may increase agitation.

What are loose associations and what are neologisms?

Loose associations- a common thinking disturbance in schizophrenia, characterized by rapid shifts from one topic of conversation to another (derailment). Neologisms- a newly coined word or expression.

Anti social and twin studies

MZ twins was 55% whereas DZ twins 13%.

Behavioural Inhibition

May be core reason for the disorder or even cluster C disorders. Cluster C disorders have overactive BIS.

DSM Criteria for Alzheimer's Dementia

Multiple cognitive deficits including both 1. Memory impairment 2. One or more of the following Aphasia (language disturbance) Apraxia (impaired motor functioning) Agnosia (failure to recognize objects) Poor executive functioning (e.g., planning, organizing) Course characterized by gradual onset and continued decline

Aspirin uses what kind of reinforcement?

Negative reinforcement.

What are Neurofibrillary tangles? main component?

Neurofibrillary tangles Abnormal collections of twisted protein threads inside nerve cells Main component is a protein called tau. -Tau proteins in the CNS are involved in providing support for intracellular structure through their support of microtubules. -Tau proteins hold the microtubules together, like railroad ties hold railroad tracks together. In AD, the tau protein is altered, and as a result, the microtubules twist together in a helical fashion.

What is Neuropsychologic testing?

Neuropsychologic testing can help document degree of cognitive impairment. Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE) Also used to determine a baseline from which to evaluate change over time

Collaberation management of AD aimed at?

No cure Collaborative management aimed at -Improving or controlling decline in cognition -Controlling undesirable behavioral manifestations -Providing care for the caregiver

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder

Normal development until age 2 - 10; then loss of acquired skills Language Social skills Self care Control over bowel & bladder Play skills Motor skills + Seizures + Regression at under 2 years + 1 in 50,000

Aging Population in the US

Number of people aged 65+ has increased 11-fold since the beginning of the 20th century 4% increase in 1900 13% increase in 20100 Expected 20% in 2030

Major (Clinical) Depression (mood disorders)

Occurs when at least five signs of depression (including lethargy, feelings of worthlessness, or loss of interest in family, friends, and activities) last two or more weeks and are not caused by drugs or a medical condition.

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate in terms of current research findings?

Odd" personality disorders and schizophrenia are related to one another.

Tips to avoid malnutrition?

Offer liquids frequently. Finger foods may allow self-feeding. Short-term possibilities Nasogastric (NG) feedings Percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube

What are additional characteristics that can manifest from dementia?

Other characteristics that can manifest -Personality changes Behavioral problems such as -Agitation -Delusions -Hallucinations

Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) - need 4 symptoms

Pattern of negativistic, hostile, and defiant behavior lasting at least 6 months, and characterized by four or more of the following: 1. Loses temper 2. Argues 3. Refuses to follow rules/requests 4. Deliberately annoys others 5. Blames others 6. Easily annoyed 7. Angry 8. Spiteful/vindictive (holds a grudge)

Characteristics of antisocial PD

Performing acts that are grounds for arrest Deceitfulness Impulsivity Consistent irresponsibility Lack of remorse

Axis II

Personality Disorder

Avoidant PD Causes

Predisposition to be difficult. PArents reject them, guilt engendering and less affectionate. Experiences of isolation, rejection and conflict with others. Similar to social phobia. Behavioural inhibition: heritable temperamental factor involving an avoidant response to unfamiliar situations.

Krosakoff's Syndrome

Primarily anterograde amnesia Caused by excessive drinking: lack of thiamine in the brain (alcohol)

According to recent research, should patients with Alzheimer's disease by encouraged to repeat --- day after day --- activities that they enjoyed doing when they were younger?

Probably; they would tend to be happier, even after forgetting they did the activity

"Its clear that very demanding parens caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which theoretical perspective?


Hypersexuality is a term sometimes used synonymously with:

Sexual Addiction

Internalizing Disorders (definition)

Similar to those experienced by adults BUT not exactly the same More somatic and behavioral symptoms (less cognitive) Some disorders are unique to childhood (e.g., separation anxiety disorder) Differences in treatment Play therapy Sessions w/parents

What effects do depressants have on the nervous system?

Slows the activity of the CNS. They reduce tensions and inhibitions and may interfere with a person's judgement, motor activity, and concentration.

Predisposed risks of dementia

Smoking Cardiac dysrhythmias Hypertension Hypercholesterolemia Diabetes mellitus Coronary artery disease Metabolic syndrome

Sociotropy versus Autonomy

Sociotropy refers to a personality orientation involving a strong investment in positive social interactions and autonmy if more indendendent. Dependent personality have more sociotropic personality.

The drug Ritalin is classified as a


The drug Ritalin is classified as a(n):


What are amphetamines?

Stimulant drugs produced in the lab.

What is the main chemical is marijuana?

Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC)

Negative Symptoms

The absence or insufficiency of normal behavior, where a broad spectrum of symptoms is seen.

What is tolerance?

The adjustment that the brain and the body make to the regular use of certain drugs so that ever larger doses are needed to achieve the earlier effects of the drug.


The broad spectrum of disorganized behavior

Alzheimer's disease

The most common type of neurocognitive disorder, usually occurring after the age of 65, marked most prominently by memory impairment onset death: 8-10 years cause of death is normally: - pneumonia - stroke

The treatment for obsessive-compulsive disorder is complicated by one major factor, a factor that is also problematic in treating narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. What is this factor that so impedes successful treatment for these problems?

The person with the disorder simply does not accept the notion that anything is wrong with them, and thus is not motivated to seek or participate cooperatively with treatment


The rates of comorbid disorders, along with personaility disorders is _____.

Developmental Psychopathology

The study of how disorders arise and change with time, where disruption of early skills can affect later development

What is the synergistic effect?

The synergistic effect in pharmacology is an increase of effects that occurs when more than one substance is acting on the body at the same time

What is a schizophrogenic mother?

The term given to the mother of a schizophrenic. It meant "a woman who was blamed by psychiatrists for her child's schizophrenia."

What is the primary source of the sexual excitement for sexual sadists?

The vicitm's sufferin

Imagine a child who neglects studies, work, friends, and family in order to be on the Internet. Which of the following about Internet addiction disorder is FALSE?

There is no such diagnosis as Internet addiction disorder

Pervasive Developmental Disorders

These disorders are characterized by problems with many aspects of life, including socialization, cognition, and emotions, includes Auspberger's Syndrome

Benedict Morel

This individual introduced dementia praecox, where demence (loss of mind) and precoce (early onset) are defined

In this approach, delinquent boys and girls with conduct disorder are assigned to a foster home in the community by the juvenile justice system

Treatment foster care

What is withdrawal?

Unpleasant, sometimes dangerous reactions that may occur when people who regularly use drugs stop taking or reduce their dosage of the drug.

What are extrapyramidal effects?

Unwanted movements, such as severe shaking, bizarre-looking grimaces, twisting of the body, and extreme restlessness produced, sometimes by conventional drugs.

How are agonists use for alcohol dependence?

When taken before drinking, it will cause such bad effects that it would make the person drinking never want to drink again


Where do personality orders typically begin?

Where do the plaques develop?

Where plaques develop in the parts of the brain used for Memory & Cognitive function which occur in the Hippocampus -Eventually develops in the cerebral cortex esp areas responsible for language and reasoning

Boys, 4:1

Which gender is most likely to have ADHD (greatest in the US)?

Chromosone that effects ASPD

X because males are more prone to it and women have to X's therefore can substitute one in


a childhood disorder characterized by repeated defecating in inappropriate places, such as one's clothing

disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

a childhood disorder marked by severe recurrent temper outbursts and a persistent irritable or angry mood

temporary commitment in an emergency situation is possible if

a life is at stake

if you were an air traffic controller and your employer required you to attend a seminar on dealing in healthy ways with stress, you would be receiving

a problem-solving seminar

Among the likely causes of ADHD are all of the following EXCEPT:

abnormal serotonin activity and parietal damage

what biological factors in gender dysphoria

abnormalities in the brain (hypothalamus)

what is trasvestic disorder

aka; transvestism or cross-dressing, characteristic by fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving dressing in the clothes of the opposite sex in order to achieve sexual arousal

The specific symptoms associated with dyslexia include:

an impairment of the ability to recognize words and to comprehend what is being read

What are the three types of personality disorders in cluster C?

avoidant, dependent, OCD

the fact that children learn antisocial behavior by modeling parental conflict and aggressiveness provides support for


Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when they lie or "con" others. This outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position?


One study that supports a _____ basis for gender dysphoria found that those with the disorder had heightened blood flow in the insula and reduced blood flow in the anterior cingulate cortex.


attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder is more common in _____ than_____


What stimulant is found in coffee, tea, chocolate, and most soft drinks, is most widely consumed, and 90% of North American adults consume it?


recent studies show that autistic children are more likely than other children to have abnormalities in which section of the brain


what is male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

characterized by a lack of interest in sex and little sexual activity

what are paraphilic disorders

characterized by intense sexual urges, fantasies or behaviors that involve objects or situations outside the usual sexual norms; nonhumans, children, nonconsenting adults, the experience of suffering or humiliation

juvenile delinquents

children 8-18 that break the law

the two childhood disorders that have been related to later antisocial personality disorder are

conduct disorder and ADHD

The two childhood disorders that have been related to later antisocial personality disorder are:

conduct disorder and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder

The two childhood disorders that have been related to later antisocial personality disorder are:

conduct disorder and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder

With Alzheimer's, physical health usually:

declines less rapidly than mental health

What treatment is used for borderline PD?

dialectical behavior therapy

a friend asks your advice about the best therapy to use for treating borderline personality disorder. your best answer is

dialectical behavior therapy

According to psychodynamic theorists, an important factor is the development of avoidant personality disorder is

early experiences of shame

if someone asked you about the effectiveness of treatment for Alzheimer's you would have to say

even best treatments have limited success

When dialectical behavior therapy is used with patients with borderline personality disorder, those patients, compared to patients receiving other forms of therapy, make:

far fewer suicide attempts and are hospitalized less often

How do personality disorders affect life?

functional impairment subjective distress

merv got into a fight and killed his opponent. when he went to trial, he had a mental breakdown. he did not know where he was and had hallucinations. he was unable to answer questions. he is likely to be sent to a mental institution because

he is unstable to understand the trial procedure and defend himself

Dr. Rein is treating a few patients with excessive sexuality or _____. Although this disorder is not listed in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), Dr. Rein supports adding it in the future.

hyper sexuality

Biomedical research seeking an explanation for gender dysphoria has found some evidence that the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) in the _____ of those with gender dysphoria is markedly similar to that of people of the opposite gender.


A belief that the new anchor on CNN is giving one important messages about one's behavior reflects:

ideas of reference

the Durham test judges a person not to be criminally responsible if he or she has acted

if the action was the product of a mental disease or defect

An exhibitionist exposes himself to a bystander. Which response would be the LEAST satisfying by the bystander for the exhibitionist?

ignoring the exhibitionist

A 16-year-old teenager has just been arrested for the third time for shoplifting. He would MOST likely be labeled with:

juvenile delinquency

Carl is a terrible bully. He is very aggressive and repeatedly takes advantage of his "friends" he will say anything to get his way or try to stay out of trouble. recently he was arrested for vandalism and ended up getting probation. he will most likely be labeled as displaying

juvenile delinquency

juvenile delinquent

legal term for a child between the ages of 8 and 18 who breaks the law

Compared to white American children, African American and Hispanic American children with similar levels of activity and attention problems are:

less likely to be assessed for ADHD, and less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD

For the first half of the twentieth century, the leading approach to sexual dysfunction was:

long-term psychodynamic therapy

An individual with Alzheimer's disease is no longer able to function independently. The MOST appropriate diagnosis for this person's condition is:

major neurocognitive disorder

A sociocultural explanation for substance abuse could be the __________ and how it is portrayed through it


if you knew that a child had recently been administered the Vineland and AAMR, you could be reasonably sure the childhood disorder being tested for was

mental retardation

Biological factors are NOT the most important causes of which level of intellectual developmental disorder?


Community prevention programs

most effective approach to substance use disorders is to prevent them -may focus on individual, family, peer group, school, community -focusing on more than one of these provides consistent message about drug misuse in all areas of persons life ex: Above the Influence, TheTruth.com

ty is fairly handsome, but not as handsome as he thinks he is. he does not give a hoot about anyone but himself and is sure that everyone around him feels the same way. he is most likely experiencing

narcissistic personality disorder

Studies of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show that:

over half attempt suicide at least once in their lives, and about 10 percent succeed

Why is it difficult to treat antisocial PD?

patients do not want to be there =poor prognosis

Define conscientiousness

persistence in goals, organization, and dependability

the consistencies of one's personality are called

personality traits

Define antisocial personality disorder.

pervasive pattern of disregard for and violation of the rights of others

Hormonal changes, life demands, and body dissatisfaction are all reasons to explain why:

postpubertal girls have higher rates of depression than postpubertal boys

when a child with autism says "you want a drink" when he really means that he wants a drink, he is displaying

pronominal reversal


repeated and intense sexual urges/fantasies to socially inappropriate objects of situations

a person who is least likely to be affected by criticism or praise from other people is one suffering from the ____ personality disorder


When a child with autism spectrum disorder jumps, flaps her arms, twists her hands and fingers and makes unusual faces, the child is engaging in:

self-stimulatory behavior

when a child with autism jumps, flaps her arms, twists her hands and fingers and makes unusual, faces the child is engaging in

self-stimulatory behaviors

a person who has Alzheimer's although there is no family history of the disease is said to be experiencing

senile plaques

Your daughter is MORE likely than your son to be diagnosed with:

separation anxiety


solidified resin of the cannabis plant

the drug Ritalin is classified as a

stimulant drug

the misuse of prescription drugs by the elderly is a form of ____ disorder

substance abuse

research indicates that eyewitness testimony is

the jury is more likely to believe witness who is certain


the placement of children with intellectual disability in regular school classes; also known as inclusion


the repeated infliction of force, threats, or coercion in order to intimidate, hurt, or dominate another less powerful person

the focus of the protection and Advocacy for Mentally Ill Individuals Act of 1986 was to

the right for patients to investigate possible abuse

Dialectical behavior therapy emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT:

the use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting

if you have unusually high level of AB42 beta-amyloid protein in your blood, you are more likely

to develop Alzheimer's disease or dementia

The parents of those with schizoid personality disorder are MOST likely to have been:


what is the basis for making a 2 PC determination to commit on an emergency basis

when a person is a danger to themselves or others

What is BAC affected by?

-Blood Alcohol Content/Concentration -affected by: weight, sex, food, meds,

How does AD present?

-Initial sign is subtle deterioration in memory. -Inevitably progresses to more profound memory loss -Manifestations easier to recognize when family member or patient seeks medical help.

types of synthetic hallucinogens

-Lysergic acid diethylamide (LSD) -Bath salts (stimulant) -MDMA (ecstasy)

Overall goals for AD patient

-Maintain functional ability as long as possible. -Maintain safe environment. -Personal care needs met -Dignity maintained

dementia is also associated with


Agoraphobia (anxiety disorders)

Fear or avoidance of situations in which escape might be difficult or help unavailable when panic strikes.

Distorted facial features is a symtom of what condition?

Fetal Alcohol Syndrome.

What is the term for the ise of and attraction to inanimate objects as preferred method of achieving sexual excitement?


_____ disorder is the term for sexually arousing fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving inanimate objects.


Vascular Dementia

This form of dementia is caused by a blockage of blood arteries, which is the second leading cause of dementia next to Alzheimers,

Building empathy and social skills

This form of therapy is used to focus on the value of interpersonal relationships to combat Cluster A: Schizoid Personality Disorder

Eugen Bleuler

This individual introduced the term schizophrenia (splitting the mind), where his observation showed this condition as being a separation of different personality functions

Which of the following statements BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murderers to act or how to treat them

most children with mental retardation live

at home

In terms of gender dysphoria, autogynephilic means:

attracted oneself as a female

Which of the following has NOT been suggested as a physical cause of dyspareunia in women?

alcohol abuse

Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the

anal stage

Imagine that you see a video on YouTube designed to encourage young people who are gay and being bullied. It is probably part of a program called:

It Gets Better

What are delirium tremens?

It consists of terrifying visual hallucinations that begin within three days after they stop or reduce their drinking.

What is the MOST common outcome of gender dysphoria in childhood?

It disappers during adolesences and adulthood

Dissociative Fugue (dissociative disorders)

Length of fugue ranges anywhere from a few hours to several months or longer.

An otherwise healty man reports almost no interest in sexual activity and has had very few sexual experiences in the past several years. That person MOST likely is experiencing :

Male hypoactive sexual desire disorder

Peter is having trouble coping with his financial problems and is getting depressed about them. he seeks out someone at his company who helps by counseling employees on such issues and tries to intercept problems before they get out of hand. peter is seeking help from

employee assistance program

Among the goals of parent-child interaction therapy are all of the following EXCEPT:

encouraging parents to not change how they act with their child

Personality Disorder

enduring and relatively stable predispositions, which are inflexible and maladaptive, causing distress and/or impairment

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; female orgasmic disorders; biological

hormone therapy or use of sildenafil (Viagra)

if you do things during your life that promote physical and psychological well-being, you are engaging in a _____ approach to aging

health maintenance

in role-playing situations, subjects with paranoid personality disorder generally interpret ambiguous behavior as



helps break down neurotransmitters involved in fight or flight. If built up the enzymes won't work therefore people wont be able to handle stress. Only in males.

self-instruction training

helps patient change their negative reactions to sex -learn to replace negative statements during sex with "coping statments"

A biological explanation for substance abuse could be h_________________ i_____________ or genes

hereditary influence

Define neuroticism.

high negative emotions

Research has found that borderline personality disorder is ore common among

hispanic americans

Compared to white american children, African American and hispanic american children similar levels of activity and attention problems are

less likely to be diagnosed or assessed for ADHD

"There's nothing out thee for me. I can't stand other people, and i can't stand myself, either. I'm just really mad right bow." Such a statement would most likely beamed by someone with which personality disorder?


What is the prevalence of schizoid? more common in which gender?

less than 1% men: unlikely to seek treatment

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which of the following symptoms would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which symptom would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision making

Childhood disorders for which there are no direct adult counterparts are:

elimination disorders.

Fransvestic Fetishism

liking to dress like the opposite sex for sexual pleasure -ex: having female underwear on is erotic

According to the DSM-5, a pattern diagnosed as a personality disorder must deviate substantially from the norms and expectations of the individual's culture. As a result

little multicultural research has been conducted

What treatment for dependent PD?

little research done -make sure client does not become dependent on therapist

Studies of the one use of cognitive-behavioral techniques in the treatment of autism spectrum disorder have shown that cognitive-behavioral techniques can produce:

long-term gains in school achievement and intelligence test performance

biological cause w/ delayed ejaculation

low testosterone, neurological disease, and head or spinal cord injury

Mild mental retardation is MOST common in which socioeconomic class?


mild mental retardation is most common in which socioeconomic class


The process of covert sensitization for fetishism involves:

mentally pairing a fetish object with an aversive stimulus

Fred has an IQ of 65 and cannot do school work. he lives on the streets by begging, is usually dirty, and is always hungry. he would probably be labeled

mentally retarded

augmentative communication system

method for enhancing communication skills of people with autism by teaching them to point to pictures, symbols, letters, or words on a communication board of computer. Can also be used to help with cerebral palsy.

biological factors appear not to be the most important causes of which level of mental retardation


What kind of substances alter moods, thought processing, or other psychological states?

psychoactive substances

What aspect of dialectical behavior therapy related to psychodynamic theory?

the emphasis on the patient-therapist relationship

A therapist states, "I seldom use drugs when I treat clients with borderline personality disorder." The therapist MOST likely says this because

the risk of suicide increases because using drugs may lead to overdose.

The term "sensate focus" refers to the technique in which:

the sexual relationship is rebuilt, conccentrating on pleasure

one reason that the personality disorders are difficult to treat is that the afflicted individuals

they are unaware they have a problem

What decreases in effect of substance occurring after chronic use, where a person needs more of a substance to get the same effect?


perhaps the biggest problem facing school administrators who try to deal with bullying is that

too much bullying to tell who is dangerous

Characteristics of AD behavior problems?

-Behavior is unpredictable. -Can be challenging for caregiver -Behaviors are not intentional and are difficult to control. -Often lead to placement in institutional settings

Lewy body dementia (LBD)

-Characterized by presence of Lewy bodies in brainstem and cortex Common cause of dementia Often unrecognized Symptoms of LBD- -Parkinsonism -Hallucinations -Short-term memory loss -Unpredictable cognitive shifts -Sleep disturbances

Delayed Ejaculation Disorder

-Disorder of Orgasm ~80% of males -related to performance anxiety and spectator role 1. Marker delay, infrequency, or absence of ejaculation during almost all occasions of sexual activity with a partner. Last 6+ months 2. Significant distress or impairment

Describe servere depression, and related to demetia?

-When the depression is severe, poor concentration and attention may result, causing memory and functional impairment. -When dementia and depression occur together (which may occur in up to 40% of patients with dementia), the intellectual deterioration can be extreme.

Characteristics of Cocaine

-euphoric rush of well-being and confidence -increase dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin -"freebasing" --> heated and inhaled -crack form of freebase- boiled down for smoking in a pipe; makes crackling sound as it is inhaled -depression like letdown ("crashing")

Erectile Disorder

-pre- DSM-5 "impotence"

Behavioral Therapy for CD/ODD

1. Problem Solving Skills Therapy (PSST) 2. Parent Management Training (PMT)

What is the OVERALL prevalence rate for PDs?


the percentage of the US population aged 65 and older today is


What is Relapse Prevention Training?

A cognitive-behavioral approach to treating alcohol use disorder in which clients are taught to keep track of their drinking behavior, apply coping strategies in situations that typically trigger excessive drinking, and plan ahead for risky situations and reactions.

What is a sedative or hypnotic drug?

A drug used in low doses to reduce anxiety and in higher doses to help people sleep. Also called anxiolytic drug (these include barbiturates and benzodiazepines.)

What is an enmeshed family pattern?

A family system in which members are overinvolved with each other's affairs and over-concerned about each other's welfare.

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease

A form of neurocognitive disorder caused by a slow-acting virus that may live in the body for years before the disease unfolds

SSRIs successfully treat paraphilias, MOST likely because of paraphilias' similarity to: A) compulsive-like disorders. B) sexual dysfunctions. C) depression. D) schizophrenia.

A) compulsive-like disorders.

Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the: A. anal stage B. genital stage C. phallic stage D. oral stage

A. anal stage

Like those with paranoid personality disorder, those with the avoidant personality disorder usually: A. are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships B. avoid close relationships C. are indifferent to criticism and seek out close relationships D. are very sensitive to criticism

A. are very sensitive to criticism and avoid close relationships

Behavioral- Systematic Desensitization (type of exposure therapy). Patient creates a hierarchy

After confessing to your therapist that you are horribly afraid of bees, he works with you to construct a hierarchy of stimuli that are increasingly fearful to you. Lowest in the hierarchy is reading the word buzz and the highest on the list is seeing a bee flying close to your face. Once the hierarchy is completed, he teaches how to feel relaxed to these stimuli, starting first with the stimuli to which you are least afraid.

Replacing a bad substance with something that mimics the same feeling without the harmful effects is known as what kind of treatment?

Agonist treatment.

Your elderly grandfather is deteriorating. At first he seemed only mildly forgetful, but lately he has had trouble recalling the names of close relatives and cannot remember where he is. He used to be very loving and patient, but now he is very unpleasant at odd moments. This condition is getting worse. He is probably experiencing:

Alzheimer's disease

an 80-year-old individual has been functioning normally, but now has an infection. however, over the course of a few days, the person shows increasing confusion, and consistently misinterprets what others are trying to communicate. the most probable diagnosis for this condition would be

Alzheimer's disease

the most frequent cause of irreversible dementia in the elderly is

Alzheimer's disease

your elderly grandfather is deteriorating. at first he seemed only mildly forgetful, but lately he has had trouble recalling the names of close relatives and cannot remember where he is. he used to be very loving and patient, but now he is irascible and very unpleasant at odd moments. this condition is getting worse. he is probably experiencing

Alzheimer's disease

if an elderly person was found to have dementia, your best guess about what was causing it would be

Alzheimer's/vascular disease

The most feared psychological problem among the elderly is:


Generalized Anxiety Disorder (anxiety disorders)

An anxiety disorder in which a person is continually tense, apprehensive, and in a state of autonomic nervous system arousal.

Panic Disorder (anxiety disorders)

An anxiety disorder marked by unpredictable minutes-long episodes of intense dread in which a person experiences terror and accompanying chest pain, choking ar other frightening situations.

Phobias (Specific) (anxiety disorders)

Are anxiety disorders in which an irrational fear causes the person to avoid some object, activity, or situation.

Behavioral Therapy Outcomes

Behavioral problems decrease in all cases Decreases from atoung 70% to 60% Fastest decrease in combined PSST+PMT (lowest in the end too) PSST (Problem Solving) - second quickest decrease PMT - takes a bit longer but same effect

Cognitive Behavioral

Behavioral: 1. Aversive classical conditioning 2. Covert sensitization therapy 3. Cue exposure and response prevention Cognitive: 1. Identify expectations for drug use 2. Challenge expectations 3. Anticipate problem situation and develop coping skills

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

Cluster A. Socially isolate and behave unusually. No hallucinations and delusions. Ideas of reference, social deficits and paranoia. Odd or bizarre. Magical thinking. Feel like someone is in the room. Small amount develop schizophrenia. Dress weirdly and express no emotions. Passive and hypersensitive.

avoidant personality disorder

Cluster C (anxious or fearful) personality disorder featuring a pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to criticism.

Avoidant Personality Disorder

Cluster C. Sensitive to the opinions of others and avoid relationships. low self esteem, fear rejection and causes them to be dependent on limited friends. Want to have friends but fear rejection.

The following are all examples of sociocultural causes of hypoactive sexual disorder EXCEPT: A) having a partner lacking in sexual skills. B) loss of a job. C) infertility problems. D) pain medication.

D) pain medication.

In the classic type of pedophilic disorder, those MOST at risk are: A) postpubescent boys. B) boys in early puberty. C) boys of any age. D) prepubescent boys.

D) prepubescent boys.

All of the following are examples of current trends in sex therapy EXCEPT: A) treating partners who are living together but not married. B) treating the elderly who have sexual dysfunctions. C) treating homosexual people with sexual dysfunctions. D) treating only those who do not have other serious psychological problems.

D) treating only those who do not have other serious psychological problems.

Which treatment approach seems to be of minimal effectiveness for those suffering from schizoid personality disorder? A. behavioral therapy B. group therapy C. cognitive therapy D. drug therapy

D. drug therapy

How/why are depression drugs used?

Depression often treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors -May help with sleep problems -Antiseizure drugs -Manage behavioral problems -Stabilize mood

What are psychomotor symptoms?

Disturbance in body movement. Catatonia: a pattern of extreme psychomotor symptoms found in some forms of schizophrenia which may include catatonic rigidity, catatonic stupor, or catatonic posturing. Remain in fixed state.

Paula has moderate intellectual developmental disorder, a small head and flat face, as well as a protruding tongue. Her condition is MOST likely:

Down syndrome

Paula was moderate intellectual developmental disorder, a small head and flat face, as well as a protruding tongue. Her condition is MOST likely:

Down syndrome

Dementia is due to treatable and non-treatable conditions, the two most common causes are?

Due to treatable and nontreatable conditions Two most common causes: 1.)Neurodegenerative conditions (AD) (60% to 80% of cases) 2.) Vascular disorders, also called multiinfarct dementia is a loss of cognitive function resulting from ischemic, ishemic hypoxic, or hemarrhagic brain lesions caused by CVD. Decreased blood supply to brain. VD can be caused by a single stroke (infarct) or by multiple strokes.

Warning signs of AD

Early recognition and treatment important Nurse should inform patients and family regarding early warning signs. (table 60-6) -Memory loss that affects job skills -Diff preforming fam tasks -Problems with language -Disorientation to time and place -Poor or decreased judgment, sweater in the summer -Problems with abstract thinking, basic calculations -Misplacing things, eating utensil in clothes drawer -Changes in mood/behavior -Changes in personality -Loss of iniative

Hypochondriasis (Illness anxiety disorder) (somatoform disorders)

Excessive anxiety and concern with having or getting a serious medical condition.

Major Clinical Depression Persistent depression; key is that it lasted longer than two weeks

Following the breakup of her engagement, Martha has become very despondent. She shows little interest in her job (which previously she found exciting) and often calls in sick. She spends a great deal of time alone in her room, sitting idly by the window or listening to the radio. When friends call to invite her out Martha usually refuses, pleading illness or fatigue. She complains that she feels continually tired, has to force herself to undertake such simple tasks as getting dressed or fixing a meal, and cannot concentrate enough to read a newspaper or magazine. Tears flow at the slightest provocation, and she admits that she feels worthless and inadequate. Her condition does not improve after several months have passed.

Gene and Environment

Genes may predispose to specific disorders or more generally to a resilient or vulnerable temperament Environment can enhance resiliency / worsen vulnerability

Substance-related disorders typically have what kind of risk factor which is commonly activated by drugs?

Genetic risk factor.


Genito-Pelvic Pain/Penetration Disorder of Sexual Pain -involuntary contractions of the muscles of the outer third of the vagine ~20% of women occasionally have pain during intercourse <1% of all women have vaginismus

What is another name for disorders of sexual pain?

Genito-pelvic pain/penetration

What is the role of stimulants to the CNS?

Increase the activity of the CNS. Increased blood pressure and heart rate, greater alertness, and sped-up behavior or thinking.

What is an hallucinogen?

It is a substance that causes powerful changes primarily in sensory perception, including strengthening perceptions and producing illusions and hallucinations. Also called psychedelic drug.

Borderline PD Causes

Linked to mood disorders. Biological and environmental. Sexual and physical abuse. Stronger in women because women are more likely to be abused. Similar to PTSD because difficulties in regulation of mood, impulse control and interpersonal relationships. PTSD focuses on victimization. Rapid culture change.

Affective flattening

Little expressed emotion (negative symptom)

Are we overmedicating children?

Long-term safety and effectiveness of drugs still to be fully determined At the same time, they do provide symptom reduction

in response to a recommendation by the american psychiatric association, current federal practice is most like the

M'Naughtear test

What are the symptoms for Substance Use/Addictive Disorders?

MUST HAVE: -Maladaptive pattern of substance use leading to significant impairment or distress. - > or equal to 2 of these symptoms within 1 year: 1. Taken in larger amounts over longer period than expected (pain meds) 2. Desire/failed attempt to control us 3. Cravings 4. Fail to fulfill major role obligations, such as work, school, home 5. Significant time spent to obtain/use/recover (driving 2 hours) 6. Use despite physical/psychological problems 7. Cessation/reduction of other life activities 8. Recurrent use in situations where use poses physical hazard 9. Use despite awareness that use is causing problems 10. Tolerance 11. Withdrawal: neg. effects when lower dosage/stop using

In the United States, most teenagers have cell phones with text capability. Which of the following MOST accurately describes adult cell phone usage?

Most have cell phones, and most of them text.

Which of the following statements regarding the treatment of paranoid personality disorder is MOST accurate?

Most therapies are of limited effectiveness and progress slowly.

Diagnostic Label: Panic Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Antianxiety Medication, Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy

My breathing starts getting very shallow. I feel I'm going to stop breathing. The air feels like it gets thinner. I feel the air is not coming up through my nose. I take short rapid breaths. Then I see an image of myself gasping for air and remember what happened in the hospital. I think that I will start grasping. I get very dizzy and disoriented. I cannot sit or stand still. I start pacing. Then I start shaking and sweating. If feel I'm losing my mind and I will flip out and hurt myself or someone else. My heart starts beating fast and I start getting pains in my chest. My chest tightens up. I become very frightened. I get afraid that these feelings will not go away. Then I get really upset. If feel no one will be able to help me. I get very frightened I will die. I want to run to some place safe but I don't know where. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

the client is making practically no progress in therapy, and expresses several symptoms similar to those of someone with bipolar disorder. the client has been diagnosed with a personality disorder, most likely the disorder is


Is the lack of orgasm during intercourse abnormal for female?

No, its not abnormal it is normal it a women doesn't have an orgasm during sexual activity

A friend of yours says, "A 15-year-old high school student accused of shooting several classmates received a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder." Your accurate reply would be:

No, the student is too young for that diagnosis

Only 23 percent of adults report openly expressing their anger. Should they?

No. Ironically, venting appears to make people angrier.

A client is searching for the BEST treatment for borderline personality disorder. Will drug treatment be effective if it is the only intervention the client receives?

No; they should be used along with psychotherapy, if used at all


Non-DSM category similar to antisocial personality disorder but with less emphasis on overt behavior; indicators include superficial charm, lack of remorse, and other personality characteristics.

Parent Management Training (PMT)

Parent Management Training (PMT) Parents learn to identify, define, and observe problem behaviors from a behavioral perspective Taught to use positive reinforcement, prompting, shaping, mild punishment, negotiation, and contingency contracting Techniques modeled by therapist and practiced by parent in session

Describe brain plaques in AD?

People develop some plaques in their brain tissue. In AD plaque is greater in certain parts. Clusters of insoluble plaque β-amyloid, other proteins, remnants of neurons, non-nerve cells, and other cells

Range of Functioning

Some individuals do poorly in tests of intelligence; others do very well Some individuals become independent adults; others do not

Stages of Alzheimer's (7)

Stage 1: no impairment Stage 2: very mild cognitive impairment Forgetfulness + Misplace every day objects + Can't find names Stage 3: mild cognitive decline noticed by family + Can't remember new names or info + Decline in ability to plan or organize + Loss of valuable objects + Trouble recalling words or names Stage 4: mild cognitive decline + Decrease knowledge of recent events + Impaired ability to do math + Decline in ability to perform complex tasks (e.g., pay bills) + Reduced memory of personal history + May become subdued or withdrawn Stage 5: moderately severe cognitive decline + Can't recall own address or phone number + Confused about where s/he is, what day of the week it is + Need help choosing proper clothing + Still recognize close other and retain substantial information about the self + Usually require no help eating or in the toilet Stage 6: severe cognitive decline + Unaware of recent experiences, surroundings + Occasionally forget names of spouses but can distinguish familiar from unfamiliar + Disruption of sleep / wake cycle + Significant personality changes, hallucinations + Wander and become lost Stage 7: very severe cognitive decline + Lose capacity for speech + Need help eating or in the toilet + Lose ability to walk / sit w/o assistance + Can't smile or hold head up + Swallowing is impaired

Autism Spectrum Statistics

Steady increase in prevalence + 1 in 600 children and perhaps as many as 1 in 150 + No reliable diagnosis until age 3 + YET, treatment can be very effective if begun early enough

Elimination disorders are diagnosed when which of the following criteria has been met?

The children have reached an age at which they are expected to control their bodily functions

What are Gender-Sensitive Programs?

Therapies that realize men and women need different treatments.

According to DSM-5, a personality disorder must "deviate markedly from the expectations of a person's culture." This implies that different cultures may not see some behaviors as symptoms of personality disorders. What does the research in this area show?

There has been little multicultural research done, but some research shows differing cultural expectations.

Developmental Disorders

These Disorders are diagnosed first in childhood, including ADHD, learning disorders, autism, and retardation

Psychosocial Factors

These are are seen as a contributor to ADHD, where constant negative feedback from peers and adults contributed to negative views, peer rejection, and social isolation -- low self-esteem

Cognitive Disorders

This category of disorders affects the learning, memory, and consciousness of the individual, with profound changes in behavior and personality


This cognitive disorder shows a marked, gradual deterioration of brain functioning, reasoning, and judgement


This disorder runs in families, with the DRD4, DAT1, and DRD5 genes showing implications

Schizophreniform Disorder

This disorder shows Schizophrenic symptoms for a few months, associated with good premorbid functioning

Shared Psychotic Disorder

This disorder shows delusions from one person manifesting in another person (little else is known)

Delusional Disorder

This disorder shows delusions that are contrary to reality, which lacks both positive and negative symptoms

Brief Psychotic Disorder

This disorder shows one or more positive symptoms of schizophrenia, usually precipitated by extreme stress or trauma

Schizoaffective Disorder

This disorder shows symptoms of schizophrenia and a mood disorder, where both disorders are independent of one another

Disorganized Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows marked disruptions in speech and behavior, flat or inappropriate affect, where hallucinations/delusions tend to be fragmented

Outcomes of Boys with CD at Age 21

Those with CD: 1. Crime (1.0) 2. Violence (0.8) 3. Jail (0.63) 4. Alcohol Dependence (0.62) 5. Unemployment (0.62) 6. Welfare (0.4) 7. Physical Abuse Perpetrator (0.15)

Which statement BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murders to act or how to treat them.

oppositional defiant disorder

a childhood disorder in which children are repeatedly argumentative and defiant, angry and irritable, and in some cases vindictive. More common in boys than girls (equal after puberty though). Might develop into conduct disorder.

conduct disorder

a childhood disorder in which the child repeatedly violates the basic rights of others and displays aggression, characterized by symptoms such as physical cruelty to people or animals, the deliberate destruction of other people's property, and the commission of various crimes.

problem-solving skills training

a cognitive-behavioral intervention for children with conduct disorder; therapists use modeling, practice, role-playing, and systematic rewards to help teach children constructive thinking and positive social behaviors

An elderly person who believes falsely that others are conspiring against her, cheating her, or spying on her and who behaves in angry, irritable, and depressed ways is exhibiting:

a delusional disorder

autism spectrum disorder

a developmental disorder marked by extreme unresponsiveness to others, severe communication deficits, and highly repetitive and rigid behaviors, interests, and activities

"let;s try to figure out where clients fall on several key personality traits, rather than using a dichotomous classification system." someone saying this would MOST likely favor which approach to classifying personality disorder?

a dimensional approach

conduct disorder

a disorder in which a child repeatedly violates the basic rights of others and displays significant aggression; some children with this disorder are later diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder (as adults)

"Will that program really help? I keep hearing bad things about how kids act once they leave." Based on research, the person who said this would be MOST accurate if she or he were expressing reservations about:

a juvenile training center

profound ID

a level of intellectual disability (IQ below 20) at which people need a very structured environment with close supervision

severe ID

a level of intellectual disability (IQ between 20 and 34) at which people require careful supervision and can learn to perform basic work in structured and sheltered settings

moderate ID

a level of intellectual disability (IQ between 35 and 49) at which people can learn to care for themselves and can benefit from vocational training

phenylketonuria (PKU)

a metabolic disorder leading to intellectual disability (if untreated) caused by recessive genes; afflicted individuals are born normal but cannot break down the amino acid phenylalanine, resulting in eventual poisoning if not placed on a diet that avoids phenylalanine

augmentative communication systems

a method for enhancing the communication skills of people with autism spectrum disorder, intellectual disability, or cerebral palsy by teaching them to point to pictures, symbols, letters, or words on a communication board or computer


a mixture of buds, crushed leaves, and flowering tops of hemp plant

autism spectrum disorder

a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by extreme unresponsiveness to others, severe communication deficits, and highly repetitive and rigid behaviors, interests, and activities. Lack of responsiveness and social reciprocity. Improper eye contact. Exhibit echolalia and prenominal reversal. Preservation of sameness. Do self-stimulatory behaviors.

relational aggression

a pattern of aggression found in certain cases of conduct disorder; individual primarily engages in misdeeds such as slandering others, spreading rumors, and manipulating friendships

A child has autism spectrum disorder and does not like much variation in his life. He puts his toys on a shelf in a particular order and throws a tantrum if his mother moves any of them. Any one of several trivial changes in his daily routine can set him off. This is an example of:

a perseveration of sameness.

Define schizotypal PD.

a pervasive pattern of interpersonal and social deficits marked by acute discomfort with close relationships as well as cognitive distortions and eccentric behavior

sheltered workshop

a protected and supervised workplace that offers job opportunities and training at a pace and level tailored to people with various psychological disabilities


a sexually-transmitted infection; if untreated in pregnant mothers, it may lead to childhood problems and intellectual disability in the unborn child

the fact that Alzheimer's disease resembles Creutzfeldt-Jacob disease suggests that Alzheimer's may be caused by

a slow acting virus

treatment foster care

a sociocultural approach to help children with conduct disorder; children are assigned to a foster home in the community and, while there, children, foster parents, and birth parents receive training and treatment

state school

a state-supported institution for people with intellectual disability; a typical approach to care prior to the 1960s & 70s


a stimulant drug, known better by the trade name Ritalin, commonly used to treat ADHD

According to one psychological view of autism, the awareness that other people base their behaviors on their own belief, and not on information they have no way of knowing, is NOT present in children with autism spectrum disorder. This inability is called:

a theory of mind

A person who is biologically male but considers himself a woman, and would like to live as a woman, is:

a transgender

play therapy

a treatment approach that helps children express their conflicts and feelings indirectly by drawing, playing with toys, and making up stories

The fact that Alzheimer's disease resembles Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease suggests that Alzheimer's may be caused by:

a virus

triple jeopardy, as an issue affecting the mental health of the elderly, refers to

a woman who is elderly and part of a minority

Compared to younger people, those over 65 are:

about as likely to experience depression if not living in a nursing home, and more likely to experience depression if living in a nursing home

imagine that you are a therapist working on the US-mexican border but don't speak spanish. what is proper ethical behavior for you

acknowledge limitations and seek further treatmetn

thanks to recent court emphases, mental patients who are hospitalized are guaranteed the right to

adequate treatment and periodical case reviews

the wyatt v. stickney decision forced state hospitals to provide

adequate treatment to those who were committed involuntarily

defendants who are actively hallucinating and experiencing delusions during the time of their trials are most likely to be

admitted for treatment until they are competent to stand trial

The symptoms of personality disorders typically become recognizable in:

adolescence or early adulthood

What depressant can be moderate or heavy in use, has withdrawal symptoms that include headaches, fatigue, sweating, body tremors, and mood changes, and could lead to poisoning?


Maurice has decided to talk to his physician about the fact that he often achieves orgasm after very minimal stimulation. He reports that this is affecting his marriage, as his wife (though loving and supportive) is getting terribly frustrated about the duration of their sexual encounters. Maurice's doctor decides to take a two-pronged approach to treating Maurice's difficulties with rapid ejaculation: First, he provides Maurice with several referrals to experts in sex therapy, and second, he gives Maurice a prescription for _____, which has been shown to help with the treatment of this frustrating issue.

an SSRI type of antidepressant


an area of the brain that coordinates movement in the body and perhaps helps control a person's ability to shift attention rapidly

theory of mind

an awareness that other people base their behaviors on their own beliefs, intention, and other mental states, not on information that they have no way of knowing. Failure to develop this may be a psychological cause of autism.

theory of mind

an awareness that other people base their behaviors on their own beliefs, intentions, and other mental states, not on information that they have no way of knowing

parent management training

an family intervention to treating behavior disorders among school-age children wherein 1.) parents are taught more effective ways to deal with their children and 2.) parents and children meet together in behavior-oriented family therapy

Erik has struggled with issues of his own sexual orientation and identity for years. As an adolescent, he felt that he was probably gay, because he was only sexually attracted to other boys. As he grew older, however, he realized that he felt that he should have been a woman, and he was only attracted to heterosexual men. Given this very complicated sexual issue, Erik would MOST likely be diagnosed with male-to-female gender dysphoria: _____ type.


the class of drugs most often used to treat anxiety disorders in the elderly is


Which of the following is NOT an important part of dialectical behavior therapy?

antipsychotic drugs

People with which type of personality disorder are sometimes described as "psychopaths" or "sociopaths"?


what is the relationship between age and anxiety in the elderly

as age increases, rate of anxiety disorders increase

Which of the following would a phrenologist MOST likely have done?

assessed personality by feeling for bumps and indentations on the head

Elena can't seem to establish social ties because she is afraid of being embarrassed or appearing foolish. She is easily hurt by criticism and is not willing to go into unfamiliar situations. She may be experiencing:

avoidant personality disorder

Group therapy is a good option for those with dependent personality disorder; they'll be able to observe others' coping skills, and model them." This statement would MOST likely be made by a therapist having which of the following theoretical perspectives?


a child who is severely criticized for acting independently, and who is praised for doing exactly what parents say to do, later develops dependent personality disorder. the therapist who would be least surprised by this outcome would have which theoretical orientation


a client being treated for schizotypal personality disorder must show up for therapy appointments on time, dress appropriately, and complete some social skills training. most likely the theoretical orientation of the therapist is


the technique that is often used to teach individuals with mental retardation is


The fact that children may learn antisocial behavior by modeling parental conflict and aggressiveness provides support for:

behavioral theory

The fat that children may learn antisocial behavior by modeling parental conflict and aggressiveness provides support for:

behavioral theory

Possible causes of sex disorders

biological psychological (preconceived notion of what a female should look like; sexual abuse, reason why yo are not getting excited) sociocultural (huge- especially dependent on where you live in the world and in US; double standards)

Unlike vaginismus, dyspareunia is MOST often caused by:

biological issues such as injury

There is a new game called "Moods" where one acts out the mood listed on a card. Being encouraged to play this game is most like the treatment ___________ might use for those with schizoid disorders.

cognitive therapists

What type of therapist believes that people with sexual sadism disorder inflict pain in order to achieve a sense of power and control?

cognitive therapists

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; female orgasmic disorders

cognitive-behavioral techniques, self-exploration, enchancement of body awareness, and directed masturbation training

Most effective treatment for ADHD

combination therapy 579 children with ADHA - 8yo 14 months treatment Four conditions: 1. Routine community care (control) - 25% improved 2. Behavioral therapy only -35% improved 3. Stimulants only -55% improved 4. Behavior therapy + stimulants -70% improved

according to recent research, if a person living in the US is distrustful of both local TV news and the government, that type of person is


According to current research, if a person living in the United States is distrustful of both lawyers and congressional members, that type of person is:

common: most people in the United States distrust both lawyers and congressional members.

According to current research, if a person living in the United States is distrustful of both lawyers and congressional members, tat type of person is:

common; most people in the United States distrust both lawyers and congressional members

It is common for a person with a personality disorder to also suffer from another disorder, a relationship called:


Bertie is extremely aggressive. she is always fighting with her peers and is frequently very cruel to them. she never tells the truth when a lie will do. her most likely diagnosis is

conduct disorder

a child has repeatedly engaged in shoplifting and in hitting neighborhood pets with rocks. the child frequently is aggressive, and has engaged in an increasing number of fights. the most reasonable diagnosis for this child is

conduct disorder

who makes the final decision as to whether or not a person may be tried by the judicial system


a person who had a serious mental illness and was in need of treatment could, nevertheless, not be civilly committed unless that person was also

dangerous to themselves or others

a client suffers from severe problems in remembering recent information, and has increasing difficulty using ordinary language and other cognitive skills. the resulting diagnosis probably will be

declarative memory problems

those who begin unhealthy drinking patterns later in life typically begin as a response to

declining health or financial status

Biologically speaking, if one wanted to treat antisocial personality disorder, one would want to ______ the individual with the disorder.

decrease the anxiety level of

a biological cause implicated in borderline personality disorder is

decreased serotonin

As people age, the incidence of alcohol abuse and other forms of substance abuse:


according to our legal system, what is necessary for a person to be punished for a crime

defendants must be responsible for a crime and capable of defending themselves

If an individual has damage to the prefrontal cortex, which of the following symptoms would MOST likely be observed?

deficits in planning, self-control, and decision making

at the end of the year the criteria for remaining in the state school changed, and Henry was simply released into the community. this is an example of


An 80-year-old hospitalized individual is recovering from surgery, but now has gotten an infection. Over the course of a few days, the person shows increasing confusion, and consistently misinterprets what others are trying to communicate. The MOST probable diagnosis for this condition would be:


a clouding of consciousness that develops over a short period of time and can often be reversed if its underlying cause can be found is called


among the elderly, psychotic cognitive symptoms are usually due to


an elderly person who believes falsely that others are conspiring against her, cheating, or spying on her and behaves in angry, irritable and depressed ways is exhibiting

delusional disorder

an elderly person who develops false beliefs that are not bizarre is most likely suffering from

delusional disorder

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease is most similar to


What is the human sexual response cycle?

desire phase arousal stage plateau stage orgasm phase resolution stage

sexual response can be described as a cycle w/ four phases

desire, excitement, orgasm, resolution -no dysfunction in resolution

someone with difficulty transforming short-term memory into long-term memory is most likely to have problems in the


you would suspect a problem in the _____ for someone experiencing difficulty with transforming information from short-term memory to long-term memory


"let's try to figure out where clients fall on several key personality traits, rather than using a dichotomous classification system." someone saying this would most likely favor which approach to classifying personality disorders?

dimensional approach

DSM-5 has been described as functioning like a light switch, which can be "on" or "off." In other words, one either does or does not qualify for a personality disorder diagnosis. Some theorists suggest that degree of symptoms, not symptom absence or presence, is more important and simliar to a:

dimmer switch, with the light adjustable from all the way off to all the way on

Alzheimer's is a brain _____ while stroke is a brain ______


Alzheimer's is a brain ______ while stroke is a brain ______.

disease; injury

intelligence test results should not be the only things used to determine mental retardation, because intelligence test scores

display general intellectual functioning

Characteristics of the Virginia Tech shooter reveal that he:

displayed a combination of features from many personality disorders

Characteristics of the Virginia Tech shooter reveal that he:

displayed a combination of features from many personality disorders.

recent research suggests that the most effective ways to treat ADHD are

drugs and behavioral therapy

disorders of excitement in men

erection of the penis

what is gender dysphoria

feel like they have been assigned to the wrong biological sex

if you become a therapist and are like the majority of therapists, you will

feel threatened by patient and experience emotional distress

Which is MOST characteristic of mass murderers?

feelings of persecution and desire for revenge

A woman reports having vivd sexual fantasies, yet is unable to experience either clitoral or labial swelling or vaginal lubrication. The MOST likely diagnosis for this woman would be:

female sexual interest/arousal disorder

The campus "bra bandit" steals women's underwear from the campus laundry and then masturbates with the stolen undergarments back in his room. The MOST accurate diagnosis for this person would be _____ disorder.


"Beattitudes," a facility that offers long-term inpatient care for individuals with Alzheimer's disease, provides controls for patients by:

focusing on individualized care, such as allowing occasional access to alcohol or chocolate

the APA code of ethics states that sexual relationships between a psychologist and client are


if someone was interested in pursuing a career in a field that combined mental health and the legal and judicial systems, you should direct that person toward

forensic psychology

Robert has an unusual sexual interest. He gets tremendous sexual satisfaction out of putting himself in crowded situations (elevators, subways, public buses) and rubbing his genitals against unsuspecting strangers. Robert might BEST be diagnosed as suffering from:

frotteuristic disorder

A person feels most comfortable wearing clothes preferred by opposite gender, strongly wishes to be opposite gender, and is considering a surgical procedure. The MOST likely diagnosis for this person is:

gender dysphoria

"Relational aggression" is a term used to describe a pattern of aggression MOST common among:

girls diagnosed with conduct disorder

"relational aggression" is a term used to describe a pattern of aggression most common among

girls diagnosed with conduct disorders

neurodevelopmental disorders

group of disabilities including ADHD, autism spectrum disorder, and intellectual disability. Problem in functioning of the brain that emerge during birth or during very early childhood and affect a person's behavior, memory, concentration, and/or ability to learn.

if a mentally ill person committed murder, was convicted and sent to prison, but was also given treatment while in prison, that person probably lived in a state that had a ____ option

guilty but mentally ill

imagine that you are an attorney and that your client has been sentenced to prison with the proviso that he or she will also receive psychological treatment. your client has received a verdict known as

guilty but mentally ill

if a mentally ill person committed murder, but was convicted of committing manslaughter, that person probably lived in a state that had a ____ option

guilty with diminished capacity

older individuals with Alzheimer's disease differ from older individuals without Alzheimer's disease in that they

have an extra number of neurofibrillary tangles

Low dosages of Sedative-Hypnotic drugs ....

have calming and sedative effects

people with amnestic disorders

have often had an injury of some sort

Individuals with Down syndrome:

have the same range of personality characteristics as do those in the general population without Down syndrome

To date, research shows that anxiety among the elderly is related to:


to date, research shows that anxiety among the elderly is related to


studies of the "oldest old" show that compared to those in their 80s and early 90s, the oldest old ar e

healthier, clearer minded and agile

Greg suffers from _____ type pedophilia. On his computer, he keeps photographs only of early pubescent girls.


Biological Therapy treatments

help people withdraw from substances, abstain from them, maintain level of use without further increasing -helpful when combined with other approaches -detoxification, antagonist drugs, drug maintenance therapy

Quentin is 25, has an IQ of 60, and never did well at schoolwork. However, he now lives on his own, has a job, and is able to perform the routine chores of life. He would not be considered to have intellectual developmental disorder because:

his daily functioning is adequate

when the seat belt light in DiDi's car stays on for a few seconds, she bursts into tears. she always craves attention and reacts to even the smallest event with an elaborate show of emotion. she probably could receive diagnosis of

histrionic personality disorder

A belief that the news anchor on CNN is giving one important messages about one's behavior reflects:

ideas of reference

a belief that the news anchor on CNN is giving one important message about one's behavior reflects

ideas of reference

A belief by someone that the CNN anchor is talking about an event pertaining to that individual in a personal way may reflect:

ideas of reference.

if you were interested in securing a civil commitment for someone you cared about, you would have to show clearly that the person

in need of treatment and dangerous to themselves or others


inability to remember places or name objects

Cocaine-Induced Psychotic Disorder

includes hallucinations and delusions

Nonmedical use of prescription drugs by 18-25yos

increasing every year Any - 25% Vicodin, Lorcet, Hydrocodone -around 17% Perocet, Perocodan, Tylox, Oxycodone - 10% or less OxyContin - 5%

All of the following have been used as cognitive techniques for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease EXCEPT:

increasing the capacity of short-term memory by memorizing strings of random numbers

Cognitive therapy for avoidant personality disorder focuses on:

increasing the client's tolerance of emotional discomfort and building up his or her self-image

in the workplace, psychological problems are estimated to contribute most to

industrial accidents

People with avoidant personality disorder have difficulty ___________ relationships, while people with dependent personality disorder have difficulty ______________ relationships.

initiating ; ending

People with avoidant personality disorder have difficulty _____ relationships, while people with dependent personality disorder have difficulty _____ relationships.

initiating; ending

Define extraversion

interest in interacting with other people, high positive emotions

a 16-year-old has just been arrested for the third time for shoplifting. he would most likely be labeled a(n)

juvenile delinquents

the frequent failure to resist the impulse to steal is called


the case of John Nash, Nobel prize winner and schizophrenic, illustrates _______, which is often found in the elderly who have been schizophrenic

late life improvement

In poor inner-city neighborhoods, children sometimes eat paint that is flaking off walls. This can sometimes lead to intellectual developmental disorder due of:

lead poisoning

the most consistent and important difference between retarded and non-retarded people is that a retarded person

learns slower

If instruments such as the "Big Five" are used to describe personality, rather than relying on DSM-5, then diagnoses of psychological disorder would become

less categorical and more a matter of degree

Cocaine intoxication

mania, paranoia, impaired judgment

in recent years, public advocates for those with mental disorders have turned their attention to the rights of ____ to receive treatment

mental patients in community

Isabelle was born into a very poor family. her mother and father were barely able to sustain themselves. they had below-average IQs. Isabelle's nutrition and health care were never very good. she is at risk for

mild mental retardation

An individual with Alzheimer's disease is able to function independently. The MOST appropriate label for this person's condition is:

mild neurocognitive disorder

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; desire

most difficult to treat because of many issues that feed into them, affectual awareness, self-instruction training, behavioral techniques, insight-oriented exercises, and biological interventions such as hormone treatments

a little girl has been discovered to be the victim of sexual abuse. when she becomes an adult, the probability that she will be diagnosed with borderline personality disorder is

much higher

The "flower children" of the 1960s and 1970s have sometimes been called the "me" generation, reflecting the supposed self-centered indvidualism of the time. If this is true, a sociocultural theorist would predict a larger than usual percentage of which kind of personality disorder among the aging "me" generation?


The personality disorder that is characterized by the need for undying love and admiration is:


Ty is fairly handsome button as handsome as he thinks he is. He doesn't care about anyone but himself and is sure the everyone around him feels the same way. He is MOST likely experiencing

narcissistic personality disorder

although lying, even compulsive lying, is not considered a psychological disorder, it is sometimes a characteristic of people with

narcissistic personality disorder

the personality disorder that is characterized as undying love and admiration for oneself is

narcissistic personality disorder

A client is initially very resistant to therapy, cannot acknowledge weaknesses, and ignores feedback. MOST likely, the client is experiencing:

narcissistic personality disorder, and will not make much progress in therapy

"I am the greatest!" a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Had he in fact acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the most appropriate diagnosis would be:

narcissistic personality disorder.

What are the four cluster B disorders?

narcissistic, antisocial, histrionic, borderline

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders are

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism.

Samuel, who is over 65, reports taking six prescription drugs, in addition to regularly taking two over-the-counter drugs. Among the elderly, Samuel is:

normal; the average elderly individual takes about this amount of drugs

Glenda is in a facility for the mentally retarded. she gets up in her apartment, dresses, and goes to the dining room, where she orders breakfast off a menu. she goes to work in a sheltered workshop. at the end of the day she goes home to her apartment and cleans up for dinner. this arrangement is part of

normalization process

One similarity of those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they tend:

not to have close ties to others

One similarity of those experiencing paranoid personality disorder and those experiencing schizoid personality disorder is that they tend:

not to have close ties to the other

Assume a nursing home director is trying to decide whether to use antipsychotic drugs for treating symptoms of Alzheimer's disease. Research shows that the director generally should:

not use antipsychotic drugs; they don't work any better than placebos do

disorders of desire; biological causes

number of hormones interact to produce sexual desire and behavior, abnormalities in activity can lower sex drive, hormones include prolactin, testosterone, and estrogen for both sexes,

The term "double jeopardy" describes people who may develop psychological problems because of being:

old and members of an ethnic minority

Which one of the following people would MOST correctly be diagnosed with intellectual developmental disorder?

one with an IQ of 69 having problems coping with life

A child is openly hostile toward her parents. She argues with them constantly and will not do anything they say. They cannot control her. The diagnosis she is MOST likely to receive is:

oppositional defiant disorder

Lisa Mosconi and her associates administered PET scans to research participants to measure activity int he hippocampus. They found that participants with low hippocampus activity were more likely to develop neurocognitive disorders later in life. How accurate were their predictions?

over 70 percent accurate for mild neurocognitive impairment, and over 80 percent accurate for major neurocognitive impairment

Studies of those diagnosed with borderline personality disorder show that:

over half attempted suicide at least once in their lives, and about 10 percent succeed

How are cluster B PDs characterized?

overly dramatic, flamboyant, emotional, and or erratic behavior

"That kid is pleasant enough, but will lie about practically anything, even things that don't seem to matter much." This behavior MOST closely fits which pattern of conduct disorder?


Which type of personality disorder is NOT categorized within the "anxious" cluster?


in effect, parents learn to do behavior therapy with their children diagnosed with conduct disorder-- targeting and rewarding desired behaviors, for instance-- in an intervention called

parent management training

A social explanation for substance abuse could be ______________ and _________ models that a person looks up to or follows

parental, peer

the term "double jeopardy" describes people who may develop psychological problems because they are

part of a minority group and are old

Passive aggressive personality disorder

passive aggression in which people adopt a negative attitude to resist routine demands and expectations expansion of passive aggressive personality disorder and may be a subtype of narcissistic personality disorder

if a patient is assigned to a community mental health center inpatient facility instead of a mental hospital, the decision makers are applying the principle of

patients should receive treatment from the least restrictive facility available


pattern of behavior in conduct disorder wherein children display openly offensive but nonconfrontational behaviors (such as lying)


pattern of behavior in conduct disorder wherein children secretly commit non-aggressive behaviors, such as being truant from school

Individuals with autism spectrum disorder may react with tantrums if an object is moved to a different part of the room. This is known as:

perserveration of sameness

what is a lifelong type

person has always had it, doesn't know anything else, never not had a problem w/ it

what must be true before a person may be tried for a crime and potentially found guilty

person must have been able to distinguish right from wrong at the time of the crime

The enduring pattern of inner thoughts and emotions along with outward behavior that is unique to each individual is termed:


the enduring pattern of inner experiences behavior that is unique to each individual is termed


The authors of DSM-5 have designed their own dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders for possible inclusion in future revisions of the DSM. The idea is that individuals whose traits significantly impair their functioning should receive a diagnosis of:

personality disorder trait specified.

Define schizoid PD.

pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships and a restricted range of expression of emotions in an interpersonal setting

Define histrionic PD

pervasive pattern of excessive emotionality and attention seeking.

defendants who were acting irrationally and in disordered ways when they allegedly committed the crimes are most likely to

plead not guilty by reason of insanity

The categorical approach to personality disorders assumes that:

problematic personality traits are either present or absent

sexual dysfunctions

problems with sexual responses ~31% of men ; ~43% of women -very distressing, lead to sexual frustration, guilt, loss of self-esteem and interpersonal problems

child-initiated interactions

program in which teachers try to identify intrinsic reinforcers rather than trivial ones like food or candy. They are first encouraged to choose items they are interested in and then learn to initiate questions in order to obtain items.

what is orgasmic reorientation

replacing w/ something else they like

A person who does poorly on a task called backward masking is MOST likely to be experiencing:

schizotypal personality disorder.

A similarity among children with separation anxiety and those with school refusal is that they both fear going to school and often stay home. The difference in the symptoms of these diagnoses is that:

school refusal often involves fear of others at school, academic fear, and separation anxiety

Sphere-shaped deposits of a small molecule in spaces between neurons in the hippocampus in individuals with Alzheimer's disease are called:

senile plaques

if you encountered someone convicted of a violent criminal offense, you could legitimately also expect to find that the person

substance abuse

Physicians may prescribe the hormone _____ to female gender dysphoria patients in order to cause them to appear more male.


one of the most frequent reasons for the institutionalization of Alzheimer's patients is

the caregivers can't keep them home

Currently, the "Big-Five" approach to personality disorders is:

the recipient of recognition, with a great amount of research being done on it

according to one psychological view of autism, the inability to take another's perspective is not developed in autistic children. this ability is called

therapy of mind

which of the answers would complete the following sentence to support the idea that alcohol use and antisocial personality disorder are related because of their "risk taking" aspects. drug users with personality personality disorders often say they use drugs for

thrill, excitement, arousal; sensation seeking behavior to increase arousal

what are clinicians administering SSRI's for

to reduce the compulsion-like sexual behaviors

behavioral and cognitive theorists propose that people who develop narcissistic personality disorder may have been treated

too positively

Behavioral and cognitive theorist propose that people who develop narcissistic personality disorder may have been treated

too positively in early life

A man who is biologically male but considers himself a woman and would like to live as a woman is


the best evidence we have to date suggests that Alzheimer's is transmitted genetically in families that

transmit mutations

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; erectile

treatments for ED on reducing a man's performance anxiety and/or increasing his stimulation, may include sensate-focus exercises such as the "tease technique", biological approaches gained great momentum w/ development of sidenafil (Viagra), gels, suppositories, penile injections, and vauum erection device (VED) "second-line treatment"

bertha pulls her hair out of a spot on the top of her head. she appears to be bald there. this is a symptom of an impulse control disorder called


an infant is diagnosed with a biological disorder. as the infant ages, its physical and mental conditions deteriorate steadily so that the infant loses vision and motor control, and at the age of 3, the child dies. most likely, the child was suffering from

trisomi 21

most diagnosed cases of Down syndrome are of the ______ type

trisomi 21

what are neurofibrillary tangles

twisted protein fibers in brain

Dialectical behavior therapy emphasizes all of the following EXCEPT:

use of antipsychotic medications in an outpatient setting.

what is situational type

usually doesn't happen but in certain situations it does

what is sexual sadism disorder

usually male, repeatedly and intensly aroused by the physical or psychological suffering of another individual-like creating pain on others, classical conditioning and/or modeling

MMR vaccine

vaccine for measles, mumps, and rubella that might produce autistic symptoms in some children.

In controlled studies, nursing home patients given placebos instead of antipsychotic drugs often showed substantial improvement. MOST likely, this is because those receiving placebos:

were responding positively to the attention and extra care they received in the study

psychologists are ethically bound to keep material about their patients confidential except

when a client is thought to be a danger to another person

the current code of ethics declares that therapist should break confidentiality even without the client's consent

when the client or another person is threatened

currently in the US, patients who are criminally committed to a mental hospital can be released

when they are judged to no longer be insane

Cluster A

DSM-IV-TR Personality Cluster characterized by odd or eccentric behavior

Huntington's Disease

This form of dementia is a genetic autosomal dominant disorder characterized by typical symptoms

self-help and communication skills of the mentally retarded are improved most often by the use of

behavioral techniques

Define narcissistic PD

pervasive pattern of grandiosity, need for admiration, and lack of empathy

Cognitive disorder examples

1. Learning disorders 2. Motor skill disorders 3. Communication disorders 4. Mental retardation

For binge drinking, women intake how many drinks during an episode?

4 or more drinks

one speech problem displayed by many autistic children is that they repeat everything said to them. this is called


Define borderline PD.

pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self-image, and affect, and marked impulsivity

The procedure of constructing a functioning penis in a sex-change operation is called:


Hanna could not metabolize phenylalanine properly when she was born. she is displaying


For which of the following anxiety disorders would you expect the childhood pattern to be MOST similar to the adult pattern?


What is known as the state of adaption that occurs after chronic exposure to a substance?

physiological dependence

frequently, when a serial killer comes to trial, he or she makes the insanity plea. what usually happens

plea is usually overlooked

according to psychodynamic theorists, an important factor in the development of avoidant personality disorder is

shame in childhood

the criteria for the diagnosis of dementia include

significant memory loss as well as cognitive losses and abstract thinking language

Why is psychopathy unable to diagnose using DSM?

similar to antisocial but -more severe, more chronic, more agressive

Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs

-cause relaxation and drowsiness -include Barbiturates, and Benzodiazepines

Nuerocognitive disorder

Decline in cognitive functioning, language, memory loss, planning, decision making, personality changes More severe than delirium

"I'm no fool, no sirree! I'm gonna live to be 103..." sang the Disney character Jiminy Cricket decades ago. If Jiminy Cricket had been a human (most crickets live only a few weeks), what's the BEST advice you could have given him to live a very long life?

"Accept life's challenges with optimism, have good health habits, and inherit 'longevity' genes."

What do you call the act of gambling your money in the hopes of replacing what you lost?


"What should I look for in an effective ADHD treatment program?" a friend asks. Your BEST answer among the following alternatives is:

"Drugs work best."

What substances are classified as depressants?

- alcohol - sedative-hypnotic drugs - opioids

How prevalent is narcissistic PD?


What percentage of 19-year-olds in North America use condoms?


conduct disorder has most often been associated with


Which of the following is the correct ordering of ethnic groups in the United States in terms of the percentage of the elderly living with their children (from highest percentage to lowest percentage)?

Asian American, African American, Hispanic Americans, white American

Which of the following theoretical orientations is MOST helpful in understanding the origin of gender identity disorder? A) sociocultural B) biological C) family systems D) cognitive

B) biological

Learning Disorder

Academic issues characterized by low performance in school, not caused by sensory deficits, showing a deficit between actual and expected results

Positive Symptoms

Active manifestations of abnormal behavior, disortions of normal behavior

_____________ is usually severe and involves a substance disorder.


As a nurse how do we handle behavioral problems in AD patient?

Assess patient's -Physical status -Environment -Reassure patient about his or her safety. **When these behaviors become problematic, you must plan interventions carefully.

Twenty-five percent of children with this disorder do not graduate from high school

Attention-deficit/hyperactive disorder

A person is required to imagine feces in their glass each time they think they would want a drink. What kind of therapy is this?

Aversion therapy

Basic Theory in Motivational Interviewing

Basic theory behind MI is to develop discrepancy in the client between current behaviors (real self) and their life goals/desires (ideal self). What they are doing vs. who they want to be

Why do Amphetamine used run an usually high risk of becoming dependent?

Because amphetamines produce drug tolerance very quickly

Why would someone most likely oppose the medical use of THC?

Because of legal or moral reasons

Major (clinical) depression

Becky's psychiatrist has prescribed as selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) to help Becky feel better. Becky has most likely been diagnosed with what disorder?

Early onset (familial)

Before age 65 Fewer than 5% cases Mutations in genes that produce beta-amyloid precursor protein (beta-APP), presenlin 1, presenlin 2

What are Delusions of Grandeur?

Believe themselves to be great inventors, religious saviors, or other specially empowered persons.

In some cases, therapists may inject _____ into problematic vaginal muscles to reduce spasms.


Cluster A: Paranoid Personality Disorder

Cluster A disorder, characterized by pervasive and unjustified mistrust and suspicion, usually brought on by early learning

LBD con't..extrapyamidal signs include?

Dementia plus two of the following indicates a possible diagnosis: -Extrapyramidal signs such as bradykinesia, rigidity, and postural instability, but not always a tremor Fluctuating cognitive ability Hallucinations **This disease has features of both AD and Parkinson's disease, and it is imperative that a correct diagnosis be reached.

What neurtransmitter is affected by opioids?


personality disorders

Enduring maladaptive patterns for relating to the environment and oneself, exhibited in a wide range of contexts that cause significant functional impairment or subjective distress.

Controversies around ADHD

Epidemic? Overdiagnosis or underdiagnosis? Adult ADHD? Childhood ADHD actually bipolar disorder?

What is an example of a disorder of excitement (only 1)?

Erectile disorder

Substance disorders usually interfere with what part of life and functions from those it affects?

Everyday life and function.

Research shows that parents who want to decrease the likelyhood that their young daughters will experience orgasmic disorder as adults should

Expose them to positive attitude

Obsessive Compulsive Personality Disorder

Fixation on doing things the right way but don't complete anything. Work oriented, general rigidity, poor relationships. Don't have obsessive thoughts or compulsive behavior. Serial killers have this. play a role in sex offenders. Among gifted kids. Perfectionism.

How do we treat people with Heroin Use Disorder?

For heroin use disorder we use treatment of Methadone Maintenance Programs (where Methadone is given as a substitute for Heroin). Recent innovation includes Naloxone (Narcan).

Disorganized Thinking (Schizophrenia)

Fragmented and bizarre thinking that is distorted with false beliefs.

Diagnostic Label: Social Phobia Recommended Treatment(s): Exposure Therapy, Systematic Desensitization, Antianxiety Medication

Heather, a 19 year old college junior, has an intense fear of speaking to people she does not know very well. During her first and second years, she chose large lecture courses, which allowed her to hide in the back of the lecture hall and not speak to other students or to participate in the class discussions. Heather received high marks in all of her courses, earning a place on the dean's list and the honor roll. In her third year, Heather is now required to take some smaller upper level courses in which class participation and small-group discussions are mandatory. She is sure that she will do something embarrassing, such as vomit, and others will judge negatively. Because of these fears, Heather has trouble sleeping at night and is considering dropping out of school. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

Diagnostic Label: Conversion Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy, Psychoanalysis

Manny, a twenty-year-old male, was driving home from a long road-trip when he fell asleep at the wheel and crashed his car into the nearby embankment. One of his best friends, Nick, was fatally injured and killed as a result of the accident. In the following weeks, Manny began to develop a marked contracture of his right hand and a partial paralysis of his arm which consequently left him unable to drive. Although he was examined by numerous physicians, and many different medical treatments were tried, Manny did not respond and the symptoms remained unaltered. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

Bipolar Disorder Key symptom is a manic episode that lasts seven days Mrs.

Miller was first admitted to a state hospital at the age of 38, although since childhood she had been characterized by swings of mood, some of which had been so extreme that they had been psychotic in degree. At one point she became depressed and asked to return to the hospital where she had been a patient. She then became overactive and exuberant in spirits and visited her friends, to whom she outlined her plans for reestablishing different forms of lucrative business. She purchased many clothes, brought furniture, pawned her rings, and wrote checks without funds. For a period thereafter she was mildly depressed. In a little less than a year Mrs. Miller again became overactive, played her radio until late in the night, smoked excessively, took out insurance on a car she had not yet bought. On the day prior to her second admission to the hospital she purchased 57 hats.

Barbiturates and Benzos

Moderate potential intoxication and dependency, risk of damage/death Low risk of long lasting mental change

How can nurses help decrease safety risks to AD patients?

Nurse can help caregiver in assessing home environment for safety risks. Wandering is major concern. AD patient can register with Safe Return. **Wandering may be related to loss of memory or to side effects of drugs, or it may be an expression of a physical or emotional need, restlessness, curiosity, or stimuli that trigger memories of earlier routines. -The Safe Return program includes identification products (e.g., bracelet, necklace, wallet cards), a national photo/information database, a 24-hour toll-free emergency crisis line, local chapter support, and wandering behavior education and training for caregivers and families.


OCD=ego-dystonic OCD-PD is ego-syntonic????

Behavioral problems in AD?

Occur in 90% of AD patients These problems include -Repetitiveness -Delusions -Illusions -Hallucinations -Agitation -Aggression -Altered sleep patterns -Wandering -Resisting care

The consistencies of one's characteristics are called:

Personality traits

Which of the following diseases involving degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes?

Pick's disease

A child whose therapist asks her to draw pictures about her life, then introduces games and stories to help the child work through her conflicts and change her emotions and behavior is MOST likely receiving:

Play therapy

This is a treatment approach that helps children express their conflicts and feelings indirectly by drawing, interacting with toys, and making up stories

Play therapy

What is polysubstance abuse?

Polysubstance abuse is the abuse of more than one drug at a time.

Who came up with enmeshed family pattern?

Salvador Minuchin

Dissociative Identity Disorder

Sharon, a 27 year-old female who had been physically and sexually abused by her father throughout her childhood and adolescence, has been receiving intensive therapy sessions for the past three years. Throughout her adulthood, Sharon has exhibited at least four personalities. Each personality was of a different age, representing the phases of the woman's experience - a fearful child, a rebellious teenager, a protective adult, and the woman's primary personality. Only one of the personalities, the protective adult, was consciously aware of the others, and during therapy sessions was realized to have been developed to protect the woman during the abusive experiences. When one of the secondary personalities took over, Sharon would often act out according to the nature of the dominating personality.

Tolerance and withdrawal will affect anyone who has a what?

Substance abuse disorder.


The experience of sensory events without environmental input, may involve all senses


The field of psychology concerned with the mental health of elderly people

What is expressed emotion?

The general level of criticism, disapproval and hostility expressed in a family. People recovering from schizophrenia are considered more likely to relapse if their families rate high in expressed emotion.

Most sex therapists are uneasy about recent reliance on drug treatmens for sexual disorders because:

The integrated approach to therapy might be ignored

A child is receiving problem-solving skills training as a treatment for conduct disorder. You can reasonably sure that:

The interventions used are cognitive-behavioral

How do personality disorder differ form the personality characteristics of typical people?

The lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behaviors

Health maintenance

The principle that young adults should act to promote their physical and mental health to best prepare for the aging process

ADHD (attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder)

a neurodevelopmental disorder marked by the inability to focus attention, or overactive and impulsive behavior, or both. May have learning or communication problems. May be caused by abnormal dopamine activity in frontal-striatal regions of brain. Linked to high levels of stress and family dysfunctioning and a negative self-image. Treated with drug therapy and behavioral therapy (operant conditioning in school). Best results with both together. More often diagnosed in white Americans.

Gender Dysphoria

a pattern in which people persistently feel that they have been born into the wrong sex and identify with the other gender

a client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must increase the number of social contacts per day-- defined as people greeted with at least the phrase, "Hello. How are you?"-- in order to later engage in some desired activity. most likely, the therapist has which theoretical background

behavioral therapists

the most common impulse-control disorder is

borderline personality disorder

an individual with retrograde amnesia

can't remember things that happened in the long term

Which technique used for treating female orgasmic disorder results in about 90 percent of women learning to orgasm?

directed masturbation training


exact echoing of phrases spoken by others. Exhibited by those with autism spectrum disorder. May be delayed - which means it is repeated days after phrase has been heard.

Martin enjoys exposing himself to strange women whom he sees in the local park. Martin MOST likely would be diagnosed with _____ disorder.


what differentiates normal personality characteristics from personality disorders


Medical science has developed several medications to help men who suffer from erectile difficulties. Which is NOT one of these medications?


what is sensate-focus

focus on everything but sex

erectile disorder treatment

focus on reducing a mans performance anxiety, increasing stimulation -


for 6 months, wanting sex with someone 1 years of younger -5 year age range

Nonmedical Use of OxyContin in the US

increased dramatically over the past decade (annual new users in 1995 = 21; 2003 = 721)

In the United States, over the past several decades, the typical duration of sexual intercourse has:

increased, as has the distress of those suffering from early ejaculation

as people age, the incidence of alcohol abuse and other forms of substance abuse


you might suspect an "era of narcissism" is approaching for a country when

increasing emphasis on self-expression and competitiveness

Rex beat the guy to within an inch of his life. in court REX claimed that he was forced to do it. he just exploded. he was not in control of himself. under which "insanity" standard might he be found not guilty by reason of insanity

irresistible impulsive test

Cruelty to animals and people, destruction of property, and truancy before the age of 15:

is characteristic of those later diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder.

those of us who do not develop Alzheimer's will nevertheless benefit from Alzheimer's research because

it will still keep the mind sharp

Oliver Sachs finds that music can help elderly people


A group of diagnostic clinicians can't agree with each other on appropriate personality disorder diagnoses for several clients. In fact, it is obvious that, in many cases, they have inaccurately made their diagnoses. Assuming they are competent clinicians, this situation would indicate the DSM-5 categories for personality disorder are:

neither reliable nor valid

Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed on the basis of

neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques

a therapist treating a client diagnosed with borderline personality disorder worked out the following analysis. the parents probably did not want children in the first place. the child just was not accepted. the child developed low self-esteem, dependency, and an inability to cope with separation. the therapists' theoretical orientation is probably

object relations

A therapist treating a clinet diagnosed with borderline personality disorder came up with the following analysis: the parents probably did not want children in the first place; the child just was not accepted; the child developed low self-esteem, dependency, and an in ability to cope with separation. The therapist's theoretical orientation is probably:

object relations theory

As part of their therapy, clients learn to evaluate their unusual thoughts, track the accuracy of "magical" predictions, and reconnect with the world and with their limitations. The diagnoses of these clients would MOST likely be in which broad category of personality disorder?


A patient receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder experiences and emotion that he or she realizes in inappropriate. Immediately after, the partite acts in a very different, appropriate,w ay. This DBT procedure is called

opposite action

A patient receiving dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) for borderline personality disorder experiences an emotion that he or she realizes is inappropriate. Immediately after, the patient acts in a very different, appropriate, way. This DBT procedure is called:

opposite action.

relational aggression

pattern of aggression found in certain cases of conduct disorder in which individual is socially isolated and primarily engages in social misdeeds such as slandering others, spreading rumors, and manipulating friendships. More common among girls than boys.


pattern of behavior in conduct disorder wherein children display openly aggressive and confrontational behaviors

The difference between a person who cross-dresses as a symptom of transvestic disorder and one who does so as a symptom of gender dysphoria is that transvestic disorder:

refers to those who cross-dress for the purpose of sexual arousal, while those who suffer from gender dysphoria cross-dress to satisfy a deeper need to occupy the role of the opposite gender

what is sexual behavior

major focus of both our private thoughts and public discussions

a therapist who was worried that patients would receive less costly short-term care rather than more promising long-term treatment, would have treatment monitored by an insurance employee rather than a therapist, and would have confidential treatment reports read by others, is concerned about

managed care programs

the type of system that many health insurance companies have set up to try to curtail expenses associated with providing treatment is referred to as

managed care programs

imagine that a witness says he or she is absolutely certain that the defendant is the one who committed the crime. what is the most likely true about the witness's certainty

manipulative and highly intelligent

imagine that you are a therapist treating another therapist for a disorder. what is the therapist most likely to exhibit


what is erectile disorder

dysfunction in the excitement phase only

Monica has been experiencing recurrent pain during sexual intercourse with her partner, although she does not lack interest and can become adequately aroused. Monica MOST likely suffers from:


disorders of excitement

marked by changes in the pelvic region, general physical arousal, and increases in heart rate, muscle tension, blood pressure, and rate of breathing

what is masturbatory

masturbating to object till no longer interesting

many do not have relatives with schiz, some do

may have history of psychological treatment, especially childhood maltreatment

a psychologist wanted to accept a client with whom he had previously had a sexual relationship. according to ethical guidelines, the psychologist

may not treat patient he or she has had sex with

a 65-year-old in otherwise very good health typically will experience occasional

memory dificulties

Imagine that I just stubbed my toe and cried "Ouch." A child with autism, when asked if I was hurt, said, "No," because he wasn't hurt. This inability to take the perspective of another is referred to as:


The categorical approach to personality disorders assumes that:

problematic personality traits are either present or absent.

What is the duration of Schizophrenia?

> or equal to 6 months

What is cirrhosis?

Chronic liver damage from a variety of causes leading to scarring and liver failure.

A pleasure pathway is typically triggered by what neurotransmitter?


Cogntive Slippage

Illogical and incoherent speech

What is required to be diagnosed with antisocial PD?

18 or older evidence of conduct disorder by age 15

Define avoidant PD.

A pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, and hypersensitivity to evaluation

As many as _____ percent of women suffer from female orgasmic disorder.


In one study, when one identical twin had gender dysphoria, there was approximately a _____ percent chance the other twin did too.


What % of Anorexia Nervosa cases are fatal due to medical issues or suicides?


the percentage of the elderly population living in nursing homes at any given time is about


about what fraction of severe head injuries result in some permanent memory and learning problems


During which period does frotteurism typically develop? A) adolescence B) early adulthood C) middle adulthood D) late adulthood

A) adolescence

ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) - two groups

A. 6 symptoms of inattention (persisting for at least 6 months) - 66 devil child 1. failure to pay attention to detail/careless mistakes 2. difficulty sustaining attention 3. failure to listen 4. failure to finish work 5. difficulty with organization 6. avoidance/dislike of tasks with mental effort 7. Loss of items 8. Easily distracted 9. Forgetfulness B. 6 symptoms of hyperactivity/impulsivity for 6 months 1. fidgeting/squirming 2. wandering from seat 3. running about/climbing when inappropriate 4. difficulty being quiet 5. frequent on the go activity (driven by a motor) 6. excessive talking 7. blurting out answers 8. difficulty waiting for turn 9. interrupts others

The symptoms of personality disorders typically become recognizable in: A. adolescence or early adulthood B. infancy C. childhood D. early to mid-adulthood

A. adolescence or early adulthood

Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when they lie or "con" others. This outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position? A. biological B. psychodynamic C. cognitive D. behavioral

A. biological

Lisa felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster. She felt angry and empty. Lisa's feelings are MOST similar to those of someone with which personality disorder? A. borderline B. antisocial C. narcissistic D. obsessive-compulsive

A. borderline

Which is NOT a reason why the current DSM-5 method of categorizing personality disorders has been criticized? A. there are no accurate ways of assessing personality disorders, so it is always a "best guess" and never has any true validity B. personality disorders within, or even between, clusters are often very similar to one another C. patients with very different behavior patterns may qualify for the same personality disorder diagnosis D. some clinicians think that it is wrong to diagnose someone as having a pathological personality, no matter how troublesome their behaviors are.

A. there is no accurate ways of assessing personality disorders, so it is always a "best guess" and never has any true validity

Caregivers SUPPORT in AD?

AD disrupts all aspects of personal and family life. Very stressful Caregivers also exhibit adverse consequences. Work with caregiver to -Assess stressors -Identify coping strategies -Find a support group -Local Alzheimer Association chapter

several decades ago, a child had a great deal of difficulty keeping on task in school. not only did the child frequently roam around the classroom and talk to others, the child frequently squirmed around while at a desk. at the time, the child was diagnosed as suffering from "minimal brain damage", today's likely diagnosis would be


Areas of the brain affected by Alzheimer's

ALL OF THEM 1. Frontal lobe 2. Hippocampus/amygdala (deep within) 3. Temporal lobe 4. Parietal lobe 5. Occipital lobe 6. Cerebellum 7. Spinal cord?

An overdose of what drug can cause hallucinations?


An overdose of what drug is typically detrimental to one's health?


What is an agonist drug?

An agonist drug is one that blocks or changes the effects of the addictive drug

Which of the following is MOST descriptive of an orgasm? A) vascular congestion B) muscle contraction C) cardio relaxation D) psychological desire

B) muscle contraction

From a(n) _____ perspective, narcissistic personality disorder is explained as being an attempt by people to convince themselves that they are totally self-sufficient and lacking a ned for any true close, warm relationships with their parents or anyone else. A. cognitive B. object-relations C. Jungian D. interpersonal

B. object-relations

A person who becomes sexually aroused in the presence of stimuli most people in that person's society would not think appropriate is experiencing: A) sexual dysfunction. B) gender identity disorder. C) paraphilia. D) hyperactive sexual desire.

C) paraphilia.

Kumar is an individual who is often described as a "strange duck" by his peers. He dresses strangely, has very unusual habits, and believes that he has ESP and can interpret future events before they happen. His predictions, however, are often very general so that he never has to admit that he was wrong and that he does not, in fact, have such abilities. Which type of personality disorder BEST describes Kumar's case? A. dependent B. schizoid C. obsessive-compulsie D. schizotypal

D. schizotypal

Cluster C

DSM-IV-TR Personality Cluster characterized by fearful and anxious behavior

The peak of subjective euphoria while injecting cocaine occurs when in relation to the dopamine-using neuron activity?

It occurs at about the same time as the peak of dopamine-using neuron activity

Diagnostic Label: Major Depressive Disorder (need to have two or more chronic depressive symptoms for at least a few years) Recommended Treatment(s): Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor, Rational-Emotive Behavioral Therapy, Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

It takes the greatest effort to get out of bed in the morning. I am tired all day, yet when night comes, sleep evades me. I stare at the ceiling, wondering what has happened to my life, and what will become of me. Nothing is getting done at work. I have projects to complete, but I can't think. I try to focus on my work, and I get lost. I keep wondering when the boss will discover how little I have accomplished. My wife does not understand. She keeps telling me to "snap out of it." I'm irritable all the time. I often yell at the kids, and then I feel terrible later. Nothing is fun anymore. I can't read, and the music I used to enjoy so much does nothing for me. I am bored, but I feel like doing nothing. There are times that I think that life is hopeless and meaningless, and I can't go on much longer. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

What are the dangers of cocaine?

Overdose, heart irregularities and brain seizures. Miscarriages in pregnant woman, dopamine and serotonin activity is affected. Thyroid size. Attention and learning.

What is the most commonly diagnosed PD?


Are an AD's patient's way of responding to precipitating factor?

Pain Frustration Temperature extremes Anxiety

Common Personality disorders

Paranoid, schizotypal, histrionic, depedent

Subjective data to be taken in AD evaluation

Subjective data -Past health history, repeated head trauma, stroke, exposure to metals (mercury,aluminum) prev CNS infection, fam history of dementia) -Medications, use of any drug to decrease symptoms (tranquilizers, hypnotics, antidepressants, antipsych) (Functional Health Pattern) -Health perception, health mtg., positive fam history, emotional lability) -Activity/exercise- poor personal hygiene, gait instability, weakness, inability to preform ADL's -Nutritional state, anorexic, malnourished, weightloss, -Eliminating properly—incontinence Sleep-Rest, daytime napping, freq night wakings -Cognitive-Perceptual- forgetfulness, inabiltiy to cope with complex situations, diff with prob solving (early sign) depression, withdrawl

How is dementia characterized?

Syndrome characterized by dysfunction or loss of -Memory -Orientation -Attention -Language -Judgment -Reasoning

What feeling does a person usually experience before they carry out an impulse?



also known as the "German measles," if a mother experiences this viral infection during pregnancy it may lead to childhood problems and intellectual disability in her unborn child

Ben set up an elaborate scheme to mine gold in the Rockies and organized a large town meeting where he made a presentation to sell stock in his company. The shares were only $5 each and everyone could afford them. He showed pictures of the mine and explained how the company expected to gross $100 million each month. As it turns out, he was a terrific con artist who had made similar proposals in the last couple of years. Ben is MOST likely suffering from:

antisocial personality disorder

researchers and clinicians have had little or no success in treating _____ , regardless of the treatment approach taken

antisocial personality disorder

what's an example of aversion therapy

bad smelling salts w/ underwear- not easiest thing to do

recent work has revealed that the most effective treatment for autism has been the use of

behavioral therapy

what is pedophilic disorder

characterized by fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving sexual arousal from prepubescent or early pubescent children, child pornography, driven to watching, fondling, or engaging in sexual intercourse w/ children

what is sexual masochism disorder

characterized by fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving the act or thought of being humiliated, beaten, bound, or otherwise made to suffer-like having pain inflicted on them, behavioral process of classical conditioning

in using the insanity plea, the burden of proof to prove sanity or insanity ordinarily rests with the


On their recent first date, Jason was getting very irritated when Rachel would not make any decisions for herself. She insisted that he choose which restaurant they went to for dinner, what cocktails they ordered, what movie they saw, and whether or not to go for coffee afterward. When the date was over, he was quite sure there would be no second date because he did not want to have to deal with her indecisiveness. If Rachel were to see a psychologist, she might be diagnosed as having _____ personality disorder


"someone's head resting on my knee,/ Warm and tender as he can be,/ Who takes good care of me,/ Oh wouldn't it be lovely?/ Lovely, lovely, lovely, lovely..." -- are the approximate lyrics of a song from the musical "My fair Lady". these lyrics most closely reflect symptoms of which personality disorder

dependent personality disorder

A person who has an executive need to be taken care of and is clingy is MOST likely to qualify for a diagnosis of

dependent personality disorder

If parents excessively reinforces clinging and punish attempts at independence, the result might be the development of:

dependent personality disorder

People with which type of personality disorder are MOST likely to seek out treatment on their own?


Herman is 42 years old and tends to have very few friends. Whenever he develops a new friendship, he invariably loses it quickly because he begins to accuse the "friend" of trying to take advantage of him. He constantly sees conspiracies where none exist and is forever on guard against people trying to hurt or abuse him. Because he has had these tendencies for the better part of his life going all the way back into childhood, Herman should probably be diagnosed as suffering from _____ personality disorder


What are the three disorders in Cluster A?

paranoid, schizoid, and schizotypal

One of the features of Alcoholics Anonymous is ...

peer support


"Going off on a tangent"

Which of the following is MOST likely to be said by an elderly person regarding long-term care?

"I'm worried about how my life will change."

Useful questions for the patient and informant are?

"When did you first notice the memory loss?" and "How has the memory loss progressed since then?"

main types of paraphilias:

*voyeurism- gaining sexual pleasure from watching people undress without their knowledge *exhibitionism- gaining sexual pleasure by exposing oneself to others unexpectedly *sexual sadism/masochism- sexual pleasure from giving/receiving pain *pedophilia- sexual attraction/arousal from children =association with danger, thrill, and risk are important factors


+ "clouding of consciousness" Difficulties orienting to time and place Develops over short period of time (hours, days) Might occur in ANY age group, but is more prevalent in the elderly Diseases & medication can cause it (Important differential diagnosis in medical settings)

Substance use over time

+ Among college students, use peaked in the 70s + Alcohol consumption continues to be high + Recent spike in abuse of prescriptions (Aderall, Vicodin)

What are some of the dangers of marijuana?

- Can cause panic reactions - Can cause automobile accidents - Fail to remember things even if recently learned so they are at a high disadvantage in school and work - May lead to lung disease - Contains more tar and benzopyrene than tobacco and both cause cancer - Abnormal ovulation or less sperm amongst smokers.

What are sociocultural methods for treatment of Substance Abuse Disorder?

- Self-help and residential treatment programs. - Alcoholics anonymous is a self-help organization that provides support and guidance for persons with alcoholism. -Residential treatment center is a place where formerly addicted persons live, work and socialize in a drug-free environment (therapeutic community).

aversion therapy

- a type of behavioral therapy based on classical conditioning -people are repeatedly presented with unpleasant stimulus at the very moment they are taking a drug, after repeated pairings people react negatively to substance and lose craving for it -mostly applied to alcohol

What substances are classified as stimulants?

- caffeine - amphetamines - cocaine


- difficulty concentrating, focusing attention, thinking in ordered way - happen in few hours/days Caused by: - fever - poor nutrition - head injuries - stroke

What substances are classified as mixed chemical substances?

- nicotine - cannabis - inhalants - ecstasy

Aversive classical conditioning

- taking drugs like disulfiram. Expose to alcohol and allow to be ill - develop classically conditioned response to alcohol

Covert sensitization

- use imagery to create associations between unpleasant thoughts and alcohol use

Synthetics Opiods

-"narcotics" -difference strength, speed of action, and tolerance level

Delirium tremens

-"the DTs" -withdrawal symptoms that can be fatal (may experience seizures, loss of consciousness, suffer a stroke, or even die) -consists of terrifying visual hallucinations that begin within 3 days after they stop using -small percentage of alcohol-dependent people

Associated features of pedophilic disorder:

-90-95% are male -incestuous males may still be aroused by adult females -pedophiles are not aroused by adult females -most rationalize their behaviour -engage in moral compensatory behaviour (eg. church)

Define dependent PD.

-A pervasive and excessive need to be taken care of that leads to submissive and clinging behavior and fears of separation

What is sun-downing? How do you handle as a nurse?

-AD patients can experience sundowning. -Specific type of agitation -Patient becomes more confused and agitated in late afternoon or evening. Cause is unclear. -Remain calm and avoid confrontation. **Sundowning behaviors commonly exhibited include agitation, aggressiveness, wandering, resistance to redirection, and increased verbal activity such as yelling.

Three most widely used Depressant drugs

-Alcohol -Sedative-hypnotic drugs -opiods

Characteristics of OCD

-Preoccupied with rules, lists, details -Neglect family/friends because of devotion to work -Cannot discard worthless objects -Hoards money -Refuses to delegate tasks

Treatment for Substance Use Disorder

-Psychodynamic Therapy -Behavioral Therapy -Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy -Biological Therapy -Sociocultural Therapy

premature ejaculation

-ejaculation before the man or partner wishes to -occurring within 1 minute following vaginal penetration -9-21% of adult males meet diagnostic criteria -common in younger, inexperienced males -associated with diminished self esteem, sense of lack of control, and adverse consequences for partner relationships -early pornographic experiences? -genetic contribution?

What are the advantsage of using DSM for classifying personality disorders?

-familiar/convenient -ease in communication -consistent with clinical diagnosis

Characteristics of borderline PD

-fear abandonment -self harm behaviors -chronic feelings of emptiness -stress-related paranoid ideation or sever dissociative symptoms

Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy

-help clients identify and change the behaviors and cognitions that keep contributing to their patterns of substance misuse! -help clients develop more effective coping skills -relapse prevention therapy

Characteristics of Stimulants

-increase activity of CNS (blood pressure, heart rate, alertness; fasting behavior and thinking)

Prevalence of erectile disorder:

-increase after age 50 -about 13-21% of men between 40-80 years old -50% of men older than 60 may struggle


-irreversible condition in which liver becomes scarred and dysfunctional due to long term excessive drinking -accounts for more than 29,000 deaths each year

Classification of sexual dysfunctions:

-lifelong vs. acquired -generalized vs. specific -psychological factors alone -psychological factors combined with medical conditions

What are the disadvantages of using DSM for classifying personality disorders?

-low inter-rater reliability -high rates comorbidity -high overlap among symptom criteria -not based on theoretical model

Associated features of erectile disorder:

-low self esteem, low self confidence, decreased sense of masculinity, depressive symptoms -fear and/or avoidance of sexual encounters


-natural and synthetic -produce delusions, hallucinations, and other sensory changes -substances that cause powerful changes in sensory perception, from strengthening a person's normal perceptions to inducing illusions and hallucinations -psychedelic drugs -include LSD, mescaline, psilocybin, and MDMA (Ecstasy)

Statistics of Alcohol

-nearly 7% of people over 11 are heavy drinkers -5 drinks on at least 5 occasions -3:1 ratio for men:women -binge drinking episodes -80% of teenage pregnancies are from being drunk



Externalizing disorder examples

1. ADHD 2. Conduct disorder 3. Oppositional Defiant Disorder 4. Substance use

CNS depressants

1. Alcohol 2. Barbiturates 3. Benzodiazepines 4. Inhalants

The effects of alcohol

1. Alcohol enhances GABA in the septal/hippocampal system to sedative effects 2. Also affects serotonin mood changes 3. Rich in neurons

Pharmacology for CD/ODD

1. Antidepressants (SSRIs) 2. Neuroleptics 3. Stimulants 4. Mood Stabilizers Mixed Results

Biological Perspective on CD/ODD

1. Brain circuitry 2. Neurotoxins 3. Low arousal to punishment and rewards (low cortisol in response to stress) 4. High serotonin (linked to violent crimes) 5. High testosterone 6. Genetics/family history

Two Types of Alzheimer's

1. Early onset (familial) 2. Late onset (sporadic)

Violation of Rules Symptoms

1. Stays out at night (in spite of parents' rules), starting before the age of 13 2. Has run away from home overnight at least twice 3. Has run away from home once but for an extended period of time 4. Often truant from school, starting before the age of 13

ADHD Pharmacological Treatments

1. Stimulants (Ritalin, Adderall - 2.2 million children in the US take stimulants) 2. Drugs that affect norepinephrine (Clonidine, guanfacine, atomoxetine) 3. Antidepressants

Two main types of disorders

1. Those common across age groups (anxiety, depression, etc.) - have different manifestations in the elderly 2. Disorders of cognition (delirium, dementia, Amnestic disorders)

Other examples

1. Tic disorders 2. Feeding disorders 3. Elimination disorders


10 million Americans care for people w/dementia Bathing, feeding, toileting, keeping them safe Estimated 16-25 hours/week Mental health toll on caregivers Day-care facilities Nursing homes

Of 100 typical elderly patients entering a hospital for a general medical condition, about how many would initially be diagnosed with delirium, and about how many more would develop delirium while in the hospital (in that order)?

10 percent, 10 percent

The percentage of the U.S. population aged 65 and older today is:

13 percent

what proportion of mental patients assault another patient during hospitalization


What is the MOST common outcome of gender dysphoria in childhood? A) It develops into pedophilia. B) It disappears by adolescence or adulthood. C) It is a precursor to transsexualism. D) It is a precursor to transvestite fetishism.

B) It disappears by adolescence or adulthood.

An antiandrogen would be MOST appropriate if a paraphilic disorder is caused by: A) too much estrogen in the body. B) an inappropriate sex drive. C) a deficiency in the production of testosterone. D) a hormonal imbalance that occurred during the prenatal period.

B) an inappropriate sex drive.

In males, the penis becomes erect during which phase of the sexual response cycle? A) excitement B) arousal C) orgasm D) resolution

B) arousal

EMTs need to be sure to ask someone who is taking nitroglycerin if that person also has taken: A) estrogen. B) sildenafil. C) testosterone. D) antidepressants.

B) sildenafil.

In treating erectile disorder, the "tease" technique involves: A) three or more episodes of intercourse each night for a month. B) stimulating the penis, but stimulation is stopped once erection occurs. C) stimulating the penis until ejaculation, followed by a pause and then another period of stimulation. D) stimulation of the penis, but before ejaculation can occur, the woman squeezes the penis below the head to prevent ejaculation.

B) stimulating the penis, but stimulation is stopped once erection occurs.

A man who is biologically masculine but considers himself a woman and would like to live as a woman is: A) a pedophile. B) transgendered. C) a transvestite. D) a homosexual.

B) transgendered.

"Cross-dressing" is another term for: A) homosexuality. B) transvestic disorder. C) orgasmic reorientation. D) satiation.

B) transvestic disorder.

A woman who is inserting graduated cylinders into her vagina in a nondemand manner is probably being treated for: A) orgasmic dysfunction. B) vaginismus. C) dyspareunia. D) arousal difficulties.

B) vaginismus.

In looking for a biological cause of an erectile disorder, one would MOST productively look for a: A) neurological problem. B) vascular problem. C) reproductive problem. D) renal problem.

B) vascular problem.

Which hormone can cause decreased sexual desire when present in low, but not high levels? A) estrogen B) prolactin C) testosterone D) progesterone

C) testosterone

Most clinicians would agree that paraphilic activities should NOT be considered a disorder when: A) children are involved. B) the behavior is the exclusive way one becomes aroused. C) the behavior is part of an otherwise typical sex life. D) the behavior is nonconsensual.

C) the behavior is part of an otherwise typical sex life.

Elizabeth works as a long-distance truck driver. She goes days, and even weeks, with little to no contact with other people, except at gas stations, restaurants, and motels. She spends 99 percent of her time by herself, does not often experience positive emotions, and rarely has any interest in romance or sex. She has no friends to speak of and genuinely prefers to be alone. Elizabeth might BEST be described as suffering from _____ personality disorder. A. socially phobic B. avoidant C. schizoid D. antisocial

C. schizoid

Which types of treatments are used for preparation, action, and maintenance?

CBT (cognitive-behavioral therapy)

In psychodynamic theory, the therapeutic goal in treating sexual dysfuction is to:

Cause broad personality changes

Loose Associations

Conversation in unrelated directions

Theoretically, why do SSRIs help treat early ejaculation? A) Men who ejaculate early often become depressed. B) SSRIs reduce serotonin levels, thus increasing arousal. C) SSRIs inhibit the anxiety that is often related to early ejaculation. D) SSRIs reduce arousal and orgasm and help men delay ejaculation.

D) SSRIs reduce arousal and orgasm and help men delay ejaculation.

Which of the following thoughts would likely be MOST arousing to a voyeur in the act of secretly watching a couple have sex? A) I wish those people knew I was watching them. B) I know I am doing this in a way that I can't get caught. C) I'll probably never think about this again. D) The people would be humiliated if they knew I was watching.

D) The people would be humiliated if they knew I was watching.

Why do people object to the use of Viagra and similar drugs being voluntarily covered by health insurance companies, but fail to object to birth control pills not being covered unless mandated by law? A) Viagra is much more expensive than birth control pills. B) The reason is ageism; Viagra is used by older people, while birth control is used by younger people. C) Viagra is a trade drug; birth control pills are largely generic. D) The reason may be the sexual double standard; sex is OK for men but not for women.

D) The reason may be the sexual double standard; sex is OK for men but not for women.

A healthy man is likely to have two to five REM periods each night and several penile erections during that time. If he is not experiencing this, he MOST likely has: A) a normal response. B) nocturnal penile tumescence. C) performance anxiety. D) a biologically based erectile dysfunction.

D) a biologically based erectile dysfunction.

If an individual had experienced normal sexual functioning for years and gradually developed a problem with becoming aroused under any conditions, the type of dysfunction would be: A) lifelong and situational. B) acquired and situational. C) lifelong and generalized. D) acquired and generalized.

D) acquired and generalized.

In Victorian times, a woman diagnosed as "insane" was presumed to have a dysfunction of her: A) brain. B) soul. C) heart. D) reproductive organs.

D) reproductive organs.

From a psychological perspective, early ejaculation is usually the result of: A) sexual aversion. B) sexual impotence. C) organic problems. D) sexual inexperience.

D) sexual inexperience.

Arnold cannot enjoy sexual intercourse unless he is tied up by his partner and beaten. His behavior is typical of: A) voyeurism. B) frotteurism. C) sexual sadism. D) sexual masochism.

D) sexual masochism.

Pharmacology for Alzheimer's (3)

Improve cognitive functioning Do not prevent disease progression 1. Cholinesterase inhibitors + Prevent breakdown of acetylcholine + Cognex, Aricept, Exelon, Reminyl 2. Gluatamate regulation + Memantine 3. Antipsychotics & antidepressants + To reduce agitation, improve mood and sleep, control hallucinations

Dissociative Amnesia (dissociative disorders)

Inability to recall important personal information, usually of a traumatic or stressful nature.

Meds for LBD

LBD (cont'd) -Medications determined on an individual basis -Standard treatment plan has not been determined. -Nursing care for LBD patients relates to management of dementia. -Medications may include levodopa/carbidopa and acetylcholinesterase inhibitors.


Lack of initiation and persistence (negative symptom)


Lack of pleasure or indifference (negative symptom)

If you were trying to learn a new language and you could understand it better than you could speak it, you would be showing symptoms most like

Language Disorder

Type of Mental status testing?

Mental status testing Mini-Mental State Examination Commonly used tool Assesses cognitive functioning -can be hard bc pts with mild dementia will try to compensate


Relative absence of speech (negative symptom)

Catatonia (schizophrenia)

Remain motionless for periods of hours at a time.

How do reserachers think that inflammation is linked to AD?

Researchers interested in link between inflammation and AD -Theory suggests that formation of free radicals damages neurons loss of function -Oxidative damage leads to inflammation.

Physical examination to rule out other medical conditions include screening for?

Screen for Cobalamin (vitamin B12) deficiencies Hypothyroidism Possibly neurosyphilis

What generally happens in the thalamus and the hypothalamus of an individual with Alzheimer's disease?

Selected neurons die

What neurotransmitter is affected by hallucinogen's?


What do amphetamines do?

Stimulate the CNS by increasing release of norepinephrine, serotonin and dopamine.

Which is NOT a "second line" treatment for erectile dysfunction?


a person diagnosed with autism listens to a piano piece at a concert. later at home, the person plays the piano piece without the music, and without making a mistake. this behavior is best described as

a "savant"

oppositional defiant disorder

a disorder in which children are persistently argumentative, defiant, angry, irritable, and perhaps vindictive

separation anxiety disorder

a disorder marked by excessive anxiety, even panic, whenever the person is separated from home, a parent, or another attachment figure

treatment for disorders of desire

affectual awareness self instruction training

Psychodynamic theorists explain obsessive-compulsive personality disorder as a fixation at the:

anal stage

Tomas has a normal IQ, but demonstrates complete impairment of new learning. He also confabulates when asked to provide information about recent events. Tomas most likely is suffering from

anterograde amnesia

what lowers the production of testosterone


a child with autism points to a picture of a fork in order to say, "I want food." this child is using

augmentative communication systems

by the DSM classification system, personality disorders are disorder on which axis

axis II

why is REM sleep referred to as paradoxical sleep

because the brain is active, unlike stage 4

A client being treated for avoidant personality disorder must increase the number of social contacts per day. The person, at the least, must greet others with the sentence, "Hello; how are you doing?" MOST likely, the therapist has which theoretical background?


Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may in adherently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is most like a ______ view.


While inflicting pain on an animal, a teenager may become sexually aroused and later turn out to be a sadist. The theory BEST describes this example of the development of sadism is


the theoretical perspective currently receiving the most focus for the treatment of dementias is the _____ perspective


A client has enlarged brain ventricles and a measurable loss of gray matter. These symptoms are:

biological, and the most likely diagnosis is schizotypal personality disorder.

Transported to the hospital after a suicide attempt, a man is later admitted to the hospital's psychiatric wing. His history showed other self-destruct behaviors and recklessness. MOST likely, if the man is diagnosed with a personality disorder, it will be:


"That personality disorder has become so common, I encounter it almost every day in the emergency room." MOST likely, this doctor is talking about which personality disorder?


"There's nothing out there for me. I can't stand other people, and I can't stand myself, either. I'm just really mad right now." Such a statement would most likely be made by someone with which personality disorder?


Dr. Marsha Linehan, developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with:

borderline personality disorder

in addington v. texas, a young man fought being involuntarily committed, arguing that the standard for showing that a person is mentally ill was unclear and unfair. this case resulted in the courts setting a standard that commitment

can occur when 75% certainty that criteria for commitment has been met

What chemical substance contains a chemical called THC than can produce stimulant, depressant, and hallucinogenic effects, can impair a person's memory or motor coordination, and can lead to schizophrenia?


DSM-5, like its predecessor, DSM-IV-TR, identifies 10 personality disorders utilizing a:

categorical approach

A person who has an excess of plaques due to Alzheimer's would be likely to have:

cell breakdown and death

a person who has an excess of plaques due to Alzheimer's would be likely to have

cell breakdown and death

what is exhibitionistic disorder

characterized by arousal from the exposure of genitals in public setting, person wants to shock or suprise

"what is over there?" asks the child, pointing to a distant object, "Does it belong to you?" the child asks the therapist. the therapist answers the child in detail, and praises the child's efforts at communication. most likely, the child is receiving

child-initiated interactions training for autism

PDs often originate in...

childhood and become ingrained by adulthood

parens patriae refers to the state's rights to make decisions that are in the individual's best interest, and t the idea that police power gives the state the right to protect society from harm. these two principles have been used to support

civil commitment

the principle of parens patriae (parent of the country) permits the state to make decisions that promote an individual's best interest. it has been used to support the process of

civil commitment

the process of forcing certain individuals to undergo mental health treatment is called

civil commitment

civil commitment is for a person who

civil commitment allows certain people to be forced into mental health treatment

in addington v. texas, a young man fought being involuntarily committed, arguing that the standard for showing that a person is mentally ill was unclear and unfair. as a result, the standard for committing a person was revised to

clear and convincing proof that the patient is mentally ill and meets the states minimum requirement

"what's the big deal? i just don't understand why that matters to you. why can't you just do what i do ?" this quote provides evidence that most strongly supports the _____ explanation for antisocial personality disorder


A personal experiencing paranoid personality disorder frequently says things like "You've got to get them before they get you," and "People have been sinners since the Garden of Eden." If these sayings reflect maladaptive assumptions the person has about people in general, the theorist who would be LEAST surprised would have which theoretical position?


An individual diagnosed with schizoid personality disorder reports having a great deal of difficulty gifting out how others feel and as a child had difficulty developing adequate language skills. These finding would make the MOST sense to a theorist with which background?


Which of the following is an example of a sociocultural approach to treating Alzheimer's?

day-care facilities

Rosa has difficult remembering even where she is going. Maintaining friendships is difficult, and she loses her temper because she cannot remember things. her health has been deteriorating and she is clumsier than she was three years ago. she appears to be suffering from


someone who has AIDS is also at risk for developing


What slows the activity of the CNS down?


Many theorists challenge the use of a categorical approach to personality disorders in favor of a(n) _____ approach


the specific symptoms associated with dyslexia include

great difficulty recognizing words and comprehending as they read

"You had one eye in the mirror as you watched yourself.../You're so vain, you probably think thissong is about you/You're so vain..." sang Carly Simon in the 1973 #1 hit, "You're So Vain." If the subject of the song were diagnosed with a personality disorder, which of the following would be the MOST likely diagnosis?


A person constantly strives to be the center of attention, yet the ideas the person so eloquently expresses are usually shallow and changeable. If this person were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it MOST likely would be:


Alzheimer's is named for the first person to _____ the disease


There are many possible psychological causes of disorders of desire. Many cognitive theorists suggest that a belief that sex is _____ is a common attitude that contributes to this type of sexual dysfunction.

immoral or dangerous

Early home intervention programs for those in the "mild" intellectual developmental disorder category:

improve both overall functioning, and later performance in school and in adulthood

A person with Alzheimer's disease is taking a drug designed to affect acetylcholine and glutamate and may experience:

improvement both in short-term memory and in ability to cope under pressure

cognitive therapy for avoidant personality disorder focuses on

improving their self-image by changing their thought process

Behavioral and somatic symptoms, such as clinginess, sleep difficulties, and stomach pain rather than cognitive ones, are MORE characteristic of anxiety disorders:

in children rather than in adults

Theta Waves

indicate drowsiness, boredom, lack of control and reactions. Lack of theta leads to lack of anxiety.

People with avoidant personality disorder have difficulty ______ relationships, while people with dependent personality disorder have difficulty ______ relationships.

initiating; ending

affectual awareness

patients visualize sexual scene in order to discover any feelings of anxiety, vulnerability, and other negative emotions they may have concerning sex

what are paraphilias

people who initiate sexual contact w/ children warrant a diagnosis of pedophilic disorder regardless of how troubled the individuals may or may not be over their behavior

Prognosis for PDs is generally...


An elderly individual has just been diagnosed with depression. In the future, that individual would be expected to:

recover more slowly than average for both injuries and illnesses

what is frotteuristic disorder

recurrent and intense fantasies, urges, or behaviors involving touching and rubbing against a nonconsenting person-person like to rub up against someone and fantasize about relationship

what is fetishistic disorder

recurrent intense sexual urges, sexually arousing fantasies, or behaviors that involve the use of a nonliving object, often to the exclusion of other stimuli

This pattern of aggression is found more commonly in girls than boys

relational aggression

MOST cases of mild intellectual developmental disorder seem to be related to:

sociocultural and psychological factors

Fredrick is in public school, but he is grouped with lower-IQ children like him. he and his classmates have a specifically designed program that is different from that of the other children in the school. this is most likely an example of

special education

what techniques are applied to particular dysfunctions; delayed ejaculation

techniques to reduce performance anxiety and increase stimulation, physical; may include drug to increase arousal of the sympathetic nervous systme

One especially good reason to use a form of group therapy in the treatment of dependent personality disorder is that:

the group members can model appropriate behaviors and expression of feelings to one another.

the term comorbidity means that

the relationship that is common for a person with a personality disorder to also suffer from an acute axis I disorder

The therapist states, "I seldom use drugs when I treat clients with borderline personality disorder." The therapist MOST likely says this because

the risk of suicide increases because suing drugs may lead to overdose

Goals of treatment for OCPD

-addresses underlying need for order/control -teaches distraction/relaxation techniques

Goal of schizoid PD treatment....

build social skills -many therapists believe untreatable

a person suffering from a personality disorder also suffers from an axis I disorder; this is called


today, the cost of direct mental health services is mostly paid by

individuals to private insurance companies

High dosages of Sedative-Hypnotic drugs...

induce sleep; hypnotics

disorders of excitement in women

swelling of the clitoris and labia and vaginal lubrication

Human sexual response cycle

-Excitement (male- erection; female- swelling clitoris, vaginal lubrication) -Plateau (increase muscle tension and blood flow to genitals) -Orgasm (sudden discharge of accumulated sexual tension) -Resolution (return to unaroused state)

What are the types of Catatonia?

-Catatonic excitement- move excitedly sometimes wildly wailing arms and legs. -Catatonic stupor- stop responding to environment and remain motionless and mute for days in bed. -Catatonic rigidity- remain rigid for hours and resist to be moved. -Catatonic posturing/waxy- awkward bizarre positions for long period of time.

What is involved in a Comprehensive patient evaluation regarding AD?

-Complete health history -Physical examination -Neurologic assessment -Mental status assessment -Laboratory tests

Characteristics of dependent PD...

-Has difficulty making everyday and major decision -Won't express disagreement -Fails to initiate projects on own -Feels uncomfortable when alone

SSRI? Antidepressant? Antiseizure?

-SSRIs include fluoxetine (Prozac), sertraline (Zoloft), fluvoxamine (Luvox), and citalopram (Celexa). -The antidepressant trazodone (Desyrel) may help with problems related to sleep. However, this agent may result in hypotension. -Antiseizure drugs have been shown to increase the risk of death in elderly dementia patients. The FDA has warned that antipsychotics are not indicated for the treatment of dementia-related psychosis. However, the warning does not mean that the drugs cannot be used for these patients with dementia.

Describe treatable conditions?

-The treatable conditions are potentially reversible. Initially these conditions may be reversible. However, with prolonged exposure or disease, irreversible changes may occur. ie) folate deficiency, vitamin b deficiency etc see box 60-2

Women who want to reduce their risk of developing Alzheimer's should:

take estrogen for years after menopause


1. Antidepressants and benzodiazepines: (Reduce withdrawal symptoms and mood swings) 2. Antagonist drugs: (Block or change effects of addictive drug; Naltrexone and naloxone - opioid antagonists; Disulfiram) 3. Methadone: (Synthetic opioid, given for life methadone clinics

Psychosocial Treatment for Autism

1. CBT approach + Skills training + Operant conditioning to teach speech, social skills, self-help 2. Communication training + Augmentative communication systems 3. Parent training 4. Community integration

Classes of Substances

1. CNS depressants 2. CNS stimulants 3. Opioids 4. Hellucinogens and PCP 5. Cannabis (marijuana) 6. Club drugs (ecstasy)

Biological risk factors for substance dependence

1. Family history 2. Twin studies 3. People with greater stimulative effect of alcohol higher risk 4. Greater reward sensitivity in children of alcoholics, but takes more alcohol for them to feel effects

Genetics of Alzheimer's

1. Family history (2-4 greater risk among relatives) 2. Concordance rates in twins 58% MZ vs. 45% DZ 3. APOE regulates ApoE protein

What are the four symptoms that will effect someone who has a dependence disorder?

1. Fever. 2. Chills. 3. Nausea. 4. Pains.

The daughter of a patient with early familial Alzheimer's disease (AD) asks how AD can be detected. The nurse describes early warning signs of AD, including:

1. Forgetting a colleague's name at a party. 2. Repeatedly misplacing car keys or a wallet. 3. Leaving a pot on the stove that boils dry and burns. 4. Having no memory of preparing a meal and forgetting to serve or eat it. ANSWER= 4. Rationale: Memory loss that affects job skills: Frequent forgetfulness or unexplainable confusion at home or in the workplace may signal that something is wrong. This type of memory loss goes beyond forgetting an assignment, a colleague's name, a deadline, or a phone number. Difficulty performing familiar tasks: It is not abnormal for most people to become distracted and to forget something (e.g., leave something on the stove too long). People with Alzheimer's disease (AD) may cook a meal but then forget not only to serve it but also that they made it. Misplacing things: For many individuals, temporarily misplacing keys, purses, or wallets is a normal albeit frustrating event. Persons with AD may put items in inappropriate places (e.g., eating utensils in clothing drawers) but have no memory of how they got there.

Personality risk factors

1. Impulsivity 2. Low impulse control 3. Antisociality 4. Poor emotion regulation skills

Types of Childhood and Adolescence Disorders (7, but 4 main ones)

1. Internalizing Disorders 2. Externalizing Disorders 3. Pervasive developmental disorders 4. Cognitive disorders 5. Tic disorders 6. Feeding disorders 7. Elimination disorders

Motivational Interviewing Stages (Carl Rogers)

1. Pre-contemplation (not considering change) 2. Contemplation (thinking about it/ambivalent about change) 3. Preparation (has decided for change imminently) 4. Action (actually make changes) 5. Maintenance (stopped substances and stayed strong) 6. Relapse (the norm)

Mild cognitive impairment affects how many? what age?

10% to 20% of individuals >65 years old have MCI. 15% of those with MCI will develop dementia.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders: Autism Spectrum

1. Rhett's disorder Normal development through first 5 months, then losses of skills 2. Childhood disintegrative disorder Normal development thorough first 2 years, then losses for function 3. Asperger's disorder Deficits in social interactions and activities, but NOT in language or communication 4. Autistic disorder Deficits in social interaction, communication, activities, and interests

Pharmacology for Autism

1. SSRIs reduce repetitive behaviors, aggression, depression, anxiety, and improve social interactions 2. Antipsychotics reduce compulsive behavior and improve self-control 3. Naltrexone reduces hyperactivity 4. Stimulants improve attention

Describe the issues affecting the mental health of the elderly

1. The problems of elderly members of racial and ethnic minority groups 2. Inadequacies of long-term care 3. The need for health maintenance by young adults

What strategies does Relapse Prevention Training?

1. Therapists have clients keep track of their drinking behavior by writing down times, locations, emotions, bodily changes and other circum. Of their drinking. 2. Therapists teach clients coping strategies to use when risky situations arise, such as techniques that control the rate of drinking and relaxation techniques. 3. Teach to plan ahead of time and predetermine how many drinks are appropriate, what to drink and under what circum.

Under what 4 conditions are recovery most likely for people with Schizophrenia?

1. Type I (+ symptoms) 2. Good premorbid functioning 3. Onset later in life 4. Acute onset related to life stress

Antisocial Cleckley Criteria

16: superficial charm and intelligence, irrational thinking, no nervousness, unreliable, insincerity and untruthfulness, lack of remorse, motivate by anti social behaviour, poor judgement, don't love, poor, specific loss of insight, unresponsiveness in general, fantastic and uninviting behaviour, suicide not carried through, sex life impersonal and failure to follow through with a plan


This disorder includes symptoms of inattention, overactivity, and impulsivity (seen to impair behavioral, cognitive, and social life)

what is the rate of assault for people who display a substance-abuse disorder

25% or more

What percentage of adults have mental disorders who also have a history of ODD/CD?


Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) (anxiety disorders)

An anxiety disorder characterized by unwanted repetitive thoughts (obsessions) and/or actions (compulsions).

What is the prevalence of antisocial in males? in females? comorbid with?

3% males 1% females substance abuse (80%)

What is the prevalence of schizotypal PD? more common in which gender?

3-5% more common in men

While it is difficult to know precisely the number of individuals who suffer from sexual dysfunctions, one large study found that about _____ percent of men and about _____ percent of women in the United States suffer from a sexual dysfunction at some point in their lives.

30; 45

ADHD Statistics

4-9% of schoolchildren 70% are boys 80% receive treatment Lessening of symptoms into adolescence Difficult to assess -- observations across contexts (parent, teacher, etc.)

To be diagnosed with a disorder of desire, the individual has to have few or no sexual thoughts for how long?

6 months

Antisocial New Criteria

6: superficial charm, grandoise sense of self worth, proness to boredom/need for stimulation, pathological lying, conning and lack of remorse


A 45-year-old white male, presents to a primary care clinic armed with multiple internet searches on the topic of cancer. He states that he "just knows" he has a GI cancer, "probably the colon or maybe the pancreas." When asked how long this concern has bothered him he says "for years I have been concerned that I have cancer." When asked about relevant symptoms, the patient is a bit vague, saying "I get some pain or pressure right here (he points to the left upper quadrant) but it is not there all the time." The patient reveals that he has had ultrasounds and colonoscopies in the past, but they could find anything. He then admits that he was initially relieved but a couple of weeks later he started to think that they must have just missed something and believes that he needs another colonoscopy and abdominal CT scan. When the doctor suggests a less invasive approach, the patient ends the encounter by stating that he will "find another doctor who sees my point and will get me what I need."


A man, aged 32, was admitted to a psychiatric hospital. Two months before commitment the patient began to talk about how he had failed, had "spoiled" his whole life, that it was now "too late." He spoke of hearing someone say, "You must submit." One night his wife was awakened by his talking. He told her of having several visions but refused to describe them. He stated that someone was after him and trying to blame him for the death of a certain man. He had been poisoned, he said. In the admission office of the hospital he showed many mannerisms, lay down on the floor, pulled at his foot, made undirected violent striking movements, again struck attendants, grimaced, assumed rigid postures, refused to speak, and appeared to be having auditory hallucinations. He was at once placed in a continuous bath where, when seen later in the day, he was found to be in an unresponsive state. His face was without expression, he was mute and rigid, and paid no attention to those around him or to their questions. His eyes were closed and the lids could be separated only with effort by a doctor. There was no response to pinpricks or other painful stimuli. For five days he remained mute, negativistic, and inaccessible, at times staring vacantly into space, at times with his eyes closed.

Define OCD.

A pervasive pattern of preoccupation with orderliness, perfectionism, and mental and interpersonal control

Day center

A program that offers hospital-like treatment during the day only

What is a half-way house?

A residence for people with schizophrenia or other severe problems, often staffed by paraprofessionals. Also known as a group home or crisis house

Which of the following would a qualified sex therapist be LEAST likely to say to a client? A) "Focus on your performance as if you were a spectator." B) "Try to figure out what events in the past might be impacting your sexual behavior." C) "Maybe if you work on your marital happiness, your sex life will improve." D) "You need to talk more with your partner about what you like and don't like sexually."

A) "Focus on your performance as if you were a spectator."

How does Viagra work? A) It increases blood flow into the penis. B) It draws blood flow out of the penis to create a vacuum. C) It increases testosterone levels. D) It creates new cognitions about sex.

A) It increases blood flow into the penis.

During which period does pedophilia typically develop? A) adolescence B) early adulthood C) middle adulthood D) late adulthood

A) adolescence

What is thought to be the cause of vaginismus (the involuntary contraction of vaginal muscles)? A) conditioning of a fear response B) nervous system damage from diabetes C) neurological damage in the cerebellum D) a learned aversion to sexual behavior in general

A) conditioning of a fear response

In females, the labia swells during which phase of the sexual response cycle? A) desire B) arousal C) orgasm D) resolution

A) desire

a person who has an excessive need to be taken care of and is clingy is most likely to qualify for a diagnosis of

dependent personality disorder

When people with gender identity disorder take hormones it is in an attempt to: A) enhance their gender of birth. B) facilitate their living as the other gender. C) reduce their sex drives. D) change their external genitals.

B) facilitate their living as the other gender.

Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) (anxiety disorders)

An anxiety disorder characterized by haunting memories. Nightmares, social withdrawal, jumpy anxiety, and/or insomnia that lingers for four weeks or more after a traumatic experience.

Personality Disorder Cluster C

anxious and fearful: avoidant, dependent and obsessive compulsive

The campus "bra bandit" steals women's underwear from the campus laundry, then masturbates into the underwear. The MOST accurate diagnosis would be: A) no diagnosis: the behavior falls within "normal" limits. B) fetishism. C) transvestic fetishism. D) exhibitionistic fetishism.

B) fetishism.

Hypoactive sexual desire may include all of the following EXCEPT: A) a low level of sexual activity. B) finding sexual activity repulsive. C) a lack of interest in sexual activity. D) normal physical sexual responses.

B) finding sexual activity repulsive.

Based on the likely sociocultural factors related to erectile disorders, the BEST advice you could give to an aging couple would be to: A) "Retire or quit your job or jobs." B) "Provide more intense and lengthy penile stimulation." C) "Focus on intercourse over other forms of sexual expression." D) "Give up; there is no effective treatment."

B) "Provide more intense and lengthy penile stimulation."

Autoerotic asphyxia is a fatal side effect of: A) taking Viagra. B) a masochistic practice. C) cross-dressing. D) a rope fetish.

B) a masochistic practice.

In a very crowded department store during the Christmas rush, a woman suddenly feels a stranger rubbing his genital area against her thigh. He continues until the crowd begins to break up, then he moves away. The MOST likely diagnosis for this man is: A) pedophilia. B) frotteurism. C) sexual masochism. D) hypoxyphilia.

B) frotteurism.

A woman who is sexually assertive and comfortable with masturbation will MOST likely: A) experience a sexual dysfunction. B) have orgasms more regularly. C) have a partner who experiences premature ejaculation. D) have both an arousal and an orgasmic disorder.

B) have orgasms more regularly.

A man who has never been able to achieve or maintain an erection for sexual intercourse would MOST likely be diagnosed with what type of erectile disorder? A) acquired B) lifelong C) situational D) generalized

B) lifelong

Which of the following is a sociocultural cause for male erectile disorder? A) diabetes B) loss of a job C) mild depression D) performance anxiety

B) loss of a job

The idea that both partners share the accountability for sexual dysfunction is known as: A) couples therapy. B) mutual responsibility. C) nondemand pleasuring. D) interactionary dysfunction.

B) mutual responsibility.

What characterizes Cluster C?

anxious/avoidant behaviors

_____ theorists contend that borderline personality disorder results from a combination of internal and external forces. A. biological B. biosocial C. object-relations D. psychodynamic

B. biosocial

Alyssa suffered from separation anxiety as a child, the symptoms of which were never fully addressed and never fully went away. Given what you know about personality disorders, which diagnosis is she MOST at risk of developing as an adult? A. schizoid B. dependent C. paranoid D. avoidant

B. dependent

Brain functioning ASPD

Behavioural inhibition system, reward system and fight flight system. BIS and REW imbalance may lead to psychopathic behavior. BIS responsible for our ability to stop/slow down when we are faced with punishment. REW responsible for our approach behaviour and associated with hope and relief. Less BIS and more REW in psychopaths.

Which of the following is the MOST accurate conclusion regarding the use of Viagra and related drugs to treat erectile disorders? A) The drugs are safe but not effective in treating the disorders. B) The drugs are safe and effective but should only used after careful assessment of what is causing the problem. C) The drugs work about 75 percent of the time and are often given without first assessing what is causing the problem. D) The drugs are effective, but so unsafe that they are no longer prescribed.

C) The drugs work about 75 percent of the time and are often given without first assessing what is causing the problem.

What do androphilia and autogynephilia have in common? A) They are transvestic disorders. B) Those who are diagnosed cross-dress for the purpose of becoming sexually aroused. C) Those who are diagnosed experience gender dysphoria, beginning early in life. D) Those who are diagnosed are genetically male.

D) Those who are diagnosed are genetically male.

A person feels most comfortable wearing clothes preferred by the other gender, strongly wishes to be the other gender, and is considering a surgical procedure. The MOST likely diagnosis for this person is: A) transvestite. B) sexual masochist. C) sexual sadist. D) transsexual.

D) transsexual.

Which of the following does NOT belong with the others as a treatment for orgasmic dysfunction in women? A) creating orgasm triggers B) masturbation training C) positioning that produces clitoral stimulation D) use of the squeeze technique

D) use of the squeeze technique

pat who was drunk as a skunk, got into a bar fight and killed his opponent. which legal test would most likely be used to find him not guilty by reason of insanity

Durham test

tony killed the guy he was fighting with. at his trial he claimed that he did not know what he was doing because he was drunk. under which "insanity" standard might he be found not guilty be reason of insanity

Durham test

Dissociative Identity Disorder- amnesia

During an academic trip to China, a 29-year-old female was found in a hotel bathroom unconscious, with no signs of structural or neurologic abnormalities or alcohol or chemical consumption. The woman was sent home but could not remember her name, address, family, or any facts about her home life. She was taken to the local hospital where she remained for nearly 10 months, until the feeling of blood on the woman's fingers triggered the recollection of events from her time in China in which she finally remembered having witnessed a murder on the last night of her trip. She recalled being unable to help the victim out of fear for her own safety. Eventually, she came to remember other aspects of her life; however, some memories remain irretrievable.

So-called "female Viagra" is called:


Patient goals in AD

Patient goals -Functions at highest level of cognitive ability -Performs self-care, bathing, dressing, and toileting with assistance as needed -Experiences no injury -Uses assistive devices appropriately for ambulation support -Uses effective coping strategies to manage grief related to diagnosis of AD -Verbalizes reality of health situation -Remains in restricted area during ambulation and activity

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Key symptoms are persistent obsessions that are unwanted and repetitive thoughts; compulsions are the repetitive behaviors .

Janet, age 29 and the mother of a 6-year-old girl and an 8-year-old boy, has come to the community mental health center alone. She tells the psychiatric nurse practitioner that she is here because her husband said he would leave her if she didn't get some help. She describes her problem as, "my nerves are shot." When asked to explain, she states that she likes everything to be "in order." She says she cleans her house "from top to bottom" every day. Then when her husband and children come home, she "has to go along behind them and clean as they mess up!" She explains that she can't leave the house without checking and rechecking locks on all doors and windows, and checking and rechecking all electrical outlets and appliances. Sometimes, this routine takes most of an hour before she feels satisfied and ready to leave the house. She said she had to get started getting ready to come to the clinic this morning about 3 hours before she left. "We seldom go out anymore, because my husband says it's just not worth the effort. I'm driving everyone crazy, and I don't know how to stop. I can't stop!"

"I am the greatest!" a famous boxer declared loudly and often. Had he in acted acted throughout his adult life as though he were the greatest, the most appropriate diagnosis would be:

Narcissistic personality disorder

Statistics of dementia

Not a normal part of aging Affects 15% of older Americans ~100 causes of dementia >60% of patients with dementia have Alzheimer's disease (AD). Half of the patients in most long-term care facilities have dementia.

Nurses should assess family members by?

Nurse should also assess family members and their ability to cope and accept diagnosis. -Ongoing monitoring important -Work in collaboration with patient's caregiver. -Teach caregiver how to manage care. **An important nursing responsibility is to work collaboratively with the patient's caregiver to manage clinical manifestations effectively as they change over time.

A class of disorders characterized by sexual attraction or interest in activities, persons, or things that are not typically or inherently sexually arousing for most people is called:

Paraphilic Disorders

Child Maltreatment Interacts with Genes

Percentage with Low MAOA activity and SEVERE maltreatment - 80% CD (with high MAOA activity - only 40%)

Schizotypal Personality Disorder Causes

Predisposed to develop schizophrenia. One phenotype of schizophrenia genotype. People have the schizophrenic gene but lack biological/environment influences therefore less severe. Exposure to influenza. Damage in left hemisphere because disability in performing cognitive learning. Magical ideation. loose association.

A teenagers parents are down on her all of the time. When they are not criticizing her, they ignore her. This is an example of:

Psychological abuse

DSM Substance Dependence criteria

Substance leading to 3 or more of: Tolerance, defined by either Need for greater amounts to achieve effects Diminished effects of the same amount Withdrawal More substance often taken than intended Persistent desire or effort to cut down Great deal of time spent acquiring substance or recovering from effects Important activities Continued use despite persistent problems

An infant is diagnosed with a biological disorder. As she ages, her physical and mental conditions deteriorate steadily so that she loses vision and motor control, and at the age of 3, she dies. Most likely, she was suffering from:

Tay-Sachs disease


Terrance O'Reilly, a single 39-year old transit authority clerk, was brought to the hospital by the police after his increasingly hyperactive and bizarre behavior and nonstop talking alarmed his family. He loudly proclaimed that he was not in need of treatment, and threatened legal action against the hospital and police. The family reported that a month prior to admission Mr. O'Reilly took a leave of absence from his civil service job, purchased a large number of cuckoo clocks and then an expensive car which he planned to use as a mobile showroom for his wares, anticipating that he would make a great deal of money. He proceeded to "tear around town" buying and selling the clocks and other merchandise, and when he was not out, he was continuously on the phone making "deals." He rarely slept, and, uncharacteristically, spent every evening in neighborhood bars drinking heavily and according to him, "wheeling and dealing." Two weeks before admission, his mother died suddenly of a heart attack. He cried for two days, but then his mood then began to soar again. At the time of admission, he was $3000 in debt and had driven his family to exhaustion with his excessive activity and over talkativeness. He said, however, that he felt "on top of the world".

Aspberger's Disorder

This developmental disorder shows significant social impairments, stereotyped behaviors, clumsiness, and verbal behavior. 1 : 36,000


This disease shows an alternative form of dementia which impairs judgement and reasoning due to neurological impairments


This cognitive disorder shows impaired consciousness and cognition, which develops rapidly over hours or days, with marked memoy/lanuage deficits

Mental Retardation

This developmental disorder shows a childhood disorder, prevalent with below-average skills, cognitive functioning, with deficits or impairments in present adaptive functioning

Bipolar Disorder (mood disorders)

This disorder is one one will be experience severe depression for multiple weeks but their mood will change into a manic state where they would feel elated. This would last for a week or so as well.

Schizotypal Personality Disorder

This disorder may reflect a less severe form of schizophrenia

Schizophrenic Delusions

This list of experiences includes erotomanic, grandiose, jealousy, perseutory, and somatic...

.5% - 2.5%

This percentage of the general population is affected by personality disorders

Undifferentiated Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia is considered a "wastebasket" category, which includes the major symptoms of Schizophrenia (the individual fails to meet the criteria for another type)

Paranoid Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows intact cognitive skills and affect, no signs of disorganized behavior. Hallucinations/Delusions include grandeur or persecution (typical prognosis)

Residual Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows one past episode of schizophrenia, where the individual continues to display less extreme residual symptoms


This susceptibility gene has been discovered in Alzheimer's research

Doesn't appear to cause him distress or dysfunction in his day-to-day functioning.

Thomas is 30 years old and is very shy. He tends to avoid social situations and rarely leaves his home. However, he writes a very successful internet blog and is usually content while working at home. Why would psychologists not label his behavior as a disorder.

Psychoanalytic- free association (goal is for transference to occur)

Upon entering his office, your therapist asks you to sit down and be comfortable. He then tells you that you should speak freely, and not to worry about censoring any thoughts you may have during the therapy session. He sits behind you to minimize any eye contact--he does not wish to serve as an authority figure during your session. At one point, he cautions you about becoming defensive and suggests that you might be unconsciously attempting to block his access into gaining insight into the inner workings of your thought processes.

Among the "oldest old," those who are over 95 years old, the MOST common concern is:

a fear of losing mental abilities

mild ID

a level of intellectual disability (IQ between 50 and 70) at which people can benefit from education and support themselves as adults

if parents excessively reinforce clinging and punish attempts at independence, the result might be the development of

dependent personality disorder


a speech abnormality common in autism spectrum disorder; the individual repetitively echos (repeats) exact phrases spoken by others, but with no sign of understanding or intent of communicating

if you were having marital problems that were affecting your work and your employer made mental health service available to you to deal with those problems, your employer would be providing you with

an EAP (employee assistance program)

the person most likely to abuse alcohol probably experiences _____ personality disorder


sarah respects none of society's boundaries and is insensitive to other people, frequently violating their rights. she does not consider the consequences of her actions. she experiences

antisocial personality disorder

the personality disorder that is most often associated with criminal behavior is the

antisocial personality disorder

treatment foster care

approach to treat conduct disorder in which delinquent boys and girls are assigned a foster home in community. Foster parents, birth parents, and children all receive training and treatment interventions including family therapy, individual therapy for child, and meetings.

the mockingbird gets its name from the fact that it often imitates the call of other birds, without conveying any particular message. a human who imitates others' speech without really communicating most likely would be diagnosed with


The mockingbird gets its name from the fact that it often imitates the call of other birds, without conveying any particular message. A child who imitates others' speech without any sign of understanding it, MOST likely would be diagnosed with:

autism spectrum disorder

what treatment is used for exhibitionistic disorder

aversion therapy and masturbatory satiation, may be combined w/ orgasmic reorientation, social skills training, or cognitive-behavioral therapy

how is fetishistic disorder treated

aversion therapy, covert sensitization, behavioral treatment is masturbatory satiation- clients masturbate to boredom while imagining the fetish object, orgasmic reorientation-teaches individuals to respond to more appropriate sources of sexual stimulation

the client is doing reasonably well in therapy, and expresses several symptoms similar to those of someone with social phobia. the client has been diagnosed with a personality disorder, most likely, the disorder is


"Group therapy is a good option for those with dependent personality disorder; they'll be able to observe others coping skills and model them." This statement would MOST likely be made by a therapist having which theoretical perspective


A child who is severely criticized for acting independently, and who is praised for doing exactly what parents say to do, later develops dependent personality disorder. The therapist who would be LEAST surprised by this outcome would have which theoretical orientation?


Giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may inadvertently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. This is most likely a ____________ disorder.


a therapist works with an autistic child, providing praise and a small spoonful of ice cream whenever the child imitates a specific sound the therapist makes. the therapist is using what type of therapy

behavioral therapy

A child awakens suddenly to the sound of a bell, and heads for the bathroom. MOST likely the child is receiving:

behavioral therapy for enuresis

Narcissistic individuals are prone to _______ episodes.


female sexual interest/arousal disorder is what

characterized by lack of normal interest in sexual activity, rarely initiate sexual activity and may experience little excitement during

what is premature ejaculation

characterized by persistent reaching of orgasm and ejaculation w/in one minute of beginning sexual activity w/ a partner and before he wishes to

what is voyeuristic disorder

characterized by repeated and intense sexual urges to observe people as they undress or engage in sexual activity-person may masturbate during act of observing or while remembering it later 'peeping tom'

assume that you are alone in a room with a child suffering from a disorder of childhood. if you did not know what the child's diagnosis was, what behavior of the child's might start to convince you that the disorder is autism

child not responsive to others

Coping Power Program

child-focused approach to treat conduct disorder in which children participate in group sessions that teach them to manage their anger more effectively, view situations in perspective, solve problems, become aware of their emotions, build social skills, set goals, and handle peer pressure.

problem-solving skills training

child-focused approach to treat conduct disorder in which therapists combine modeling, practice, role-playing, and systematic rewards to help teach children constructive thinking and positive social behaviors. May play games and learn to solve tasks so can apply them to real-life situations.


children with a history of being arrested

disorders of desire

consists of an interest in or urge to have sex, sexual fantasies, and sexual attration to others; 2 dysfunctions affect this phase; male hypoactive sexual desire disorder, female sexual interest/arousal disorder

at a parent-teacher conference, a child's parents are astounded to learn that their son has been showing up late for school, despite leaving home with more than enough time to get to school. this behavior most closely fits which pattern of conduct disorder


When a fetishist imagines the object of the fetish, then immediately imagines an aversive stimulus, the behavioral approach used is _____ sensitization.


a child sneaks out of the home every now and then, and goes through the neighborhood breaking lawn decorations and scratching car paint. these behaviors most closely fit which pattern of conduct disorder

covert-destructive pattern

Depletion of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine has been implicated as a:

critical factor in Alzheimer's disease

"Be loyal to your family" was what the child heard all the time, along with "You shouldn't -- you can't -- do it on your own, so don't even try." A behaviorist would say this kind of upbringing would be MOST likely to produce which of the personality disorders in the child, when he or she reached adulthood?


Alyssa suffered from separation anxiety as a child, the symptoms of which were never fully addressed and never fully went away. Given what you know about personality disorders, which diagnosis is she MOST at risk of developing as an adult?

dependent personality disorder

a friend spends hours each day in chat rooms, and seems to rely increasingly on the approval and advice of "cyber-friends". in fact, your friend finds it harder and harder to leave the chat rooms; they control your friend's every decision. this behavior pattern is most similar to that of people with which of the following personality disorder

dependent personality disorder

How might the DSM-V classify bipolar disorder in children?

disruptive mood dysregulation disorder

If a young person is taking a health-maintenance approach to aging, the person would be:

doing things that promote physical and mental health

Intelligence test results should not be the only things used to determine intellectual developmental disorder, because intelligence test scores:

don't indicate level of adaptive behavior

Cholinesterase inhibitors include

donepezil (Aricept), rivastigmine (Exelon), and galantamine (Razadyne). Rivastigmine is available as a patch.

A biological explanation for substance abuse could be the ______________ reward pathway


a therapist who broke confidentiality with a patient without the patient's consent because of fears that the person would harm someone else was acting according to the ethical principle of

duty to protect

if a therapist has a client who is threatening to kill another person, the therapist must inform that other person because of the ethical principle of

duty to protect

What chemical substance has both stimulant and hallucinogenic properties, produces euphoria, cognitive distortions, produces feelings of intimacy and well-being?


The principle or technique in sexual dysfunction treatment where the sex therapist helps the patients identify and express upsetting emotions tied to past events is called:

emotional identification

Define personality disorders.

enduring patterns of perceiving, relating to, and thinking about the environment and oneself

group therapy is particularly useful in the treatment of avoidant personality disorder primarily because group therapy

gradually increases social contacts

"Beatlemania" gripped the United States in the 1960s when the British rock group The Beatles performed; adorning fans screamed, sometimes fainted, and shouted exaggerated, emotional praise a the group. These behaviors MOST closely resemble the characteristics of:

histrionic personality disorder

When the seat belt light in Didi's car stay son for a few extra seconds, she bursts into tears. She always craves attention and reacts toe even the smallest evens with an elaborate show of emotion. She probably would receive the diagnosis of:

histrionic personality disorder

a person constantly strives to be center of attention, yet the ideas the person so eloquently expresses are usually shallow and changeable. if this person were diagnosed with a personality disorder, it most likely would be

histrionic personality disorder

Cognitive theorists believe that because those with schizoid personalities have difficulty scanning the environment, perceiving accurately, and picking up emotional cues, they develop _____ very slowly

language and motor skills

Sources of discrimination in the mental health care of the elderly include:

language barriers that interfere with medical and mental health care

in poor inner-city neighborhoods, children sometimes eat paint that is flaking off walls. this can lead to mental retardation because of

lead poisoning

If instruments such as the "Big Five" are used to describe personality, rather than relying on DSM-5, then diagnosis of psychological disorder would become:

less categorical and more a matter of degree.

a parent of an infant asks what you would recommend specifically to reduce the chance of the infant developing ADHD. research-based responses would include

make sure child doesn't watch too much tv

Terry has been diagnosed with a paraphilia, specifically transvestic disorder. Terry is MOST likely to be:


OCD is more common in which gender?


Paranoid PD is more common in males or females?

males unlikely to seek treatment

Most frequently used illicit drug in the U.S.


a "doctor" in a TV drama suggests using antidepressant medication in the treatment of borderline personality disorder. based on the most current research, you know

mediocre advice, may increase suicidal tendancies

A 65-year-old in otherwise very good health typically will experience occasional:

memory difficulties

the case of O'Connor v donaldson resulted in the ruling that

mental hospitals must review their patients' cases periodically

patienst who perform work in mental institutions, particularly private institutions, are guaranteed _____ for that work

minimum wage

A particular problem often found more prominently in the elderly that is related to substance abuse is:

misuse of prescription drugs.

what are the general features of sex therapy

modern sex therapy is short-term and instructive 15-10 sessions, centered on specific sexual problems rather than on broad personality issues

What depressant acts as a pain killing agent that depresses the central nervous system, is highly addictive, produces euphoria and drowsiness, and has sever withdrawal symptoms?


A child is openly hostile toward her parents. She argues with them constantly and will not do anything they say. They cannot control her. The diagnosis she is most likely to receive is:

oppositional defiant disorder.

reese is distrustful of others and reacts quickly to perceived threats. even though he has no evidence, he is sure his wife is unfaithful. he finds it almost impossible to forgive those he thinks have wronged him. reese displays the characteristic of the _____ personality disorder


Iris has had a diagnosis of schizophrenia. she mutters a lot about being possessed. lately she has been carving her arm with a knife. you think that she requires treatment before she hurts herself any more. the authorities have a right to commit her based on the principles of

parens patriae

the aspect of state responsibility that promotes and protects the interests of individuals from themselves is called

parens patriae

An intervention in which parents and their children who have been diagnosed with conduct disorder do behavior therapy targeting and rewarding desired behavior is called:

parent management training


pattern of behavior in conduct disorder wherein children display secretive destructive behaviors such as violating other people's property, breaking and entering, and setting fires

covert-destructive pattern

pattern of conduct disorder characterized by secretive destructive behaviors such as violating other people's property, breaking and entering, and setting fires.

overt-nondestructive pattern

pattern of conduct disorder dominated by openly offensive but non-confrontational behaviors such as lying.

overt-destructive pattern

pattern of conduct disorder in which individuals display openly aggressive and confrontational behaviors

covert-nondestructive pattern

pattern of conduct disorder in which individuals secretly commit nonaggressive behaviors such as being truant from school.

Which paraphilic disorder, if caught, could lead the person to have to register with local police and notify the community that they live nearby?

pedophilic disorder

Self defeating personality

people are are overly passive and accept the pain imposed by others

Disease model

people are biologically incapable of using a substance w/o abusing it

many states have a category of "mentally disordered sex offenders", which assigns moral responsibility to the offender. this category, which is related to the insanity defense, is based on the premise that

people who are repeatedly found guilty of certain sex crimes have a mental disorder

one who sets fires primarily for the pleasure or tension relief the fire setting provides is a(n)


Ramone and Jolie have been instructed by their therapist to focus on sexual pleasure that can be achieved without demands to have intercourse or reach orgasm. They have been told to refrain from intercourse for now and to focus on kissing, hugging, and sensual massage. Ramone and Jolie's therapist is MOST likely trying to eliminate:

performance anxiety

If you wanted to write a book about a fictional character who is a "typical" example of antilock personality disorder, you might have a character exhibit all of the following except:

periods of very high anxiety

the aspect of state responsibility that promotes and protects the interests of individuals from dangerous people is called

police powers

Conduct disorder has most often been associated with:

poor parent-child relationships.

you would suspect a problem in the _____ for someone experiencing difficulty with short-term memory

prefrontal lobe

ralphie is autistic and does not like much variation in his life. he puts his toys on a shelf in a particular order and throws a tantrum if his mother moves any of them. any one of several trivial changes in his daily routine can set him off. this is an example of

preservation of sameness

a person who has difficulty remembering how to use a key is having trouble with

procedural memory

When a child with autism spectrum disorder says "You want a drink when he really means that he wants a drink, he is displaying

pronominal reversal

what do psychodynamic theorists and behaviorists think

psych-people w/ this disorder are seeking power behav-learned behavior that can be traced to a chance and secret observation of a sexually arousing scene

"It is clear that very demanding parents caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which of the following theoretical perspectives?


the absence of parental love results in emotional detachment and the use of power to form relationships. this is most like a _____ explanation of the development of antisocial personality disorder



rubbing your genitals against the person and doing a quick grab with unexpected strangers

A person diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder listens to a piano piece at a concert. Later at home, the person plays the piano piece without the music, and without making a mistake. This behavior is best described as a:

savant skill

An individual has just received a diagnosis of paranoid personality disorder. That individual is MOST likely to have a parent or sibling who has:


Personality disorders are categorized into three main clusters that include all of the following EXCEPT:


if one knew nothing more than that the person with mental retardation also had extensive and severe medical problems and physical handicaps, the best estimate of that person''s level of mental retardation would be

sever or profound

what would the removal of both temporal lobes most likely cause

severe anterograde amnesia

If one knew nothing more than that the person with intellectual developmental disorder also had extensive and severe neurological dysfunction and physical handicaps, the MOST likely estimate of that person's level of mental retardation would be:

severe or profound

what are the two general categories of sexual disorders

sexual dysfunctions; problems w/ sexual responses paraphilic disorders; repeated and intense sexual urges and fantasies in response to socially inappropriate objects or situations

disorders of orgasm

sexual pleasure peaks and sexual tension is released as the muscles in the pelvic region contract rhythmically'; men-semen is ejaculated women-outer third of vaginal walls contract

A number of rapists and sexual murderers exhibit _____ disorder.

sexual sadism

John Brown and Abraham Lincoln were labeled by some as "insane" because of their views on


children are more likely than the elderly to experience

sleep terrors

What is the rate of metabolism?

slightly less than 1 standard drink/hour

Avoidant personality disorder seems MOST closely related to:

social anxiety

avoidant personality disorder seems most closely related to

social phobia

disorders of sexual pain

some women w/ genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder experience involuntary contractions of the muscles of the outer third of the vagina

methylphenidate (Ritalin)

stimulant drug used to treat ADHD. Helps them focus, solve complex tasks, perform better at school, and control aggression. Undesired effects may include insomnia, stomachaches, headaches, loss of appetite.

A psychological explanation for substance abuse could be someone who is under a lot of __________ turns to substances to make them feel better



strong preferene for non=living object that you get dome sort of a sexual pleasure/gratification from


strong sexual urges to expose genitals to public, unexpected strangers

Female Orgasmic Disorder

-Disorder of Orgasm -~25% of women (10% or more have never reached orgasm; 9% reach orgasm rarely) 1. presence of one of the symptoms during almost all occasions of sexual activity lasting 6+ months 2. significant distress or impairment

Terry has been diagnosed as having a paraphilia, specifically transvestic fetishism. Terry is MOST likely to be: A) male. B) gay. C) female. D) elderly.

A) male.

What percentage of 90-year-old men still masturbate?


For binge drinking, men intake how many drinks during an episode?

5 or more drinks

Dissociative Amnesia with fugue

A 35-year-old businessman was brought to the police station after he was found wandering around downtown Baltimore in a confused state. The man was unable to recall important personal information or any facts about his past. Eventually, the police were able to identify him through a missing person's report that his brother filed ten months earlier. According to the report, the man, Harold, disappeared from his home in New York nearly one year earlier following the unexpected death of both his wife and children in a car accident when they were hit by a drunk driver.

What is Gambling Disorder?

A disorder marked by persistent and recurrent gambling behavior, leading to a range of life problems. Defined by addictive nature of behavior.

Genetic Influence of Anti social

Adopted away offspring of felons have higher rates of arrest especially if they spent more time in an orphanage. Gene-environment interaction: the adopted parents expose the child to stress which activates the gene.

Cognitive- Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy

After seeking help for feelings of anxiety and depression, your therapist counsels you that it is impossible for you to be loved and cared for by all people who are significant at your job and in your community. She further urges you to abandon the irrational approach you take to interpreting the events that occur in your life.

Alzheimer's Dementia

Alzheimer's accounts for 50-70% dementia cases 5.1 million Americans Risk increases over 40% after age 84

The MOST feared psychological problem among the elderly is:

Alzheimer's disease

The MOST frequent cause of irreversible dementia in the elderly is:

Alzheimer's disease

The most frequent cause of irreversible dementia in the elderly is:

Alzheimer's disease

the most feared psychological problem among the elderly is

Alzheimer's disease

if a person experiencing severe paranoid delusions committed a crime while saying, "I know this is wrong and i shouldn't be doing it", that person would be eligible for an insanity defense under the

American law institute test


Biological treatment of substance use disorder -systematically and medically supervised withdrawal from a drug -relapse rates are high for people that don't do follow up

_____ theorists contend that borderline personality disorder results from a combination of internal and external forces


Cluster A: Schizoid

Cluster A Disorder, characterized by pervasive pattern of detachment from social relationships, and a very limited range of emotions in interpersonal situations.

Earliest Symptoms of Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)

Earliest symptoms -Memory impairment -Behavior changes

What neurotransmitter is affected by sedatives/hypnotic drugs?


Distress in relation to incongruence between a person's sex (assigned gender) and expressed or experienced gender is referred to as:

Gender Dysphoria

Overdosing (celebrities)

Heath Ledger, Whitney Houston, Michael Jackson

Borderline PD subtypes

Impulsive, identity disturbance and affective. Couple therapy for identity and affective.

Cognitive Changes with Age

In 60s - dramatic decrease in speed of processing, working, and LTM In 50s - increased Word Knowledge [Neurons die, amyloid deposits/tangles - Alzheimer's] 1. Hypothalamus/Thalamus - selected neurons shrink or die 2. Cerebral cortex - large neurons shrink (amyloid deposits develop in spaces between cells) 3. Basal forebrain - acetylcholine-secreting neurons shrink or die 4. Locus ceruleaus - neurons die 5. Amygdala/Hippocampus - amyloid deposits develop in spaces between cells (neurofibrillary tangles develop within neurons)

As AD progresses, the patients are more likely to exhibit?

In AD that has progressed, -Dysphasia ( difficluty swallowing) -Apraxia (inability to execute learned purposeful movements) -Visual agnosia (inability to identify objects by sight) -Dysgraphia (inability to write) -Some long-term memory loss -Wandering

Disorganized Affect

Inappropriate emotional behavior, which includes a variety of unusual behaviors

Of the following statements which one most accurately reflects up-to-date research on DSM-5 categories of personality disorder?

Individuals do not necessarily have to have very similar personalities to receive the same diagnosis

Of the following statements, which MOST accurately reflects up-to-date research on DSM-5 categories of personality disorder?

Individuals do not necessarily have to have very similar personalities to receive the same diagnosis.

Psychodynamic Perspective on substance abuse

Individuals have strong dependency needs that can be traced back to their early years


Inflammatory cells present in Alzheimer's disease

Interalizing Disorders - differences between kids and adults

Kids - more somatic/behavioral symptoms (less cognitive) Treatment - kids have play therapy and sessions with parents

Eye Tracking Studies

Klin et al. (2003) 15 males w/autism and 15 healthy controls Researchers coded fixations on mouth, eyes, body, and objects +++ Best predictor of autism was eye region fixation time (vew low by comparison; higher fixation percentage on mouth and body)

Late Stage AD

Late stages -Long-term memory loss -Unable to communicate -Cannot perform activities of daily living (ADLs) -Patient may be unresponsive and incontinent, requiring total care.

Lawrence has decided that he wants to stop having sex, including sexual activity with a partner as well as masturbation. He is not depressed, has no physical limitations with regard to sexual performance, and does feel regular and powerful sexual desire. Which of the following would be the BEST "diagnosis" for Lawrence?

Lawrence warrants no diagnosis of a sexual disorder

Characteristics of mild cognitive impairment?

Memory complaint Abnormal memory for age Intact activities of daily living Normal general cognitive functioning -freq misplaces things -freq forgets peoples names -begins to forgot important events, appts -may forget recent events or newly learned info -worries about mem loss, friends/fam notice lag

DSM Substance Abuse criteria

One or more of the following occurs during a 12-month period, leading to significant impairment or distress: Failure to fulfill important obligations at home, school, or work due to the substance use Repeated use of substances in situations in which it is physically hazardous Repeated legal problems as a result of use Continued use of substance despite repeated social or legal problems due to use

An individual suffering from a neurological disorder shows no evidence of infection or poisoning, but experiences tremors, rigidity, and unsteadiness. The MOST probable diagnosis is:

Parkinson's disease


Rates are ________ in inpatient and outpatient settings

What is the age on onset for Schizophrenia? What is the prevalence rate?

Teens-early 30's, and the prevalence rate is 1% with no sex difference.

Catatonic Type

This subtype of Schizophrenia shows unusual motor responses and odd mannerisms, which includes echolalia and echopraxia

Describe Vascular dementia

Vascular dementia Loss of cognitive function due to brain lesions caused by cardiovascular disease Ischemic lesions Ischemic-hypoxic lesions Hemorrhagic brain lesions

Which statement BEST represents current knowledge about mass murders?

We really don't know what causes mass murderers to act or how to treat them

Which of the following statements BEST represents current knowledge about mass murderers?

We really don't know what causes mass murders to act or how to treat them

Interventions to reduce risk of malnutrition?

When chewing and swallowing become difficult, use -Pureed food -Thickening liquids -Nutritional supplements Quiet and unhurried environment Easy-grip utensils **Distractions at mealtimes, including the television, should be avoided. Low lighting, music, and simulated nature sounds may improve eating behaviors.

When is a heroin overdose likely to occur?

When one has been without heroin for a period of time and takes one's usual dose

most recent research has provided evidence that the primary causes of autism include

brain abnormalties

A friend of yours says, "A 15-year-old high schooler accused of shooting several classmates received a diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder." Your MOST accurate reply would be:

"No; this kid is too young for that diagnosis."

A friend asks your advice about the MOST effective therapy to use for treating borderline personality disorder. Your BEST answer is:

"Research suggests that dialectical behavior therapy is the most effective."

"Grandma is 65 years old, and there's no sign of neurocognitive disorder," says a friend of yours. Your MOST accurate reply is:

"That's wonderful --- about 1 to 2 percent of people that age do have signs of neurocognitive disorder."

A friend says, "My 70-year-old grandmother is in good physical health, but has been diagnosed with depression. Should my grandmother even bother getting therapy? She is pretty old, after all." Your best research-based answer is:

"Yes, over half of elderly patients show improvement with treatment."

Which category of personality disorder contains the disorders MOST commonly diagnosed?


What are the 3 disorders of Orgasm?

-Early/Premature Ejaculation -Delayed Ejaculation -Female Orgasmic Disorder

Characteristics of histrionic PD

-Inappropriately seductive/provocative -Impressionistic style of speech -Suggestible, easily influenced by others -Considers relationships more intimate than they really are

What is the prevalence of OCD?


Family and Environment Risk Factors for CD/ODD

1. Chaotic/disrupted family environments 2. Low SES (Socioeconomic Status) - Costello 3. Parenting practices (lack of involvement, harsh, physical abuse, severe neglect) 4. Exposure to deviant peers (deviants child tends to associate with deviant peers, escalating behavioral problems)

Causes of ADHD

1. Genetics 2. Dopamine dysregulation 3. Disrupted functioning of frontal lobes, caudate nucleus, corpus callosum 4. Prenatal and birth complications 5. Family environment

Other classes of substances

1. Hallucinogens and PCP??? 2. Cannabis 3. Club drugs


1. Heroin 2. Morphine 3. Painkillers High potential intoxication and dependency potential Low risk of damage/death

A patient with Alzheimer's disease has a nursing diagnosis of impaired memory related to effects of dementia. An appropriate nursing intervention for the patient is to:

1. Let the patient know what behavior is socially appropriate. 2. Assist the patient with all self-care to maintain self-esteem. 3. Maintain familiar routines of sleep, meals, drug administration, and activities. 4. At every encounter with the patient, ask the day, time, and place to promote orientation. ANSWER=3. Rationale: The nurse should maintain familiar routines by identifying usual patterns of behavior for activities such as sleep, medication use, elimination, food intake, and self-care.

What are negative symptoms of Schizophrenia?

1. Poverty of speech (Alogia)- reduction in speech/speech content is slow 2. Blunted/flat affect- show little/no emotions 3. Abolition- apathetic and drained of energy/lack of drive 4. Social withdrawal

What are the three phases of Schizophrenia?

1. Proaromal- functioning deteriorates but no symptoms of schizophrenia. 2. Active- symptoms are full/complete inability to function 3. Residual- functioning returns to proaromal level, negative symptoms remain.

Parkinson's disease

A slowly progressive nuerological disease marked by tremors and rigidity that may also cause dementia

Between _____ percent and _____ percent of all women report having seen or had direct contact with an exhibitionist.

33; 50

The ratio of females to males over 65 years old is:

40 percent

What is another name for genital pain during sexual activity? A) dyspareunia B) premature ejaculation C) postmature ejaculation D) male orgasmic disorder

A) dyspareunia

About _____ percent of those who are diagnosed with borderline personality disorder are women.


the standard for "clear and convincing proof" according to the US supreme court is

75% certainty the criteria has been met

What is Psychosis?

A state in which a person loses contact with realty in key ways.

A man awakens after eight hours of normal sleep, and has an unbroken "snap gauge" band. There's a good chance that the man has: A) a physical basis for his erectile problems. B) a case of socioculturally related erectile disorder. C) a case of psychologically related erectile disorder. D) a normal sex life.

A) a physical basis for his erectile problems.

A young woman who formerly had a fairly high sex drive, and who reports no new medical problems, nonetheless experiences an unexpected drop in sex drive. What would be an important question to ask her, before recommending some sort of psychotherapy? A) "Have you been exposed to high levels of testosterone lately?" B) "Have you recently started taking birth control pills?" C) "Have you recently stopped using marijuana?" D) "Have you experienced lower levels of prolactin lately?"

B) "Have you recently started taking birth control pills?"

According to DSM-5, the cut-off point for diagnosing early ejaculation is within _____ of initiating sexual activity. A) 30 seconds B) a minute C) 3 minutes D) 10 minutes

B) a minute

To be classified as having hypoactive sexual desire, one would have a reduced interest in sex and little sexual activity, lasting: A) a week. B) a month C) six months. D) a year.

B) a month

Comorbidity of CD

Boys - 20% ADHD, 45% Anxiety, 35% Depression, 45% Alcohol Dependence, 40% Marijuana dependence (Boys = anxiety, alcohol, marijuana, depression) Girls - 70% Anxiety, 70% Depression, 30% Alcohol Dpendence, 27% Marijuana Dependence (Girls - Anxiety, depression, alcohol, marijuana)

In a person who has an unusually long resolution phase of the sexual response cycle, which of the following is MOST likely? A) The person is a man. B) The person is a teenager. C) The person did not have an orgasm. D) The person was never aroused.

C) The person did not have an orgasm.

If a therapist were seeing patients for treatment of hypoactive sexual desire, the therapist would be MOST likely to find which of the following disorders as well? A) schizophrenia and eating disorders B) substance abuse and anxiety disorder C) depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder D) organic brain dysfunction and personality disorders

C) depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder

A male diagnosed with a sexual dysfunction is MOST likely to be diagnosed with: A) erectile disorder. B) orgasmic disorder. C) early ejaculation. D) dyparenuia.

C) early ejaculation.

People experiencing dyspareunia: A) do not enjoy sex. B) are unable to become sexually aroused. C) experience pain during sex. D) are unable to masturbate.

C) experience pain during sex

How is AD categorized? Progression?

Categorized similarly to those for dementia -Mild -Moderate -Late Progression is variable from person to person and ranges from 3 to 20 years.

Schizoid Personality Disorder Causes

Childhood shyness. Abuse and neglect. Children that have autism. Lower dopamine leads to higher detachment. Teach them value of social relationships and social skill training.

Environment + MAOA

Children who had high levels of MAOA and maltreated less likely to be anti social

How are Cholinesterase inhibitors used?

Cholinesterase inhibitors -Used to treat mild and moderate dementia -Block cholinesterase, enzyme responsible for breaking down acetylcholine -Improve or stabilize cognitive decline but do not cure or reverse

Paranoid Personality Disorder

Cluster A. Mistrust and suspicious of others without justification. Take events as personal attacks. Ready to pounce. Relationship with paranoid type of schizophrenia and delusional disorder. Both involve delusions that are out of touch with reality. Do not hear voices.

narcissistic personality disorder

Cluster B (dramatic, emotional, or erratic) personality disorder involving a pervasive pattern of grandiosity in fantasy or behavior, need for admiration, and lack of empathy.

Exhibitionists engage in that behavior because they: A) were sexually abused as children. B) are trying to solicit sexual contact. C) are unable to experience sexual relations. D) desire a shock reaction from their victim.

D) desire a shock reaction from their victim.

A normal healthy man experiences: A) 20 to 30 minutes of penile erection per night of sleep. B) most nocturnal tumescence during deep (delta) sleep. C) brief, fleeting nighttime erections. D) erections during REM sleep.

D) erections during REM sleep

Which of the following occupations is MOST similar to what Masters and Johnson identified as the spectator role in sexual behavior? A) priest B) airline pilot C) actor D) judge

D) judge

Cluster B

DSM-IV-TR Personality Cluster characterized by dramatic, emotional, and erratic behavior

Neurobiological ASPD

Deficits in their abilities to maintain a plan and to inhibit irrelevant information.

A clouding of consciousness that develops over a short period of time and can often be reversed if its underlying cause can be found is called:


Dementia often gets mistaken for what? and vice versa?

Depression often mistaken for dementia and vice versa Manifestations of depression, especially in older adults -Sadness -Difficulty thinking and concentrating -Fatigue -Apathy -Feelings of despair -Inactivity

Of the following alternatives, the one least likely to contribute to inequities between African Americans and white Americans in receiving long-acting stimulant drug treatment for ADHD is:

Differences in drug tolerance

Progression of CJD?

Disease progresses rapidly. Mental deterioration Involuntary movements Weaknesses in limbs Blindness Eventual coma No treatment -Only autopsy and examination of brain tissue can confirm the diagnosis.

What is Internet Gaming Disorder?

Disorder marked by persistent, recurrent and excessive internet activity, particularly gaming (internet addiction).

What is Tardive Dyskinesia?

Extrapyramidal effects that appear in some patients after they have taken conventional antipsychotic drugs for an extended time.

Schizophrenia- delusions of reference

During an interview, the 50-year old female patient expressed beliefs covering almost the entire range of delusions. She felt that her niece was in on a plot with other relatives to take away the property she owned in 106 countries, which she was planning to use, after training religious missionaries, to establish missions to convert heathens. In spite of the fact that her husband was alive and visited her weekly, she maintained that her husband was dead and that he had been killed by the FBI. The FBI had 6 agents assigned to her alone and had killed her husband. She had learned of their spying and talking about her from the television where they were portraying her life in several of the continuing series programs. She had learned other things about the plot from the voices that came between the television programs and the commercials. She was convinced that the hospital attendants were in on the conspiracy and that poison was being placed in her food. She was also concerned about the electrical waves that were "messing up" her mind.

Cause of AD? Risk factors?

Exact cause is unknown. Age is most important risk factor. Familial Alzheimer's disease -Persons in whom a clear pattern of inheritance within a family is established have familial Alzheimer's disease (FAD). -FAD is associated with earlier onset (before 60 years of age) and a more rapid disease course.

Long-term care

Extended personal and medical support provided to elderly and other persons who may be impaired (may range from partial support in a supervised apartment to intensive support at a nursing home


Hilda, a 32-year old mother of two small children, is admitted to the hospital following a panic attack that occurred while she was watching a local weather report in which the meteorologist predicted 3-4 inches of snow the following day. While being treated, Hilda admits that she has been terrified of snow for as long as she can remember and this fear severely restricts her day-to-day behavior. Following months of therapy, Hilda eventually remembers a ski trip she and her family took when she was 9-years old. During the trip, Hilda was buried briefly by a small avalanche of snow while playing at the ski lodge. Hilda is amazed by the revelation as she had no recollection of this experience until it was recovered in therapy.

Depressants such as alcohol depress what part of the brain?

Inhibitory center.

Can Vaccines Cause Autism Spectrum Disorders?

Initial study showing association with MMR vaccine and autism retracted by the Lancet in 2010

What are the intital symptoms seen in dementia? often reported by whom?

Initial symptoms are related to changes in cognitive function. -Family members often report to doctor -Memory loss -Mild disorientation -Trouble with words and/or numbers **Often it is a family member, in particular the spouse, who reports the patient's declining memory to the health care provider.

Under Arousal Hypothesis

Inverted u shape relationship called Yerkes Dodson curve. Low levels of cortisol arousal. Curve suggests that people with very high or very low levels of arousal tend to experience negative affect and perform poorly in situations. Low levels leads to anti social and risk taking behaviour because they can't feel anything. Low frequency theta waves are found in childhood and disappear. Psychopaths have excessive thetha waves when awake.

What is Methadone Maintenance Therapy (MMT)?

It is a comprehensive treatment program that involves the long-term prescribing of methadone as an alternative to the opioid on which the client was dependent.

What are some of the dangers of Heroin?

It is one of the most addictive drugs and overdose is common. Easy to contract things like AIDS/HIV, Hepatitis C through use of needles. Mix with other cheap substances like battery acid or cyanide can be deadly.

Generalized anxiety

Jane, a 43-year old female, has been referred to a psychiatrist by her local physician, who can find nothing physically wrong with her. She complains, however, of feeling tense and apprehensive most of the time; she has difficulty sleeping and experiences frequent headaches. Minor stresses that she once handled with ease, such as driving in traffic or presenting a paper in class, now make her extremely nervous. In addition, she has moments of terror during which she feels that something dreadful is about to happen to her. Jane has no idea of the source of her fears.

Bad students usually drink more while good students with good grades drink ______.


Antisocial personality disorder

Luke is superficially charming and skilled at exploiting people for his own gain. He is also impulsive, irresponsible, and he generally disregards social norms. Luke would most likely be diagnosed with which psychological disorder?

Phobia- agoraphobia- fear of being in public

Margaret, a 52-year old female, has become increasingly fearful of leaving the house by herself. She insists that a family member accompany her when she goes to the store or even walks as far as the mailbox. The thought of being in a crowd so terrifies her that she no longer attends concerts or church (activities she once enjoyed) regardless of whether someone accompanies her. Her life is confined within the walls of her home.

Diagnostic Label: Seasonal Affective Disorder Recommended Treatment(s): Light Exposure Therapy

Melanie Johnson is a 35-year-old accountant who moved to Green Bay, Wisconsin, two years ago from her hometown of Sarasota, Florida. Beginning this past November, for the first time in her life, Melanie began experiencing periods of depression, lethargy, and excessive sleeping. In addition, she noticed that she was eating more than she had previously, and as a result, had gained 10 pounds. Melanie's condition remained unchanged for several months until she began to notice an improvement in her mood the following March. Diagnostic Label: Recommended Treatment(s):

What drug is regarded as being highly reinforcing?


What are some advantages of the new antipsychotic drugs?

More effective because they reduce both positive and negative symptoms. Cause fewer extrapyramidal effects and are less likely to produce tardive dyskinesia, although some produce significant undesired effects on their own.

Which of the following statements is MOST accurate regarding antisocial personality disorder?

Most who have it are not treated, and most who are treated are not helped much

Assume you have to give and in class presentation about narcissistic personality disorder. What is an accurate statement about treatment for this disorder?

No form of therapy is clearly better than the others

Assume you have to give an in-class presentation about narcissistic personality disorder. What is the MOST accurate thing you can say about treatment for this disorder?

No form of therapy is clearly better than the others."

Conversion Disorder

On admission to a psychiatric hospital, a 42-year-old, married male was bent forward at the waist (at a 45-degree angle) unable to straighten his body or move his legs. For 15 years, he had complained of lower back pain. Despite two orthopedic surgeries, his complaints continued. Every four to six weeks, he had 10- to 14-day episodes of being totally unable to walk. The patient had been hospitalized many times and treated with heat and muscle relaxants. He had been retired for five years and had taken on household duties while his wife went to work to support the family. Orthopedic and neurological evaluations revealed no abnormalities. Behavioral assessment, however, indicated that the patient received considerable reinforcement for his physical complaints, such as being served breakfast in bed and not having to do household chores. Moreover, a number of stressors in his life coincided with periods of being unable to walk. These included problems with his children and difficulty adjusting to the role reversal with his wife.

Big 5 Factor Model

Openness: imaginative, curious, creativity Conscientious: organized, reliable or careless, negligent and unreliable Extraversion: talkative, assertive, passive or reserved Agreeableness: kind, trusting, warm or hostile, selfish Neurotic: nervous, moody, temperamental

an individual suffering from a neurological disorder shows no evidence of infection or poisoning, but experiences tremors, rigidity, and unsteadiness. the most probable diagnosis is

Parkinson's disease

Biological Perspective on substance abuse

Pleasure centers 1. Begins in ventral tegmental area, goes through nucleous accumbens, and onto the frontal cortex 2. Rich in neurons sensitive to dopamine 3. Stimulants increase availability of dopamine 4. Opiates inhibit GABA, which stops GABA neurons from stopping dopamine

"It is clear that very demanding parents caused this person to develop paranoid personality disorder." This statement MOST likely would be made by someone from which theoretical perspective?


Disorganized Symptoms

Severe and excess speech, behavior, and emotion

Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease (CJD)

Rare and fatal brain disorder Caused by a prion protein **A prion is a small infectious pathogen containing protein but lacking nucleic acids. The source of infection for a variant form of CJD (vCJD) is beef obtained from animals contaminated with bovine spongiform encephalopathy, which is also called mad cow disease.

Amnestic Disorders

Retrograde Amnesia: inability to remember events from the past (retro = before) Anterograde amnesia: ongoing inability to form new memories (can't remember things AFTER trauma)

A preadolescent child who has not received a clinical diagnosis participates in a program designed to stop the development of an antisocial pattern of behavior. MOST likely, that program is:

Scared Straight

Two children --- one, African-American and the other, white American --- display exactly that same symptoms of overactivity. What is MOST likely to happen?

The white American will be diagnosed with ADHD, and the African American will be diagnosed with possibly a lower IQ or substance abuse

Which is NOT a reason why the current DSM-5 method of categorizing personality disorders has been criticized?

There are no accurate ways of assessing personality disorders, so it is always a "best guess" and never has any true validity

Which is NOT a criticism of the use of IQ test results to diagnose intellectual disability

They are not valid predictors of school performance

Which of the following statements is NOT generally true of those with antisocial personality disorder?

They care for no one's safety, except theirs and their children

How do personality disorders differ from the personality characteristics of typical people?

They lead to more maladaptive, distressful, and inflexible behaviors


This brain formation is shown to decrease in size and shape as a result of Alzheimer's


This disorder shows significant impairment with social interactions and communication, and restricted patterns of behavior, diagnosed by qualitative social impairment, communication malfunctioning, and restricted behavior patterns


This form of Psychopathology is a broad label for hallucinations and delusions

Amyloid-Beta Plaques

This form of a toxic protein is found in Alzheimer's patients, damaging neural interlays and destroying synapses


This form of psychosis includes disturbed thoughts, emotions, and behaviors ...

Cogntive Therapy

This form of therapy is used to counter the negativistic thinking found with Cluster A: Paranoid Personality Disorder

Emil Kraepelin

This individual used the term dementia and praecox to focus on the generalized subtypes of schizophrenia

Reading Disorder

This learning disorders shows heritability, and requires complete remediation of basic reading, cognitive, and issue skills, targetting skills to compensate for problems

Which group of people in college are more likely to binge drink?

Those in sororities or fraternities, those who pursue a party-centered lifestyle and engage in high risk behaviors such as substance misuse or having multiple sex partners.

Conversion Disorder (somatoform disorders)

Typically results from extreme stress or anxiety. Individual will "convert" psychological stress into a physical ailment.

Trouble swallowing can lead to?

Undernutrition problem in middle and late stages Loss of interest in food Decreased ability to self-feed Co-morbid conditions -In long-term care facilities, inadequate assistance with feeding may add to the problem.

Mania (manic episode) (mood disorders)

When an individual goes hyper crazy and happy. This can lead to poor decision making and has a lot to do with one's impulse

Conduct Disorder (CD)

[bad conduct -- violating rules] Persistent pattern of behavior violating basic rights of others and societal rules, manifested by three or more symptoms in the following classes: 1. Aggression to people and animals 2. Destruction of property 3. Deceitfulness or theft 4. Serious violation of rules

intelligence quotient (IQ)

a score derived from intelligence tests that theoretically represents a person's overall intellectual capacity


a childhood disorder marked by repeated bed-wetting or wetting of one's clothes

intellectual disability

a disorder marked by intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior that are well below average

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

a disorder marked by the inability to focus attention, or overactive and impulsive behavior, or both

parent-child interaction therapy

a family intervention to treat conduct disorder among preschoolers; parents are taught to work with their children positively, to set appropriate limits, to act consistently, and to set appropriate expectations

what is generalized type

always happens, could of acquired but not lifelong

the person most likely to be diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder is

american white males

What stimulant speeds up CNS activity and produces feelings of euphoria and confidence but also agitation, suicidal behavior, and delusions?


special education

an approach to educating children with intellectual disability in which they are grouped together and given a separate, specially-designed education

Which of the following has experienced "triggering"?

an individual who is prompted to injure himself intentionally after watching someone else do it

MOST pedophilic offenders:

are in jail or are forced into treatment

Which would a phrenologist MOST likely have done?

assessed personality by feeling for bumps and indentations on the head

a partially supervised apartment, a senior housing complex for mildly impaired elderly people, and a nursing home with round-the-clock care are all examples of

assisted living

What is burnout for antisocial PD?

at age 40-45; anitsocial behaviors tend to decrease

MOST children with intellectual developmental disorder live:

at home

How many people are currently addicted to opioids?

at least 400,000

what is a common reason for the hospitalization of people with borderline personality disorder

attempted suicide or self mutilation

"I knew right after we got home from the hospital that our kid had a problem," the parents said. unless the parent is using 20-20 hindsight, the child's diagnosis most likely is


treatments for pedophilic disorder

aversion therapy, masturbatory satiation, orgasmic reorientation, and treatment w/ antiandrogen drugs, cognitive-behavioral treatment involves relapse-prevention training, modeled after programs used for substance dependence

Dr. Smith is evaluating his client, Julia, using the supertraits of the Big Five model of personality. He determines that Julia is high in neuroticism, medium in agreeableness and conscientiousness, and very low in extroversion and openness to new experiences. According to your textbook, individuals with this combination of personality traits are MOST likely to have _____ personality disorder


If a person primarily fears close social relationships, one would MOST likely conclude that the person is experiencing:

avoidant personality disorder

a person who is inhibited in social situations, feels inadequate, and is very sensitive to criticism may be experiencing

avoidant personality disorder

elena can not seem to establish social ties because she is afraid of being embarrassed or appearing foolish. she is easily hurt by criticism and is not willing to go into unfamiliar situations. she may be experiencing

avoidant personality disorder

If a person primarily fears close social relationships, one would MOST likely conclude that the person is experiencing:

avoidant personality disorder.

a young boy is constantly told by his parents to "be a man" whenever he is in conflict with friends. in turn, his parents themselves often act aggressively toward each other, and toward him. the theorist who would be best able to explain an adult diagnosis of antisocial personality disorder for this boy would be


giving in to a child's refusal to comply with a parental request may inadvertently reinforce stubborn and defiant behavior, setting the scene for the development of antisocial personality disorder. this is most like a _____ explanation of the development of antisocial personality disorder


What is the BEST educational treatment for a child with a serious level of dysfunction on the autism spectrum?

being sent to a special school that combines treatment and education

a child awakens suddenly to the sound of a bell, and heads for the bathroom. most likely the child is receiving

bell-and-battery technique

"the client scores low on extroversion and agreeableness, but high on neuroticism. Looks like schizoid personality disorder to me." the therapist being quoted is using what instrument to make the diagnosis

big five personality

Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial enormity disorder show that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when the like or con others. This outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position?


Assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they all share characteristics of impulsiveness and aggression and also lack sympathy and empathy. Which perspective would MOST strongly explain the cause of these characteristics?


assume a study of prison inmates diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder shows that they generally experience less anxiety than other people when they lie or "con" others. this outcome would most strongly support which theoretical position


An individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is emotionally unstable, impulsive, and reckless. This person's diagnosis is likely to be which of the following personalty disorders?


Lisa felt like she was on an emotional roller coaster. She felt angry and empty. Lisa's feelings are MOST similar to those of someone with which personality disorder?


an individual with a diagnosed personality disorder is emotionally unstable, as well as impulsive and reckless. this person's diagnosis is most likely to be which of the following personality disorders


"That's it!" says your friend, the psychotherapist. "I can't work with that client. As soon as I show any empathy at all, it becomes almost impossible to challenge the client, and the client keeps calling me at all hours of the day." MOST likely, this is a client with:

borderline personality disorder

Dr. Marsha Linehan, the developer of dialectical behavior therapy, would have diagnosed her young adult self with:

borderline personality disorder

Gort's parents never quite liked him, probably did not want children in the first place. He just was not accepted. It was clear early in school that Gort had a low opinion of himself and did not know how to interact with the other children. How he cuts himself and has been to the ER several times. This is a description of the possible development of:

borderline personality disorder

A particular concern among children and adolescents would be:


the rise of managed care programs for treating mental disorders has resulted in

prefer short term rather than long term improvement

what is delayed ejaculation

characterized by a repeated inability to ejaculate or by a very delayed ejaculation after normal sexual activity w/ a partner

prenominal reversal

confusion of pronouns. Asking "Do you want dinner?" when hungry. Exhibited by those with autism spectrum disorder.

A psychological explanation for substance abuse could be someone who is trying to ________ with stressful life situations


Among the elderly, psychotic cognitive symptoms are usually due to:

delirium and dementia

in an emergency, if a person is clearly suicidal or homicidal because of hallucinations and delusions, that person can be involuntarily committed by

emergency commitment

Define personality.

enduring traits that are fairly stable over time and make a person who he/she is

Joey has been wetting his bed since he was a baby. He is 10 years old now. As a result, he will not stay over at his friend's house or go to camp. His condition is called:


a 3-year-old child is wetting the bed at night. the bed wetting apparently is beyond the child's control. the best diagnosis is


the category of "odd" personality disorders includes the traits of

extreme suspicion, social withdrawal, cognitive/perceptual peculiarities

"Litigaphobia" and "litigastress"

feat of being sued

Alzheimer's is named for the first person to __________ the disease


What chemical substance involves use of chemical vapors found in common household items like aerosol cans, solvents, etc, and are most common among 12-17 year old males, can impair coordination and judgement, cause euphoria, and leads to oxygen deprivation in the brain?


in the case of Foucha v. Louisiana , the supreme court ruled that the only acceptable basis for determining the release of hospitalized offenders is whether or not they are still


What does treatment for histrionic PD focus on?

interpersonal relationships -generally poor prognosis

Genito-pelvic pain/penetration disorder:

involves persistent difficulties with: -vaginal penetration during intercourse -marked vulvovaginal or pelvic pain during intercourse or attempts -marked fear about pain in anticipation of intercourse -marked tensing or tightening of the pelvic floor muscle during attempted intercourse -about 15% of women report recurrent pain during intercourse

if a man walked in on his wife in bed with his best friend and killed the friend and the wife in a fit of "passion", that man would be eligible for an insanity defense under the

irresistible impulse test

when an autoimmune response occurs, the body attacks


Low dosage of cannabis...

joy and relaxation -may become anxious, suspicious, and irritated

If your child is diagnosed with a conduct disorder, you could be confident in providing all of the following treatments EXCEPT:

juvenile training centers

anoxia, one possible source of mental retardation, involved brain damage resulting from

lack of oxygen during or after

cognitive theorists believe that because of their difficulty scanning the environment, perceiving accurately, and picking up emotional cues, those with schizoid personalities develop _____ very slowly

language and motor skills

the definition of "insanity" used in legal cases was written by

legislators, not clinicians

If instruments such as the "Big Five" are used to describe personality, rather than relying on DSM-5, then diagnoses of psychological disorder would become:

less categorical and more a matter of degree

What is the prevalence of avoidant pd?

less than 1% -may have bio predisposition/poor learning history of early relationships

treatment for conduct disorder

most effective if done before the age of 13 and before aggressive behavior is locked in with age. Include parent-child interaction therapy, video modeling, parent management training, and treatment foster care. Child-focused approaches include problem-solving skills training and Coping Power Program. Also use of stimulant drugs to reduce aggressive behavior.

Quincy suddenly developed a short-term memory problem and only two months later had problems speaking. Six months after that he lost speech and hearing, and the left side of his face became paralyzed. each change in functioning was abrupt. he probably is suffering from

multiple infractions

len killed a man in a fit of rage. his voices told him that the man was about to destroy the earth and the man must be stopped. len is likely to be sent to a mental institution because

mutually unstable at the time of the crime

the "flower children" of the 1960's and 1970's have sometimes been called the "me" generation, reflecting the supposed self-centered individualism of the time. if this is true, a sociocultural theorist would predict a larger than usual percentage of which kind of personality disorder among the aging "me" generation

narcissistic personality disorder

Although lying—even compulsive lying—is not considered a psychological disorder, it is sometimes characteristic of people with:

narcissitic personality disorder

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensions approach in diagnosing personality disorders are

negative affectivity, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychotics.

The five traits to be included in future revisions of the DSM-5 that utilize a dimensional approach in diagnosing personality disorders are:

negative affectivity, detachment, detachment, antagonism, disinhibition, psychoticism

Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed on the basis of:

neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques evident at autopsy.

Alzheimer's disease is diagnosed on the basis of:

neurofibrillary tangles and senile plaques evident in autopsy

studies of the use of behavioral techniques in the treatment of autism have shown that behavioral techniques can produce

new, more functional behavior

What chemical substance causes both the release of adrenaline and the release of dopamine, withdrawal symptoms include restlessness, anxiety, depressed mood, and irritability and is the single most preventable cause of premature death?


recessive genes

non-dominant genes that, when paired with a normal gene, would have no influence on development

the TV show saturday night live once featured a skit involving an "anal retentive carpenter" who had to keep all his tools and work materials in just the "right" places, arranged "just so". he was very anxious any time tools and materials were not just as he wanted them. the most appropriate diagnosis for the carpenter would be which personality disorder

obsessive-compulsive disorder

How are cluster A PDs characterized?

odd, eccentric, socially isolated behaviors

Personality Disorder Cluster A

odd/eccentric: paranoid, schizoid and schizotypal personality

Research indicates that eyewitness testimony is:

often unreliable

Cognitive-Behavioral Views of substance use disorder

operant conditioning may play a key role in subsance use disorder

Drug maintenance therapy

people with addiction are given laboratory opioid methadone as a substitute for heroin -become dependent on methadone, but is maintained under safe medical supervision

Define paranoid PD.

pervasive distrust and suspiciousness of others such that their motives are interpreted as malevolent

which of the following diseases involves degeneration of the frontal and temporal lobes

picks disease

Hormonal changes, life demands, and body of dissatisfaction are all reasons to explain why:

postpubertal girls have higher rates of depression than postpubertal boys.

some states have adopted a verdict of "guilty but mentally ill". the sentence that must be given to those so convicted is

prison sentence along with needed treatment

Which of the following have sociocultural theorists suggested as a cause for the emergence of borderline personality disorder?

rapid social change

if you had a PET scan at a relatively young age, to predict your likelihood of developing Alzheimer's, you would be most disturbed to find

reduced hypocampus activity

one important issue in the relationship between the legislative and judicial systems and the mental health profession is

regulating aspects of mental care

One widely applied treatment for pedophilic disorder is _____-prevention training, which is modeled on the therapy of the same name in substance-abuse treatment. In such treatment, offenders are taught to identify situations when their inappropriate fantasies and impulses might be stimulated, and then to avoid such situations.


an individual has just received a diagnosis of paranoid personality disorder. that individual is most likely to have a parent or sibling who has


a recent national mental health survey of psychotherapists found that more than three-quarters of them reported being in therapy themselves at least once, and that they

seeks therapy for problems that bother others

Depressive personality

self criticism, dejection, judgmental stance towards others, feel guilty. Different from dysthymic disorder.

what is vaginismus

severe cases can prevent a women from having intercourse

causes of autism spectrum disorder

sociocultural - family dysfunction and social stress are primary causes of this. Particular parental personality created unfavorable climate for development and contributed to childhood disorder. Cold parents. Research hasn't supported this. Psychological - central perceptual or cognitive disturbance that makes normal communication and interactions impossible; lack of development of theory of mind - "mind-blindness". Biological - gene or prenatal difficulties/birth complications (rubella or exposed to toxic chemicals), abnormal development of cerebellum, leading to inability to adjust level of attention and follow verbal and facial cues, possibly increased brain volume and reduced activity of temporal and frontal lobes. Possibly MMR vaccine (heavily refuted).

The treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder is complicated by one major factor, a factor that is also problematic in treating narcissistic and antisocial personality disorders. What is this factor that so impedes successful treatment for these problems?

the person with the disorder simply does not accept the notion that anything is wrong with them, and thus is not motivated to seek or participate cooperatively with treatment


the principle that institutions and community residences should provide people with intellectual disability types of living conditions and opportunities that are similar to those enjoyed by the rest of society

What differentiates normal personality characteristics from personality disorders?

the specific characteristics the degree of inflexibility and maladaptiveness the length of time one possesses the characteristics All of the above are correct

The MAIN concern over the rise in diagnosis of bipolar disorder in children, and in particular, the treatment of bipolar disorder in children is:

the use of adult medications

a person who is accused of a crime can not be convicted if he or she is mentally unstable either at the time of the crime or at the time of the trail. competence to stand trial is important to ensure that the person

understands the charges and is capable of forming a defense

An individual who demonstrates a severe anterograde amnesia may still demonstrate evidence of:

verbal skills

Surveys show that ________ is a common experience for close to half all children in the United States


how good are mental health professionals at predicting dangerousness

wrong more often than right

if dr. phil were a psychologist (he is not), would he be ethically allowed to offer advice to people on TV


a recent movie details the activities of a serial killer who was subsequently diagnosed with antisocial personality disorder. should law enforcement agencies worry about the possibility of "copycat" killings following the movie's release

yes as seen from natural born killer and a clockwork orange; copycat killings occur

elevated levels of _____ in the brains of some Alzheimer's patients has led to the search for a heavy metal cause of the disease


What percent of men will have difficulties with an erection during some point in life?

~10% of men and nearly 1/2 of all men

How long do the effects of Marijuana last?

~3-5 hours (mood changes may occur)

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