AP World History Midterm

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What is the most accepted figure for the percentage of the population of American Indians who died following the European colonization? A. over 50 percent B. over 15 percent C. over 25 percent D. over 33 percent E. less than 10 percent


(MUSLIM MAP) Which of the following factors best explains the distribution of Muslim populations shown on the map above? A. religious pilgrimages B. merchant activity C imperialism D. forced migration


What was the African contribution to the Colombian Exchange? A. manioc B. slaves C. tapioca D. large mammals E. potatoes


Which of the following would complicate generalizations made from this world economic theory? A. France's absolute monarchy and military conquests B. strong governments in the slave-exporting regions of West Africa C.role of Dutch trading companies in Southeast Asia D. use of slaves and the plantation systems in the Americas E. European import of sugar and tobacco


What European nation first established direct contact with black Africa? A. England B. France C. Portugal D. Spain E. Italy


What determined the age of marriage for many people in Europe? A. approval of the church B. local traditions C. access to real property D. occupation of the husband E. securing license to marry from the government


Which of the following contributed most to the initial formation of political states by the Muscovite Russians and the Ottoman Turks? A. schisms in Christianity and Islam B. advances in naval technology C. rise and fall of the Mongolian Khanates D. military conquests of Timur E. growth of Afro-Eurasian trade


During the period 1450-1750, which of the following commodities was most responsible for transforming the global economy? A. Salt B. Tea C. Opium D. Silver


Some world historians have argued that the growth of European influence in the 1450-1750 time was due in large part to non-European inventions. The history of which of the following technological developments vest supports this contention? A. compass B. silk weaving C. steam power D. stirrup


Which of the following was the most immediate effect of the Portuguese establishment of a school for navigation in the 1400s? A. development of overseas trade between West Africa and Europe B. establishment of regular trade contacts between Europe and the Americas C. decline of Venetian control of trade in Asian luxury goods D. establishment of direct overseas trade links between India and Europe


In the 14th century, merchants from China, Arabia, Persia and Egypt were drawn to Calicut, India primarily to purchase A. iron B. pepper C. sugar D. ivory E. tobaco


Which of the following characterized the economic systems in Latin America and Southeast Asia during the 16th century? A. focused on porcelain manufacturing B. incorporated forced labor C. redistributed land to peasants D. produced grain for the European market E. focused on small farm-to-market agriculture


Who is generally credited with initiating the Protestant Reformation in 1517? A. Henry 8 B. Martin Luther C. Johann Eck D. Jean Calvin E. Ignatius Loyola


From 1450-1750 witchcraft hysteria can be attributed to all of the following EXCEPT A. ongoing subordination of women B. women's connection to folk remedies, herbal remedies, midwifery, and the healing arts C. need to confiscate the property of others D. misogynist view of women's social and economic value


(MOCTEZUMA CORTES AND MARIE) What similar view of Dona Marie is portrayed in both images? A. a heroine B. a victim C. A collaborator with Aztecs D. an essential part of the negotiations


In the 1450-1750 period, which of the following produced on large plantations by slave labor, were significant commodities in the growing world market? A. grains such as wheat and barley B. tropical fruits such as bananas and oranges C. animal products such as wool and beef D. cash crops such as sugar and tobacco


The Treaty of Tordesillas of 1494 divided the world into spheres of influence belonging to A. Spain and France B. Spain and England C. Portugal, Spain, and England D. Portugal and Castile E. Mexico and Peru


What region of the world became the dominant culture in the period after 1450? A. central Asia B. China C. Africa D. Islamic Middle East E. West


A historian researching the effects of epidemic disease on the population levels of 17th century colonial Peru would probably find which of he following sources most useful? A. church records by baptisms and funerals B. accounts by Spanish doctors of cases of miraculous healings C. transcripts of court cases involving inheritances D.petitions from Amerindian groups to the colonial government requesting tax relief


Adam Smith's economic theory advocated A. governments avoid regulation in favor of the operation of individual initiative and market forces B. institution of state-controlled guilds to fix standards of production and wages C. governments allocated labor and capital D. government intervention in order to control the flow of bullion through extensive tariff system E. use of a controlled money supply as a means of limiting inflation


An important reason for China's rapid population increase in the 17th and 18th centuries was A. the intro of new crops from the Americas B. end of the Bubonic Plague in Asia C. widespread adoption of the European three-field system D. series of government decrees mandating large families E. unprecedented immigration from the Mughal and Ottoman empires


As global trade expanded in the 16th and 17th centuries, which of the following economies exported more than it imported, thus absorbing a large amount of the world's silver? A. China B. Japan C. Ethiopia D. Spain E. Portugal


As part of the Colombian Exchange, which of the following was a European contribution to the Americas? A. disease B. raw material C. bullion D. potatoes E. corn


Before 1700, Spain governed its American colonies through a system of A. appointed administrator B. independent merchants C. written constitutions D. chartered companies E. elected presidents


Between 1500-1800, Europeans were primarily interested in tropical colonies in the Atlantic and Indian Oceans and in the Caribbean because A. large profits could be made from products like sugar, coffee, and pepper B. major European states were competing with each other for imperial hegemony C. these colonies had strategic military importance D. these areas had small populations and were thus easy to control E. many Europeans were interested in getting away from Europe's wintry climate


Choose the correct set up for the LEQ CC/T essay. A. thesis-changes-continuities-synthesis B. thesis-social-political-synthesis C. thesis-changes-contrasts-synthesis D. thesis-continuities-similarities-synthesis


Dependence in the world economy and the consequent need to produce unprocessed goods cheaply led to the development of __________________ labor systems. A. coercive B. proletariat C. socialist D. free E. independent


Johannes Gutenberg was responsible for A. invention of movable type in the West B. construction of Wittenberg Cathedral during 15th century C. Protestant Reformation D. unification of the Holy Roman Empire in 1537 E. defeat of the Catholic forces during the 30 year war


Mughal leader Babur's main goal in conquering India was to A. build an extensive empire B. win converts for his own dream of a universal religion C. act as a champion of Shi'ite Islam D. be recognized as leading a jihad E. bring Indian holy sites under Hindu control


Spain and Portugal signed the Treaty of Tordesillas in 1494 primarily because they A. needed to resolve their territorial disputes after the discovery of ocean routes to the Americas and the Indian Ocean B. were concerned that the Western Hemispheres native peoples be treated humanely by the European conquerers C. needed to agree on the official languages for central and South America in order to keep out English and French D. wanted to protect the existing religions in South Asia and the Western Hemisphere E. did not wish to disrupt the plant and animal life on the Western Hemisphere with the introduction of foreign species


The AP essay where you need to bring in outside information about an author's point of view is A. DBQ B. LEQ -- compare/contrast C. LEQ -- change/continuity D. SAQ


The grants of Indians to individual Spaniards as a labor system were called A. encomiendas B. obrajes C. Alcaldes D. audiencias E. consulados


The greatest silver mine was located at A. Potosi B. Mexico City C. Huancavelica D. Veracruz E. Santiago


The term "Colombian Exchange" refers primarily to A. the biological exchanges between the Eastern and Western hemispheres B. trade in gold from the Caribbean to Africa C. European raw materials brought to the Caribbean for trade D. rewards that Spanish monarchs promised Columbus E. agreements between Spain and Portugal over territorial claims in the Western hemisphere


Unlike the Ottomans an Safavids, the Mughals A. didn't conquer lands for religious reasons B. favored trade C. avoided the use of advanced military technologies D. never developed a strong centralized state of government E. were intolerant of religious differences


What event was most directly responsible for the rise of the gunpowder empires in Turkey, Iran, and India? A. collapse of the Mongol empire and its khanates B. arrival of West European merchants C. having to wear an id card on a lanyard around one's neck D. invention of gunpowder E. revival of trade across Eurasia


What was Catherine the Great's attitude toward the program of Westernization? A. she flirted vigorously with the ideas of the French Enlightenment, but failed to take steps to abolish serfdom B. she rejected the concepts of Westernization in favor of a distinctive Russian culture C. she was more interested in the process of Asianization D. she earned the title of of Enlightened monarch by gully embracing the ideas of the French Enlightenment, including the abolition of the serfs E. she was eager to continue the policy of Westernization, but was unable to attract Western philosophers to backward Russia


What was the basis for social hierarchy that developed in the Americas? A. race B. Spanish social hierarchy C. prestige associated with one's occupation D. education E. wealth


Which of the following are states that dominated the Mediterranean trade during the 16th century? A. Italian city-states and the Ottoman Empire B. Byzantine Empire and the Ottoman Empire C. Spain and Portugal D. Hapsburg Empire and France E. Crusader states


Which of the following contributed most to the emergence of Russia as an expanding Eurasian power in the period between 1450-1750? A. absorption of traditions and technology from the Byzantine Empire and Western Europe B. success in creating alliances with European powers to expel Turkish invaders from the south C. eradication of Islam from Central Asia D. fall of the kingdoms of Poland and Prussia E. use of its strong navy to acquire colonial holding worldwide


Which of the following statement about the Mongol Empire of the 13th century is true? A. invasion of Japan was attempted but unsuccessful B. number of Buddhists and Muslims in Asia dropped significantly as a result of Mongol prosecution C. in China, Mongols eliminated the Chinese scholar-official class D. Mongols conquered Constantinople E. Ibn Battuta's writing described in detail the life in the court of Genghis Khan


Which of the following statements concerning Italian humanism is the most accurate? A. focused on humankind as the center of intellectual and artistic endeavor B. emphasized the corporate and communal aspects of human society C. rejected scientific explanations in favor of spiritual ones D. attacked Christianity as rife with superstition and witchcraft E. carved out new literary styles without reference to classical or medieval models


Which of the following was a major long-term effect of Vasco de Gama's voyage to India in the late 1490's? A. led to the integration of European merchants into the Indians Ocean economy B. brought about the complete destruction of Muslim-controlled trade routes in the Indian Ocean C. spurred the Mughal Empire to invest resources in becoming a major naval power D. catalyzed the adoption of new European naval technology by states throughout the Indian Ocean basin


Why did the Chinese abandon the commercial voyages of the Zheng He expeditions? A. little value for the Chinese to import in trade, and the voyages were expensive to carry out B. trade with foreign regions produced a negative balance of trade for China that drained bullion from imperial coffers C. size of the fleets was so limited that they could not compete with the greater capacity of the European voyages D. Chinese commerce was not competitive enough E. many of the ships were lost as a result of poor ship design and inadequate soiling technology


(4 SOURCES) A historian examining Mesoamerica in the 16th century would best utilize the sources above to analyze which of the following topics? A. process of introducing the encomienda system B. how Christian ideas were communicated to and understood by Amerindians C. conflicts between the Jesuits and the Franciscans D. extent of the decline of the Amerindian population


(ARTICLE) Navarro's economic observations expressed in the passage above are best understood in the context of which of the following? A. Spanish-Portuguese colonial rivalry in the Atlantic B. influx of silver from the Americas into the Spanish economy C. practice of governments devaluing their currencies by reducing the proportion of precious materials in their coins D. beginning of large scale importation of silver by China from Spanish mines in the Americas


(PICTURE OF DEVIL AND WOMEN) In the picture, what would Europeans from the 1450-1750 time period have recognized? A. representation of the Bubonic Plague being sent from the devil B. the devil corrupting women into the practice of witchcraft C. the devil spreading Protestant religious beliefs D. missionaries trying to convert natives in the new world


(PICTURE OF WOMEN AND SOME CREATURES) In the picture above what is best represented? A. Venetian kitchen B. propaganda concerning the witchcraft hysteria C. women's roles in the Renaissance D. scientific revolution E. vernacular language used in printed material after the invention of the printing press


(TRADE ROUTES MAP) The map above illustrates which of the following? A. most frequent destinations of African emigrants of the 20th century B. predominant areas of origin and destinations of African slaves in the 15th through 17th centuries C. proportional flows of African agricultural commodities during the 19th century D. winds and water currents that affected trans-Atlantic and trans-Saharan trade


During the reign of what Ming emperor did the Chinese launch commercial expeditions to Southeast Asia, Persia, and Africa? A. Hongwu B. Yunglo C. Zheng He D. Kangxi E. Chongzhen


How long can a these statement be in an AP world essay? A. 2 sentences B. 3 sentences C. 5 sentences D. as long as you want and full of flower language


In the period between 1600-1700, the principal product in Atlantic trade was A. pitch B. sugar C. tobacco D. cotton E. gold


Renaissance Italy and the Islamic Middle East after the decline of the Abbasid Empire in the mid-tenth century are important examples of which of the following? A. political unity and cultural creativity B. political fragmentation and cultural creativity C. political unity and decline of religion D. political fragmentation and decline of religion E. political unity and rise of secularism


The responsibilities of aristocratic women in both feudal Japan and medieval Europe usually included A. directing religious festivals B. managing household supplies and finances C. representing their families in courts of law D. training their sons to be warriors E. overseeing village schools and hospitals


Under the Japanese system of feudalism after 1600, the emperor served as the symbol of authority while the real power was held by A. the crown prince B. the shogun C. the samurai class D. powerful merchants E. Shinto priests


What monarch is associated with the establishment of enlightened despotism in Prussia in the middle of the 18th century? A. Joseph 2 B. Frederick the Great C. Maria Teresa D. Charles 6 E. William 3


What noble was responsible for the direction of a series of expeditions along the African coast and outward to the Azores in the 15th century? A. Cardinal Mazarin, regent of France B. Prince Henry, the navigator C. Hugh Dupuy, Count Marechal D. Prince Henry of England E. Duke of Saxony


Which of the following best characterizes world trade in the period 1450-1750? A. commodities from Africa dominated trade with China and India B. demand for Asian commodities was financed by New World silver C. international conflict declined because of growing cooperation among international traders D. European dominance of China began E. African slave trade declined


Which of the following best describes the Mughal empire? A. political-economic-social system that recognized equality for all citizens B. system in which an Islamic minority ruled over a Hindu majority C. government based on an examination system D. social and political system that sought to value equally its Islamic, Christian, Hindu, and Buddhist populations E. rule of Hindu majority over a Buddhist minority


Which of the following describes the effect of the spread of Christianity among most Amerindian societies after 1500? A. Christianity completely supplanted Amerindian religious beliefs and practices shortly after the conquest B. Amerindians maintained local customs by combining indigenous beliefs and practices shortly after the conquest C. Amerindians resistance to Christianity resulted in widespread European conversions to indigenous religions D. Amerindian religious beliefs and practice ms were respected by Europeans who considered them equal to Christian beliefs and practices


Which of the following is an accurate statement about the Mongol Empire? A. attempted to impose Mongol religious beliefs and practices on conquered peoples B. reestablished the Silk Road between East Asia and Europe C. attempted to create a self-contained economic system by banning all merchants from non-Mongol territories D. developed a sophisticated bureaucracy staffed by talented Mongols E. established and maintained clear rules of succession that insured the unity of the empire


Which of the following resulted form the arrival of western Europeans in India and China during the 1450-1750 period? A. spread of infectious disease in India and China and a drastic drop in their populations B. establishment of small European enclaves (I&C) C. massive drain of silver and gold (I&C) D. great expansion in slave labor (I&C) E. major disruption of economies (I&C)


Which of the following would best support the conclusion that the Colombian Exchange involved more profound consequences than did earlier biological exchanges in world history? A. previous exchanges did not involve societies at radically different levels of technological development B. previous exchanges did not involve the world's two hemispheres C. Colombian Exchange involved the peaceful transfer of animals, plants, and disease D. Colombian Exchange was accompanied by the spread of missionary religions


(DATA CHART) Which of the following best explains the data shown on slavery above? A. most slaves were brought to British North America to work in silver and gold mines B. indentured servants replaced slaves in Caribbean economies by 1800 C. most slaves were brought to work on tropical plantations D. most slaves brought to Europe were employed as soldiers E. Danish colonists relied more on indentured servants than on slaves to meet their labor needs


(WORLD ECONOMY PASSAGE) In which of the following is an illustration of this world economy theory? A. china was not massively affected by world patterns in the period B. rise of Protestantism and Scientific Revolution transformed European countries C. Latin America exported sugar and silver and imported manufactured items D. Britain had a relatively weak central government compared to France E. Christian missionaries opposed enslaving native peoples


All of the following resulted form the growth of the Atlantic slave trade in Africa EXCEPT A. shift in trade focus from Saharan routes to the coast B. destabilization of local African societies C. exclusion of Africa from the emerging global market D. increased violence through widespread use of firearms


Between 1450 and 1750, empires such as the Ottoman and Chinese shared which of the following? A. dependence on trade as the main basis for the economy B. elite fighting force made primarily of slaves C. use of a large bureaucracy to support the government D. continual military campaign against European armies


In what manner did the Portuguese seize most of the slaves that were transported from Africa? A. took volunteers from among the peasant classes B. captured them in raids into the African interior C. traded for them with African rulers D. purchased them from the Muslim slave traders of the East African trading cities E. as a result of defeat of most of the African kingdoms, the Portuguese obtained a ready supply of slaves


Inflation and commercialization in the West produced a group of people without access to producing property called the A. sans culottes B. bourgeoisie C. proletariat D. Provencales E. Gentry


The Janissaries were A. eunuchs from the royal family charged with care of the imperial harem B. religious leaders under the control of the Ottoman state C. slave troops of the Ottoman forcibly conscripted as adolescents from conquered territories D. Islamic judges not subject to state authority E. powerful members of the warrior aristocracy within the Ottoman Empire who dominated regional administration


The Little Ice Age, which lasted from 1300 to 1850 CE, likely had the strongest effect on which of the following? A. fall of Aztec civilization B. Protestant Reformation C. severity of the Black Death D. ottoman conquest of Constantinople


The man responsible for the conquest of the Aztec empire in Mexico was A. Francisco Pizarro B. Panfilo de Narvaez C. Hernan Cortes D. Francisco Vazquez de Coronado E. Pedro de Valdivia


What was the impact of the introduction of American crops into Europe? A. plantation agriculture fueled by slave labor became the norm in European agricultural systems B. fungi introduced to Europe along with American crops led to severe decreased in agricultural productivity C. introduction of corn and the potato led to major population growth in Europe D. American crops were introduced around the world by European traders, but weren't adopted in Europe itself E. most Europeans rejected the new foods as uncivilized


Which of the following changes best justifies the claim that the late 1400s mark the beginning of a new period in world history? A. rise of the Aztec and Inca empires B. economic recovery in Afro-Eurasia after the Black Death C. incorporation of the Americas into a broader global network of exchange D. emergence of new religious movements in various parts of the world


Which of the following contributed the most to the Ottoman Empire's successful expansion in Europe and the Middle East 1450-1600? A. use of revenues from transoceanic trade to build a powerful army B. use of nomadic tribes as cavalry troops C. adoption of the latest gunpowder and artillery technology D. exploitation of Muslim desire to avenge the Crusades


Which of the following descriptions most accurately defines mercantilism? A. scientific theory that attempted to limit the growing dominance of merchants within society B. economic philosophy that argued that natural laws would determine the flow of goods according to supply and demand C. government should promote the internal economy in order to improve tax revenues and to limit imports from other nations D. idea that all trade should be international and free E. money supply should be freed from the supply of bullion and based instead on the flow of goods within regional markets


Which of the following reasons suggests why common people supported the Lutheran Reformation? A. reforms meant that indulgences and other ecclesiastical means of salvation would become less expensive and more readily available to the poor B. supported the Peasant Reformation C. sanctioned money-making and other earthly pursuits more wholeheartedly traditional Catholicism D. advocated redistribution of land and property throughout Germany E. advocated the overthrow of the authority of the German princes


Which of the following statements about the Manchus after the mid 1600s is accurate? A. lived in a highly urbanized society in Manchuria B. rejected Confucianism and its rules C. founded the long-lasting Qing dynasty in Chine D. concentrated on creating and an independent and productive peasant class E. focused on domestic Manchu affairs and did not attempt to expand their territory


Which of the following statements is true about both the Mughal and Ottoman empires in the 16th century? A. majority of people were Muslims B. powerful navies that engaged European navies C. expanded through the use of gunpowder weapons and extensive bureaucracies D. gave little monetary support to artistic and cultural endeavors


Which of the following was British opponent of the slave trade? A. John Wilkes B. William Penn C. William Wilberforce D. John C. Calhoun E. William Hanover


Which of the following would illustrate an objection to this world economic theory? A. African imports of European guns B. use of serfs to produce grain for export in Poland C. development of manufacturing in colonial Latin America D. import of European art works by planters in the US south E. plantation system of the Caribbean


Which of these statements about the decline of the Ottoman Empire is TRUE? A. domestic trade and agriculture were unaffected by the decline B. empire was too poor to maintain a strong government or military C. internal corruption and harm life undermined Ottoman administration D. foreign wars and defeats were responsible for the decline of the empire E. Ottoman institutions were weak and failed to support the empire


a historian researching the trans-Atlantic slave trade in the period 1600-1800 would find which of the following sources most useful for determining patterns in the point of origin, the destinations and the numbers of slaves involved in the trade? A. census and tax records of European settlers in the Americas B. legal regulations pertaining to enslaved and freed Africans in British colonies C. records of the cargoes of Spain and British ships in the trans-Atlantic trade D. pamphlets published by antislavery societies


(BOAT PICTURE) The illustration above shows which of the following about the 15th century? A. relative number of ships produced by Hangzhou shipyards and the Genoese shipyards B. beginning of a long period of Chinese domination of Indian Ocean trade C. meeting of Vasco da Gama and Zheng He D. relative size of the European caravel and the Ming treasure ship E. use of the lateen sail


A Spanish fleet defeated the Ottoman Empire in 1571 at the battle of A. Cyprus B. the Sargasso Sea C. Nicaea D. Lepanto E. Civitate


As Islam spread between 1200 and 1600, it affected gender relations in which of the following ways? A. women were no longer allowed to be small scale traders B. polygamy became widespread C. women became fully equal to men in terms of the right to divorce D. existing local customs regarding marriage and the role of women blended with Islamic models


During the 1600-1800 period, the leaders of China, Korea, and Japan all had policies that A. promoted trade and expansion B. encouraged emigration and colonization C. opened their countries to European merchants D. regulated interactions with foreigners E. led to ward involving all of East Asia


In the period 1500-1750, the population of the Portuguese colony of Brazil grew rapidly and became predominantly African. Which of the following best explains these demographic changes? A. adoption of indigenous food crops by African migrants B. Portuguese loss of colonial holdings in the Indian Ocean C. rapid natural increase of Brazil's early slave population D. increase in global demand for cash crops such as sugar


Peasants recruited to migrate to newly-seized lands in the Russian empire were called A. Slavs B. Old Believers C. boyars D. Cossacks E. Emigrati


Peter the Great established a new capital for Russia at A. Ekaterinburg B. Moscow C. Kiev D. St. Petersburg E. Novgorod


Politically, what aspects of Western culture did Peter the Great emulate in Russia? A. republicanism B. parliamentary government C. aristocratic control of the bureaucracy D. streamlined bureaucracy and reorganized military E. separation of church and state


Synthesis can consist of which of the following? A. development in a different historic period B. course theme that is not the focus of the essay C. different discipline/field of study D. all of the above


The Colombian Exchange involved which of the following new connections in the 1450-1750 era? A. European food to the WH, WH diseases to Europe, African population to Europe B. WH technology to Africa, African food to Europe, European population to the WH C. European technology to Africa, WH population to Africa, Africa food to the WH D. Africe populatio to the WH, WH food to Europe and Africa, African and European diseases to the WH


The dominant commercial nations of northern Europe comprised the _____________ zone of the world. A. peripheral B. dependent C. negative D. core E. free trade


The images provide evidence of which of the following consequences of colonial expansion in the 1450-1750 time period? A. extension of region trading networks and the consolidation of centralized power B. spread of new food crops and the development of syncretic forms of religion C. restructuring of the family and growth of the plantation economy D. transfer of wealth of new elites and the development of new gender roles


The term "Samurai" describes men in feudal Japan who were most like themed in feudal Europe known as A. lords of the manor B. Catholic bishops C. serfs D. knights E. merchants


What Italian captain sailing for the monarchs of Spain reached the Americas in 1492? A. Bartolomeo Dias B. Amerigo Vespucci C. Dante Alighieri D. Christopher Columbus E. Ferdinand Magellan


What accounted for the majority of the population loss suffered Native Americans after the European arrival? A. losses in warfare B. migration C. enslavement D. epidemic diseases E. failure of marriage patterns among the Indians


What dynasty succeeded the Ming in China? A. Manchu B. Song C. Han D. Qing E. Chou


What region in the Americans received more slaves than any other between 1550 and 1850? A. the Caribbean B. the southern British colonies of North America C. Bermuda D. Brazil E. Mexico


Which of the following accurately compares religious developments in India and China in the 1450-1750 time period? A. Indigenous religions slowly disappeared in both India and China B. Chinese elites tended to practice a religion different from that of commoners, whereas Indian elites tended to practice the same religion as the commoners C. Chinese religious traditions spread into India more than Indian religious traditions spread into China D. both India and China had growing Muslim problems


Which of the following best describes the relationship that the Chinese and Aztec empires had with their respective peripheral states during the 15th century CE? A. both empires used military force to severely the sovereignty of the peripheral states B. both empires welcomed the diffusion of cultural traditions from their peripheral states to their core territories C. both empires established tributary relationships with their peripheral states D. both empires actively sought to assimilate the citizens of their peripheral states into their respective core cultures


Which of the following contributed to the Chinese government's decision to stop voyages of exploration in the Indian Ocean in the early 15th century? A. armed resistance from Arab natives B. lack of sufficient Chinese goods for trade Cl destruction of the Chinese fleet by typhoons D. government concern with domestic problems and fronteir security E. fear of the spread of the plague to China


Which of the following is true of both the Ottoman Empire and Mughal Empire between 1450 and 1750? A. rulers of both believed in strictly separating secular and religious concerns B. top administrators in both empires were chosen by a system of competitive examinations C. Christianity was prohibited in both empires D. both empires were established by skilled warriors on horseback who came originally from Central Asia E. both empires experienced a drastic decline in population after 1500 owing to the spread of diseases brought as a result of contact with Europeans


Which of the following regions was LEAST affected by the expansion of European trade networks in the period 1450-1750? A. Atlantic Basin B. Mediterranean Basin C. Indian Ocean D. Oceania


Which of the following were the most important factor in enabling the Spanish to defeat the Aztec empire? A. able to field larger armies than the aztecs B. able to use their understanding of Aztec culture to create effective propaganda that weakened Aztec resistance C. able to exploit discontent within Aztec state to trigger a revolt of the lower classes against the Aztec ruling class D. able to form military alliances with other indigenous peoples who were enemies of the aztecs E. able to devise effective countermeasures to the horse cavalry that formed the bulk of the


(AFRICA< EURASIA MAP) Which of the following about Afro-Eurasia trade is supported by the map above? A. Indian Ocean trading system bypassed the Middle East B. Japan had substantial direct trade with Africa C. Delhi Sultanate relied primarily on sea routes to participate in the silk trade across Asia D. Islamic empires of West Africa maintained close commercial ties with Eastern Europe E. Ottoman empire was central to the major trading routes


Following the death of Peter the Great, the next powerful ruler of Russia was A. Peter 3 B. Frederick 2 C. Ivan 4 D. Alexander 3 E. Catherine the Great


From 1500-1750, the Americas had sustained economic interactions with which of the following? A. only Europe B. only Africa C. only Europe and East Asia D. Europe, Africa, and Middle East E. Europe, Africa and East Asia


In the period 1550-1750, most of the world's largest cities were located in which of the following regions? A. Middle East B. Western Europe C. North Africa and Southern Europe D. South Asia E. East Asia


The Safavids arose to power in Persia primarily due to A. an alliance with the Portuguese merchants and soldiers B. their conversion from Islam to Christianity C. monopoly on military technology D. control of trade along the Silk Road E. support for the Shi'ite cause


The introduction of the Incan staple crop of potatoes outside South America led to A. a decrease in china's production of rice B. the replacement of corn in the North American Indian diet C. an increase in Andean potato production as an export cash crop D. the migration of Mediterranean peoples to the Andes E. and increase in northern Europe's population


The slave voyage to the Americas was referred to as the A. Ocean Express B. American Tragedy C. Atlantic Mistral D. Rite of Passage E. Middle of Passage


What British commercial institution ruled India for much of the 18th century? A. Lloyd's bank B. British Tea and Spice Company C. Calcutta and Madras Limited D. Raj Trading Company E. British East India Company


Which of the following statements most accurately describes the reason why Luther picked up widespread support among the German elite? A. Luther proposed moving the papacy from Rome to Germany B. Luther's support fro a more centralizes German government under the control of the Holy Roman Emperor struck a responsive chord in German nationalism C. Luther proposed that indulgences should be collected by the Holy Roman Emperor instead of the Pope D. few of them could speak or read Latin E. German princes who turned Protestant could increase their independence from the emperor, seize church lands, and control the church in their territories


Who used astronomical observation and mathematical calculation to disprove the Hellenistic belief that the earth was the center of the universe? A. Copernicus B. Galileo C. Isaac Newton D. Francis Bacon E. Vesalius


What was the term utilized for commercial arrangement by which African slaves were shipped to the Americas, sugar and tobacco were carries to Europe, and European manufactured goods were transported to Africa? A. mercantilism B. capitalism C. triangular trade D. Atlantic Express E. Colombian Exchange


(MAP) The shaded land area on the map above shows the extent of which of the following empires in the early 16th century? A. Byzantine B. Mughal C. Mamluk D. Ottoman E. Roman


The colonial government replaced the labor of the encomienda with Indian labor extracted through local officials. Such labor force was called A. obrajes B. Obreros C. peninsulares D. mita E. consulado


Which of the following best exemplifies mercantilism as it was practiced in the Atlantic trading system by 1750? A. belief of colonist in the Americas that free trade was desirable B. colonial government policies in Europe that prevented the private accumulation of precious metals C. international agreements by European governments to protect the freedom of the seas D. protection of European merchant companies by their respective governments


The largest decline in percentage of population in history occurred as a result of the A. Black Death in Europe B. Spanish flu pandemic of 1918 C. spread of AIDS in Sub-Saharan Africa in the 20th century D. spread of Syphilis in Renaissance Europe E. epidemics in 16th century Mesoamerica


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