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What can be inferred from the Chinese propaganda poster about the One Child Policy?

The government wanted to play on the idea that one child can be loved easier than many.

Which of the following is NOT a correct explanation of why the Haitian revolution succeeded?

The revolutionaries had the support of British and Spanish forces.

How do the life vignettes of the poor and rich of London depict class struggle during the Industrial Revolution?

There was a deep and clear division between the haves and have-nots of London.

Why do migrants often face difficulties in their new nations?

They have difficulty adapting to new cultural ideals and mores.

Which of the following is NOT a reason Arab nationalism failed to materialize?

They shared a common language and culture.

Which of the following statements is NOT true about capitulations?

They were imposed on the Europeans by the Ottomans.

The Boxer Protocol is similar to what other treaty?

Treaty of Versailles

Which of the following is an example of social media?


Who did not get a portion of Africa at the Berlin Conference?

United States

How does the image express the precariousness of economic globalization?

World currencies are closely tied together in a form of economic mutually assured destruction.

The Kristallnacht was

a Nazi-arranged attack on thousands of Jewish stores.

What was perestroika?

a Russian political movement to stop the centralization of the economy

a sub-division of the Atomic Regulating Committee

a group of oil-producing nations

Cecil Rhodes was

a leading British imperialist active in south Africa.

At the Munich Conference, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain

agreed that Hitler could keep lands already taken in exchange for a pledge to end German expansion.

In Britain, one outcome of the laws against child labor in the late nineteenth century was that

all children were required to attend public school.

Immediate provocation for the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor was

an American-led oil embargo against Japan.

The United States acquired Hawai`i by

annexing the islands after American planters had overthrown the monarchy.

By the nineteenth century, women's rights movements - founded by eighteenth century women like Olympe de Gouge - reflected a transformation to include which of the following?

antislavery and abolitionist movements

The Balfour Declaration of 1917 promised that Palestine would

become a homeland for immigrant Jews.

The purpose of the Dawes Severalty Act of 1887 was to

break up tribal reservations into small family farms.

Deng Xiaoping:

brought free market reforms to China.

From the perspective of the consumer, the factory system meant

cheaper manufactured goods.

Most migrant workers arriving in the nineteenth century America were most likely to

create cultural enclaves within industrial areas.

The most significant achievement of Sultan Mahmud II was the

creation of a modern army.

What was the belief system of most of the French philosophes?


By the end of the nineteenth century, the only thing keeping China from being completely divided up into spheres of influence by foreigners was

distrust among the foreign powers.

Why was a birth control pill a goal of science in the 1950s?

effective population control

France's control of Algeria resulted in

extreme violence by revolutionary groups.

The Emancipation Proclamation

had little immediate effect on the status of slaves.

The regime of the Iranian Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlavi was overthrown for the following reasons EXCEPT:

he allowed heavy Soviet military and economic involvement

The assassination of Archduke Francis Ferdinand was the catalyst that started World War I because

his death brought to a head the tensions underlying the alliances in eastern and western Europe.

What has largely replaced slavery around the world?

human trafficking

At the Bay of Pigs in 1961,

invading anti-Castro Cuban forces were overwhelmed by Cuban troops.

Why has the AIDS epidemic hit sub-Saharan Africa especially hard?

lack of medical resources and personnel

Social reforms enacted by Germany in the late nineteenth century included all of the following EXCEPT

mandatory trade union membership.

The "white man's burden" proposed by Rudyard Kipling referred to the

moral duty of the west to work to "civilize" the rest of the world.

All of the following have contributed to the dramatic growth of the Chinese economy since the late 1970s EXCEPT

more efficient long-term economic forecasting by the Communist Party leadership.

Argentina in the late 1970s and early 1980s

moved steadily toward a multiparty system.

Which of the following was NOT a military technology used in World War I?

nuclear submarines

Which of the following is NOT a flashpoint for modern terror?

oil battles in the China Sea

In their critique of industrial capitalism, Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels claimed that

only a communist revolution would overcome the abuses of capitalism and create a just and equal society.

Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi was assassinated because she

permitted an attack on Sikh extremists at the sacred Golden Temple.

In general, Napoleon championed

political freedom but not social equality.

Embedded in the U.S. Constitution is the principle of

popular sovereignty.

In leading the revolutions of South America, Simón Bolívar advocated

popular sovereignty.

During the Great Depression, most nations

practiced economic nationalism.

The nature of Nazi occupations in eastern Europe, as depicted in the first image, was most directly influenced by

regional resistance to German rule.

What was the original intent of the Red Cross?

rendering aid to soldiers in times of war

One direct long-term effect of the Palestine issue was the development of which of the following within the Arab world?

revival of Islamic political and social values

Which negative impact did NOT occur because of the "Green Revolution"?

rise of Socialist states

Joseph Mobutu:

rose to power as dictator of Zaire and plundered their economy.

The "velvet revolution" gets its name from the fact that some eastern European nations

saw changes in government with little to no violence.

The factory activities depicted in the image best offer evidence of which of the following?

specialization of worker's labor skills

The Luddites were threatened by industrialization of what industry in particular?


What did Adam Smith consider to be the driving force behind capitalism?

the "invisible hand" of the market

All the following are examples of vertical organization EXCEPT

the British East India Company's monopoly on the tea trade.

Which of the following could be considered an expression of enlightened ideas about government?

the Declaration of Independence

Why was Japan's economy so successful following World War II?

the U.S. jumpstart of the Japanese economy

In both Guatemala and Nicaragua in the 1950s and 1960s,

the United States supported military dictatorships that were anticommunist.

European entrepreneurs such as Cecil Rhodes most strongly viewed imperialism as

the best means of spreading civilization.

The depiction of a nuclear explosion best illustrates

the danger of the increasing arms race that developed early on in the Cold War.

India's struggle for independence was most strongly shaped by Gandhi's views regarding

the effectiveness of passive resistance.

What did Latin American countries do to stabilize their economies?

the idea of the dependency theory

The Great War differed most significantly from previous European conflicts due to which of the following?

the ideology of war as noble and good

Apartheid ended in South Africa for all the following reasons EXCEPT:

the international community threatened joint military action against South Africa

During the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz, Mexico achieved all the following EXCEPT:

the production of mineral resources.

The poster depicted represents Nazi propaganda and taps into what ideal that might be held by many Germans?

the purity of a mother and child as related to the Christian ideal of the Madonna and Child Jesus

Isaac Newton's work seemed to suggest that

the stars and planets were part of a unified system, governed by the same natural laws.

How did Ghana set the standard for successful transition from colony to nation?

through cooperation and peaceful negotiation with the British

The official goal of the Nazi regime toward Jews in the period before World War II was

to pressure them to emigrate.

In response to the Great Depression, economist John Maynard Keynes

urged the government to expand the money supply and undertake public works to provide jobs.

The gaucho in Argentina is like what widely romanticized figure in American history?

western cowboy

Proponents of "scientific racism" argued that

western dominance was justified on the basis on racial superiority.

Under British imperial rule, India was governed

with British bureaucrats and officers overseeing Indian civil servants.

Gandhi did all the following EXCEPT:

worked for the defeat of the Government of India Act.

A political liberal in the nineteenth century would be likely to advocate

written constitutions and representative government.

The Taliban is a repressive extremist Islamic organization in


Which of the following was NOT one of the provisions of the new French constitution of 1791?

All adult males were given the right to vote in national elections.

Why did the mujahedeen turn on the U.S. after the fall of the Soviet Union?

Anti-Western feelings were turned to the most powerful Western nation.

Which of the following is NOT true about the settlement of Australia?

Australia became a multicultural society, drawing settlers from all over the Pacific.

Why did Germany and Japan suffer most extensively during the Great Depression?

Both nations relied heavily on the export of manufactured goods to pay for imported fuel and food.

The last country to abolish slavery was


From what perspective does the image of the Sepoy Rebellion come, and what does it say about their viewpoint?

British; They viewed the revolt as an atrocity of inferiors against their betters.

What is the difference between crossbreeding and genetic engineering?

Crossbreeding physically breeds plant varieties while genetic engineering manipulates DNA.

Following the Spanish-American War, the United States relinquished control of


Why are women in much of the world illiterate?

Cultural mores resist the education of women.

The contents of the text provide evidence that Olympe de Gouges was most influenced by which of the following?

Enlightenment ideals

The Battle of Omdurman clearly demonstrated that

European troops with modern weapons could subdue a vast native army.

Which of the following is NOT true regarding Africa during the decades after the Great War?

Europeans promoted rapid, intensive industrialization among their colonial possessions.

Which American president spearheaded the creation of the U.N. along with British Prime Minister Winston Churchill?

Franklin Roosevelt

The "Great Game" refers to the

German conflict with the British and French for control of Africa.

Which of the following would NOT be typical of labor migration patterns in the age of empire?

German migrants to plantations in the Congo

The Maji Maji Rebellion was aimed at removing _______ from East Africa.


The key factor in the decision of the U.S. to enter World War I was

Germany's resumption of unrestricted submarine warfare against the United States.

How did Lenin solve the issue of land ownership in Russia?

He institution the New Economic Policy.

The Shah of Iran was opposed by

Islamic extremists with Iran.

Using the information in the chart, what might you be able to infer about population growth in Europe?

It is slowing down and beginning to reverse.

Why was the Congress of Vienna vital to the latter half of the 19th century?

It led to the beginning of nationalism.

Why did the U.S. refuse to sign the Kyoto Protocol?

It placed much of the burden of climate control reduction on the U.S.

What was the impact of the War on Terror on the stability of Iraq?

It supported a weak collation government that led to a power vacuum.

How did the fall of the Berlin Wall exemplify the end of communism in Europe?

It was a visible and well-publicized event involving a very visible symbol of communist oppression.

Which of the following statements about the League of Nations is NOT true?

It was dominated by the countries of Europe.

Why did the Jews flee to Israel?

Jews who were being attacked fled to Israel to find safety.

Which thinker was responsible for the renewed interest in the social contact and inspired American colonists?

John Locke

The Congo Free State was, in reality, a personal territory owned and exploited by

Leopold II of Belgium

Who among the following emerged as the leader and principal theoretician of the Chinese communist movement?

Mao Zedong

Which early English feminist argued for equal access to education in her book A Vindication of the Rights of Women?

Mary Wollstonecraft

To which country was the Zimmermann telegram originally meant to go?


What common factor can be determined by looking at the dates of decolonization at the outcomes of those nations?

Most of the nations in the region gained independence during the Cold War, making them battlegrounds for the Cold War.

The height of Japanese atrocity in China was reached at the Rape of


The most heavily populated country on the continent of Africa is


The Warsaw Pact was created to counterbalance the

North Atlantic Treaty Organization.

What led the modern push for universal human rights?

Nuremburg trails of Nazi war criminals

The cartoon depicts England, Russia, and the Ottomans (Turkey). What does this say about the power of the Ottoman Empire at the turn of the twentieth century?

Ottoman power was waning as Europe forced it to do as it wished.

Gandhi predicted that "rivers of blood" would flow in the wake of the creation of


Which individual is incorrectly paired with a scientific discovery?

Ptolemy and the moons of Jupiter

Which of the following nations did NOT have a peaceful revolution against communist rule?


Which event in Africa is like Germany's Holocaust?

Rwanda genocide

The First Five-Year Plan was initiated by


One of the key reasons that American planters gave for taking power was to civilize the islands. The image of Queen Lili`uokalani presents what argument for or against their reason?

The Hawaiians had largely adopted western culture and had been civilized for some time.

What was the doctrine of lapse?

The Mughal Emperor needed a son to keep his power.

Why was communism an alternative for many countries?

The Soviet Union offered to boost the countries' economies if they became communists.

Why had most European governments abandoned concessionary companies in Africa by the early twentieth century?

The brutal use of forced African labor by companies provoked a public outcry in Europe.

According to the World Health Organization, how many lives are saved each year due to vaccines?

3 million

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