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<span>Compared to less developed countries, more developed countries have higher rates of</span>


Of the following, which is a factor related to industrial location that may have contributed to the changes displayed above?

All answer choices are correct

The cities illustrated on the map were part of an advanced urban civilization during the period beginning About

3000 B.C.E.

<span>Which of the following groups of immigrants came to the United States during the early 20th century primarily because of the push factor of government persecution in their home country?</span>

<span>A) Russian Jews</span>

<span>According to demographic transition theory, during which stage(s) of demographic transition does low population growth occur?</span>

<span>A) Stages I and IV only</span>

<span>Decolonization in Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia took place mainly</span>

<span>A) during the second half of the 20th century</span>

<span>According to Mackinder's heartland theory, the British empire would not last and would be replaced by a(n)</span>

<span>A) land-based power</span>

<span>Which of the following statements accurately compares a difference between the Human Development Index (HDI. and Gender Inequality Index (GII. as shown in the table?</span>

<span>Although there are more women in the wage labor force, females do not necessarily have the same level of empowerment as men.</span>

<span>Until about 1750 the world's population increased slowly primarily because</span>

<span>B) birth rates and death rates were high</span>

<span>Forced migration during the 1990's in the Balkans was a result of:</span>

<span>B) ethnic differences</span>

<span>Today neo-Malthusians are most concerned about controlling</span>

<span>B) rapid population growth</span>

<span>A cultural hearth that did NOT develop in a river valley was in</span>

<span>B) the Aegean area</span>

<span>Which of the following is a nation-state that broke up as a result of ethnic devolutionary forces?</span>

<span>C) Yugoslavia</span>

<span>Modern-day experiments with the transfer of some important powers from central governments to sub-government encourage the process of</span>

<span>D) Balkanization</span>

<span>British, American, Indian, and Australian English are all examples of</span>

<span>D) dialects</span>

<span>The first three North American, or classic, models were based on Chicago. In what way does Denver reflect the site characteristics of Chicago, and could be used to discuss classic city models?</span>

<span>Denver is located on an isotropic plain and can expand in three directions with interruptions only to the west</span>

<span>Which of the following development schools of thought advocates that the dynamic between highly developed and developing countries, permanently keeps less developed countries at an economic disadvantage?</span>


<span>Based on the image below, which of the following is true?</span>

<span>Economies of scale that decrease the overall costs to the consumer.</span>

<span>Which of the following languages is NOT spoken by at least 100 million people?</span>


<span>Which of the following is NOT an aspect of neoliberalism?</span>

<span>Government intervention into markets is efficient and desired and it should occur regularly</span>

<span>What shape is the market area in Christaller's Central Place Theory?</span>


<span>Many United States high tech companies have been outsourcing many of their technical support and other tertiary jobs to which of the following countries?</span>


What country has had a problem coordinating a centralized population policy due to being a federation with 28 states that are all culturally and politically diverse?</span>


<span>Which of the following types of economic activity is MOST likely to produce the largest amount of food per unit of land?</span>

<span>Intensive subsistence farming</span>

<span>Which of the following is a factor that has contributed to an increase in foreign owned car manufacturers in the United States?</span>

<span>It is a bulk gaining industry situated close to market.</span>

<span>According to the classic bid-rent curve, what happens to the value of land as one gets closer to the Central Business District (CBD)?</span>

<span>Land gets more expensive</span>

<span>Which of the following best explains why many companies continue to locate factories in traditional manufacturing regions like the northeast United States and Western Europe?</span>

<span>Large pool of skilled labor and quick delivery to large markets.</span>

<span>Which of the following is NOT a type of distortion in map projections:</span>


<span>According to the Human Development Index (HDI. which of the following would be considered a social measurement of development?</span>

<span>Literacy rate.</span>

<span>Using Von Thunen's model; what agricultural practice is likely to be taking place in zone IV?</span>

<span>Livestock ranching</span>

<span>A peasant in rural China is most likely employed in which sector of the economy?</span>


<span>The pattern of land ownership shown below is most likely to be found where?</span>

<span>Quebec, Canada</span>

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals do not mention population growth, but most of the goals will affect population growth. Which of the following statements correctly explains a link between the Sustainable Development Goals and population growth?</span>

<span>Reducing infant mortality rates can lead to a desire to have a smaller family.

<span>Which of the following is the correct order of agricultural products as represented in the von Thunen Model? (Going FROM market)</span>

<span>Strawberries, milk, pork, wheat, beef</span>

<span>How would a city population graph of Delhi, India differ from the one shown below?</span>

<span>The line would appear close to a j-curve (steeper), starting with a lower total population in 1950.</span>

<span>What is one way that the spatial organization of commercial land use is different between the original central business district and an edge city</span>

<span>The original CBD is characterized by high density, and that of an edge city are characterized by low density buildings and/or land use.</span>

<span>The above image best demonstrates:</span>

<span>The richest 20% of the world's people hold most of the world's per capita income.</span>

<span>Which of the following is the best definition of Gross Domestic Product (GDP.?</span>

<span>The value of all goods and service produced within a country in a given year.</span>

<span>Which of the following is a major criticism of ecotourism?</span>

<span>Tourism in general depends upon increasing air travel and the greenhouse gas emissions that accompany it, contributing to global warming and climate change</span>

<span>Which of the following is NOT a demographic composition factor that has contributed to the revitalization process of the central business and residential districts of cities in the U.S</span>


<span>A likely location for the type of farming shown below is:</span>


<span>Which of the following is NOT a significant factor in the dramatic increase in global food production since the mid-20th century?</span>

<span>a significant increase in the amount of cultivated land</span>

<span>For a Midwestern family that wishes to eat from the local food shed, they would most like have to do without</span>


<span>Settlements that formed the ancient Greek civilization were organized into</span>


<span>During the 1800s Industrial Revolution, the most important fuel source for manufacturing was</span>


<span>The area illustrated by the map above is characterized by</span>

<span>economic integration</span>

<span>The "Four Tigers" gained economic power by coming up with cheaper ways produce goods that were invented by another country. This method is called</span>

<span>export-oriented industrialization</span>

<span>Shifting cultivation is characterized by the practice of rotating ________ to maintain soil fertility.</span>


<span>Minority/majority districting is a relatively recent form of</span>


<span>Which of the following types of settlement do not have a hinterland?</span>

<span>hamlets and villages</span>

<span>People are more productive in more developed countries because they</span>

<span>have access to more technology.</span>

<span>The Chernobyl incident occurred</span>

<span>in the Soviet Union.</span>

<span>Which of the following has not generally NOT a typical practice in growing rice in Asia?</span>

<span>machine harvesting and winnowing</span>

<span>Trade routes that had developed across the Sahara Desert, Sub-Saharan Africa, the Indian Ocean, the Silk Road, and the South China Sea by the 16th century stimulated the growth of</span>

<span>mercantile cities</span>

<span>A GMO (genetically modified organism)</span>

<span>mixes genetic material from species that would not otherwise mix in nature.</span>

<span>According to Louis Wirth, one of the most important disadvantages of urban living is that</span>

<span>people may feel lonely and isolated, sensing the indifference around them</span>

<span>Modern global agriculture patterns still follow colonial patterns because poor countries:</span>

<span>still produce raw materials for consumption by people in richer countries</span>

<span>Per capita GDP is a poor indicator of which of the following?</span>

<span>the distribution of wealth within a country</span>

<span>New York, London, and Tokyo are all</span>

<span>world cities of the first tier</span>

The below agricultural activity is likely to take place in which of the following locations?


The projection used in the map above is the:

Peters Projection

Which map projection attempts to correct misconceptions related to the size of land masses?

Peters Projection

A geographer making the observation that most humans reside along warm waterways is an example of

Spatial perspective

What is a factor that has led to the development of the galactic city as an urban landscape in North America?

Specialization and specialized centers outside the central business district (CBD).

In the periphery, lack of, or failure to enforce, land use policy (government or private) results in:

Squatter settlements and housing more vulnerable to natural disasters.

NAFTA has been criticized by many in the United States and Canada for

leaving U.S. and Canadian workers without jobs

Which has been a partially effective response to the problems of housing?

scattered site housing because places families in safer areas with better schools.

The field of study that take an external view of how cities influence the landscape around them, how they connect to one another, and how they are distributed nationally and globally is called the study of

systems of cities

In More Developed Countries (MDC's), employment is increasing more rapidly in which of the following sectors?


One common characteristic of all three early models of urbanization is that:

the CBD is always in the middle.

Which of the following supranational organizations has the power to establish a peacekeeping force in "hotspots" around the world?

the United Nations

The Industrial Revolution actually relieved energy demands for the natural resource of


What is a positive aspect of gentrification?

an increased tax base.

The process in which the dominant culture completely absorbs the less dominant one is called


The Gender Inequality Index (GII).

compares the levels of indicators for females to those of males within a country.

Farming varies around the world because of ________ across space.

cultural and environmental factors

Carl Sauer and Torsten Hagerstrand both wrote important works about

cultural diffusion

Longitude is to the prime meridian as latitude is to the


The primary worldwide benefit of the Green Revolution has been an increase in

food production

The study of the spatial and territorial dimensions of power relationships within the global political- territorial order is called


Based on the concept of Wallerstein's world-systems analysis, which of the following countries best fits the description of core in the early 21st century?


Which region or country has benefited the least from the Green Revolution?


The horse is considered to have been domesticated in _____________.

Central Asia

Compared to Country X, Country Y most likely:

is located in the core

Compared to Country Y, Country X most likely:

is located in the semi-periphery

An infant mortality rate of 40.85 means that in a given country

40.85 infants per 1000 die before the age of one

<span>What is true based on the image below?</span>

<span>A small percentage of farm workers are female</span>

<span>Which of the following matches religions A, B, and C with the correct religions?</span>

<span>A) A is Islam, B is Christianity, C is Hinduism</span>

<span>Currently, the percentage of people in poor countries that live in cities is about</span>


<span>Which of the following is one reason for the consumption pattern shown below?</span>

<span>A by-product of the 3rd Agricultural revolution</span>

<span>The above best demonstrates:</span>

<span>A majority of earnings from ecotourism return to core countries.</span>

The changing rate of urbanization displayed above for the less developed world reflects:

A higher rate of rural to urban migration due to a later transition away from agriculture as an economic activity within those countries.

Which of the following is NOT a significant challenge to urban infrastructure in mega cities?

Additional increases in social class inequality within the city.

What advantages do cattle feedlots have over traditional methods of livestock ranching?

All options

Which of the following is reflective of sense of place helping to contribute to the revitalization process of the central business and residential district of cities in the U.S.?

All options listed are correct.

Where is the below practice likely to be taking place?


Which of the following is a true statement relating to the information above?

Burkina Faso relies heavily on microfinance as a source of funding for small businesses and women

Compare the largest urbanized area populations for Canada and then select the following statement that correctly draws a conclusion regarding the pattern in the data.

Canada follows rank size rule

Marked by a red icon, the distribution of Dollar Generals suggests it:

Carriers low order goods with a short range.

What conclusion can be drawn based on a comparison of the data provided for Chicago and Minneapolis-St. Paul?

Chicago provides higher order goods and has a greater range than Minneapolis-St. Paul

What is the primary factor that determines what is grown where?


Which of the following states in the United States did not develop major manufacturing belts during the 19th and 20th centuries?


Which factor contributes to the population density shown above?

Commercial businesses occupy a greater amount of space in the CBD due to the higher cost of land in the area and their ability to afford it.

The concept of outsourcing is fundamentally based on which of the following economic principles?

Comparative advantage.

A city grows outward from a central location in a series of rings in the

Concentric Zone Model.

Desertification can best be defined as:

Degradation of land in semiarid areas because of human actions like excessivecrop planting and animal grazing

The flow chart above best represents:

Economic transition within a periphery country to semi-periphery, placing an emphasis on manufacturing

Public transit in European cities is relatively extensive because

European governments subsidize public transit

What is the term for small areas within a country that are granted favorable investment and trading conditions in order to attract industries?

Export-Processing Zone (EPZ

One interpretation of the image shown above is:

Gender outcomes result from interactions between households, markets, and institutions

Which of the following countries in 2008 has the largest percent of its workforce engaged in the tertiary or service sector?


A crop likely found grown in the regions shaded below is:


Due to site features, what did Hoyt's research uncover regarding the highest social class district in a city?

High-class residential areas don't change much over time.

Which of the following countries experienced increased industrial power as a result of World War II?

IV only

All of the following are good examples of multinational states EXCEPT:


A consequence of both the 2nd Agricultural Revolution and the 3rd Agricultural Revolution was:

Increased rural to urban migration

The farming practices of enclosure and crop rotation were important innovations of the:

Industrial Revolution

Which of the following is NOT characteristic of commercial farming?

Infrequent contract farming

Which of the following is not a locational tendency of high tech industries?

Inner-city, downtown locations close to central business districts.

Houses with small, high windows and no front yards, situated on dead-end streets, are most common where?

Islamic cities.

This country was the first to industrialize in Asia, and its development occurred under the leadership of oligarchs. The country is


Which statement BEST explains the connection between bid-rent theory and von Thunen's agricultural land-use model?

Land cost decreases as one moves away from the market or central urban area.

How has the composition of the world's top ten most populated cities changed since 1950?

Least Developed Countries (LDCs) cities make up a larger percentage of the top ten.

Global Positioning Systems are most useful in identifying:


Which of the following is NOT perceived as a negative to using GMO seeds?

Long-term GMO use reduces the quality of the soil.

What are is indicated by an X?

Low class residential

<span>The rise of China economically has had which of the following impacts on the global economy?</span>

Lowered the price of consumer goods on a global scale<span>China's labor market has increase the cost of production</span>

In the United States, which of the following definitions of a city covers the largest land area?

Metropolitan statistical area

Which of the following river valleys has been MOST associated with intensive agriculture based on irrigation since ancient times?

Nile River

This individual won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1970 for work on the Green Revolution.

Normal Borlaug

In the United States many farms are integrated into a large food production industry. This is known as


<span>The image above indicates:</span>

Paraguay has greater income inequality than albania

What type of agricultural practice accounts for the largest amount of land use worldwide?


The pattern of land ownership shown below is most likely to be found where?


Based on the information shown below, what is the likely reason for the distribution shown in South Asia.

People in subsistence agriculture with minimal technological advancements.

A goal of the new urbanism movement is:

Reduce the amount of suburban and/or urban sprawl.

What is shown in the map below:

Risk of desertification

Applying the Core-Periphery model, which of the following best describes the classification of South Korea, Taiwan and Singapore?


Which country has the highest arithmetic density per square kilometer?


Which stage of the classic Demographic Transition Model (DTM. is most associated with the industrialization of a country's economy?

Stage III.

Of the following, what is not typically a common characteristic shared by coffee producing countries.

Strong infrastructure linking all regions.

Which of the following industries is most likely to outsource jobs to another country because of slight increases in labor costs?

Textile plant.

The below chart shows the nature of agricultural production in India, Pakistan, and other developing countries in Asia. Based on the information provided in the chart, which of the following is true?

The Green Revolution required a system dependent on irrigation, synthetic fertilizers, and greater mechanization.

What does the data above support?

The census tract is a food desert.

Assuming there is no zoning, which of the following is true based on the images shown above (house is shown w/red dot on the bottom image).

The housing shown is mis-aligned with the property values &amp; density of surrounding area

Which of the following would be considered a limitation specific to the von Thunen agricultural land-use model?

The model assumes equal transportation accessibility

Debt-for-nature swaps are financial transactions in which a portion of a developing country's foreign debt is forgiven in exchange for local investments in environmental conservation measures. Which of the following explains the significance of debt-for-nature programs?

The programs provide a sustainable-development approach to reducing uneven levels of development between countries

The Port of Beaumont is the fourth busiest port in the United States based on tonnage. The port also is the busiest military port in the world, serving as a break of bulk point for U.S. military equipment. The port is located approximately 84 miles east of Houston and 270 miles west of New Orleans. Which of the following statements correctly explains why Beaumont is a break-of-bulk point

The robotic systems at the port result in fewer workers being required to unloadcontainer ships.

What can be inferred based on the data in the image above?

There are contrasts in economic development that exist between economic heartlands and outlying subordinate areas

Shown above is the 1940 Homeowners' Loan Corporation residential security map (X marks CVHS). Which of the following is true for areas marked in red?

Typically compromised of African Americans/blacks, banks considered investment in these areas to be too risky, making it difficult to purchase and improve properties in this area.

Most of the products that are produced in Maquiladoras are mainly sent to consumers in which country?

United States.

What is located in zone 4 of Burgess' Concentric Zone Model?

Zone of better residences

Von Thunen's pattern of rings that explains the spatial layout of farming emphasizes the need to apply intensive agriculture in


Which hearth below is responsible for corn?


Urban economic and social geographic challenges in the United States include all the following EXCEPT:

a bigger concentration of low-income residents in suburban areas.

The dramatic increase in yields associated with the second agricultural revolution coincided with

a commercial market for food created by the growing urban labor force.

Which of the following maps would be most helpful to a local government agency that is trying to identify the spread of disease among individual cows in a particular county

a map with a scale 1:5 (inches/miles)

The prime meridian is an important tool used by geographers to determine

absolute location and time zones

Population pyramids represent a population's

age and sex composition

Special Economic Zones were developed by China for the purpose of

allowing foreign investment

Which of the following culture traits is shared by almost all civilizations?

brushing one's hair

The greenhouse effect is caused by the discharge into the atmosphere of

carbon dioxide

The different areas of the world where Mediterranean agriculture predominates have similar


Rostow's economic development model indicates that before high level economic development can occur,

countries must pass through predictable and sequential stages.

A clustering of tall office buildings, shopping malls, and apartment complexes at the intersection of major interstate highways is called

edge cities.

The long-lot survey system divides land into narrow parcels with the intention of:

fairly distributing natural resources

The process of change in the use of a house, from single-family owner occupancy to abandonment is:


A logical conclusion that geographers that support environmental determinism come to is that

human responses are almost completely molded by the natural environment

Which of the following is a positive attribute of using genetically modified organisms in agriculture today?

increase effectiveness against crop disease.

Severe gender inequality is a challenge to development because

it severely limits the economic and social mobility of women, as well as familiesthat are headed by women.

A major practice of sustainable agriculture is

limited use of chemicals

The cities, Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, provide evidence that they were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT:

little job specialization

The primary factor in von Thünen's model for choosing commercial farm products is

market location.

Ravenstein used the concept of distance decay to explain why immigrants

move only a short distance away

which of the following building styles is mismatched with an area of use:

oven-baked block of cement/Middle East

Which of the following crops originated in South America:


Physiological population density is meant to measure the

pressure that people place on the land

<span>The new international division of labor most often affects less developed countries by</span>

preventing wealth from flowing from more developed countries to LDCs

Which of the following is NOT an example of material culture?


Urban planning for a sustainable city of the future is known as:

smart growth

Integration is a process that allows states to gain political, economic, and social clout by pooling their


Which of the following is most likely to be a centrifugal force that negatively affects a nation-state?

strong separatist movements

The gravity model when applied to urbanization reveals that

the two largest cities in a country will have the most interaction between them.

The minimum number of people needed to support a business is called the


North America, the European Union, and East Asia are all examples of important

trading blocs

An important characteristic that distinguishes perceptual regions from formal and functional regions is thatperceptual regions are based on

what people believe to be true

Which of the following foods was unknown in the Western Hemisphere before the Columbian Exchange of the late 15th and 16"' centuries?


A primate city is:

when the largest city is located on the periphery

Blockbusting in the 1950s often contributed to

white flight.

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