ap gov final

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rational-choice voting

Voting based on what is perceived to be in the citizen's individual interest

prior restraint

A government preventing material from being published. This is a common method of limiting the press in some nations, but it is usually unconstitutional in the United States, according to the First Amendment and as confirmed in the 1931 Supreme Court case of Near v. Minnesota.

Which of the following is the best example of a president using technology to communicate and obtain public support for a public policy agenda?

President John F. Kennedy outlining Cold War challenges and urging Americans to civic action in his inaugural address

Shield laws protect journalists' right to refuse to testify against their sources while gathering information in their role as journalists. There is no shield law at the federal level. Which of the following statements is best supported by the information on the map?

Some states prioritize freedom of the press over criminal prosecutions.

What is a common debate surrounding the second amendment?

Whether it is an individual rights or states rights issue.

benchmark poll

the first poll taken in a campaign


An agreement by two or more lawmakers to support each other's bills

Students at a public university hold a peaceful protest to demonstrate against an increase in the cost of college tuition. Which of the following constitutional protections best applies to this scenario?

First Amendment

The police searched a suspect's smartphone without getting a warrant and found photo evidence of criminal activity. After a thorough investigation, the suspect was charged and the evidence obtained from the smartphone was used in the trial. Which of the following amendments contains the Bill of Rights protections that were most likely violated in this scenario?

Fourth Amendment

Which of the following public policies would Democrats be most likely to support?

Increasing taxes on the wealthiest Americans

politico model

Members of Congress act as delegates or trustees depending on the issue

exclusionary rule

Provides that otherwise admissible evidence cannot be used in a criminal trial if it was the result of illegal police conduct

Which of the following is a doctrine based on the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution that was used in McDonald v. Chicago(2010) to limit the power of states and protect the right to keep and bear arms?

Selective Incorporation

A person accused of a crime cannot afford an attorney, so the state provides the accused with a public defender. Which of the following amendments in the Bill of Rights best applies in this scenario?

Sixth Amendment

In Roe v. Wade (1973), the United States Supreme Court used what provision of the United States Constitution to extend the right to privacy to women seeking abortions?

The due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment

Why would District of Columbia v. Heller be used in an argument about gun laws?

To illustrate that the Supreme Court's interpretation of the Second Amendment has really changed

selective incorporation

applies portions of the Bill of Rights to the states through the Fourteenth Amendment

linkage institutions

the political channels through which people's concerns become political issues on the policy agenda

political socialization

the process by which people gain their political attitudes and opinions

retrospective voting

voting based on the past performance of a candidate

entrance poll

Taken before voters have cast their votes at the polling stations

Which of the following explains the most significant long-term consequence of the ideas expressed in the "I Have a Dream Speech?"

The value of "all men are created equal" was reaffirmed both in law and in American political culture

trustee model

a model of representation in which a member of the House or Senate follows his or her own conscience when deciding issue positions, trusts themselves

pork-barrel legislation

federal spending on projects designed to benefit a particular district or set of citizens.

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