AP World History People and Events

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The retaking of the Iberian Penninsula by Spanish forces from the Moors. It was completed in 1492.

William the Conqueror

1028 CE. Duke of Normandy who led the Norman invasion of England and became the first Norman to be King of England. Known for his illegitimate birth.

Great Schism

1054 Ce. The split between medieval Christianity into Eastern and Western parts. The East and West had been angry with eachother for a long time with politics and religious differences. The leaders of each side decided to cut ties with the opposing side.

Battle of Manzikert

1071 CE. Saljug Turks defeat Byzantine armies int his battle in Anatolia Byzantine asked Europe for help.

Genghis Khan

1155 CE. Unified the Mongol trives and began their quest toward expansion that would lead to the creation of the Mongol empir, the largest empire the world had ever seen. His first conquest was China in 1234 and his armies swept across central and western Asia.

Kublai Khan

1215 CE. Reigned in China after establishing the Yuan Dynasty. Actively promoted Buddhism, descendant of Chinggis Khan. The last Khan.

Ibn Battuta

1304 CE.Moroccan Muslim scholar, the most widely traveled individual of his time. Wrote a detailed account of his visits to Islamic lands from China to Spain and the Wesern Sudan.


1336 CE. Mongolian ruler of Samarkand who led his nomadic hordes to conquer an area from Turkey to Mongolia.

Hundred Years War

1337 CE. A series of wars between England and France over French territory. It eventually resulted in England's retreat from France which allowed France to centralize its power under a series of monarchs known as Bourbons.

Black Plague

1348 CE. A disease that spread by way of rodents from the Yunnan region of Southwest China througout Central Asia, Black sea ports, the Mediterranean Sea, and Western Europe. Spread through trade. Was deadly and caused by anti-Semitism as Jews were accused of poisoning wells.

Zheng He

1371 CE. A Chinese navigator who led fleets throughout Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean. Sailing all the way to East Africa. Reached the East African coast a century before the Europeans did the same.


1398 CE. Johannes Gutenberg a German goldsmith and printer. Introduced modern book prinitn into Europe and is famous for his Gutenberg Bible. Probably inveneted mechanical moverable type that started the "printable revolution".


1398 CE. Ruler of the Aztec Empire. In power when Henan Cortes arrived from Sapin. Mistook Cortes for a god because the Aztecs had never seen such a pale man or a horse before. Sent gold as an offering to Cortes, but this made hte Spaniards crave more. They seized Montezuma and began a siege of Tenochtitlan. Lost his emprie to Spain in 1525.

Sunni Ali

1400s CE. Created Sunni Dynasty, ruled 30 years, many military campaigns/victories, conquered Timbuktu and Djenne, which gave Songhai control of trade, focus on trading empire.

Mehmed II

1432 CE. Conquered Constinople and brought an end to the Byzantine Empire. Continued his conquests in Asia and in Europe as far as Belgrade. Regarded as a national hero in Turkey.

Mehmed the Conqueror

1432 CE. Ruled an absolute monarchy and centralized his power in Turkey. Expanded into Servia, Greece, and Albania.

Bartolomeu Dias

1450 CE. Portuguese explorer who is known for being the first European to sail around the most southern point of Africa. This journey made a path from the Atlantic Ocean to the Indian Ocean and Asia. A member of the royal court.

Vaso Da Gama

1469 CE. A Portuguese navigator and explorer who rounded the Cape of Good Hope in Africa. Explored the kingdoms of east Africa and traveled to India, where he set up trade relations between Portugal and India.


1475 CE. An Italian painter, sculptor, and architect, considered on of the most impressive artists of all time. Known for painting the Sistine Chapel, and served as one of the architects of St. Peter's Basiclica.


1484 CE. Also known as Suleyman the Magnificent. Rose to power in the Ottoman Empire. Built up the military and encouraged the development of the arts. During his reign, the empire experienced a golden age from 1520-1566. The Ottomans took over parts of Hungary during this period and tried to move into Austria. Failed to take Vienna and were not able to expand further.


1485 CE. A Spanish conquistador who led expeditions across Ocean to the Americas and Mexico. Caused the Aztec Empire to be destroyed and he brought big pieces of Mexico under the rule of King Cortez was lso part of the Spanish people that started the first part of the Spanish colonization of America.

Shah Ismail

1487 CE. Founder of the Safavid Empire, made Twelved Shiism the official religion of the empire and imposed it among his Sunni subjects.

Treaty of Tordesillas

1494 CE.In 1494, Portugal and Spain were fighting over the newly discovered American lands so the Treaty was drawn up. Drew a north-south line through the western Atlantic Ocean. made everything east of the line Portugal's and everything west Spanish.


1497 CE. Last emperor of the Inca Empire. Became emperor after he defeated his older half borther after their father died. Was captured by the Spanish and tried to ransom himself with gold but was killed by their leader Pizarro.


1508 CE. Spanish explorer who conquered the Incas in what is now Peru and founded the city of Lima, the capital city.

John Calvin

1509 CE. Led his own Protestant group from France during the Reformation. His religion, Calvinism, maintained that God had a predetermined fate for all humans. Stated that only a few people, the Elect, couldb e saved. Centered his church in Geneva, Switzerland. Powerful influence in religious development in France and Scotland.

Battle of Chaldiran

1514 CE. The Safavids vs. Ottomans, Ottomans won and this symbolized the two greatest world powers clashing together. Religious wars (Sunni vs. Shia)

Protestant Reformation

1517 CE. A movement that established Protestantism as its own branch of Christianity in Europe and challenged the authority of the Catholic Church. Began when Martin Luther nailed a list of 95 theses detailing his frustrations with the Catholic church on a church door. Followers became known as Lutherans, and Protestantism spread throughout Europe, eventually becoming the official religion of the Church of England under Henry VIII.

Council of Trent

1545 CE. A group of chruch officials who oficiated over the counter-reformaiton period. Set downt eh Catholic interpretation of religious doctrine and clarified the Catholic Church's view on important religious issues, such as the nature of salvation. Punished heretics and reinstated Latin as the official language of worship.

East India Trading Company

1600 CE.English Company originally seeking trade in the East Indies before seeking their chance and taking over the government.

Louis XIV

1638 CE. Ruled France as an absolute monarchy where he ruled under divine right and patronized the arts. Fracne was almost always at war, increasing the size of the empire.

Napoleon Bonaparte

1769 CE. A general of the French military, used his reputation and popularity to overthrwo the Directory in 1799. Instituted many Enlightenment style reforms in France, but he is best known for trying to expand France's emprie. Conquered most of Europe but was eventually defeated and exiled by the European powers he was trying to dominate.


1773 CE. German-Austrian politician and statesman and one of the most important diplomats of his era. Major figure on the negotiations leading to and at the Congress of Vienna and is considered a major figure of the development of policy.

Simon Bolivar

1783 CE. Appointed to lead Venezuela after the Spanish colonists there to ignore France's role when Napoleon conquered Spain. Established a national congress, which declared independence from Spain.

Haitian Revolution

1791 CE. A major influence of the Latin American revolutions because of its successfulness. The only successful slave revolt in history. Led by Toussaint L'Ouverture.


1795 CE. Designed a legal code in early Babylon that gave punishment based on crime and social status. Relied on the principle lex talions.

Nicholas I of Russia

1796 CE. The Emperor of Russia, also known as one of the most reactionary. Reached its peak by spanning over 20 million square kilometers.

Charles Darwin

1808 CE. Developed the theory of evolution by natural selection. Book "On the Origin of Species" detailed his observations and planted the seeds of his theories. most of Darwin's contemporary scientists became convinced of his thoery, but mahy skeptics existed both then and now.


1815 CE. Napoleon Bonaparte's last battle. Put a final end to his rule as Emperor of the French. Marked the end of the period known as the Hundred Days.

Otto von Bismark

1815 CE. Prime minister of Prussia. Developed military and German territories were added to form a powerful empire by force. Also defeated Austria and won Southern Germany in the Franco-Prussian War.

Opium Wars

1839 CE. War between Great Britain and China, began as a conflict over th opium trade. Ended with the Chinese treaty to the British opening of 5 Chinese ports to foreign merchants adn teh grant of other commercial and diplomatic privileges.

Yellow Turban Revolution

184 CE. A peasant revolution against Emperor Lingdi of the Han dynasty of China. Named for the color of the scarves the rebels wore over their heads. Marked an important part of history for Taoism.

Communist Manifesto

1848 CE. A socialist manifesto written by Marx and Engels describing the history of the working-class movement according to their views.

Alfred Dreyus

1859 CE. French army officer of Jewish descent whose false imprisonment for treason raised issues of anti-semitism that dominated French politics until his release in 1906.


1869 CE. Indian nationalist and spiritual leader who developed the practice of nonviolent disobedience that forced Great Britian to grant independence to India. Assasinated by a Hindu fanatic.

Vladimir Lenin

1870 CE. The Marxist leader of the Bolshevic Party issued his April Theses in 1918 which gained him support of the working classe, peasants, and soldiers. Once Lenin's Bolsheviles took control of Russia's government, began nationalizing the assests and industries of Russia.


1874 CE. Prime minister of Great Britain during World War II. Firm and resolute leader, resuign to strike a deal with Germany which would allow Hitler to maintain hil hold over most of mainland Europe. His leadershiop was an important par of the Allied victory in World War II.

Pancho Villa

1878 CE. Popular leader during the Mexican Revolution. An outlaw in his youth, whent he revoluiton started, he formed a cavalry army in the north Mexico region and fought for the rights of the landless in collaboration with Emiliano Zapata.


1883 CE. Founded fascism and ruled Italy for almost 21 years mostly as a dictator. Aimed to build Italy into a great empire, but led Italy to defeat in World War II. Was executed by his own people.

Berlin Conference

1884 CE. Conference hosted by Otto von BIsmark where the major European power soulc set up rules for how future colonization rights and boundaries would be determined in Africa. Each country rushed to establsih possession in the various parts of Africa. Within 3 decades almost the entire colony was ruled by Britain, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Portugal, and Belgium. By 1914 only Ethiopia and Liberia remained independent.

Berlin Conference

1884 CE. Conference hosted by Otto von Bismark where the major European powers could set up rules for how future colonization rights and boundaries would be determined in Africa. Each country rushed

Ho Chi Minh

1890 CE. Led the communist revolutionary forces in the fight for Indochina 's freedom from Franc after World War II. Renamed Vietnam, the region was divided in two and Ho Chi Minh took leadership of the norhtern half. Supported communist guerillas in democratic. South Vietnam begining a civil war that resulted in the reunification of Vietnam as a communist state under Ho's leadership.

Ho Chi Minh

1890 CE. Led the communist revolutionary forces in the fight for Indochina's freedom from France after World War II. Renamed Vietnam, the region was divided in two and Ho Chi Minh took leadership of the northern half. Supported communist guerrillas in democratic Southern Vietnam begining a civil war that resulted in the reunification of Vietnam as a communist state under Ho's leadership.

Jomo Kemyatta

1894 CE. The first prime minister and then president of free Kenya. Created a one party system of his own tribe would always be in power. Set up Pan-African Federation.

Jomo Kemyatta

1894 CE. The first prime minister and then president of free Kenya. Created a one party system so members of his own tribe would always be in power. Set up Pan-African Federation in power.


1895 CE. Rebel leader of Nicaragua until the 1930's when he was assasinated in a coup which put Somozo in power. Fought for land reform and basic civil rights.


1895 CE. Rebel leader of Nicaragua utnil the 1930's when he was assasinated in a coup which put Somoza in power. Fought for land reform and basic civil rights.

Boxer Rebellion

1898 C. An anti-colonist, anti-christian movement in China by the "Righteous Fists of Harmony". Ended by British troups.

Boxer Rebellion

1898 CE. An anti-colonist, anti-christian movement in China by the "Righteous Fists fo Harmony". Ended by British troops.

Easter Rebellion

1916 CE. In the midst of WWI while British were distracted, a small gropu of Irish nationalists rebelled in Dublin over the delay in-home rule during Easter week, aroused nationalist Irish support.

Easter Rebellion

1916 CE. In the midst of WWI while British were distracted, a small group of Irish nationalists rebelled in Dublin over the delay in home-rule during Easter week, aroused nationalist Irish support.

Indira Gandhi

1917 CE. Daguhter of Jawhalal Nehru. India's first female prime minister. Also prime minister from 1966-1977. Assasinated by her Sikh body guards.

Indira Gandhi

1917 CE. Daughter of Jawahalal Nehru. India's first female prime minister. Also prime minister from 1966-1977. Assasinated by her Sikh body guards.


1918 CE. President of Egypt who negotiated a peace treaty with Israel's prime minister, Menachem. Begin through the Camp David accord was assasinated.

Nelson Mandela

1918 CE. The leader of the African National Congress begining in the 1950's. Advocated abolishing apartheid by peaceful protests at first. Howerver, after protesters were murdered he supported guerrilla war fare. Arrested and imprisoned for life; howerver, international pressures resulted in his release. The South African government crumbled shortly thereafter, apartheid was abolished Mandela was elected president.

Nelson Mandela

1918 CE. The leader of the African National Congress begining int he 1950's. Advocated abolishing apartheid by peaceful protests at first. However, after protesters were murdered he supported guerilla warfare. Arrested and imprisoned for life; however, international pressures resulted in his release. The South African government crumbled shortly thereafter, apartheid was abolished Mandela was elected president.

Amritsar Massacre

1919 CE. The result of a peaceful protest by Indians in Amritsar, India. Protestors were slaughtered in a surprise attack. Sparked the begining.

Amritsar Massacre

1919 CE. The result of a peaceful protest by Indians in Amritsar, India. Protestors were slaughtered in a surprise attack. Sparked the begining of an organized resistance movemement against colonial power in India.


1931. Soviet statesman whose foreign policy brought an end to the Cold War and whose domestic policy introduced major reforms.

The Long March

1934. 6,000 mile flight of Chinese Communists from Southeastern to northwestern China. The Communists, led by Mao Zedong, were pursued by the Chinese army under order from Chiang-kia-shek.

Battle of Stalingrad

1942. Unsuccessul German attack on the city of Stalingrad during World War II that was the furthest extent of German advance into the Soviet Union.

Marshall Plan

1947. Created by the U.S to help Europe rebuild after WWII. Offered billions of dollars in American money to help with reconstruction in Europe. Only West European nations took the US up on it and their economies recovered in less than a decade.


1949. North American Free Trade Organization. Began as a military alliance between the Western boc nations after WWII. In its early years, compromised of the United States, Vik, France, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, West Germany, Greece, and Turkey. Has since grown and includes many of the countries in the European Union.

Bandung Conference

1955. Meeting of 29 Asian and African nations in Bandung, Indonesia to discuss peace and the role of 3rd world in the Cold War.

Warsaw Pact

1955. The Eastern Bloc's answer to the Western Bloc's formation of NATO. Formed a military alliance among the Soviet Union, East Germany, Poland, Czechoslavakia, Romania, and Hungary.

China's Cultural Revolution

1966. Campaign ordered by Mao Zedong to purge the Communist Party of his opponents and instill revolutionary values in the younger generation.

Tianamnmen Square

1989. One million Chinese demonstrators gathered on Tiananmen Square, calling for democratic reform. In an event now known as the Tiananmen Square massacre, the Chinese governement ordered troops to open ire on the demonstrators, killing hundreds of protestors.


245 CE. Emperor of Rome who tried to fix growing problems in the Roman Empire by dividing it into 2 regions run by co-emperors. Returned armies to direct imperial control and tried to strengthen the imperial currency. Forced a budget on the government and capped prices to stem inflation. Rome broke into a civil war once he left power.

Pax Romana

27 BCE. A period of peace and prosperity that lasted for 200 years after the rule of Augustus Caesar began. Rome became the capital and arts center of the western world. Many distinct ethnic groups in the Roman empire were able to maintain their individual cultural identities.


272 CE. Roman Emperor who ordered the building of COnstantinople, which became the captiol. COunt not overcome Rome's waning wealth. When he died the empire divided again.

Alexander the Great

356 BCE. Expanded Macedonian dominance beyond Greece to the Persian Empire and India. Under his reign, the Macedonians created the largest empire so far in history. Divided his massive lands into 3 empires.

Hagia Sophia

360 CE. An early Orthodox church turned mosque that is currently a museum in Turkey. Was once used as a cathedral for Constinople and was known for its large dome. Was the largest cathedral in the world for nearly a thousand years.

Jesus of Nazareth

4 BCE. A Jewish teacher from Galilee in Northern Israel who sought to reform religious beliefs and practices. Was executed as a revolutionary by the Romans. Christians think of Him as a Savior.

Atilla the Hun

406 CE. The ruler of the Huns rom 434 until his defeat in 453. DUring his reign, he was one of the most fearsome rulers ever. Invaded the Balkans twice and marched through Fracne.


427 BCE. A disciple of Socrates whose cornerstone of thought was his theory of forms. This said there was anohter world of perfection. Founded the Academy of Athens and wrote a well-known book, The Republic.

Justinian's COde

529 CE. Roman law that was modified by revising old and ambiguous laws. Named after the Byzantine Emperor Justinian.


550 BCE. Revolutionary who took Persia's throne by force. Afterwards went on several quests for more power. Crushed thrones like Thrace, Macedonia, and the Aegean Islands while maintaining control over Egypt and a few parts of Greece.


551 BCE. Name for the Chinese philosopher Kongzi. His doctrine of duty and public service has inluenced Chines history and culture and served as a base for government officials and rules.


570 CE. Arab prophet. Founder of the religion of Islam. Made the structure that allowed him to bring together all the Arab people.

Abu Bakr

573 CE. Friend of Muhammad who took over and kept spreading his word after his death. Was the first spiritual leader of Islam after Muhammad.

Tang Taizong

599 CE. The second emperor of the Tang Dynasty of China. Was said to be one of the greatest emperors, militarists, and politicians in Chinese history. Co-founder of the Tan Dynasty.

Augustus Caesar

63 BCE. 1 of 3 rulers in Rome's 2nd triumvirate. Ultimately rose to power and became emperor, ending Rome's existence as a republic. Formed a common coinage system, rule of law, and secured travel or merchants.


742 CE. Also known as "Charles the Great", was crowned ruler o the empire of western Europe by the pope in 800 CE. This empire eventually became the Holy Roman Empire. Charlemagne emphasized arts and education but with a strongly religious overtone. However, his failure to levy taxes resulted in a weak, poorly taxed empire.

Song Taizu

927 CE. Founder of the Chinese Song Dynasty and he was emperor for 16 years. After the Tang Dynasty was destroyed he leant a hand bringing China back together. Helped the Song Dynasty became powerful and bring economic wealth.

Prince Vladimir

956 CE. Prince of Novgrod in 970 and Prince Kiev in 980. Said to be one of the creators of Russian Christian Volodymy's Cathedral in Kiev was devoted to him.

Leif Erikson

970 CE. Founded Vinland and settled it. Was the first known Scandinavian to set foot on American soil. Was sent to Greenland to spread Christianity.

Mansa Musa

One of the greatest Mali rulers, built a capital city at Timbuktu added lands to his kingdom well beyond the bounnds of Ghana. In 1307 Musa made his pilgrimage to Mecca with so many gold-carrying servants and camels that he became a sort of international Islamic celebrity.

Mukden Incident

September 18, 1931. A "Chinese" attack on a Japanese railaway near the city of Mukden. Had actually been carried out by Japanese soldiers disguised as Chinese. Used to seize Manchuria.

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