AP Psychology: Chapters 17/18-Social Cognition/Influence

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an act that is intended to cause harm to another person

fundamental attribution error

a bias toward overattributing the behavior of others to internal causes

task-oriented leader

a leader who provides close supervision, leads by directives, and generally discourages group discussion

person-oriented leader

a leader who provides loose supervision, asks for group members' ideas, and is concerned with subordinates' feelings

elaboration likelihood model

a model suggesting that attitude change can be driven by the evaluation of the content of a persuasive message (central route) or by irrelevant persuasion cues (peripheral route)


a pattern of thinking in which group members fail to evaluate realistically the wisdom of various options and decisions

bystander effect

a phenomenon in which the chances that someone will help in an emergency decrease as the number of people present increase

social facilitation

a phenomenon in which the presence of others improves a person's performance


a positive or negative attitude toward an entire group of people


a predisposition toward a particular cognitive, emotional, or behavioral reaction to objects

self-fulfilling prophecy

a process through which an initial impression of someone leads that person to behave in accordance with that impression

frustration-aggression hypothesis

a proposition that frustration always leads to some from of aggressive behavior


a psychological state occurring in group members that result in loss of individuality and a tendency to do things not normally done when alone

social impairment

a reduction in performance due to the presence of other people

resource dilemma

a situation in which people that must share a common resource, creating conflicts between the short-term interests of individuals and the long-term interests of the group

prisoner's dilemma

a social dilemma in which mutual cooperation guarantees the best mutual outcome

zero-sum game

a social situation in which one person's gains are subtracted from another person's resources, so that the sum of the gains and losses is zero

cognitive dissonance theory

a theory asserting that attitude change is driven by efforts to reduce tension caused by inconsistencies between attitudes and behaviors

arousal: cost-reward theory

a theory attributing people's helping behavior to their efforts to reduce the unpleasant arousal they feel in the face of someone's need or suffering

self-perception theory

a theory suggesting that attitudes can change as people consider their behavior in certain situations and then infer what their attitude must be

empathy-altruism theory

a theory suggesting that people help others because of empathy with their needs


adjusting one's behavior because or an explicit or implicit request


an unselfish concern for another's welfare

helping behavior

any act that is intended to benefit another person


any type of behavior in which people work together to attain a goal


behavior in which individuals try to attain a goal for themselves while denying that goal to others

reference groups

categories of people to which people compare themselves


changing behavior in response to a demand from an authority figure


changing one's beliefs or behaviors to match those of others, generally as a result of real or imagined, though unspoken, group pressure


differential treatment of various groups; the behavior component of prejudice

social loafing

exerting less effort when performing a group task than when performing the same task alone


false assumptions that all members of some groups share the same charatceristics

social cognition

mental processes associated with people's perceptions of, and reactions to, other people


mental representations that people form of themselves

social dilemmas

situations in which actions that produce rewards for one individual will produce negative consequences if adopted by everyone


socially based rules that prescribe what people should or should not do in various situations

relative deprivation

the belief that, in comparison to a reference group, one is getting less than is deserved

social identity

the beliefs that we hold about the groups to which we belong


the evaluations people make about how worthy they are as human beings

contact hypothesis

the idea that stereotypes and prejudice toward a group will diminish as contact with the group increases

matching hypothesis

the notion that people are most likely to form relationships with those who are similar to themselves in physical attractions


the process of explaining the causes of people's behavior, including our own

social influence

the process whereby one person's behavior is affected by the words or actions of others

social perception

the processes through which people interpret information about others, draw inferences about them, and develop mental representations of them


the result of a person's or group's belief that another person or group stands in the way of their achieving a valued goal

social psychology

the study of how people's thoughts, feelings, and behavior influence, and our influenced by, the behavior of others

environmental psychology

the study of the relationship between behavior and the physical environment

actor-observer bias

the tendency to attribute others people's behavior to internal causes while attributing our own behavior (especially errors and failures) to external causes

self-serving bias

the tendency to attribute our successes to internal characteristics while blaming our failures on external causes


the way one thinks of oneself

temporal comparison

using one's previous performance or characteristics as a basis for judging oneself in the present

social comparison

using other people as a basis of comparison for evaluating oneself

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