AP Psych Unit 14 Part 1

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According to evolutionary psychologists, a. women tend to be concerned with whether mates will devote time and resources to a relationship. b. men place less emphasis on physical attractiveness. c. women place more emphasis on sexual fidelity. d. men are biologically driven to have multiple partners.


Arabs are typically depicted in the media as oil-rich but ignorant and savage. In a time of war with an Arab country, this image would be used a. to make it easier for soldiers to kill the enemy. b. to educate the population regarding the enemy. c. to strip away the emotional insulation of our soldiers. d. very little, since previous attempts at dehumanizing (during W.W.II, for example) were ineffective.


In North America, male friendships are __________ based and female friendships are __________ . a. activity; based on sharing feelings. b. attraction; based on activity c. feeling; based on activity d. activity; based on attraction


Physical proximity increases attraction because it a. increases frequency of contact. b. enhances social comparisons. c. establishes common norms. d. reduces development of incompatible roles.


Someone asks you to bring dip to a party and you agree. Later the person asks you to also bring popcorn, chips, and sodas. The person has used which compliance strategy? a. the low-ball technique b. the over-commitment strategy c. the whole-part technique d. the passive obedience method


The __________ hypothesis states that frustration tends to lead to aggression. a. frustration-aggression b. biological instinct c. social learning d. cognitive dissonance


When we perform well, we typically attribute our success to __________. a. internal characteristics b. our group of colleagues c. external circumstances d. our personality type


Which is TRUE regarding choosing a mate? a. People who marry are highly similar in age, education, race, religion, and ethnic background. b. The highest correlation between people who marry involves their temperaments. c. In the United States kindness and understanding are ranked as being the least important qualities in a mate. d. Men rate physical attractiveness as a less important quality in a mate than women do.


Zimbardo interpreted the results of his simulated prison study as an indication of the a. powerful influence of roles on people. b. tendency to show compassion to people in need. c. weakness of social pressure in some situations. d. tendency to displace aggression.


__________ is best known for his research on conformity. a. Asch b. Rubin c. Schachter d. Zimbardo


Which of the following comments is most likely to be made in a group characterized by groupthink? A) "We all seem to be in basic agreement, so there's no sense in continuing our discussion of this issue." B) "To proceed democratically, we need to know the honest opinions of all group members." C) "Let's research the opposing sides of the issue so that we know we're making an educated decision as a group." D) "As a group, we have to think carefully about all the pros and cons surrounding this issue." E) "Do any of you see any potential problem with our group's position?"

A) "We all seem to be in basic agreement, so there's no sense in continuing our discussion of this issue."

__________ is best known for his research on conformity A) Asch B) Rubin C) Schanchter D) Zimbardo

A) Asch

When we preform well, we typically attribute our success to... A) Internal characteristics B) Our group of colleagues C) External circumstances D) Our personality type

A) Internal characteristics

How does the presence of observers affect a person's performance? A) It improves performance on easy tasks and hinders a person's performance on difficult tasks. B) It improves performance on verbal tasks and hinders a person's performance on mathematical tasks. C) It improves performance on poorly learned tasks and hinders a person's performance on well-learned tasks. D) It improves performance on unenjoyable tasks and hinders a person's performance on enjoyable tasks. E) It improves performance on physical tasks and hinders a person's performance on mental tasks.

A) It improves performance on easy tasks and hinders a person's performance on difficult tasks.

Which is true regarding choosing a mate? A) People who marry are highly similar in age, education, race, religion, and ethnic background. B) The highest correlation between people who marry involves their temperaments. C) In the United States kindness and understanding are ranked as being the least important qualities in a mate. D) Men rate physical attractiveness as a less important quality in a mate than women do.

A) People who marry are highly similar in age, education, race, religion, and ethnic background.

The just-world phenomenon often leads people to A) believe that victims of misfortune deserve to suffer. B) work to resolve and lessen social injustices. C) dislike and distrust those who are wealthy. D) express higher levels of prejudice after suffering frustration. E) respond with kindness to those who mistreat them.

A) believe that victims of misfortune deserve to suffer.

Opinion change resulting from a thoughtful focus on the content of arguments illustrates A) central route persuasion. B) social facilitation. C) cognitive dissonance. D) normative social influence. E) peripheral route persuasion.

A) central route persuasion.

Equity and self-disclosure are important to the development of A) companionate love. B) groupthink. C) deindividuation. D) social facilitation. E) ingroup bias.

A) companionate love.

Comparisons of identical and fraternal twins highlight the impact of ________ on aggression. A) genetic influences B) attribution C) proximity D) the bystander effect E) deindividuation

A) genetic influences

The tendency to categorize people on the basis of their gender is most likely to lead Jack to believe that A) women all have pretty much the same attitudes about sex. B) women seem to be unpredictable, because no two are alike. C) most men tend to be logical and emotionally controlled. D) in contrast to women, men have very similar tastes in dress and fashion. E) women tend to act on ingroup bias, while men tend to act on outgroup bias.

A) women all have pretty much the same attitudes about sex.

1. Nell tastes her food, then salts it. You assume that the food needed salt, therefore, you attribute her actions to a(n) a. internal cause. b. external cause. c. setting. d. situational demand.


According to Janis, John F. Kennedy's Bay of Pigs failure was caused in large part by a. brainstorming. b. groupthink. c. the self-censorship effect. d. the expert power effect.


Attribution theory concerns our tendency to explain our behavior and that of others a. by external causes rather than internal causes. b. by inferring causes on the basis of internal or external factors. c. by internal rather than external causes. d. based on personality factors.


During the Stanford Prison study, a. guards did not take their roles seriously. b. guards readily assumed their roles as agents of force. c. the prisoners and the guards quickly became friendly towards one another d. three prisoners were so severely beaten they had to be hospitalized.


If everyone leaves five minutes before the game is over to avoid a traffic jam, the resulting traffic jam would be an example of a. social impregnation. b. a social trap. c. groupthink. d. self-handicapping.


People's invisible "spatial envelope" defines their __________, and extends "I" or "me" boundaries past the skin. a. spatial role b. personal space c. ego location d. proximal location


Subjects in Milgram's experiment who gave large shocks rationalized that they were NOT personally responsible for their actions. This raises questions about our willingness to commit inhumane acts as a result of a. coercive power. b. obedience to a legitimate authority. c. expert power. d. conformity to group pressure.


The person who agrees to a small request initially is more likely later to comply with a larger demand. This describes the a. door-in-the-face-effect. b. foot-in-the-door effect. c. low-ball technique. d. high-ball technique.


There is a strong relationship between dating frequency and physical attractiveness a. for males. b. for females. c. for both males and females. d. beyond the initial stage of attraction.


Which theory holds that a relationship must be profitable to endure? a. complementary need theory b. social exchange theory c. gain-loss theory d. social comparison theory


Nell tastes her food, then sals it. You assume that the food needed salt, therefore, you attribute her actions to a(n) A) Internal Cause B) External Cause C) Setting D) Situational Demand

B) External Cause

There is a strong relationship between dating frequency and physical attractiveness... A) For males B) For females C) Both D) Neither

B) For Females

Joel's violent behavior is influenced by his unrealistic social scripts, his repeated experience of ostracism, and his persistent abuse of alcohol. An integrated understanding of Joel's behavior within the framework of multiple levels of analysis is most clearly provided by A) the frustration-aggression principle. B) a biopsychosocial approach. C) a humanistic approach. D) social exchange theory. E) the reciprocity norm.

B) a biopsychosocial approach.

The three components of prejudice are A) schemas, attributions, and social scripts. B) beliefs, emotions, and predispositions to action. C) inequality, frustration, and aggression. D) social loafing, group polarization, and groupthink. E) ingroup bias, mirror-image perceptions, and deindividuation.

B) beliefs, emotions, and predispositions to action.

We have a tendency to overestimate the similarities among people we have sorted into a single category. This best illustrates the ________ roots of prejudice. A) emotional B) cognitive C) biological D) social E) neurological

B) cognitive

Fernando's favorable attitude toward capital punishment began to change when he was asked to offer arguments opposing it in a class debate. His attitude change is best explained by ________ theory. A) equity B) cognitive dissonance C) social exchange D) the two-factor E) scapegoat

B) cognitive dissonance

In Milgram's first study of obedience, the majority of "teachers" who were ordered to shock a "learner" A) initially complied but refused to deliver more than slight levels of shock. B) complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock. C) refused to deliver shocks to all participants who expressed doubt about the experiment. D) complied until ordered to deliver intense levels of shock. E) refused to deliver even slight levels of shock.

B) complied fully and delivered the highest level of shock.

Nora, Ko, Ian, and May each think that Ms. Akey may be a slightly better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. After discussing why each of them believes this to be so, they all conclude that Ms. Akey is definitely a much better teacher than Mr. Schwenke. This episode provides an example of A) social facilitation. B) group polarization. C) modeling. D) deindividuation. E) obedience.

B) group polarization.

According to Janis, JFK's Bay of Pigs failure was caused in large part by A) brainstorming B) groupthink C) the self-censorship effect D) the expert power effect

B) groupthink

DURING THE STANFORD PRISON STUDY, A) guards did not take their roles seriously. B) guards readily assumed their roles as agents of force. C) the prisoners and the guards quickly became friendly towards one another D) three prisoners were so severely beaten they had to be hospitalized.

B) guards readily assumed their roles as agents of force

Research on physical attractiveness indicates that men are more likely than women to A) be attracted to dating partners whose hips are narrower than their waists. B) judge members of the opposite sex as more attractive if they have a youthful appearance. C) express dissatisfaction with their own physical appearance. D) deny that their liking for physically attractive dates is influenced by good looks. E) marry someone who is less physically attractive than themselves.

B) judge members of the opposite sex as more attractive if they have a youthful appearance.

After three months of riding the 8:30 bus to work, Cindy has actually started to feel affection for the gruff and scowling old bus driver. Cindy's reaction best illustrates A) the fundamental attribution error. B) the mere exposure effect. C) the bystander effect. D) the social exchange theory. E) mirror-image perceptions.

B) the mere exposure effect.

The text defines social psychology as the scientific study of how people ________ one another. A) understand, feel about, and behave toward B) think about, influence, and relate to C) perceive, think about, and talk about D) observe, understand, and communicate with E) understand, predict, and control

B) think about, influence, and relate to

A __________ group is a group based on social comparison. a. focus b. personal identification c. reference d. comparison


A compulsion by decision makers to maintain each other's approval, even at the cost of critical thinking and good judgment, is called a. the halo effect. b. expert power. c. groupthink. d. social conformity.


A student who is unprepared for a final exam complains that he has a stomach ache and cannot take the exam. If the student's roommate ignores this complaint, he or she has probably attributed the student's symptoms to the a. object. b. actor. c. situation. d. need for affiliation.


According to the theory of cognitive dissonance, attitudes are changed because a. emotionally persuasive arguments unfreeze beliefs. b. logical arguments alter the belief component of an attitude. c. clashing thoughts cause discomfort. d. acting contrary to one's beliefs for a large reward causes dissonance.


Aggression is best defined as a. hostility. b. anger. c. any action carried out with the intent of harming another person. d. none of these


During research in a simulated prison situation a. three prisoners were so severely beaten they had to be hospitalized. b. guards did not take their roles seriously. c. prisoners quickly became passive and dehumanized. d. the prisoners and the guards quickly became friendly towards one another.


Prejudice based on displaced aggression represents a form of a. projection. b. discrimination. c. scapegoating. d. authoritarianism.


Research by Donnerstein suggests that the circumstances most likely to increase violent sexual acts against women (such as rape) involve: a. newspaper publicity given to rapists. b. direct exposure to persons who have committed such acts. c. media images of violence. d. pornographic stimuli that generate sexual fantasies.


Scapegoating is releasing aggression on __________ targets. a. moving b. unsafe c. safe d. none of these


Social position in a group determines one's a. competence. b. autokinetic norms. c. role. d. usefulness.


The degree of attraction among group members relates to the dimension of a. compatibility. b. structure. c. cohesiveness. d. conformity.


The process of changing your behavior to match that of others in a group is a. norming. b. forming a social contract. c. conformity. d. standardization.


The study of unspoken rules for the use of interpersonal space is called a. kinesics. b. psychoecology. c. proxemics. d. territoriality.


Which is true of social stereotypes? a. They are always negative. b. They tend to be rational. c. Likable members of a rejected group are perceived as an "exception." d. University students show more evidence of ethnic stereotyping now than they did in the past.


Vince, an extraverted university freshman, has just moved into a dormitory. Vince is most likely to become friends with A) Alfonse, a junior who is majoring in psychology and lives across the hall. B) James, a lonely sophomore who lives down the hall and is undecided about his major. C) Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science. D) Mohammed, an introverted student who lives on the next floor and enjoys playing chess. E) Ester, a freshman who sits across the row from him in his first large lecture class.

C) Bill, his assigned roommate who is majoring in computer science.

Which is true of social stereotypes? A) They are always negative B) They tend to be rational C) Likable members of a rejected group are perceived as an "exception" D) University students show more evidence of ethnic stereotyping now than they did in the past

C) Likable members of a rejected group are perceived as an "exception"

A __________ GROUP IS A GROUP BASED ON SOCIAL COMPARISON. A) focus B) personal identification C) reference D) comparison

C) Reference

SCAPEGOATING IS RELEASING AGGRESSION ON __________ TARGETS. A) moving B) unsafe C) safe D) none of these

C) Safe

Attitudes are ________ that guide behavior. A) dispositional attributions B) mirror-image perceptions C) belief-based feelings D) norms and roles E) superordinate goals

C) belief-based feelings

ACCORDING TO THE THEORY OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, ATTITUDES ARE CHANGED BECAUSE A) emotionally persuasive arguments unfreeze beliefs. B) logical arguments alter the belief component of an attitude. C) clashing thoughts cause discomfort. D) acting contrary to one's beliefs for a large reward causes dissonance.

C) clashing thoughts cause discomfort

THE DEGREE OF ATTRACTION AMONG GROUP MEMBERS RELATES TO THE DIMENSION OF A) compatibility. B) structure. C) cohesiveness. D) conformity.

C) cohesiveness

Solomon Asch reported that individuals conformed to a group's judgment of the lengths of lines A) only when the group was composed exclusively of males. B) only when members of the group were friends prior to the experiment. C) even when the group judgment was clearly incorrect. D) only when the group was composed of at least six members. E) even when the group seemed uncertain and repeatedly altered its judgment.

C) even when the group judgment was clearly incorrect.

Social loafing refers to the tendency for people to A) become more distracted from their tasks when working with friends than when working with strangers. B) perform a complex task more poorly when others are present. C) exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal. D) stop working once they have reached their goal. E) exert less effort when they are paid by the hour, not by the amount of work completed.

C) exert less effort when they are pooling their efforts toward a common goal.

Professors Maksoud, Struthers, and Vasic each tend to think that obtaining a university degree is easier today than it was when they were students. After discussing the matter over coffee, they are even more convinced that obtaining a degree is easier today. This episode provides an example of A) the fundamental attribution error. B) social facilitation. C) group polarization. D) deindividuation. E) the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

C) group polarization.

Groupthink can be prevented by a leader who A) tries to maintain high morale among group members. B) emphasizes the importance of the issue under discussion. C) invites a "devil's advocate" to critique a group's developing plans. D) makes sure that all conflicts are resolved through consensus. E) is directive and makes his or her own position clear from the start.

C) invites a "devil's advocate" to critique a group's developing plans.

Compared with numerical majorities, numerical minorities, such as the Scots in Britain, are especially conscious of their A) implicit attitudes. B) reciprocity norms. C) social identities. D) personal space. E) superordinate goals.

C) social identities.

Overgeneralized beliefs about a group of people that often underlie prejudicial emotions are called A) social traps. B) social norms. C) stereotypes. D) situational attributions. E) superordinate goals.

C) stereotypes.

Unconsciously mimicking those around us is known as A) social loafing. B) mirror-image perceptions. C) the chameleon effect. D) social facilitation. E) group polarization.

C) the chameleon effect.

In Milgram's obedience experiments, "teachers" exhibited a somewhat lower level of compliance with an experimenter's orders when A) the "learner" complained of a slight heart condition just before the experiment began. B) the "learner" screamed as the shocks became more punishing. C) the experiment was not associated with a prestigious institution like Yale University. D) the "learner" was in another room where his physical well-being couldn't be observed by the "teacher." E) the "teacher" was instructed to administer the learning test and someone else was asked to shock the "learner."

C) the experiment was not associated with a prestigious institution like Yale University.

An example of a superordinate goal is a. getting good grades. b. making money. c. making friends. d. protecting clean water supplies.


For most American adults, an invisible spatial envelope defining their most intimate space a. extends four feet from their body. b. extends an "arm's reach" from their body. c. is reserved for comfortable interactions with friends. d. extends about 18 inches out from their body.


Moderate self-disclosure typically leads to a. competence matching. b. rejection. c. romantic attraction. d. reciprocity.


Solomon Asch's classic experiment (in which subjects judged a standard line and comparison lines) was arranged to test the limits of a. social perception. b. indoctrination. c. coercive power. d. conformity.


The real danger of "groupthink" is that it a. is contagious. b. occurs in cohesive groups. c. disrupts coordinated efforts at group problem solving. d. leads to a suspension of critical thinking.


The study in which college students attached a bumper sticker for a militant black organization to their cars and then received frequent traffic citations demonstrates a. group prejudice. b. scapegoating. c. personal prejudice. d. discrimination.


When subjects in Milgram's obedience experiments received their orders over the phone, they a. conformed more completely due to the formality of the telephoned instructions. b. completely refused to participate. c. were only slightly more obedient than they were in face-to-face conditions. d. were far less obedient.


Which of the following is a testament to the power of roles? a. Cialdini's door-in-the-face effect b. Milgram's message experiment c. Zilstein's shock research d. Zimbardo's prison experiment


Which statement about physical attractiveness is FALSE? a. Beauty is a factor mainly in initial acquaintances. b. Looks are less related to dating frequency for men than for women. c. For men, there is little relationship between attractiveness and the achievement of status. d. For marriage partners there is a tendency for attractive men to be paired with highly educated women with high incomes.


With regard to the effects of TV on children, we can conclude that a. TV has little effect on the behavior of children. b. TV only increases aggressive behavior in children. c. TV only increases prosocial behavior in children. d. the amount of TV viewing may be related to aggressive behavior later in life.


You are asked by a close friend to outline a complete text to aid her studying for a final exam. You refuse to help. Later, your friend asks if you would at least outline two chapters. Feeling guilty, you now agree to help. Your behavior is predicted by the a. foot-in-the-face technique. b. high-ball effect. c. low-ball technique. d. door-in-the-face effect.


You are walking into a store when a man rudely cuts in front of you, almost shoving you, so that he may enter the store first. "What a jerk!" you think to yourself. As you enter the store, you see the same man performing an emergency tracheotomy on a women with a collapsed windpipe. You have just a. discounted a person's actions due to situational demands. b. self-handicapped. c. overemphasized the object in this action sequence. d. made the fundamental attribution error.


__________ attachment style is marked by conflicting feelings of affection, anger, and emotional turmoil. a. Mutual b. Secure c. Avoidant d. Ambivalent



D) Discrimination

Prejudice is a(n) ________; discrimination is a(n) ________. A) dispositional attribution; situational attribution B) normative influence; informational influence C) role; norm D) attitude; behavior E) ingroup bias; outgroup bias

D) attitude; behavior

Toby publicly agrees with his friends that Ahmed, a senior, would make the best Student Senate President. On the secret ballot, however, he actually votes for Yoram. Toby's public conformity to his friends' opinion best illustrates the power of A) informational social influence. B) social facilitation. C) the mere exposure effect. D) normative social influence. E) deindividuation.

D) deindividuation.

When New York University women were dressed in Ku Klux Klan-style hoods, they demonstrated significantly more aggression. This finding is best explained in terms of A) social facilitation. B) modeling. C) groupthink. D) deindividuation. E) ingroup bias.

D) deindividuation.

Fritz Heider, who coined the term "Fundamental Attribution Error," concluded that people tend to attribute others' behavior either to their A) biological motives or their psychological motives. B) heredity or their environment. C) abilities or their effort. D) dispositions or their situations. E) thoughts or their emotions.

D) dispositions or their situations.

When the task of correctly identifying an individual in a slide of a four-person lineup was both difficult and important, participants in an experiment were especially likely to conform to others' wrong answers. This best illustrates the impact of A) the mere exposure effect. B) the fundamental attribution error. C) ingroup bias. D) informational social influence. E) normative social influence.

D) informational social influence.

Parents who discipline their children with beatings are often teaching aggression through the process of A) cognitive dissonance. B) social facilitation. C) attachment theory. D) modeling. E) deindividuation.

D) modeling.

The rules of a culture for accepted and expected behavior are A) self-disclosure. B) stereotypes. C) prejudice. D) norms. E) attitudes.

D) norms.

Norms are best described as A) buffer zones we like to maintain between ourselves and others. B) a person's characteristic emotional reaction to stress. C) personality traits we inherit from our parents. D) rules for socially acceptable behavior. E) our deeply held beliefs about what is moral and ethical.

D) rules for socially acceptable behavior.

Psychologists describe shared goals that override differences among people and require their cooperation as A) companionate. B) implicit. C) deindividuated. D) superordinate. E) altruistic.

D) superordinate.

A vivid example of a North Korean's behavior has an unusually strong influence on people's judgments of all North Koreans primarily because people A) are motivated to confirm their current stereotypes of specific groups. B) typically categorize other individuals on the basis of barely noticeable characteristics. C) strongly resent those who draw a lot of attention to themselves. D) are prone to committing the fundamental attribution error. E) estimate the frequency of group characteristics in terms of the memorability of these characteristics.

E) estimate the frequency of group characteristics in terms of the memorability of these characteristics.

At a conscious level, Aaron doesn't think he's prejudiced. Yet he automatically feels uncomfortable in situations where he has to interact with people of different races from his own. Aaron's experience best illustrates the distinction between A) social facilitation and social loafing. B) situational and dispositional attributions. C) equity and self-disclosure. D) normative and informational social influence. E) explicit and implicit attitudes.

E) explicit and implicit attitudes.

Circumstances that increase ________ are likely to reduce ________. A) anonymity; groupthink B) anonymity; stress C) stress; social loafing D) self-awareness; social facilitation E) self-awareness; deindividuation

E) self-awareness; deindividuation

Organisms often respond to ________ with a fight-or-flight reaction. A) social facilitation B) discrimination C) superordinate goals D) the mere exposure effect E) stress

E) stress

The gradually escalating levels of destructive obedience in the Milgram experiments best illustrate one of the potential dangers of A) deindividuation. B) the fundamental attribution error. C) social facilitation. D) the bystander effect. E) the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

E) the foot-in-the-door phenomenon.

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