ap world world war ii

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what is the battle of el alamein?

between british and germans, prevented the axis from going farther into africa

when hitler gets out of jail, where is he popular and what does it allow him to do?

between the national socalist german worker's party, able to work his way up the ranks in the german government

after hitler cannot take over great britain, what is his next plan?

break the non-aggression pact with stalin

in 1935, what does hitler start doing?

breaking the treaty of versailles

what plan from the meeting in casablanca do they go with?


what are the motives to make the non-aggression pact?

germany: do not want to fight another two-front war soviet union: stalin wants to buy time to prepare for the upcoming war

what does the enabling act do?

gives hitler full power over everything

after the nuremberg acts were implemented, what happened to jewish people?

got their jobs taken away, were given curfews, had to wear stars, had to register themselves to the government

who in the league of nations has to deal with the dangerous germany, italy, and japan?

great britain and france (but they are in an economic depression)

what happens of september 3, 1939?

great britain and france declare war on germany

why was operation market garden a failure?

paratroopers jumped during the day into open fields, british had the wrong intelligence

who controlled southern france for the nazis?

philippe petain, took orders from hitler and governed that part of france

how does hitler start moving towards the soviet union?

pushes his troops into eastern europe, estonia, and right outside the soviet union

when hitler becomes in power, what starts to happen to people considered as "lesser"?

put in concentration camps, sterilized, and had to do forced labor

what was the problem with the invasion of sicily?

realized it takes too long, more difficult than they thought, lots of bloody battles

what is the neutrality act?

said that the united states would not give weapons to hostile governments

before they attack france, who do the germans invade?

scandinavia (denmark and norway), want to set up air bases there to invade great britain

when do the germans invade poland? also known as the start date to world war ii?

september 1, 1939

what was operation market garden?

september 1944, allies attempt to get germans out of the netherlands

what is the effect of the neutrality act?

strengthens european isolation

what does the nuremberg acts do?

strip jewish people of their german citizenship

what does the munich conference show hitler?

that no one was going to get in his way because they did not want to start another war

who usually protected great britain from invaders? who was protecting them during wwii?

usually: navy during wwii: air force

what beaches were attacked by what troops?

utah and omaha: u.s. juno: canada gold and sword: great britain

why is control over northern africa so important?

whoever controls northern africa = controls the suez canal

what are the cash and carry plans?

will sell weapons to allies as long as those allies pay first, use their own ships to carry them away

how does hitler break the treaty of versailles (in order)?

1. 1935: starts building up the military, especially their airforce 2. 1936: orders his military to take over the rhineland 3. 1938: annexes austria 4. 1938: takes back sudetenland 5. 1939: invades poland

why does hitler want to take over the soviet union?

1. believes the germans need more "living space" 2. hitler despises communism 3. many people the nazis consider inferior living in the soviet union 4. thinks he can easily defeat the soviet union (idiot) 5. natural resources, oil, etc.

even though the luftwaffe outnumbers the british in the battle of britain, what two advantages do the royal air force have?

1. developed radar 2. know the german military code

what is the first direct threat of the league of nations?

1931, japan invades manchuria

when does hitler officially become the leader of germany?


when were the nuremberg acts created?


when does the debate of u.s. involvement in wwii start?

1940 and 1941

what was monte cassino?

a battle that was an invasion by the allies into a middle-aged monastery that the germans converted into a military fort

what was the race to berlin?

a competition between the americans and soviets to take over germany first

what is the phony war?

a period of 8 months of no fighting after poland has fallen and wwii has already started, everyone is getting ready

what was the battle of britain?

a series of AIR battles between the royal air force and the luftwaffe

what happens if germany invades poland?

a war with france and great britain will start

in 1923, who stages a coup in a beer hall and gets arrested?

adolf hitler

who was the most famous codebreaker for the british to break the germans' military codes?

alan turning (great mathematician, also gay?)

by 1940 and 1941, who is german allied with/taken over?

allies: spain, italy, soviet union (technically, not really) taken over: france, denmark, norway, poland, austria do not have: u.s. and great britain

what is the non-aggression pact, molotov-ribbentrop pact, or the nazi-soviet pact?

an alliance between germany and the soviet unions to keep off the french and british

when did the allies liberate paris?

august 1944

why did france surrender to germany in a train car?

because it was the same place where the germans signed the treaty of versailles, act of embarrassment for the french

what were the two different plans from casablanca?

british: attack south italy, liberate italy, get rid of mussolini and germans, push into southern france american: start in england, go across english channel, take back france from the north

how does the u.s. get involved with the war as it goes on without formally joining?

cash and carry plans

what were more ideal places in northern france for the allies to invade?

cherbourg (deep water for ships) and pas de calais (closest to england)

what was the meeting at casablanca in 1943?

churchill and fdr had to decide the best way to defeat germany, located in morocco

why were the nazis crueler to eastern europeans than western?

considered more genetically inferior, more jewish people, romanis, etc.

what is the battle of the bulge?

december 1945 and january 1945, in bastogne, between the u.s. and germans

the night before june 6, what do the allies do?

drop paratroopers from the skies and land behind the beaches to disrupt the germans by destroying telephone wires, railroads, military technology, etc., lots of paratroopers landed in the wrong spot though

who was the commander of the d-day troops?

dwight eisenhower

who were the important generals during the battle of el alamein?

erwin romell (german) and bernard montgomery (british)

who wins the 1940 election? who is defeated?

fdr wins, defeats wendell willkie, fdr's 3rd term

by 1940, who is hitler wanting to attack?


after they invade scandinavia, where does hitler attack?

france, surrender in less than one month

what is operation barbarossa?

german invasion of the soviet union

when the german military runs into russian winter, what happens?

german tanks stop working, unprepared and the germans get defeated and pushed back out of russia

what do they announce the non-aggression pact is about publicly?

germans and soviets not fighting with each other for ten years (both know this is bs)

germany's invasion of poland gave the world a first look into what?

germany's military strategy, the biltzkreig or sudden, massive attacks

what were the three most dangerous countries in the 20s and 30s?

germany, italy, and japan

why is stalin mad he was not at the meeting of casablanca?

he wanted churchill and fdr to open a more western-front war and take the pressure off the eastern, bitter -> lead to tension after wwii, pre cold war

why is the non-aggression pact so weird?

hitler hates communists and stalin hates everyone

what is the private part to the non-aggression pact?

hitler will invade poland and the soviet union will assume half of poland

why was the battle of the bulge so bad?

in the winter and fought in the snow, both sides had to live in foxholes for weeks, violent fighting, both sides suffer a lot of casualities

how does mussolini disobey the league of nations in 1935?

invades ethiopia

at the time of the non-aggression pact, who is germany also alligned with?


when was the allied invasion of sicily?

july 1943

what day does france surrender to germany?

june 22, 1940

when does hitler launch operation barbarossa?

june 22, 1941

when was d-day?

june 6, 1944

what is the name of the german airforce?


to break the spirit of the british people, what did hitler try to do?

massive bombing campaign (bomb major cities), forced people to live underground in subways

who does hitler meet with at the munich conference and what happens?

meets with neville chamberlain (prime minister of great britain), hitler promises him it will be his last take over and chamberlain agrees to let him do it

what does hitler do before taking over the sudetenland?

meets with other countries at the munich conference

when he is in prison, what does hitler write?

mein kampf

what does mein kampf mean?

my struggle

what was the first phase in the morning of june 6?

naval bombardment of the beaches, then small boats with soldiers

by days end of june 6, what happened?

normandy was fully taken by the allies

in late summer/fall of 1942, where do the germans try to invade?

northern africa

after japan invades manchuria, what does the league of nations do?

nothing, publicly condemn it but doesn't actually do anything (sets a precedent)

what is the most famous wave of d-day and why?

omaha, bloodiest wave with 2,400 casualities (50% in the first hour)

what is the name of hitler's plan to invade great britain?

operation sea lion

by 1943, who has control of north africa?

the allies

when hitler comes into power in 1933, what does he implement?

the enabling act

why do the allies pick normandy to invade?

the germans know they are going to invade but normandy was not an ideal place so they were not expecting it

what was the plan for operation sea lion?

the luftwaffe would knock out their defenses and they would cross the british channel to invade

what part did hitler belong to?

the national socialist german worker's party

what does fdr pass in 1935?

the neutrality act

who wins the battle of britain?

the royal air force (if the germans won, britain would be taken over)

who has troops in northern africa during 1942 that involves them in the war?

the u.s.

what were the two strong countries during the 20s and 30s?

the united states and soviet union (both are not in the league of nations)

what was the problem with the league of nations?

they did not have a military

even though the british condemn italy for taking over ethiopia, why are they hypocrites?

they let the italians use the suez canal to get into africa

in late may/early june of 1940, where are the french troops going?

to the beaches of northern france (like dunkirk), had no cover so english citizens took boats from the english channel and brought french soldiers into england

d-day was the largest amphibious invasion in world history


when france is taking over, what is it split up into?

two parts: northern (occupied) france and southern (puppet)

what is the lend-lease act?

u.s. is able to lend weapons, supplies, and technology to the allies

who were the allies invading france?

u.s., great britain, and canada

what is the codename for the british breaking the germans' military code?


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