APES Chapter 11 - 22

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Assuming that oil production will peak in about 2020 and then decline at about 2% per year, when will production be half of that in 2020? 2045 3030 2120 2036 2070


In the 1990s, the United States used about 5% of corn production for biofuel (ethanol). To what percentage had that usage increased by the year 2007? 10% 14% 32% 24% 20%


Today, the United States, with only 5% of the world's population, uses approximately __ of the total energy consumed in the world 10% 25% 50% 75% 90%


A nuclear power plant accident that released a significant amount of radiation occurred at: Three mile island Chernobyl San Onofre Diablo Canyon Hanford


Benefits of large dams for generating hydropower include which of the following? I. No pollution of atmosphere. II. Production of renewable energy. III. Physical barrier to migration of fish. I and II only II only III only I only I, II, and III

I and II

Sediment pollution is a twofold problem. Select two of the following statements to define the sediment pollution problem. I. Sediment pollution results from erosion, which depletes soil. II. Sediment pollution reduces the quality of the water resource it enters. III. Sediment pollution contributes to acid rain. IV. Sediment pollution results from a buildup of rock fragments greater than 250 mm in diameter. II and IV III and IV II and III I and III I and II

I and II

Which of the following is the greatest environmental impact of using biofuels: destruction of ozone in the stratosphere acid rain accumulation of large volumes of waste material air pollution creation of toxic byproducts

air pollution

The most important forage crop in the United States, providing one-half of the world's total production is sorghum maize barley soybeans alfalfa


A heat engine produces work from heat. Which of the following is a heat engine? electricity generating plants human body internal combustion engine used in automobiles steam engine all of the above are heat engines

all of the above are heat engines

Agriculture where a mixture of crops is utilized, including root, stem, and fruit crops is called: all of these milpa agriculture fang agriculture bush fallow swidden agriculture

all of these

Future food shortages worldwide will be effected by the growing human population the loss of fertile soils the lack of water for irrigation global warming all of these

all of these

Strip mining is cheaper and easier than underground mining. poses an environmental risk of acid mine drainage is a surface mining process in which the overlying layer of soil and rock is removed to reach the coal has the potential to pollute or damage water, land, and biologic resources all of these

all of these

Energy content is greatest in ______coal and lowest in _______coal. anthracite / lignite subbituminous / anthracite subbituminous / bituminous lignite / bituminous lignite / anthracite

anthracite / lignite

A weed is defined as a plant in a place where we do not want it to be by species of cultivated flower as any late successional plant as any plant favored by insect pests both as any late successional plant and as any plant favored by insect pests

as a plant in a place where we do not want it to be

A "forage" crop is one that is grown to be sold in vegetable stands along the side of roads to be burned as a means of adding nutrients to the soil from seeds harvested from a previous crop as food for domestic animals from genetically modified plants

as food for domestic animals

Underground coal mining is a dangerous profession including all of the hazards EXCEPT: mine collapse respiratory illnesses asbestos exposure coals fires explosions

asbestos exposure

All of the following are characteristic of Integrated Pest Management EXCEPT: attempt to move toward monoculture no-till agriculture use of genetically resistant stock attempt to control rather than complete elimination of a pest sparing and specific use of pesticides

attempt to move toward monoculture

Vertical subsidence occurs when the ground above coal mine tunnels collapses is elevated with dirt taken out of mine is used as a mineral quarry is reinforced with wooden beams is converted into natural parkways


xAdjusting energy use to minimize the amount of high-quality energy necessary to accomplish a given task is referred to as energy profit conservation destruction inefficiency fortification


Integrated Pest Management: considers effects of the pest-control method on the entire ecosystem will lead to increased pesticide use eliminates pests without any other environmental impact is concerned with the effects of insect pests on agricultural crops costs farmers more to control pests

considers effects of the pest-control method on the entire ecosystem

About one-third (~33%) of the Earth's land has climates that should produce deserts, but about 43% actually is desert. What one dominant force is believed to be the cause of this excess desert land? human activities global warming agriculture irrigation changing climates since the last Ice Age

human activities

Chlorination is a water treatment used to filter heavy metals kill harmful bacteria trap sediments reduce tooth decay make polluted water smell better

kill harmful bacteria

The energy of a body that results from its motion is ____ energy. destroyed potential created kinetic sustained


Today, the primary water pollution problem in the world is: lack of clean, disease-free drinking water serious sporadic water pollution incidents lack of suitable water for golf courses the legal limits set for certain pollutants lack of available water for agricultural purposes

lack of clean, disease-free drinking water

Undernourishment results from lack of exercise lack of appeal of certain foods lack of specific vitamins in food lack of sufficient calories in available food lack of appetite

lack of sufficient calories in available food

Our current food problems are the result of all of the following EXCEPT: inadequate world food distribution increase in human population limited availability of water in some areas demand for food outstripping local food production lack of technology

lack of technolorgy

What one factor, more than others, determines the suitability of tidal power for a coastal site? sediment supply and transport large tidal range the cost of building the plant the frequency of tides size and frequency of storm events

large tidal range

Coastal areas are susceptible to saltwater intrusion into groundwater. Saltwater intrusion usually becomes a threat when: petroleum wells bring saline brines to the surface coastal erosion allows ocean water to get near freshwater aquifers heavy recreational activity occurs on beaches serious storms hit the coast local water users remove more groundwater than is naturally replaced

local water users remove more groundwater than is naturally replaced

Organic food production is identified by all of the following qualities EXCEPT: crops are grown pesticide free crops are grown without artificial chemicals ecological control methods are employed mechanized technology is not utilized crops are genetically engineered

crops are genetically engineered

Intestinal parasite that causes flu-like symptoms and can be transmitted through unfiltered or inadequately filtered drinking water: acid mine drainage point source secondary treatment cryptosporidium fecal coliform bacteria


Modern industrialized agriculture involves all of the following characteristics except: increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere increased decomposition of soil organic matter artificial use of fertilizer cultivation of subsistence crops major use of fossil fuels

cultivation of subsistence crops

When human processes add nutrients to a body of water accelerating eutrophication, we say that _________ eutrophication is occurring. cultural enriching artificial zoned primary


Maximum global production of oil is expected between 2020 and 2050 followed by declining demand for oil declining supply of oil increase in production of oil increase in discovery of oil declining petroleum prices

declining supply of oil

Which of the terms below refers to the process in which a nuclear fuel, such as Uranium, is split into smaller particles plus energy: radiation absorbed dose curie breeder reactor fission becquerel


The splitting of atomic nuclei is called ________ while the combining of atomic nuclei is called _______. fission / fusion fusion / fission synthesis / decomposition eruption / subduction subduction / eruption

fission / fusion

The amount of the nutrients, phosphorus, and nitrogen in groundwater is usually: greater in agricultural regions than in natural forests the same in agricultural regions as in natural forests an indicator of soil fertility lowest in areas with calcium-rich bedrock an indicator of industrial seepage

greater in agricultural regions than in natural forests

The network of power lines that distribute electricity from power plants to homes is referred to as a(n) configuration circuit maze grid web


Large scale irrigation projects change the environment in all of the following ways EXCEPT erosion rates increase groundwater levels are altered stream patterns change gross crop production increases habitats disappear

gross crop production increases

The biosphere continuously receives ______ from the Sun and radiates ______ into space. high-grade heat, no energy high-grade heat, low-grade energy high-grade energy, low-grade energy low-grade energy, low-grade heat low-grade energy, high-grade heat

high-grade energy, low-grade energy

The second-law efficiency refers to how well matched the energy end use is with the quality of the energy source number of units of energy extracted from energy source actual amount of energy delivered the amount of energy available the amount of energy required

how well matched the energy end use is with the quality of the energy source

Genetically modified crops: may have higher nutritional value than the original product. may be more susceptible to pests may produce an unexpected terminator gene in some consumers. have been largely banned in the United States. All of the above

may have higher nutritional value than the original product.

Sustainability of soils can be aided by all of the following EXCEPT: crop rotation terracing contour plowing monoculture plantings no-till agriculture

monoculture plantings

Soils with a very high sand content are not suitable for agriculture without modification because resistance to erosion by water of drainage capacity of poor water holding capacity resistance to erosion by wind high organic content

of poor water holding capacity

The carrying capacity of land for cattle grazing varies greatly with all of the following EXCEPT: soil type topography panorama soil fertility rainfall


Which of the following are the three main energy sources used in the U.S? petroleum, coal, and nuclear petroleum, natural gas, and coal wood, petroleum, and nuclear coal, gasoline, and nuclear hydroelectric, natural gas, and coal

petroleum, natural gas, and coal

Which of the following terms refers to recovery of petroleum by pumping from a well - without steam, lubricants, or other elaborate steps necessary to mobilize the oil: primary production strip mining oil shale hydrocarbon allowance trading

primary production

Which of the following is NOT a problem associated with hydropower? production of sulfur dioxides harmful to atmosphere production of nitrogen gas harmful to fish flooding potential downstream of dam disruption of fish spawning through physical barriers sediment entrapment preventing replenishment of sand on beaches

production of sulfur dioxides harmful to atmosphere

Sustainable energy development would have all of the following characteristics EXCEPT: preservation of Earth's resources for future generations prevent degradation of global environments reliable sources of energy diverse technologies for renewable sources profitable economic conditions for nation with energy resources

profitable economic conditions for nation with energy resources

One concern in the U.S. regarding increased use of nuclear energy throughout the world, including in a broad range of developing countries is: decreased reliance on fossil fuels increased greenhouse emissions loss of biodiversity proliferation of nuclear material that may end up in nuclear weapons lower prices for U.S. exports of electricity

proliferation of nuclear material that may end up in nuclear weapons

All of the following are ways in which agriculture disrupts ecosystems EXCEPT: providing basis for early succession soil disturbance monoculture plantings genetic modification of species species segregation

providing basis for early succession

Sweden is a leader in biomass energy, with 17% of its primary energy consumption from biomass produced from energy crops (sugarcane) charcoal urban waste animal residues pulp and paper industry

pulp and paper industry

Coal-slurry pipelines are designed to transport mud to underground coal mines to shore up tunnels coal in the western United States acid mine drainage from the mines and waste piles to holding tanks air pollutants produced by coal combustion to scrubbers pulverized coal by water

pulverized coal by water

Technically speaking, when water is polluted, the water is considered brackish (high salt content) is suitable for any purpose but drinking can still be used for all intended purposes only contains disease causing organisms quality has been degraded

quality has been degraded

Which of the terms below refers to the energy absorbed by an organism due to radiation exposure: breeder reactor fission radiation absorbed dose becquerel curie

radiation absorbed dose

All of the following are environmental problems associated with geothermal energy except? emissions of gas disturbance of the land at the drilling site pipelines radiation threat on-site noise

radiation threat

All of the following are advantages of renewable energy sources over fossil fuels EXCEPT: it will not take as long to construct technology necessary to extract energy from renewable energy sources as to build a fossil fuel power plant renewable energy sources will not cause climate change renewable energy sources will not increase coastal erosion renewable energy sources will not raise sea levels renewable energy sources will not be more expensive than current energy from fossil fuels

renewable energy sources will not be more expensive than current energy from fossil fuels

Since adopting the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, the U.S. Government has determined that strip mining has had least impact on environments of semiarid southwestern states established that disposing of wastes and replanting vegetation is not necessary after mining required that mined land be restored to support its pre-mining use prohibited surface mining given preference to prime agricultural land for strip mining with mineral rights given to ranchers and farmers

required that mined land be restored to support its pre-mining use

According to federal law, all municipal plants in the U.S. must treat sewage wastewater up to this level: primary treatment advanced wastewater treatment no treatment secondary treatment purification for recycling as drinking water

secondary treatment

Step in wastewater purification in which organic material is consumed by bacteria: point source secondary treatment cryptosporidium fecal coliform bacteria acid mine drainage

secondary treatment

The activated sludge process is most commonly used in removing methane gas (CH4) secondary wastewater treatment primary wastewater treatment advanced wastewater treatment removing all pollutants from incoming sewage

secondary wastewater treatment

By weight, the most abundant water pollutant is: organic waste sediment toxic chemicals leachate from open dumps heavy metals


Which of the following components of a septic-tank disposal system is designed to separate liquids from solids? septic tank grit chamber leach lines septic vent drain field

septic tank

What type of rock forms the cap rock to trap the natural upward migration of oil and natural gas? sandstone shale magma limestone coarser grained porous stone


Wind energy does have a few disadvantages including all of the following EXCEPT: degradation of an area's scenic resources windmills kill birds significantly raising the cost of producing electricity construction of roads and pads for windmills destroying ecological habitat tying up large parcels of land

significantly raising the cost of producing electricity

Monoculture production of crops is more vulnerable to outbreaks of disease because this type of farming: requires increased irrigation causes soil erosion simplifies the ecosystem enriches the local floras by introducing fertilizers increases the diversity of pests

simplifies the ecosystem

t is likely that sustainable energy management will include the emerging concept of micropower, which is: small, distributed systems for production of electricity the capture and use of waste heat conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy less reliance on alternative fuels large-scale central power plants

small, distributed systems for production of electricity

Which of the following is usually associated with the most intense disruption of the surface environment? petroleum combustion strip mining allowance trading scrubbing natural gas production

strip mining

Of the four common classes of coal, which is generally the highest sulfur content? lignite anthracite subanthracite subbituminous bituminous


Scrubbers in smoke stacks remove large amounts of what major air pollutant? sulfur dioxides oxygen carbon dioxide sodium oxides methane

sulfur dioxides

The majority of Earth's energy input comes from: the Earth's albedo photolysis of ozone in the stratosphere geothermal heat from the Earth's interior sunlight combustion of fossil fuels


All of the following are reasons food distribution in countries with food shortages fail, EXCEPT poor people cannot pay for food delivery surplus food is unavailable food is withheld for political or military reasons poor people cannot buy food transportation is lacking for food distribution

surplus food is unavailable

In what environment did most of the Earth's coal deposits originally form? desert ocean trench swamp river mountain peaks


Increasing available nitrogen to a plant increases the plant's uptake and use of phosphorus. This is an example of: succession Liebig's "Law of the Minimum" synergistic effect interaction between a macronutrient and micronutrient chemical cycling

synergistic effect

All of the following are basic elements of a power tower system for generating electricity EXCEPT: central collector turbine generator reflecting mirrors synfuel steam


What type of fuel can be obtained from oil shale and tar sands? anthracite kerogen asphalt synfuel leaded fuel


Energy conservation involves all of the following EXCEPT: using compact florescent light bulbs taking longer showers carpooling driving smaller, hybrid cars turn off lights when leaving room

taking longer showers

What is the difference between different ways of selective breeding and GMC using hybrid?

taking two organisms with strong characteristics and forcing them to mate while GMC is directly altering the genes of the organism

Sedimentary rocks or sands impregnated with tar oil, asphalt or bitumen that can be mined for oil extraction are called: scrubbing muds synfuels oil dust mops smudge pots tar sands

tar sands

At the present time, the method for handling high-level nuclear waste in the U.S. is: ocean-bottom disposal temporary storage, pending completion of a permanent disposal site dilute and disperse long-term disposal in salt mines export to France or Britain

temporary storage, pending completion of a permanent disposal site

What is geothermal energy? the rate of temperature increase with depth in the Earth a thermal spring heat derived from a geothermal power plant heat energy in the core of the earth useful conversion of natural heat from the interior of the Earth

useful conversion of natural heat from the interior of the Earth

"Cogeneration" refers to the use of: scrubbers to reduce sulfur emissions pump-storage facilities waste heat to improve overall efficiency steam turbines to produce electricity alternative energy sources

waste heat to improve overall efficiency

When hydrogen is used in a fuel cell, the only waste product is natural gas electricity sulfur dioxide carbon dioxide water


What role does water serve within the core of a commercial nuclear reactor? water speeds the nuclear reactions, making chain reactions possible water reacts chemically with high-energy particles, rendering them inert water is the fuel water amplifies the nuclear radiations water "moderates" or slows down neutrons emitted by radioactive decay

water "moderates" or slows down neutrons emitted by radioactive decay

Acid mine drainage is a serious water pollution problem that results when water and oxygen react with sulfide minerals associated with coal deposits urban processes cause shallow-aquifer pollution sediments from metal mines accumulate in storm drains acid rain falls on limestone deposits aquatic systems are depleted of nitrogen and phosphorus

water and oxygen react with sulfide minerals associated with coal deposits

What are the two kinds of erosion?

water and wind

In many parts of the world, the limiting factor to extensive food production is number of farmers seed availability government restrictions price of land acquisition water availability

water availability

Soil erosion in agricultural settings can be primarily attributed to: parent material (bedrock) use of animal manure use of chemical fertilizers the plow global warming

the plow

The reason that weeds compete so effectively against agricultural crops and must be inhibited or removed is that: weeds are more deeply rooted than crop plants and monopolize soil water weeds do not require the trace elements that limit the growth of crops weeds are early successional species and naturally do well on cleared land weeds try to restore the genetic variability lacking in monoculture herbicides are ineffective against most modern strains of weeds

weeds are early successional species and naturally do well on cleared land

People "starve" in two ways: undernourishment and malnourishment feast and famine food deprivation and lack of appetite poverty and prosperity food shortage and lack of human contact

undernourishment and malnourishment

The fuel for nuclear fission in commercial burner reactors is: plutonium polonium radium uranium hydrogen


Which of the following is the most common fuel for nuclear fission? hydrogen uranium radium sodium magnesium


In addition to spent fuel, waste material associated with nuclear energy includes: leachate uranium mine tailings medical waste heavy water slag

uranium mine tailings

Which of the following is an example of a nonpoint source of water pollution? industrial discharge from a pipe into a stream Exxon Valdez oil spill sewage treatment wastewater discharge conduit into ocean urban runoff from streets overflow from a sewer system

urban runoff from streets

Which of the following biomass energy sources is incorrectly matched with its use/product? forest products/direct burning palm oil/biodiesel energy crops (e.g. sugarcane) / ethanol manure/methane urban waste/charcoal

urban waste/charcoal

All of the following are options to reduce the air pollution caused by coal combustion except: use of more high-sulfur coals scrubbing boiler designs that allow combustion at lower temperatures consumer education about energy conservation and efficiency cleaning coal prior to combustion

use of more high-sulfur coals

All of the following activities contribute to sediment pollution except: winter-time application of road salt farming deforestation off-road vehicle use construction

winter-time application of road salt

The exertion of force over distance moved is known as strength power energy work fuel


The major goal of agriculture must be to achieve sustainable food production in any location. This requires development of farming methods that: cause extinction of wild relatives of crops or potential new food species lead to permanent pollution downstream increase production per unit area eliminate water supplies further damage soils

increase production per unit area

If radon 222 has a half-life of 3.8 days, how much of a 10 gram sample of radon 222 would remain after 7.6 days? 0.625 grams 2.5 grams 5 grams 1.25 grams 10 grams

2.5 grams

When did the Dust Bowl occur?


In the near future, the total amount of electrical power produced by running water from large dams will probably: 1) increase in the summer and decrease in the winter 2) increase in the winter and decrease in the summer 3) not increase in the U.S. because most acceptable dam sites are already in use 4) increase in the U.S. with the addition of more large-scale dam sites 1 2 both 1 and 4 3 4


In the United States today, first-law efficiencies average about 50%, which means that approximately 50% of the energy produced is returned to the environment as waste heat 50% of the population is in favor of a hard path energy policy and 50% in favor of a soft path 50% of the energy produced comes from alternative sources 50% of solar energy is passive 50% of the population is actively implementing energy conservation measures

50% of the energy produced is returned to the environment as waste heat

It takes 3 units of fuel such as coal to produce 1 unit of power such as electricity. Conserving 2 units of power saves ___units of fuel! 6 2/3 1 3 9


Today, approximately _____of the energy consumed in the United States is produced by fossil fuels. 90% 75% 50% 25% 10%


The continent with the most acute food shortages, due to adverse weather and civil strife is Europe North America South America Asia Africa


Which of the following relationships is correctly paired? As biochemical decomposition increases, dissolved oxygen levels decrease As biochemical decomposition increases, dissolved oxygen levels increase as well When dissolved oxygen levels are high, the biochemical oxygen demand is low When dissolved oxygen levels are low, the biochemical oxygen demand is also low None of the above is correctly paired.

As biochemical decomposition increases, dissolved oxygen levels decrease

What does B.O.D. stand for? Biological Oxygen Depletion Barometer of Decomposition Biodegradable Organic Damage Bacterial Oxygen Dependency Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Biochemical Oxygen Demand

Which of the following statements about nuclear energy is true? Decommissioning a nuclear power plant costs up to ten times as much as building it. In a nuclear power plant, electricity is collected directly from the combination of electrons. In a nuclear power plant, electricity is collected directly from electrons splitting off fuel from fuel atoms. Nearly all nuclear power plants worldwide are built far from natural water sources to prevent contamination. The biggest drawback of nuclear energy is excess carbon dioxide emission

Decommissioning a nuclear power plant costs up to ten times as much as building it.

Which of these statements is true of cogeneration production of electricity? Electricity is generated as a by-product from steam produced in regular operations. Passive solar energy is used to heat water to steam for electricity production. A negative environmental impact results. The overall energy efficiency is low. Waste heat is released into the atmosphere as thermal pollution.

Electricity is generated as a by-product from steam produced in regular operations.

One type of fecal coliform bacteria that has been linked to outbreaks resulting from drinking contaminated water or eating contaminated meat is: blue green bacteria Cryptosporidium (a parasite) Escherichia coli (E. coli) Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) hepatitis (a virus)

Escherichia coli (E. coli)

Which of these is true about Integrated Pest Management (IPM)? Farmers have to accept a certain amount of economic damage from pests. Plowing and IPM go hand in hand IPM is exclusive of pesticides IPM encourages a move toward monoculture IPM is the eradication rather than the supervision of pests.

Farmers have to accept a certain amount of economic damage from pests.

Which of the following incorrectly pairs federal water legislation with its goal? Refuse Act (1899) - protects navigable water from pollution Water Quality Act (1987) - controls nonpoint sources of water pollution Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) - sets the amount of fines to charge polluters National Environmental Policy Act (1969) - requires environmental impact statement prior to development of dams, bridges, etc. All of the above are correctly paired

Federal Safe Drinking Water Act (1974) - sets the amount of fines to charge polluters

What uses selective breeding and has been around for a while?


What is the current GM...?


Where did the Dust Bowl occur?

Great Plains (Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma)

Which of the following is true about the differences between an oligotrophic lake and a eutrophic lake? Oligotrophic Lake Eutrophic Lake I clear water pleasant for swimmers murky, unpleasant water II relatively low abundance of life high abundance of algae III always artificially created always naturally occurring II only I and II only III only II and III only I only

I and II only

There are two approaches to dealing with surface water pollution. Which two? I. reduce the sources of pollution II. raise the legal levels of allowed pollutants so the water will no longer be labeled "polluted" III. treat the water to remove pollutants or convert pollutant to forms for safe disposal IV. find a use for heavily polluted water I and III II and IV I and II I and IV II and III

I and III

The effects of nuclear weapons testing in the 1950s and 1960s presented environmental concerns for which of the following reasons? I. atomic fallout that spread through the atmosphere II. an increase in earthquakes from underground testing III. radioisotopes entered food chains all over the world I only I, II, and III I and III only I and II only neither I, II nor III

I and III only

In comparing alternative energy sources and fossil fuels use the analogy of I. a checking account that receives regular monthly deposits II. a checking account that receives an initial large deposit but no further deposits neither I nor II is analogous to fossil fuels I only is analogous to fossil fuels II only is analogous to nonrenewable alternative energy sources I only is analogous to renewable alternative energy sources II only is analogous to renewable alternative energy sources

I only is analogous to renewable alternative energy sources

Agriculture can be linked to the threat of global warming by which of the following mechanism? I.fires used to clear land release ozone into the atmosphere II.use of fossil fuels by mechanized agriculture III.clearing of land leads to decomposition of organic matter and increased atmospheric CO2 III only I and III I, II, and III I only II only

I, II, and III

How is solar energy different from fossil fuels? I. Solar energy is perpetually available; fossil fuels are finitely available II. Solar energy is dispersed over Earth's entire surface; fossil fuels are concentrated in localized areas. III. On a global scale, 10 weeks of solar energy is roughly equivalent to the energy stored in all known reserves of fossil fuel. I, II and III II and III only II only I only III only

I, II, and III

What is a / are major advantage/s of contour plowing? I.reduces topsoil erosion II.is more fuel efficient III.is more time efficient I and III I, II, and III I only II only III only

I, II, and III

Place these steps in the correct order for strip mining. I. removal of overburden II. removal of vegetation and topsoil III. load coal into trucks IV. drill and blast coal beds V. refill cut with topsoil & return to rangeland I - II - III - IV - V II - I - IV - III - V I - II - IV - III - V I - IV - II - III - V IV - II - I - III - V

II - I - IV - III - V

Put the following energy sources in order from greatest consumption by U.S. in 2004 to least consumed. I. Natural gas II. Wind III. Petroleum IV. Nuclear III - II - I - IV IV - III - I - II III - I - IV - II I - II - III - IV II - IV - III - I

III - I - IV - II

Tidal power systems are designed to generate electricity during: I.high tides II.low tides III.rising and falling tides II only II and III I only III only I and III

III only

Which of the following is a FALSE statement? Sustainability of soils can be aided by multiculture plantings. No-till agriculture involves not plowing the land. In agriculture, crop production can be sustained but the ecosystem may not be. In contour plowing, the land is plowed parallel to the slopes and as vertical as possible. The agricultural revolution enables fewer and fewer people to produce more and more food.

In contour plowing, the land is plowed parallel to the slopes and as vertical as possible.

Identify the TRUE statement concerning oil shale and tar sands. It is more expensive to extract a barrel of oil from oil shale than to pump it from a well. Oil in tar sands is easier to remove than primary production of petroleum. Extraction of oil from oil shale and tar sand does not require heat or hot water. Oil shale and tar sands play a major role in today's mix of available fossil fuels. Synfuels are not derived from fossil fuels.

It is more expensive to extract a barrel of oil from oil shale than to pump it from a well.

If there were a problem with the high-level radioactive waste facility at Yucca Mountain, the population that would be most effected is Prypyat, Ukraine Paris, France Harrisburg, Pennsylvania Las Vegas, Nevada Carlsbad, New Mexico

Las Vagas, Nevada

ALL of the following statements are TRUE about methane hydrates EXCEPT Methane hydrates are not stable at low pressure and warm temperatures. Methane hydrates are white, ice-like compounds of methane gas "cages" of frozen water. Methane hydrates are only found beneath the seafloor. Methane hydrates are also known as marsh gas. Marine methane hydrates are a potential energy resource with approximately twice as much energy as all the known natural gas, oil and coal deposits on Earth.

Methane hydrates are only found beneath the seafloor.

Salt beds made of rock salt provide a potentially safe place for the disposal of some radioactive waste for all of the following reasons EXCEPT: The mined openings are filling slowly with rock salt, sealing the waste There is no flowing groundwater It easy to mine rock salt and make rooms for disposal Nuclear waste reacts with sodium chloride to produce hazardous gases The area is geologically stable

Nuclear waste reacts with sodium chloride to produce hazardous gases

Corn has been genetically modified to produce a BT toxin harmful to caterpillars feeding on corn leaves. What has been one of the most undesirable impacts from this genetic modification of corn crops? The corn crop is no longer commercially marketable. The genetically engineered corn genes have been ecologically transferred to potato crops. The caterpillars have already developed resistance to the BT toxin. It is no longer necessary to spray pesticide, putting retail merchants out of business. Other parts of the corn, such as pollen & fruit, also contain the BT toxin creating problems for non-targeted species.

Other parts of the corn, such as pollen & fruit, also contain the BT toxin creating problems for non-targeted species.

What is the relationship of overgrazing to desertification? Overgrazing results in barren exposed soil; if erosion continues, it contributes to desertification Overgrazing is caused by too fertile rangeland; desertification is caused by too fertile agricultural land Overgrazing is the destruction of boreal ecosystem; desertification is the destruction of desert ecosystem High temperatures bring about overgrazing; drought causes desertification Overgrazing is a synonym for desertification

Overgrazing results in barren exposed soil; if erosion continues, it contributes to desertification

The Energy Policy Act of 2005 includes all of the following provisions EXCEPT: Encouraging alternative energy Authorizing research to develop hydrogen powered & pollution free automobiles Promoting conventional energy sources Prohibiting nuclear power Promoting conservation measures

Prohibiting nuclear power

Who is Earl Butz?

Secretary of Agriculture who decided to pay farmers for how many acres they grow.

Arguments supporting development of oil exploration in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge include all of the following EXCEPT: The infrastructure already in place at Prudhoe Bay can be used to process oil from the Refuge. Development of domestic oil would improve the balance of trade and lessen U.S. dependence on foreign oil. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is an extremely fragile ecosystem, in part because of its harsh climate. The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, established in 1980, is a remote location seldom visited by tourists. There is a high probability of finding oil within the Refuge.

The Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is an extremely fragile ecosystem, in part because of its harsh climate.

You are arguing in favor of oil drilling in the Artic National Wildlife Refuge (ANWR). Your strongest point is made by: Ice roads are constructed from tundra pond water. Oil-field and drilling wastes are injected deep underground. The United States needs the ANWR oil to become less dependent on foreign oil sources. Oil wells are being drilled on frozen ground (tundra). Central drilling areas put a small footprint on pristine artic wilderness

The United States needs the ANWR oil to become less dependent on foreign oil sources.

Which of the following is a FALSE statement? The environmental effects of GMC are well understood. GMCs are engineered to be more tolerant of drought, cold, heat and toxic chemical elements. The major genetically modified crops include corn, cotton, and soybeans. At present it is not possible to separate genetically modified crop (GMC) food products from non-GMC products in the retail market. Over two-thirds of all acreage planted with GMC is located in the United States.

The environmental effects of GMC are well understood.

Why are some pig farmers in the United States now feeding their pigs snack food instead of the traditional corn meals. They have found that snack food is more nutritious than corn. Pigs would rather eat trail mix than corn. Snack food is easier to digest than regular corn. Bacon produced from snack food-fed pigs tastes better to consumers. The use of corn to make the biofuel ethanol has driven the cost of corn beyond the reach of pig farmers.

The use of corn to make the biofuel ethanol has driven the cost of corn beyond the reach of pig farmers.

The only naturally occurring fissionable material is: Polonium -218 Lead - 214 Plutonium -239 Uranium-235 Uranium - 238


Sources of background radiation that humans are regularly exposed to include all of the following EXCEPT: UV radiation from the sun radiation from granite rock radiation from uranium concentration in phosphate rocks cosmic rays from outer space radon seeping into homes

UV radiation from the sun

Which of the following statements is TRUE about underground coal mining? Underground coal mining is also known as unconventional mining. There are no negative environmental impacts. Underground coal mining accounts for 95% of the coal mined in the United States. Underground coal mining is the most hazardous type of mining for workers.

Underground coal mining is the most hazardous type of mining for workers.

How can low-level irrigation in arid areas lead to desertification? When irrigation water evaporates a toxic level of residue salts build up over time. Irrigation provides the oasis effect in the desert. Irrigation water leaches all of the nutrients from the soil. The artificial increase in surface water encourages establishment of drought resistant desert vegetation. Irrigating raises the ambient temperature of surrounding land.

When irrigation water evaporates a toxic level of residue salts build up over time.

An area in the United States with a significant potential for geothermal energy is Coachella Valley in southern California with sustained winds of 5m.sec not in existence Barstow, California with its solar power tower Yellowstone National Park with 10,000 hot springs and geysers mountain areas in Texas and the Dakotas with high sustained winds

Yellowstone National Park with 10,000 hot springs and geysers

In order to harness tidal power, a dam is build across the entrance to a bay or estuary, creating a reservoir environmental impact issues of evaporation and erosion must be addressed the lunar calendar is used to determine best locations to produce commercial electricity heat from solar energy must be collected to warm the water, raising its potential energy

a dam is build across the entrance to a bay or estuary, creating a reservoir

What is coal-bed methane: a gas stored on the surfaces of organic matter in the coal a gas stored in structural coal bed traps a gas associated with cattle ranching a white solid associated with coal beds a gas associated with petroleum reserves

a gas stored on the surfaces of organic matter in the coal

A "superweed" is any plant growing where it is not wanted a hybrid plant whose growth, persistence, and resistance to pesticides would make it difficult to control a hybrid plant that can only be grown with fertilizer a plant that is needed by other plants to assist with nitrogen fixation a superior wild flower

a hybrid plant whose growth, persistence, and resistance to pesticides would make it difficult to control

Soil erosion became a national issue in the United States in the 1930's when intense plowing, combined with a major drought caused people to learn a lesson that has since prevented soil erosion the banishment of the plow eutrophication a large area of loosen soil triggering the Dust Bowl food insecurity

a large area of loosen soil triggering the Dust Bowl

The principle advantage of using wetlands for wastewater treatment is: a natural ecosystem replaces industrial methods for secondary and advanced treatment the method eliminates the production of methane, which contributes to global warming it removes dioxin and other pollutants in the sediment of the wetland the resulting water exceeds all drinking water standards it replaces all need for a centralized wastewater treatment facility

a natural ecosystem replaces industrial methods for secondary and advanced treatment

Using a roof overhang on south facing windows to block high summer sunlight and allow winter sunlight promotes cooling of the house in summer and warming of it in winter. This is an example of a geothermal energy system an active solar energy system a passive solar energy system an alternative photovoltaic system a non-sustainable energy solution

a passive solar energy system

Hydropower can be used to store energy through the process of warehousing energy in photovoltaic cells hydropower cannot be used to store energy harnessing kinetic energy of water over a dam a pump storage system powering back-up generators

a pump storage system

All of the following correctly describe fossil fuels except: long-term energy reserves a renewable energy resource a form of stored solar energy organic material, dead and buried created from incomplete biological decomposition of dead organic matter

a renewable energy resource

What is a hybrid?

a result of selective breeding (corn and soybeans)

The soft path energy scenario for the future generally assumes finding greater reserves of fossil fuels building larger power plants a shift from dependence on fossil fuels to renewable, alternative energy resources the energy industry, free from government regulations. will develop fossil fuel resources all of the above

a shift from dependence on fossil fuels to renewable, alternative energy resources

When radioactive uranium decays, it passes through a series of decay steps and ends up as: energy subatomic particles a stable radioactive isotope of uranium a stable non-radioactive isotope of lead hydrogen

a stable non-radioactive isotope of lead hydrogen

Which of the following is an example of kinetic energy? a book teetering on the top of a bookshelf a swing moving from its highest position to lowest water stored behind a dam energy that is stored a motionless car at the top of a hill

a swing moving from its highest position to lowest

If work is the product of a force times a distance, then energy is the amount of force available span of distance traveled intensity of force applied ability to do work exertion of force to no avail

ability to do work

Under the Clean Air Amendments of 1990, coal-burning power plants must reduce sulfur dioxide emissions. All of the following are options being used or developed for this EXCEPT: conversion of coal at power plants into a syngas before burning consumer education about energy conservation use of scrubbers to filter emissions absorbing the cost of transporting low grade, low energy, low sulfur coals from west to east coast chemical and/or physical cleaning of coal prior to combustion

absorbing the cost of transporting low grade, low energy, low sulfur coals from west to east coast

Development of oil and gas fields involves drilling wells on land causing all of these possible negative environmental impacts EXCEPT: pollution of surface and ground waters loss or disruption of fragile ecosystems release of air pollutants such as hydrocarbons acid mine drainage land subsidence

acid mine drainage

Oil production, refining, and transportation have been associated with all of the following environmental problems except: land subsidence pollution of groundwater disturbance of the land surface acid mine drainage release of harmful gases

acid mine drainage

Water with a high concentration of sulfuric acid (H2SO4) that forms from contact with coal excavations or tailings is: acid mine drainage a nonpoint source of water pollution radioactive advanced wastewater cultural eutrophication

acid mine drainage

Which of the following components of a wastewater treatment plant is designed to decompose organic material by aerobic bacteria? leach field settling tank activated-sludge treatment series of screens chlorination process

activated-sludge treatment

In what type of system does solar energy power mechanical devises, usually electric pumps, to circulate air, water, or other fluids to warm homes? closed solar circulation system active solar system reflexive solar response system dormant thermal design passive solar system

active solar system

Soft path" energy strategies feature all of the following characteristics except: sustainable energy sources integrating high-tech solutions to improve sustainability and efficiency energy supply appropriate to local sources and people addition of large-scale nuclear fusion to our energy mix diverse energy sources appropriate to end-use needs

addition of large-scale nuclear fusion to our energy mix

World food production must provide an adequate quantity of food and also food with adequate nutritional quality long shelf life acceptable coloration and size adequate seeds for sowing next generation crops sufficient taste to be appealing

adequate nutritional quality

About 11% of the Earth's surface (excluding Antarctica) is under agriculture. In simple terms, if the world's human population doubles in the future, then either the total agricultural acreage must double or else __________ must double. death rates agricultural yields per acre birth rates deforestation global precipitation

agricultural yields per acre

Which of the following correctly matches the water contaminant with possible source of contamination? heavy metals from industrial processes discharge organic chemicals from pesticide runoff radioactivity from nuclear power plant's waste all are correctly matched pathogenic bacteria from raw sewage

all are correctly matched

A great deal of the world's energy is used in heat engines, with profound environmental effects including: thermal pollution urban smog acid rain global warming all of the above

all of the above

As the terminator gene is introduced into agricultural practices, it poses which of the following impacts? preventing genetically modified crops from spreading protecting the market for the corporation that developed the gene forcing farmers to purchase new seeds annually allowing the U.S. and some of its major corporations to control the world food supply all of the above

all of the above

Buildings constructed to conserve energy are usually more expensive to construct take advantage of passive solar energy are more likely to develop indoor air pollution problems incorporate insulation, caulking and weather-stripping all of the above

all of the above

How can farming change the biosphere? Agriculture changes land cover, resulting in changes in the reflection of light. Agriculture increases carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. Agricultural fires affect climate. agriculture reduces biological diversity. all of the above

all of the above

Hybrid plants are developed to thrive in the forecasted weather conditions resist most likely strains of diseases resist most likely strains of insect pest produce a very high crop yield all of the above

all of the above

Hydrogen fuel can be produced by using an electric current to separate hydrogen(H) from water(H2O). combing steam with natural gas(CH4), removing the carbon(C) and leaving hydrogen (H) gasification of biomass electrolysis all of the above

all of the above

Oysters and mussels are productively farmed using aquaculture artificial pilings in the intertidal zone mariculture techniques lowered rafts in the ocean exposing the filter feeders to a large volume of water all of the above

all of the above

Post-World War II programs focusing on the development of new strains of crops with higher yields, better resistance to disease, or better ability to grown under poor conditions, have led to hybridization drip irrigation hydroponics the green revolution all of the above

all of the above

Reducing the potential for catastrophic oil spills of supertankers can be accomplished by: rerouting tankers away from fragile or notable ecological areas pumping oil out of tanker immediately after an accident occurs design tankers with double hulls to minimize release of oil adherence to the Oil Pollution Act of 1990 all of the above

all of the above

The introduction of domestic herbivores into new habitats threatens with extinction native vegetation not adapted to introduced grazers brings in competition which jeopardizes resources for native herbivores spreads new diseases greatly impairs the land's capability for alternative uses all of the above

all of the above

What measure(s) must be taken to maintain a high quality of living while reducing the amount of energy consumed? increase conservation of energy make more efficient use of energy purchase local foods better insulate home all of the above

all of the above

What type of government incentives could be used to encourage use of alternative energy sources? rebate offer on purchase of energy efficient appliances use of carpool lane for all hybrid cars lower consumer costs for use of alternative energies federal tax relief for installation of solar panels on homes all of the above

all of the above

The future growth of large-scale hydropower plants in the developed world probably will be limited because: the release of impounded water alters streamflow patterns most economical sites are already used reservoirs eventually fill with sediment the addition of reservoirs mean that more water is lost to evaporation all of these

all of these

What can be done to help crop production keep pace with human population growth? seek new plant species to be used as food sources plant crops in environments little used for agriculture capitalize on plants eaten locally to extend to a wider market genetic engineering of crops to increase yield all of these

all of these

What role do limiting factors play in determining crop yield? limiting factors define elements whose availability is least in comparison to the needs of a plant if the limiting factor is scarce or at unfavorable levels, it restricts the crop yield. if the limiting factor is not addressed, nothing else will make a difference in crop yield synergistic effects between elements can lessen the impact of a limiting factor all of these

all of these

The world's small-grain production has remained relatively flat since it doubled in 1996 to 2 billion metric tons. This indicates: world's carrying capacity for small grains has been reached demand for small grains is not growing there is a large trade market in small grains record crops of small grains have been attained all of these are possible indications

all of these are possible indications

If a company cannot stay within its allocated emission levels, it can buy pollution allotments from other companies through portion controls taxes dividends allowance trading subsidies

allowance trading

Which of the following is a method for reducing air pollution by mandating maximum industrial emissions for an entire region or country, not for individual polluters: primary production strip mining hydrocarbon allowance trading oil shale

allowance trading

Which type of nuclear radiation is most damaging to living cells? positrons gamma rays alpha particles neutrinos beta particles

alpha particles

Energy produced from any source other than fossil fuel is called _______energy. substitute non-renewable traditional nuclear alternative


Which of the following terms refers to energy produced from any source other than fossil fuels: biofuel renewable energy power tower fuel cell alternative energy

alternative energy

Before significant shortages of oil occur, we need to place emphasis on the development of a peak oil gauge to indicate maximum oil production innovative technology to discover new oil reserves trade routes for sharing global oil resources a flyer announcing a potential crisis alternative energy sources

alternative energy sources

What is cultural eutrophication? active decomposition of dissolved oxygen decay of cultural or moral standards large scale oil spills in environmentally sensitive areas addition of fecal coliform bacteria to a body of water anthropogenic addition of nutrients to a body of water

anthropogenic addition of nutrients to a body of water

Integrated pest management involves: eradication of all pests use of genetically engineered enemies cultivation of a lower diversity of crops application of highly specific chemicals use of intense land plowing to increase yields

application of highly specific chemicals

Which of the terms below refers to the farming of foods in marine and freshwater habitats: forage crops agriculture subsistence crops mariculture aquaculture


Meat producers prefer industrialized production of domestic animals to traditional grazing because feedlots: do not have negative environmental effects lead to damage of vegetation through overgrazing are economical for rapid production of good quality of meat do not require an intense use of resources all of the above

are economical for rapid production of good quality of meat

The older a soil, the more likely its upper layer lacks trace chemical elements. This is because as a soil ages, chemical elements are leached by water from upper layers to deeper layers disassociate and are no longer functional disappear without a trace have been used up by previous plantings evaporate over time

are leached by water from upper layers to deeper layers

Irrigation of plants refers to: artificial addition of fertilizers the spraying of pesticides the crossing of one or more varieties of species to produce an offspring with particular desired qualities artificial addition of water the growing of plants in a nutrient rich solution

artificial addition of fertilizers

What does biological control control?

bbt, lady bugs, pheromone

Nicotine, from the tobacco plant is the primary agent in some insecticides. This type of natural plant pesticide has been shown to: be comparatively safe be more effective than needed target a single, specific species be highly toxic to all living organisms remain in the soil for years

be comparatively safe

Why is geothermal energy classified as a nonrenewable resource? because specific geological formations where this energy can be harnessed are limited because there is a finite supply of heat from Earth's core geothermal energy is not classified as nonrenewable because it requires a mineral fuel mined from Earth because heat can be extracted from Earth faster than it is naturally replenished

because heat can be extracted from Earth faster than it is naturally replenished

In water quality management, a common pollution indicator is a measurement of the turbidity (murkiness) of the water biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) amount of chlorophyll in the water ratio of hydrogen to oxygen (H2O) amount of water flow per hour (flow rate)

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

The amount of oxygen required for biochemical decomposition processes is called the: advance water evaluation (AWE) primary oxygen level (POL) decomposition oxygen gradient (DOG) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) water oxygen weight (WOW)

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

When raw sewage is accidentally spilled into a stream, the pollution zone is characterized by a high biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) biological diversity of species water oxygen weight (WOW) dissolved oxygen content thermal level (HOT)

biochemical oxygen demand (BOD)

Given today's technology, what would be the most sensible alternative fuel for airplanes? nuclear photovoltaics hydrogen fuel cells biodiesel no fuel, simply glide using wind currents


Which of the following terms refers to a set of methods to control pest organisms by using natural ecological interactions: traditional ranching contour plowing biomagnification biological control no-till agriculture

biological control

In natural ecosystems ___________ while in agroecosystems, this is not the case. plants are structured in orderly rows plowing is a customary practice biological diversity is optimal monoculture is preferable ecological succession is halted in early stages

biological diversity is optimal

Use of predators, parasites, and competitors for pest control defines which of the following? secondary pest outbreaks biological pest control effective methods for controlling malaria game ranching integrated waste management

biological pest control

The type of soil at a particular site depends on many factors. Which of the following is not a factor influencing the soil type? biological activity parent material climate slope biomagnification


All of the following are threats to existing land in agricultural production EXCEPT: flooding of farmland to create new hydroelectric power natural disasters such as tsunami & hurricanes poor farming practices that deplete soil of nutrients biome developmental pressures to convert farmland into natural preserves conversion of farmland into urban cities

biome developmental pressures to convert farmland into natural preserves

A major environmental benefit from burning coal-bed methane over coal or petroleum is that methane combustion 1) produces strong greenhouse gases 2) produces a lot less carbon dioxide emissions 3) produces a lot more carbon dioxide emissions 4) reduces the amount of methane that would be released into the environment 3 4 both 2 and 4 1

both 2 and 4

DDT was used very widely until we discovered DDT was not very soluble in water therefore not readily transported from origin of application DDT was stored in fats and oils allowing the chemical to be transferred biologically pests can develop resistance to pesticides its short-term effect on targeted species was not very accurate both DDT was stored in fats and oils allowing the chemical to be transferred biologically and pests can develop resistance to pesticides

both DDT was stored in fats and oils allowing the chemical to be transferred biologically and pests can develop resistance to pesticides

A dose of radioactive decay can be measured by ______while the rate of radio active decay is measured by_____. REMS / CURIE RADS / BECQUEREL ROT / ROM REMS / RAD both REMS / CURIE and RADS / BECQUEREL


A petroleum reservoir rock is generally a shale a sandstone or limestone coarse grained and relatively porous fine grained and non porous both a sandstone or limestone and coarse grained and relatively porous

both a sandstone or limestone and coarse grained and relatively porous

The "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico is: an example of cultural eutrophication due to natural processes associated with tides an area with low concentrations of dissolved oxygen caused by nitrogen induced algal blooms present year round both an example of cultural eutrophication and an area with low concentrations of dissolved oxygen caused by nitrogen induced algal blooms

both an example of cultural eutrophication and an area with low concentrations of dissolved oxygen caused by nitrogen induced algal blooms

The terminator gene A. is DNA from Arnold Schwarzenegger B. forces farmers to purchase seeds annually C. is expressed in worn or diseased cells D. makes seeds from a crop sterile both b and d

both b and d

Which of the following is likely to minimize soil erosion? no-till agriculture weed control with herbicides contour plowing deforestation both no-till agriculture and contour plowing

both no-till agriculture and contour plowing

Which of the following may result if treated sewage water, high in phosphorus and nitrogen, is allowed to enter a lake? chlorination population explosion of algae eutrophication oxygenation both population explosion of algae and eutrophication

both population explosion of algae and eutrophication

Where does soil from erosion go? to mouths of rivers as sediment to air as dust to retail nursery as bagged soil both to mouths of rivers as sediment and to air as dust it does not go anywhere, soil erodes in place

both to mouths of rivers as sediment and to air as dust

What is eutrophication?

building of nitrogen and water

Fossil fuels used today were created over hundreds of millions of years from buried organic matter that was not completely oxidized inorganic matter forming sedimentary rocks volcanoes a variety of inert gases compressed by pressure non-marine sediment exposed to water

buried organic matter that was not completely oxidized

In some ways, natural gas is considered a better fossil fuel than oil. This is primarily because: once a reservoir is located, gas commands a higher price than oil gas is found at shallower depths than oil burning natural gas is cleaner than burning oil gas is a renewable resource gas is easier to transport over long distances than oil

burning natural gas is cleaner than burning oil

Natural gas and coal-bed methane are being considered as a possible transition fuels from other fossil fuels to alternative energy sources because burning these gases produces fewer pollutants these gas supplies are sustainable current supplies of these gases will supply consumption needs through the year 2500. these gases are renewable natural gas and coal-bed methane recharge oil reserves

burning these gases produces fewer pollutants

How does a fuel cell generate power? by combining fuel and oxygen in an electrochemical reaction by producing electricity by combining hydrogen atoms by splitting uranium by combusting gasoline

by combining hydrogen atoms

One of the principal advantages of photovoltaic cells is that they: do emit CO2, but they do not emit the SO2 that leads to acid rain can be used for power in remote locations are made from "Earth-friendly" materials convert 80-90% of solar energy into electricity can be produced inexpensively, although costs are rising

can be used for power in remote locations

Developing countries are demonstrating that photovoltaic technology is capable of matching energy demand with supply too expensive to be economically feasible too technically complex for common usage not capable of meeting energy needs for those off an electrical grid not capable of generating electricity directly from sunlight

capable of matching energy demand with supply

Cogeneration includes a number of processes designed to transfer fossil fuels more efficiently from source to power plant reduce standby power for electronic devices modify buildings to be more energy efficient capture and use waste heat to improve efficiency increase use of carpooling

capture and use waste heat to improve efficiency

Hard path energy is characterized as: high yield, technology-intensive, and flexible centralized, diverse, low yield centralized, technology-intensive, and high yield high quality, decentralized, low technology high tech, polluting, and based entirely on fossil fuels

centralized, diverse, low yield

Whereas the energy from most renewable sources comes from physical processes (moving wind & water), the energy from biomass comes from a nonrenewable energy source chemical bonds formed through photosynthesis in organic matter mechanical processes fossil fuels nuclear reactions

chemical bonds formed through photosynthesis in organic matter

All the following materials are generally considered examples of biofuels except: coal cattle dung wood peat methane


Partially decomposed vegetation, when buried in a sedimentary environment and compressed is transformed into solid, brittle, carbonaceous rock called: coal conglomerate magma shale peat


_________ is an example of a fossil fuel; _________ is an example of an alternative energy source; and _________ is an example of a renewable energy source: hydroelectric; wind; solar nuclear; natural gas; hydroelectric coal; nuclear; solar petroleum; solar; coal nuclear; solar; natural gas

coal; nuclear; solar

Most of the world's food is provided by only 14 crop species. Which of the following is NOT one of these? coffee wheat potatoes sugarcane rice


Which of the following terms refers to the capture and use of waste heat: cogeneration potential energy kinetic energy soft path energy first-law efficiency


All of the following are environmental concerns associated with coal-bed methane as an energy source EXCEPT disposal of large volumes of salt water associated with methane recovery combustion of methane producing less carbon dioxide than burning of coal or petroleum noise pollution associated with related equipment needed for coal-bed methane mining migration of odorless but explosive methane away from the well sites depletion of aquifers as a result of coal-bed methane mining

combustion of methane producing less carbon dioxide than burning of coal or petroleum

The greatest percentage of low-level radiation that people are exposed to every year comes from medical and dental X-rays cosmic radiation, rocks and soil nuclear weapon testing smoke detectors other people

comic radiation, rocks and soil

Which of the following is NOT a part of integrated pest management (IPM)? using biological controls such as ladybugs using cultivation techniques to minimize the spread of pests completely eliminating all pest populations in an ecosystem using genetic engineering to develop pest-resistant crops use of certain chemical pesticides

completely eliminating all pest populations in an ecosystem

Which of the following is not a potential solution to the "dead zone" in the Gulf of Mexico? modifying agricultural practices to reduce levels of nitrogen in runoff implementing nitrogen reduction processes at wastewater treatment plants restoring the wetlands between farms and streams implementing better flood control measures construct levees in the Mississippi River Delta to push river waters directly into the Gulf

construct levees in the Mississippi River Delta to push river waters directly into the Gulf

The Federal Safe Drinking Water Act: allowed states to set their own standards for drinking water was passed in 1902 prohibited point source water pollution determined the maximum contaminant levels for drinking water established the Environmental Protection Agency

contaminant levels for drinking water

In the recent past, the single most effective method to reduce soil erosion has been: increased use of herbicides contour plowing introduction of genetically modified crops increased irrigation crop rotation

contour plowing

All of the following measures would be effective in reducing sediment pollution EXCEPT: convert forested land into agricultural land provide protection for exposed soil minimize surface runoff from critical areas trap eroded sediment at construction sites tailor development to the natural topography of land

convert forested land into agricultural land

Photovoltaics is a technology that converts sunlight directly into electricity is being ignored by utility companies uses sunlight to create an image on film allow pictures to be taken with cell phones uses an intermediate fluid medium to convert sunlight into hot water

converts sunlight directly into electricity

Commercial nuclear reactors produce energy through the process of: incineration fusion fission transmutation breeding


The series of different forms that a radioisotope takes during its lifetime is known as its: chain links decay chain half-life radioactive decay chain reactions

decay chain

Nuclear reactors produce energy through the process of: transmutation incineration fusion fission breeding


Monoculture is associated with: decreases in organic matter in the soil gain of chemical elements in the soil decreased likelihood of crop diseases constant agro-ecosystem a high variety of crops produced

decreases in organic matter in the soil

The best definition of the term "water pollution" is: uncontrolled dumping of toxic industrial waste overdrafting in coastal areas release of primary treated sewage into natural waters water unsuitable for human consumption degradation of water quality

degradation of water quality

The deterioration of land in arid, semiarid, and dry subhumid areas due to changes in climate and human activities is termed: return to wilderness desertification depreciation eutrophication deforestation


The major reason that global energy consumption is increasing can be attributed to: energy prices falling developing countries using more energy as they improve their standard of living the decline of world's population global energy reserves increasing all of these

developing countries using more energy as they improve their standard of living

What ecological concept permits carp and minnows to be grown in the same aquaculture pond? different ecological niches; minnows feed at surface of pond while carp are bottom feeders synergistic effect: the interaction between the two species increases protein content of fish the food chain; minnows are food source for carp limited food supply; minnows are small and do not eat much allowing more food for carp keystone species: carp are necessary to provide appropriate habitat for minnows

different ecological niches; minnows feed at surface of pond while carp are bottom feeders

All of the following will occur in the primary treatment of sewage EXCEPT: removal of sand, stones, & grit disinfection of liquid removal of large floating organic material sedimentation formation of sludge

disinfection of liquid

Which of the following would NOT considered a water pollutant? dissolved oxygen lead above a 0.015 mg/l level benzene pesticides fecal coliform bacteria

dissolved oxygen

Acid mine drainage from active coal mines can be minimized by using a levee system to contain drainage in a holding pond reclaiming the drainage for application on mining roads to address dust settlement diverting surface runoff before it enters a mined area establishing mines in arid and semiarid regions installing filtering systems for streams and groundwater resources

diverting surface runoff before it enters a mined area

How did the Dust Bowl occur?

drought improper plowing wind dryness

Two revolutions are occurring in agriculture. One is _______ and the other ________. democratic, repressive accessible, censored global, local soil based, water based ecological, genetic

ecological, genetic

Hydrogen fuel can be produced by __________ and can be used to generate electricity in a __________. electrolysis of water; fuel cell (or by direct combustion) distillation of coal; fusion reactor combustion of natural gas; cogenerator fusion; internal combustion engine fission; photovoltaic cells

electrolysis of water; fuel cell (or by direct combustion)

The pesticide DDT has had some benefits including: eliminating malaria and yellow fever as major diseases decreasing the thickness of eggshells as they develop within birds being biomagnified in the food chain pests that have developed resistance to DDT reducing one target pest species so that its competitor pest can flourish

eliminating malaria and yellow fever as major diseases

The soft path energy policy involves little anticipation of coming reductions in production of oil no new thinking finding greater amounts of fossil fuels building larger power plants energy alternatives that emphasize energy quality and renewable resources

energy alternatives that emphasize energy quality and renewable resources

The second law of thermodynamics states energy cannot be created or destroyed but is always conserved energy always tends to go from a more usable (higher-quality) form to a less usable (lower-quality) form energy decisions made today will affect energy use for generations the strength of a force can be measured by how much it accelerates an object exerting force over distance moved is work

energy always tends to go from a more usable (higher-quality) form to a less usable (lower-quality) form

Coal is classified according to its weight and hardness energy and sulfur content location of extraction potential for pollution water solubility

energy and sulfur content

The first law of thermodynamics states: energy always tends to go from a more usable form to as less usable form energy conversion is always less than 50% the amount of energy supplied usually exceeds the need energy cannot be created or destroyed but is always conserved the higher quality the energy, the harder it is to be converted to work

energy cannot be created or destroyed but is always conserved

The most promising solution to our current and future energy needs is: energy conservation and increased energy efficiency pork barrel expenditures by politicians continued reliance on fossil fuels increased energy dependence on foreign countries research and development of coal mines

energy conservation and increased energy efficiency

The first law of thermodynamics states that: energy is never created, never destroyed, but always preserved energy is measured in joules, power in watts energy can go from higher quality forms to lower, but not in the opposite direction the present is the key to the past efficiency of energy conversion is always less than 100%

energy is never created, never destroyed, but always preserved

oft path energy has all of the following characteristics except: environmental effects shifted from the local level to the regional close match between energy quality and end-use focused on renewable sources diverse and flexible local and decentralized

environmental effects shifted from the local level to the regional

To fuel vehicles, two biofuels ______ and _________, have the potential to substitute for a significant amount of oil and gasoline in the near future. coal slurries and methanol methane and solar heated water ethanol and biodiesel butane and hydrogenated oils hydrogen and oxygen

ethanol and biodiesel

Erosion and sediment pollution in rivers and streams result in all of the following ecological problems except: eutrophication smothering of fish eggs increased flood hazard decrease in photosynthesis within the water loss of fertility of farmland


The enrichment of lakes or slow moving streams by nutrients that cause increased photosynthetic productivity is termed: ecological restoration greenhouse effect desertification photosynthetic fortification eutrophication


As an example of first-law efficiency, a gasoline powered car might have an efficiency of 65%, but an electric car might have an efficiency of 35% from the original fossil fuel (coal burned to make electricity) to the end use. This is because: electricity is a lower quality energy source than gasoline electric car technology is not as far advanced as gasoline technology every step in converting energy to a different form is less than 100% efficient, and the electric car has an extra step energy always goes from a higher quality form to a lower burning large volumes of coal in an electric utility is less efficient than utilizing small quantities of gasoline

every step in converting energy to a different form is less than 100% efficient, and the electric car has an extra step

Increased production of food in the past has depended on ________ and _________. improving weather conditions, genetically engineered crops improved soil types, cash crops increased soil age, high-yield crop strains expanded irrigation, growing use of fertilizer critical trace elements, hydroponics

expanded irrigation, growing use of fertilizer

The leading human cause(s) of desertification is/are: all of these poor forestry practices global warming conversion of rangelands to croplands in marginal areas failure to use contour plowing

failure to use contour plowing

In the United States, considerable farmland is "banked." This means that land forming embankments along rivers are the most fertile farmers have had to develop methods to cultivate land that is steeply sloped there is a federal depository of land that farmers can purchase farmers are paid not to grow crops because there is more than enough production farmers grow prescribed crops that are guaranteed to be profitable

farmers are paid not to grow crops because there is more than enough production

What is the relationship between farming and ecological succession: land succession is a process in natural ecosystems, and crop land cannot be discussed in the same term farming keeps the land in a late successional stage farming abbreviates succession, skipping the middle stage farming promotes the premature change to late successional stage farming keeps the land in an early successional stage

farming keeps the land in an early successional stage

A major concern about nuclear power plants stems from: lack of fuel to run the reactors excessive release of carbon dioxide fear of nuclear accident or meltdown cost of building size of area needed to construct the plant

fear of nuclear accident or meltdown

Which usually harmless bacteria, commonly present in animal intestines, is used to measure the disease potential of water? blue-green bacteria pathogenic bacteria fecal coliform bacteria Penicillium Cryptosporidium (a parasite)

fecal coliform bacteria

The cap rock which helps to form a trap for natural gas and oil is usually: basalt organic-rich coarse-grained sandstone fine silt or clay limestone

fine silt or clay

A petroleum source rock generally is: highly porous rich in organic material and densely cemented coarse-grained and organic rich a fractured limestone fine-grained and organic-rich

fine-grained and organic-rich

The ratio of the actual amount of energy delivered where it is needed to the amount of energy supplied in order to meet that need: soft path energy kinetic energy cogeneration first-law efficiency potential energy

first-law efficiency

For a product to be certified organic, crop must be grown as a monoculture the crop's impact on the environment must be maximized the label only pertains to vegetable crops, not animal products pesticides must be used in moderation for crop production food from the crop cannot contain artificial compounds

food from the crop cannot contain artificial compounds

Crops grown as food for domestic animals are called: forage crops domestic crops range land crops agricrops subsistence crops

forage crops

Which of the terms below refers to crops grown as food for domestic animals? forage crops aquaculture mariculture agriculture subsistence crops

forage crops

Fossil fuels can be described as renewable resources synthetic animal oils hydropower & geothermal energy forms of stored solar energy remnants of petrified sandstone

forms of stored solar energy

Which of the following is NOT an example of a renewable energy source that is a form of stored solar energy? biomass water power fossil fuels photovoltaics solar collectors

fossil fuels

At oil refineries, crude oil is heated so that its components can be separated and collected in a process called: secondary mining fractional distillation scrubbing divisional roasting heat extraction

fractional distillation

Humanitarian gestures of food aid can work against increased availability of locally grown food in that Tastes and status transform to favor imported foods; thus there is less demand for local foods free food undercuts local farmers; they cannot compete with it complimentary food must be transported; this creates alternative jobs for local farmers food aid is a long-term solution to hunger; availability of locally grown food is short-term solution all of the above

free food undercuts local farmers; they cannot compete with it

Which of the following terms refers to a device that generates electricity by chemical reactions involving hydrogen or methane or some other material: power tower renewable energy alternative energy fuel cell biofuel

fuel cell

The joining of light atoms to form heavier nuclei is known as: fission radioactivity alchemy fusion isotopes


The difference between nuclear fission and nuclear fusion is: fission releases an enormous amount of energy; fusion absorbs energy fission is the combining of atomic nuclei; fusion is the splitting of atomic nuclei fusion is the combining of atomic nuclei; fission is the splitting of atomic nuclei fission is the exchange of electrons; fusion is the exchange of neutrons fusion is the exchange of electrons; fission is the exchange of neutrons

fusion is the combining of atomic nuclei; fission is the splitting of atomic nuclei

A vegetable garden is planted in which various legumes (members of the pea family) thrive yet tomatoes and lettuce do poorly. What most likely accounts for this? tomatoes and lettuce are poorly adapted to amount of light garden is receiving random chance garden soil is nitrogen poor and legumes have symbiotic bacteria with nitrogen-fixing abilities most pests prefer tomatoes and lettuce to legumes the climate of the area favors legumes

garden soil is nitrogen poor and legumes have symbiotic bacteria with nitrogen-fixing abilities

Heating and cooling buildings by exchange with shallow groundwater systems is considered a form of __________ energy. geothermal solar kinetic tidal potential


Which of the following is NOT considered a fossil fuel? natural gas geothermal petroleum charcoal coal


Soil eroded from one location has to go somewhere else. A lot of it is washed down streams and rivers. Which of the following is not a form of environmental degradation associated with eroding soils? destruction of coastal coral reefs deposition in reservoirs chemical enrichment of waters downstream global warming destruction of fisheries

global warming

Which of the following is characteristic of ground water pollution that distinguishes it from surface water pollution? groundwater pollutants are easy to recognize and remove ground water often lacks oxygen, allowing growth of anaerobic bacteria the opportunity for dispersion and dilution of pollutants is greater in ground water the breakdown of pollutants occurs more readily in groundwater

ground water often lacks oxygen, allowing growth of anaerobic bacteria

All of the following are explanations of why nuclear energy has declined in the U.S. since the 1970s except: concerns over nuclear power plant safety decelerating electricity demand over the same interval continued low costs of fossil fuels spiraling costs of constructing nuclear power plants growing concern over CO2 emissions and global warming

growing concern over CO2 emissions and global warming

Aquaculture includes all of the following examples except: raising fish in flooded rice fields growing rice in fields covered by water harvesting shellfish from offshore oil-drilling platforms raising shrimp in carefully tended ponds growing oysters and mussels on rafts lowered into the ocean

growing rice in fields covered by water

The period of time required for half of the total amount of a radioactive substance to change into a different material is its: half-life fuel cycle life cycle incomplete phase decay rate


Isotopes are atoms of an element that: have a higher number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus than other elements have a different number of neutrons in the nucleus have a different number of electrons than other elements have the same atomic number but vary in the atomic mass number vary in atomic number

have the same atomic number but vary in the atomic mass number

At position 5 in the figure below, which is 100 meters down the road from position 4, there is a stop sign. When the car has stopped, all of the energy that went into moving the car goes into: potential energy chemical potential energy kinetic energy momentum heat


Which of the following is the lowest quality energy form: heat biomass sunlight electricity water


Which of the following would be considered the lowest-quality form of energy? heat nuclear solar biomass electric


Steady improvements have been made in the development of fuel-efficient cars in the last 30 years including all of the following EXCEPT: heavier automobiles for vehicle safety cars with engines constructed of lighter material combination of fuel-burning engine with an electric motor smaller size car bodies hybrid cars getting more miles to the gallon of gas

heavier automobiles for vehicle safety

Of the types of genetic engineering possible for modern agricultural use, which one of the following has become a standard methodology? introduction of the "terminator gene" creation of strains of crops with entirely new characteristics transfer of genetic properties from widely divergent kinds of life hybridization production of single gender species


An organic chemical organized in rings or chains, including petroleum and natural gas is called: allowance trading strip mining hydrocarbon primary production oil shale


A fuel cell is a device that converts kinetic energy into nuclear energy biomass fuel into heat energy mechanical energy into chemical energy solar energy into chemical energy hydrogen fuel into electricity

hydrogen fuel into electricity

Ancient Romans practiced energy conservation in all of the following ways EXCEPT: importing wood from foreign counties to heat homes laws to protect a person's right to solar energy solar heated public bathhouses glass windows to increase effectiveness of solar heating greenhouses to raise food in winter

importing wood from foreign counties to heat homes

here are methane hydrates (a white, ice like compound) found: in Africa and Australia beneath the sea floor in formerly glaciated valleys in permafrost areas and beneath the sea floor in permafrost areas

in permafrost areas and beneath the sea floor

What is the most important cause of starvation worldwide? floods genetically engineered crops replacing local crops global warming inadequate distribution of food resources droughts

inadequate distribution of food resources

Opponents to the burning of urban waste suggest that this may not be the best solution for future energy needs based on the reasoning: incineration contributes to air pollution, especially heavy metals incineration of urban waste requires fossil fuel energy input the cost of burning urban waste is prohibitive incineration produces ash that increases landfill volume storage of urban waste prior to burning generates disease potential from rodents

incineration contributes to air pollution, especially heavy metals

Which of the following is not a long-term solution to world food problems? stabilize human population growth at sustainable levels increase dependence on energy-intensive, high-yield agricultural methods overcome cultural barriers to the acceptance of different types of food increase the sustainable production of food assist overall global economic development

increase dependence on energy-intensive, high-yield agricultural methods

The first step in preventing desertification is detection of initial symptoms. Which of the following is NOT a major symptom of desertification? increased soil erosion lowering of the water table increase in surface water (streams and ponds) loss of native vegetation increase in salt content of the soil

increase in surface water (streams and ponds)

Rice growers in California have responded to pressure to clean up their act in all of the following ways EXCEPT: increase the burning of stubble flooding fields in winter providing wetland habitat decrease water use by 32% decrease pesticide use by 98% switching to biodegradable pesticides

increase the burning of stubble

Which of the following is not usually associated with eutrophication? algal blooms increased nutrient concentrations increased heavy metal concentrations reduced photosynthesis in the water column reduced dissolved oxygen

increased heavy metal concentrations

With an increasing global population, the key to food production in the future appears to be massive weight loss programs to decrease food demand human manipulated climate control relying on agricultural corporations to control water supply increased production per unit area lifting environmental controls on use of pesticides and fertilizers

increased production per unit area

Which of the following is the strongest argument in favor of pollution allowance trading: it involves the greatest change in the existing marketplace it is the option favored by the Sierra Club and other wilderness groups individual businesses are given a range of options for complying with the law it is the best way to reduce or eliminate all local pollution problems allowance trading creates the greatest government control of pollution emissions

individual businesses are given a range of options for complying with the law

Which of the following is a true statement about insect pests in agriculture: the cheapest and most effective method is biological DDT is no longer used anywhere the only effective control method is chemical pesticides slash-and-burn agriculture eliminates pest problems insect pests are the leading cause of lost crop production

insect pests are the leading cause of lost crop production

Which of the following is NOT an example of biological control for pest management? pheromones are used to bait insect traps parasitic wasps are released to lay eggs in caterpillars insecticide is sprayed from an aircraft ladybugs are released as predators of insect pests a bacterium (BT) is introduced which causes a disease that affect caterpillars

insecticide is sprayed from an aircraft

The notion recognizing that no single energy source can provide all the energy required by the various countries of the world is the concept of: non-profit energy organization energy audit accountability integrated energy management big oil monopolies essential global need assessment

integrated energy management

Energy: can be destroyed is always conserved cannot be conserved is the product of force times distance cannot be transformed

is always conserved

Which of the following problems is associated with burning urban waste? there is a worldwide shortage of urban waste that is adversely affecting energy production the expense of smoke filters is prohibitive there is no problem associated with burning urban waste it increases atmospheric levels of methane it competes with recycling, which is preferable to landfill disposal or burning

it competes with recycling, which is preferable to landfill disposal or burning

When geothermal energy is developed at a particular site, environmental problems include all of the following EXCEPT: large-scale transportation of raw materials on-site noise thermal pollution from hot saline and corrosive wastewaters disturbance of land at drilling site emissions of gas

large-scale transportation of raw materials

Groundwater pollution is often difficult to treat because the pool is usually __________ and the rate of throughput is usually ____________. large; fast large; slow small; slow small; fast subterranean; astronomical

large; slow

The hard path energy policy involves all of the following EXCEPT: emphasis on the quantity of energy used no new thinking, no realignment of political, economic, or social conditions less dependence on fossil fuels building larger power plants finding greater amounts of fossil fuels

less dependence on fossil fuels

What are the two pros of GMO?

less diseases and high nutritional value

All of the following are harmful environmental effects of the nuclear fuel cycle EXCEPT: radioactive waste material can pollute the environment U-235 enrichment and fuel assembly fabrication produces hazardous wastes site selection can pose threats especially if on earthquake fault partial meltdowns release harmful radiation low level wastes are biomagnified in the food chain

low level wastes are biomagnified in the food chain

The biggest problem remaining to be solved to get usable energy from fusion reactions is magnetic confinement of the plasma finding a fuel to generate the reaction understanding the nuclear physics needed to start the reaction producing high enough temperatures for the reaction building an experimental reactor to test the process

magnetic confinement of the plasma

Similar to toxic metals, radioisotopes can enter food chains and magnify in highest concentrations in decomposers accumulate in high concentrations in primary producers accumulate in highest concentrations lower in food chain magnify in highest concentrations higher in food chain eliminate all producers and cause the food chain to break

magnify in highest concentrations higher in food chain

As more and more agricultural lands are converted into cityscapes, future generations will have to depend on _______to meet food needs. rooftop gardens recycling waste materials healthier farming practices artificial products making do on increasingly marginal land

making do on increasingly marginal land

Which of the following refers to lack of a specific chemical component of food: miasma undernourishment famine nonnourishment malnourishment


Which of the terms below refers to the farming of marine organisms: subsistence crops agriculture forage crops mariculture aquaculture


Soil erosion: is exclusively linked to human activities. is not affected by the extent of plant cover. may result in increase in sediment depositions, which can destroy fisheries, and near shore coral reefs. is never responsible for or related to water pollution. does not reduce the fertility of the soil, just the quantity.

may result in increase in sediment depositions, which can destroy fisheries, and near shore coral reefs.

A nuclear accident in which the nuclear fuel becomes so hot it forms a molten mass that breaches the containment of the reactor and contaminates the environment with radioactivity is a(n) meltdown entombment condensation radioactive incident enrichment


Which of the following is an example of bioremediation? microorganisms are used to consume gasoline to clean up soil from a service station site straw bales are used to absorb oil on rocks from an oil spill fertilizer in runoff is used to induce an algal bloom in a lake pressurized hot water is used to clean the beach after an oil spill oxygen is removed from an ecosystem to suffocate harmful bacteria

microorganisms are used to consume gasoline to clean up soil from a service station site

Formation of oil and gas involves: migration out of the reservoir rock blocked by a trap secondary enrichment by escaping gases deposition of organic-poor material migration of oil into the source rock temperatures and pressures well below conditions at the Earth's surface

migration out of the reservoir rock blocked by a trap

What practice has greatly increased the farm yield per unit area irrigation weed control contour plowing pest control modern fertilizers

modern fertilizers

Which of the following is associated with eutrophication of a lake? water contains a low concentration of nutrients a decrease in the growth of aquatic plants decrease in sedimentation BOD decreases murky, unpleasant water with scarcity of fish

murky, unpleasant water with scarcity of fish

When a pest develops resistance to a chemical, all of the following are true except: evolution selected for individuals better resistant to the chemical mutation and genetic drift took place higher quantities of pesticide will be required in the next application natural selection took place it developed adaptations during times of secondary pest outbreaks

mutation and genetic drift took place

Alternative energy sources include all of the following EXCEPT: hydropower nuclear solar natural gas geothermal

natural gas

Which of the following is NOT classified as an alternative source of energy? natural gas nuclear geothermal biomass hydropower

natural gas

Geothermal energy is energy mined from certain types of geologic rock natural heat from the Sun natural heat from the interior of the Earth energy contained in plant and animal material energy from the combustion of petroleum

natural heat from the interior of the Earth

When nitrogen and phosphorus are added to a body of water, they alter the natural conditions because they: cause a long-term increase in fish populations are necessary nutrients, usually scarce in nature lead to greater biological diversity are an additional food source kill algae, the base of the fresh water food chain

necessary nutrients, usually scarce in nature

Massive and rapid algae growth is stimulated by the addition of __________ to surface water bodies. leachate aerobic bacteria toxic chemicals nitrogen and phosphorus oxygen and carbon dioxide

nitrogen and phosphorus

Plowing, the regular mixing of the top layer of the soil, is precisely like what natural process: glacial action flooding wind erosion no natural process is much like plowing earthquakes

no natural process is much like plowing

When energy transformation occurs as a tire swing is released from its highest position, moving downward to a straight down position: the swing's potential and kinetic energies both increase the swing's potential and kinetic energies are both spent no kinetic energy remains, all the swing's energy is potential no potential energy remains, all the swing's energy is kinetic the swing does not possess any energy at all

no potential energy remains, all the swing's energy is kinetic

Which of the following is an agricultural practice in which the land is not plowed in most of the years: contour plowing traditional farming biomagnification biological control no-till agriculture

no-till agriculture

Uranium fueled nuclear power is considered to be a highly inefficient way to produce energy non-renewable resource trouble free process low cost method of producing energy renewable resource

non-renewable resource

Eating low on the food chain is more efficient than eating high on it. However according to the Environmental Science text, conversion of all present rangeland to crop land would increase environmental damage because: contrary to common belief, grazing is beneficial to the environment, increasing ecological diversity and resilience the process of land conversion itself is more damaging than any single, sustained type of land-use agriculture requires clearing of the land, whereas grazing cattle can be done without clearing sensitive tropical forests not all land is suitable for agriculture; some is better suited to grazing agriculture contributes methane, a greenhouse gas, to the atmosphere, but grazing does not

not all land is suitable for agriculture; some is better suited to grazing

What is one con of GMO?

not total understanding of the consequences

All of the following are renewable energy sources except: biofuel nuclear fission wind solar hydroelectric

nuclear fission

Advocates of nuclear energy as a power source for electricity claim all of the following EXCEPT: nuclear power does not produce precursors that cause acid rain nuclear power does not contribute to air pollution nuclear power is a path to nuclear weapons nuclear power's safety concerns under normal operating procedures have been addressed nuclear power does not produce potential global warming

nuclear power is a path to nuclear weapons

Next to water, _____is the most abundant fluid in the upper part of the Earth's crust. lava alcohol oil methane hydrate biowaste


All fossil fuels require a certain amount of energy input to get them out of the ground and process them into useful forms. Which of the following energy sources generally requires the most energy before it can be used as a fuel: natural gas oil shale low-sulfur coal high-sulfur coal oil

oil shale

In order to utilize topography to maximize wind capture, ideally wind turbines should be located in urban parks in canyon river beds on hilltops and mountain passes in desert valleys in forest clearings

on hilltops and mountain passes

Liebig's "Law of the Minimum" states: the growth of a plant is affected by macronutrients only one limiting factor at a time micronutrients only uninterrupted day light uninterrupted darkness

one limiting factor at a time

Oil is: organic matter transformed into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons organic particles in water inorganic matter transformed into liquid hydrocarbons a variety of natural gases compressed by pressure bituminous coals transformed into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons

organic matter transformed into liquid and gaseous hydrocarbons

Where does desertification occur?

over irrigation and overgrazing global warming drought

As a result of the Chernobyl accident, measurable amounts of radiation were detected: up to 1000 km from the site over all of Europe and Asia over the Northern Hemisphere over the entire Earth up to 30 km from the site

over the Northern Hemisphere

Bacteria decay dead organic matter using oxygen. When bacteria levels in a stream are very high, the dissolved oxygen content of the water increases the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) of the water is low oxygen available for other organisms increase oxygen available for other organisms decreases

oxygen available for other organisms decreases

The "dead zone" in the northern Gulf of Mexico consists of a large ocean area depleted in __________. This problem appears to be caused by __________. carbon; industrial pollutants chlorophyll; deforestation marine microorganisms; ozone depletion oxygen; global warming oxygen; nitrogen from agricultural runoff

oxygen; nitrogen from agricultural runoff

Use of overhangs that block sunlight in summer but allow the sunlight in winter to warm up the building is an example of: photovoltaics power tower systems Greek and Roman temple architecture passive solar energy solar pond technology

passive solar energy

Architectural designs that enhance the absorption of solar energy without requiring mechanical power are considered: east-west thermal energy systems passive solar energy systems landscape mediated thermal energy systems active solar energy systems appropriate for homes in eastern United States only

passive solar energy systems

What is subsidy?

payments government gives farmers

The most efficient design for new nuclear reactors uses graphite and uranium oxide fuel elements in the shape of: cones pyramids cubes rods pebbles


Before oil production declines, we need to rethink our entire energy planning strategy including sacrificing of fragile ecosystems to maintain current levels of oil production phasing in alternative renewable energy sources restricting access to alternative energy sources developing a fiscal framework to increase funding for other fossil fuels such as natural gas establishing industrial training programs for safe mining of coal

phasing in alternative renewable energy sources

Direct conversion of electricity using sunlight, without using an intermediate fluid medium, is accomplished by: passive solar systems solar collectors thermal conversion photovoltaic cells power towers

photovoltaic cells

Which of the following is/are an example(s) of direct water reuse? piping water from treatment plant to next user treated water entering groundwater storage to be reused for agricultural purposes water is withdrawn, treated, used, treated, and returned to the environment for further withdrawals a Las Vegas hotel treating wastewater and reusing it for non-human consumption

piping water from treatment plant to next user

Goals for genetic engineering of crop species include all of the following except: plants with greater resistance to heat and drought plants that spread freely to any and all open land plants with greater resistance to cold plants with nitrogen-fixing ability higher yields

plants that spread freely to any and all open land

Practices that can sustain the fertility of soils include all of the following except: plowing in the fall multiculture strip cropping plowing up and down slopes to channel runoff away quickly crop rotation

plowing up and down slopes to channel runoff away quickly

Which of the following is an example of transuranic waste: cryptosporidium mercury uranium-238 plutonium carbon-14


A specific location where pollution is introduced into surface water or groundwater: secondary treatment point source cryptosporidium fecal coliform bacteria acid mine drainage

point source

Pollution that is discharged into the environment through pipes, sewers, or ditches from specific sites such as factories is from a: nonregulated source thermal source nonpoint source illegal source point source

point source

An example of a building design taking advantage of passive solar potential is installing energy efficient central cooling and heating systems removing insulation from walls and attic positioning window overhangs to shade in summer while allowing winter sun to penetrate windows mounting wooden roof beams all of the above

positioning window overhangs to shade in summer while allowing winter sun to penetrate windows

Stored energy that is the result of the relative position of matter instead of its motion is ____energy. destroyed kinetic potential sustained created

potential energy

Which of the following terms refers to energy that is stored; for example the gravitational energy of water behind a dam: cogeneration potential energy soft path energy first-law efficiency kinetic energy

potential energy

Energy divided by time (rate of energy use) is termed____ and is expressed as joules per second or ____. momentum / kilowatt potential energy / exajoule force / Newton kinetic energy / exajoule power / watts

power / watts

Which of the following terms refers to centralized collection device for generating power from the Sun is called (a)n: alternative energy fuel cell biofuel renewable energy power tower

power tower

The common test for the potential for disease transmission in water is: measurement of LDC's presence of cholera bacteria presence of coliform bacteria total dissolved solids measurement of the biological oxygen demand

presence of coliform bacteria

In order to reduce desertification we need to promote activities to: increase emissions of green house gasses to provide warmer climate increase salt content of soil through low-level irrigation utilize marginal agricultural lands prevent water pollution by using water-soluble pesticides prevent wind erosion of the soil by planting a landscape with trees

prevent wind erosion of the soil by planting a landscape with trees

What is the difference between primary and enhanced production of oil wells? primary production extracts petroleum only, enhanced recovery targets extraction of petroleum and natural gas there is no difference between primary and enhanced production of oil wells primary production can recover about 60% while enhanced production recovers about 25% primary involves straight pumping of oil from wells, enhanced recovery uses steam or injected gas to push oil up for recovery primary production extracts oil from anticline oil traps while enhanced recovery extracts oil from fault traps

primary involves straight pumping of oil from wells, enhanced recovery uses steam or injected gas to push oil up for recovery

Most cattle live on rangeland or pasture. The difference is rangeland provides area for cows to graze; pasture is plowed, planted, and harvested to provide forage there is no difference between a rangeland and a pasture. rangeland is located in the southern hemisphere; pasture is located in the northern hemisphere rangeland is located in the northern hemisphere; pasture is located in the southern hemisphere pasture provides area for cows to graze; rangeland is plowed, planted, and harvested to provide forage

rangeland provides area for cows to graze; pasture is plowed, planted, and harvested to provide forage

The wastewater renovation and conservation cycle includes all of the following steps EXCEPT: recovery of pesticides from wastewater for reuse recharge of groundwater by slow percolation of wastewater into the soil reclaiming of treated water for industrial purposes recycling of wastewater from municipalities to agricultural farms to natural biological filters return of treated wastewater to crops via irrigation system

recovery of pesticides from wastewater for reuse

Groundwater geothermal systems and heat pumps operate by taking advantage of: relative temperature differences hot, shallow water water colder than the surrounding environment shallow magma bodies geopressured water

relative temperature differences

All of the following are environmental problems associated with wind power except: wind mills kill birds degradation of an area's scenic resources large extend of the area needed to generate power release of harmful electromagnetic resonance noise pollution

release of harmful electromagnetic resonance

Total worldwide energy use today is about 13.8 terawatts (trillions watts), and that figure is increasing very rapidly. The two general trends that are leading to the rapid increase in energy use are population growth and: declining energy efficiency rising standard of living increasing urbanization increasing demands for environmentally benign energy changes from fossil fuels to alternative energy sources

rising standard of living

The usual cause of eutrophication in surface waters is decline in sedimentation high oxygen content in water stagnation of water runoff of nitrogen rich fertilizers introduction of specific species of algae into the water

runoff of nitrogen rich fertilizers

What is the relationship between the rate of soil formation and soil depletion at the present time? soil is being generated faster than it is being depleted soil is being formed at the same rate than it is being depleted soil is being generated slower than it is being depleted the depletion rate is still lower than the rate of regeneration of new soil both soil is being generated faster than it is being depleted and the depletion rate is still lower than the rate of regeneration of new soil

soil is being generated slower than it is being depleted

Which type of soil would have the fastest drainage rate? soils with high sand content soils with high organic content soils with high clay content lower horizon soils fine grained soils

soils with high sand content

Of the following energy sources, which has the greatest resource base and supplies the greatest recoverable energy in the world today? solar hydropower biomass geothermal tidal power


Liebig's "Law of the Minimum" says that some single factor determines the presence and growth of a given species the lowest yielding crop species is the most sustainable the limiting factor in agriculture can be overcome by simply applying fertilizers only limited application of fertilizers is beneficial to the growth of a crop species missing macronutrients contribute to the growth of crop species

some single factor determines the presence and growth of a given species

Water quality determination is based on all of the following except: effects on public health impacts on the ecosystem source of the water departure from the norm expected end use

source of the water

The process of farming attempts to accomplish all of the following EXCEPT: prevent migrating organisms from entering an area speed up the natural process of ecological succession produce the highest yield of crop per acre as possible prevent competition interactions between populations of different species prevent predation interactions between populations of different species

speed up the natural process of ecological succession

A radioactive isotope is a chemical element that undergoes: radioactive decay initiated by a catalyst spontaneous heat transmission spontaneous radioactive decay fusion under conditions of great temperature and pressure breakup into subatomic particles

spontaneous heat transmission

All of the following are to be expected following a mid twenty-first century peak production of oil reserves EXCEPT: shifts to alternative fuels price shocks status quo social disruption shortages of food & gasoline

status quo

One problem with petroleum as an energy source is that the global resource is not evenly distributed. The largest proven reserves of oil are located in: North America the Middle East South and Central America Europe and Eurasia Asia Pacific

the Middle East

Which energy transformation occurs as a book falls from the top of your book shelf towards the floor? the book's potential energy increases and it's kinetic energy decreases according to the first law of thermodynamics, both energies stay the same the book's potential energy decreases and it's kinetic energy increases the book's potential energy and kinetic energy decreases the book's potential energy and kinetic energy increase

the book's potential energy decreases and it's kinetic energy increases

What is biological control?

the control of a pest by the introduction of a natural enemy or predator

A gas-cooled reactor, known as pebble-bed reactor is being developed right now and may be available as early as 2006. What is special about this particular reactor? the reactor is able to breed its own fuel and the core contains always just the right amount of fuel for optimal energy production the reactor uses hydrogen as fuel the reactor is able to breed its own fuel the core contains always just the right amount of fuel for optimal energy production the reactor uses water as a moderator

the core contains always just the right amount of fuel for optimal energy production

The purpose of adding a "terminator gene" to a genetically modified crop species is to prevent: genetic crossover competition from weeds predation by grazing or browsing animals attack by insect pests the crop from producing seeds for the following year

the crop from producing seeds for the following year

Problems with exploiting oil shale and tar sand deposits as an alternative to crude oil include all of the following except: the mining and conversion process requires a lot of water the deposits are usually deeply buried and difficult to extract mining would involve widespread disruption of the land surface large volumes of the deposit yield small volumes of liquid fuel the conversion process to fuel requires a lot of energy

the deposits are usually deeply buried and difficult to extract

Aquaculture is the farming of food in aquatic habitats irrigation channels from one farming area to another hunting wild fish in freshwater habitats the study of water use by indigenous people use of waterways for transportation

the farming of food in aquatic habitats

Hydroponics refers to: anthropogen invented crop culture monocultures that satisfy the per-capita food demand of a nation the growing of plants in a fertilized water solution on an artificial substrate the application of water and fertilizer to the soil from tubes that sprays this mixture in form of a fine mist fish farming making use of treated sewage

the growing of plants in a fertilized water solution on an artificial substrate

Exactly how does a commercial nuclear power plant convert the energy of atomic nuclei into electricity? thermoelectric cells in the core convert heat into electricity alpha decay emits electrons, which are collected by the control rods spontaneous decay of radioisotopes creates a strong magnetic field, which induces a current in the electric dynamo beta decay eliminates protons in the atomic nuclei, which creates a net negative charge the heat produced by radioactive decay boils water, which drives a turbine generator

the heat produced by radioactive decay boils water, which drives a turbine generator

When the carrying capacity of land for cattle is exceeded, the land is overgrazed vegetation growth is accelerated erosion is reduced species diversity increases higher density of cattle can be supported

the land is overgrazed

The sequence shown illustrates: the nuclear fuel cycle a radioactive decay chain the half-life of uranium beta decay passive stability

the nuclear fuel cycle

With contour plowing, the plowed furrows go straight downhill more fuel and time are involved than with traditional plowing acceptance of technique and widespread use in the U.S. are evident the plowed furrows are perpendicular to the slopes and horizontal erosion is increased

the plowed furrows are perpendicular to the slopes and horizontal

Energy resources are consider renewable if the sun regenerates the resource within a time period useful to humans the resource is associated with fossil fuels the resource is composed of organic materials the resource supply is finite the resource deteriorates over time so must be replaced often

the sun regenerates the resource within a time period useful to humans

Fossil fuels are nonrenewable resources. This means the supply is finite so it is only a matter of time before the resources are depleted. the resource is not consumed so it never has to be replaced. the resource deteriorates over time so must be used quickly. the resource cannot be altered for greater efficiency. the supply is infinite so it never has to be replenished.

the supply is finite so it is only a matter of time before the resources are depleted.

The Exxon Valdez oil spill demonstrated that the technology for dealing with oil spills in inadequate large oil spills are easier to contain than smaller ones oil slicks are easiest to contain in high winds and rough seas animal mortality is low due to ingestion of oil cleanup work does not further damage fragile ecosystems

the technology for dealing with oil spills in inadequate

Poor agricultural practices commonly lead to loss of soil fertility over time. The rate of that loss is commonly measured as: the ratio of crop production to the amount of chemical residue after each production period the number of years it for crop land to restore depleted chemical elements the time required for the soil to lose one half of its original storage of chemical nutrients the degree of molecular disorder of the chemical elements necessary for crops the amount of chemical fertilizer necessary for crops per production unit per year

the time required for the soil to lose one half of its original storage of chemical nutrients

Following the accident at Chernobyl, there was an increase in the rate of which type of cancer? breast cancer thyroid cancer leukemia lung cancer skin cancer

thyroid cancer

What is the purpose of activated sludge in the secondary treatment of sewage? to consume organic material using aerobic bacteria to disinfect the water killing disease-causing organisms to clump suspended particles for sedimentation to absorb ultraviolet radiation serving as tracers for pollution to filter out pathogenic bacteria

to consume organic material using aerobic bacteria

Monoculture farming practice trades off long-term stability for the opportunity to go organic. to have richer organic matter in the soil. to have low incidence of crop diseases. to have very high production in a single year. to rotate crops.

to have very high production in a single year.

Historically wind energy has been used for all of the following activities EXCEPT: to drive windmills for grinding grain to generate electricity to power vehicles to propel ships to pump water for ranches

to power vehicles

The goal of the majority of water quality legislation is to monitor levels of pollution in bodies of water to collect fines from water polluters to prevent pollutants from entering water to clean up polluted water habitats to establish recreational areas for water sports

to prevent pollutants from entering water

Proven oil reserves are part of the total resource that has been currently identified and can be extracted at a profit. total resource that cannot be extracted at a profit total resource that is suspected but not yet identified total world's reserves that have already been depleted. even distribution of total resources around Earth

total resource that has been currently identified and can be extracted at a profit.

What is the principle drawback of broad-spectrum pesticides? reduced crop yields they contribute to sediment pollution toxic to beneficial organisms and humans not only toxic, but carcinogenic they target only a single pest species

toxic to beneficial organisms and humans

Which of following is incorrectly paired? high level waste: will remain radioactive for 10,000 years transuranic : waste generated from nuclear weapons low level waste : contaminated equipment tools, plastic, glass from chemical processing high level waste: commercial and military spent nuclear fuel transuranic : must be stored at Yucca Mountain

transuranic : must be stored at Yucca Mountain

A septic tank: is a hermetically sealed contain for storage of food treats waste water in rural households and can be considered as a private sewage treatment plant is a tank used to collect and treat drinking water is a tank in a sewage plant where chlorination of wastewater takes place stores human waste until it is emptied, for use where no sewage system is available

treats waste water in rural households and can be considered as a private sewage treatment plant

What is selective breeding?

two different individuals and you cross breed them

Native Hawaiians present a cultural opposition to further exploration and development of geothermal energy in Hawaii related to using "breath and water of Pele", the volcano goddess, to make electricity production of atmospheric pollutants associated with interfering with Wakea, the sky deity angering Lono, God of peace and prosperity with drilling in certain locations sovereignty issues based on ownership of the land disturbing Keoahikamakaua, the Child of war which might lead to political confrontations

using "breath and water of Pele", the volcano goddess, to make electricity

The wisest approach to sustainable agriculture involves a combination of different kinds of land use including all of the following EXCEPT: using fertilizer to enhance poorer soil making it adequate for use as farmland using thinner soil, poorer lands for pasture using steeper, less irrigated lands for rangeland using best agricultural lands for food crops not using best land for grain production for animal feed

using fertilizer to enhance poorer soil making it adequate for use as farmland

Which of the following is an environmental concern for using solar energy? depleting supply of sunlight resulting in next ice age variety of metals, glass, plastics, and fluids used to manufacture solar equipment aesthetic degradation of landscape caused by solar panels on rooftops possibility of wildfires from intense concentration of sunlight reflection of sunlight back into the atmosphere contributing to global warming

variety of metals, glass, plastics, and fluids used to manufacture solar equipment

Wind velocity increases over mountains because of: vertical convergence of the wind turbulence horizontal convergence of the wind decreasing pressure with increasing temperature decreasing moisture content with increasing temperature

vertical convergence of the wind

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