APAH Final - Insanity

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Dome on top of a dome, all weight on arches below, 4 piers support in all, sometimes have windows, looks as if it floating


Father of Baroque, used classical elements conservatively, combined sculpture and architecture

Wall paintings

True fresco style w/wet plaster, wall then shined after like it was marble.

Romanticism (1765-1900)

a movement in literature and art during the late 18th and early 19th centuries that celebrated nature rather than civilization


created by commission of the Museums to house objects and paintings confiscated from the homes of emigres and the churchs


crucifixion, resurrection, Christ, Christianity


crucifixion, resurrection, apostles, Christians


combines French Gothic elements with Italian ideas


developed cubism along with Picasso, historians were often unable to tell their work apart

St. John


Baroque (1560-1776)

elaborate an extensive ornamentation in decorative art and architecture that flourished in Europe in the 17th century

Van Ruisdael

emotionally driven Landscapes. Genre Artist of Landscapes, Dutch, romantic not typographical, more atmosphere dramatic higher contrast,


fanciful but graceful asymmetric ornamentation in art and architecture that originated in France in the 18th century

Early Renaissance 1400-1434

human centered-world, ideals in sculpture and painting, unity, Florence


impatient, grumpy genius, especially hated Julius II, deep sympathy/concern for those close to him, profoundly understood humanity, neoplatonic idea of bringing ideals to life, broke from maths, focused on proportion of eyes, terribilita, renaissance man


in Islamic architecture, a vaulted rectangular recess opening onto a courtyard


in some mosques, a screened area in front of the minrab reserved for a ruler

St. Luke



painted a famous Surrealist work that featured a super-realistic rendering of a dream-like landscape and a possible self-portrait.


pinched, pointed dome, sits on octagonal supports, then sits upon a square


the civil and religious leader of a Muslim state considered to be a representative of Allah on earth


used color field painting with color "bursts"


used woodcuts to show harsh reality; depicted misery war creates on the homefront

Tanner - American, lives of ordinary people - light : mood - quiet devotion - a leading black painter


Galla Placidia

sister of Honorius


"Campbell Soup Can" in 1960; lived a flamboyant, public life, started with store windows, used repetition/car accidents/electric chairs/social icons


"Madonna with the Long Neck" distorted, doesn't make sense. Mannerism, with little or no logic or structure


"Magic Carpet" 1960; unprimed canvase, stains & pours; light/fluidity/spirituality Color-field painting

Calder - Nonobjective organic forms - innate dynamism - invented a circus of wire-based performers, aspects of life, powered - brightly-colored spaces into motion



"Odalisk" was one of his combines (bird on a pillar on a pillow) combined sculpture & painting, silk screened onto metal

City Square by Giacometti, Postwar Expressionism

'Hey guys wassup?'


(1386-1466) Sculptor. Probably exerted greatest influence of any Florentine artist before Michelangelo. His statues expressed an appreciation of the incredible variety of human nature.


(1444-1514)High Renaissance architect who worked on the dome of St. Peter's Basilica(with Michelangelo) as well as the "Tempietto." St. Peter's Basilica is in the Vatican City, Rome; dome is 138ft in diameter; most perfect dome; greatest example of the High Renaissance


(1450-1516) A surrealist painter of the Netherlands who focused his works on symbolism, fantasy, confusion, death and the torments of Hell. Most famous work = "Death and the Miser" (1490)


(1483-1520) Italian Renaissance painter; he painted frescos, his most famous being The School of Athens.


(1876 - 1957) A Romanian sculptor who was a major figure in Modernism. He is best known for The Kiss (not to be confused with the Rodin work or the Klimt painting), Sleeping Muse, and Bird in Space. He's also the center of anecdote in which U.S. customs taxed his works as "industrial products" since they refused to recognize them as art.


(Islam) a black stone building in Mecca that is shaped like a cube and that is the most sacred Muslim pilgrim shrine


(Islam) a niche in the wall of a mosque that indicates the direction of Mecca

Fate of the Animals by Marc, Der Blaue Reiter - 1913 oils - brutal colors - apocalypic stuff dominates scene, killing and trapping animals in dissolved forest - later remark that this painting was foreshadowing the war, he was sent to fight


Peter Paul Rubens

- Baroque - Flanders - Courtiership, noble education, classical learning, associated w/intelligence, court painter to dukes of Mantua - art dealer - total renaissance man and such, - composition in movement - tenebristic, to convey movement w/color, colorist - muscular bodies, voluptuous - consistent brushstrokes in same size and same direction

Rembrandt van Rijn

- Baroque Holland - feeling of warmth - mythology, history, religion to genre 2 parts: - 1631 Amsterdam portrait artist and art collector, spent time in Jewish community - 1642 Wife dies, everything changes. Mysticism, philosophy, goes bankrupt, etc .. - dies destitute - Tech: soft images, no hard lines, edges blend into background, circular brushstroke, blend into one another - influence of Caravaggio - warm golden light - mysticism and supernatural, manipulates intensity of texture, surface .. creates more naws


- Encorporated many Renaissance ideas. Age of Expansion and discovery, nationalistic, 30 years war .. Rise of Protestantism, trade w/bank of Amsterdam, lots of money spent on art - Freer, mosre expressive - Ornamental, theatrical - unstructured, grotesque, illusionistic - spacious, dynamic, brillint, colorful - sensuous, ecstatic Science's affect - New expansion, knowledge very important, naturalistic, new brilliant cosmos 'Inner Light', Art's affect on Baroque - Theatrical, shades of human actions, soul, on different levels Reformation - All art should teach people, strengthen the faith - Papal Patrons - Urban VIII (a medici), Paul V, Alexander VII

Frans Hals

- Surface texture and also individual brushstrokes, very fastly painted and light straight strokes - Haarlem school known for realism


- dutch schools for yum, part of united providences - white calvinistic churches but some religious art - known for banking and such - hated consumption and greed - bourgeoisie, intellect, paintings, genre scenes, to appeal to prosperous bankers

"When I put my hands on your body" by Wojnarowicz, Art as political weapon 1990 gelatin silver print - quote overlaid over the photograph - advert-like to engage people more - deeply personal experience of losing someone to AIDS




19th Century Sculpture (Realism) - doesn't really fit anywhere else


A Goldsmith in His Shop by Christus, N Renaissance - possibly st Eligius, who was originally goldsmith - religious and secular realms - importance/sacredness of marriage - couple being showed set of rings, bride's girdle on table - chastity .. discarding chastity to be married - crystal container for eucharistic wafers, next to scales w/last judgement - pattern of commerce - goldsmith's guild commission/advertising? - special stones, various pieces of jewelry, pewter jugs as gifts, importance of guild - meticulous detail, minaturistic - convex mirror in foreground, better involvement shows reflection of viewers


Aaron Douglas - painter - haunted by synthetic cubism - african american history and feelings


Adams Memorial by Saint-Gaudens, Post Impressionism - Realism Sculpture - 1891 Bronze, American - memorial to Mrs Henry Adams, women of majesty, mourning - clothing - wraps beautiful face, as if restricting and entombing the woman, immobility - form - position - represents eterrnal vigilance, quiet and restricted position


Adoration of the Shepherds by De La Tour, French Baroque


Allegory of a Good Government by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Proto-Renaissance - part of room - what good govt should be - allegory of good gov in center, virtues around him: justice, prudence, temperance, foritude, peace, magnanimity, faith, hope, charity all part of what is good - Siena and other towns represented what could be good, even in dark ages, people needed reminders of what was just and fair - wanted to reform entire city, people painted as if coming to admire


American Gothic by Wood, Regionalism oil on beaverboard - lancet windows give the piece its name, gothic influence - dower expressions = severity, enhanced with crisp brushwork - quaint, blah blah AMURICA


Fauvism - avante-garde, inner personal vision - popularized by Der Sterm, munich journal - sows seeds for van gogh and gaugin - fauve = wild beast - ecstatic, wild color - separate from french academies - spontaneity, texture, colors mattered, a lot of contrasts, brutal brushwork - never really organized


Anastasis/The Harrowing of Hell, Byzantine Mosque of Ka'riye, Isanbul 1310-1320 - Apse fresco from church of Christ Istambul - Also resurrection, descending to hell in order to take Adam and Eve with him - trampling satan & locks and keys to hell, rescuing Adam and Eve from Coffins - body contour under garmets - theatrical like Hellenistic - various saints looking on at him - Christ in a mondorla, action described as swift/smooth w/grace like in a ballet - seem to float in spiritual atmosphere, 'w/out material mass' - subtle coloration, classical tech of fluid delineation of drapery


Anatomy of a Kimono by Schapiro, Art Political Weapon - breakdown of different kimono patterns, form different shapes on left, spinning, unraveling on otherside Sherman - contremporary feminist theory, present for male faze - streotypical ways of softcore porn, fif her own stuff hand-acted, etc


Ancient Mexico by Rivera, Mexican Muralists, National Palace @ Mexico city, 1925 fresco - areas of bold color, bright and animated to pull from realism - Solid shapes and colors, figured w/multiple figures behind - native women, nude or traditional clothing


Ancient of Days by William Blake, 18th cen Romanticism - creator idea combined with Wisdom, - hand-colored etching - Wisdom is female, talks about how she was with the lord through creation - power through outstretched arms, turns into twin rays of light, like architect's measuring instrument - sexy wind through beard? lolwat - Michelangelesque physique on perch, yet he is perfectly still - ideal classical reality plus dark ideals of romanticism


Angelica Kauffmann, Swiss Neoclassicism - retaining echoes of rococo - moral teachings - students for reynold - founding member of academy of arts


Annunciation & Nativity by Nicola Pisano, Proto-Renaissance - framed in arches, part of Pulpit of Pisa - Inspiration Classical sarcophagus, no spacial recession, few shadows - Gestures: 2 figures in corner, 2 angels pointing at Mary, pointing to herself in disbelief, no body contour, little recession into space - Posture: Like sarophagus, like lounging, but tilted on one hip, very unnatural pose - Faces are types, except for facial hair, heavy draperyand figures, sustematic folds -Third bottom sceene, women washing, farm animals, people coming to see christ, nativity scene Nativity and Annunication to the


Annunciation and Nativity by Giovanni Pisano, Proto-Renaissance - More loosely/dynamically arranged figures, different use of space - Motion suggested because of deep open spaces between figures, more mobility - deeply drilled background, not as congested - contrappasto, natural w/more body contour - nervous agitation, as if spiritually moved sans shepherd and sheep - swiftly turning bodies, more natural, emotional - virgin shrinking away from angel, doesn't want to hear news, idea of emotion, personal emotion


Annunciation by Fra Angelico, Italian Ren - Fresco - top of stairs leading to friar's quatrters - inscription warnig heysayers - architectural settibg, pointed arxches - composite - mary frail, concave, defined space - detailm nature - faavric really beutiful, spirituall


Annunciation by Martini, International - adapts styles from French Gothic to Siena - colors, ornamentation, very expressive, elongation of figures, theatrical - combined french gothic w/italian renaissance to new ideals - frame reconstructed around piece - tempura and gold leaf on wood - elegant shapes, radiant colors, flowing lines, weightless figures in spaceless setting - angel gabriel landed, breeze lifting mantle (cloth) - iridescent colored wings, gives movement/flow, edges w/ornamentation - heraldic/royal gold on cloth, spirituality of angel - gold background, spiritual realm - frame shape considered ornate style of gables/spires, multilobed w/edging - main arch to frame flock of doves creating holy spirit from above - mary demur, puts down book of devotions, respect for royalty, though she is royalty in deep blue garmet, gold hem, modesty emphasizes angel's message, subordinate drama, surface splendor - lilies in center represent crucifixion/resurrection, symbolic iconography - side figures are saints, painted by student? more gothic like portal scuptures


Annunciation by Piero Della Francesca, Italian Ren - 4 legends from Legend of the true cross, true one was magical - mathematical precision, geometry - light and color - darker, but hint of blond palate - shadows not grey or black, but instead blues and purples - geometry in organization, shape of figures, 3D - bodies larger than heads = trying to focus on triangles over proportioning - Virgin has vacancy, detatchment - scene flooded with light, center is darkest


Ansel Adams - contrast with material world, beauty in naturalism - head ad heart


Arch of Constantine, Roman Late Empire - New gateway of rome & constantine .. edict of milan - 'New Rome' or Constantinople religious - Waning creative power and technical skill - commemorate victory over enemy, power of Constantine - much of art was stolen from previous emperors, took off their heads, added Constantine, re-labeled for Constantine - trio of arches


Arch of Titus, Roman Early Empire - arch for political/social purposes, propagandistic - Titus's victory over the holy/jewish lands, the power - engaged columns, barrel vaulted archway w/moldings, composite ionic/corinthian capitals, coffered ceiling, would have originally been bronze scuplture w/chariot, Titus, horses. - Relief sculptures inside,


Arena Chapel by Giotto, Proto-Renaissance -built for wealthy merchant near palance -rectangular barrel-vaulted hall, six windows, well-illuminated -real play of light/shadow from real window painted into panels - north wall: christian redemption, other pictures w/life of christ, many - top-mary and parents, middle-life and mission of christ, 3rd-crucifixion and resurrection, last-made to look like painted marble, grisalle, like illusion supposed to represent virtures/vices - ceiling blue w/stars representing heaven, blue unifies w/use throughout chapel, medallions of christ, mary, prophets -black rods to support walls


Armored Train by Severini, Futurism 1915 oil on canvas - down into high speed train, different angles simulataneously w/movement - speeding through a natural landscape setting, pushes out in favor of machines and futurism - war is a cleaning agent w/guns, emphasized with bright colors in light to show that violence is cleansing, a good thing


Oh Jeff, I love you too .. But .. by Lichtenstein, Pop Art oil on magna on canvas 1964 mass-produced image - Benday dot, focus - draw focus to 'normal' characters, scenes, placement/sizing of dots - relationship ending alludes to entire relatiionship


Arnolfini and his Bride by Jan Van Eyck, N Ren - 32" by 23" very small - actual moment where he pledges life to marriage, possibly conferring legal rights so she can run his business - record/sanctify marriage, but also textures, shadow, etc - woman's eyes lowered to him, feminism - placement: symmetrical positioning however: man closer to window/worldy affairs, woman next to bed: childbirth, yet balanced - dog = loyalty and fidelity - shoes off to side = holy sacred ground - oranges on window = golden apples of hesperities (sp) = long fruitful marriage, fertility - chandelier w/one candel lit = holy spirit - background : goddess of childbirth into bed post, w/whisk broom hanging off (domesticity), writing on wall = 'jan van eyck was here' haha, salvation to self and people in room - convex mirror - super-detailed depictions of room from behind, w/12 medalions around - alluding to life of christ - rosary beads on side, very specific


Arp - chance art


Art Deco - ornamentation. - ornamentation, streamlined symmetricality - simple flat space with volumes, mainline modern architecture - industrial design features - jazz age - dlippant, beautiful, carefree


Art Nouveau Graceful, elegant, appeals to aesthetics, also synthesizing the arts and encorporating different art techniques - twinind plants for architecture, etc, 2D ornamentation,


Artist with Backs by Abakanowicz, Art political weapon - people are same, but have some differences - back, arms, slump of the figure .. no gender, made different w/differen molding of natural materials - repeated pose = mediation, submission, meditation - every mold fiber gives different turn or texture, very primitive, pattern differs, repetition - how people are lost amongst society


Assumption of the Virgian by Titian, Venetian - Light through color - look as if glowing - Virgin mary rising to heaven, glowing clouds, 'accepting' her, light radiates into church interior - Father god above welcoming her into open arms - people around her gesticulating - drama/intensity w/colorations


At&T Building by Johnson and Burgee, Postmodern Arch - 650 ft high slab w/granite, 1978 - window space just 30% of the building, exterior elevation is tripartite, arcased base, arched portal - tall shaft-like body of the building itself - moulions = tall vertical membranes separate the elements like St Chapel - top broken w/orbiculum disk-like opening breaking up space - refers to base column entablature of a greek structure - pediment resembles crown, like chest of drawers - chippendale chest of drawers - mocks rigid uniformity of modernist architecture


Atrium of the House of the Silver Wedding, Roman Republic Pompeii, 1stcen bce - called an atrium because it is an inside garden - No front yards, instead open room in center surrounding little pool w/4 columns supporting open roof above it. Very small room. - Open sky so that rain pours into basin, humidifies when pool dries. - Bedrooms bordering central atrium, no windows, just bigger than bed, little walking space, door. - Outlines on floor in mosaic tiles, outlined bed area.


Automatism - dudududa of life or whatever naturalistic surrealist = metamorphasizing naws


Baboon by Archuleta, Art as political weapon carved, painted wood, glue, sawdust - owes to influence simple spanish american folk structures 'santos' - imaginative, visual interpretation of animal personality - babboon related to magical spiritual ideas, vitality, off-beat spirit .. powerful life of nature


Barberini Ivory, Byzantine mid 6th - Justinian as world conquerer, triumphant panel .. originally in 5 pieces, riding disgruntled hose, figure hind = afraid as well - dynaic religious portrait - remains pagan-roman - belowr = plam-bearing citctoy, bountiful earth - not only from armies power but also god - Christ holds cross iin one hand . - people below = admirers. - some animals below, exptic afriasianm sites of Justiian conquest - left = settled cross is what people are holding/ carrying ??


Bartolommeo Colleoni by Verrocchio, Italian Renaissance - Commissioned by Colleoni after death - equestrian statue on high pedastle - self-awareness, looking for enemies, very animated - horse prancing style, curved neck - anger in face, twist/shift of horse, prescence


Basin of San Marco from San Giorgio Maggiore by Canaletto, 18th cen romanticism - Italian naturalism - panoramic view of water traffic, pedestrians, scenery, etc - lots of small details - idea of impression of capturing all details w/editing, like a candid shot - vedutisti


Bather by Lipchitz, Cubism bronze 1917 - spiraling form and planes put together, classical with modern energy, shapes slip and slide around


Baths of Caracalla, Roman Late Empire - Originally brick-faced facade covered in vaulted ceilings, thick walls - very large plot of land - symmetrical design along central axis, early version of spa/bath - first plunge into cold water, then warm, and then hot. Frigidarium, tepidarium, caldarium processes - Ability to supply this water was important, furnaces inside circulating heat through hollow walls and floors - 1600 people at one time, mostly men, business deals - also domed structure, pantheon drum - marble-faced walls, geometric floors, etc


Battle of Issus by Altdorfer, 16 Cen N Ren - defeat of Darius in 333 bce, by Alexander the Great @ Isus - Commissioned by Duke of Bavaria, against campaign of turks - image of current battle using past classical battle to represent what will happen - EXTREME DETAIL - love of landscape, birds-eye-view of clashing armies, craggy mountain peaks, cosmological setting - E Meditteranean, view of Greece to Nile in Egypt - Sun setting over victorious Greeks - Cresant moon - near east, hovers over retrating persians in left


Battle of San Romano by Ucello - Italan ren - victory over siena - bbright organce fruit - medicci apples - spears unbroker - power - foreshortening to shopw positions, movement, creates lines of 1 pt perspective - lines line up to create base, pull foward - orthogonals - converging lines, created w/lances here


David by Verrocchio, Italian Ren - Medici commission, teacher of Leonardo da Vinci - quiet aesthetic of donatello - david = sturdy apprentice, prideful but individual, posed like hunter w/kill, opposing axes - thin, adolescent musculature w/prominent veins, close reading of bibilical text, psychology of young david - youthful appearance - sword, elbows breaak through idea of curved, inward sculpture, very open


Battle of the Romans and Barbarians, Roman Late Empire - time of strife, political disunity, military needed to protect power - from sarcophagus - chaotic scene of battle between romans and enemies - bodies writhing, intertwined, emotional and harried, - carved evently spread over panel, no space .. everything pushed forward, very dense - extreme rejection of classical/ordered ideal - central horsemen more prominent, thrusting right hand to show he holds no weapon, riding horse - may be son of trajan, self-assured so not even necessary, similar to eastern art? - on forehead, carved emblem of persian god of light, truth, victory .. Mithras - close to Greek hellenistic art


Battle of the Ten Nudes by Pollaiuolo, Italian Ren - 10 nudes fighting each other - humans in violent actions - carved print - foreshortening - stiff/frozen figures - muscle groups at maximum tension


Bauhaus - Gropius wanted total architecture, part of Weimar architecture school, renamed Bauhaus - advocate strong basic design - 2nd and 3rd dimensions, principles of composition, color theory - technology - art & industry




Benjamin West - expatriot American - historical pictures - history paintings - contemporary attire in heroic episodes


Betrayal of Christ by Duccio, Proto-Renaissance - Betrayal of Jesus by judea's false kiss, st peter chopping ear of hight priest servants, disciples fleeing - elongation, shadow, modeling, drapery as very convincingly depicted - 3-dimensional form, shades of color - motion of figures w/planting of feet, so sway is in body - little recession into space, background by everything pushed forward - emotion in faces, huumanization of religious subject matter


Big Self-Portrait by Close, Superrealism 1967-68, acrylics - avoids creating composition, making more attractive, light, etc . natural ad possible - no interest in personalities - large scale = focuss wvoerer wo more accorately compromise


Bird in Space by Brancusi, Organic Sculpture 1928 bronze - essence of movement with bird in flight, flight - aerodynamic sleekness of line in flight - encourages desire to touch it, catch and reflect light - eye must move because it flashes a lot, leads eye into the sky - Project of bird which when enlarged will fill the sky


Birth of Venus by Bottecelli, Italian Ren - sense of beauty of soul - mmysticism and spirituality - at birth, perfection is corrupted, must be regained through god's love - neoplatonist ideal beauty - based on poem - zephers represent winds blowing venus to shore to island cyprus - figre of pomona - lightness/bodilessness, sense of energy - undulating clothing - perfume of rose petals falling with wind - man better chance understanding divinity as seen as this form - illusion to the virgin - full figured classical nude


Birth of the Virgin by Pietro Lorenzetti, Proto-Renaissance - pictorial realism, spacial recession - altarpiece in Siena - tempura on wood - virgin as queen of the republic, part of 3-panel piece yet only 2 scenes - scene from life of virgin w/parents, delivering Mary w/mother and midwives - weariness, emotional side - boxlike stage setting, yet more of a home - italian palatzo - palace depiction, altarpiece of 3 sections - opened up, very architectural, recession into space - propagandistic with recurring crusades, oriental rug underneath people - take over world


Blessed Art Thou Among Women by Kaisebier, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - platinum print on Japanese tissue paper, 1899 - soft focus of lens - creates soft hazy mood, framed in doorway in center, along with frontal pose around her - parallels Biblical element - told Mary she will be mother of christ, parallels a modern mother telling her daughter to become more than she is - contrasts - give ethereal quality, makes girl seem real and tangible, but mother is white so she looks more spiritual


Boccioni - create movement through static cubism - commercial artist


Brancusi - ovoid curvy forms, directly or indirectly to circle of life - spirit of object depicted - inner reality beyond surface - wood marble stone bronze sculptures - all creatures are imperfect imitations - he wants the purest form


Breaker Boys by Hine, Transatlantic 1911 Gelatin Silver Print - grimy labor boys, often died early - used magnesium powder flashes to make a dimmer photograph, closer mades lack of space, boys clustered together


Breakfast Scene by William Hogarth, 18th Cen Romanticism - Naturalism English - From Marriage a la Mode, 1745 - young vicount about to flounder, man and wife tired - man on suspicious business, woman playing games - dog : fidelity - picking at lace handkerchief of man's lover - infidelity - grandoise appearance - all to contrary - a lot of possessions w/material wealth, but they don't really have money at all - empty pockets - servant w/ unpaid bills, disarrayed, looking up to heaven in despair - rococo indecency - portrait with curtaiin over it - erotic scene, indecent in pious dining room - arranged marriage - title vs money - disarray = inpropriety


Bruegel Elder - high background - interplay of human and nature - art as mechanism of speaking out - peasants deserving of depiction because they're without exaggeration, more honest and true - secular side mostly - social comments - bitter near death at religious hoo-ha


Burghers of Calais by Rodin, Post Impressionism - Realism Sculpture - 1884-1889 bronze - event from 100 year's war, commemorates martyrs from the past, it appalled people - sac-cloths, chains, keys to city to surrender for their execution, different aimless directions in sadness - elongated arms, enlargened drpery - dreading and heavy in emotion, creates slowness of feeling - not on a pedastle, lowers these matyrs to moral stature - normal people can accomplish extraordinary acts - texture - very rough, adds to pathos, also creates lighting, different planes and angles


Burial at Ornans by Courbet, 19th cen Realism - 1849, oil on cavaas - Groupings of people, around cut-off gravesite - create undulating line in panoramic view - movement - aided with white - Scene centered w/wall of people, cliffs behind frame the scene, focus composition - Higly contrasting colors - creates void of light and dark, life and death - autobiographical - death of Courbet's paternal father, w/surrounding people of the town, view from the cemetary at Ornans


Burial of Phocian by Poussin, Baroque-France


Camul I by Bourgeois, Alternatives to Modernist Formalism 1969 marble - round-headed units huddled within a cloak, dotted with holes, through which some of the objects portrude - differ in size/positiion, gives each distinct personality, shapes abstracted but there is a reference to human forms - marble creates either high gloss or matte finish, sensuality from form to form - described as 'swelling forms' with soft forms portruding through soft folds, extremely sexual


Canaletto - Italian travel and life yes


Canopic Urn, Etruscan Chiusi 7th cen bce - Practice of cremation important, cinerary urn for ashes - molded face on top of metalwork, out of terracotta - hammered bronze urn w/modeled face more fluidity, naturalistic look - in likeness of dead, roundedness of urn emphasizes vitality of head - features are blunt and aggressive, accentuated by wide, 'massive' neck


Canyon by Rauschenberg, Pop Art 1959, oil pencil, papers, wood, paint tubes, mirror, bald eagle, etc. - unevenly painted surface, roughly applied in a gestural way - stuffed bald eagle rising from background at viewer, from dangling wood piece .. pillow at motton, floor - jumbled fashion, overlays .. unvasions of space, spacial merging - compositional confusion, some distinct purpose/individuality, hard to find consistent interpretation - surveillance


Carceric 14 by Piranesi, 18 Romanticism - awe-inspiring vision etching of an architectural mass through dark space - infinity of massive archers, peers, stairways, etc - small insect like figures move though picture - precursor to m.c. escher twisted reality - soaring perspective, sense of enclosure .. are you trapped? - all done in terms of brooding menacing hopeless scenes - dark lines .. oppressive atmosphere - contrast to frivolity of rococo, rationality - darkness - thought to be gothic romanticism


Cardinal by Manzu, Postwar Expressionism


Carson, Pirie, Scott Building by Sullivan, Art Nouveau: Late Architecture - Chicago 1899-1904, department store - broad open illumited spaces inside, little skeleton, more focus on space - story - own deck with slabs that separate them, large windows - less cubicle w/irregular shapes - entrance on a rounded corner, draws more attention to organic quality - cast iron ornamentation on bottom 2 layers, creates more interest, VERY detailed like art nouveauish


Cartier-Bresson - human indecisivenss, capture the before and after - cinematographer - rapid succession photography


Casa Mila by Gaudi, Art Nouveau - Barcelona 1907 apartment building - Free-form mass around a street corner - Roof: Small windows project from undulating lines and curves, capped with writhing chimneys, usually spiral into the air, rougher texture, made to look like nature, actual rocks - Portals : entrances are like seacaves or paleolithic caves - Balconies - organic twining metalwork motif - Halls - arched and cavelike, upside-down 'V' - Meaning: everything is symbolic of a living, breating thing


Catacomb of Callixtus, Early Christian Rome, 2nd century - galleries running 60-90 miles underground, in constant use, up to 4m bodies, subterranean for Christian dead -earliest preserved works w/Christian subjects - tufa bedrock, very extensive - 'ad catacumbas' - in the hollows - had to pay for these to be made - rounded rooms 3-4ft wide - openings in walls - rectangular spaces 'loculi' like shells, dead bodies inside w/name on outside - end of galleries - rounded 'cubicula' mortuary chapels w/some loculi, services for private families - galleries right angles, some as deep as 5 levels


Ceiling of Ahambra, Islamic - light and shadow on wooden ceiling, stucco creates design


Ceiling of Camera Degli Sposi by Mantegna, Italian Ren - looking up - optical illusion - di sotto in su - trompe l'oil - decieving the eye - made to look like oopen oculus, all way around, small cupidss/figures looking down : painted over bed - ... hah? - peacock = Juno/Hera - goddess of women/marriage - foreshortening tech - research more


Charles Sheeler - architectural shapes over landscapes - artificial environments sans humans


Chiswick House by Boyle and Kent, Neoclassicism - templefront facade - like villa rotunda - smooth walls, brackets, octagonal drum, squat dome, some roof sculpture - austerity of walls, interesting staircase - loose and unmanicured wild gardens, goes against austerity - like colonialism, influence - simple symmetry, stiff proportions


Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom to St Peter by Perugino, Italian Ren - calm geometric order of pictorial space - lower part of sistine chapel - papacy uses this as basis of claim over church - stage-like space that opens into backround - 1 point perspective aligns w/central basilica - open background - more emphasis - orthogonals - figures complement forground people, solidty, ordered - 2 triumphal archs in background, compositional triangle space - modeled cathedral after constantine's - interlock of 2 and 3D space - placement of central figures emphasizes axes, 3D illuminated - conversational, placing of body not dire


Christ Enthroned in Majesty w/Saints, Early Christian Sta Prudenziana, Rome, 402-417 - all mosaic tiny glass times, lots of shine. - behind half-dome arch, w/mosaic - Christ w/elaborate, golden robe, flanked by men - 12 apostles dressed as roman senators. - female figures on sides - one = old testament religion of Judaism - one = new testament of gentiles - behind = mountain w/jeweled cross, where Constantine erected first Christian cross, typically only that - in sky = 4 evangelists in spiritual/symbolic forms


Christ as Pantokrator, Byzantine Church of the Dormition, Greece, 1090-1100 - Looking up into dome, image of Christ surrounded by window - Fearsome image of Christ, Pantokrator = ruler of all in greek - Christ as last judge of mankind, climax of hieratic scale of continuous pictoral program - TOP of all images below, sort of stares down at all. - Icon, hovers above in space, connects worshipper with people below, create sense of awe and fear - stylized detail, wrinkles, lines in hair, bearded = more mature - purple robe w/nimbus in background, attempts to achieve volume


De Chirico - long shadows of setting sun on open space - public silent monuments - city


De Stijl 'Be Style' - 1917, group of artists in Hollan form new movements, cofounded by Mondrian and another guy -mystery of the machines, integration of art and life


Christ as the Good Shepherd, Early Christian Mausoleum de Galla Placidia, Ravenna - lunette from entrance of Mausoleum - gold/purple robesm to sides groups of 3 shapes, loose/informal, landscape setting from ground to blue sky - attempted recession into space - forefround, background, middleground, etc - all figures have volume to them, cast shadows, illusionistic devices, sheep have fluffy coats - texture w/light/shadow, slightly stylized - less formality by sitting on rock


Christ in the House of Levi by Veronese - gigantic scale 18x42' - majesty of classical architecture - arches w/columns, divided by huge columns - italian loggia, outdoor porch/pato area - chief steward - act of 'welcome' - impiety? creatures like commoners, different races, so close to the Lord, dwarves, dogs, etc. =_= - basically last supper - symmetry, balance, every color on color palatte


Christ's Entry Into Brussels in 1889 by Ensor, Symbolism - 1888 oil on canvas - isolation in crowd, all people are not true to self, all hidden beyond masks, sense of paranoia - colors : hard, strident, spotted, a cacophony of color - Jesus surrounded by socialist march - socialism is taking over religion - pessimistic - all people in Ensor's life deceived him


Chrysler Building by Van Alen, Art Deco New York, spire of stainless steel 1048 - part of contest for biggest tower in city - diminishing fan shapes glitter in the sky, oriental crown, 'crown' that chrystler is kind in corporate world - phallus


Cloister Graveyard in the Snow by Freidrich, 19th Cen Romanticism -combines Paganism/Christianity -crucifixes/ tombstones = emblems of death -trees framing ruins = divine truth -sun setting= mystical -meditation on human mortality -cold winter setting


Clothespin by Oldenburg, Pop Art cor-ten, stainless steel, Philly - focused on a common object, - humor and cynicism of pretentiousness of large buildings - style of obelisk, domination, makrs prescence of culture .. satire


Collage Arranged According to the Laws of Chance by Arp, Dadaism 1916-7 torn and pasted paper - randomly dropped pieces of paper - squares have control - artist made them regular - balances/contrasting regularity with randomness = vitality


Column by Gabo, Suprematism & Constructivism Perspex, wood, metal, glass - depth open to show more space, shows hint of outside framework .. view space, not solidity - two crossing angled parts, intersecting planes, opaque colored planes - dynamic movement to express the part of reality, space-time


Column of Trajan, High Empire by Apollodorus - scroll wraps itself around to top of column, inscribed and long band, gradation to top - top features bronze sculpture w/some sort of saint - heroically nude sculpture of bronze on top - staircase inside leading up to small balcony on top - bottom has tomb of Trajan, w/ashes & decorations - Frieze: continuous narrative commemorating Dacian wars, scenes focus on military campaigns down Danube, slightly distorted figures because of rounded surface - not realistic w/true perspective - clustered head denoting figures, few full - documents naval history, 2500 figures, more than 800 stories - low-medium relief - legibility increased through paint - not chronological but different stages of battle - bottom figure in sea = Neptune, support of gods


Composition in Blue, Yellow, Black by Mondrian, De Stijl 1936 oil - basically same as mondrian - position changes balance, but there is a universal reality of order and balance


Composition in Red, Blue, Yellow by Mondrian, De Stijl 1930 oil - dynamic tensiion with tension between lines, shape size, color - play with eye in terns of color to make some lines look bigger, etc


Constantine the Great, Roman Late Empire - Would have been attached to wooden torso w/bronze, head & limbs of marble, other pieces gone - simplification of details, frontal mask w/ enormous eyes compared to rest - loses personality, more just overall authority, though youthful - one hand held orb, cross on top of it, = holding of world, and religion - likens him to god Jupiter, eyes looking up to god, too good to look down at you on Earth - possibly pointing upwards to the heavens?


Cornered by Piper, Art as Political Weapon mixed media installation, video monitor, table and birth certificate - Piper plays on monitor, comments on role as light-skinned african american woman, forces people to reevaluate their own values - 'I'm black, now let's view with social fact' - cornered as if she is in the corner, behind the table


Coronation of Napoleon by David, Neoclassicism - David offered title - first painter of the empire - pomp and lavishness to crown Napoleon - both interests - historical fact - tribunes for spectators, there are a lot of viewers, idea that lots of people were present - in notre dame cathedral - crowing of Josephine, behind w/Pope Pious the Second, lots of clergy and derp - studies show David had to make a lot of changes, he wanted Pope to raise hand, mother prominent in background even if she wasn't actually there - structured composition, action like on a theatre stage, divided for polarity - contentious issue between church and state - history painting - changing politics in Napoleonic France Soufflot Gothic architecture could be used in modern times .. - pantheon in paris, idea of archeology - roman grandeur in France


Cubi XVIII by David Smith, Abstract Expressionism


Cubi XXVI by David Smith, Abstract Expressionism


Dadaism - anti-art, 1915-1922, nonsensical and meaningless - violent reaction to snobbery and traditionalism of art establishments - trolls upper classes with ready-made objects - anti-logic and often very sexual and provokative - shake people from their sadness, save from logic which creates war - cynicism + humor, content shocks viewer, new ready-made objects - subconcious world w/fantasy


Dali - most haunting - total weirdo - erotic dimensions


Darted Again by Gilliam, Post-Painterly Abstraction


David by Donatello, Italian Ren - Bronze, commissioned by Medicis for palace - freestanding nude statue since classical era - forgetting some of realism, but more of symbol of florentine love of liberty - medici responsibility for freedom and prosperity, more political than biblical - opposing axes of intense and relaxed - 15th cen boots and hat, like god Mercury - hand on hip - very self-contented ooh - s-curve weight shift - high patina - goliath = milan


Dead Christ by Mantegna, Italian Ren - feet smaller - tempering naturalism, more artistic, looks perportional - line engraving style - hyperrealism - unmerciful view of the dead - people must atone for stuff like this Camera Degli Sposi by Mantegna, Italian Ren - fresco over entire room, gonzaga famility to bring gradeur, celebrations of courtly lifestlye - high grandiose - garlnds and medallions over everything, triumph of classical era


Death Comes to the Old Lady by Duane Michals, Postwar Expressionism


Death and Life by Klimt, Art Nouveau - 1908-11 oil on cavas - Right: River of life - people cling to each other as people need each other to stay alive with love - Left : Death with cross motif, with club, to strike down anyone - crosses = sense of reminder of the value of life, positive, all will succumb to death - organic quality - people flow together to strengthen each other .. with life - patterning : byzantine mosaics, cloisonne, stained glass - inspired, each person with own patterns


Death of General Wolfe by Benjamin West, 18th cen romanticism - American naturalism - retelling of story in journalistic sense - french-indian war in canada, battle of Quebec - fallen leader wounded - all paid to be present, even if not necessary true - contemporary costume - positioned to resemble christ - dignity and solemnity of a religious portrait - english flag rolled up at a diagonal - crucifix? - patch of blue sky pushing england leading to defeat of french - indian painted in, because they helped the british, also half-nude, symbolizes the place and balances amount of flesh, pensive position - sets nude


Death of Marat by David, Neoclassicm - record event but inspire revolution - Marat, friend and writer assassinated in 1783, done because he had a skin disease, had to soak 3-5 hours per day, person Charlotte Cordet murded him - ironic - she blamed Marat of husband's death, he holds her letter - very clear, realistic - stark, cold space in back - chilling oppressiveness, details to confront viewer - pain and outrage - positioned Marat like Christ off of cross - martyrized - theme of altarpiece, considered altarpiece for new civic religio


Death of St. Francis by Giotto, Proto-Renaissance - Lamentation, grieving over St Francis - longer, taller figues - profiles, hand gestures, groupings of people, etc still very same as 'Lamentation' - solemnity, less dramatic emotion


Demuth - cubism in paris - spacial discontinuities - industrial sites


Denarius w/Portrait of Julius Caesar, Roman Republic 44bc, silver, 3/4" diam - standard silver coin, like a penny - desire to advertise distinct ancestry put on coins - says Caesar is eternal dictator, violates propriety because he was still alive - still vesistic w/realistic, faded portraiture


Departure by Beckman, Neue Sachlichkeit 1932-3 - casual scenes of violence on outer two of triptych - people bound in midst of bands playing, still life - center: panel refers to artist's escape from Germany, woman with child = new generation


Deposition by Weyden, N Ren - fluid/dynamic composition, human action and drama to relate people to suffering of christ, center panel of triptych commissioned by archer's guild, patrons recognized w/little accents actually crossed bow spandrels - mimicking of body posture w/christ and mary, s-shaped cross shared, grief - closure to composition w/ mary magdalene and st john. - color ties composition together, brings view together, reds tie together - relief carving w/ crisply modeled human forms, individualized, emotional impact, realism


Descent from the Cross by Pontormo, Mannerism - vertically aligned around Christ - Mary falls back, hand drops Christ's hand - view in center, central mass however this leaves dead/open center 'void', accentuated w/ hands into open space - ambiguity w/ curiously axious glances, no focus - little weeping, pleading instead - athletic bending/twisting of figures, elongated figures - heavy eyelids add to expression - contrasting colors = dynamic colors, cacophonius - no depth, crowded and compressed - random cloud, bad filling of space


Development of Modernist Art - Revolution of world wars, schizophrenic attitude - utopian - rejections of traditional definitions - second sci and tech revolution - Nietzche - God is dead - Freud - interpretation of dreams, unconcious, repression of memory - Jung - personality through personal and collective unconcious - archetypes - trade unions, socialism, marxism - shattered illusions of glorious war - communist revolution - great depressions - failed postwar treaties - totalitarian regimes - A LOT OF POLITICAL AND SOCIAL TURMOIL - avante-garde becomes major


Die by Tony Smith, Minimal Art 1962 steel - 6 ft cube out of steel, focused on form, reduced to basic geometric form - emphasized objecthood


Dinner Party by Chicago, Art as Political Weapons 1979 multimedia, stichery, ceramics, triangular composition - creates table setting w/39 women around huge triangular table - sign for women and goddess - dinner party = traditional role as homemaker - 999 women inscribed on tiling of floor, 39 honored guests lie on foundation of 999 women - customized imagery on each table setting, life and culture, ceramic plating, etc - butterfly and vulval motifs - liberation and sexuality - sacremental qualities, feminist concerns, details draw in people


Diptych of Anastatius , Byzantine 517ce, - looking at emperor taking on role of starter of games in setting - moppa to star games, same image both panels - enthrones, wearing halo of shells around head, kind of religious - flattened space to give impression that he is seated - aligning w/Christianity in being absolute monarch & ideas of the divine - angels holding up pic of Christ - religious contact - gabled/columned throne with architecture side, lions heads on sides of throne - beast relating to emperor - stylized drapery folds, curvilinear some body contour - preparation for games that occur, dragging in w/animals as well, one view aerial circular section, caged area, cluster technique


Dome of Florence Cathedral by Brunelleschi, Italian Ren - Semi-circular dome based on ellipse - two-shelled dome - 24 ribs on inside, 8 on outside - lantern on top, pushes ribs down and holds into place


Dome of Madrasa-I-Shah, Islamic 1612-37 - glazed tile work, tiles unique because each slightly curved - turquoise color, change from brick below - spiraling pattern organic vegetal design, delicate and light however


Dome of the Rock, Islamic Jerusalem 687-92 - Tribute to triumph of Islam - Importance as spread of religion - Noble Enclosure platform where dome sits, houses rock inside - Believed that this was original site of Adam's burial, where Abraham prepared for sacrifice of Isaac, there was also a temple of Solomon - Rock = place where Muslims believed that Muhammad ascended to heaven/god on Night Journey in Qu'aran - Inspiration from Judaism & Christianity - Domed octagon = San Vitale? - Double-shelled wooden dome, 60 ft diam, 70 ft height, dominates enclosure, reduces octagon to just a base - Exterior restored, gold tile added later, originally glass mosaics, vivid colorful patterning


Dorothea Lange - connectiness of society - RA hired her to show blight of the poor, demonstrate the horror


Draped Model (Back View) by Delacroix, Beginnings of Photography -symbiotic relationship between photographer/model -mood shown through drapery/ cloth -lighting makes it seem like sculpture


Dynamism of a Dog on a Leash by Balla, Futurism 1912 oil on canvas - dissecting form - motion caught on ground, creates motion with repetition of shape, especially with multiple feet, ears, leash, tail, etc - blurred like a photo - analytical cubsim, condensing of time and space - lines over floor = movement


Early Operation Under Ether by Hawes and Southworth, Beginnings of Photography -focuses viewers attention to patient in white surrounded by darkly clad doctors -slight blur = movement -elevated viewpoint flattens perspective


East Building of National Gallery by I.M.Pei, Mdern Arch Washington, DC 1917 - combines pristine geometry of buildings to create versatile space inside that would fit with modern art - form follows function - on trapezoidal space, utilizes space - plays off of idea of Jeffersonian, neoclassical marble facade, like rounded, extensive opening spread - bisects trapezoid into isoceles triangles, smaller right triangle - Places meet at 19 degrees for art history area research - faceted skylight manipulates light and space into broken shapes - fluid transformation of form on the inside - connected centrally by ridges, stairways, etc


Eiffel Tower by Eiffel, Art Nouveau: Late Architecture -1889 Wrought iron, 984 ft tall, tallest in the world at that time, symbol of modern Paris for Great Exhibition - 4 giant supports connected by arches creating beam moving across, legs at a diagonal - express building's purpose, do not disguise - inspired by coaliron bridge, very skeletal - open: creates airy feel, changing viewpoints because of space - lines up with park areas, trees around the tower - manicured - wrought iron - important mark of new use of the material


Epic of American Civilization: Hispano-America by Orozco, Mexican Muralists Dartmouth 1934 fresco - heroic mexican peasant to be part of mexican revolution -mounts of crowned symbolic figures oppressing him .. bankers, soldiers, the rich, gangstas, etc - money grubbers try to biuy him off, as does a scary cannon, backstabber generals - architect - framed wall surface in different directions - woman leading schoolchildren, right: death graduate gown - graphical, mural media effects


Equestrian Statue of Marcus Aurelius - lost wax process - awkward proportioning, man is bigger to show power, superhuman grandeur, godlike roman emperor - under, believed to be a figure cowering for mercy - Aurelius's arm is out in greeting after military conquest, last great military conquester - energy and vitality, movement - on Capitolian hill via pope, very representative


Escorial (Aerial View) by Herrera, 16th Cen N Ren - Rugged terrain surrounding mausoleum, church, monastary, palace. Gridlike plan for huge complex, way huge - Grid plan - grid iron of St Laurence who was martyred, patron sain of escorial - Philip II's character - austere, cautious, passionate catholic, pride in dynasties, wanting to impose will on the world - insisted on simplistic design, severe, noble w/out arrogance, majestic w/out ostentation - result: doric order severity from classicism, grandeur of st peter's - 3 entrances w/dominant central portal - pediment, italian fasion, portico breaks severity of horizontal - 4 massive square towers, punctuate corners, stress on central axis, later ties into baroque facade - 2 portals, rises up, draws up focus side areas complex - made of granite, hard to work with - lol philip - starkness and gravity - massive and austere, blocky walls, rounded arches, overwhelming strength and weight - collaboration of great kind, architect


Estate by Rauschenberg, Pop Art - parts cooexisting simulataneously, photo screen painting to create overlaid movement, retain individuality, sistine naws, abstract painted shapes, buildings, human lefs .. color patches, tonal values


Etruscan Temple, Etruscan - Tinia, Uni, Menrva as main gods - nonspecific temple, only foundations had survived mostly - sun-made bricks compose walls, strong but not long-lasting, told to us through romans in diagrams - Vetruvius architectural writings. - Stone gable-roofed temple, but used wood instead - Double row of columns, only one entrance w/leading up steps, one stairway, still based on high podium - 'deep' front porch, occupied lot of space - not meant to be seen from all sides, just ornate home for statues of Etruscan gods - overhang w/columns of wood, like doric except not fluid, rests on base named 'Tuscan' column, provides lightnes to overall structure, widely spaced - 3 cellas, one for each of 3 main gods - Tinia, Uni, Minerva - Rare pedimental sculpture, on top of roof, statuary of terracotta


Eugene Delacroix by Nadar, Beginnings of Photography -shows painter at height of his career -? creates mood -captures tones of black and white


Event Scores by Brecht, Performance Art - cards/compositional scores, record event


Fall of Man by Durer, 16th cen n ren - High musculature, smaller heads are important, attempt at softness, - Eve - not really either N or S ideals, italian musculature subtly - N Landscape setting - Observational skills, very textured/ detil - Iconography - animals represent 4 humors - personality - Greek idea of bodily fluids - tension of cat and mouse - relationship of adam and eve, tension, - attempt at classical statuary - individualized features, engraving off of mocels, detailing


Family of Country People by Le Nain, Baroque France


Fantasy = bold colors, simplified or exaggerated forms - mysteries of life and death


Fibula w/Orientalizing Lions, Etruscan Gold 1'1/2" Cerveteri 650-640bce - Fibula = fastening pin to keep together dress - larger to be like chestplate, very stylized - found in tomb covering deceased woman's chest, 2 hangiing circles = earrings? or bracelets - very ostentatious display of wealth - subject of 5 lions walking stance in main plate, orientalizing style - repousse technique top portion, bottom had granulation - fused little balls). - Represents wealth of etruscan people


Fit for Active service by Grosz, Neue Sachlichkeit - 1916-17 pen brush ink on paper - depicts incompetence of officers, biting sarcasm as army doctor examines skeleton, exclaims it is fit for service, no one disputes - spectacles = reference to Grosz himself - line drawing = directness, immediacy


Flag by Johns, Pop Art encaustic, fabric 1954 - people rarely scrutinize the flag, surface highly textured due to the method, embedded college of newspaper scraps, etc - wax hardens, creates translucency, layers


Floor Mosic, Islamic 8th cen - 31 abstract design, done in floral and geometric shapes, medallions - illusions of dome that would've been above it w/circular areas - treated as if in tapestru style, like indicidually woven rugs/tapestries


Flowers on Body by Mendieta, Art as Political Weapon 1973 color earth-body, Mexico - covered by flowers inside earthen, womblike cavity - speaks about carrying child, death, childbirth through human connection with the Earth - reestablish the bond with the earth


Forum of Trajan, High Empire by Apollodorus of Damascus - glorified war victory against Dacians, - temple behind basilica - two libraries, column of Trajan, triumphant gateway/arch, open area w/columns - direct entry into basilica, etc


Four Apostles by Durer, 16th Cen N Ren - Lutheran style, city fathers of Nuremberg, to be hung in city hall, personal attitude towards religion, supposed to personally viewed -John, Peter, Mark, Paul - Title - misnomer - Mark as angelican - St Peter church in Rome, placed behi d John, focused on bible along - lots Lutheran - Single truth - w/gospel excert -- Bottom - translations to italian, at nottom - falseness - sioutyality - synnnnetrical ib sgiw okay


Four Darks in Red by Rothko, Abstract Expressionism


Fox Hunt by Homer,19th cen Realism - oil on canvas, 1893 - Fox is being hunted by crows = reversal of subject matters, deep snow slows movement - all people looking for something to eat in harsh conditions - Harsh outline - with snow, creates outline and backdrop, violence in nature, high horizon, etc - theme - survival of the fittest


Francis I by Clouet, 16th Cen N Ren - painted background, heavy texturing of cloth, opulent dress - worldly prince in brocades w/chain, pommel of dagger, order of st michael - sense of him - seems to be looking down at audience - sneaky/sly look - open/relaxed hand position - no power or determination - great lover, gallant situations, so debonair - cut off by frame, alludes to greatness as hero, suppresses modeling - lack of light and shadow for modeling


Francois Vase, Attic Black Figure Ware by Ergotimos and Kleitias - Francois = man who found it in Chiusi, Italy 575bce - Ergotimos - potter, Kleitias - painter, signed for added value - Etruscan tombs? - Greek mythology - labeled people/figures - 6 registers, 200+ figures, volute-shaped handles


Fray Hortensio Felix Paravicino by Greco, 16th cen N Ren, - For really smart friend, manneristic : elongation in hands especially - grey-tone still, dark smouldering lood - surrendered self to church is, this is portrait of soul - books = achievent jn academic - constrasting garments - dhttp://quizlet.com/14981010/edit/#add-rowetails


Frida Kahlo Mexican mum, German father - psychological pain of horrible experiences - convalescance, constant pain - said she wasn't surrealist - tumultuous relationships - lesbian, misscarriages, married diego riviera - animals as a sense of comfort for her


From Radio Tower Berlin by Moholy-Nagy, Bauhaus 1928 gelatin print - unexpected formal associations, change view od the world - aerial viewpoint, abrupt shift = makes one look at the shape of things


Fruit Dish and Cards by Braque, Cubism paper pencil collage, charcoale - dark ground is top of table, grain is underside, simulataneous, rounded section - bowl, fruits up top, cards emphasize flatness


Fuseli - Swiss - Heroic and erotic, macabre and sadistic, sexuality


Future Expectations by Van Der Zee, Harlem Ren 1915 photography - backdrop = ornate home they hope to have, at feet sits future daughter they wish to have - ghostly imlications of future hope - crip sharp focus of reality - off-center pyramid shape = alludes to holy family.


Futurism - mix of purism and cubism - sociopolitcal agenda, began with Futurist Manifesto, in literature - aggressively advocated new era, advocated war and destruction of culture to start from scratch - all about motion in time and space plus analysis of form


Gainsborough - arch enemy of Joshua Reynolds - landscapes > human - naturalistic in a rococo setting - grand manner portraiture, large scale, arcadian landscapes, low horizon line - artifice, contrived structure


Garden Scene, Architectural House of Livia, Primaporta - Livia was wife of Augustus - Landscape settings vista illusions - very detailed! everything precisely painted, exact,


Garden of Earthly Delights (Closed) by Hieronymous Bosch, N Ren - theme of doom - satire or pornography? heresy? orthodox fanatic most popular idea. - triptych - visionary world - devastated earth, what earth was to look like - figure in corner = god or angel? - early surrealism/sex? - marriage/sex/procreation ideas? - painted for palace of Henry 3rd


Holy Virgin Mary by Ofili, Neo-Expressionism 1996 paper collage, map pins, giltter, elephant dung on linen - beadlike dots of paint to create 3-dimensionality - cave influence of Zimbabwe - surrounded w/tiny images of cutout butts and genetalia, parallel puti surrounding her in the past - african heritage through use of elepant dung, 2 pieces hold it up, other piece on breast


Garden of Earthly Delights (inside) by Hieronymous Bosch, N Renaissance - left: creation of eve: cult for Adam/Adamists - anti-feminists, blamed women for basically everything - Eve : incarnation of original sin, she is presented to Adam in a way that Adam is almost excited - man in center presenting = christ or god - very calm, false/odd paradise, real/fantastical animals: horned giraffe?, elephant, unicorn. Also weird rocks, space odyssey, etc - Center panel : Garden of Earthly Delights - false paradise on Earth - things contributing to sin, what will eventually send people to hell - ravens= evil, owls= witchcraft, egg= sex and alchemy (latter especially w/glass references), - alchemy: glass and beakers - glass = good fortune, but easily broken .. people wanted to create gold, failed, sent to hell, very temportal - afterlife is more important - ladies scheming in pool, generally being evil - fruits = prostitution, etc - rodents = lies - birds = demonic themes, sitting watchful - dead fish = lost promises, memories of joy - interracial couples, ooh how scandalous - shellfish = aphrodesiacs - Hell: right panel: actual hell, music theme pervading, as wickedness is in music - punished people w/instruments - generally people being hurt w/ different instruments, various stabbings, eating, mockery of copper pot - if man is left to his own devices, he shall be damned - lots of details despite not being extremely ... normal


Gates of Paradise by Ghiberti, Italian Ren - 17' tall, very massive, present old and new testament


Gattamelata by Donatello, Italian Ren - equestrian statue erasmo danarni - bronze sculpture outdoors in piattza, commissioned by officials - rivals marcus aurelias statue - horse leg rests on orb for stability - solid positioning, plow horse - high-seated position for erasmos, liberated from rest of architecture - strength unlimited power - daughtless untiring resolution, will - intelligent courageous, ambitious, humble - man advances in society under own power


Gaudi - Spanish architect, iron worker, liked moorish style architecture and Spanish simplicity - molded a building, ver much like sculpture


George Stubbs - Animal history paintings, derp - known for horsies




German Expressionism - color is important but also wenching distortionm andy kinesm portrau savagely colored canvs, reaction to WWI - material decadance


Gertrude Kaisebier - female photographer - hazy ethereal effect, almost romantic realistic, pictorial w/symbolic message


Ghent Altarpiece by Jan Van Eyck, Northern Ren - luminous enamel-like surface from oil paintings, much more layering and realism, deep tonality, sharp edge and clarity, render appearances SO realistic - tempura and oil paint on wood - outside just surface, real truth on inside - Vyd was diplomat retainer, lots of connections, Vyds = doners, represented in bottom outside niches, in prayer, gaze illusionistic stone sculptures versus patron saints - John the Evangelist - grisalle style in niche - top: annunciation, flemish landscape of town - lily flowers in angel's hands - resurrection, crucifixion, etc - upper arched panels - old testament prophets writing about coming of christ, pagan figures in center see coming of messiah , minaturistic - pearls on clothing, super realistic - inner panels : adam and eve, singing angels, god, mary, st john the baptist and redemption of sin w/ god's infinite love, sacrifices own son for redemption of mankind - god inscription on robe, states sacrificing love, hand up as teacher, temporal worldly crown, tiara on head. 3-tiered, various inscriptions about sacrifices of god, kindly father - tapestry over throne has stylized pelicans representing self-sacrificing love, symbolized sacrifice - Mary, queen of heaven, detailed w/alternating flower types, love/sacrifice, crown w/12 points : 12 apostles, above her head, virtue/purity - St John the Baptist has quote about how great he is - Eve - pear-shaped body, holding apple, bad but still all forgiven - bottom - lamb in center w/holy spirit above, rays of divine light, bleeding into chalice to symbolize eucharist, entire altarpiece read, lamb = christ - around: community of saints, back w/holy virgins, other side w/representatives of church, martyrs, apostles, people on knees reading gospels - outer bottom panels - 4 virtues symbolized in groups of people: knights/fortitude, church judges=justice, hermits/temperence, pilgrims=prudence


Gobelin Tapestry by Stolzl, Bauhaus linen cotton 1926 - lively and intricate, more colors - geometric patterns are interwoven, not so strict, lots of different horizontals and stuff


Grace at Table by Chardin, 18th cen Naturalism - simple goodness of ordinary people, lived away from corruption of society - good country folk - ushers viewers into modest room to eat, mood of quiet attention through hushed lighting and mellow colors, naturalistic - astute details, worn surfaces prety important, represent humble domestic history of the people - social instruction, supervise younger sister in giving grace to god - morals > God/religion - hilights figures - simple and subdued despite it being detailed, morality - poet of the common place, master of nuances that add to overall mood of the story - honest, insightful, and sympathetic emotion - owned by Louis the 15th? idk man Vigee-Lebrun - known for aristrocratic nawwing - was in french royal academy, got kicked out because she was a woman


Grand Canyon Looking North by Hockney, Pop Art - photocollage, people must take in the entire image .. but stop and look at the individual photographs, scan entire canyon - some differ in exposure, others 'jump' from one to another, divisions - guard rail - makes viewer aware that it is an art piece, awareness of nature


Great Mosque at Damascus, Islamic 706 - Open courtyard w/hypostyle hall - Umayyad brought capital to Damascus, destroyed previous structure moins exterior wall - peer arcades - square minarets brought in from Roman inspirations, at corners and northern side - prayer halls like hypostyle, filled w/columns - pedimental façade, faces into central courtyard - had extensive mosaics, not many still preserved - would have clusters of houses, trees, etc .. no zoamorphic forms, shun fauna in sacred places - abudance paradaise in one


Great Mosque at Isfahan, Islamic 11-17th cen - large courtyard surrounded w/ 2-story arcade, iwans into courtyard - significant as iwan leading into dome, more extravagant entrance w/squinch-like arches


Great Mosque at Samarra, Islamic Iraq, 850s - now almost completely destroyed, once largest - court made of sun-dried brick - columns meant to look like palm trunks, hold up wooden roofs - minaret still stands, swirled concentric circles inside of square, 'snail shell' malwiya shape 165ft tall, originally linked w/bridge to mosque - stepped for people to climb up, some believe was too tall to call people to prayer .. more symbolic to show prescence of Islam in Tigris


Great Mosque of Kairouan, Islamic Tunisia, 836-875 - Mihrab dome, long nave leading into entrance dome, large courtyard, many columns in hypostyle hall = important architectural forms - colonnaded around mosque - attached square buttress extensions, push weight into ground for support - large 3 story minaret neat front - houses oldest known wooden minbar - prescinct takes form of parallelogram, 450 x 260 ft - lateral entrances


Green Coca-Cola Bottles by Warhol, Pop Art oil on canvas 1962 - major add campaign targets other market share with Pepsi - repetition, redundancy of bottle .. omniprescence of this, domination in society - alludes to silk-screen tech, endless printing mass-productiion


Gropius - Bauhaus - hostility from new gov, move to Dessau, became more clear - good tech, organic state of things, no romance and whimsy, universal shape and color, simplicity in complexity, space


Homage to New York by Tinguely, Performance Art - picture taken right before machine self-destructs, painted white against night sky - player piano, weather balloon, produces colored smoke - piano catched fire, stuff starts to fall apart, create abstract painting .. includes unpredictability of human beings, people call for fire department to come destroy machine - satiric spirit


Guaranty (Prudential) Building by Sullivan, Art Nouveau: Late Architecture - Buffalo, NY, 1894-5 - skeletal nature of supporting structure, creates subdivision of building mimicking its purpose, smaller rooms for people to have own office - regularity of windows mimic and express function uniformity, occupy most of space between terracotta-clad vertical members - base/cornice : considered free-supports of later century, inner skeleton, free supports below - tempered severity : lively ornamentation peers and cornice of exterior, small patterns, makes more interesting - elevator cages - allows travel between floors, also more organic design


Guernica by Picasso, Art 1930s Political 1937 oil on canvas - response of Basque city bombing by Germans, french - painting is instrument of war for attack and defense against enemy - bullfighting and mythology - struggles for homeland 3 parts: Triangular centr, rectangular sides - people bend and stretch in response to bombing, elongated forms - bull = homeland, also brutality, destruction of nature and animals along with people - hope with lamp (holy spirit) and open window, eye of god - newsprint-esque stuff - alludes to his collages


Guggenheim Museo Bilbao by Gehry, Deconstructivist Bilbao, Spain, 1997 - irregularity of main masses, everytime you move stuff shifts, masses .. is it growing? - exterior made of scaled limestone and titanium panels, space-age characteristics - hilights specific forms, lighting - metallic flower and groups of organic forms, alternating positions around the bud - inspired by surprising hardness of the actual city, more like flower growing out of it - inspired by Fritz Lang's Metropolis, futuristic severity of world - weightlessness of volumes that float and flow into each other, plays of light and dark


Guggenheim Museum by Wright, Modernist Architecture New York, 1943 - reinforced concrete in snail-shell shape - spiraling ramps on inside, outside curls up, small thin line of windows, set into ceilings of galleries od the rooms - top = open apex windows - organic movement, spiraling, turning in / on inside of itself, independent, sheltered environment


Gustave Eiffel - French architecture, designed exhibition halls, bridges, interior armature for statue de libertie - goal: not disguise arhcitecture


Hadrianic Reliefs , Roman Late Empire - Part of arch of Constantine - stolen from Hadrian - frieze at bottom has stage-like setting where Hadrian would've been w/ important figures, each side crowds of people - replacement head fell off lol - rigid figures w/out action, flattened relief, incised details - lacking realism, few gestures


Hagia Sophia, Byzantine by Anthemius and Isidorus Constantinople, Turkey, 532-537 - Church of holy wisdom, build for Justinian to continue Byzantine rein in East - minarettes added later - originally a church albeit strange because of eastern influence - plain, unpretentious exterior, but actually really huge - significant use of space/proportions - amazing supports 270ftlong 240ftwide 108ft diameter dome tip of dome to floor 180ft - pendentive dome, each side different, some open, some w/colonnades, apse area, etc - central dome basilica - fusion of who styles - side domes to strengthen exterior walls, very curved flowing designs - huge narthex, columnar arcades - second level arcades = galleries - gold chain from heaven - dome seems to be floating on light, transforms light into a 'vision' - fit for solemn liturgy for sacred spectacles - clerical - separated by gender - triumph of Christian faith


Hall of the two sisters, Islamic - writing on stucco walls of scripture - honeycomb stricter, dome sits on square room, squinched style w/pairs of windows - covered with 5000 muqarnas, tier os stalactite-like prismatic forms - done to deny structure's solidity and mass - to catch/reflect sunlight, emphasize abstract pattern - dome of paradise, idea of heaven - things flicker like stary sky as sun move through the windows - compared to heavenly skies through which heaven revolves?


Hang-Up by Hesse, Alternatives to Modernist Formalism 1965-6 acrylic on cloth over wood and steel - frame sprouts absurd feeler, much like a bug - idea of absurdity, life, feeling, intellect, supposed to be very absurd - nontraditional, disquieting, suggests fragility and grandeur of life amidst pressures of the modern age


Harlem Renaissance - cultural stuff, african americans - to make more acceptance, yes?


Head of Roman Patrician, Roman Republic Orticoli 75-50bce, marble 1'2" - Old men of battles and militia, kept likeness of elders in cabinets, paraded them at funerals of relatives so 'everyone' was there - having portrait sculpture = close to Hellenistic, represented freedom and status - requested brutally realistic images, usually older folk - only bust - put busts on bodies of other sculptures, possibly Greek to make political dominance - Veristic portait or verism (superrealism) - Scholars argue that it makes statement on personality (virtue, experienced, loyal, serious, determined were very important)


Hepworth - form, contour shape, rounded - landscape - person in it and person observing - I the observer am the landscape - standing form and 2 forms juxtaposed and closed form - hole and void into abstract element


Hera, Archaic Period Samos, 560 BCE, - Hera always depicted as clothed - Body very columnarly stylized, no curves or body contour to speak of - Peplos glamour


Herakles and Telephos, Intricate Herculaneum 70ce - Closeup of panel, hodgepodge of randome figures - Personification of Herculaneum - Play of light and dark extreme, like 'painting sculpture' - Baby sucking milk from fawn??


Hercules and Antaeus by Pollaiuolo, Italian Ren - Medici commission, glory of florentine republic - humanist imagery and learning - stress and strain of human figure - introduction of pagan mythology - nervous movement, emotional expressiveness, linear mobility, spacial complexity, dramatic immediacy - baroque idea of action, drama, energy, dealing with lines of planes and movement related - extreme emoition - tension in coil, suppressed movement - flickering light over musculature


Hine - grim worlds, immigrants and children, growth of children into broken adults - part of national child labor committee


La Condition Humaine by Magritte, Surrealism 1933 - real realities - what if the view outside the window is reality? What if that is also not realities? - against one's will - see it as real, other as representation


Homage to the Square : Ascending by Albers, Bauhaus - oil on comp board, 1953, part of series of hundreds, different colors / mediums - art originates in discrepancy between physical fact and psychic effect - relativity and instability of color perception - varied hues and saturations, sizes of the shapes .. plays on psychology of what one sees depending on colors .. psychic effect - clashing dissonance to harmony


Homeless PRojection by Wodiczko, Art as Political Weapon 1987 outdoor slide at soldiers / sailors civil war memorial by first night, boston - connection between irony of urban development and situation of homeless, surrounded by spare possessions


Hopeless by Lichtenstein, Pop Art 1923-97 - immortalized melodramatic scene of the romance comic genre, on huge scale - one framed image tells intire style - heavy black lines of color technique - modulation of colors - square, regulated dimensions


Hopper - contemporary life, muted and still w/empty space - stop motion, suspend time .. details of a poignant memory


Horace Walpole - Gothic romantic, revivalist architecture, discovered medieval art/style - rich dilletante


Horse being devoured by a Lion by George Stubbs, 18th cen Romanticism - enamel on metal - half-hearted lion w/sweet face biting into the horse, who is like 'hey wat is this', kind of ridiculous - idyllic contrived environment, transport viewer into, kind of unnatural - african landscape - gothic romanticism w/light - IT'S THE CIRCLE OF LIFE


House in Delaware by Venturi, PostModern Arch - stone-based farm-like low-profil farmhouse w/shingled roof, double-hung, multipane windows - fronted w/huge extending panel - amusingly cut-out asymmetrical parody of neoclassical portico


How to Explain Pictures to a Dead Hare by Beuys, Performance Art - appears in room hung with drawings, cradling dead hare to which he speaks softly to - head coated in paint, covered with feathers, gold = shining mass - revolutionize human thought so people could be truly free - thought he was a shaman


Hunters in the Snow by Bruegel, 16th cen N Ren - Part of group depicting seasons - cold, harsh winters - peasants - satirical look at society - grey to represent cold, chill - lines like chinese landscapes, utilization of line for spacial recessions - reddish browns to draw eyes, make path, fade out into distance - warm colors create temperature in painting - huge amount of detail, so minaturistic - suffering w/out food - still trying to enjoy life - strength of peasants - birds flying - symbolic of idea of hope on its way as spring arrives - allusions to Holland will avoid oppression


Hysolar Insitute Building by Behnisch, Deconstruvtivist Arch - Stuttgart Germany - shapes of roof, walls, windows explode, leave no room for idea of stability of mass - disordering architectural elements, looks like it will collapse .. very frustrating, instablity .. rooflines curve out, unstable - platforms extend, some parts collapsing down - combination of steel and glass, disorienting and disturbing - almost illusionistic


Il Gesu Plan


Il Gesu by Della Porta, plan by Da Vignola - Utilized same aspects of San Andreas of Alberti - nave takes over main volume of space - great hall w/ side chapels, - dome emphasizes approach to altar - huge open space for open hall, room for large processions, large crowds, counter-reformation - mother church of Jesuit order - development of baroque architecture - exterior: union of lower / upper stories by scroll buttresses, similar to santa maria novella - palladio? esque - plasters paired - horizontal march of plasters, dramatic climax at central bay, w/columns at ceter, elaborated bay w/pediment in tympanum, etc - upper: doubled plasters


Improvisation 31 (Sea Battle) by Kandinsky, Der Blaue Reiter


Installation Photo of the Armory Show, New York National Guards, 69th Regiment 1913 - artistic developments shared with the US, hall had more than 600 works, ambitious in showing off military base? - artists viewed as immoral and subversive


Insula, High Empire - Early form of apartment buildings, courtyard center w/balconies off of the side - brick-faced concrete, bottom held stoors, then 2 floors of apartments - amazing because of some private toilets, heating system, no lighting but light wells, windows, courtyard .. - 90% of population housed in roman insula, showed what wealth emperor could do for you


Inventions of the Monsters by Dali, Surrealism - open landscape with extreme violence - flaming giraffes - flaming phallic symbols hathing women in water, they look like elephants - idea of galatea and pygmalion in sculpture form, perfect women has bust and horse's head - bisexual dynamic of half-faces, within each of us there are male and female tendencies - terror violence and sexuality


Isaac and his Sons by Ghiberti, Italian Ren - space, pictorial perspective, modeled figures for mass/volume - figures bottom half, create recession into space, movement w/columns - graceful women: controppasto, twisted slightly - own segment of women positioned in front of arches, planes of space created - scenes of genesis on different levels


Isenheim Altarpiece - Resurrection by Grunewald, 16th cen N Ren - truly dead christ - twisted, ugly limbs/body, gangrene to skin, black dots starting to collect on skin - sfumatto lighting emphasizes horror and pain - John Baptist - pointing at Christ, inscription of Christ the savior - Mary Magdalene - hi-lighted against background, horror, body wrenches into different angles - Mary the Virgin - falling back, paleness emphasized by white garmet - Eucharist w/sacrificial lamb bleeding iinto chalice - Lights highlighting dark river running in background of scene - idea of Baptism - St John represents washing away of sin - sky has reddish tone - blood of christ - inside: uplifting hope, use of gothic architecture, females painted in graceful manner, very realistic fall of drapery - Mary - softer features, less defined, softer hair, textures - architectural setting, gothic architecture w/resurrection - christ rising from tomb, very radiant - looks like the sun, garmet = white sheet covering the body - light used to dissolve form - soldiers falling oddly


La Madeleine by Vignon, Neoclassicism - for Napoleon! - revival style, 1-entrance peripteral octostyle - pediment, elevated, frieze - symbolic and historic link to roman empire - imperial ambitions of authority, democratic purity of his political state - only 3 domes inside


Isenheim Altarpiece by Grunewald, 16th N Ren - attention to despair, many layers of panels - oil on wood - monastaic order of St Anthony - St Anthony's 'fire' - miraculous cures, - St Anthony: absorbing pain as represented through arrows in body (disease - ergotism, convulsions, gangrene) - St Sebastian: brings hope to people - Predella: Removed from cross, being entombed, placement off center - 'amputates' arm and legs whe opened - carved wooden shrine, 2 pairs of moveable panels - Annunciatiion, Angelic Concert, Resurrection, Madonna and child - Innermost shrine w/Anthony and Paul - carved wooden sculpture - whole idea moved through color, more horror on outside, inner - brightness of color, inner truth of hope.


Ixion Room House of the Vetii, Intricate Pompeii 1st cen - Looks like gallery w/museums - Crowded and confused - First style in lower zones of walls, - Large white panels throughout room, motifs - Architecture painted to seperate pictures, - Upper had vistas, some flowerboxes under upper level


Jack-in-the-Pulpit by O'Keefe, Precisionism 1930 oil - strip subjects to purest form, abstracted sections of color, elimination of some details - symphony of basic colors, shapes, textures, rhythms .. natural flow of curved planes and contour - shapes unfold from central axis of uncontrolled growing light from which undulating petals grow graceful and quiet, striking content of rectlinear form


Jacob Lawrence - subjects of naw - politcally committed art like Goya - Harlem and history, struggle vs discrimination - bold flat colored shapes, like the cubist rugs decorating the floors of his childhood


Jacques Louis David - artist role change, ideologist of French revolution - participation of citizen - student of Bouchet - imitation of nature in most perfect form - used as cause of revolution - art marks heroism, eyes of the citizen, electrify soul, educate public - salon-system developed by him, around public into action - politically involved


Joan Miro Planned accidents provoke reactions to common subconcious experience - jump between realities


John Singleton Copley - American, moved to england, preceision of colonial masters - crisp clean images, staged choreographed quality


Josef Albers - revision of basic design course - systemic of formal aspects, different angles


Judgement of Paris by Cranach, 16th cen N Ren - N European armor (Paris), Mercury as much older - Naive nude figures, subtly flirtatious, but more of an unawareness - sheer garments, barely anything, pear-shaped physique - Mountains - very northern - Cupid shooting down - who will be chosen? one woman pointing - Paris holding apple to give to most beautiful


Julia and the Window of Vulnerability by Leonard, Neo-Expressionism - photos should say something about people's lives .. fate of daughter julia and the earth - suspended in dark sky, images becomes illustration of narrative - idea of fear, risk, hope - hopes w/hearts, flowers, stars, trees


Jupiter and Io by Correggio, Venetian - oil on canvas - Male god comes, takes any woman he wants - in form of cloud, seducing Io - Female figure, pudgy back, realistic figure, pale white, angelic face - sfumatto lighting, haziness - light source outside of frame, emphasizes her back, softness/hazy outlines of figure themselves


Jupiter and Semele by Moreau, Symbolism - 1875 oil on canvas - dreamy world, sensuality in art, gorgeous colors, intricate lines, depth in shape - Semele - mortal girl, one of many loves of Jupiter, she begs him to appear in all his majesty - so grand that she died, also based on works of Wagner - grand operas, dreams of grand synthesis of art forms - towering, opulent architecture of an opera, royal hall of olympus, iridescent colors, tabernacles with glowing shapes frame Jupiter like encrusted jewels, harmonized with exotic colors - enames, indian minatures, byzantine mosaics, exotic wares - darkness of black balanced with grandiose colors


Just What is it that makes Today's Homes so Different, so Appealing? by Hamilton, Pop Art - from tootsie pops, Ford, other adverts, different popular culture references, comics, girly magazines, etc


Justinian and Attendants, Byzantine San Vitale, Ravenna 547 - Justinian stands on Christ's right, Theodore on left united symbolically and visually - religious and political - wearing purple for Christ/emperor .. mirror 12 apostles - Justinian had right to rule by god himself - positions important: Justinian in center, left bishop maximianus, finished building of san vitale, between = church's benefactor? - bishop holds jeweled cross his importance - emperor + staff, clergy, imperial guard - 'kai ro ioda' on shield = Christ reference - leaders feet overlapping others - operlapping of bishop and emperor = balance - rigid formality, some forward movement but mostly static, no background but is gold .. setting = san vitalie? - no cast shadows


Katholikon, Byzantine -creates mystery out of combination of space & surface area -idea of mass & void = play of light & dark -undulating surface area -extremely high shouldered: narrow; forcing eye upward -looking up to divine light of heaven from windows -concave + convex surfaces throughout -some wide/open narrow openings = mimics groin/barrel vaulted ceilings -play of complex interior space -dramatic shifting perspectives - Iris is awesome.


Kaufmann House (Fallingwater) by Wright, Organic Arch. Bear Run, Penn, 1936 Weekend Retreat - natural metal, rocks, etc - fullstrip windows link inside and outside, space not mass - slant of the land, inserted parts of the house around that shape - patios: closer to nature - painted metal, but stone riverrocks


Klimt - rich patterns and molded/modeled flesh - lived period of 'good life', preoccupation with s/m, - femme fatale - unconcious, unrestrained sexuality and drive of seduction of the female


Knight, Death, and the Devil by Durer, 16th Cen N Ren - Engraving - Surface area - Stable knight, n landscape, nature is more harsh, unforgiving - dog = fidelity for christian knight representing fath, only armed with - faith - Devil in backtal in mortality - 'whole armor of god' - Monumental in mortality - 'whole armor of god' - Monumental knight - strength and proportions, insporation around same - Intense deatil - Hatching to make things fluid and gradual


La Place du Theatre Francais by Pissarro, Impressionism - 1898 oil on canvas - solid, neutral background with active, dark-accented streets - Parisian life, from overhead - like in a tall apartment? - color changes depending on who/what is moving through, affect of light and part of busy energy - sense of moetion with altered pavement colors


Lackarbeiter (Varnisher) by Sander, Transatlantic 1932 vintage silver print - Anti-Nazi, shows quiet dignity of a man and his trade - spareness = individual power - draming with dark doorway


Laila and Majnun at School, Islamic 1524-25 - part of manuscript of Khamsa of Nizami - ink, colors, gold on paper - Nizami's romantic poem illustrated here - school in mosquemore earnest aspect of life - teacher w/turban, rod in hand as youth reads aloud - around them are students supposed to be studying, traditional positions of kneeling w/raised legs - v-shaped books - front space central area, figures of Lilah and Majnun in love with each other .. coyly? - lively scene/setting - very flat, no space, like cutouts - delineated w/sharp colored shapes - cutaway parallel lines - patterns show importance of drapery`


Last Supper by Tintoretto, Venetian - didactic nature of scene - underground tavern, supernatural lighting illuminating heads - halos - oil lamp, fire in shape of wings, creates glow - smoke = angels - christ at center of table, receeds into space - impression of talking, interaction between people - heavy, hazy atmosphere, spiritual quality - solid forms melt into light and dark - limitless space - sharp angles, lines merging quickly, orthoganals? - chiarroscuro lighting


Late 19th Cen Architecture


Le Corbousier - functional living space - cities for human cultural needs - be at rest in the machine


Leger - cubism/purism, focused on the clean lines of machines - cylindrical and cube-shaped stuff was important


Les Tres Riches Heures du duc de Berry by Limbourg Brothers, Northern Ren - Book of hours replaced gospels, used for ecitation of prayers - Pages illumines, 6 pages of blah and blah - Center - office of blessed virgin, part of religious references, devotional - decentralisation of government, later afected reformation -lunettes w/chariots of sun with monthly cycles, yearly cycle - power of duke and power w/peasants - propagandistic as it pushed power of duke


Light Coming on the Plains II by O'Keeffe, Precisionism - color to intensify quality of light, which is different by place - sun rising on flat desert plain of southwest, miracle of light filling the world - few strokes on dampened paper = gives life and emotion, effect of sun rising


Lion Hunt by Rubens, Baroque-Flanders - men hunting lions along diagonal - titian red connects piece - figures falling in and out of frame, intensifies motion, violent actions - body types at angles to the planes - dramatic forces in twists/turns/contortion - swirling emotions, seed for verocity in nature, romantic era themes


Lloyd Wright - unity with nature, space - new domestic architecture, no posts and columns pls


Lord Heathfield by Reynolds, 18th cen Romanticism - Naturalism English - heavy honest face, uniform - unidealized realism/naturalism - portrait defined from background w/painted smoke, serves as backdrop pushing man forward - illusionistic backdrop w/theme of battle - holds key of the fortress = defense, supports his title - heorism - cannon in back - he was so intelligent, they didn't need canon for him to win


Ma Jolie (woman with a guitar) by Picasso, Cubism


Madonna Enthroned by Giotto, Proto-Renaissance - Love for Madonna, more naturalistic, opened background despite gold background - Representational art, weightiness, naturalism, - Sturdy mother, earthly woman w/bulk, projection w/light, very real - Thone extension of gothic cathedral w/gables, pinnacles, space as she is seated in niche


Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets by Cimabue, Proto-Renaissance - Tempura on wood - Formality of style dignifies theme presented, modeled after Byzantine examples, structural balance/background, gold accents to pull out detail to show folds, natural, 3D - deeper space to sit in, but no/little body contour - 2/3 tilt of head to viewers by lower people, more awareness/faith - Christ-child unnatural


Madonna and Child w/Angels by Fra Filippo Lippi, Italian Ren - huamnization of religious subject matter - movement throughh shape of drapery - linear style, look, very fluid composition - everything connects - model used, wordly and earthly - landscape behind, seated nxt to window - intimate memonm, showcare rekationshios - natural/realistic cupids, very mischievioys - sentuous beauty?


Madonna of the Pesaro Familiy by Titian, Venetian - Canvas inside architectural arch - Bishop Pisaro, papal fleet - successful expedition during venetian- turkish war - Madonna receiving commander, who is kneeling, soldier behind = st george? - borgia pope line - individual w/turban - turkish hostage, success of venice - st peter recording on book - st francis present, presenting rest of pissaro family members - everything diagonally-based, madonna out of center, focus on pisarro - banner gives other diagonal, balanced - courtly splendor - monumental figures - single or in groups, majesty of event itself


Madonna w/the Long Neck by Parmagianino, Mannerism - 1531 oil on wood - elegant, stylistic portrait, delicate, idealized, swaying elongated figures - allusion by Pieta, large lap w/child across lap, elongated baby lap, arm hanging, looks dead .. what is to come, sash across chest - unbalanced: people shoved into one side, empty space in other - astute form of drapery, naturalism - oddities: sparse column, figure showed into corner, curtain creates stage, opening to larger .. - girls = the cupids? - long neck matches column = medieval column = neck like ivory tower/column ? - phallic symbols? wat


Matrimonial Sarcophagus, Etruscan Cerveteri 520bce, painted terracotta - Typical way people were buried, husband and wife on top of banqueting couch, like lounge - large size interesting because nothing in it - cremation main mode, so ashes inside - cast in 4 sections - people normally buried in simple graves w/statue overhead - atypical for woman to be on couch, as so equal - antithesis of stiff tomb sculptures - all would have been painted - effort for gesturing, though legs only hinted at 'summarily' modeled, most definition in upper part of body


Madrasah and Mausoleum of Sultan Hasan, Islamic 1350s - capital moved to Egypt, build structure - madrasah = place of study .. theological college meant for study of Islamic law, large enough space for colleges, mosque, mausoleum, orphanage, hospital, stores - believed to house bath house also - buildings, scholarships, salaries, etc funded from rental properties - open central courtyard w/monumental fountain, surrounded w/iwans facing into it - behand qibla wall is mausoleum sultan hasan - entire complex very austere w/geometric clarity, contrast to elegance of ohambra - regional styles of Islamic world, diversity of world


Maesta Altarpiece by Duccio, Proto-Renaissance - tempura on wood w/scenes on both sides, 7' tall - duccio's prayer at bottom for himself, siena, siena's churches, all churches - predella raised shelf, main part of altar - madonna enthroned as queen of heaven w/throngs people around her - figures are types - more relaxation, less rigidity, softened contours/drapery, much more fluid, flow with more curves, more loose, softness of foldings - related to life of virgin, modeling of forms in images - color and texture manipulation, learn by observation, - back: scenes from life of christ, passion, ressurection and etc


Magritte - Belgium - disruption and shock value - fails to explain stuff - divorces meaning with words


Maholy-Nagy - develop a vision in motion, thinking feeling relaionship, photo and film


Making a Work w/his own Body by Shiraga, Performance Art 1955 mud - uses body to paint things in mud, includes actions like wallowing/shaping Schneemann - kinetci theatre artist - nudist, feminist, art stud club


Malevich - abstract style - supreme reality in the world that attaches to no object - new nonrelated forms pls - worked through the avant garde style - supremacy of feeling and emotion


Man and Woman in a Large Room by Diebenkorn, Abstract Expressionism


Man in the Red Turban by Jan Van Eyck, N Ren - objectified portrait, focus on what things actually look like, very careful / detail and realism, observation - leveled gaze = observation of artist into mirror - 3/4 head position, gaze seems to follow - observant face of science - VERY DETAILED: blood vessels in eyes, slight stubble, tiny wrinkles .. just wow. Done as if only by someone who knows face best > very good proof of a self-portrait


Man with a Newspaper by Magritte, Surrealism - subverted comic strip, in different segments, slight changes in perspective - quiet subversive techniques - alludes to film - Where's Waldo?


Maqsud of Kashan, Islamic 1540 - found in funerary mosque - woven in knots of wool and silk - very huge industry, weaver's name woven into design - 25 million knots, 340 per square inch - design around sunburst medallion inside dome w/16 pendants, then 2 suspended mosque lamps suspended as pendants (funerary) different sizes to create illusion from one side that they are same - blue background with leaves & flowers - total illusion of heavenly dom, like reflection in pool of water, floating lotus - blossom like designs


Maquette for Guitair by Picasso, Cubism (sculpture) cardboard, string, wire 1912 - intersection of 2D and 3D, form of guitar explored through flat planes of cardboard, cutway of view - internal and external


Marc - humans are deeply flawed, turn to animals for subject matter, more beautiful and pure - colors as a system: blue masculine, yellow feminine, red as heavy matter


Marcus Aurelius Sacrificing, High Empire - Panel from his arch of triumph, - Marcus preforming ceremony, front facade but at same time side of temple is seen - higher relief, - bottom has actual sacrifice w/high relief, detail, perspective, portraiture scene and individualism, but loses realism from closeness of figures - greek Hellenistic influence - sacrifice in center, arm doing ritualistic thing, childen playing music - cow in background?


Marilyn Diptych by Warhol, Pop Art 1962 acrylic, oil, ink enamel on canvas - 50 reproductions, half color, half b/w - colored : block color = mask-like (represents woman's persona), also the advert style = simplicity - uneven black screen printed, one smeared, other bluurs to white - black = rapid succession and film industry, other side fades out to white, she has died


Marilyn by Flack, Superrealism 1977 - alludes to traditional vanitas painting w/small mementos - reflecting mirror, transient rferences o real life


Markets of Trajan by Apollodorus - only arches really remain - commercial quarter of Trajan forum w/two floors - shops on bottom, admin on top, terraces on slopes of hill quirinal hill, power over nature - remains of 170 rooms off of groin-vaulted marketplace, provides looking into ceiling - connected by stairs, ramps, corridors, - duplicated rectangular shape over doorways w/pose in lintel, to keep structure - basic unit of taberna measurement single room/shop w/one barrel vault 'units' - doorways to allow passage of natural light - opened into hemisphere-shaped facadem would have been open streets


Mars from Todi, Etruscan 4th cen bce, 4'8" bronze - Mars as god of war - implied sense of movement but then contrived, more about hip shift from side to side rather than back to back - military attire - attempt as Polykleitias's proportions, kind of fails - high surface patina and thus play of light and shadow, shinier - would have had headpiece, inlaid eyes


Marshall Field Warehouse by Richardson, Art Nouveau: Late Architecture - 1885-1887 Chicago, one city block, later demolished - 3-part levation like Roman aqueducts/renaissance, rounded arches decreasing in size, more rapid rhythm at top - focus on weight of the building, emphasizes horizontal axis, or cornice


Mary Magdalene by Donatello, Italian Ren - wood carving - more of the impression of the soul and not physical body, emotional expressionism - emaciated, vacant-eyed hermit, closed only by own hair - physical deterioratiion of aged, sinful woman, rejection of classical form, but to capture emotional personality - deep-sunken cheeks, eyes, yet soul is what is really revitalized


Mas o Menos by Stella, Post-Painterly


Matisse - color determines image - cast shadow of complement color, makes it with completements no originals - areas are flat - uncalculated brushstrokes, focus on overall pattern


Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, Early Christian Ravenna, Italy, 425-450 - done in cruciic structure, greek cross - like extension of a square - inside barrel-vaulted arms, center = crossing tower - earliest successful fusion of 2 late antique plan - idea of entering into magical place of mosaics - transition from exterior to interior - outside - earth, inside = heaven


Mausoleum of the Samanids, Islamic Early 10th - monumental tomb, - inspired by tomb of wooden screen, covered domb, people became buried in mausoleum - baked bricks - bue shape w/slightly sloping sides - each brick shaped individually, very ornate/textured pattern, also gives rhythm - some bricks made to look like engaged columns at corners - blind arcades formed, separated by engaged colonnette - small points/squinch tradition on tops of of 'doorways'


Max Ernst - self taught, hated WW1, wrote about self in 3rd person - he died, came back as magician, talking eagle - frottage - texture w/crayon textured patterns - hallucinatory collage


May, October,January, February by Limbourg Brothers, Northern Ren October - Horse and sewer near capital, near louvre - people going about lives - cast shadows ,people persoective May - turus and gemini/w - realistic costume, domestric setting, February - Aquarius and Piisces, winter, prtection from harsh winers ,illuminate images


Meat Joy by Schneemann, Performance Art - raw fish, chickens, sausages, wet paint, plastic, rope, paper scraps - revel in feel of plucked chicken and raw meat - flesh jubilation, joy of meat, inundate all available space, small, feel of meat, fish, chicken, sausage - tactitle bodily relationships, mass of meat slices


Meat Still Life by Aersen, 16th Cen N Ren - Genre (everyday) scene - array of meats: side of hog, intestines, meat pies, animal heads, entrails, chickens. Also: fish, pretzels, cheese, butter, stragically placed moral images. - Back: Joseph leading Donkey and Mary, stops to offer alms to beggar and son, group of people going to church (vignettes) - Fish crossed = Christ - crucifixion - Pretzel - served as bread during lent - Wine - eucharist All spiritual foods - Contrasted w/life of gluttony, lust, sloth. Right: people eating, crowding, etc :l - Oyster and mussel shells - aphrodesiac - succumbing to lust


Melancholy and Mystery of a Street by De Chirico, Surrealism 1914 oil on canvas - architecture = disquieting foreboding uncertainty - WHY IS THIS LIKE THIS .. scary? - transcend appearance, take on scary air - under our reality, is another scarier reality > Nietsche


Mercenaries (IV) by Golub, Art Political Weapon 1980 acrylic on linen - tough mercenaries respond w/augustness to something said to them - red background pushes flat forms out of the plane, conrast w/green - loom over figure, we seem trapped with them in the space - white leader's skin has white scars on it, play wih the light on the guns - modeled w/harshly scraped paint look - feeling of peril, mercilessness - one with polical battles of all of our time, ready to react immediately


Merode Altarpiece by Campin, N Renaissance - humanizing prescence of a religious scene - aristrocratic, ornamental, romantic mood over sobered realism, everyday setting, religious figures without halos - left: donors - man and wife of middle class, hat off because of divinity, enclosed garden w/many flowers specifically representing purity - strawberry plants / irises - humility w/violets - center panel: annunciation theme, patron's name has to do w/'angel bringer', angel announcing to angel - mary very normal, reading, architectural scene, components of a flemish household, symbolism of theme: book, extinguished candle, lilies, basin, towels, fire screen, bench all tied to purity and mission of the virgin - luminous draping clothing, heavy folds w/light and shadow - starburst light on dress = references exact moment of conception - next to hearth = pregnant, 2 stained glass crests detailed easily seen, families who commissioned the piece - right, shrine bringer in upstairs room, joseph as carpenter making shrine, window: lots of minature detail, mousetrap essentially Jesus's trap to catch the devil, protects people in house - oil painting allowed for better blending, layers, realism, shine, intensities of color, etc


Mies Van Der Rohe - skin and bones, less is more - International style, but bauhaus


Migrant Mother, Nipomi Valley by Lange, Art as Policial, Depression 1936 Gelatin print - Young mother, looks a lot older with forms, wife of migrant worker, children cradled and looking away - emotionally neutral record of the subject, wants to stir human emotion addionally, also social documentary - emotions but subjects so that enlightened action can help


Miracle of the Loaves and Fishes, Early Christian St Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenna, 504 - Christ more distinguished in rows, large, different variations in type despite same type - jeweled cross in Christ's halo, called a 'nimbus' divinity, frontally faced, telling apostles to distribute food, despite small amt of actual food .. implied - few people laterally = more explicit - people in x, close off scenes - light/shadow on drapery - flattened perspective with feet


Model for a Glass Skyscraper by Van Der Rohe 1920-21 Berlin, glass - Glass encourages play of reflection, different effects of light and shadow - illumination of interior with massing of view from street, play of reflections - central court holds lobby, porter's room, community center, done for practicality - two cylindrical entrance shafts at ends of courts, contain elevators, stairways, bathrooms, all else transparent - glass, rhythm and patterns of horizontality and rhythm - cantilevered floor planes, supports to hold up the floors, web0like delicacy of line through glass and radiance of hitting the windos


Model for the Roof of the Olympic Stadium by Otto, Modern Arch Munich 1925 - combined concepts of temporary pavilions, using gossamer plastic membrane suspended from system of upright poles, support wires - cretes airy transparent tent-like area w/out interruption of interior supports - tension, tenative strength, new techniques of modern era, supports of homes of the nomadic gypsies


Nave, Apollinare Nuovo, Early Christian Ravenna, Italy, dedicated 450 - lots of windows, coffered ceiling, build to theodoric's persojal chapel, 3-aisle basicilica, one aisle on each side of nave, - old testament patriarch/prophets, some stories of christ's life


NeoClassicism - moral teachings - replaced derpy feelings - excavations of herculaneum and pompeii, renewed interest in classicism


Monastary Churches at Hosios Loukas, Byzantine Phocis, greece, 1040 - Focus as domed cubed - small, vertical, high-shouldered - Idea of theotokos plan, greek cross structure, equal divisions, vaulted arms, standard pendantic style - uses a squinch, octagonal structure, complex core - plan focused on center outwards - series of shapes = intricate relationship within building - exterior decorated, relief style ornamentation, light stones w/dark stones creates color contrast, comes from style of migration period art cloisonné, dark outlines light - interplay of projection and recession, voids (windows that set back inside the wall) creates energetic/dynamic surface area, like projecting rooflines, or recessed arched windows, blind/closed arcades - undulating surface area - Arcuated windows - interior catholicon - mystery out space and surface area - mass and void, play of light and dark recessions and such - high-shouldered/narrow on inside, forces eye up to follow surface area, idea of forced narrowness, divine light of heaven from up - mimicks groin/barrel-vaulted ceilings, mixing up w/pairs of windows


Mondrian - purge all external reference to outer world - pure plastic art - abstraction / cubism, focus on blah - limited etc - essential and rational, subjective vs objective


Money-Changer and his Wife by Quinten Massys, 16th Cen N Ren - exploration of styles and models - detailed, observation .. fidelity to observable facts - insight into mercantile practices - historical - netherlandic values, morés, belief systems - part of secular life, - material world - importance of moral, righteous life rather than materialism - wife w/prayer book, traditional religious symbols, wafer, candle (holy spirit), vignettes/storylines of balance between worldy existence and god's word directly - vignettes: two men talking from window - idleness, gossip :(. Convex mirror - counteracts: man reading w/church behind. - original frame : 'Let balance be just, and weights equal'. - Professional conduct as well as last judgement eventually


Monolith, Face of Half Dome, Yosemite Valley, CA by Adams, Transatlantic 1927 gelatin print - yellow filter makes slight darkness, more contract, tones of the blacks


Monument to the Third International by Tatlin, Suprematism & Constructivism Model in wood, iron, glass - monument to the soviet people - three geometrically shaped chambres, for different types of gov activity, rotate at different speeds bottom - huge glass cylinder w/lectures and meetings, revolve once per year next - cone-shaped structure, house administrative functions, rotate once per month top - cubic infocenter revolve daily, news bulletins and poclamation, instrument out to project on the clouds - open, skeletal


Moore - English - liked void, nature, over other naws - classical traditions, primitive art - hardness and solidity, flow - abstracted figures, truth beyond the physical - dealth life sexuality - death - skeletal - life - reclining female - sexuality - holes and voids




Mosque of Cordoba, Islamic 8-10th cen - individual escapred massacre in Syria, founded Uyuy Spanish period, Cordoba became capital - elaborate design w/pieces added on and on each time - high-ceiling in prayer hall, round column supports - square columns in tiers - series of red and white stones, dramatic visual effect - total of 36 peers, 514 columns topped w/double-tiered arches holding wooden roof - significance in multi-lobe style, arches into arches gives scalloped-looking or lacelike design, to defy gravity/density, floating, less bulky, opens up space for prayer - dome: octagonal on 8 arches in squinch style, accentuating organic vegetal design w/intercrossing 'ribs' - backbones to architecture, accent barrel vaults, here ribs criss-cross to create intricate pattern, like flower petal, aesthetic affect - maqsura for high-place individual, connected w/palace .. Islamic experimentation w/multi-lobed arches, even more scalloped, play off mosaics, shiny and airy


Mother of the Gracchi by Kauffmann, NeoClassicm - Swiss, 1785 - exemplum virtutis - model of virtue, roman republic - Cornelius - mother of Tiberius, Gaeus - family examples of virtues, didactic morals, these people don't get what's important - visitor showing off jewels, 'look what I have', and instead of being a derp, Cornelius mother points to her kawaii children, who will become reformers of republic. Children matter the most (aww <3) - pseudo-greco clothing, throwback style - severely roman architecture, influence of rococo on lighting, arragement of figures, tranquil manner - not a lot of frivolity


Mountains and Sea by Frankenthaler, Post-Painterly Abstraction


Mrs. Richard Brinsely Sheridan by Gainsborough, 18th cen Romanticism - Naturalism Englifg, 1785 - soft hues, feathered brushstrokes to convey lavish cloth, english beauty - English beauty - clear english complextion, darkness - contrasts w/rococo, creates 'sweetness'


Mujer Pegada Series No.2 by Neri, Art Political Weapon bronze w/canvas and enamel paint - trained as expressionist ceramicist - splashed w/vivid strokes of paint, classicism, combines painting and sculpture - contrast between bronze relief woman and ghost relief figure to right, swirling shapes around them - figures stand out on a ledge, background paineed .. deceptive as they move out of the background - a little bit of everyone - mental and emotional experience of a woman in today's world


Munch - people powerless to death and love - modern psychic life, - likes German expressionism


Musicians by de Stael, Abstract Expressionism


My Egypt by Demuth, Precisionism oil on composition board 1927 - Eshlemann and son grain elevators put down to geometric shapes, forcing image upon us? Disrupted by beams of transparent planes and diagonal forced lines that could destabilize image - expanding tech - favorable comparison to egyptian works like the giza pyramids


Nadar Raising Photography to the Height of Art by Daumier - Comical lithograph, 1862 - Humorous look at Nadar, trying to make photography an art, entitled to legal protection - prompted from a winning court case - Pun : elevation of photography's success, helping Nadar rise above Parisian photographic rooftops - References to life : Nadar was an advocate of balloon travel, took aerial photos


Nationalism (1848-1870)


Naum Gabo - Russian sculpture - new real realities - time spaceforms, builds sculpture part by part, kinetic rhythms


Netherlandish Proverbs by Bruegel, 16th Cen N Ren - so many proverbs - more than 100, detailed and clever imagery - netherlandish - birds' eye view - complexity, demands close scrutiny, teaches people how to live moral life through the proverbs. - study of human nature and condition - teaching morality


Neue Sachlich-


New York, Night by O'Keeffe, Precisionism 1929 oil on canvas - fast moving urban lifestyle, moving thoroughly and constantly - reduced all to flat planes, buildings are just rectangles, punctuation of large geo shapes with smaller ones, add rhythm and energy - counteract monolithic looming darkness of the buildings


Night Hawks by Hopper, Depression Era 1942 oil - inner space connects w/outer with the clear glass, but people feel they are separated .. not really safe at all - interplay between small figures and open empty space - indifference with each other, emptiness modern life - reminiscent of eakins and tanner - abstraction heightens mood of the scene


Night by Beckman, Neue Sachlichkeit 1918-9 oil on canvas - bound woman splayed across foreground, hands tied to poles = rape - husband being twisted, more abuse by an intruder - man kidnapping small girl - wrenching violence invading home, commentary on devolution of society with the war - angularity, roughness of texture = savagry of depiction - space : objects dislocated, contorted, space is buckled, illogical


Nigredo by Kiefer, NeoExpressionism Oil on photo fabric, acrylic emulsion, straw, shellac, relief paint - thick encrusted surface and textures - painful nazi era, feeling of despair - felt that Germany in WW2 left permanent scars on the Germans and all of humanity - latin for blackening - renaissance perspective principles - landscape not carefully cultivated, looks bleak and charred instead - incinerated landscape points to the horrors of WW2 - alchemy and idea of transformation and change - black one of 4 symbolic colors of alchemist, refers to death / molten state of chemically broken down subjects - transformation of substances, black is also renewing, from this we can rebuild - imbued w/deep symbolic meaning, deeper symbolic impact


No. 36: During the Truce Toussant is Deceived and Arrested by Leclerc. Leclerc lef Toussaint to Believe that he was Sincere. Believing that when Toussaint was out of the way, the Blacks would Surrender (No36 from the L'ouverture series) by Lawrence, Harlem Renaissance 1937-38 painting - long titles = history lesson for the young, economic slavery - portrait of Toussaint behind wall of crisscrossing swords. Carpet patterns thrust figures closer to viewer - Toussaint positioned as if he is about to jump off, alludes to his bravery and strength even though he is trapped


No.49 from the Migration of the Negro by Lawrence, Harlem Ren 1940-1 Tempera on Masonite - about migration to north, but there was still discrimination, many gov programs ignored african americans - united narrative with color palette throughout the many works - segregation of dining; whites are reading, educated, with better placemats .. blatant segregation


Noah's Ark by Douglas, Harlem Renaissance 1927 oil on Masonite - One of 7 paintings out of book of poems by James Weldon Johnson, 'God's Trombones 7 Negro Sermons in Verse' - flat plains evoke sense of mystical space and miraaculous happenings, also sort of cubist - unmodulated color shapes cuts out 3dimensional shapes, range from long downwards rays to horizontalish rays, come out of circular section = sun, crossing divine light - patterns: wavy lines create sea and sky, more straight lines = ladders, boats, suggests space w/different sizes and proportions - cubism's formalism expresses religious visions


Nocturne in Black and Gold (The Falling Rocket) by Whistler, Impressionism - 1875 oil on canvas - Anything is what you see, movement of falling rocket, lots of color and such, excitement


Nora by Em, Video and Digital Imagry CGI photo 1979 - surrealistic dreamscape - draws into coners and crevices, loke looking through tubes, very geometric - manipulation of computer images


Notre Dame du Haut by Le Courbusier, Modernist Architecture Ronchamp, France 1950-55 - replacing church destroyed in WW2 - intimacy w/stark heavy walls, illumination .. gives aura of sacred cave / medieval monastary - jeweled tones in deeply recessed windows, but by thick heavy wall w/pulpit - looks free-form on outsiide, but based on medieval mathematical system - contains frame of steel, metal mesh, concrete sprayed white - colored niches, unpainted on top so it darkens naturally over time - roof slightly elevated above wall, like it floats freely over the sanctuary - dove, ship, etc.. very common shape - new interpretation of sacred beliefs, natural environment


Nude by Weston, Transatlantic Dialogues 1925 platinum print - simplistic form, section of body, almost like geography, landscape stting .. almost abstract


Nymph and Satyr by Clodion, Rococo - 1775, - small terra cotta sculpture - small lively sculpture combined rococo fantasy w/echos of figural dynamic groupings - open sculpture because of all of the planal limbs - drama and activity - erotic playful qualities of fragonard - sensual exhilariation tempered in smaller scale, also by medium/material


O'Keeffe - color shape and texture, identifiable forms out of context - fills space of the canvas - skulls and flowers - more simple forms, inspired by instinct - flower vaginas, sexual, feminist


Oath of the Horatii by David, NEoclassicm - 1784 - Horatii decided to solve problems w/representations of 3 guys from each family - opposite sides, all related even in way of solving war .. - horatii koratii - 3 guys fidelity of roman state by holding three swords, pledging to it, statuesque - model figures like relief sculptures - architecture of background like a curtain - women are soft and curvalinear, wives and mothers - despair at husbands' excitement to die for the state - contrast of emotion - love sorrow despair vs courage patriotism loyaly - children in back as part of sacrifice actually his only second son .. - diagonal light beam adaquately illuminates - colors carry through the scene to create unity - became voice of revolution


Object (Le Dejeuner en Fourrure) by Oppenheim, Surrealism fur-covered cup, 1936 - incongruity, humor, visual appeal, and eroticism - anthromorphic - quirky - alchemy w/mysterican trandormatiion - sensuality and eroticism, seductive, soft, tactile fur, lining a concave cirve



1871-1958 Worked wit fauves briefly. Paintings were filled with pain and suffering. "The Old King"

Old St.Peter's, Early Christian 333 ce, original burned down (timber) - Constantine built this on edge of Rome, to not interfere w/pagan religion, build where Peter 1st apostle was buried - churches emerged, could house 3-4,000 followers at once, axially aligned, high podium, propaliaum/gate leading into main atrium, narthex into actual church - knave and transcept, knave = long part 300 ft w/aisles, clerestory windows, hypo-style hall, sticking out transcept at end, represents cross eventually. To house relics of the saints. Aps at end where main prayer happened - austere brick walls, no ext sculpture, decorations on inside


One Man Show at the Green Gallery by Oldenburg, Pop Art New York, 1962 - art as a commodity in normal society, all things turned to art, dramatized


One and Three Chairs by Kosuth, Conceptual Art - picture of chair, chair, definition of chair - what constitutes chairness? - expressionist composition in idea, forms only devices in service of the idea - chairness through the things, it is the idea


Organic Architecture - against mechanization - natural materials yey


Orion by Vasarely, Post-Painterly Abstraction 1956 paper on paper mounted on wood - creates order to massed shapes, do not seem to lie flat on canvas, creates sense of movement - darkening or lightening of color through contrast makes shapes look smaller or larger - circles, squares of color create larger geometric shapes - colors shift from warm to cold hues, promotes a sense of movement - same basic shape replicated in different position = optical illusion of movement


Oval Sculpture (No.2) by Hepworth, Organic Sculpture 1943 plaster cast - pierced object in 4 places, defined with smooth holes in the plaster - express sense of eternity's timelessness - landscape defined by form and void


Painting by Miro, Surrealism 1933 oil on canvas - scatter collage composition, fragments on machines, used to become free open shapes, motifs flow


Palace of the Lions, Islamic 1354ish - 'the red' it was called - rose colored stones - became city w/40,000 people - named for courtyard fountain w/marble lions carryong water basin - rare freestanding stone structure - residence of Muhammad 5th - to carry a lot of avish stuff - carry image of paradise - elaborate elegant stucco design to dematerialize density of walls - columns accentuate idea of more void, less mass


Palazzetto Dello Sport by Luigi and Nervi, Modernism Arch - Rhythm through


Palazzo Medici-Riccardi by Bartolommeo - boom of palace-building - heavy cornice line, solid and fortress-like - focus on 3 registers on facade, descending height - rough stone on bottom, clear-cut near top - arches relief around windows - built around open-colonnaded courtyard


Palazzo Rucellai by Alberti, Italian Ren - shell over preexisting buildins based on classical study - 3 levels of peers w/capitals, flattened. Tuscan orders - composite ionic flutes w/acanthus 2rd level - top = corinthian - 3 registers, heavy entablature, rect flat structures emphasize flatness - rhythm in building - pattern - floor to top plasters


Palazzo del Te by Romano, Mannerism - stud farm/ summer palace - entire building faces inner courtyard - 2 registers, inconsistency, round rectangular real fake niches columns, architraves .. etc - elements try to hold up triglyphs, look like falling - keystones maintain archway - humor - dear of following, creepy faces


Pantheon by Soufflot, Neoclassicism - temple-front facade on a high podium, smooth plain walls set for ornamentation w/garlands, dome fashioned after tempietto, drum and collonade match - central greek cross, interior w/freestanding columns - classical elements plus present design, pastiche looks


Pantheon, High Empire - temple of all gods - Hadrian may have actually helped w/this - quintessential use of concrete, everything fashioned off of dome, 142" diameter, perfect spherical shape - facade corinthian columns,


Pantocrator with Virgin, Byzantine Montrale, Sicily, 1180-1190 - Menacing Christ in vault, alludes to Norman king William II kingly power - Challenge to those who may dispute his right - Basilica-planned church, ceiling painted in gold, looms down - Sense of wisdom, iconographic position, as judge - folds slightly patterned yet realism? - Dimensions to neck, more naturalism in folds of skin - hieratic scale below him, virgin Mary & Christ, enthroned below w/archangels and twelve apostles, symmetrical - below popes, saints, bishops, etc


Parting of Lot and Abraham, Early Christian Sta Maria Magiore, Rome, 432-440 - dedicated to Virgin Mary, 'mother of god' or 'theotokos' - Abraham and nephew lot, lot leads his people to right Sodom, Abraham leads to Canaan, Christian church. - lot's instruments of evil - two daughters - Abraham's instrument of good - prefiguration of Christ, 'good'. - Significant tech of separation, cluster of heads behind - wide eyes, broad gestures w/large hands, opposing movements - silent but dramatic actions taking place, simplified motion of late antiquity roman art - figures solid, massive, done w/ cast shadows, models in dark and light


Passion of Sacco and Vanzetti by Shahn, 1931 tempera - narrow - compression of time - two men at base of painting, chaired by head of Harvard pres, approved trial and exectures - webster thayer, original sentence - grey faces - stylized masklike faces, mocks piety of mourning - angled, flat mask-faces .. mocking piety


Pastoral Symphony by Giorgione, Venetian - dense shadows in background - make figures emerge softly out of the shadow, hazy darkness, shadowed background - theme of nude women w/clothed men in landscape setting w/shepherd in background - distance : villa on hillside - evokes pastoral mood w/shepherd as poet, pipes and lute = poetry, 2 women actually invisible muses, Georgione's poetry - getting water - well of poetic inspiration - modeling through shadows, voluptuous women = abundancy of poetry, nature - lost but unforgotten paradise


Pazzi Chapel by Brunelleschi, ITalian Ren - plan done mathematically - circle in center, semicircular sides - square/rectangular bases - white w/ornamentation pietra serena on inside - balance and symmetry w/geometry - dual archways opposite each other, with 2 barrel vaults, typanum matching archways - power to withold walls - medalions match in parallels, englazed terracotta relief - 12 apostles in panels - dome 4 evangelists, ribbing


Peacock Skirt, Oscar Wilde's Salomé by Beardsley, Art Nouveau - pen and ink illustration for Wilde's Solemnet? - Japanese print-inspired, vanishes realism with only lines and patterns of black and white, zero sense of shading - tense but elastic line stretched around figure, gives contour, sweeping curvlinear shape very flat along surface - some blank empty space, some swirling elaborated designs, - rhythm : calligraphy writing - 'art for art's sake'


Persistence of Memory by Dali, Surrealism 1931 oil - time has completely stopped, end of the world - amorphous figure, decaying pocket watch, melting clocks, things decaying over time, altering their forms and your memories - boschian - sharp, crisply-outlined objects yet what the duck are these things - this movie wasn't even bad, just take a look on what Japan has done


Philadelphia Savings Fund Society Building by Howe, International Style Philadelphia, 1931 - Horizontal style with ribbon windows, clean geometric planes, function serving its person, cubic volume of space, urban corporate business - elevator expands to go higher and higer


Piazza d'Italia by Moore, Postmodern Arch New Orleans, 1974 - built as cultural center for Alabama's Italians, set to oppose hightower apartments - reach through 3 gateways, all lead to open circular area partially formed w/short sections of collonades arranged in arcs - direct eye to focal point exedra, recessed area on raised platform available for festivities on St Joseph's day, religious and cultural - pavement inlaid w/map of italy that centralizes Sicily - map's boot geographically leads to Alps mountains - similar to roman forum - geometric figures from renaissance - mannerist influences w/fragments - baroque influences w/illusionistic piazza design - all gateways/collonades are classical w/whimsy modification - stainless steel columns and capitals are modern - neon collars around column necks, frame parts of exedra - symbolic historical geographic illusions, obscurity


Picasso - moved from sober realism to impressionism to a blue period to a rose period - influences from spain - lot of styles and mediums - shapes based on geometry, dissolved things into basic forms - african masks


Pioneer Days and Early Settlers by Benton, Regionalism 1936 mulralistic Missourish - scenes of 'Murica, like trading in whiskey .. etc, glorified midwestern life, distorted aims - sense of pride, criticizes past, rubbery figures


Plan of Umayyad Palace, Islamic Msatta, Jordan, 740 - from acquired territories, rural areas, owners wealth portrayed - country palace - walls, towers - high walls for safety from nomadic tribes, also for safety - mosque inside, separated w/courtyards - some advanced bathing facility w/heating systems, also political connections - decorative ornamentation


Pompidou National Center of Art and Culture (Beaubourg) by Rogers & Piano, PostModern Arch - focus on metabolism, color ties to function of the part, red = control movement of people, green = water, blue = air conditioning ducts, yellow = electricity .. everything metabolic, like factory, - more maintenance needed because everyhing is exposed


Portinari Altarpiece (Triptych) by Hugo Van Der Goes, Norther Ren - discontent of religious apathy - oil on wood - italian ship owner, contractor for medici, different family members - realistic, detailed landscape - truth in landscape - symbolic architecture, northern landscape - allusion to suffering over birth - mary kneeling on tilted ground, slight aerial view - flower/iris - leaves blades pointing up at mary, like she is being stabbed - columbine symbolic of sorrows of mary - sheath of wheat - bethlehelm and eucharist - 15 total angels - 15 joys of mary, figures contrast = homely and divine, wonder piety, curiosity - hearth = king david christ jewish position, revived medieval pictoral devices - flight to egypt, annunciation, arrival of magi, all in background scene - sizes relate to individual importances - common humanity - divine and holy images


Portland Building by Graves - reinforced focus on horizontal over vertical - echoes square shape in windows , takes main square building, recesses back space of base level - vertical windows tie together 7 stories of facades, support capital-like hoods on top on opposite facades - frieze of stylized baroque vandals, - huge painted keystone relief on upper levels, define penthouse naws - surface more mural-like - symbolically refers to temple


Portrait of Paul Revere by Copley, 18th cen romanticism - American naturalism - direct and faithful to visuual fact, also represents plainness of Americans, contrasts w/other type of portraiture - clear - contours of body - red forces eyes into his, very direct portrait, reflections = care of dedication to depiction


Portrait of a Roman General, Roman Republic Sanctuary of Hercules, marble 6'2" - Example of head on greek body - very heroic? though patrician seems to be covering self up some modesty, leaning on a cuirass (breastplate armour) which also represents rank - stern face, lined


Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood - free of tired, artificiality, after Raphael's paintings - historical, imaginitive, fantasy - distaste for realistic horrible industrial work - led by Millais - poet of meticulous detailBrotherhood


Precisionism - fascination of machine's precision, and its prescence in the daily life - cubism - more machine age


Primavera by Botticelli, Italian Ren - Neoplatonist and esoteric references to classicism - Esoteric references - Classical allusions reference Christianity - two natures to venus - terrestrial human love side, one celestial love side (universal) - Venus equated to virgin mary - Venus figure in arch of trees, - Medici apples on background trees, lush = fertility - flanked by Flora roman goddess flowers and fertility, three graces/musees - above venus = cupid, aiming at graces - zephyr = wind god - chloris being blown on, flowers starting to grow from mouth - left: messenger mercury, snake-wrapped wand, twisting to create clouds overhead, sign of May, looking to turn into summer - venus in contemporary clothing w/marriage wreath on head - terrestrial earthly nature, presiding over love - cupid = romantic desire, inspiration - rich quality of season, but also rich rebirth of classical era in humanist condition - flora : sexual overtones, sex and birth


Procession, Roman Early Empire Ara Pacis Augustae marble - August, family, other politicians, in civil procession - All figures in toga attire, look the same - Individualized faces from bust portraiture - Recession into space, layering of people, garmets undercut to promote realsim w/light and shadow, - Children present, being 'kids', promotes family - 'moral examplar'


Public Enemy by Hammons, Art as Politcal Weapon 1191 photographs, balloons, sandbags, gus, etc - autumn leaves on the floor, spread helium balloons, each touch the viewer as they move around room .. confrontational - something about the concept of using multiple senses to do things - teddy roosevelt standing triumphantly on a horse, black and native american stand besides him as the lower - sandbags around w/guns pointing at center .. reference to heroid sculpture .. crush stereotypes


Pulpit of Pisa Cathedral by Nicola Pisano, Proto-Renaissance -15', more architecutal work, sculpture on inside - Nicola Pisano exposed to pulpits, marble reliefs, so piece was open pulpit hah - Medieval tradition/techniques: trilobed arches like in Doge's Palace, lions supporting columns - Classical tradition/techs: large bushy capitals, rounded not pointed arches, large rectangular relief panels, like roman sarcophagi


Quattro Santi Coronati by Nanni Di Banco, Italian Ren - Or San Michele cathedral - originally meant to be viewed from outside inside - group of sculptors, masons, etc w/classical attire and serious folding - controppasto pose, protruding - feet project out, begin to enter viewer's space, integration of human figures in space, monumental size .. saved w/semicircular positioning - entire section carved into space itself - individuality - right: open mouth = speaking, other pointing, 2 listening/pondering .. psychological linking of characters - reduced incised shrunken columns, really miniscule, changing - humanism and roman form, intensity of saints reverts back to earlier portrayal - imperial portraiture


Rape (Abduction) of Sabine Women by Bologna, Mannerism - sculptural, marble, 13' - intertwined figures, release of emotion, sculpted in true anatomy - alludes to mythological, but very realistic - on central axis - spins around one point - cylindrical space - negative space important as solid mass - 1st large scale since classical era


Reclining Figure by Moore, ORganic Sculpture 1939 elm wood - subtractive, earth-worn - caverns and caves, hole connects sides makes it 3D-ish - Organic, fluid, line to outline figure - powerful earth-mother - undulating lines, hollows, energy - physical and psychological state of the woman, dignity - reduced to skeletal bones-ish, erosion of rocks and geological forms


Red, Blue, Green by Kelly, Post-Painterly Abstraction


Reitveld - De Stijl furnishings - new architecture is anti-cubic, doesn't want to contain, but explode


Revivalist Architecture


Rise of Romanticism - John Locke - all man is born in chains yo - if we want the most intense emotion, we need pain and danger - sublim mysticism - pretty - feelings > reason - baroque idealsm - violence and nature - revival of all earlier styles - :v


Rise of the Avant-Garde : Symbolism - free imagination fantasy world - facts of realism considered trivial, should be translated into an experience - symbolists felt that world to be converted - too much materialism, purge art of all utilitarianism - aesthetic sensitivity - art, for art's sake! - exoteric, dreamlike, fantastical, etc


Robie House by Wright, Organic Arch. Chicago, Illinois, 1907 Also Prarie style by sweeping horizontals, long land - space articulated with large areas, all things grouped around central fireplace, opens into two rooms, open space - enclose patios with overhanging roofs, open view out, open, space in motion


Rodin - realist - unconventional structures, all sides


Room 78 of Domus Aurea, Intricate Golden House, Nero Rome, 64-68 ce - All walls painted austere white, filled in w/nature motifs, birds, sea creatures, landscapes framed in center, frame painted around them - To look like views through walls.


Rossetti - literal and biblical themes - ethereal beauty of women - victorian prettiness with sensual allure


Rouault - fauvism or expressionism - considered too srs for fauvism - religious undertones in everything, catholic severity - stained glass windows much - judges are most corrupt




Rue Transnonian by Daumier, 19th cen Realism - 1834 lithograph print - Lyon street : workers at a protest, unknown sniper kills important guard, sniper from inside a civilian building, guard massacres everyone inside - depictions of quiet aftermath of death - artistic bias toward facts as subject - rough and spontaneous - pictorical manner, focused on impact - Lighting highlights man : seriousness of death, blood illuminated


S.O.S - Starification Object Series by Wilke, Art as political Weapon - 10 b/w photos w/15 chewing gum sculptures - trugger readings metaphorical and real, stereotypical and unique, erotic and disconcerting, pleasure and pain - topless in variety of poses - some seductive, others confrontational - body decorated w/pieces of chewed gum shaped into vulvas - alludes to female pleasure but also scars and pain - hoped women would take control of and have pride of the human body in own terms


Sacrifice of Isaac by Brunelleschi, Italian Ren - Giovanni Pissano emotional agitation - presented as lunging at son as he has finally decided, exposes throat to knife, very energetic - lunging figure of angel to stop father from sacficing, equal energy - faithful interpretation of narrative - space not used that well, 2 different scenes kind of awkward - pop out of frame, fit not too good.


Sacrifice of Isaac by Ghiberti, Italian Ren - good golsmithery, very good/better use of space, incision of detail, more realistic spacial illusion - grace/smoothness of piece - gothic s-shaped curved - curved father, still unsure of what to do - isaac - classicizing nude, curved body, super dramatic, almost sort of hellenistic - deep interest in muscular system and movement w/body - placed on podium - antique model, acanthus scroll - classical reference, increasing idea of humanism, greco-roman techniques - rocky emergent landscape, diagonal split of 2 scenes, more naturalistic division - space w/recession and projection - cast in 2 pieces, lighter design impervious to weathering - less overtly emotional, more unified, spacial illusion



18th century English artist whose prints often depicted popular culture, ex. Beer Lane and Gin Street, Betheleham Royal Hosp/Bedlam, etc. Great insight into social conditions at all levels.

Saint Francis Altarpiece by Berlinghieri, Maniera Greca - 1235 tempura on wood, earliest known signed/dated painting of St.Francis - Franciscan order - everyone join in his sect, wear his look - shows off stigmata/wounds in hands and feet - like christ's wounds -flanked by 2 angels in byzantine style, frontal style, lack modeling, halo -gold leaf emphasizes flatness, flat style -other scenes suggest byzantine illuminated manuscripts, - right: preaching to birds, believed that Francis could talk to animals through connection w/God, stippling tech in mountains/birds, used to make appear as if plants are twinkling -philosophy, be closer to god through nature -upper right: receiving wounds from angels from christ, role of religious order, allieviate suffering of mankind -believed in simplicity, not fall pray to material goods, so francis went around nude everywhere herp derp -flattened space, strict frontality, very flat but livened w/stippling, emotional resonance, narratives contrast rigid form of francis w/action


Saint James Led to Martyrdom by Mantegna, Italian Ren - condemned saint stopping to bless a man, despite on way to own excecution - not narrative .. historical authenticity - worm's eye view perspective, lines plunge down dramatically, extreme perspective - 3rd vanishing point make up for disorganization - diagonal lines point to st james - figures blocked by banner - barrel vaulted ceiling, orthogonals


Samnite House, Incrustation Herculaneum 2nd cen bce - Each panel rectangular each in different colors, some supposed to be textured vs smooth, veined - Polychrome, different sectional colors - Dematerializing tech to split up walls (no windows), texture and variety


San Francesco by Alberti, Italian Ren - love of classical learning, neo-pagan style architecture created, built as shrine for scholars, and one mistress? - 3 recesssed arches - triumphant arch - arched window at top - doorway built out from building - rounded elements, reduced medalions, - columns over peers, illusion to sculptura look of triumphant arches - flat sharply projecting entablature, rythm, calls past


San Giorgio Maggiore by Palladio, Venetian - drmatically placed - spacing - short aisles, huge nave, play on rationale - red-brick building, white facade, unified - superposes roman facade onto building behind, order of the 3 panels - mixes triangular pediments w/triangular and rectangular other stuff - play light and shadow - reflection hits water, division of blues of sea and sky


San Vitale, Byzantine Ravenna, 526ish - Built to honor St Vitalus who was martyred - Shape of particular piece polygonal - floorplan two concentric octagons - building not axially aligned, probably because of turned narthex - octagonal dome on top, angular - clerestory lighting significance - central space defined by peers alternating w/curved column excedra pushes out to amulatory area, intricate floral design - two-story ambulatory - corss-vaulted choir in front of apse for more stability - off axis placement because everything covered in mosaic and marble - arches over arches, curved flattened space, lightened interior, theme of holy ratification of right to rule - Christ sitting on orb of world in one mosaic - most images have carved floral motifs abstract capitals - images of horses = simplified stylized animal - christ's redemption of humanity, and the eucharist - segregation orthodox tradition - placement relating w/ eucharist


San Zaccaria Altarpiece by Bellini, Venetian - Madonnas in half-length, large altarpiece - holy conversation, refined compositional elements - virgin w/child in center - st peter w/key and book - st catherine - palm and wheel - st jerome - just book translation bible - angel playing viol in center, placed inside of a shrine, peeks out to outdoor lighting - architecture receeding into architecture, creates apse behind flat wall, frames scene -serenity created with colors, little interaction between figures, lines dissolve, atmospheric haziness, like sfumato - play on depth of space - floor = recession into space


Sanctuary of Fortuna Primegenia, Roman Republic Palestrina, 120-180bce - Primegenia = goddess of fortune - 7 terraces, ends w/tholos of ascending triangle, very theatrical inspired by Hellenistic area - open and commerical, early shopping mall? - concrete barrel vaults used to support terrage - covered upwards walkways - symbol of roman power and ability to subjugate entire mountainside, rational order - First full-blown manifestation of Roman imperial spirit - also shows use of roman-created concrete


Sander - occupation of the ages - portrait photos, human archetypes of character


Sant Andrea by Alberti, ITalian ren - playing with eyes so looks taller than is wide, top rounded piece - blending of 2 subjects - temple-front facade plus triumphant arch - floor to ceiling plasters, sits on pedastles .. unifies registers up - 3 pattern, though central more empahsized - emphasized veerticality, deep entrance w/fronal arches - pediment creates heavy crowning element - plan latin cross sytle, alternating columns (coffered building) - huge peers - lighting - use of recuced medalions again


Sant' Apollinare in Classe, Byzantine Ravenna 533 - Christian architectural layout basic, 3 aiisle basilica - apse have mosaics - large medallion w/ cross, transfiguration of Christ, just above small hand of god - whole image symbolizes death but specifically the saint - 2 figures above 'moses and elijah' appear before him during transfiguration, sheep below - 3 disciples - lambs = martyrdom, martyred apostles - imitates Christ, triumph over death - higeratic concept like hierarchy, prayer for salvation - orunt position of prayer - center of field of green - earth (palms = paradaise) lilies = resurrection - lateral, no 3D - avoid material world


Santo Spirito by Brunelleschi, Italian Ren - Little chapels originally on ends of huge cross made by nave and transept - build first to have solid wall - converted front to have 3 entrance doors - 1:4 ratio - flat ceiling, cofferened - very rounded arches - open, continuous space - floor accentuates module system w/squares in marble - aisles make it feel central plan church - shallow dome in vaults - 'cold', focued on math


Saraband by Louis, Post-Painterly Abstraction


Taj Mahal, Islamic 1600s - Most famous mosoleum, metaphor for paradais and throne of God, built as a memorial to sultan's wife - Massive cubical structure deferred w/ techs - cream-colored marble makes it more weightless, as does elevation on platform - paper-thin walls and translucent ties together elements w/reflecting pools - sweeping upward movement to dome on top, balloon shaped - minarets stabilize it, contrast to 'floating' image - perfectly symmetrical - walls originally inlaid with jewels - writing, organic designs on outside, inlaid everything - light and shadow play


Sarcophagus of Junius Bassus, Early Christian Grottoes of Saint Peter, Vatican, Rome 359 CE 4 feet by 8 feet • Junius Bassus - a Roman official who, according to an inscription on the sarcophagus, was "newly baptized" and died on August 25, 359, at age 42 • Front panel - two registers divided by columns into spaces of equal width. • Top level columns have an entablature with the inscription on it • Bottom register has columns supporting alternately rounded and triangular gables • Fragments of furniture, architecture, and foliage earthly scene • Center of both registers = columns carved with putti that are producing wine, that frame a triumphant Christ. • Upper register - a teacher philosopher flanked by Saint Peter and Saint Paul. Reference to pagan past Christ has his foot on Aeolus, the god of winds, who has a veil billowing behind him. Aeolus is a personification of the sky so Christ is therefore in heaven and dispensing Christian law to his disciples • Imitation of God dispensing the Law to Moses • Bottom register - Jesus makes triumphal entry into Jerusalem


Schroder House by Rietveld, De Stijl Utrech, the Netherlands 1924 - connection of house with nture - sliding paritions on top look like cube, but they are more plastic - walls can slide - shifting quality on the outside - rooflines, balconies .. create free-floating walls, planes can project out further - everything separated by beams of color - inside - walls and furnitrue model it - LIVE INSIDE MONDRIAN


Seagram Building by Van Der Rohe & Johnson, Modernism Arch - innovations for modern arch, steel frame, cantilevered floors .. central core for utilities - verticl thoroughfair for stairs - ribbon windows folloe envire building - tower rises off groun on stilts - recressed lobby of glass - topheavy, open glass walls - form follows function, geo progression -less is more - hiding skeletal structure through use of more windows, different , overall structuality


Sears Tower by Skidmore, Owings, and Merrill, Modernism Arch Chicago - builders were part of a firm, simple rectilinear glass-sheathed buildings - 9 clustered tube tower, can support 12,000 workers, shoot to the sky, 110 stories - black aluminum w/smoked glass creates intimidating feel .. provides city w/imposing image that corporation tried to project


Self-Portrait by Vigee-Lebrun, Naturalism 18th cen - curvalinear forms like rococo painters, still heavily deviates - Strong Independent French Woman who don't need no Man - own work helps her carve her role in society - painting Marie Antoinetter, portrait that gave her world reknown - intimacy in expression, will equal Gainsborough, really powerful, - independence and self-reliance - clothing reflects her well-do


Selmiye Cami, Islamic by Sinan the Great 1500s - described as Earthly squareness of gathering place of faithful under canopy of eternity - dome w/minarets to resemble canopy - open area so that mihrab can be seen from anywhere - offset by pencil-shaped minarets - mosque had lots of annexes, libraries, schools, hospices, bath houses, markets, cemetaries, etc - Mausoleum for sultan who funded mosque? - utilitarian buildings around mosque, most laterally aligned - nature part of architecture - preceeded w/rectangular court - height of dome to surpass hagia Sophia - more illumination, seems to have glowing light - plan fuses octagon w/square, formed with 8 massive dome supports, covered by halfdome covered squares, fluidity of geometric volumes, unification of space - building as climax to ottoman architecture


Seville, Spain by Cartier-Bresson, Transatlantic Gelatin silver print 1932 - joy and easiness of children amidst damage (framing with broken hole, rubble) even disabled - gathering tensions and threads of life amidst war, but also after with resiliance of the children


Shahn - photographicish pictures - lives of ordinary people - impersonal alienation of society - 23 paintings and prints - Nicolo Saccho, Venzetti - synthetic cubism and commerical art - sharp, dry, angular formss


Shop Block, Bauhaus by Gropius, Bauhaus 1925-30 - wings large, off apartment buildings, arrached with bridge, house of administrative offices - skeleton of reinforced concrete - sheath entire building in glass, sleekness - interior economy of space, freeflowing and undivided - based on cubic shape, classical purity, outer space


Short History of Modernist Painting by Tansey, Postmodern and Critique - glass window = renaissance, looking at life through window - man hitting himself against wall = modernist formalism - chicken looking at self in mirror = postmodernist


Sir Joshua Reynolds - English naturalism romanticism - nationalism and whatnot - attention to appearance w/dramatic pose plus expression


Sixth Avenue and 30th street by Sloan, Transatlantic Artistic Dialogues 1907 oil on canvas - area of poverty and brothels, scene bordered with storefronts/apartments, and railroad tracks, forefront of society - woman in shabby dress - drunkard with bucket of beer, stared at by well-dressed prostitutes, who are stared at by two men - ally of reformers, who viewed streetwalkers as victims of social derping, kind of like realism of city life


Sleeping Gypsy by Rousseau, Symbolism - 1897 oil on canvas - art of dream or fantasy world - desert world of silence and secrets, full moon - vulnerable sleeping self - menacing stuffed animal lion


Soothsayer's Recompense by De Chirico, Surrealism 1913 oil - disquieting, sculpture is a woman? Wat? Also, train moves through background, cuts through the still time - more stark quietness, mysteriousness, etc ..


Spiral Jetty by Smthson, Site-Specific Great Salt lake, - enduring power of nature, mans's ability o - land itself, immobile earthcquake - the reality of time is inaccessi - changes w/lew see 3333


Spirit of the Dead Watching by Gaugin, Post Impressionism -1892 oil on burlap on canvas - simple linear pattern, spaces of flat color, flattened figures suggests typed Egyption canon


Spoils from the Temple in Jerusalem, Roman Early Empire - from Arch of Titus - Illusionistic art, looks like procession of figures going through arch, levels of relief, heads missing too high relief - parade down sacred way after conquest in Judea


Tambo by Edwards, Art as Political Weapon 'found' metalwwapons, 1993 welded steel - refer to the historical act over time, memory of oppression - continuing contemporary stuggle for rights - some are specifically from Watt's riot, makes people stand and reflect on society, look at what each object stand for


St Michael the Archangel, Byzantine early 6th, ivory • Early 6th Century • Made of ivory • 17 inches by 5.5 inches • Persistence of classical art • Diptych • Old classical style but new subject matter • Patron of the Hagia Sophia • Cross over an orb world dominance and power of Christianity over the world • Cross = Christianity • Orb = World • Offering to the Byzantine emperor • Feathers on the wings are denoted by incised lines • Flattened feet, just like those in the Miracle of the Loaves and the Fishes • Idealized face with coiffured hair • The halo is actually a shell, and a crucifix is above his head • Represents status as absolute divine monarch • Whole piece is more flattened • The figure is over proportioned and seems to dwarf the architectural setting • Spatial ambiguity doesn't detract from the overall epic beauty • Rejects the standard three dimensional goal of a model figure placed firmly on the ground. The figure actually seems to float


St Peter's by Michelangelo Plan, High Ren


St. George by Donatello, Italian Ren - proud, idealistic man, individualised st George in armor - bold firmness, erect concentrated pose - slightly contorted position, readiness and challenge, ready to fight and win, intensity


St. Lucy Altarpiece by Veneziano, Italian Ren - pastels = blond palate - composition of sacred individuals, not typically together because of different time frames - imagine their conversations - madonna/child, st francis, st john the baptist, st lucy, - opulent setting, elongation yet individualized, very solid/weighty - solemn dignity - detatchment between mother and child - indoor setting opened to outside/outdoors - pointed gothic arches, groin vaulted - ceiling open to sky, natural sunlight, atmospheric luminosity, less severe modeling


St. Mark by Donatello, Italian Ren - Inside of niche, sculpture, 7'9" - fundamental step to depicting motion w/overemphasis of controppasto in figure, more fludity and ponderation - anticipation as if he could really step forward - drapery gives off impression of movement - independent of architectural setting, like moving outside of niche - folds irregular and not stylized, sense of fabric weights - bearded - aging wisdom, classic portrature - not in the round, not finished in back


Staircase in the Van Eetvelde House by Horta, Art Nouveau - Belgium 1895 - Details - have organic living quality - furniture, drapery folds, veined stoned paneling, patterns on door moldings - join with real plants to give graceful extensions to twining plant theme - real plants interspersed with metalic tendrils, curls .. adds metalic organic plants - railings : more twining plant forms, curved designs - ceiling : glass dome tracery made to look like plant life, grow into central pendant - decorative and organic


Stereo Styles by Simpson, Art as Political Weapon 1988 mixed-media installation prints, 10 engraved plastic plaques - question the association of stereotypes, especially w/judgement of people.. even just based on hairstyle - social class system - scholars say there are statements about self in the society


Stieglitz - early 20th century photography - started new york art gallery, photographed everything - straightforward, direct photographs - a lot of photographs of the environment, arrangement of components


Still life in Studio by Daguerre, Beginnings of Photography -Dagguereotype creats tones -diff objects/ diff textures (tableau) -inspired by vanitas paintings -sculpturesque


Stone Frieze, Islamic Mshatta Palace, 743 - most molded, stone carved frieze - triangle w/encarved rosettes, very curvilinear, dense carved vegetal


Strawberry Hill by Walpole, Gothic Romanticism - remodel of a villa, 1749-1777 - sense of chivalry, like a castle w/turrets, battlements, galleries, corridors, etc .. crenellations - squarish cutouts - big windows w/panes of glass, gaudy interior, stucco ceiling - tudor style hallway ceiling - niches inside are sculptural but with paintings, like Versailles


Study After Velasquez's Portrait of Pope Innocent X by Bacon, Postwar Expressionism


Sullivan - 1st truly modern architect - 'tall buildings' using latest techs - light-filled buildings with ornate embellishments - refinement and taste


Supermarket Shopper by Hanson, Supperrealism 1970 poluester resin, steretuypicals - resignation, loneliness, fascinating idiosyncrasies of time - loneliness


Suprematism and Constructivism - utopian ideals - art's ability to improve society and all factions and whatnon - Centred in Russia


Suprematist Composition, Airplane Flying by Malevich, Suprematism & Constructivism oil on canvas 1914 - basic form of nonobjective art in conjuction with straight lines and rectangles, shapes floating against and within white space = dynamic relationships between forms - universality and purity


Surrealism - amorphic figures - reality painted in intense way that is almost unreal - abstract art? - Automatism


Surrounded Islands by Christo, Site specific - temporarily acxrions - small maa - lot of money - pocets of , tur blsck verus o - b vs pi- - differejt highsk dd


Sydney Opera House by Utzon, Modernism Architecture - creates graceful curvature of Guggeneim museum, shaped in 2 clusters of concrete sells rising off of huge platforms - inspired by meso-america, ogoval vaults - suggests bouyancy of seabird wings to new depths - harbor's bedrock to support entire building - civic pride, used as a cultural center


Synagogue at Dura-Euopos, Judaism 245-256, tempura on plaster - old testament scenes - extensive bibilic paintings - private house converted to synagogue - defies second commandment of making graven images, but didn't worship idols/deity sculpture, were able to paint walls and manuscripts - god appears as hand from top of a framed piece YHWH (yahwey) - images around central niche, where torah would have been held - narrative but w/out actions, only gestures, figures w/expressionless features, volume in body, shadow, stand in frontal rows - 'samuel anointing david', future king of Israel, david's 6 brothers looking on expressionless, Samuel larger than all the rest to distinguish, david + brothers almost disembodied spiritual prescence, feet? David w/purple toga, distinguishes


THE END. Here's a duck}


Target with Four Faces by Johns, Pop Art - tilted plaster faces in wood box, hinged .. he attaches to the front to close over the faces - target w/encaustic tech to create texture, really scrutinze this - how often do people really look at the face? how often had you really examined the face?


Tatlin - culture of materials - productivist constructivist - abandoned abstract art for structural art


Tattoo by Rothenberg, Neo-Expressionism acrylic flashe on canvas - memory images of horses wat


Temple of Fortuna Virilis, Roman Republic Period Rome 75bce - Fortunas = god of harbors - High podium, stairs leading up, like Etruscan but wider stairs. Freestanding porch tiles, overlaid stucco over stone, like white marble temples - Greek ionic columns, but more developed base - probably ionic frieze, like peripteral except not free-standing so 'pseudo-peripteral' - more focused urban planning, secular buildings, more stark/plain


Temple of Sibyl (Vesta), Roman Republic Period Tivoli early 1st cen - Round building on tall podium, one entrance, rounded - dedicated to female deities - Compassly pointed - travertine columns corinthian - rounded concrete cella - would have fit w/environment - would'be been outside frieze w/reeds and handing garlands (for victory). - Included oxen head inspired by Bucrania .. purpose? - taller/thinner columns, made of entire piece of marble


Temptation of St Anthony by Grunewald, 16th Cen N Ren - temptations going after him


The Annunciation of the Death of the Virgin by Duccio, Proto-Renaissance - implied space w/coffered ceiling, but little actual space w/tilting, awk perspective - movement in fabric depicted, modeling used for this - mary taken as more frail, thin, as she is about to die


The Ascension of Christ (Rabbula Gospels), Byzantine Zagba, Syria - books manuscript illuminations - illuminate viewer to spiritual occurrence happening - one page here, essential Christian belief of rising from dead after 3 days, to mount of olives to heaven - from Syriac Rabbula gospels - Christ lifted up by angels in manbula - mary below, prominent position, apostles look on - painted frame almost mosaic style, like mosaics in churches - nimbus


The Burial of Count Orgaz by Greco, 16th Cen N Ren - 16 by 12 feet, 300 years after death of Count Orgaz ? - buried in painting by Augustine and Steven (saints) miraculaous descent from heaven to bury count - background filled with black-clad conquistadors, brought spain to new world - great armada against protestant england/holland - Black primer : all colors have greysih unndertone - Top : celestial activities - mannerist - no focus on action, fugures distorted, dramatic draperies - ghostly clouds, openinng to receive souls - emotion and drama compared to staticiity in dead, all about realism - links to sky moren realism - mystica, serious static reduction


The City by Leger, Purism 1919 oil on canvas - cylinders and cubes are crisply outlined, like the machine parts, defined more with different colors - massive effects like billboards, blown up images, in way which entire painting is collage of city life - people are also machines, there are buildings and posts and other stuff, stenciled letter - moderna - movement/noise also created, 'commotion'


The Crucifixion, Byzantine Daphne, Greece, 1090-1100 - Post iconoclastic art, combines styles; painterly Hellenistic style, classical simplicity/dignity, Byzantine piety & pathos - Classical romantic structure, contour of body, sort of contrappasto slightly Classical - Linear as simplification = very Byzantine - Quiet sorrow/resignation to this event, sense of grief - More fluid fabric on Mary, less on St John, realism. - Skull golgapha kingdom of the dead - little vegetation around, represents how he was distinctly on earth - closed space, not a lot of opening, cutting off exterior world, produces motionless/unchanging, private, timeless .. just like Christianity - Not narrative, triumphant Christ, or beardless youth - older Christ, blood spurting wound, severe w/out a lot of pain - people point to him as if he is an icon, they serve as intermediators between different Christs - cut-off angels above


The Cyclops by Redon, Symbolism - 1898 oil on canvas - intense inner world of his mind since childhood, wrote of imaginary things that haunted him - impressionist palate - stippling brushstrokes, rich saturated hues - fetal head of a shy polyphemus, baby cyclops - large loving eye rising above sleeping galatea


The Falling Angel by Chagall, Fantasy 1923 1933 1947 - crucifixion on side - early judaism, promote a unity between religion - Jews looked down upon in different societies, very plain looking figures - falling red angel - one wing down w/mother and child, rumination to towns - man runs with torah scroll, protect religion - cow playing a violin? - single candle = part of christian / jewish ceremonies, resignation, hope, terribleness of war - suffering of all ordinary people, faith is important for salvation in a world of brutality


The Four Horsemen from the Apocalypse by Durer, 16th Cen N Ren - Religious and secular images limited, this opened doors - More latitude - faster, cheaper, etc - 4th of 14th from apocalyse - Death, famine, war, pestilence represented by horsemen - Death on ground - tramples over directly - inescapable, Christ > Catholic Church - Death trampless of devition - Overhead: Archangel Michael - Foreshortening tech - Figures described as angular, lots of right angles


The French Ambassadors by Holbein, 16th Cen N Ren - light colors, do not weigh down - official court painter of England - Signed w/full name - Men present - ardent hymnists - open humanosts, venii spiritists - Left: dagger in scabbard, enscription gives age, medalion of st michael - chivalry, resting near globe w/detailed image of France - Jean Le Gambi - Right: George Bissell, leaning on book, age given, newly appointed bishop - still life in middle - NW passage on globe - book open to page 8 of book 3, teaches merchants how to divide, decimal 100 years early - Arithmetic, Geometry, Music, Astronomy .. 7 liberal arts as cornerstones total - broken lute = discord, religious strife of time, demonstrates latest tech, forefront of careers and essentially leaning - floor - ornate mosaic design, westminster abby - high altar of learning - distorted skull, position of perspective when from right position, looks at death in multiple ways - 16th cen philosophy of people of science vs church, fear of new ideas - death as earthly gift, attained salvation - small crucifix in corner - ideal of mortality, transformed state of mind


The Good Shepherd Sarcophagus, Early Christian Catacomb of Praetextatus, late 4th cen - same flattened space, compactedness as Roman sculpture - sinner who is found = sheep, each one shepherd on pedastle, amoust like statues, grapevines and putii, high to medium relief - shortened figures, less naturalistic


The Good Shepherd, Early Christian Catacombs of Ss, Pietro & Marcellino, Rome 4th cen - stories of Jonah, different miracles, prefiguration of Christ .. resurrection alluded to - center = main figure of Christ surrounded w/sheep = followers - other figures arms outstretched, symbolic of prayer - orunts - sheep around central figure's shoulder, represents lost sheep sinner who has been 'saved'


The Great Piece of Turf by Durer, 16th Cen N Ren - watercolor - observation, science! - tribute must given to naute, beauty in even most humble things - Heathrush, yarrow, dandelion, meadowgrass - Depart not from nature according to your yarrow, dandelion, meadowgrass - Depart not from nature according to your fancy, imagining to find better by yourself, for varily, art is embedded in nature. He who can extract it, has it.


The Gross Clinic by Eakins, 19th cen Realism - 1875 oil on canvas - Dr.Gross lecturing on a young man's leg, with blood on fingertips - Brushstrokes - softened like Rembrandt, made soft despite brutal subject matter


The Harbor of La Rochelle by Corot, 19th cen Realism - 1851, oil on canvas - Classical, balanced structured, very orderly landscape - Neutral, toned-down colors - presents mundane scene, w/careful gradation of tone, gradations of light,


The Holy Trinity by Masaccio, Italian Ren - awkwar barrow space a top of chapel - light contribues - adam's feet: escence of humabs on earth - eve screaming of this - psychology - creates emotion and mocement - simple conposition - realsim based on observation applied maths, science of perspective - 2 levels unequal height - virgiin mary and st john - barel-vaulted chapel - medalions also reduced - holy spirit as dove, trinity - donors near outside, edge of pedastle, very essential - masonry - marble base, floor progectn - center of eyes bekiwhrist's feet


The Kiss by Klimt, Art Nouveau - 1907-8 oil on canvas - Klimt and lover under sky of gold, very vibrant like sparkling jewels - Man - forcing woman's head down to give her kiss, shapes are different from each other but they come together in one organic blob - flowers in hair versus garland - people question whether woman is alive or dead, why they stand at the edge of a cliff


The Lamentation by Giotto, Proto-Renaissance - Mary and Christ disciples mourning death, sky of angels hysterical w/grief - Mary Magdalene looking sadly at feet - Mary cradels body, nearby head - St John the Baptist hands back in grief - Event on Earth, set in blue background -Pictorial elements to draw eyes - off center layout but wall draws eyes to christ, creates 'stage' and drama - steep angle of wall links w/other panels - scupturesque, weighty figures, very simple - cluster tech of heads w/out bodies, even backs of individuals, closing off scene, deliniating figures w/different fabric weights, emphasizing w/folds, light and shadow - spacial depth, bodily mass, perspective, compositional complexity + emotional resonance, rhythmic order - dead tree at end of wall - alludes to fall of adam/eve, starts w/fall of man, ends w/redemption of man - contradicts old front style - dramatic narrative, truth to human experience, holy lesson - angels each individualistic reaction, chaotic, moving


The Last Supper by Castagno - made to look like own architectual - 15 X 32 feet - commitment to biblical narrative - ceiling reccresses - but still 1 pt. - not parallel, bad spacong - segregates Judas from table - figures not inspiring, - static, sculptural, solid figures - conventional layout - sel absorption in most - panels of marble behind


The Morning Bath by Degas, Impressionism - 1883 pastel - line of movement of women defines her form, volume of continuity broken by line of the tub itself, slicing and moving planes - lighting captured plays with focus, dematerialization of solid objects


The Nightmare by Fuseli, 18 Romanticism - incubus sitting on sleeping woman, preys sexually, most vulnerable in self-conscious, darkness of dreams - curtain in background w/horse - ghostly horse with flaming eyes - connection with color palate - repeated maroon colors, whiteness, and yellowness - curvlinear curves - undulating lines


The Outbreak by Kollwitz, Die Brucke/German Expressionism 1903 Etching, overprint with lithography, gold-tone plate - Christian tradition of grieving Mary with dead christ, pieta - torturous grasping of dead child in anguish, emotion through grasp, more universal statement of maternal loss and grief - almost a premonition of the war - almost an animalistic passion, not wanting to let go - primal nature of a mother part of expressionism - own son Peter as a dead child, much more powerful and personal - later much more amplified when Peter died in the war


The Peaceful Country by Ambrogio Lorenzetti, Proto-Renaissance - view of undulating countrside w/buildings, peasants, people living peacefully - allegory of security - angel in left, overhead flying w/scroll promises safety to all who live under rule - first appearance of true landscape since ancients - truth to what eye holds


The Peasant Dance by Bruegel, 16th cen N Ren - Reddish browns = warmth - encourages viewer participation - peasants have literally not a care, no real focus, just glee - strong but simplified model figure, silhouettes - robust qualities - trying to teach mores of culture, contradicts idea of his respecting the lower classes - backs turned to church, no one cares about madonna, guy wearing peacock feather = vanity, couple kissing in public, people playing music, fight breaking out - music is way to devil - festival celebrating saint, pretext for people to indulge in sin


The Portuguese by Braqueo, Cubism 1911 oiil - monohromaticsm to distinguish fomrm not edtending - light and dark suggest chiarriscuro modelom - actually a man - meant to be


The Sacred Grove by Chavannes, Symbolism - 1884, oils - ornamental and reflective, rejection of realism's noisy world - modeling - figures are grand and statuesque among tranquil setting, classical shrine, motion is suspended in timeless poses - contours are sharp, verticality - stillness makes it seem sacred, all things in this have significance, still simple rhythmic contours - rejection of materialism - mural - stop/cease materialism of people, so people wouldn't want to buy the piece


The Scream by Munch, Symbolism - oil, pastel, casein on cardboard - form: man reduced to rubbery, curved form, primitive scream from alienation and isolation - sweeping curvlinear lines accentuate curves within his body, scho of sceam reverberates around entire setting - bloodred inferno-like skies, accentuated by sharp angles - composition - triangle in corner creates slope - drags on and down :)


The Steerage by Stieglitz, Transatlantic Dialogues photogravure 1907 - people denied entry to America, 'trapped' as shown with downward angle upon people, walls and lines section people off - stiarway and drawbridge, towers, etc .. All add to geometric prescence, machinery - unique interpretation of divisions between the classness, softness and emotion of Rembrandt's painture


The Stonebreakers by Courbet, 19th cen Realism - 1849, oil on canvas - Palate of dirty browns and greys = dismal nature of task - Angular focus suggest mechanical monotony - 1848 : Workers rebelled against bourgeoisi, second republic, shows how much workers do but get nothing. Revolution quelled, a lot of people died. Workers as a focal point of concern, Courbet promotes this idea


The Tetrarchs, Roman Late Empire - from Diocletian & the Tetrarchy (rule by four) trying to unite Roman empire - represented four emperors as types w/similar powers - made from purple marble - porphyry - Augusti and Caesars embracing each other, sign of hoped for but unrealized hope and senerity for Roman empire, world - now more like impending fear of disaster, anxiety - large head, squat bodies, look kind of like gnomes, repeated shape w/out any real body contour - each grasping sheathed sword, as if getting ready for something.


The Thankful Poor by Tanner, 19th cen Realism - oil on canvas, 1894 - Soft lighting and brushstrokes like Rembrandt - Light - softened, lighter strokes to dissolve all but the figures and the main objects, dissolves details - shadows represent devout concentration, expressions on the people's faces


The Thinker by Rodin, Post Impressionism - Realism Sculpture - 1880-1917 bronze - originally to be part of gates of hell, man thinks over his fate and what he should do to live better - sobered meditation, thinking hard, rough internal struggle, deep in tensed muscle


The Treachery (or Perdify) of Images by Magritte, Surrealism oil on canvas 1923 - real realities - ceci n'est une pipe


The Twittering Machine by Klee, Fantasy 1922 watercolor and pen and ink on oil transfer drwing paper on cardboard - a day where we won't need birds, nature fuses with technology - bird attached to crane, crank to hear the twittering, more of a primitive form however, a bit childish - forced to look closely to see the delicate forms, forces you to enter a dreamlike world


The Two Fridas by Kahlo, Surrealism 1939 oil - connected with arteries via hearts : one ends with cutoff, one ends with portrait of child riviera - political protest for communism, national identity - two different dresses, important idealization - strong unibrow - sense of power


The Upper Deck by Sheeler, Precisionism 1928 vintage silver print - to look like photorealism, use sleek forms w/out painter's touch - some details and shadows eliminated, emphasized those meant to create geometric shape - patterns of symphony of tawny rosy whites


The Walk Home by Schnabel, Neo-Expressionism 1984 oil plates copper bronze fiberglass - energetic brustrokes, paintdroplets - large scale envelops the viewer - mosaic-like texture unites different mediums of sculpture w/fragmented plates


The War (Der Krieg) by Otto Dix, Neue Sachlichkeit


The Worker and the Collective Farm Worker by Mukhina, Art as Political 1930 stainless steel 1937 - For soviet square, glorification of communal labor w/soviet people, realism exemplar civilians - hammer and sickle - progression - abstraction and cubism w/hammering together of stainless steel - national symbol


The feast of Herod by Donatello, Italian Ren - characterization to varying groups of people - single and in groups - character dancing as head of john the baptist is presented to king, everyone shrinks back - split yet balanced groups, open to distance, arched courtyards and balance - floor also contributes to perspective - division into fore, middle, and backgrounds, back wall is point of horizon, 1pt perspective - different levels of relief also contribute


Theodora and Attendants, Byzantine San Vitale, 546 - idea of being in procession, moving into church - women couldn't go to nave level - going to curtain = moving towards Christ - Theodora carrying chalice of wine, part of eucharist w/husbands bread - fancy architectural canopy - pictorial fiction - testifies to unique position she held in Justinian court - equated to the virgin Mary, trappings of man w/crown halo, 3 figures at bottom of robe '3 kings' .. alludes to Mary


Theotokos & Child between saints Theodore & George, Byzantine, 6th or 7th cen - wood panel icon, encaustic on wood , hot wax - enthroned theotokos, guardians connecting people to virgin (saints) - 2 angels looking at beam of divine light - frontal solemn foregrounded figures, but w/more detail - hieratic scale - grecoroman illusionism in features, creating 3D volume face - sideways glances of 2 angels, posing of heads


Third-Class Carriage by Daumier, 19th cen Realism - 1862 oil on canvas - Displaced 3rd-class people in unplanned arrangements, candid shots of anonymous people, dumbly patient with situation that they cannot change - Realism by isolating with unplanned detail in some aspects - dignified, however


Three Forms by Hepworth, Organic Sculpture 1935 plaster - flat oval, vertical oval, and sphere used - relationships represent by juxtaposition - mother of triplets - three terms - organic life and perfection of things by human hands and tools


Tilted Arch by Serra, Site-Specific -- bring people intp conext of sculture , interrupts either way, differences changes -= forces to reconsur space


Time Transfixed by Magritte, Surrealism 1938 - 'I want to paint a locomotive, which is mysterious and put it into a boring living room' - is it coming out of a railway tunnel? NOTING MAKES SENSE ANYMORE - mirror reflects nothing in the room - smoke goes up the chimney


Tomb of Hunting and Fishing, Etruscan Tarquinia - People hunting birds in sky, more decorative piece, shooting slingshot at birds - more action but more representation of activity/entertainment - man also jumping into water - brightly painted, like relief painting, bright rocks .. very joyous/bright.


Tomb of the Reliefs, Etruscan 3rd cen bce - Benches on outside section - sarcophagi for families, boxes individually - domestic painted relief sculptures to look like a little home, framed doorways, windows, etc - interior view of cerbetiri, generations of family - no ka//soul - brightly painted, volute-like columns yet still squared, all columns and walls had reliefs - shields and knives to pots and pans, etc


Toulouse-Lautrec - simplicity of modern life with slight satire, caricature - disabled and isolated from society - getting into more wealthy areas, he focues on denizen night-life - degas, japanese prints, photo - strong line patterns, dissonant colors


Trade by Jaune Smith, Art as Political Weapon 1992 oil and mixed media on canvas - canoe in abstract expressionist field, covered in clippings from native american newspapers - above : objects w/native american artifacts, some memorabilia contemporary sports teams w/racist native american references - past used to comment on the present


Trans World Airlines Terminal by Saarinen, Modernist Architecture - gives terminal fluid outline to look like expansive wings and idea of flight, turned 'site' - movement, flight, fluidity - said to have designed signs, furniture, etc


Transatlantic Artistic Dialogues - new art moves across the ocean - Group of 7 artists encouraged to do realistic stuff? Ashcan school, apostles of ugliness


Tribute Money by Masaccio, italian ren - true money for fov - simple frandou tet spychology - cicular/ellipital shaape - lighting alnist sshugb - high presco, imortaj perspectivce - haad - sharper/quality of bach - very individualistic interpretiojn


Triumph of Death by Triani, Proto-Ren - fresco - 18 ft high, 49 ft wide - new theme appearing after corrosive black death - wealthy men and ladies riding up to 3 coffins: 3 decomposed states of death, terrible stench, still try to observe and help what has happened - all walks of life attacked by death, social statement that death is universal - portrayed hermit, but even isolated cannot escape from death


Triumph of Titus, Roman Early Empire - recession into space, all 4 horses leading chariot in high relief, lined so entire front is seen - many allegories, human interaction w/divine figures in human form on official roman historical relief. - allegories: victory riding w/Titus, valor leading horses, bare-chested honor - becomes celebration of Roman virtues in battle


Tropical Garden II by Nevelson, Alternatives to Modernist Architecture - monochromatic color scheme unifies different parts to the piece, unified with shadows in the forms - boxes filled with scraps/found objects, painted over - secret magical place 'hidaways' of childhood, recreates that, also rough geometrical structure, forms, eyes linger - hinges on the parts, ability to close off sections to the viewer


Tubular Chair by Breuer, Bauhaus 1925 steel chair - easily mass-produced, part of bauhaus ideal - geometric aesthetic - artistic but practical, social in that it is open, interactions between space


Two Calla Lilllies on Pink by O'Keeefe, Precisionism


Two Children are Threatened by a Nightingale by Ernst, Surrealism 1924 oil on wood w/wood construction, collage mix media - 3 people of the dream world, 3D mini gate, odd button, frame crossed over - challenges image of a nightingale, fears surface, realism of subconcious world - wat is happening here


Ugolino and His Children by Carpeaux, Post Impressionism - Realism Sculpture - 1865-7 marble - extreme despair - Ugolino biting hand in despair, children believe it's hunger, offer their own flesh - twisted, deeply convulted forms - figures turn in on themselves, eating each other, creates tension and despair - Michelangelesque but also inspired by Laocoon


Ulysses and the Land of the Lestrygonians, Architectural Part of Odyssey landscapes late 1st cen bce - From section on Odyssey lanscape - 10 scenes total, scenes seperated by columns of red/black - Attempt to look outside, landscape w/figuration. - Techs for perspective, spacial recession .. Size variation, Saturation of color, sharpness of foreground, blurry in background (atmospheric perspective)


Un Chien Andalou by Dali and Bunuel, Surrealism film - no trace of order in script-writing, dreams jumpt from one thing to the next, film represents this - attraction and repulsion simulataneously - life death lust and love, all different types of loves to murder - freud and obsession with sexuality - evoke repulsion and fear from acts of violence


Unique Forms of Continuity in Space, Boccioni, Futurism 1913 bronze - striding human figure, expanded, broken contours of movement seen simulataneously, figure disappears within movement - gives fluidity to the metal - influence from Japanese armor - exaggerated musculature


Untitled (Your Gaze hits the Side of My Face) by Kruger, Art Political Weapon photograph print 1981, - layout technique used in advertising, but this is how women are viewed, as objects - show deceptiveness of media messages, undermine myths about women - word/photo collages to challenge cultural attitudes - overlaid images of head of a classical sculpture w/words, pasted on in staccatto style, intensifies meaning, like reading billboards - jumpy verticality - text used to focus viewer on language, creating powerful vehicles for stereotypes, appropriation - images and text media, high art - confrontation w/use of 'Your' and 'My' .. creates directiveness - appropriated message is passive, but very direct reflection


Untitled 1968 by Judd, Minimal Art - aligned symmetrical stainless-steel cubes - no single box stands out among rest, repetitiveness creates visible wholeness - superhuman precision and exactitude, truth in art - dissolve to reflect space around them


Untitled Film Still #35 by Sherman, Art Political Weapon - construction of what people see, woman as a still object .. forces view - choosing to assume this identity .. why are women viewed in this way?


Untitled by Calder, Organic Sculpture aluminum, honeycomb, tubing, paint 1976, actually huge - colored organically shaped plates - non-mechanized, any air current would move the parts .. shifting as if in dance - cloud, leaves, waves blown by the wind - ovoid forms, bioforms of cells, fins, wings .. connected - lines suggest nerve axions


Untitled by Judd 1969, Minimal Art 1969 brass and colored flourescent plexiglass on steel brackets - plexiglass attached with invisible brackets - not intended to be metaphorical or symbolic, it is just the objecthood - access to interior of the sculpture, seems both open and closed simulataneosly, desire to banish ambiguity or falseness


Untitled by Kiki Smith, Art as political weapon beeswax and microcrystaline wax 1990 - nude and suspended figures hang while long, white drips flow down the body - represent bodily fluid running from the breast, etc - people lose control of their bodies w/age - questioning whether it's something of old age or the mind - is it free of social conditioning?


Van Der Zee - imaginary fantasy background - ghostly double exposures - sitters and symbols, hopes and dreams


Vater, Sohn, Geiliger Geist (Father, Son, Holy Ghost) by Kiefer, Neoepxressionism - thinly painted w/strands of symbols and themes - dyptich-like top: empty room padded in artist's old schoolhouse, where he sat alone, 3 create briskly burning fireplace bottom: dead tree trunks in empty forest, woodgrain in both images, transforms entire piece into one vast hall - father, son, holy ghost - brushstokes used to create some vivid energy, - painted w/flammable materials, also potential energy for fire, human spirit which will then govern the future


Venus of Urbino by Titian, Venetian - wife picture for Duke of Urbino, mythos, classical and ren - diagonal reclining nude - natural reclining female - linear play - bed emphasizes form, softness w/silk sheets below, - dog = pendant, balances form - composition - depth of space - drapery breaks up units, frames Ms Urbino - red in bed and in servants dress = counterbalance - fruit = carnal pleasure


Venus, Cupid, Folly and Time (Exposure of Luxury) by Bronzino, Mannerism - strong, sculptural figures - heads, hands, feet graceful - surrealistic quality : freudian psychology, love - incestuous relationship between Venus and son Cupid - man w/ drapery : father time - female figure left : 'Truth' - Putii = folly, throwing flowers - woman tearing out hair = envy - monstrous figure w/honeycomb tail + masks = fraud, deception - doves = peace - apple in hand = knowledge and death All elements of love = Love is foolish w/hatred and inconstancy, its folly will be discovered in time - it is foolish to believe in love


Veteran in a New Field by Homer, 19th cen Realism - 1865 oil on canvas, civil war aftermath - Allusionisic - veteran once harvested men, now harvesting wheat .. trouble with disbanded soldiers, transitioning to time of peace - Comments symbolically about death - he is now grim reaper with cradled scyth - allusion


Vie Inquiete by Dubuffet, Postwar Expressionism


Vietnam Memorial by Ying Lin, Minimal Art 70 slabs polished granite, 1981 - granite = enduring stone that will last, austere and simple - entire shape is V-shaped, at end, goes to ground level, ascends to 10 ft at center where two wings meet - names chronologically in order of deaths, 57839 casualties and missing names inscribed, gives power to each name to signify - polished granite = reflection of people, you are amongst the lost, those who have died - people ascending into the earth, cuts into land itself, wall is a wound in the earth, still growing but never erased, a scar - 'people should be honest about reality of war, not just a static object, but relate to as if a reflection or conclusion, cut over earth = violence where there could be healing, but a scar, forever'


View of Haarlem from Dunes at Overveen by Ruisdael, Baroque Holland - St Bavo church in background, small windmill - land's ability to reclaim air, water, energy - foreground : stretching linen to be bleached, huge industry - honesty and integrity, all miniscule and blend into background - fills 3/4 of picture frame - patches, shine through the clouds - quiet serenity, landscape - skies contrived to create mood, atmosphere - landscapes allow viewer to be lazy


Villa Boscoreale, Architectural Pompeii (near) - Painters opening walls with vistas of Italian walls, colonnaded courtyards, marble temples. Architecture painted in - Attempted recession into space, like 1pt perspective - Creating vinigettes/stories.


Villa Rotunda by Palladio, Venetian - based on ancient roman single-family houses - completely symmetrical - self-sufficency, formalism - classicism's clarity - stairs as podium, enters on all 4 sides, 3 registers: bottom podium, etc - not really divided on inside - Pantheon - roman facade, porticos, w/overhead dome - sensible, functional, circular platform - all sides equal, mathematically, - greek cross like bramante - rooftop sculpture - etruscan , michelangelo also


Villa Savoye by Le Corbusier, International Style Marseilles, France 1914 - partially conflined ground floor, bedrooms, bahrooms, some utility rooms. Up : major living rooms, interior and exterior space, also a roof garden - support by thin columns - windows = more space, slender ribbons exposing lightness - windscreen is up on top, leads from inside up ramp to top level


Villa at Boscotrecase, Ornate Near Pompeii early 1st cen - Insert picture w/surrounding architectural setting - Delicate form and colors, graceful elements - Floating lanscape surrounded w/monochrome background - Contrast w/surrounding scapes - Tiny colonnettes w/handing ropes, supporting hint at caponies or curtains


Villa at the Seaside by Morisot, Impressionism - 1874, oil on canvas - elegantly-dressed woman gazing out beyond railing, looking out at sea - red : child's sailboat alludes to real ships of the ocean, also draws attention the center, pulls together


Virgin of the Rocks by Leonardo da Vinci, High Ren - Linear significance, yet softened contrasts - Weighty pyramidal composition - Chiarroscurro, own sense of lighting, 'sfumato', atmospheric haziness, hazy light and dark - modeling in light/shadow creates emotion, they move out of darkness = very dimentional - undulating rocky setting - gestures unite figures, they point at Christ


Vision after the Sermon by Gaugin, Post Impressionism - oil on canvas 1888 - Historical : section of France with unspoiled, Celtic folkways, medieval Catholic piety, very natural men and women in unspoiled peasan environment - represents devotion of people, crucifixes along the road, combines what he knows of the area - prayer, roadside shrine w/slight landscape, - twisted perspective - quiet servitude, women frame the spiritual vision, sort of like a wrestling ring, normal entertainment after high mass - skewed perspective - abstract patterns, no light and shade / volume, more sections of color to imply position and color, spaces filled in thwt the sections of color - forms - women are angled and sharp, represents austerity of peasant life and ritual


Vladimir Virgin, Byzantine tempura on wood - Historic symbol of Byzantine cultural position to Slavic world - Taken to Russia later, Russians believed it saved them from all future invasions - Tempura paint on wood - Stylized abstractions - Typical Byzantine icon, small nose & mouth on virgin - Golden rays on infant's drapery - flat silhouette against gold background - decorative sweep of unbroken contour enclosing both figures, idea of outlining figure all the way around, very unified - More tneder, personalized image - Mary as Virgin of Compassion - infused w/deep sense of pathos, intimate yet sadness alludes to that she will be griefed after losing him in crucifixion - Back has passion of the Christ - Black from incense - frequently re-painted - good gold tech


Well of Moses by Sluter, Northern Ren - super philosophical, 1395 limestone w/ some paint traces, 6' tall figures - In charge of Philip Bold's workshop - Sculptural fountain in well giving water for whole monastary - Carthusian belief/commitment to silence and prayer, no sound allowed - surrounding base: moses, david, other prophets, supported group of crucifixion above (pedastle) - fountain of life, blood of christ from above flows down crucifixion, wash away sins of those below, promises of everlasting life - each recall jamb statues, but more realistic renderings, details -deep undercut drapery, foldings,


West Facade Sta Maria Novella by Alberti, Italian Ren - not really unified: top and bottom half - top more rounded elements - flattened facade w/2D quality - niches in front wall, created originally for tombs - plasters flatten space - however, columns around door, column before plaster - side scroll design, attempt to connect halves w/scrolls - breakdown man squares into smaller squares, quite geometric


Whistler - sensations created by color - all arrangements or nocturnes done


Who's Afraid of Aunt Jemima? by Ringgold, Art as Political Weapon acrylic on canvas w/fabric borders, quilted - moving tribute to mother, critique of society - dialogue is funny story of Aunt Jemima, stereotypical black 'mammy', here portrayed as sucessful business woman - embroidered portraits inlaid, common of quilting, historically placed fabrics - 'black' dialogues - reference to underground railroad - messages in the pieced fabric, larger issue of history of african american culture, plus stereotypical view of black women - progression through history


William Blake - English writer, artist, etc - stringent rules of behavior imposed by orthodox religion killing impulses of humans - deep guy


William Hogarth - satirical of contemporary life, w/a bit of rococo indecency - series of narrative paintings / prints like in a book - social evils - pokes fun at wealthy - marriage a la mode - satirical paintings about lack of sanctity


Window or Wall Sign by Nauman, Conceptual Art 1967 neon w/glass tubing suspension frame - meaning identified as non-artistic function, concept > actual thing - contradictory arguments - kind of a test - silly but did he really believe it?


Winter Prayer Hall of the Shahi (Imam) Mosque, Islamic 1600s - slightly curved tiles 'cuerda seca' tiles, cover walls, arches, vaults - wide variety of shapes w/organic designs, cover complex forms


Woman Combing her Hair by Archipenko, Cubism Sculpture bronze 1915 - mass and void, emphasized with half-bulges, empty spaces. . both equally define form equal to mass


Woman Combing her Hair by Gonzalez, Cubism Sculpture 1930 iron - interplay of line and planes, almost complete abstraction .. more about sets pf features, separated -synthetic cubism, becoming out of touch with machinery - clean lines and forms of machines should be retained in the art


Woman of the Velcha Family, Etruscan Tomb of Orcus, Tarquinia, 4thc - Later style - quiet classsisizing formalism, seems more composed, more reflective in reflection - foreshortened eye to make more natural-looking, angular - somber theme of suffering and sadness, hades in underworld, hell ties into pessimestic look on fate of humanity, w/Romans overtaking


Sumerian History

... no


..., -Impressionist female painter -portrayal of women in different phases of lives "bathing"


..., A late nineteenth-century style that relies on the Impressionist use of color and spontaneous brushwork but that employs these elements as expressive devices.


..., American Romanticism ,Founder of Hudson river School most important primary painter of the Hudson River School. Created seeping images of untamed wilderness

Barry and Pugin

..., Architecture not realism, but romantic. Pugin wanted revival style, Barry wanted Renaissance neoclassicism. combination of both.

(Social Realism)

..., Emphasizes influence of social and economic conditions of an era on characters, events, and social institutions


..., English landscape painter whose treatment of light and color influenced the French impressionists (1775-1851)


..., French Painter, Post impressionism, pointellism (using several small dots of color to create a larger image)Sunday Afternoon on the island of La Grande Jatte


..., French Painter, who started his career as a caricaturist, then converted to landscape painting by his early mentor Boudin. From 1890 he concentrated on series of pictures in which he painted the same subject at different times of the day in different lights. During the Franco-Prussian War (1870-71) he took refuge in England with Pissarro: he studied the work of Constable and Turner. By 1890 he was successful enough to buy the house he had previously rented. In his final years, he was troubled by failing eyesight. However, he continued to paint until the end of his life. He was enormously prolific and many major galleries have examples of his work.


..., French painter best known for his satirical lithographs of bourgeois society (1808-1879)


..., French painter noted for his realistic depiction of everyday scenes (1819-1877)


..., French painter whose work influenced the impressionists (1832-1883)


..., French. Artist. Impressionist. Dance at Le Moulin de la Galette


..., Hay Wain


..., Impressionism; cropping, unflattering women positions, doesn't like to be categorized, more rebellous of impressionist group, like pastels better, keyhole view, , Inspired by Japenese prints and photography but didnt consider himself a full-blown impressionist painter because he was a master of line and drawing and was reluctant to abandon it in favor of Impressionism's soft contours


..., Painted industrial landscapes, with the composition arranged into Classical order without compromising photographic Realism.


..., Realism (romantic realist) greatly admired Rembrant, carvaggio lighting, believed in truth in art, painted heroes of everyday life. studied at french academy , rejected bc "gross" American, dedicated appetite for showing the realities of the human experience.PAINTED: The gross clinic


..., Romantic architect. Known for his Paris Opera House. Designed to appeal to the wealthy middle classes. Very ornate, richly decorated.


..., Romantic artist. One of the more classically-inclined of the French Romantics. Subjects are often classical (or portraits). Look like low-relief sculptures.


..., This French painter was important to French Romantic art. He often used his painting to convey a political message, and he is best known for his painting depicting the socialist revolution of 1830: Liberty Leading the People. Stick that up your croix.


..., United States painter best known for his seascapes (1836-1910)


..., a romantic landscape artist known for his somewhat macabre depictions of nature


..., a school of late 19th century French painters who pictured appearances by strokes of unmixed colors to give the impression of reflected light


1300-1400 Advanced use of space, foreground mid, back. More depth between and in figures, Better use of light, better composition, not everything is centered, Use of figures in framing device. Focal point by gaze, leading lines from hills. More Color range, Fresco painting (wet paint into wet plaster) Still used halos, Some depth but not a lot of atmospheric perspective. Giotto. Intuitive perspective, (lorenzetti)

High Renaissance

16th century Italian ren, artistic development - maturing of perspective, depictions.

Vir Heroicus Sublimis by Newman, Abstract Expressionism

2 smart 4 me

Late Etruscan

5th cen BCE, but Etruscan monarchy was ended around this time

Portrait of the Board of , Frans Hals, Baroque Art



A Dutch painter who used a great deal of light. He enjoyed painting people doing everyday things.


A Weimar (German) architectural school created by Walter Gropius which combined the fine arts and functionalism


A beam or structure that is anchored at one end and projects horizontally beyond its vertical support. In Fallingwater, Frank Lloyd Wright made a particularly dramatic use of these.


A column carved to represent a woman. The Erechtheum is famous for its porch of these.


A communal multistoried dwelling made of stone or adobe brick by the Native Americans of the Southwest. The Cliff Palace at Mesa Verde is an excellent example.


A composition made by pasting together pictures or parts of pictures, especially photographs. Also called a photocollage. Hannah Hoch and Romare Bearden created noteworthy examples.


A figure painted or sculpted to show the muscles of the body as if without skin. Pollaiuolo's Battle of the Ten Nudes is a famous example of an engraving that uses this.


A graphic technique in which the design is incised, or scratched, on a metal plate, either manually (engraving) or chemically (etching). The incised lines of the design take the ink, making this the reverse of the woodcut technique.


A hall with a roof supported by rows of columns. The Temple of Amon-Re at Karnak has an enormous one of these.


A large, mound-shaped Buddhist shrine.


A line imagine to be behind and perpendicular to the picture plane. These parts of a painting appear to recede toward a vanishing point. They can be clearly seen in Perugino's Christ Delivering the Keys of the Kingdom.

Hypostyle mosque

A mosque whose hall is characterized by many closely spaced columns that support its roof.


A movement in the Byzantine Empire that favored banning and destroying images. The destroyers of images were known as iconoclasts.


A multistoried Chinese tower, usually associated with a Buddhist temple, having a multiplicity of projecting eaves.


A painting technique in which pigment is mixed with wax and applied to the surface while hot. Sixth- and seventh- century Byzantine artists used this to create panel paintings. Interestingly, Jasper Johns used it in his famous painting entitiled Flag.


A pair of truncated, pyramidal towers flanking the entrance to an Egyptian temple. The Temple of Horus at Edfu has a particularly well-preserved entrance of this type.

Italian Renaissance

A period of intense artistic and intellectual activity, said to be a 'rebirth' of Greco-Roman culture. From roughly the mid-fourteenth to mid-fifteenth century followed by this movement spreading into the Northern Europe during 1400-1600


A row of windows in the upper part of a wall.


A school of artchitecture in Germany in the 1920s under the leadership of Walter Gropius.


A semicircular niche set into the qibla wall of a mosque.


A technique in which a relief is formed on the front by hammering a metal plate from the back. The funerary masks discovered at Mycenae were created using this technique.


A technique in which powdered glass is applied to a metal surface in a decorative design.


A three-paneled painting or altarpiecce. Famous examples include the Garden of Earthly Delights by Hieronymous Bosch, the Merode Altarpiece by Robert Campin, and the Portinari Altarpiece by Hugo van der Goes.

Le Corbusier

A twentieth-century French architect and city planner known for designing buildings with unusual curves and unconventional shapes.


A two-paneled painting or altarpiece. The Melun ________ by Jean Fouquet is a famous example of one of these.

Corbelled Vault

A vault formed by the piling of stone blocks in horizontal courses, cantilevered inward until the two walls meet in an arch. The Lion's Gate at Mycenae provides an excellent example of this and a relieving triangle.

Barrel Vault

A vault is a roof or ceiling. A ___________ is, in effect, a deep arch or an uninterrupted series of arches. Roman architects used ___________ in the construction of the Colosseum and the Baths of Caracalla. __________ are one of the characteristic features of Romanesque churches.


A vaulted space usually located under the apse of a church. Because it is wholly or partly underground, it is not found in the nave elevation of a church.


A wedge-shaped block used in the construction of a true arch. The central ________, which sets the arch, is called the keystone.


Alsatian artist and poet who was cofounder of Dadaism in Zurich


An Archaic Greek statue of a standing nude male.


An Archiac Greek statue of a standing, draped female.


An Italian painter, sculptor, and architect of the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries. Among many achievements in a life of nearly ninety years, Michelangelo sculpted the David and several versions of the Pietà, painted the ceiling and rear wall of the Sistine Chapel, and served as one of the architects of Saint Peter's Basilica, designing its famous dome. He is considered one of the greatest artists of all time.


An accomplished female painter; elected to the Florentine Academy of Design; one of the first female artists to paint historical and religious paintings.


An adjective used to describe used to describe forms that resemble or suggest shapes found in nature. They are therefore not abstract shapes. An excellent example is Painting and Composition by Joan Miró.


An architect who boldly combined classical and Gothic architecture. He used geometry as the basis for his designs, focusing on spheres and planes. He built the dome on the cathedral in Florence, starting in 1420. He also is given credit for being the first to understand and use perspective, although it was immediately used more clearly in sculpture and painting.


An artwork constructed from existing objects. Louise Nevelson is famous for creating these, such as Sky Tower and Tropical Garden.


An ordinary object that, when an artist gives it a new context and title, is transformed into an art object. They were important features of the Dada and Surrealism movements of the early twentieth century. Marcel Duchamp's Fountain is a famous example of this.

Painting by Kline, Abstract Expressionism

Angry slashes in paint! Muohoho!


Architect: one of the most progressive artists of the early Italian Quattrocentro from Florence

2nd Style

Arcitectural/Spacial Illusion, makes walls look dissolved completely into imaginary world, pictorally. Like s if a winder.

Abstract Art

Art form that represents ideas using geometric and other designs instead of natural forms seeking to break away from traditional representation of physical objects. Pioneered by Kandinsky and others in the early 20th century.

Mannerism 1520

Artistic movement against the Renaissance ideals of symetry, balance, and simplicity; went against the perfection the High Renaissance created in art. Used elongated proportions, twisted poese and compression of space.


Calfskin prepared as a surface for writing or painting. The Lindisfarne Gospels use tempera on ______, and the calendar pictures of Les Trés Riches Heures use ink on ________.

Pompeii & Herculaneum

August 79bce, Mt Vesuvius erupted, killed everyone instantly, became known as 'living city of the dead' buried under volcanic ash. By the harbor, some people thought they could escape by boats. Grid system shows modernization. Some people preserved - holes in ground where people vaporized, filled w/plaster? Many personal stories. Advanced: Cobblestone streets, sliding doors, running water fountains, bakeries, bars, carved signs, red light districts, communal bathrooms.


Austrian painter influenced by art nouveau (1862-1918)

Van Dyck

Baroque artist who studied under Rubens. Water colors. Famous for his portraits of Charles I


Belgian surrealist painter (1898-1967)

Etruscan Hist

By enemies, Etruscan language difficult to read. Cities never united, just Etruria - tied by linguistics/religion. Tarquinia, Cerveteri, Vulci, Veii.


Christ, baptism, Christians


Covered collonade/portico.


Danish architect; sydney opera house "wings"

Fra Angelico

Debt to Masaccio. Observation of the natural world, but some illogical aspects (proportions, lighting) that are not classical., Debt to Masaccio. Observation of the natural world, but some illogical aspects (proportions, lighting) that are not classical.


Deeply attached to classical antiquity, he believed that the highest aim of painting was to represent noble actions in a logical and orderly, but not a realistic, way. (541)

Le Brun

Director of fine arts under Louis XIV; head of Gobelins later; designed Hall of Mirrors


Dutch artists had to rely on civic institutions for patronage, since there was no church or court patronage. Scene combines individualized portraits with group dynamic.


Dutch painter who painted portraits of wealthy middle class merchants and used sharp contrasts of light and shadow to draw attention to his focus


Dutch painter whose work (intersecting lines at right angles and planes in primary colors) influenced the development of abstract art (1872-1944)


Early Modern Art (1900-1945) Italian Futurism influenced by cubism Unique forms abstract, showing movement of form and space

Etruscan Social

Equality between men and women, seemed very strange. Art had orientalizing flavor.


FRENCH NATURALISM: the period's most popular painters of farm life.PAINTED: plowing in nivernais and the horse fair

Jan van Eyck

Flemish painter who was a founder of the Flemish school of painting and who pioneered modern techniques of oil painting (1390-1441)


French Middle class, Genre Scenes, still lifes, Menu de Gras


French artist whose rococo paintings typified the frivolity of life in the royal court of France in the 18th century (1732-1806)

Jacques Louis David

French painter known for his classicism and his commitment to the ideals of the French Revolution. His works include The Oath of the Horatii (17850 and The Death of Marat (1793).


French post-impressionist painter who worked in the South Pacific (1848-1903)

Henri Rousseau

French primitive painter (1844-1910)

Holbein the Younger

German painter and engraver noted for his portraits, he was commissioned by Henry VIII to provide portraits of the English king's prospective brides


German painter who ignored classicism and painted expressively and intensely


Germanic people who migrated to Rome, originally came from Scandinavia and Russia. They adapted Roman cultures and provided troops for the Roman army. They created settlements around Rome, and stormed and sacked it in 410. The western part of the Roman Empire was in shambles by the mid fifth century CE.



Roman Late Empire

Hard to keep control, inner authority, economy/bureaucracy/Pagan religion/Roman empire starting to fail. Severan african-born emperor. Married Julia Domnia, had Caracalla.




Images composed of small pieces of colored glass or stone. The Alexander ________ shows Alexander the Great persuing Darius III at the Battle of Issus. The Romans often used these to decorate their floors.


In Buddhist and Hindo iconography, a stylized and symbolic hand gesture.


In Classical architecture, a frieze is a continuous horizontal band of sculptural decoration. The Ionic ______ in the Parthenon depicts the Panathenaic Procession.


In Classical architecture, the part of a building above the columns and below the roof. This part of a Classical temple includes the architrave, frieze, and cornice.


In Classical architecture, the triangular section of a temple roof often decorated with sculpture.

Hierarchical Scale

The representation of more important figures as larger than less important ones. The sculptor who carved the Victory Stele of Naram-Sin used this to indicate Naram-Sin's lofty status.


In drawing or painting, the treatment and use of light and dark, especially by graduations of light that produce the effect of mottling. Masaccio demonstrated the mastery of this in the Tribute Money.


In painting, a full-size preliminary drawing from which a painting is made. DaVinci's Virgin and Child with Saint Anne and the Infant Saint John is a famous example of one of these.

1st Style

Incrustation Style - 200-60bce, describes how wall is divided into geometric shape, also called masonry style because it imitated expensive marble panels very desired, mimicked w/ painted stucco relief. Like from early Greeks.

4th Style

Intricate Style 60-79ce, very busy/hellenistic/theatrical, garish

Leonardo da Vinci

Italian painter and sculptor and engineer and scientist and architect


Italian painter noted for his realistic depiction of religious subjects and his novel use of light (1573-1610)


Italian sculptor renowned as a pioneer of the Renaissance style with his natural, lifelike figures, such as the bronze statue David.


Japanese for "pictures of the floating world." A style of Japanese genre painting that influenced nineteenth-century Western art.


Late nineteenth- and twentieth-century artists whose work emphasized innovation and challenged esablished conventions.

15th Century Northern Renaissance

Later gothic, ends of feudalism, etc, unam class structure, 100 years ware, black plague, new european capitolism, french manuscriptal illumination, now more secular, stained glass, lumniosity



Lorrain was an artist of the Baroque era who was active in Italy, and is admired for his achievements in landscape painting.


Mannerism, distorts perspective on purpose, elegant and beautiful poses, not logical not proportional. put himself in all faces, very strange.


Marc (1887-1985), French painter; born in Russia. He used rich emotive color and dream imagery

Hellenistic Period

More emphasis on emotion and the individual .. very dramatized, esp when combined w/the gods.


Most famous of Venetian painters of Renaissance. - prolific. Richness of colors- especially. red. Many religious paintings ex. The Assumption of the Virgin and many portraits, kings and popes etc.

Early Roman Empire History

Murder of Caesar, ending w/bloody war, long war, Egypt became part of empire, broken-down titles, Augustus brings peace - Pax Romana, expansion of social life .. theatres, etc, mold public opinion, propaganda


Night Hawks, trains, and isolation.


One of a series of rows in a pictorial narrative. For excellen examples of these, see the Standard of Ur and the Palette if King Narmer.

Hirschfeld Painter

One specific team/studio of a teacher.


Openings in the walls of catacombs to receive the dead.

3rd Style

Ornate Style, combination of style 1 & 2, paneled w/architectural and polychrome look, delicate story fantasies


Palace of Versailles

Late Classical

Peloponnesian war, Sparta. Political turmoil/chaos. More serene idealism, real world of individual.

16th Century Northern Ren

Spain dominates, politics for modern state, arrival of reformation, civil warring, state ultimately wins. Protestantism - faith alone, Martin Luther w/95 Thesese, restoration of christianity.

Byzantine Art

Pre-Renaissance art which stacked figures on top of one another against gold backgrounds and dictated the importance of figures using size


Previously known as Byzantium, Constantine changed the name of the city and moved the capitol of the Roman Empire here from Rome.


Realization of central-plan building, philosophy of - walls are flat, therefore columns should not be added, peers do. Architecture = order on human forme. Vetruvius form - proportion = beauty and order. Concept of classical forms, but applied to religion - dominance of Christian religion.


Renaissance painter of "Procession of the Magi" in Palazzo Medici; symbol of individualism (both Medici family members and artist himself appear in painting)


Rococo architect. German architect who applied rococo principles to his buildings. No straight lines.


Rococo artist who painted aristocrats and their pleasurable and civilized life; painted The Pilgrimage To Cythera


Rococo artist. "Mounds of pink flesh." Sensual paintings of (mainly) nude mythological figures.


Rococo artist. Applies rococo principles to religious art. Famed for his ceilings and trompe l'oeil effects.


Rococo artist. English painter who specialized in aristocratic portraits. Often includes landscape backgrounds.

High Empire History

Roman authority in street planning/civilization

Roman Republic History

Romulus. Small huts of wood over land, archaic = more etruscan, eventual constitutional government, some dictators at wartime, patricians = wealthy class and plebians = lower classes, both rule. Ecletic art - basically took everyone else's. Interest in portraiture, some architecture.


Russian; one of the first and most influential abstract painters; joined the Blue Rider and the Bauhaus

Van der Rohe and Johnson

Seagram Building, New York, 1956-58; Modernism

Early Classical

Severe Style, transition from archaic to classical. Themes of order/triumph over the evil. Era of classical philosophers. Courage, endurance, as themes.

German Expressionism

Stressed intense & subjective emotion, used inner feelings rather than depicting outward appearances, used deliberate distortions to assault and shock their audience, dark ideas, disturbed states of being


Spanish architect who was a leading exponent of art nouveau in Europe (1852-1926)


Spanish cubist painter (1887-1927)

El Greco

Spanish painter (born in Greece) remembered for his religious works characterized by elongated human forms and dramatic use of color (1541-1614)


Spanish painter and court painter to Philip IV. Important not just for royal portraits but as an important influence on other Baroque painters


Spanish painter well known for his portraits and for his satires (1746-1828)


Swiss and German painter known for expressionism, cubism, surrealism and orientalism. "Insula Dulcamera" "Cat and Bird" "Carnival in Mountains" "Drawn One"


Taking metal, outlining sections of colored enamel, creates contrast


Technique in which the artist applies thick layers of oil paint. Both Rembrandt and Van Gogh used this technique in their works.

Memento Mori

Term for something that is a reminder of death.


The French fascination with all things Japanese. __________ emerged in the second half of the nineteenth century. The Impressionists and Post-Impressionists were particularly impressed with the use of bold contour lines, flat areas of color, and cropped edges in Japanese woodblock prints.


The Italian sculptor and goldsmith who was best known for the doors to the baptistery of Florence's cathedral, and another set of doors which was called "The Gates to Paradise". He also wrote one of the earliest autobiographies by an artist, which is crucial to those studying the art and culture of the time (1378-1455).


The Renaissance artist who led the way in establishing a new style of employing deep space, modeling , and anatomical correctness.


The concave triangular section of a vault that forms the transition between a square or polygonal space and the circular base of a dome. Also known as dome supports, they enabled Byzantine architects to construct the dome for Hagia Sofia.


The facade and towers at the western end of a medieval church, principally in Germany.

Medici 1434-1494

The family members were wealthy politicians, businessmen, and patrons of the arts who influenced both individuals and the bigger picture, in Florence and all of Europe. Cosimo de Medici ruled Florence for five years after strategically getting himself elected, and used his grandson Lorenzo as a diplomat so that he was aquainted with other leaders of Europe. Lorenzo was a great patron of the arts, like other members of his family, and helped many artists such as Michelangelo. He also helped spread Florentine art and culture throughout Italy. Lorenzo used personal charisma and diplomatic prowess to end a war against Naples and the Papacy in 1479, but shortly after his death, wars tore apart Italy and lowered it from its status of the center of European civilization.

Le Vau

The first great architect of the Versailles of Louis XIV, he built the grand apartments of the king and queen as well as the stone façade of the Château facing the garden


The lunette-shaped space above the portals of Romanesque and Gothic churches.


The relaxed natural pose, or "weight shift," first introduced in Greek sculpture in 480 BCE. First used in Kritios Boy, this concept separates Classical from Archaic Greek statuary.


The painted or sculpted lower portion of an altarpiece that relates to the subjects of the upper portion.


The passageway around the apse and choir of a church. It was originally a feature of Romanesque churches that developed in connection with their use as pilgrimage centers.

High Renaissance 1400-1603

The time between 1400 and 1500 when the Renaissance was at its peak. This was when cultural values were formed, artistic and literary achievements occurred, and Renaissance style was largely defined.

Lucifer by Pollock, Abstract Expressionism

This one has a bit of green to it.

Leonard Da Vinci

Total renaissance man, did serious everything. Ambitions in science and art, contributed to everything. Reality inaccessible, only known through what is seen. Sight is most essential, through what is grasped. Paint man, intention of soul, light and dark, physicallity


Undulating façade makes the building front seem like its moving. Introduction of the curve (baroque) into a classical design (renaissance).


United States abstract painter (born in Russia) whose paintings are characterized by horizontal bands of color with indistinct boundaries (1903-1970)


United States architect (born in China in 1917)


United States architect known for his steel framed skyscrapers and for coining the phrase 'form follows function' (1856-1924)

Jasper Johns

United States artist and proponent of pop art (born in 1930)


United States artist famous for painting with a drip technique


United States artist whose work reflected social and political themes (1898-1969)


United States sculptor (born in Russia) known for massive shapes of painted wood (1899-1988)


Valence, studied grottos, leonardo's dusky modeling, lighter tones, clarity over obscurity, muralist - Commissioned by pope, 4 branches of human knowledge and wisdom, education to pope Julius II - Pope = spiritual and temporal leader, so theology and philosophy face each other - Lorenzo de Medici another commission - portraits, personality, psychic state of subject - soul rises to enlightenment through beauty - neoplatonicism

Groin Vault

Vault formed at the point at which two barrel vaults intersect at right angles. They are one of the characteristic features of Gothic Cathedrals.


__________ (1450-1523) was a friend of Leonardo da Vinci and had great influence on the young Raphael who worked with im early in his career.


a Flemish painter who liked capturing large scenes of daily live and had great attention to detail


a baroque architect and sculptor. Made the Colonnade for piazza in from of St. Peter's Basilica in Rome and was his greatest architectural work, and the Canopy over the high altar of St. Peter's Cathedral, and the altarpiece The Ecstasy of St. Teresa, that shows a lot of emotion


a deity conceived in an animal form


a leading German painter and engraver of the Renaissance (1471-1528)


an almond-shaped nimbus surrounding the figure of Christ or other sacred figure


an art movement launched in 1905 whose work was characterized by bright and non-natural colors and simple forms


an artistic movement emphasizing the imagination and characterized by incongruous juxtapositions and lack of conscious control


best known for his portrait miniatures of members of the courts of Elizabeth I and James I of England. He mostly painted small oval miniatures, but also some larger cabinet miniatures, up to about ten inches tall, and at least two famous half-length panel portraits of Elizabeth.


carried humanism to extreme: claimed no need for laws or morals

Revival Styles (1815-1848)

classical naw.


classical subject matter, but intensified through repetition until it's over the top. But "Flight into Egypt" is restrained, understated - figures are not seen until after the landscape has already been seen.


futurist that painted the armored train in 1915; has geometric forms and parallel in picture planes; depicts something he may have seen in the war

Contemporary Art (1939-1993)

generally defined as art produced during the second half of the twentieth century


goldsmith and sculptor, wrote one of the first autobiographies


is a pulpit in the mosque where the Imam (leader of prayer) stands to deliver sermons


known mainly for painting large naked women. Twisting figures in allegorical or classical paintings. Importance of light and color.

St. Mark



literally means the direction of prayer, facing toward Mekkah. In mosque architecture, the qibla wall indicates the orientation of prayer.

St. Matthew



moved capital of Western Empire from Milan to Ravenna

Colonialism (1890-1900)



neoclassical architect. Applies gothic engineering to neoclassical-style buildings.


oil paintings more suited to Venice's damp climate. Detailed, classically arranged, allegorical works.


one of the first landscape painters. Focus on nature an important trait in the renaissance.


prolific and influential Spanish artist who lived in France (1881-1973)


purity, peace, Holy Spirit, St. John the Baptist (sometimes)


renaissance painter, famous works are "La Primavera" and "The Birth of Venus" (firs full frontal female nude since ancient ties, roman goddess, idea of the perfect woman), work is completely secular


small underground rooms in catacombs serving as mortuary chapels


stucco decorations of Islamic buildings in which stalactite-like forms break a structure's solidity


the holiest city of Islam; Muhammad's birthplace


the passage (walkway) around the apse in a basilican church or around the central space in a central-plan church


the tower attached to a mosque from which the muezzin, or crier, calls the faithful to prayer five times a day

Art Nouveau

tried to create an aesthetic based on natural forms mass produced for a large audience (Antonio Gaudi, Victor Horta and Aubrey Beardsley)


was famous for his "ready mades", objects purchased and them presented as sculptures with virtually no alterations.



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