AP GOV Three Branches Chap 6,7,8,9

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When a bill passes the House and the Senate in different versions, the bill is resolved by which of the following types of committee? Responses A Conference B Select C Reconciliation D Rules E Standing

A Conference

Which of the following is an example of congressional oversight? Responses A Holding hearings for review of an executive agency's activities B Assisting constituents with particular problems C Reporting campaign contributions to the Federal Election Commission D Signing trade agreements with other countries without input from the president E Conducting ethics investigations of congressional leadership

A Holding hearings for review of an executive agency's activities

A joint resolution to direct the removal of United States Armed Forces from hostilities in the Republic of Yemen that have not been authorized by Congress The data in the table illustrate which of the following about United States constitutional government? Responses A Presidential foreign policy can be checked through the legislative power of Congress. B The president can declare war, but Congress can vote to block funding for wars. C Cloture procedures make it increasingly difficult to filibuster bills in the Senate. D Gerrymandering has intensified partisan divisions in Congress.

A Presidential foreign policy can be checked through the legislative power of Congress.

In Worcester v. Georgia (1832), the United States Supreme Court ruled that a Georgia law violated the U.S. Constitution. In response to Chief Justice John Marshall's majority opinion, President Andrew Jackson said, "John Marshall has made his decision, now let him enforce it." Which of the following ideas regarding government does President Jackson's statement exhibit? Responses A Since the Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism, the executive and legislative branches can restrict its decisions by delaying their implementation. B When the Supreme Court takes an activist approach to decision making, it can influence policy. C Constitutional amendments have granted the Supreme Court greater power to enforce its decisions. D Unpopular Supreme Court Justices can be removed by a two-thirds vote in Congress and a presidential signature.

A Since the Supreme Court has no enforcement mechanism, the executive and legislative branches can restrict its decisions by delaying their implementation.

If a bill reaches the floor for debate and a member of the minority party opposes the bill, which of the following provides greater leverage to a senator than to a member of the House to block passage of the bill? Responses A The Senate allows for unlimited floor debate that can hold up a vote, while the House has strict limits on debate. B The Senate is more collegial than the House, so members can easily gain support from the opposing party. C The Senate allows for discharge petitions that force the bill out of committee, while the House does not. D The Senate is much less likely than the House to have party-line votes, so nonpartisan coalitions are more likely to form.

A The Senate allows for unlimited floor debate that can hold up a vote, while the House has strict limits on debate.

Which of the following is true based on the data in the line graph? Responses A The number of bills passed by Congress decreased under G. H. W. Bush. B The number of bills passed by Congress gradually increased under Nixon. C The number of presidential vetoes under Johnson decreased over time. D The number of presidential vetoes under Eisenhower increased over time.

A The number of bills passed by Congress decreased under G. H. W. Bush.

Members of Congress who have adopted the delegate role of representation normally cast their votes based on which of the following? Responses A The preferences of the majority of their constituents B Their judgment of what is best for their constituency C The instructions of their political party's leadership D Their political party's most recent policy platform E The advice of congressional staffers and political consultants

A The preferences of the majority of their constituents

Which of the following is an action a president can take to rally public support for the administration's legislative agenda? Responses A Use the State of the Union Address to pressure Congress to pass a bill lowering income taxes. B Hold private meetings with key members of Congress to promote a compromise on the budget. C Forge an executive agreement with another country regulating the safety of consumer products. D Sign a bill into law that would provide increased aid to college students.

A Use the State of the Union Address to pressure Congress to pass a bill lowering income taxes.

Elections for the House of Representative provide Responses A approximately equal representation for every voter B an equal chance of getting elected for both incumbents and challengers C a system in which only those candidates who receive a majority of the votes cast win on the first ballot D proportional representation based on the percentage of votes cast for each party E proportional representation of racial and ethnic minorities

A approximately equal representation for every voter

After extensive polling, a member of the House of Representatives learns that her constituents favor environmental policies that conserve land use. Based on this information, the representative votes in favor of an environmental conservation bill, although she personally opposes the provision. In doing so, she is acting as a Responses A delegate B trustee C politico D committee chair

A delegate

In general, Congress is most likely to defer to the President Responses A in the area of foreign policy B in the area of fiscal policy C in the area of social policy D late in the President's term E When the economy is strong

A in the area of foreign policy

A difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate is that in the House Responses A legislative activity on the floor is more constrained by rules B committees are less important in the decision-making process C junior members have more influence over legislative decisions D party leaders are less powerful E bills are more likely to be amended on the floor

A legislative activity on the floor is more constrained by rules

Executive agreements have been cited as evidence that Responses A modern presidents often try to avoid legislative checks and balances on their authority B the executive branch has become too large and bureaucratic C presidents have less power in handling foreign policy than in handling domestic policy D interest groups have too much power in the contemporary governmental system E the courts have few means of limiting presidential power

A modern presidents often try to avoid legislative checks and balances on their authority

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of checks on the legislative branch and checks on the executive branch? AThe president may veto bills passed by Congress.The Senate must confirm judicial nominees. BThe president has the power to fund wars.The House of Representatives can pass articles of impeachment. CThe Supreme Court has the power of judicial review.Congress can remove members of the president's cabinet. DStates may nullify federal laws that violate state constitutions.The Supreme Court can declare presidential actions unconstitutional if a case arises.

AThe president may veto bills passed by Congress.The Senate must confirm judicial nominees.

Of the following, which is the most powerful figure in Congress? Responses A The Chair of the House Ways and Means Committee B The Speaker of the House C The Minority Whip of the Senate D The Majority Whip of the House E The Chair of the Senate Finance Committee

B The Speaker of the House

Which of the following best explains why cabinet secretaries might not aggressively pursue the president's policy agenda? Responses A Cabinet secretaries are unlikely to be members of the president's party. B Cabinet secretaries may develop strong loyalty to their departments. C Cabinet secretaries are likely to compete with the president in a subsequent election. D Under the Hatch Act, cabinet secretaries are prohibited from campaigning on behalf of the president. E The Freedom of Information Act compels cabinet secretaries to divulge confidential information to the media.

B Cabinet secretaries may develop strong loyalty to their departments.

Which of the following is empowered to create new federal courts and specify the number of judges who will sit on them? Responses A The Supreme Court B Congress C The President D The Department of Justice E The attorney general

B Congress

A "cloture motion" passed in the Senate does which of the following? Responses A Returns a bill to committee. B Cuts off debate on a bill. C Criticizes a senator guilty of improprieties. D Removes a President who has been impeached by the House. E Brings a bill directly to a vote without formal committee approval.

B Cuts off debate on a bill.

A member of Congress votes in favor of a bill as a result of receiving many letters of support for the bill from constituents. Which form of democratic representation best describes this voting decision? Responses A Trustee B Delegate C Elite D Pluralist

B Delegate

Which of the following actions by a congressional representative is an example of "pork barreling"? Responses A Misusing campaign contributions B Directing federal funds into the representative's district through legislation C Accepting money from a political action committee (PAC) D Attempting to kill a bill with unacceptable amendments E Voting for a salary increase

B Directing federal funds into the representative's district through legislation

Which of the following powers is shared by the House of Representatives and the Senate? Responses A Holding trials of impeachment B Establishing federal courts C Approving treaties D Holding confirmation hearings E Approving major presidential appointments

B Establishing federal courts

In which of the following ways could the president try to limit the impact of a Supreme Court decision? Responses A Calling for the removal of the Supreme Court justices B Instructing the Department of Justice to delay the implementation of a provision of the decision C Passing legislation that overrides the Court's opinion D Changing the jurisdiction of the Supreme Court

B Instructing the Department of Justice to delay the implementation of a provision of the decision

Which of the following describes the president's Cabinet? Responses A It consists of career civil servants with decades of experience in government service. B Its members have varying levels of influence on presidential decisions. C Its members hold office for fixed terms that coincide with the president's. D Its members must be selected from among current or former members of Congress. E Its members are required to approve presidential policy decisions.

B Its members have varying levels of influence on presidential decisions.

Robert Dallek, "Power and the Presidency, From Kennedy to Obama," Smithsonian magazine, January 2011 Which of the following statements describes the author's main argument in the passage? Responses A Congress must reassert its responsibility to declare war in order to ensure a balance of power. B Presidential power in foreign policy has expanded since the beginning of the twentieth century. C The Korean War was a turning point in presidential power. D The acquisition of the Panama Canal gave the president undisputed power over foreign policy.

B Presidential power in foreign policy has expanded since the beginning of the twentieth century.

A newly elected president faces a Senate controlled by the opposition party. Which of the following presidential appointments is the most likely to encounter difficulty with confirmation by the Senate? Responses A Secretary of defense B Supreme Court justice C Chair of the Council of Economic Advisors D Ambassador to Germany

B Supreme Court justice

Which of the following conclusions can be drawn based on the table? Responses A Forty-six Republicans voted against the bill, which led to a successful filibuster. B The bill was able to pass because some Republicans and Independents voted for it along with all Democrats. C Independents align most strongly with Republicans in the Senate. D The smaller chamber size of the Senate made this bill easier to pass in the Senate than in the House of Representatives.

B The bill was able to pass because some Republicans and Independents voted for it along with all Democrats.

Which of the following statements about Congress is true? Responses A Members of Congress only occasionally are interested in and pay attention to constituents. B The legislative process is frequently lengthy, decentralized, and characterized by compromise and bargaining. C Lobbyists and political action committees (PAC's) successfully induce most members of Congress to trade their votes for campaign contributions. D The growth in the size of Congress as an organization is the principal cause of growth in the federal budget deficit. E Debate in both houses is structured by elaborate rules enacted by leaders of the majority party.

B The legislative process is frequently lengthy, decentralized, and characterized by compromise and bargaining.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the line graph? Responses A The number of vetoes has generally increased since 1945, even though the number of bills passed by Congress has decreased. B The number of vetoes has generally decreased since 1945, but so has the number of bills passed by Congress. C The number of vetoes has generally decreased since 1945, but the number of bills passed by Congress has increased. D The number of vetoes has generally increased since 1945, but so has the number of bills passed by Congress.

B The number of vetoes has generally decreased since 1945, but so has the number of bills passed by Congress.

In selecting members of the White House staff, Presidents primarily seek people who Responses A give the White House ideological balance B are personally loyal to the President C have extensive governmental experience D will help the President develop a good working relationship with Congress E can bring a nonpartisan perspective to policy deliberations

B are personally loyal to the President

"Pork barrel" legislation helps the reelection chances of a member of Congress because such legislation Responses A gives the member of Congress national standing and coverage on national television news B helps earn the member of Congress a reputation for service to his or her district C attracts campaign contributions from ideological political action committees (PACs) D prevents other candidates from claiming that the member of Congress is too liberal for his or her district E requires the member of Congress to travel extensively

B helps earn the member of Congress a reputation for service to his or her district

The role Congress plays in ensuring that executive branch agencies are carrying out their legislated responsibilities is known as Responses A judicial review B legislative oversight C bicameralism D federalism E executive privilege

B legislative oversight

To get an important bill passed in the House, a provision is added that allocates $500 million to study the impact of global climate change on manatees in Florida. This is an example of Responses A the free rider problem B pork barrel legislation C an issue network D gerrymandering

B pork barrel legislation

Congressional district boundaries are usually redrawn every ten years by the Responses A Bureau of the Census B state legislatures C President D House Rules Committee E Federal Election Commission

B state legislatures

The House Appropriations Committee disagrees with a proposal in the president's annual budget request to increase the number of people eligible for food stamps, consequently leading to the House of Representatives passing a budget that does not increase funding for the program. This ability to check presidential actions is best described as Responses A the bully pulpit B the power of the purse C the oversight function D the line-item veto

B the power of the purse

Even with large majorities of their own party in Congress, presidents experience difficulty in exercising legislative leadership because Responses A the president must compete against state governors for influence B the weak nature of political parties hampers the president's ability to control Congress C the president's use of the veto is ineffective with Congress D individual members of Congress attract greater publicity when challenging the president E the president seldom addresses the same issues as members of Congress

B the weak nature of political parties hampers the president's ability to control Congress

Which of the following scenarios best illustrates a member of Congress supporting pork-barrel legislation? Responses A A senator from a coal-producing state voting against a job-training program for coal miners B A member of the House voting for urban renewal in exchange for increased funding for roads C A senator from an agricultural state amending legislation to establish a potato research institute in his or her state D A member of the House Armed Services Committee marking up a bill that will increase funding for military bases

C A senator from an agricultural state amending legislation to establish a potato research institute in his or her state

Based on the data, which of the following is the most likely consequence for the legislative process in Congress? Responses A More competitive races for House seats in the general election B A decrease in party-line voting on important legislation introduced in the House C An increase in gridlock and failure to compromise on legislation D Greater cooperation between Congress and the president on nominations

C An increase in gridlock and failure to compromise on legislation

Which of the following accurately describes the composition of congressional committees? Responses A Committees are organized by the executive branch to ensure that both branches can communicate and negotiate policy goals. B The United States Constitution requires that Congress organize itself into committees, with each party having equal access to committee seats. C Committees are organized by the majority party to maintain control of the policy-making process. D Committees are organized by state delegations so that each state has some role in deciding which bills get passed.

C Committees are organized by the majority party to maintain control of the policy-making process.

Which of the following is an example of a power exclusively granted to the Senate in Article II of the Constitution? Responses A Declaring war B Overriding a presidential veto with a two-thirds majority veto C Confirming ambassadors D Creating spending bills

C Confirming ambassadors

A The Congress has the enumerated power to raise revenue, but it is forced to work with the president because the president has the power to determine spending for each department in the upcoming fiscal year. B The president can create a budget for defense spending, but Congress has the power to execute laws and operate the government, which can affect how much money is actually spent. C Congress passes a budget for the entire federal government, including defense, but it must consider the president's proposal because the president may veto the bill. D The president introduces a specific budget bill for defense spending, but Congress uses its power of legislative oversight to set up a negotiation process with the president.

C Congress passes a budget for the entire federal government, including defense, but it must consider the president's proposal because the president may veto the bill.

Which of the following is an example of Congress using its implied powers? Responses A Congress changing the tax code so that individuals making more than $350,000 per year have to pay higher taxes B Congress requesting that the Supreme Court review the constitutionality of a state gun-control law C Congress passing occupational safety regulations for the private sector D Congress ratifying a new trade agreement with Mexico and Canada

C Congress passing occupational safety regulations for the private sector

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of the rules for debate used by the United States House of Representatives and the United States Senate?

C Debate in the House is limited, while the Senate does use the filibuster.

Which of the following statements about the Senate is true? Responses A Each state is represented in the Senate according to its population. B The Senate, unlike the House, has a Rules Committee. C Individual senators can exercise substantial influence over the legislative process. D The Senate has a strict time limit on debates. E The Senate is more responsible than the House for initiating appropriations legislation.

C Individual senators can exercise substantial influence over the legislative process.

Which of the following statements about gerrymandering is true? Responses A It has been banned by United States Supreme Court decisions beginning with Baker v. Carr. B It was used traditionally to maintain urban control of the House of Representatives. C It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible. D It guarantees greater constituency control over elected representatives. E It ensures liberal control of the House of Representatives.

C It can be used by a political party to draw boundary lines to control as many districts as possible.

Which of the following is true about the pocket veto? Responses A It is used to strike down a provision of a bill that the President finds disagreeable. B It may be overridden by a two-thirds vote in Congress. C It occurs when the President takes no action on a bill for ten days during which Congress is adjourned. D It is used when the President expects to reach a compromise with Congress about how a bill should be modified. E It is used when both houses of Congress pass separate versions of the same bill.

C It occurs when the President takes no action on a bill for ten days during which Congress is adjourned.

A United States Supreme Court justice has announced his retirement at the end of the current Supreme Court term. What is the most likely presidential action in response to this announcement? Responses A Confer with House leadership to discuss potential nominees B Confer with the chief justice to discuss potential nominees C Nominate a federal judge who shares the president's ideology D Nominate a sitting senator of the majority party

C Nominate a federal judge who shares the president's ideology

The Web site healthcare.gov was launched on October 1, 2013, to help citizens purchase health insurance for themselves in accordance with the Affordable Care Act. Within two hours of launch the site crashed. Once it was restored, problems continued, leading to difficulty for users. The following year, Secretary of Health and Human Services Kathleen Sebelius was called to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee to discuss the issue. The committee held this hearing as part of which of the following functions? Responses A Committee markup B Budget testimony C Oversight D Impeachment

C Oversight

Congress passes a law requiring that all public accommodations provide access for people with disabilities. The United States Supreme Court rules that the law does not apply to the airline industry. Which of the following is the best way for Congress to provide people with disabilities access to the airline industry in light of the Court's ruling? A Appeal the ruling to the United States Court of Appeals B Override the court with a two-thirds majority in both chambers C Pass a new law that specifies that the airlines must provide access for people with disabilities D Remove members of the Supreme Court who ruled against the law and have the president appoint new justices

C Pass a new law that specifies that the airlines must provide access for people with disabilities

Which of the following describes the ruling in Shaw v. Reno (1993) ? Responses A The Voting Rights Act was ruled unconstitutional. B The poll tax was eliminated. C Racial gerrymandering was ruled unconstitutional. D It was decided that congressional districts needed to be equal in size.

C Racial gerrymandering was ruled unconstitutional.

Which of the following is a unique power held by members of the Senate? Responses A Control of the veto B Control of the appropriations process C The ability to filibuster D The ability to impeach the president E The ability to work with a clearly defined constituency

C The ability to filibuster

Which of the following is the primary reason for the tensions that exist between the legislative and executive branches of the federal government? Responses A Each branch sets and approves the other's budget. B The branches are staffed with many of the same people. C The branches have different constituencies with different interests. D The branches are responsible for the selection of Cabinet-level officials. E Each branch has the constitutional power to levy taxes.

C The branches have different constituencies with different interests.

Which of the following best describes gerrymandering? Responses A The party in power wins four or five surrounding districts by very small margins. B The Supreme Court requires that state legislatures must adopt the doctrine of one person, one vote. C The party in control of the state legislature draws district boundaries in such a way as to favor its own candidates in subsequent elections. D By polling voters, party officials are able to determine how citizens will vote. E The public decides which issues are most important and tells the elected officials how to vote on specific bills.

C The party in control of the state legislature draws district boundaries in such a way as to favor its own candidates in subsequent elections.

A President attempting to influence Congress to pass a legislative program might employ all of the following strategies EXCEPT Responses A using the media to draw attention to the legislative program B assigning legislative liaisons in the Executive Office of the President to lobby legislators C denying campaign reelection funds to legislators who oppose the President's policy stand D exploiting a partisan majority for the President's party in both the House and Senate E reminding legislators of high popularity ratings for the President in public opinion polls

C denying campaign reelection funds to legislators who oppose the President's policy stand

The House Rules Committee is an important part of the legislative process because it Responses A determines ethics rules for members' conduct B determines whether a bill should be referred to a policy committee for consideration C determines the terms and conditions of debate when a bill goes to the House floor D has the authority to limit the Speaker and Minority leader in their use of patronage E negotiates compromises on bills with the Senate Rules Committee

C determines the terms and conditions of debate when a bill goes to the House floor

Congressional oversight refers to the power of Congress to Responses A override presidential vetoes B hold public hearings before confirming judicial appointees C exercise some control over executive agencies D allow nongovernmental agencies to defend or refute pending legislation publicly E seek judicial opinion on the constitutionality of pending legislation

C exercise some control over executive agencies

The practice in Congress whereby Representative A promises to vote for Representative B's legislation, provided that Representative B will support Representative A's legislation, is referred to as Responses A personal casework and services B partisan discipline C logrolling D pork barrel legislation E filibustering

C logrolling

The power of the Rules Committee in the House of Representatives rests on its authority to Responses A choose the chairs of other standing committees and issue rules for the selection of subcommittee chairs B initiate all spending legislation and hold budget hearings C place a bill on the legislative calendar, limit time for debate and determine the type of amendments allowed D determine the procedures by white nominations by the President will be approved by the House E Choose the President if no candidate wins a majority in the electoral college

C place a bill on the legislative calendar, limit time for debate and determine the type of amendments allowed

Most of the bills introduced in the House and the Senate are then Responses A passed by one chamber but not the other B passed by both chambers but vetoed by the President C referred to committee but never sent to the full Congress D voted down during the amendment stage of the floor debate E killed in the Rules Committee

C referred to committee but never sent to the full Congress

Which of the following most accurately depicts a member of Congress adhering to the delegate model of representation and a member of Congress adhering to the trustee model of representation in making a legislative decision? Trustee votes based on their own morals, delegate votes for their peoples preferences

C A member of the House votes for a bill based on positive polling results about the bill in their district. A member of the House votes against a bill that is popular in their district because they believe it violates their own morals.

Which of the following pairs accurately identifies the methods used by Congress and the president to hold the bureaucracy accountable to the other branches?

Congress- Holding a Comittee hearing President- Appointing a Cabinet

Which of the following is true according to the diagram? Responses A The Senate minority leader is as powerful as the Senate majority whip. B The Speaker of the House, in coordination with the House majority leader, appoints the House minority leader. C Unlike the House of Representatives, the Senate does not recognize political parties. D Both chambers make use of a system of majority and minority whips.

D Both chambers make use of a system of majority and minority whips.

The government depicted above is best described by which of the following terms? Responses A Nonpartisan government B Unicameral government C Unitary government D Divided government

D Divided government

Which of the following are differences between the legislative process in the House of Representatives and that in the Senate? I. Debate is more restricted on the House floor than on the Senate floor. II. The amendment process is more restricted in the House than in the Senate. III. Bills are more likely to bybass committee consideration in the House than in the Senate. IV. A Rules Committee sets the guidelines for floor debate in the House but not in the Senate. A III only B I and II only C II and IV only D I, II, and IV only E I, II, III, and IV

D I, II, and IV only

Senate confirmation is required for which of the following presidential appointments? Secretary of state White House chief of staff Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Attorney general Responses A I only B II and III only C II and IV only D I, III, and IV only E I, II, III, and IV

D I, III, and IV only

Which of the following is generally true of the gerrymandering of congressional districts? Responses A It results in more Democrats being elected to the House. B It results in more Republicans being elected to the House. C It guarantees that all minority parties will be equally represented. D It creates districts that favor one political party over another.

D It creates districts that favor one political party over another.

The Federalist No. 78 says, "A constitution is, in fact, and must be regarded by the judges, as a fundamental law. It therefore belongs to them to ascertain its meaning, as well as the meaning of any particular act proceeding from the legislative body." In which of the following decisions did the Supreme Court use an argument most similar to the one in The Federalist No. 78 ? A McCulloch v. Maryland (1819) B Schenck v. United States (1919) C Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) D Marbury v. Madison (1803)

D Marbury v. Madison (1803)

Which of the following best describes pork barrel politics? Responses A The Office of Management and Budget negotiates with Congress to get the president's budget proposal passed. B Senators from states with agricultural economies promote farm price supports. C Voters in rural areas support different issue positions than do voters in metropolitan areas. D Members of Congress negotiate bills so that individual districts get money for projects that do not benefit the nation as a whole. E Members of the Senate Judiciary Committee refuse to endorse the president's nominees to the federal courts.

D Members of Congress negotiate bills so that individual districts get money for projects that do not benefit the nation as a whole.

Which of the following situations is an example of the president using the bully pulpit as a tool for agenda setting? Responses A President Clinton invoking executive privilege in resisting a subpoena by the United States Senate during the Whitewater investigation B President Bush issuing a signing statement in the Detainee Treatment Act of 2005 that considerably weakened its provisions C President Obama issuing an executive order delaying the deportation of at least five million undocumented immigrants D President Reagan delivering a televised address urging a reduction in federal taxes

D President Reagan delivering a televised address urging a reduction in federal taxes

A member of the House of Representatives who wishes to be influential in the House itself would most likely seek a place on which of the following committees? Responses A Agriculture B International Relations C Transportation and Infrastructure D Rules

D Rules

Which of the following committees of the House of Representatives sets the conditions for debate and amendment of most legislation? Responses A Ways and Means B Appropriations C Judiciary D Rules E Government Operations

D Rules

Which of the following types of committee deals with broad areas of public policy and can be found in both houses of Congress? Responses A Rules B Select C Joint D Standing E Conference

D Standing

A person claiming that the House can pass legislation with a simple majority, but the Senate is unlikely to pass legislation unless a bill has the support of a 60-vote supermajority is most likely to cite which of the following institutional differences as the cause of this trend? Responses A The House has fewer legislative committees than the Senate does. B Members of the House often represent a much narrower constituency than senators do. C Party leadership in the House is highly formalized, while leadership in the Senate is much more informal. D The House has strict limits on debate, while the Senate allows unlimited debate.

D The House has strict limits on debate, while the Senate allows unlimited debate.

Which of the following statements accurately describes the selection of the caseload for the United States Supreme Court? Responses A The United States Constitution spells out all of the categories of cases that the Supreme Court must hear. B The Chief Justice of the Supreme Court has the authority to select the cases that the Court will hear. C The Solicitor General in the Department of Justice determines the Supreme Court's agenda. D The Supreme Court is free to choose the cases it hears with only a few limitations. E The Attorney General screens cases for consideration by the Court.

D The Supreme Court is free to choose the cases it hears with only a few limitations.

Which of the following situations best illustrates the meaning of divided government in the United States political system? Responses A The majority of Supreme Court justices are from one party, but the president is from another. B The majority of governors are from one party, but the president is from another. C The president and a majority of members of Congress are from one party, but the majority of governors are from another. D The majority of senators and the majority of representatives are from one party, but the president is from another. E The majority of Supreme Court justices are from one party, but the majority of senators and representatives are from another.

D The majority of senators and the majority of representatives are from one party, but the president is from another.

Which of the following statements about motions for cloture is true? Responses A They force a bill out of committee so that the full House can vote on it. B They are applied to bills that failed in the previous session of Congress. C They are applied only to appropriation bills. D They are used by senators to end a filibuster and bring a bill to a vote. E They occur whenever a bill is reported out of committee.

D They are used by senators to end a filibuster and bring a bill to a vote.

A member of the United States Senate, Jane Smith, personally opposes a bill that calls for a single-payer system of healthcare, in contrast to the majority of her constituency, who are in favor of the legislation. Based on the trustee model of constituent accountability, which of the following actions will Senator Smith most likely take when it is time to vote on the piece of legislation? Responses A Vote for the bill according to the desires of her constituency. B Vote for the bill to win favor with her party leadership C Vote against the bill to maximize support from interest groups that support her reelection campaign. D Vote against the bill according to her own conscience, which may cause her to lose support among her constituents.

D Vote against the bill according to her own conscience, which may cause her to lose support among her constituents.

A committee chair in the House of Representatives is always Responses A the member with the longest service on the committee B the member with the longest service in the House C a representative of the Speaker D a member of the majority party in the chamber E a trusted ally of the President

D a member of the majority party in the chamber

In Marburv v. Madison (1803), the Supreme Court assumed the power to Responses A decide whether internal congressional procedures are constitutional B advise Congress on the constitutionality of a proposed law C regulate slavery D decide on the constitutionality of a law or an executive action E approve executive agreements

D decide on the constitutionality of a law or an executive action

Establishing the boundaries of United States congressional districts to give one party an advantage over another party is referred to as Responses A raiding B apportionment C reapportionment D gerrymandering E filibustering

D gerrymandering

When independent regulatory agencies make rules, enforce those rules, and adjudicate disputes arising under those rules, they risk violating the constitutional concept of Responses A equal protection of the laws B due process of law C federal supremacy D separation of powers E federalism

D separation of powers

The committee system is more important in the House than in the Senate because Responses A the seniority system plays no role in the House and therefore committees must play a larger role B the Constitution mandates the type of committee structure in the House C committee members are appointed by the President D the House is so large that more work can be accomplished in committees than on the floor E the majority party in the House prefers to give priority to the work of the committees

D the House is so large that more work can be accomplished in committees than on the floor

The Constitution states that all revenue bills must originate in: A a White House budget resolution B the Congressional Budget Office C the United States Senate D the United States House of Representatives E the Office of Management and Budget

D the United States House of Representatives

The usefulness to the President of having cabinet members as political advisers is undermined by the fact that Responses A the President has little latitude in choosing cabinet members B cabinet members have no political support independent of the President C cabinet members are usually drawn from Congress and retain loyalties to Congress D the loyalties of cabinet members are often divided between loyalty to the President and loyalty to their own executive departments E the cabinet operates as a collective unit and individual members have no access to the President

D the loyalties of cabinet members are often divided between loyalty to the President and loyalty to their own executive departments

Presidents have had the most success in changing the direction of decisions of the federal judiciary by Responses A threatening to ask Congress to impeach specific judges B using the media to build consensus for the President's position C requesting that Congress reduce the term of office that judges may serve D using the appointment process to select judges with judicial philosophies similar to those of the President E pressuring Congress to pass the appropriate legislation to override judicial opinions

D using the appointment process to select judges with judicial philosophies similar to those of the President

The details of legislation are usually worked out in which of the following settings? Responses A a party caucus B The majority leader's office C The floor of the House D Legislative hearings E A subcommittee

E A subcommittee

Generally, when is a president more likely to get congressional approval of proposed policies? Responses A After midterm congressional elections B In the second term rather than in the first C When public opinion is sharply divided over policies D In social policy areas rather than in economic policy areas E In foreign affairs rather than in domestic affairs

E In foreign affairs rather than in domestic affairs

Which of the following statements about rules of procedure in the House and Senate is correct? Responses A Debate by a determined minority in either chamber cannot be halted. B The rules in each chamber are determined by the majority whip. C The rules are specified in Article I of the Constitution. D The rules can be changed by the President during a national emergency. E The House operates more by formal rules, while the Senate operates more on informal understandings.

E The House operates more by formal rules, while the Senate operates more on informal understandings.

When a lower court decision is appealed to the Supreme Court, which of the following is most likely to occur? Responses A The Supreme Court will reconsider the case, and overturn the lower court decision. B The Supreme Court will reprimand the lower court judge for improperly deciding the case. C The plaintiffs or defendents will file motions for a change of venue. D The case will be retried at the lower court level. E The Supreme Court will not hear the appeal.

E The Supreme Court will not hear the appeal.

Which of the following is true of the seniority system of Congress in relation to committee leadership and committee staffing? Responses A Members of Congress with the longest continuous service are assured the chairmanship of major congressional committees. B Members of Congress must be elected from safe seats to accrue committee seniority. C Members of congressional committees are the most senior members of the body's majority party. D The oldest members of Congress have the most seniority. E The chairs of congressional committees tend to be senior members of the body's majority party.

E The chairs of congressional committees tend to be senior members of the body's majority party.

In which of the following scenarios would a presidential veto most likely be upheld? Responses A The President has the support of the Supreme Court. B The President is in a second term, removed from partisan politics. C The proposed legislation enjoys widespread bipartisan support. D The proposed legislation was originally adopted by a large majority in both houses of Congress. E Two-thirds of the representatives and senators are members of the same party as the President.

E Two-thirds of the representatives and senators are members of the same party as the President.

If legislation passes in both the House of Representatives and the Senate but each version is slightly different, the conflicting bills are sent to Responses A a standing committee of each house for a vote B an ad hoc committee for judicial review C the Rules Committee of each house for reconciliation and compromise D the majority and minority leaders of both houses for compromise E a conference committee for review and compromise

E a conference committee for review and compromise

Congress adopted the War Powers Resolution to Responses A give the president additional powers in case of military emergencies B delineate a clear chain of command in the event of nuclear war C criticize the president for declaring war without authorization from Congress D enable the president to commit troops to United Nations peacekeeping forces E limit the president's authority to commit troops overseas

E limit the president's authority to commit troops overseas

Congressional legislative powers include all of the following EXCEPT Responses A legislating federal appropriations B approval of treaties C establishing a lower-court system D passing federal laws E pardoning felons

E pardoning felons

The role of a CONFERENCE committee in Congress is to Responses A hold hearings on proposed legislation B oversee the actions of the executive branch of the government C decide which bills should be considered by the full Senate D conduct hearings that make information available to the public E reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate

E reconcile differences in bills passed by the House and Senate

The boundary lines of congressional districts are drawn by Responses A the United States House of Representatives B The United States Senate C United States district courts D state governors E state legislatures

E state legislatures

A major difference between the House of Representatives and the Senate is that Responses A filibusters are possible only in the House B revenue bills must originate in the Senate C judicial nominations originate in a House committee D each state has equal representation in the House but not in the Senate E there is unlimited debate in the Senate but not in the House

E there is unlimited debate in the Senate but not in the House

The Constitution of the United States creates a government of separate institutions that share power rather than a government that delegates power exclusively to a single branch. Frequently, this means that presidents and Congress struggle with each other. For each of the presidential powers below, explain one way that congressional decision making is affected by that power. Veto power Power to issue executive orders Power as commander in chief

a. Congressional decision making is affected by the power of the veto as the president rejects the bill. The only way the bill can be passed if 2/3 of the House and Senate vote to override the veto. This process slows the decision making down and can lead to conflict. The presidents power to issue an executive order affects congressional decision making by not allowing them to make a decision. The president can make an order without approval from Congress, so Congress does not have a say in what they are doing. In addition, Congress can avoid making controversial decisions if the President is already making their own. Congress may have to make decisions in response to the executive order as well. The presidents power as commander in chief affects congressional decision making as it creates a thin line between declaring war and sending troops. Although the president is in charge of the military, Congress declares war. So president's must be careful with their decision making. In addition, Congress funds the military so they must make the right decisions as the president is in charge of that miliatry. Congress' decisions can be based on the presidents preference with the military.

Respond to all parts of the question: (a) Define party polarization. (b) Identify a trend shown in the graph above. (c) Describe two causes of party polarization in Congress. (d) Describe one effect of party polarization on congressional policy making.

a. Party polarization is when there is little agreement between the two parties, the Democrats and Republicans, due to ideological beliefs. There is a gap between the parties and there is little overlap in ideological ideas. b. From 1879 to about 1943, the ideological distance between the parties had gradually decreased in both the House and Senate and then increased from 1943-2007. The distance between parties in the House increased at a higher rate than the Senate. c. Two causes of party polarization in Congress are the two-party system and wedge issues. In Congress, there is a two-party system including the Democrats and Republicans. The two parties tend to have opposite beliefs so when trying to agree upon an issue it is very difficult. Sometimes the House is controlled by the Democrats and the Senate is controlled by the Republicans and vice versa, leading to disputes due to ideological distance, causing party polarization. Another cause of party polarization are wedge issues. Wedge issues are issues that are very controversial issues that both parties had a very strong opinion on. This causes party polarization as the two parties tend to have opposite beliefs on these issues and cannot meet in the middle. Their ideological stances are very distinct and there is little to no room for compromise on these issues, causing more distance between the parties. d. One effect of party polarization on congressional policy making is it makes the process more difficult and longer. Members of the House and Senate are unlikely to compromise and agree upon decisions, leading to less bills being passed, and more argument. This slows the congressional making policy because members are likely to have beliefs opposite of the other party.

For each of the congressional powers below, explain one way that presidential decision making is affected by that power. Legislative oversight power Senate advice and consent power Budgetary power

b. Presidential decision making is affected by Legislative oversight as legislature reviews and evaluates certain activities the executive branch does. The president may adjust their decisions as they know they will be watched over. They don't want to cause conflict with the legislative branch. Senate advice and consent power impacts presidential decision making is thinking of who they may appoint for ambassadors etc. The Senate must approve who they appoint so they have to pick between someone who they want or someone Senate will approve of. Presidents may also use executive agreements in order to avoid the approval from Senate for treaties. Lastly, Budgestary power affects presidential decision making by making the President think about the conseuqences of their actions in regards to money. Congress has the power, so the president must think of what budget items or programs are important to them. In addition, the President and Congress interact during the budget process, leading the president to make decisions that will satisfy their wants. They must submit a budget proposal Congress will like.

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