AP World History Unit 4 Questions

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What were the long term effects of the Columbian Exchange?

A biological exchange of crops, animals, people, and diseases between the Eastern and Western Hemisphere. It changed who grew what foods where and how they grew them, while unleashing deadly diseases on populations who had no immunity to them. It also caused massive migrations and new social structures.

What did it want to build?

A colony.

What convinced Louis XIV that he must keep power from the common people and nobility?

A failed uprising in France.

What was the Ottoman social system built around?

A warrior aristocracy

Explain how the Han faced harsh treatment in the Qing Dynasty.

Although non-official Han civilians were allowed to wear Hanfu, traditional Han clothing, all men were required to wear their hair in queues, the braided pigtail style of the Manchu. This was a test of loyalty for the Manchu, but was also a humiliating reminder of the way Qing authority challenged traditional Confucian values.

What new social structures emerged?

As Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans lived together in the new American colonies, social structures in the Americas changed and new ones were introduced based on racial or ethnic identity. This division left white European or Americans of European descent with the majority of wealth and political power. Some societal conflicts resulted in revolutions.

Explain what happened as Russian territory expanded. What happened to serfdom?

As Russia expanded west to the Baltic and east to Siberia, serfdom expanded with it. Russia kept serfs tied to the land long after the practice ended in Western Europe. Elizabeth I freed the remaining serfs in England in 1574, but Russia chained them to the land they were born on and had them under the control of their landlord, who could buy or sell them, as well as administer punishments.

List the positive and negative effects of the New Global Economy.

As a positive effect, the flow of wealth into Europe helped expand the middle class and led to the capital that would lead to the Industrial Revolution. However, as a negative effect, the large amounts of gold and silver going into Spain and China from the Americas increased the quantity of money and later inflation.

Why were people angry with James II?

Because of his anti-Protestant policies.

Why did social structures in the Americas change so drastically?

Because of the arrival of Europeans, the importation of African slave labor, and outbreaks of disease that killed millions.

During the 16th and 17th centuries, millions of Africans were kidnapped by slave traders, yet the population in Africa grew as a whole. Why?

Because of the nutritious foods brought in the continent, such as yams and manioc from Brazil to Africa.

What was the social hierarchy in Russia?

Boyars, the noble landowning class, merchants, the middle class, peasants, the last and most numerous (not yet in debt), and serfs, peasants who sank into debt.

What had Portugal already been doing in Africa?

Carrying out slave raids since the 15th century.

How had China's role changed after Zheng He? How did the presence of Portugal impact China?

China's exploration of the outside world came to an end after Zheng He's final voyage. However, less than a century later, Portuguese traders arrived on China's doorstep. These visits initially had little impact on Chinese society, but the Roman Catholic missionaries, mainly Fransiscans and Dominicans, tried to convert the Chinese people, followed by the Jesuits trying to convert the court elite.

Who were the Cossacks and how was their role at times supportive of the government and at odds with the government?

Cossacks were peasants that were skilled fighters, often runaway serfs who lived in small groups, inspired by the nomadic descendants of the Mongols. These warriors were sometimes at odds with the central autocratic government of the tsars, but were sometimes also hired to defend the country against Swedish, Tartar, and Ottoman invaders.

Who was involved and what was their plan?

Enslaved Africans and white indentured servants conspired together to demand freedom from the governor.

What were the primary goals of Dutch exploration?

Finding a northwest passage.

Why was he angry with Catherine the Great?

For giving the nobility power over the serfs on their lands in exchange for political loyalty, giving the peasants no ties or recourse to the state.

How did Nzinga try to gain protection? What did Nzinga do?

For protection from neighboring powers and an end to Portugal's raids, Nzinga became allies with Portugal. She was baptized as Christian, with the governor of Portugal's colony being her grandfather.

Explain how royalty held power over the nobles.

Gunpowder, cannons, and other technological advancements.

Why were so many massacres carried out in the Qing Dynasty? Who carried them out and why?

Han Chinese defectors were used to carry out massacres against Han who did not follow Qing practices. Han Chinese General Li Chengdong orchestrated three massacres in the city of Jaiding within a month, leaving very little alive in the city, and Liu Liangzuo wiped out the entire population of Jiangyin.

Why was Frederick of Prussia different than Louis XIV?

He declared that "I am the first servant of the state", while Louis XIV, believing they deserved absolute power, declared that, "I am the state".

What specific steps did he take to do this?

He ended the jizya tax, granted land and money to Hindus and Muslims, provided funds to build a Catholic church, and supported Sikhism.

What did Mehmed II do in regards to exiled Spanish Jews?

He invited them to settle in Istanbul, and many did.

This rivalry led to Columbus searching for a new route to India. What did his voyages get from the Americas, Africa, and Asia?

He obtained sugar, tobacco, and rum from the Americas, slaves from Africa, and silk, spices, and rhubarb from Asia.

What was the significance of Portuguese explorer Bartholomew Diaz to Africa and India?

He sailed around the southern tip of Africa, the Cape of Good Hope, in unknown waters. Diaz feared a mutiny if he continued east, so he decided to return home.

What was the significance of Portuguese explorer Vasco Da Gama to Africa and India?

He sailed farther east than Diaz, reaching India in 1498, claiming it as part of Portugal. The Portuguese ports in India were a significant step towards expanding their trade into the Indian Ocean.

Who was William of Orange? What did the nobles invite him to do?

He was James' nephew and son-in-law. The nobles encouraged him to invade England and replace James II as king.

What were new systems of forced labor that grew in this period?

Indentured servants had to work for a specific period of time before they could become free laborers. The encomienda and hacienda systems, as well as the adoption of the Inca mit'a system, were other coerced labor systems in the Spanish American colonies.

Why was the practice of serfdom still used by the government and nobles? Explain how it benefited them.

It kept the peasants under control under the authority of the nobility. Serfdom also benefited the landowners because it provided free labor, and since the serfs were technically enslaved, their labor was bought and sold along with the lands of their owners.

How was Al-Andalus impactful in the creation of these practices and trade routes?

It was a place where Islamic ideas diffused into Europe.

What was one reason for the success of the Ottoman Empire?

Its tolerance of Christians and Jews in the empire.

Who gained power and prestige?


How did the Manchu impact the Chinese bureaucracy?

Just like the Mongols, the Qing put their people at the top positions of government, and maintained continuity with some traditional Chinese practices. They maintained the Chinese civil service exams and bureaucracy, recruiting Han Chinese to work under or alongside Manchus.

What were the Maroon Wars?

Lasting from 1728-1740 and 1795-1796, slaves in the Carribean and former Spanish territories in the Americas fought to gain freedom.

European states wanted to expand their authority and control of resources. What were the motives for these conquests for power?

New wealth to states through taxes, new trading opportunities, and silver, rivalries led to European states expanding to claim territory before others, and religious duty caused Europeans to seek out people in other lands and convert them

What was the social hierarchy in Latin America?

Peninsulares, those born on the Iberian Peninsula, criolles, those of European ancestry who were born in the Americas. The castas (mixed race groups) included mestizos, those of mixed European and indigenous ancestry, mulattoes, those of mixed European and African ancestry, zambos those of mixed indigenous and African ancestry, and indigeneous peoples and enslaved Africans at the bottom of the hierarchy.

How, if at all, could people change status? What responsibilities did the lower parts of society have?

People's social status were assigned at baptism and they could not improve it except by intermarriage. People in the bottom layers of the hierarchy had to pay higher taxes and tributes, even though they struggled the most to afford them.

What demographic pressures pushing Europeans into exploration and trade?

Population growth, causing some workers to not be able to find work or food, primogeniture laws, where estates only went to the eldest son, and religious minorities, who searched for a place to settle where they would be treated with tolerance.

Who led the way in European exploration at first? Where did it expand to and why was it successful?

Portugal led the way in European exploration at first, it expanded overseas, and was successful because the interests of the state and of explorers were the highest of any country.

Describe the issues that made Portugal vulnerable. Who began challenging them in East Asia during this time?

Portugal was a small nation that lacked the workers and ships needed for the enforcement of a large trade empire. Many Portuguese merchants ignored the government and traded independently, allowing corruption to rise in the government. By the 17th century, Dutch and English rivals were challenging the Portuguese in East Asia.

How did Russia's issues differ from that of Portugal's?

Pressures on the government's power came from within the country.

Who was Queen Nanny? What was her significance?

Queen Nanny was a maroon who united all the maroons of the island, causing others to see her as a national hero.

What was harem politics?

Referring to the harem, where a powerful man's wives and concubines lived.

Using the introduction, explain why societies are experiencing development and transformation.

Royalty, nobility, landowners, scholars, and soldiers sought power and influence, while some merchants and artisans formed a middle class in their societies. Many states enforced policies that discriminated against some groups based on religion, ethnicity, and social class.

Who else did the nobles struggle for power with?

Royalty, the emerging middle class of merchants and skilled workers, the priestly class, and the common people.

Who were the Manchu and how were they similar/different to the Mongols?

Similar to the Mongols, the Manchu were ethnically and culturally distinct from the people they ruled. However, they were less tolerant than the Mongol leaders, focusing on making their culture dominant.

What becomes a specific signifier of power and status? Explain.

Skin color as a signifier of power and status was present in many parts of the Americas and all European colonies.

Summarize the Spanish colonies in the Americas?

Spain created an empire and multiple colonies in the Americas, followed by Portugal, England, France, and the Netherlands. The discovery of large amounts of silver in Spanish colonies helped integrate Europeans into the global economy. Shipments from the Americas to Asia became more common in the global trade network, helping to finance the increasing volume of trade between Asia and Europe.

Who did England defeat to take over Jamaica?

Spanish colonists

Explain the significance of Spanish ships. What was their great success? Who proved that this could be done?

Spanish ships became the first to circumnavigate the globe on Ferdinand Magellan's voyage. He died on the voyage in the Philippine Islands in 1522, but one of his ships still made it around the world.

How did astronomical charts impact trade and travel?

Star charts had been created and used by Babylonian, Mesopotamian, Chinese, and Greek astronomers. The practice of using telescopes to create astronomical charts began in 1609, and became popular by the end of the 17th century. Charts were usually divided into grids to locate constellations and objects.

Why was there a gender imbalance in Africa?

The Atlantic slave trade involved slavers capturing much more African men than women, causing some African communities to experience a gender imbalance.

What was the the Atlantic System?

The Columbian Exchange led to the development of a transoceanic trade network called the Atlantic system, being present in the regions of Western Europe, Western Africa, and the Americas and involved the movement of goods and people. As people migrated within the Atlantic System, many cultural exchanges occurred.

By the 17th century (1600s), who had pushed the Portuguese out of South Asia? What did this cause Portugal to focus on instead?

The Dutch and English, so they focused on Africa.

What were other important things about Dutch exploration?

The Dutch claimed the Hudson River Valley and the island of Manhattan, where the community of New Amsterdam was established, known today as New York City.

The Spanish annexed the Philippines in 1521 and returned to conquer the Filipinos in 1565. How did this impact Manila and the Filipinos specifically?

The Filipinos put up a fierce resistance against the Spanish, and Manila became a Spanish commercial center in the area, attracting many Chinese and other merchants. Because of the Spanish and Portuguese occupations, many Filipinos converted to Christianity.

Who were the Maratha? Why were they at odds with the Mughals?

The Maratha were a Hindu warrior group.

Explain why more peasants are forced into serfdom.

The Mongols and Russian princes enforced heavy tribute and taxes on peasants, which caused their debt to increase, forcing them to give up their lands and go into serfdom.

How did they end Mughal rule of India and create the Maratha Empire?

The Mughal Empire controlled much of present-day India and Pakistan in the 16th and 17th centuries. They also centralized government, spread Persian art and culture, and spread Islam. However, the Maratha defeated the Mughals in a series of battles from 1680-1707, establishing the Maratha Empire, which ended Mughal rule of India.

Why was this one of the greatest population disasters in human history?

The entire indigenous American population decreased by more than 50 percent through disease in less than a century, and some American lands lost 90 percent of their original population.

What helped prejudices against the Jews decline?

The influence of the scientific revolution and the enlightenment.

What maritime technology led to Europeans venturing out to sea?

The magnetic compass, which helped the ship go the right direction, astrolabe, which helped sailors know their position using the equator, caravel, a small three-masted Portuguese ship that could better survive storms at sea, and cartography, or mapmaking.

What were other important things about English exploration?

The victory against the Spanish Armada in 1588 inspires confidence in Europe, and the English colony of Jamestown was the first successful colony and would carry on to the United States.

What were mirs?

The village communes that controlled the small landholders among the peasants.

Jews became important in what field? Who was even more tolerant than most?

They became especially valued in banking and commerce, and the Netherlands was more tolerant of religious dissent than most other European countries.

How does the extensive trade impact Spain, Portugal, Great Britain, France, and Holland?

They became maritime empires, which were based on sea travel.

Why did the Boyars of Novgorod oppose Ivan IV? What was the result?

They opposed the expansionist policies of Ivan IV. After Ivan IV's forces defeated Novgorod, he confiscated the lands of the opposing boyars, forcing them and their families to move to Moscow, where they would be under his surveillance.

Who were the Barbary Pirates and how did they impact social classes?

They plied the seas near North Africa along the Barbary Coast and captured other Europeans in the Mediterranean, selling them to the sultan or high-ranking officials. Some captives were impressed, or forced into service in the navy as enslaved galley workers.

How did the Portuguese try to control their trade networks? Summarize their efforts; what resource did they specifically intend to control?

They tried to ensure their control of trade by building a series of forts from Hormuz on the Persian Gulf to Goa in western India to Malacca on the Malay Peninsula. These were meant to establish a monopoly over the spice trade in the area and to license all vessels trading between Malacca and Hormuz. This made Portugal a global trading post empire, one that was based on small outposts.

In 1624, Ana Nzinga became ruler of Ndongo in south-central Africa. What was happening in Ndongo during this time?

They were experiencing frequent slave raids by Portugal and African peoples.

How did Newton's discovery of gravitation impact trade and travel?

This increased knowledge of the tides, which helped sailors predict when the depth of the water near shore would be low enough to see dangerous rocks. Sailors had more confidence using accurate records on the direction and intensity of winds.

After being forced from Spain, many Jews relocated where?

To areas near the Mediterranean Sea, in northern Africa, or the Middle East.

What were mercantilism and capitalism?

To participate in the great wealth accumulation from trade, many European monarchs devised mercantilist economic policies that would provide the ruler with a steady stream of income. While expanded international trade remained a major goal of European monarchs, mercantilism led to capitalism as the predominant economic system in the global economy. Investors formed joint-stock companies so that they could share the risks and rewards of global trading opportunities.

How was Peter the Navigator impactful in the creation of these practices and trade routes?

While he never sailed far enough out to sea to lose sight of land, he greatly encouraged exploration by financing expeditions along Africa's Atlantic Coast and the Cape of Good Hope. With his help, Portugal was able to explore African coastal communities before other European powers did.

The nobility in Europe made gains in both the Netherlands and England, but who did they have issues with?

With religious sects and the growing middle class

How did Nzinga rebel when the alliance broke down?

She fled west, taking over the state of Matamba, incited a rebellion in Ndongo allied with the Dutch offering runaway slaves freedom, and ruled for decades, building Matamba into an economically strong state.

What was the immediate result and long term result?

Some Native American groups, like the Mohegan and Pequot, sided with the English. Native Americans continued to live in the region, and the war ended with the subjugation of the Wampanoag people to the English colonists.

What was the immediate result? The long term result?

400 Spaniards were killed, the rest being driven out, and several churches were destroyed. The Spanish took back the area of what is now New Mexico in 1692.

Who was Yemelyan Pugachev?

A Cossack famous for leading a rebellion against Catherine the Great in 1774.

What was the Columbian Exchange?

Although European conquest drastically damaged native societies and their ways of life, new cultures were introduced as a result of the interaction between indigenous American, European, and African culture. Through this interaction, the Eastern and Western Hemispheres became linked, sharing disease, food, and animals, and for the role Christopher Columbus played in establishing this link, it is called the Columbian Exchange.

Explain why Portugal had a labor shortage for their cash crop? What was their solution?

Because of disease decimating the indigenous population, there were not enough laborers to cultivate. In addition, many of the laborers in the sugar fields escaped to the uncharted Brazilian Jungle, so the Portuguese began importing slaves from Africa instead, especially from the Kongo and Swahili cities.

Explain how captives in the Americas were able to keep parts of their cultures (African Diaspora). Give examples.

Because of linguistic isolation on the ships and in the Americas, most African slaves lost their language after a generation. However, West Africans managed to combine European colonizers' languages with their own to create the languages of creole. The syncopated rhythms and percussion Africans used influenced later styles. They used music to help them get through long and hard days as well as to communicate with other slaves. Africans brought rice and okra, as well as knowledge of how to prepare these foods.

Explain how various states utilized silver, making it a 'dominant force' in the global economy.

China was especially enthusiastic about acquiring silver from the Western Hemisphere, which made its way from present-day Mexico across the Pacific Ocean to East Asia in heavily armed galleons that made stops in the Philippines. At Manila, Europeans exchanged silver for luxury goods like silk, spices, and gold bullion. By the early 17th century, silver had become dominant in the global economic system.

How did conditions for serfs in Russia compare to those in Western Europe? Why?

Conditions had improved for serfs in Western Europe by the 14th century, but not in Russia, as wars during the 14th and 15th centuries weakened the central government, while strengthening the nobility.

Who were the Maroons? What did they do?

Descendants of Africa who had escaped slavery in Jamaica and formed independent settlements.

What was the significance of pigs, cows, wheat, and grapes being introduced to the Western Hemisphere?

Europeans introduced pigs and cows to the Mexicans, as well as Mediterranean foods such as wheat and grapes, which were eventually incorporated into the American diet.

How did the Columbian Exchange impact the environment?

Europeans used agricultural land more intensively than did American Indians by cutting down trees to make space for crops and creating large fields that were cultivated each year. This caused deforestation and soil depletion, which would later affect the Americas too. Europeans usually lived in more densely populated communities, which increased the strain on water resources and created more pollution.

What were the primary goals of English exploration?

Finding a northwest passage and establishing colonies in the Americas.

What were the primary goals of French exploration?

Finding a northwest passage, gold, and furs, as well as converting Native Americans to Christianity.

Compare and Contrast the crops and impact of trade on the Eastern and Western Hemispheres.

From the Eastern to the Western Hemisphere, there were more types of crops, animals, peoples, and diseases traded than those traded from the Western to the Eastern Hemisphere. The effects of crops and animals that the Eastern Hemisphere had on the Eastern Hemisphere were negative, such as the deforestation, soil depletion, overgrazing, and spread of diseases through mosquitoes and rats, while the effects of crops and animals of the Western Hemisphere on the Eastern Hemisphere were positive, like better nutrition, increase in population, greater wealth, a more diverse diet, and new types of textiles. Also, the Western Hemisphere brought religious diversity to the Eastern Hemisphere, but the Eastern Hemisphere brought chattel slavery and social structures based on race and ethnicity.

What was the result for Pugachev?

He was captured and executed by the Russian government.

What was the significance of Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator to Africa and India?

He was the first European monarch to support seafaring expeditions, and he enabled Portugal to begin importing enslaved Africans by sea, which replaced the overland slave trade.

How did Akbar keep his empire together?

He was tolerant of all religions dwelling in the Mughal Empire.

Who were people of importance to Dutch exploration and what did they do?

Henry Hudson sailed up the Hudson River, but didn't find a northwest passage.

Contextualize (summarize) what led to the Pueblo Revolt.

In the Pueblo Revolt, the Pueblo and Apache, two different indigeneous groups, fought colonizers who were trying to force religious conversions.

What else began to settle in the Americas, along with the colonists? How did this further the decline of the indigenous population?

Insects, rats, and other disease-carrying animals also settled in the Americas, which caused more deaths from measles, influenza, malaria, and smallpox.

Who were people of importance to French exploration and what did they do?

Jacques Cartier, who claimed part of Canada for France, and Samuel de Champlain, who realized there was enough resources in the Americas.

Who were people of importance to English exploration and what did they do?

John Cabot looked for northwest passage in America but instead ended up claimed lands for the English.

How did rivalries develop as more Europeans joined the Indian Ocean trade network? How was the Omani-European Rivalry an example of this?

More Europeans became active in the Indian Ocean trade because of their hopes of finding wealth and new converts, which led to competition with Middle Eastern traders such as the Oman Kingdom. This formed the Omani-European rivalry, where the Portuguese built forts but were told to remove them.

How did the Jews fit into society? What was their role?

Some became court physicians and diplomats, while others contributed to the literary community, potentially bringing the printing press to the Ottoman empire. Their restrictions included only living in specified areas of cities, paying a tax called jizya that was required of all non-Muslims, and not being able to hold top positions in the empire, which were reserved for Muslims instead.

Who did he gain the support of and how?

Some discontented peasants, people from different ethnic groups, and other Cossacks.

What was the first recorded slave revolt in the US?

The Gloucester Rebellion in Virginia in 1663.

For the longest time, Italian cities with ports on the Mediterranean had a monopoly on European trade with Asia. How did this push Spain, Portugal, France, England and the Netherlands?

The Italians controlling prices of Asian imports to Europe led to these other countries searching for new routes to Asia, where they hoped to find gold and silver and convert others to Christianity.

What 'rekindled' European interest in the Americas? What did the Europeans realize?

The Spanish coming into contact with two major empires in the region, the Aztecs in Mesoamerica and the Incas in South America, who were both very wealthy rekindled Europe's interest in the Americas. The Europeans realized that by using enslaved Native Americans and later enslaved Africans, they could also get wealthy by growing sugar, tobacco, and other valuable crops.

What was the Transatlantic Slave Trade? Where were most of the slaves sent and what were the conditions like?

The Transatlantic Slave Trade was the result of sugar's profitability in Europe where the number of African slaves increased because the sugar in Brazil, where most slaves were sent, needed to be cultivated. Some slaves died from the harsh working conditions, such as poor nutrition, lack of shelter, the tropical heat, and diseases that thrived through the heat.

What developments in equipment impact trade and travel?

The carrack had square and lateen sails/masts, were made for trade, and was used by Portugal. Caravels had lateen sails, were made for long voyages at great speed, and used by Portugal and Spain. The fluyt had square sails, was made for trade, and used by the Dutch. Lateen sails were in the shape of a triangle, could catch wind on either side of the ship, and were first used by Arab sailors in the Indian Ocean.

Explain the long-term results of these techniques on exploration, gunpowder, Islam, and Africa.

The combination of navigational techniques in Europe and other areas of the world caused rapid expansion of exploration and global trade. Polynesia was the only area of Afro-Eurasia not affected by this increase in trade because it was far from any trading routes. The creation of gunpowder by China aided Europeans in their conquests, as well as sea pirates. Islam also spread as a result of the growth of the Abbasid Empire and activities of Muslim merchants. Interactions among various cultures inside and outside Africa introduced extensive trade and new technology to the continent.

What was Metacom's War?

The final significant effort of the indigenous people to drive the British out of New England, which spread throughout New England and resulted in the destruction of 12 towns.

Compare and contrast the impact of empires in China, England, Portugal, and Spain in their voyages.

The impacts of all the countries' voyages were about the expansion of trade and the growth of sea routes, but China was the only country who decided not to continue their exploration. The voyages of the significant people from each country went to all different places, but the explorers from England, Portugal, and Christopher Columbus from Spain all had the goal to open or find a new sea route.

Why do English people call this the Glorious Revolution?

The power of Parliament increased as it passed a law forbidding Catholics to rule England. It was also known as the Bloodless Revolution because it was not very violent, but religious tensions continued in England and the rest of the world.

What was the result for Catherine the Great and the peasants?

The rebellion caused Catherine to increase the oppression of peasants in return for the support of the nobles to help prevent more revolts.

What was the significance of Portuguese Afonso de Albuquerque to Southeast and East Asia?

The ruthless admiral Afonso de Albuquerque won a short and bloody battle against Arab traders early in the 16th century and established a factory at Malacca in present-day Indonesia.

What did they control?

The territory between the Volga River and the Urals.

Who did they begin to compete for government positions with?

The ulama

What was the significance of maize, potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peppers, and cacao being introduced to the Eastern Hemisphere?

These were Mesoamerican items that Europeans started to grow back at home. Potatoes became so popular that they are often thought of as being native to regions such as Ireland. The introduction of other vegetable crops greatly increased Europe's population.

Explain how Western European countries developed naval technology as a combination of old and new practices.

They combined the traditions of sailing that went back to the classical Greeks, such as using the stars to navigate, with the new ideas developed by Islamic and Asian sailors and scholars, which they learned because of the cross-cultural interactions created by trade networks.

Which cash crop did Portugal focus on growing and where did it need to grow it?

They focused on growing sugarcane in Brazil, since it had a tropical climate and vast tracts of land.

What were other important things about French exploration?

They rarely settled permanently, traded with Native Americans which created a better relationship between them, and settlements grew slowly.

What did the Janissaries ultimately try to do?

They tried to mount coups against the sultans.

Explain why the indigenous lacked the immunities that the Europeans had. What was the relationship between the Western and Eastern Hemispheres before contact with one another?

Until the arrival of Columbus, the peoples of the Western and Eastern Hemispheres had been almost completely isolated from one another, so the indigenous Americans had virtually no exposure or immunity to diseases brought by the Europeans through their conquest.

How did states measure wealth? Describe the system or theory this entails; what is the government's role?

Wealth was measured by how much gold and silver the country had. As a result, countries enforced policies emphasizing selling as many goods as possible to other countries in order to maximize the amount of gold and silver flowing into the country. They also bought as few goods as possible from other countries in order to avoid losing these precious materials. This theory was known as mercantilism, and required heavy government involvement.

Who was Roxelana and how did she become unusually powerful?

When Roxelana was young, Crimean raiders stole her from her home in eastern Europe and sold her into slavery in the Ottoman empire. She was forced to convert to Islam and entered the harem of Suleiman the Magnificent, the current sultan, who married Roxelana and brought her from being enslaved to commissioning ambitious public works projects.

What was the result?

When authorities discovered their plan, they ambushed and arrested them.

What was the significance of horses being introduced to the Western Hemisphere?

When the Europeans introduced horses to the Americas, it transformed the culture of American Indians living in the Plains. They could hunt buffalo more effectively on horseback, creating a surplus of food, but competition and conflict among tribes also increased.

What was the result?

William agreed, landing in England in 1688, causing James II to flee to France. In 1689, William and his wife Mary II began their joint rule of England, putting the throne in the hands of Protestants.

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