APHG Midterms review (Units 1, 2, 3)

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E. Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan

A nongovernmental organization is planning a new international elementary education program. Based on the map shown, which of the following groups of countries would be the best candidates to receive funding? A. Brazil, Bolivia, Peru B. Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand C. Mexico, Colombia, Ecuador D. Egypt, Libya, Saudi Arabia E. Ethiopia, Somalia, South Sudan

B. Temperate regions

According to the theory of environmental deter-minism, which of the following areas would have the most productive settlements? A. Tropical regions B. Temperate regions C. Mountainous regions D. Arctic regions E. Arid regions

B. Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation

The concept of environmental sustainability is best explained by which of the following examples? A. Strip-mining of coal on mountainsides, to keep miners from working in underground conditions B. Terracing rice paddies on hillsides, to prevent soil erosion and provide gravity-fed irrigation C. Clear-cutting trees in coastal woodlands, to provide building materials for constructing homes D. Fattening cattle in dryland feedlots, to practice agriculture efficiently and at the lowest cost E. Draining of wetlands in residential areas, to reduce the presence of stinging insects

C. population in a cartogram

The data presented in the map shown depict A. latitude in a Robinson projection B. longitude in a Mercator projection C. population in a cartogram D. elevation topographic map E. taxation in a flow-line map

D. The three dimensions of Earth's surface are displayed on a two-dimensional page.

The images show a topographic map and a geographic information systems (GIS) representation of Mount Shasta in California. Which of the following statements best explains why these printed images are geometrically distorted representations of Earth's surface? A. Some maps do not show the actual coloration of Earth's surface and vegetation. B. GIS can only display two-dimensional layers. C. The planet's gravitational poles are not located at the poles of Earth's axis. D. The three dimensions of Earth's surface are displayed on a two-dimensional page. E. Printed maps alter the sense of place that people can have about a location.

E. Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030

An international company is looking to expand its network of factories, which use labor-intensive production methods, in a region of the world experiencing significant growth in the working-age population. Based on the data in the table, which of the following regions should the company choose? A. North America, which will have faster working-age growth in 2015 to 2030 than in 2000 to 2015 B. Asia, which will have a faster working-age growth rate in 2015 to 2030 than in 2000 to 2015 C. Latin America, which had the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2000 to 2015 D. Asia, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030 E. Sub-Saharan Africa, which will have the fastest working-age growth rate among world regions from 2015 to 2030

D. Geographic information systems and global positioning satellites

Based on the geospatial data in the example shown, which combination of technologies provides real-time data to emergency call centers to route police, fire, and ambulance vehicles directly to incidents in the shortest possible travel time? A. Remote sensing satellites and cellular telephone towers B. Census databases and property tax records C. Social media sites and paper map atlases D. Geographic information systems and global positioning satellites E. Digital radio signals and vehicle call signs

B. Possibilism

For centuries, sugar crystals were made from the evaporated juice of sugarcane, a plant grown only in tropical and subtropical climates. In the 1800s, industrial methods were developed to manufacture crystalline sugar from sugar beets. This allowed for large amounts of sugar to be produced in colder, temperate climate zones. Which of the following geographic concepts best explains the ability of humans to use technology to overcome the limitations of climate and modify the landscape? A. Environmental determinism B. Possibilism C. Cultural relativism D. Contagious diffusion E. Political ecology

C. Functional

Given the definitions, watersheds and milksheds can best be classified as what type of region? A. Culture B. Formal C. Functional D. Industrial E. Vernacular

B. Even in areas of urban land use, there is a significant relationship between nature and society.

In 1854, London physician Dr. John Snow mapped the spatial relationship between deaths from the waterborne disease cholera and the locations of water pumps which brought in water directly from tunnels connected to the River Thames. From Snow's research it was determined that a public water pump had been contaminated by sewage. What geographic principle explains the significance of Snow's research? A. As cities remove natural resources from the landscape, those resources become insignificant. B. Even in areas of urban land use, there is a significant relationship between nature and society. C. Once water enters an area of urban land use, that water is no longer considered a natural resource. D. The prosperity of a society is determined by environmental factors, such as the availability of natural resources. E. Societies leave a cultural imprint on the land, such as the pattern of streets and water systems.

C. Vernacular

In his book - My Tears Spoiled My Aim -, John Shelton Reed explains the difficulty of defining the American South. "Where is the South? . . . The South is, to begin with, a concept—and a shared one. It's an idea that people can talk about, think about, use to orient themselves and each other. People know whether they're in it or not." Based on Reed's explanation, the South is best described as which kind of region? A. Functional B. Formal C. Vernacular D. Peripheral E. Linguistic

E. Manhattan appears to have the highest population density at all three scales.

The darkest shading on the map indicates the areas with the highest population densities. Which of the following statements best describes the pattern of population density shown? A. Manhattan appears to have the lowest population density at all three scales. B. New York City's hinterlands have the highest population density. C. Population densities appear to be uniform at all three scales. D. New York City and New York State have similar population densities. E. Manhattan appears to have the highest population density at all three scales.

B. census surveys

The maps show data most likely collected through A. election results B. census surveys C. satellite imagery D. informal observation E. interviews

D. A government agency seeking to promote equal opportunities across ethnicities

The maps show residential neighborhoods in the Republic of Singapore. Which of the following individuals or organizations would be most likely to make a decision based on the spatial pattern shown on the maps? A. A person planning to move from a more rural area to a more urban area within Singapore B. A business analyzing demographic change over time within its market area C. An environmental advocacy group seeking to protect habitats of vulnerable species D. A government agency seeking to promote equal opportunities across ethnicities E. A multinational corporation identifying a location for a new factory

C. An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping

The satellite images show changes to a portion of the Louisiana coast between 1984 and 2017. The table shows the changes in land acreage. Which of the following best describes the changes and a consequence of the changes? A. The expansion of coastal cities, which results in increased acreage of urban land cover B. A decrease in the acreage of coastal land, which affects the prices of local property C. An increase in the acreage of coastal land, which will be added to navigational charts for shipping D. The rise of sea levels, which results in decreased land acreage available for homes and businesses E. An increase in land acreage caused by the construction of polders for land reclamation

E. It provides a perspective on each country's level of social development.

Which of the following best describes the spatial pattern of adult literacy rates presented in the map? A. It provides an economic perspective on the productivity of each country's workforce. B. It provides an economic perspective on earnings for each country's population. C. It provides a political perspective on each country's level of civic participation. D. It provides a political perspective on each country's system of government. E. It provides a perspective on each country's level of social development.

E. Census tract or enumeration area

Which of the following scales of analysis would provide demographic data that could be used to compare one urban neighborhood to other urban neighborhoods across a country? A. State or province B. Metropolitan area or urban region C. County or parish (in Quebec and Louisiana) D. City or municipality E. Census tract or enumeration area


Which of the following sets of maps would help explain how scale of inquiry affects truth? A Maps showing the area of France before and after surveying B Maps of Hudson Bay drawn by Native Americans and by the earliest European travelers C Maps showing Michigan's population density by counties and the United States population density by state D Maps showing the number of auto thefts per block in Seattle in the decades before and after the Depression E Maps of gang graffiti in Philadelphia

C. The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa.

Which of the following spatial patterns accurately describes the data presented in the map? A. Most continents have countries with secondary school enrollments below 75 percent. B. There are no countries in Africa with secondary school enrollments above 90 percent. C. The majority of countries with less than 70 percent secondary school enrollment are in sub-Saharan Africa. D. The secondary school enrollment is proportional to population density. E. Landlocked countries have secondary school enrollments above 90 percent.

C. It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes.

Which of the following statements about the Robinson projection is correct? A. It is more useful for long-distance navigation than the Mercator projection. B. It is better for making topographical maps than the Mercator projection. C. It is more accurate than the Mercator projection in showing the sizes of countries in higher latitudes. D. It is more useful for showing the distribution of human populations than the Mercator projection. E. It is better for estimating territorial waters in lower latitudes than the Mercator projection.

C. there is uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics

A formal region defines an area in which A. a core dominates its surrounding hinterland B. a transportation network links different types of land use C. there is uniformity in one or more physical or human characteristics D. there are significant geographic variations in physical or human characteristics E. a unified government system has been established

B. Census surveys

Market research reports and profiles of voting districts like those shown are examples of spatial analysis products. Which of the following data sources is most frequently used to create the spatial analysis products shown in the examples? A. School enrollment records B. Census surveys C. Tax receipts D. Loan applications E. Utility bills

A. Zip code

The table shows the types of information collected by a store regarding customer purchases. Which of the following data could be used in a geographical information system (GIS) to increase sales? A. ZIP code B. Number of customers C. Number of transactions D. Total transaction amount E. Amount per transaction

B. The American West and the American Midwest

Which of the following are the best examples of vernacular regions? A. The Canadian Maritimes and the Northwest Territory B. The American West and the American Midwest C. South Africa and Australia D. South America and the Caribbean E. Scandinavia and the Iberian Peninsula

B. Scale of analysis

Which of the following concepts best explains the differences among the values shown in the table? A. Spatial analysis B. Scale of analysis C. Map scale D. Relative location E. Relative direction

E. Modification of landscapes by human cultures

Which of the following concepts could best be explained by the theory of possibilism? A. Regional differences between the internal structures of cities B. Changes in population growth rates over time C. Limitations on agricultural crops based on climate D. Political patterns seen in election maps E. Modification of landscapes by human cultures

A. 1:24,000

Which of the following map scales would be used for the topographic map shown? A. 1:24,000 B. 1:250,000 C. 1:500,000 D. 1:1,000,000 E. 1:5,000,000

E. Formal

Which of the following terms best describes regions that make up the political geographic divisions within a country? A. Cultural B. Perceptual C. Vernacular D. Physical E. Formal

C. Ethnic Chinese residents are in the majority across most of the city, while ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian residents are concentrated in the peripheral neighborhoods.

Which of the following best describes the spatial pattern of ethnicity in Singapore's neighborhoods? A. Malay is the largest ethnic group, ethnic Chinese live in the center of the city, and ethnic Indians live in the peripheral neighborhoods. B. The three major ethnic groups, Malay, Chinese, and Indian, are evenly distributed across the city. C. Ethnic Chinese residents are in the majority across most of the city, while ethnic Malay and ethnic Indian residents are concentrated in the peripheral neighborhoods. D. Ethnic Malay and ethnic Indians are evenly distributed throughout the city, while Chinese are only in the majority within the core central neighborhoods. E. Indian is the largest ethnic group, ethnic Chinese live in the center of the city, and ethnic Malay live in the peripheral neighborhoods.

B. Relative location

Which of the following best describes the type of information provided in the directions? A. Absolute location B. Relative location C. Cultural landscape D. Geographic information systems E. Cartographic principles

B. An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution.

Which of the following global trends best exemplifies the concept of sustainability? A. An increase in the use of agricultural pesticides, because farms using agricultural chemicals produce more food. B. An increase in the use of electric vehicles, because their reduced emissions result in less environmental pollution. C. A decrease in the amount of polar sea ice, because it opens more sea lanes for shipping. D. An increase in the number of people living in coastal areas, because residents will feel more connected to nature. E. A decrease in the practice of slash-and-burn agriculture, because large irrigated farms produce food more efficiently.

A. The size and shape of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated.

Which of the following is a characteristic of the Mercator projection? A. The size and shape of countries in the higher latitudes are greatly exaggerated. B. The size of all countries is accurate, but the shape is distorted. C. Countries near the Equator appear 50 percent larger than countries in the middle latitudes. D. The projection is designed to maintain undistorted outlines of landmasses. E. Distances on the Mercator projection are real and accurate.

E. The physical environment controls human culture .

Which of the following is the primary assumption of environmental determinism? A. Human destiny is controlled by the cultural environment . B. The physical environment has little influence on humans . C. Humans have complete control over the physical environment . D. Many human adaptations are possible within a specific physical environment . E. The physical environment controls human culture .

B. Choropleth

Which of the following map types is shown? A. Isopleth B. Choropleth C. Dot density D. Reference E. Topographic

C. The Great Plains are less densely populated than the Midwest.

Which of the following patterns is evident on the map of population density? A. The Appalachian Mountains are less densely populated than the Rocky Mountains B. The Midwest is much more densely populated than the Southeast. C. The Great Plains are less densely populated than the Midwest. D. The Pacific Coast is far less populated than the Atlantic Coast of the United States E. The Rocky Mountains are more densely populated than the Southwest

E. What area is influenced by a node?

Which of the following questions must be answered in order to identify a functional region? A. What specific characteristic defines a region? B. What general characteristics define the area's identity? C. What do people call the region? D. What languages are spoken in the area? E. What area is influenced by a node?

A. Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county

Which of the following scales is represented in the map shown? A. Local, showing the towns and township areas in a county B. Regional, showing the states or provinces in one part of a country C. State or province, showing the counties or parishes N. Neighborhood, showing the block along street boundaries E. Block, showing the property lines and names of owners

C. Natural resource use should be balanced with the needs of the environment and future generations because many resources are nonrenewable.

Which of the following statements best explains the concept of sustainability? A. Natural resources are the domain of humans because of the ability of humans to take appropriate action for their use without fear of resource depletion. B. Natural resources should be used until they become too scarce or too expensive because of the immediate need for human survival. C. Natural resource use should be balanced with the needs of the environment and future generations because many resources are nonrenewable. D. Natural resources will be replaced by technological goods because of concerns that all natural resources will become obsolete within the next generation. E. Natural resource use should generate economic profits because of the new technologies that make procuring the resources cost effective.

A. The Mercator projection accurately shows direction but distorts the size of some areas compared to the Robinson projection.

Which of the following statements is an accurate comparison of the two map projections shown? A. The Mercator projection accurately shows direction but distorts the size of some areas compared to the Robinson projection. B. The Robinson projection accurately shows direction but distorts the size of some areas compared to the Mercator projection. C. The Mercator projection accurately shows distances but distorts direction compared to the Robinson projection. D. The Robinson projection accurately shows shapes but distorts direction compared to the Mercator projection. E. The Mercator projection accurately shows area but distorts shapes compared to the Robinson projection.

B. Functional region

Which of the following terms best describes the suburban area of Illinois where many residents commute to Chicago? A. Perceptual region B. Functional region C. Formal region D. Conformal region E. Equal area region

C. Census data

Which of the following types of information is shown in the table? A. Tax records B. Military enlistments C. Census data D. Diplomatic records E. School enrollments

C. The map of the Borough of Manhattan, because it shows both population density and the pattern of streets.

Which spatial patterns on the maps shown would be most helpful to someone selecting the location for a new coffee shop? A. The map of New York State, because it shows the least and most densely populated counties in the state. B. The map of New York City, because it shows which boroughs have the greatest number of people. C. The map of the Borough of Manhattan, because it shows both population density and the pattern of streets. D. The map of the state of New York, because it shows where the largest cities are located. E. The map of the Borough of Manhattan, because it shows the shoreline of the island of Manhattan.

C. The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail.

Why would a town planner use a map at the 1:24,000 scale rather than a map at the 1:250,000 scale? A. The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows a much larger area. B. The map at the 1:24,000 scale is easily converted to non-metric measurements. C. The map at the 1:24,000 scale shows the town close-up in more detail. D. The map at the 1:250,000 scale shows the town in too much detail. E. The map at the 1:250,000 scale shows too small of an area to see the whole town.

E. The relative distance between Europe and North America decreased.

With the dawn of the Jet Age, international airline travel increased rapidly after 1950, and much of this early growth in jet travel was between Europe and North America. Which of the following best describes the spatial pattern suggested by the table? A. The volume of trade between Europe and North America increased. B. The size of aircraft traveling between Europe and North America decreased. C. The linear distance between Europe and North America decreased. D. The absolute distance between Europe and North America increased. E. The relative distance between Europe and North America decreased.

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