AP Gov Unit 3 Review

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Which clause of the Constitution has been used to selectively incorporate civil liberties?

14th Amendment's Due Process Clause

Which of the following scenarios is an example of a constitutional application of affirmative action?

A federal contractor actively recruits qualified minorities and women for positions in the company.

In the case Heart of Atlanta Motel v. United States (1964), the Supreme Court ruled that Congress had the power under the commerce clause to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Which of the following explains how this case is similar to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) ?

Both cases upheld the power of the federal government to ensure equal protection under the law.

In Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954), the Supreme Court struck down racial segregation in public schools, finding that "separate educational facilities are inherently unequal." What constitutional clause did the Court rely most heavily on to reach this decision?

The equal protection clause

A public school district implemented a policy that allowed students to vote on whether they wanted a student-led prayer to be read at football games. This policy was later found to be unconstitutional by the United States Supreme Court. Which of the following clauses did the policy most likely violate?

The establishment clause

Which of the following Supreme Court cases incorporated the right to bear arms to states?

McDonald v. Chicago

During an investigation, police officers find illegal drugs while searching a home for which they did not acquire a warrant. Which of the following would prevent the drugs from being used as evidence at trial?

The exclusionary rule

Opponents to the death penalty argue that it violates which of the following constitutional protections?

No cruel and unusual punishment

Which of the following government actions ended discrimination in public accommodations (like hotels)?

Civil Rights Act of 1964

Which of the following cases addresses the issue of mandatory public school prayer?

Engel v. Vitale (1962)

The Supreme Court's decision to expand marriage rights to all individuals regardless of sexual orientation was based on which concept?

Equal Protection

Writing for the court in Regents of the University of California v. Bakke (1978), a case weighing whether or not race can be considered in college admissions, Supreme Court Justice Lewis Powell wrote that " . . . Race or ethnic background may be deemed a 'plus' in a particular applicant's file, yet it does not insulate the individual from comparison with all other candidates for the available seats." Which of the following legal concepts is Justice Powell considering in his statement?

Equal protection clause

The Supreme Court ruled that which of these rights could be limited if it poses a "clear and present danger"?

Freedom of Speech

Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 required which of the following?

Individuals could not be excluded from educational programs on the basis of sex

A person arrested and charged with a crime has the constitutional right to all of the following EXCEPT:

Negotiate a Plea Bargain

The case Plessy v. Ferguson (1896) upheld the standard of "separate but equal" in American law. Which of the following explains how this case relates to Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954) ?

Plessy established a precedent that was eventually overturned in the Brown case.

Which of the following is an accurate comparison of rights protected and not protected by the First Amendment?

Protected by the First Amendment: The right to burn a flag Not Protected by the First Amendment: Obscenity

In Wisconsin v. Yoder, what action did Yoder wish to take that violated state laws?

Remove their children from school in 8th grade

The Exclusionary Rule relates to which due process protection?

Right to be free from unreasonable search and seizure

The Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade based on which constitutional principle?

Right to privacy (Bill of Rights)

Which of the following Supreme Court cases were decided in favor of restricting constitutional freedoms?

Schenck v. US

Which of the following actions would NOT be protected speech according to Supreme Court rulings?

Screaming fire in a crowded theater

Which of the following is a doctrine based on the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution that was used in McDonald v. Chicago (2010) to limit the power of states and protect the right to keep and bear arms?

Selective incorporation

Which of the following is a principle underlying the Bill of Rights?

Some rights are fundamental and should not be subject to majoritarian control.

Which of the following statements is best supported by the information on the map? (Map of United States with colors indicating shield laws by state)

Some states prioritize freedom of the press over criminal prosecutions.

Which of the following best characterizes the debate regarding the Second Amendment according to the author of the passage? (Alan Yuhas article)

The Second Amendment is viewed by some as an individual rights issue but by others as a states' rights issue.

Based on the map and your knowledge, which of the following is a major difference between the issue of shield laws and the issue of prior restraint? (Map of United States with colors indicating shield laws by state)

The Supreme Court has ruled that the First Amendment protects against prior restraint by the government. However, protections for journalists and their sources are not as strong, as evidenced by the many states with weak or no shield laws.

In McDonald v. Chicago (2010), the Court ruled that the Second Amendment right to bear arms was applicable to the states. Which of the following sections of the United States Constitution did the Supreme Court use to support its ruling?

The doctrine of selective incorporation through the Fourteenth Amendment, holding that state action limiting gun rights deprived persons of "life, liberty, or property, without due process of law"

Under Roe v. Wade (1973), as originally decided, when may the state largely prohibit women from having abortions?

The state's interest in prohibiting abortions is greatest during the third trimester of the pregnancy; thus, the state may prohibit women from seeking abortions in some conditions.

Which of these cases did not have major implications in the area of due process rights?

Tinker v. Des Moines

In which of the following cases did the Supreme Court overturn stare decisis?

Brown v. Board of Education

Which of the following illustrates a situation that would not be protected by the First Amendment due to time, place, and manner restrictions?

Antibusiness protestors are arrested and prosecuted for shutting down major intersections in New York City's Times Square during rush hour.

Housing covenants are agreements in the deed of a property that restricts the owner from doing certain things with the property. Some covenants prevented owners from selling to individuals of a specific race or ethnic group. In the case Shelley v. Kraemer (1948), the Supreme Court struck down racially restrictive housing covenants under the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Which of the following cases is most similar to Shelley v. Kraemer (1948) ?

Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka (1954)

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