APEH chapter 23-24

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Pan-German League

The Pan-German League advocated anti-liberal policies including the development of a global German colonial empire to unite all classes of citizens at home.

Internal combustion engine

The first international combustion engine burning a mixture of gas and air was produced in 1878


The greatest difference between naturalism and realism in literature was in general, naturalism was more pessimistic than realism.

Max Planck

The quantum theory of energy developed by Max Planck raised fundamental questions about the subatomic realm of the atom and the basic building blocks of the material world.

Urbanization (where, why)*

The urbanization of Europe brought religion under attack from all of the following except Pius IX' Syllabus of Errors.

Theodor Herzl

Theodor Herzl, the leader of the Zionist movement, advocated the creation of a Jewish state in Palestine.

Sigmund Freud

believed behavior was determined by one's unconscious and by inner drives of which people were generally unaware.

Friedrich Nietzsche

believed that Christianity had deeply undermined the creative power of western civilization.

Thomas Cook

The "father" of tourism in England was Thomas Cook

Boer War

The Boer War was fought by the British in South Africa

Eduard Bernstein

The Marxist revisionist Eduard Bernstein stressed the need for working through democratic politics to create socialism.

Late 19th c. European education

- Although several motives drove European states to develop systems of mass public education for their citizens, the chief reason for which they did this was political, to produce more informed voters in expanding electorates and to heighten patriotism. - By 1900, most European educational systems were free and compulsory at least at the primary level.

Strongest labor unions

- By 1914, the nation with the largest number of trade unionists was England - Initially, trade unions in the first half of the nineteenth century functioned primarily as mutual aid societies. - The trade union movement prior to World War I varied from country to country, but was generally allied with socialist parties.

European Jews in the late 19th c.

- During the nineteenth century, Jews were emancipated in most countries, but still faced restrictions - in general, by the late nineteenth century, the worst treatment of the Jews occurred in eastern europe - The event which exemplified renewed anti-Semitism in France in the late nineteenth century was the Dreyfus affair

19th c. middle class**

- European middle-class families during the late nineteenth century stressed functional knowledge for their children to prepare them for their future roles - The middle classes of nineteenth-century Europe were very concerned with propriety and shared values of hard work and Christian morality.

Industrial regions**

- Germany began to replace Britain as Europe's industrial leader by the early twentieth century due to Germany's development of new areas of manufacturing including chemicals and heavy electric machinery - By 1900, which of the following nations was the least advanced industrially: Spain - A key reason for Germany supplanting England as the industrial leader of Europe was British entrepreneurs were suspicious of innovations and reluctant to invest in new industries.

Germany's industrial growth**

- Growing tensions in modern German society were exemplified by the proliferation of ultra-nationalist right-wing political groups with anti-Semitic, racist, and imperialist beliefs.

David Lloyd George

- In order to implement the Liberal Party's social reform program, David Lloyd George radically curtailed the power of the House of Lords - Among the notable achievements of the British Liberals under Lloyd George was passage of the National Insurance Act of 1911 providing sickness and unemployment benefits to workers.

Second Industrial Revolution

- The "Second Industrial Revolution" saw the advent of steel - Electricity powered the Second Industrial Revolution - The Second Industrial Revolution experienced a drop in agricultural prices. - Employment opportunities for women during the Second Industrial Revolution changed in quality and quantity with the expansion of the service sector.

Boulanger Crisis

- The Boulanger Crisis in France had the end result of rallying French citizens to the cause of the Republic

Triple Entente**

- The Triple Alliance before 1914 included Germany, Austria, and Italy - The Triple Entente before 1914 included Great Britain, France, Russia

Bismarckian System

- The basis of the Bismarckian System was the isolation of France through a series of military alliances. - The Bismarckian System had the ultimate result of dividing Europe into two opposing groups of nations making war more likely.

Emile Zola

- The best example of naturalistic literature can be found in the novels of Emile Zola. - Explaining his use of naturalism in his novels and his depiction of characters, Emile Zola said "I have simply done on living bodies the work of analysis which surgeons perform on corpses."

Women in the workplace

- The first professional occupation to be opened up to women was teaching - Maria Montessori exemplifies the "new woman" of modern times in that she obtained a professional degree and applied her expertise to new fields of inquiry like early childhood development. - When not able to find work in the factories, many working class European women took jobs as clerks, shop assistants, and nurses.

European population growth late 19th c.**

- The largest segment of European society in the nineteenth century was composed of peasant landholders, unskilled day laborers, and domestic servants - The chief cause of rising European populations between 1850 and 1880 was a declining mortality rate - Between 1850 and 1910, European population increased from 270 million to 460 million.

1867 government of Austria-Hungary

- The primary antagonists in the Balkans region were Serbs and Austrians. - The decline of the Ottoman Empire led to Austrian-Serbian rivalry. - Which of the following statements best applies to Austria-Hungary before World War I? The nationality problem remained unresolved. - Austria-Hungarian compromise made dual monarchy

Cecil Rhodes

- determined south african policy in 1880 - diamond/goldfound wealth let him get a province, named rhodesia - thought go wanted him to take over africa for england - wanted chain of provinces, cairo -cape town connected by railroad - forced to resign after he tried to overthrow boers by himself

Home Rule Act of 1914

- enacted by liberals - northern Irish protestants didn't want a catholic Ireland, causing problems - WWI let England sidestep the issue and suspend Irish home rule during the war

Agriculture late 19th c.

- increased agricultural production + improvements in transportation shipped surplus to areas suffering from poor harvests - better nutrition and food hygiene slowed down infant mortality, esp. pasteurization of milk

First Moroccan Crisis

- made France and Britain draw closer bc they thought Germany was a threat to Europe peace - German leaders made plans to hinder its power as world leader - Russia became suspicious of Germany, signed agreement w Britain - separated into alliance and entente - Germans opposed French designs in morocco to divide France and England, succeeded only in uniting them, a conference in Spain gave morocco to France

Otto von Bismarck (attitudes, policies)

- said, "All this colonial business is a sham, but we need it for the elections." - The "open door" policy was to allow more freedom of trade in so-called spheres of influence in China - Which statement best applies to the Germany under chancellor Otto von Bismarck? Coalitions were used by Bismarck to get what he wanted and then he dropped them - passed social welfare legislation to woo workers away from the Social Democrats.

Social Darwinism

- was applying the ideas of Darwin to society. - Using Darwin's terminology, Herbert Spencer argued that human societies were organism evolving through time by struggling with their environments.

Emmeline Pankhurst

- was not a pioneer in the field of nursing - To advance the cause of women's suffrage, the Women's Social and Political Union founded by Emmeline Pankhurst and her daughters took a radical, public, and well publicized approach to the movement, employing different media and provocative public actions, like pelting male politicians with eggs. -


A rise in female prostitution in European cities during the later nineteenth century can best be attributed to heavy migration to cities by country women and their increasingly desperate struggle for urban economic survival.

Houston Stewart Chamberlain

According to Houston Stewart Chamberlain, the Aryans were the real creators of western culture.


Anarchist movements were most successful in less industrialized and less democratic countries where ordinary people could see no hope of peaceful political change.

19th c. working class**

Daughters in European working-class families were fully expected to work until marriage.

Pope Leo XIII

In his encyclical De Rerum Novarum (1891), Pope Leo XIII asserted that much in socialism was Christian in principle.

Louis Napoleon

Louis Napoleon's Second Empire was brought to an end by France's defeat in the Franco-Prussian War.


Modernism in music included all of the following elements except the exclusive use of extremely regular rhythms.

Octavia Hill

Octavia Hill's housing venture was designed to give the poor an environment they could use to improve themselves


Transformiso was in Italy this one guy I can't think of his name off the top of my head but he used bribery and other corrupt tactics to transform social groups into political parties and do other under the table stuff that worked for a little but ultimately left Italy corrupt and poorly run

Georges Sorel

Which of the following philosophers advocated violence, if necessary, as a means of achieving socialism?

Meiji Restoration

created a political system democratic in form but rigidly authoritarian in practice, sent many Japanese abroad to be educated in the ways of the west and adopted many western reforms in political and military organization. (B AND D)

Fabian Socialists

favored evolution toward a socialist state by democratic means.

English Reform Bill of 1884

gave English agricultural workers the right to vote (anyone who paid regular rent or taxes)

Albert Einstein

was responsible for the theory of relativity

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