AP World History Chapter 20: Africa and the Africans in Age of the Atlantic Slave Trade Study Questions

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When do the Portuguese capture Ceuta (Morocco) beginning of European expansion?


When does Cape Colony come under formal British control?


When does Great Britain abolishes slavey in the West Indies?


What was the largest slave revolt in Brazil? Who was it lead by?

1835, in Bahia largest slave revolt in Brazil by Yoruba and Hausa slaves.

What speakers dominated in East Africa?

Bantu speakers.

When was the Golden Age of Slavery? Why was this the Golden Age?

But it is estimate 12 million between 1450-1800 were. 18th century was Golden Age of Slavery (1700-1800) 7 million slaves estimated. 20-30% of slaves died on ships and from disease. Total number unknown.

What was the symbol of the asante union?

Osier Tutu's golden stool.

Which of the following statements about slavery in Europe before 1450 was most accurate?

Slavery had died out in the Middle Ages in most of Europe except along the military frontier between Christians and Muslims in the Mediterranean.

How were the British colonies of the southern Atlantic coast of North America different from the Latin American colonies?

The British colonies depended less on imported Africans because of the positive rate of growth among the slaves.

Was slave life hard?

Yes, slaves lived a very hard and generally short life. Families were separated. Cultures were not lost but brought together, creating African American culture.

Were many slaves converted to Catholic? Did slaves try to fuse native religions new new religion taught? Did some slaves even try to fuse Christianity with native language?


When is the first shipment of African slaves brought directly from Africa to Portugal?


When do the Portuguese establish a fort at El Mina (Ghana)?


When is the Fall of Songhay Empire?


When did Dahomey become unified?

After it abolished Royal family and traditions. Slave trade lasted well into the 19th century.

When did Asante dominate the Golden coast? What were it's main exports?

Asante dominated Gold Coast until 1820. Main exports gold and slaves.

Which of the following statements concerning slave families is most accurate?

Despite enormous difficulties, slaves continued to live in family units.

By the 1770s, what was the impact of the Muslims stressing Sufi variant of Islam?

Greatly impacted Fulani people, people spread across a wide area of western Sudan.

Where were the Portuguese most successful in missionary conversion?

Kongo, had help from Nzinga Mvemba.

Which of the following statements concerning the Portuguese presence in east Africa is most accurate?

Portuguese bases in east Africa gave them access to the gold trade of east Africa, but they were unable to completely disrupt the Muslim trade with the region.

Which of the following statements concerning resistance to slavery is most accurate?

Recalcitrance, running away, and direct rebellion were present wherever slaves were employed.

What did Shaka do?

Shaka created a very powerful Zulu state. Destroyed neighbors and showed no mercy. Earned enemies within his country. His own chieftain was the center of Zulu power. Assented in 1828. Zulu most powerful force until 1900's in black Africa.

What happened from South Africa's many different kinds of chieftains?

Southern Africa had many chiefdoms with as many as 50,000 people. Bantu political organization and splitting odd of junior linages and forming new villages lead to completion of new land. Result needed in expansion of southern lands.

Why did Southern US have more slaves then other islands? How many by 1860?

Southern US had more favorable conditions. Slaves had smaller chance of death and reproduced more. By 1860, almost 6 million in Southern US.

What development led to an intensification of the Portuguese involvement in the African slave trade?

The development of sugar plantation on the Atlantic island of Madeira.

In what manner did the Portuguese seize most of the slaves that were transported from Africa?

They traded for them with African rulers.

In 1804 what did Usuman Dan Folio do? Who was he?

Usuman Dan Fodio, a charismatic Muslim Fulani scholar, taught reformist ideologoly in Hausa kingdoms. In 1804, he lead an uprising saying Huausu did not teach preaches of Muhammad. He won and the Sokoto caliphate arose.

Why were Africans sought for plantation labor in the Americas?

West Africans were already familiar with metallurgy, herding, and intensive agriculture, whereas Indians were not.

Which of the following statements concerning the ending of the slave trade is most accurate?

While it is true that legitimate products began to replace the slaves in European commerce with Africa, it is difficult to demonstrate a link between economic self-interest and all abolition of the slave trade.

Following the model established by the Portuguese, which of the following was NOT one of the principle patterns of European contact with Africa?

Widespread European colonization.

Explain the patterns of slave imports.

1530-1650 Spanish America and Brazil received the most slaves. Then British Caribbean islands received most. By 18th century, most were imported to Virginia and the Carolinas. Brazil received 3.5 millions slaves from 1550-1850. Most slaves in Africa came from Senegambia region 16th century, modern Zaire and Angola wet central Africa 17th century. Other areas like Gold Coast and and slave coast- Dahomey and Benin were important thought time.

When do the Dutch establish a colony at Cope of Good Hope?


What did the presence of Europeans on the Africa coast allow?

Allowed for costal countries to monopolize or encourage trade in their regions. This caused competition and warfare for decades to come. Countries started fighting with one another to gather up slaves. However, countries directly on the coast could not grown from European influence.

What was the usual American slave society hierarchy in America?

American slave societies had a hierarchy based on race and color. Whites at top, free colored in middle, and slaves at bottom. Creole and mulatto slaves had more opportunities than saltwater slaves. Creole slaves people who had mutations from mixed breeding.

Where did a lot of famous art come from in Africa during this time? What purpose did most weaving and art have?

Benin and Yorua states, religious purposes.

What was Benin?

Benin was another powerful kingdom at its height when Europeans arrived. They directly controlled trade and many traded textiles and pepper. However, started trading slaves, but never became main product.

What caused conflicts between Europeans in South Africa, Boers, Bantu's, and other Native African People?

Boers pushing north and Bantu pushing south created problems. British take over of Cape colony made things worse. Warfare broke out during the early 19th century. Government measures, accelerating arrival of English speaking immigrants, and lure of better lands caused groups of boers to move north. Boers settled north across Orange River and into Natal on the fertile east coast, did not realize area was in a war.

Who dominated South Africa by the 16th century? What did they do?

By 16th century Bantu-speaking people dominated South Africa. They practiced agriculture and herding, worked with iron and copper, created tools, weapons, adornments, and traded with neighbors. Spoke similar languages like Tswana and Sotho. Lived in hamlets. Men were artisans and herders, women did farming and housework.

What did the Cape colony in 1652 allow the Dutch to do?

Cape colony in 1652 allowed Dutch to have a port for trading and launching sea voyages. By 1760s, increasing completion and expansion lead to warfare between southern tribes.

What were the long lasting effects of Islam in Western Sudan?

Created more access to new literacy and culture. Had long lasting impacts.

What race of people dominated the American slaves?


What was Dahomey?

Dahomey was a brutal country that gained power in slave trade. Expanded territories, directly controlled slave trade with Europeans and gained port town Whydah, which Europeans wanted by King Agaja (1708-1740)

What did the differences in the slave community cause?

Differences between slaves divided the slave community, ethnic Africans tended to rebel.

What was the most important Portuguese fort in Africa?

El mini (1482).

How did Europeans try to justify the slave trade?

Europeans tried to justify slavery by saying slavery already existed in African. This is somewhat true. Most African societies were non egalitarian and state owned all land. People were forced to work for landowners with no pay or pay very heavy taxes. People were not viewed equal. Slavery was already important in Kongo before Europeans arrived. Slaves considered alien and denied freedom.

How did existing slavery in Africa made it easy for Europeans to create a large slave trade?

Existing slavery and trade made European slave trade easier to establish, they just tapped into it. Africans usually enslaved neighbors or enemies.

What countries started competing with Portugal, especially by 1630 for slaves?

France, Britain, and Dutch.

How did the British organize the shipment of slaves to the Americas?

In Britain, the charted Royal African Company wanted a monopoly over the shipment of slaves to colonies in the Americas.

What happened to a lot of slaves at Palmares?

In fact, slaves successfully held of the Portuguese and Dutch at Palmares, an enormous runaway salve kingdom, for almost a century.

Which of the following statements concerning slavery on the continent of Africa before the arrival of the Europeans is most accurate?

In many Africa societies, the control of slaves was one of the few ways in which individuals or lineages could increase their wealth and status.

How was the Islamic uprising in Eastern Africa influenced by?

Islamic uprising were influenced no just by politics, economics, and religion, but slavery. War prisoners were exported for slave trade to make profit. Slaves in Sudan were used for plantation and servant work, especially on new peanut plantations. By 19th century, some Eastern countries had 30-40% of total population working as slaves.

What happened after Songhai collapsed?

Islamization turned violent. New states arose and wars broke out.

Wat was Asante? Who was their famous ruler?

It was based on 20 small regions with matrilineal clans. Access to firearms allowed for expansion. Osier Tutu (1717) given title asantehene was the supreme civil and religious leader.

What happened during the major changes to the Nguni peoples in the 19th century? In 1818?

Major changes took place in the Nguni peoples. Unification of chiefdoms was taking place. 1818, leadership changed to Shaka, brilliant military organizer who created regiments from linage and age. Central army formed.

What was the Middle Passage?

Middle Passage: slave voyage to the Americas was traumatic. People taken from homes and confined together, usually shackled and forced to work. While life was horrible, culture still not destroyed. They practiced their culture in America.

What did the expansion and conflicts of new gunpowder empires in Africa between 1500-1750 allow?

Millions of humans to be sold or forced into slavery.

Why were more slaves needed by Spain and Portugal in Latin America and Caribbean islands?

More slaves needed when Spain and Portugal created new sugar colonies in Latin America and other Atlantic islands. Slave trade boomed significantly after 1550. By 1600, slave trade predominated over all commerce on African coast.

Which of the following statements concerning the early Portuguese trade forts is most accurate?

Most of the forts were established with the agreement or license of local rulers.

Was slave violence and revolt unavoidable?

No. Slave rebellion and violence was unavoidable wherever slaves were kept.

Explain the end to the slave trade.

Political, economic, and religious changes ended the Atlantic Slave Trade most likely from the Enlightenment and Industrial Revolution. Hard to determine if economic changes ended slave trade. Jean-Jacques and Adam Smith publicaly disapproved the slave trade. In earlier times Europeans thought enslaving non-christians helped people. Britain major power in slave trade. Eliminated it in 1807. People like William Wilberforce helped end the British slave trade.

Explain how the Portuguese tried to colonize Africa? How was the slave trade started?

Portuguese established factories: forts and trading posts after conquering Cape good Hope. Portuguese attempt at controlling Africa failed. Local forts ruled by local rulers with European influences. Africans and Portuguese traded, Portuguese main product gold, ivory, pepper, animal skins. Portuguese successes relied on them penetrating African trade routes. (trade basis of Portuguese-African relations) Portuguese were successful in converting African kingdoms to Christianity. Africans thought Portuguese were strange. Portuguese thought Africans were uncivilized. The basis for the Portuguese colony of Angola was the of Luanda. Portuguese settlers in Africa was minimal main objectives military and commercial based. Portuguese costal ports and outpost created a direct link to the slave trade. 1460's slave import small. By late 1400's, many more slaves being exported from Africa. Portuguese interest in gold help create the slave trade.

What did Zulu do?

Rise of Zulu lead to mfecane or wars of crushing and wandering. Violence was constant. People migrated, emulated, or joined the Zulu to survive. People clashed with Europeans on West coast and south Africa. New African states formed like the Swazi that adopted Zulu model. Lesotho successfully resisted the Zulu. Zulu turned Southern Africa into chaos. Britain finally destroyed them in 1870.

What company did Great Britain create that was dedicated only to the slave trade?

Royal African Company.

What was slave life like?

Slave life was not great. It meant destruction of their life, family, friends, and villages. Many slaves died on the journey to their destination. Unsanitary conditions and poor treatment caused large fatality rates.

Why did slave owners want men over women and children?

Slave owners wanted strong slaves for labor. Children had high mortality rate. Population was 50% of what it could of been if slave trade never occurred. Slave trade brought corn and other crops to Africa helping with food shortages.

What did slave trade allow for Africa?

Slave trade allowed Africa to enter global economy. New ports like Whydah rose to specifically deal with slave trade. African products and slavery impacted most of the world.

What did the slave trade allow for some countries in Africa?

Slave trade allowed for powerful countries to arise like Asante.

Explain the methods and organize used to gather slaves.

Slave trade had high mortality rates for everyone involved, including Europeans, mainly from disease. Europeans gathered slaves in many ways including warfare, markets, and agents. Agents gave local rulers for slaves. Spanish called healthy slave man an Indies Piece. Both Europeans and Africans were involved in slave trade, not sure who had majority control. Slave trade was not very profitable in the long run, many other industries and business had more profit. Triangle trade created from slave trade: slaves brought to America, tobacco and other goods then carried to Europe and European products sent to the coast of Africa. Slave trade was at it's peak after 1760 or 18th century. Slavery helped economic economies grow. But, eventually slavery teared out past the late 19th century.

Explain African slaves in America and what they did.

Slaves in America mostly used on plantations and mines. Plantation System was transferred from Spain and Portugal into the New World. Slaves worked on plantation to mostly manage crops. Plantation system allowed for new tropical and semi-tropical crops to reach areas in Europe and around the world. Slaves did many other things too like mining, artisans, street workers, household servants. Slaves really could do anything.

What happened at Suriname (former Dutch plantation colony)?

Slaves successful in forest ending in truce. Originally descendants still live their today in French Guiana. Slave resistance was incredible.

In what way dir eh European slave trade enable centralizing states to expand more rapidly?

Slaves were traded for firearms that allowed expanding states to overpower their neighbors, resulting in more slaves.

What legalized slavery for non-muslims, even though Ahmad Baba of Timbuktu (1556-1627) discouraged it?

The Sudanic States.

Which of the following was NOT considered a factor in the development of large kingdoms in Africa?

The collapse of the Christian kingdoms in Ethiopia in the face of Muslim advance.

Which of the following statements concerning the volume of the slave trade to the American colonies is most accurate?

The high volume of the slave trade was a necessity because slave mortality was high and fertility was low leading to a loss of slave population.

What was the demographic impact of the slave trade on Africa?

The slave trade had the impact of skewing population of central Africa in favor of a disproportional number of women.

How did the profitability of the slave trade compare to that of other contemporary business ventures?

The slave trade was little more profitable than most business actives of the age and was not a major source for the Industrial Revolution of Europe.

Why did North American colonies not import as many slaves as other areas?

The slaves reproduced within themselves adding to the population.

In what way did the trans-Saharan slave trade differ from that of the Atlantic slave trade?

The trans-Saharan slave trade concentrated on women, but the Atlantic slave trade concentrated on young men.

Why were women the central piece of slavery in many areas?

Women kept linage going in many places.

Did slavery become important to the east coast of Africa?


Did slaves make up large portions of the population in Latin America and the Caribbean? Sometimes as high as 80%?


On the east coast of Africa, the Swahili trading cities

continued their commerce in the Indian Ocean with both the Portuguese and the Ottoman Turks.

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