AP World History

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THE COLD WAR: Pg. 888-896

THE COLD WAR: Pg. 888-896

what made the soviets feel surronded as they struggled to rebuild from war? what did they do in response?

US and other nations of western europe forming NATO (north atlantic treaty organization); created theiw own military alliance, the warsaw pact, against the NATO

who is Jomo Kenyatta?

a Kenyan nationalist; PhD in anthropology; founded an organization for african freedom

what is the "mau mau"?

a small movement amoung the kikyuyu people that africa was not ready for self government; britain hunted down the leaders and ended this, imprisoned kenyatta, and made protest illegal

how did western leaders see the soviet union?

a sponser of a world revolution and a military power capable of launching a war (like the one that just ended)

how did the war end?

americans and south korea forced them north, until china entered and they reached a stalemate along he 38th parallel; a peace treaty was never signed

by the end of the second world war, who controlled what in korea?

americans controlled the south and the soviet union controlled the north; two years later north korea invaded south korea and the UN security council invaded and defended south korea which resulted in the korean war

what did the decolonization of africa and asia result in? why was this important? what did the new nations look for? what did this result in?

an increase in the members of the general assembly but not in the security council; they were more concerned with poverty, racism, and imperialism; matieral assitence and acess to a wider political world; no one really listened to the general assembly

what was the european economic community/common market? how did it begin? was it sucuessful? why did it change to the EU?

an organization promoting economic unity in europe that would become the EU; france, west germany, italy, the nethlands, and belgium signed a treaty; yes, and it nearly took over the US in industrial production; to reflect growing political integration

how did leaders in the industrialized west veiw socialism?

as a threat to free markets and untrammeled capital investment

how did the US escape the effects of the great depression in world war 2?

as increased military spending and military draft raised employment and wages; consumer goods factories started making weapons which resulted in a demand for consumer goods

who is Kwame Nkrumah?

became prime minister of ghana in 1957; graduated from catholic mission school and government teacher-training college; studieded theology and phisiology in the US where he got ideas on Pan-Africanism from WEB DuBois and Marcus Garvey

how did wwII damage the economies of europe?

bombs flattened cities, hurt railroads, ports, and communication networks; populations lost their savings and struggled to find employment

how did the soviet union test western resolve?

by blockading the british, french, and american zones of berlin and then building the berlin wall to prevent east germans from fleeing to west berlin

how did the west test the east?

by encouraging divisions within the warsaw pact like an anti-soviet revolt in hungary

who were the africans elected to office following the reforms?

civil servants

how did the soviet union resconstruct after ww2? what resulted in this?

command economy had natural resources, a large population, and abundant energy; large investments in education and heavy machinery; recovery was rapid at first, but then the buracratic control became inefficiant and they failed to meet demands for clothing, housing, cars, and technology

what happened in the general assembly?

debates about decolonization and development

what happened in july 1944 when allied victory was inevitable? what did they change?

economic sprecialists representing over 40 countries (including the soviet union) met at Bretton Woods (a new hampshire resort) to devise a new international monetary system; they agreed to fix exchange rates and create the IMF (international monetary fund) and world bank

what was the first british colony in west africa to gain independance?


what did the soviet seem okay with? who supported the communists?

governments in neighboring estates that included a mix of parties as long as they were not hostile to the soveits or communists; nations of central and eastern europe

what was the most important postcommunist movement?

ho chi minh in french indochina; he had helped the french communist party, then returned to vietnam to form the indochina communist party and he cooperated with the US while japan controlled vietnam;

why did the conflict remain limited to the korean peninsula?

if the US attacked china, the soviet union chinas ally might come for the US

breaking up- india vs. pakistan?

india was thought to break up into states by language, but it stayed together and followed a democratic and socialist route; pakistan broke up into Bangledesh

what was the united nations?

it came from the league of nations, and it was made of the General Assembly (representitives from member states) and Security Council (with five permant members- china, france, great britain, us, and soviet union) and 7 rotating members; a full time beuracracy was the headed by the secratary general carried out daily business and agenices focused on international problems (ie. UNICEF, FAO, UNESCO)

why did war break out between india and pakistan?

it was over kashmir b/c they said they wanted to join iindia, and both sides stopped fighting and kashmir is still a flash point today

what was the main duty of the security council? how did this become a problem?

keeping the peace; permant members began using their veto to protect their interests and allies

who was elected the first president of kenya? what did he do for kenya?

kenyatta; it was properous

what did their sucess result in?

lowering tariffs to encourage trade

how did the french feel about their colonies?

more reluctant to grant them independance

how were india and pakistan unalike?

muslim pakistan defined itself according to religion and was under control of military leaders; India had a secular republic that was much larger and had more industrial and educational resources and civil servants and military officers from the british and they were mainly hindu

how was independance acheived in most of sub-saharan africa? where was it violent?

negotiation; with impportant white setttler miniorities

who else did britain grant freedom to? who resisted independance?

nigeria; white settlers

what did the UN do throughout the cold war?

not able to stop international conflicts, but they sent peacekeeping forces

why was it a good time for Nkrumah to work for independance?

not strong support for british colonialism, brtiain didnt want to invest resources to hold the colonies

what happened to singapore?

once a member of the federation, became independant city-state

where did communist regimes emerge?

poland, chezkslovakia, hugary, bulgaria, romania, yugoslavia, albania

who was the prime minister if india?

prime minister jawaharal nehru

what was the Free french movementof General Charles de Gaulle?

promised africans more democracy, suffarage, employment in government, better education and health services, end to abuses in the colonial system

what is the world bank?

provides funds for reconstructing europe and helping needy countries after war

what did this result in?

raisedd living standerds and demand for consumer goods, leading to the development of a mass consumer society

what had the greatest role in economic mangageent in europe? in Britian? france? why?

recovering western european governments; the labor party nationalized coal, steel, railroads, and health care; nationalized pulic utilities (the auto, banking, insurance, mining); this provided large amounts of capital for rebuilding and getting new technologies

what did the Japanese do during the war?

supported anti-British indian nationalists as well as other countries as a way to weaken their enemy; saw japanese conquests as asian power

why did the Japanese and Dutch East Indies cooperate? who cooperated with the Japanese? what was the result?

the DEI wanted theDutch peoples to leave; achmad sukarno; sukarno became the dictator of the resource rich but underdeveloped indonesia and ruled until a military coup ousted him and got rid of communism

what happened to the phillippenese?

the US granted them postwar independance but kept close economic ties and leases on military bases

what did the US and the rest of the world do to maintain the stability of the monetary system? what did the soveit union do?

the US held reserves of Gold the rest of the world held reserves of dollars; established a closed monetary system for itself and allied communist regimes in eastern europe

what strengthened turkey and greece from to resist soviet military pressure and communism? what did this desicion lead to?

the US letting turkey acess the mediterranean strait for acess to the dardenelles; turkey and greece joining NAto and the soveits creating the warsaw pact

how did the determining of production priorities and prices change from the US to soviet union?

the US relied on supply and demand but the soviet union command economy government agencies allocated goods and set prices according to governmental priorites (not relying on market forces)

who supported the reconstruction of europe? what plans did they implement? did this help?

the US; the marshall plan and other aid programs gave 20 billion to europe and europe really got better

what part of pakistan suceeded to make Bangledesh?

the bengali-speaking eastern section

what happened to Burma?

the british granted independance for it and established the malay federation

what is the cold war? when did it end?

the ideological struggle between communism (soviet union) and capitalism (US) for world influence; when the soveit union dissolved

who else supported north korea?

the peoples republic of china

what provoked a nationalist uprising in algeria? what was the algerian revolutionary organization? who was it supported by? how did the french react? what happened when algeria won? what did algerians do?

the vietnamese military victorty over france; front de liberation national (FLN); eygpt and other arab countries who wanted freedom for all arab nations; considered it theirs and fought to the bitter end; angry colonists returned to france which hurt the agerian economy yet they still remained close with the french; migrate to france to take low level jobs

what were the general assembly resolutions like?

they carried great weight (ie. resolution to divide palestine between jews and arabs)

how was it different from the league of nations?

they did a majority vote, instead of unianimous in both bodies and 5 permant members had the right to veto

what did many new leaders of independant states believe?

they perferred the sovet union's socialist economy to the capitalism of their former masters

how was the soveit union different? what did they achieve?

they relied on agenices and political processes to determine production, distribution, and price of goods; the government regulated and controlled everything like housing, medicine, shops, factories and the land; dramatic expansion in industrial production

what did france grant independance to? what did it try to retain?

tunisia and morrocco; algeria bc they had controlled the colony for a long time and had close ties with them

what is the IMF?

used currency reserves from member nations to finance temporary trade deficits

how did european societies change frpm this resulting properity?

wages increased, social welfare grew, governments increased spending on health care, unempployment benefits, pensions, public housing, grants to the poor,

what fueled resistence to colonialism in africa? who were independance movements amoung?

western nationalist and egalitarian ideas; westernized members of society

what is the united nations charter? what did the signatories renounce?

when representatives from the US, Great Britain, SOviet union and china all drafted proposals that led to this treaty on oct. 24, 1945; war and territorial conquest

who said the phrase "iron curtain"? what does it mean?

wintston churchill; the cold war division between the soviet-dominated east and the US-dominated west

what confirmed the threat of a worldwide revolution?

with the defeat of germany, the soviet assertiveness in europe and communist insurgencies

how did european nations start a process of economic cooperation and integration? what did they begin cooperating? where were they located?

with the organization of european economic cooperation (OEEC); coal and steel; in the border areas which had once been points that led to the war

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