APHG AP Study Guide

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an increase in ethnic diversity in neighboring countries

When a nation undergoes a revolution, there is a high likelihood that its citizens will leave the country, causing...


"Breakaway movements" that have threatened Russian stability in recent years are based on disputes that fall along differences in...

Sub-Saharan Africa

"The central city often consists of three CBDs the remains of the colonial CBD, an informal open-air market zone, and a transitional business center where business is conducted in less transitory, but somewhat makeshift buildings, stalls or storefronts. Residential zones based on ethnicity ring the CBD" The statement above most accurately describe cities in...

shorter workweeks

Service and high-tech industry jobs offer all of the following benefits over manufacturing jobs EXCEPT:

the ecumene.

The part of Earth's surface that is physically suitable for permanent human settlement is know as...


The state shape that is most likely to promote efficient political governance is...


The tendency for some migrations to fail leads to...

New Orleans

Which of the following U.S. cities is a site along the Mississippi River and is situated as a major port for offshore petroleum production in the Gulf of Mexico?

vegetative agriculture, seed agriculture, the Columbian exchange

Which of the following accurately describes the evolution of food production from the earliest development to the latest?

The Peace of Westphalia

Which of the following agreements most heavily influenced the development for the idea of the nation-state?


Which of the following has the largest percentage of farmers in its workforce? (based off a chart with countries and their percentage of people in each economic activity)

a non-polarized social structure

Which of the following is NOT a defining characteristic of a world city?


Which of the following is NOT a primary activity?

South Asia

Which of the following is NOT a primary industrial region of the world today?

lack of access to food in Manila

Which of the following is NOT a result of overpopulation?

a significant increase in the amount of cultivated land

Which of the following is NOT a significant factor in the dramatic increase in global food production since the mid-20th century?

edge cities are usually economically independent from center cities

Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about edge cities?

A town loses its appeal as a vacation destination as a result of eroding beaches.

Which of the following is NOT an example of a change in relative location?

Hunting and Gathering

Which of the following is NOT an example of subsistence agriculture?

kinship-based rule

Which of the following is NOT an institution commonly found in modern states?


Which of the following is NOT part of the rimland, as identified by Nicholas Spykman in his rimland theory?

Megacities are located in many parts of the world.

Which of the following is a correct statement about the megacities of the world?


Which of the following is a land-locked state?

a map with a scale 1:5 (inches/miles)

Which of the following maps would be most helpful to a local doctor who is trying to identify the spread of disease among individual children in a particular county? (yes, county)

refining petroleum into gasoline

Which of the following may NOT be categorized as a primary activity?


Which of the following political-administrative units is usually the smallest?

the Middle East

Which of the following regions currently has the largest percentages of immigrants?

Most African-Americans moved to urban areas in the Northern U.S.

Which of the following represents the pattern of interregional African-American migration out of the Southern United States.

Nile River

Which of the following river valleys has been MOST associated with intensive agriculture based on irrigation since ancient times?

Squash and beans

Which of the following seed crops were first domesticated in Mexico?

They are on the east coasts of continents.

Which of the following statements about lands where Mediterranean agriculture is practiced is INACCURATE:

New York, London, and Tokyo

World cities of the first "tier" are...


A Hindu temple located in Texas is most likely the result of which kind of diffusion?

primate city

A city that is disproportionately large in relation to other cities in a country is called a (an)...


A clustering of hotels and restaurants near airports is BEST explained by the benefits of...

discouraged people in poorer countries from raising a variety of nutritious crops

A common criticism of agribusiness is that it has...

socially and politically separate

A country that contains many environmental zones, such as coast, mountains, and desert, is likely to have residents who are...


A country that has experienced centrifugal forces within its borders because of its position in regard to the European Core Area is...


A developer clears several acres of forest to make room for a shipping center. All traces of the original landscape have been eliminated. This is and example of...

subsistence farming

A farmer who produces only enough food for the immediate family is practicing...

policies that apply in a border area

A functional boundary dispute arises when neighboring states cannot agree on...

GPS system

A hiker is to a contour map as a driver is to a...


A method for representing the three-dimensional surface of the earth on the two-dimensional surface of a map is known as...

ethnic homogeneity

A nation-state is most often defined by its twin attributes of sovereignty and...

intensive subsistence farming

A nucleated settlement pattern is most commonly associated with...

using the popular media to promote the idea of a national culture

A political leader might seek to make his or her country conform to the traditional concept of a nation-state by...

mental map

A subjective image of an area informed by individual perceptions and experiences in that area is now as a...

confederal system

A type of state that spreads power among many sub-units and has a weak central government is called a...

when European nations began exploring outside of their continent in the 1600s

According to Immanuel Wallerstein's world-system theory, the modern network of global economic interdependence and competition began...

slowing in the rate of population growth

According to Rostow's modernization theory, one consequence of the drive to technological maturity is a(n)...

patterns that benefit rich societies at the expense of poor countries

According to capitalist world economy theory, the global economic system is characterized by...

Stages I and IV only

According to demographic transition theory, during which stages of demographic transition does low growth occur?

animal grazing

According to von Thunen, which of the following activities would take place in the outermost ring around a market center?

dairy farming

According to von Thunen, which of the following types of agricultural activity is most likely to take place in ring 1, the closest ring to the central city?

predictable market prices from time of planting till harvest

All of the following are characteristics of modern industrial agriculture EXCEPT:

a general decrease in land productivity

All of the following are important environmental problems caused by modern agriculture techniques EXCEPT:


All of the following are possible maternal morbidity issues EXCEPT:

increased crop production

All of the following are serous negative consequences of the Green Revolution EXCEPT:

a country with a high physiologic density must also have a high arithmetic density

All of the following are true of physiologic density EXCEPT...


All of the following crops might be grown on a truck farm EXCEPT:


All of the following factors are important in location an industrial activity EXCEPT:

temples for monotheistic worship

All of the following were common characteristics of the earliest cities EXCEPT:

public transportation systems that were built in most cities

All of the following were factors that encouraged suburban growth in the United States after World War 2 EXCEPT:

natural resources

Allocational boundary disputes involve...

genetically altered crops

Biotechnology is most often applied to modern agriculture by the use of...


Boundaries most clearly symbolize the political principle of...

multi-function cities

Christaller's central place model is least likely to applicable to...

have the same income and shop in the same way

Christaller's central place theory, which provides a reason why a certain number of human settlements exist in an urban system, assumes that all consumers...

longer life expectancy

Chronic diseases are more common today than in the past in developed countries due to...

art and creative jobs

Cities must develop affordable urban housing and working spaces in order to encourage and increase in the number of...

territorial morphology

Compact states, prorupted states, elongated states, fragmented states, and perforated states all reflect categories created according to the study of...

more homogeneous

Compared to popular cultures, folk cultures are...

plantation farming

Cotton, sugarcane. coffee, rubber, and tobacco are usually grown by the methods of...


Currently, the percentage of people in poor countries that live in cities is about...

the Midwest

In what area of the United States are land parcels most likely to be rectilinear?

the African Sahel

In which of the following areas has desertification had the strongest negative impact on food production?

the United States

In which of the following areas in livestock most likely to be sold in the domestic market?

is saturated with businesses offering similar services

Deglomeration occurs when a location...

Sub-Saharan Africa

Desertification has been a major consequence of overgrazing and overplanting of lands in...

rural to urban migration

During the 20th Century, nearly all countries experienced...

strong economic ties are necessary to overcome major ethnic differences

During the 20th century, the collapse of intricate political networks, such as existed in the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR), led to the understanding that...

the Industrial Revolution in the U.S.

During the late 1800s, an important pull factor for immigrants to the United States was...

relative location

During the process of mapmaking, in which the three-dimensional surface of the earth is projected onto a flat, tow-dimensional surface, all of the following attributes can become distorted EXCEPT:


During which time period were the most new states created in the world?

Southeast Asia

In which of the following areas was rice probably domesticated earliest?

Europe only

In which of the following regions of high population concentration is most of the population primarily concentrated in urban areas?

the amount of time a product can be used

Goods are classifies as durable or nondurable based on...

the average person's contribution to generating a country's wealth in a year

Gross Domestic Product Per Capita is a direct measure of...

the South

Houses built on raised platforms of stilts reflect a building style that originated in the United States in...

democratically controlled and community owned

Housing cooperatives present a unique housing options for many urban residents, as they are often...


If you commuted to work by automobile every day in the city, in which zone of Burgess's concentric zone model would you most likely to live?

the effects of Industrialization, urbanization, and general modernization.

In Europe the marked decline of the birth rate was the result of...


In cognitive space, perceived boundaries such as frontiers, horizons, and shorelines are know as...

literacy rates

In most countries, per capita income is most closely correlated with...

olives and grapes

In the Mediterranean area, the most important cash crops are...

census tracts

In the United States, neighborhoods are divided into areas approximately 5,000 people that are also called...

religious differences (Hindus and Muslims)

Internal migrations on the Indian subcontinent since 1947 have occurred primarily because of...

shifting cultivation

Labor-intensive intertillage is most likely to take place in areas where farmers practice...


Longitude is to the prime meridian as latitude is to the...


Members of this group have farmhouses readily identifiable by the lack of electrical lines, buggies and horses, outside, and people who dress in traditional styles. They are found in Pennsylvania, Ohio and Indiana. Members of this group are the...


Migration from location is called...

functional regions

One method of organizing the earth's surface into regions emphasizes core and peripheral areas. This method identifies...

colonial patterns

Modern global agricultural patterns have been most directly influenced by...

cultural symbols

Monuments, flags, slogans, and religious icons are all examples of...

Canada, the United States, and Mexico

NAFTA allowed free trade among which of the following?

world cities of the first tier

New York, London, and Tokyo are all...

bigger, more streamlined roads

Opponents of automobile dependency in cities argue that traffic congestion creates a constant demand for...

demographic equation

Population change over time in an area that combines natural change and the net migration is measured by the...

Intervening OBSTACLE

Rachel experiences car trouble during her move from Texas to California. Unable to afford car repairs, Rachel stays in Tonopah, NV working at the Clown Motel in order to save money for the rest of her move. This is an example of what?

move only a short distance away

Ravenstein used the concept of distance decay to explain why immigrants...


Refrigerated ships and railroad cars most directly benefitted the long-distance transportation to global markets of...

the Balkans

Religious, cultural, and political differences among Serbs, Bosnians, Albanians, and Croats (among others) illustrate the fragmentation that has recently taken place in (on)


Shintoism is a major religion in...

growing reliability and popular pricing of automobiles

Suburban growth in the United States in the mid-20th century was spurred most directly by the...

hierarchical diffusion

Suppose that archaeologists studying an ancient culture discover evidence that the society's upper class practices Isla but that ordinary people practices native religions. Then they discover evidence from 100 years later that most people in the society practices Islam. The most logical explanation is that the society experienced...


Thailand is an example of a state with a shape that is...

a racial movement

The 1970s and 1980s departure of Caucasian middle - and high-income families from urban areas to outlying areas, termed white flight was characterized primarily as...

Environmental push factor

The Dust Bowl in the Great Plains is the best example of which push or pull factor?

the heart of European economic activity

The European Core Area on the map above designates...

Chemical fertilizers

The Green Revolution introduced the use of...

Europe and North America

The Industrial Revolution of the 18th and 19th century moved cultural hearths to...

territorial limits for most countries at 12 nautical miles form shore

The Law of the Sea (1982) standardized...

0 degrees longitude

The Prime Meridian, which passes through Greenwich, England is equivalent to which of the following lines of longitude?

volume of migration and the distance between source destination

The gravity model describes an inverse relationship between the...

time-space compression

The ability to travel and communicate over greater distances in shorter amounts of time, due to technological innovations such as the airplane, automobile, telephone, and Internet represent the idea of...

economic integration

The area illustrated by the map above is characterized by... (Bosnywash megalopolis)

carbon dioxide

The greenhouse effect is caused by the discharge into the atmosphere of...

little job specialization

The cities Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, provide evidence that they were characterized by all of the following EXCEPT;

3000 B.C.E.

The cities illustrated on the map were part of an advanced urban civilization during the period beginning about... (Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa along the Indus River in Pakistan)


The country of Indonesia is a good example of a state with problems caused by...

birth and death rates decrease over time

The demographic transition model suggests that as countries industrialize...

16th century

The diffusion identified in the Columbian Exchange question first began to impact world trade patterns during the...

the Columbian Exchange

The diffusion of crops, other plants, and animals illustrated on the chart above was called... (Crops between the Americas and the Eastern Hemisphere)

the assimilation of Spanish speaking immigrants

The fact that Spanish often appears on signs, phone recordings, and government forms in the United States reflects a change created in a dominant country as a result of...


The farming of oysters is an example of...

tropical zone

The geographical region whose center is located along the equator and whose areas extends roughly 23 degrees north and south of the equator is known as the...

protect its borders and resolve any internal conflicts

The government's role in the development of a nation-state is critical because the government is required to...

cultural lag

The idea that material innovations, such as new technologies, diffuse more rapidly than newly exposed cultures can adequately respond and adapt to them best illustrates the idea of:

lingua franca

The large number of students learning English as a second language is schools in many countries around the world is an indication that English has become a...

Roman Catholic

The largest branch of Christianity is...

allow a minority representative to be elected

The main purpose of minority/majority districting is usually to...

the Untied States

The major exporter of corn in the world market today is...

net in-migrations for North America and Europe

The map above illustrates a modern day trend that has resulted in... (World Map with arrows pointing from China to Europe, and from China and Brazil to the United States)


The map above illustrates the impact on Britain of... (Britain's exposed coalfields and industrial areas)

A Robinson projection that attempts to balance distortions in shape, size, distance, and direction

The map above represents what kind of projection? (A map of the world with curved sides)

vegetative planting

The map above shoes the origin and diffusion of... (a map of the world with agricultural hearths and arrows that mark the diffusion from the hearths)


The map above shows "Bosnywash,"an area best described as...

water boundary

The median-line principle is often used to define a...

new higher-yield seeds and the expanded use of fertilizers

The most important techniques that have shaped the Green Revolution are the use of...

structural assimilation

The persistence of ethnic urban enclaves in major American cities could be cited as evidence to support all of the following phenomena EXCEPT:

large and tended individually

The practice of primogeniture usually results inland parcels that are...

slash and burn agriculture

The practice of shifting cultivation is...

remove toxic waste to sites that are far from its residential communities and businesses and often located near minority populations

The practice termed 'environmental racism' involves a majority population using political representation to...

a negative correlation between distance and degree of relation

The principle distance decay describes...

Indian Subcontinent

The religious doctrine of 'ahimsa,' which discourages violence against other living beings, is best associated with which of the following regions?

industrial agriculture

The shift of the farm as the center of production to a position just one step in a multiphase industrial process that begins on the farms and ends on the consumer's table is called...


The smallest, least complex type of settlement in the urban hierarchy is the...

Islamic traditions, with a mosque at the center

The spatial design of cities in northern Africa is influenced heavily by...

New York City

Which of the following major cities is located at approximately 40 degrees N latitude and 74 degrees W longitude?

Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Amazonian River Basin

The wattle construction style for houses is most commonly used in...

Sothern and Eastern Europe

The wave of immigrants to the United States between about 1900 and 1914 is different from pervious immigration waves because more immigrant came from...

choropleth maps

Thematic maps that employ a range of color tones to illustrate how particular values vary across pre-defined areas, such as countries provinces or states, are referred to as...

rapid population growth

Today neo-Malthusians are most concerned about controlling...

Hinduism and Buddhism

Which of the following major religions originated in India?

southern Mexico and Peru

Two independent seed agriculture hearths that originated in the Western Hemisphere were...

Area "E"

Using the diagram above, which area has the greatest arithmetic density? (5 squares with dots arranged differently in each one)

zone 1`

Von Thunen's pattern of rings that explains the spatial layout of farming emphasizes the need to apply intensive agriculture in...

an urban heat island

When a city is NOT designed to be sustainable and eco-friendly, it has the potential to become...


What is the seasonal migration of livestock to pasture lands where food is more plentiful called?

political antagonists

When two states begin to compete with one another economically, they are most likely to become...


Which of the following cartographic terms describes the location of a place in terms of its angular distance north or south of the equator?


Which of the following concepts refers to the spatial arrangement of items or features within a given area?

Harold Hotelling/locational interdependence theory

Which of the following correctly identifies a thorniest with his theory?

Roman Catholicism (Latin America), Protestantism (North America), Hinduism (India), Islam (North Africa)

Which of the following correctly matches the religions with areas of the world where their members concentrate?


Which of the following countries has most benefited from the Green Revolution...


Which of the following countries has the largest percentage of Shiites in its population?


Which of the following countries is NOT located in one of the world's primary industrial regions?

United Kingdom

Which of the following countries is most clearly an example of a post-industrial society? (based off a chart with countries and their percentage of people in each economic activity)


Which of the following crops is grown on the sides of terraced hills to allow flowing water to run over the plants?

TFR (Total Fertility Rate)

Which of the following demographic statistics best measures the level of reproduction occurring in a population?

Planted in the fall, harvested in the spring

Which of the following describes how winter wheat is planted and harvested?

distance expressed in terms of the PERCIEVED amount of space separating one place from another

Which of the following examples best illustrates the concept of COGNITIVE distance?

Adobe house

Which of the following folk architecture styles is ideally suited for a diurnal climate?


Which of the following foods was unknown in the Western Hemisphere before the Columbian Exchange of the late 15th and 16th centuries?

strong allegiance to subnational ethnicities

Which of the following generally is NOT a centripetal force in a nation-state?

most workers in the tertiary sector, high worker productivity, high consumption of nonessential goods

Which of the following groups of characteristics best describes a more developed country today?

Russian Jews

Which of the following groups of immigrants came to the United States during the early 20th century primarily because of the push factor of government persecution in their home country?

The International Dateline

Which of the following has a location of 180 degrees longitude?

Mining for copper

Which of the following is a practice of an extractive industry?


Which of the following is a primate city?


Which of the following is a universalizing religion?

Life expectancy rates for women are usually higher than life expectancy rates for men.

Which of the following is an accurate statement regarding life expectancy in today's world?


Which of the following is an example of a second-world country?

pastoral nomadism

Which of the following is an example of extensive subsistence farming?

lower cost of labor

Which of the following is an important advantage for U.S. corporations that locate their manufacturing plants in Mexico?

Suitcase farms

Which of the following is characterized by the use of migrant workers who do not live on the farm for labor?

to encourage and facilitate trade among member nations

Which of the following is most clearly a common goal of both NAFTA and the European Union?

infant mortality rates

Which of the following is negatively correlated with Gross Domestic Product (GDP) Per Capita?

Most international migrants are young women.

Which of the following is not one of the Raventstein's migration laws?

small-size farmers are now linking with foreign sources for supplies and markets

Which of the following is the BEST general description of farming practices in developing countries?

About half live in or near cities; about half live in rural areas

Which of the following is the best description of the distribution of population on the earth's surface?


Which of the following is the best example of a central place with a large hinterland?


Which of the following is the best example of a nation-state in which the boundaries of the nation are very similar to the boundaries of the state?


Which of the following is the best example of a state with a good relative location?

to distinguish a particular place form other places on earth

Which of the following is the most important function of a toponym?

they are likely to contribute to cultural diversity

Which of the following is true of folk cultures?


Which of the following states in the United States did not develop major manufacturing during the 19th and 20th centuries?

export-oriented industrialization

Which of the following strategies have the "Four Tigers" used most successfully in their economic development?

the European Union (EU)

Which of the following supranational organizations has created a common currency accepted by most of its member states?

European Union

Which of the following supranational organizations has set a uniform currency for its member states?

functional dispute

Which of the following types of boundary disputes is illustrated by the ongoing debate between the U.S. and Mexico regarding transport of people and goods across their long mutual border?

intensive subsistence farming

Which of the following types of economic activity is MOST likely to produce the largest amount of food per unit of land?

Intensive subsistence

Which of the following types of farming is most often used to raise wet, or lowland, rice?

Alexandria, Egypt

Which of the following was a global city in the Western world during the time of the Greek and Roman Empires?

The Asian economic crisis

Which of the following was a trigger for deindustrialization in Asian countries such as Japan and South Korea in the late 1990s?


Which of the following was least accurately represented on Hecataeus's 5th century B.C.E map of the world?

Indus River Valley

Which of the following was one of the original urban hearths regions?

Burgess's concentric zone model

Which of the following was the first model of urban land use to be developed?

the steam engine

Which of the following was the single most important invention that fueled the Industrial Revolution?

a small informal economic sector

Which one of the following characteristics does NOT apply to cities of the developing world?

They are centered around periphery markets for finished goods

Which one of the following statements does NOT correctly describe commodity chains?

the soil type is the main element determining what a plantation produces

Which one of the following statements does NOT correctly describe plantations?

arithmetic population density

suppose that geographer divides the total population of a country by the country's total amount of land space. The resulting figure is the country's...

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