Pataasin ang iyong marka sa homework at exams ngayon gamit ang Quizwiz!

"A Model T Ford sedan and a two-wheel trailer were parked beside the shack, and about the camp there hung a slovenly despair." (Chapter 20, p. 329) Which phrase best helps the reader understand the meaning of the word, slovenly?

beside the shack


bind the arms of someone

7. Reference the excerpt from The Jungle for this question. Not only are the industrial CEOs careless on inspection of the product they are producing, but they are indifferent to the -

well-being of their workforce


(adj.) coarsely abusive, vulgar or low (especially in language), foul-mouthed


(adj.) scholarly, learned, bookish, pedantic


(adj.) unfavorable, unlucky, suggesting bad luck for the future


(n.) shame and disgrace


A figure of speech in which something is referred to by using the name of something that is associated with it

What can we infer about human nature when reading the last paragraph of the story?

Actions, especially those involving life and death, can haunt us for the rest of our lives.

18. Which line below best speaks to a Darwinian view of human nature?

Adroit in ways her forebears couldn't presage,

For every atom belonging to me as good belongs to you. What is Whitman saying about humanity?

At every level of our being, we are transferring and exchanging materials, ideas, emotions, affections.

9. Which of the following is a correct example for the Works Cited page for an article in a journal on the Web?

Bryson, Devin. "The Rise of a New Senegalese Cultural Philosophy?" African Studies Quarterly, vol. 14, no. 3, Mar. 2014, pp. 33-56, asq.africa.ufl.edu/files/Volume-14-Issue-3-Bryson.pdf.


Deliberate use of many conjunctions

In the last paragraph of the cutting that was provided in the course, what rhetorical strategy does Emerson use for his support?


Use the excerpt from The Power of Words to answer the following question. The author claims that euphemistic terms are not always accurate terms. Which of the following is an example of the author's point?

For accuracy, use temporary detention center instead of the euphemistic assembly center.

Use "How Latino Players Are Helping Major League Baseball Learn Spanish" to answer the following question. Encinas makes an argument based on facts. Which line from the essay best supports that claim.

For the 2016 season, MLB mandated that all teams provide interpreters for players with limited or no English proficiency.

6. What does Uncle John do near the end of the novel to send a message to world about the conditions the migrants were living in?

He puts Rose of Sharon's stillborn infant in a crate and sets it in the river.

Descent of Man by Timothy Steele

Humans adapt to their environment searching for balance in a world of perils.

Homeless by Anna Quindlen

Humans desire a place to live and those without are real people with real problems.

Rene Descartes

I think therefore I am

2. Which statement from "With Disney's Moana, Hollywood Almost Gets It Right: Indigenous People Weigh In" best captures the main idea of this essay?

If nothing else, it was an indigenous woman determined to bring healing back to her people.

Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron strong. What is the message about human nature that Emerson wants the reader to understand?

Individuals must avoid blindly following the paths of others; they must rely on their own instincts.

Song of Myself by Walt Whitman

Individuals must liberate themselves from enslaving beliefs and look to the original energy of nature to be freed of the restraints of society.

Read the following passage from the side of the cereal box, Treaty Flakes, in "Making a Visual Argument: Breakfast Series." DOES NOT CONTAIN A GOVERNMENT REFERENDUM Ingredients: Sugar-coated lies, government bureaucracy, self governance, land resources, broken promises, acknowledging the past, securing the future What, most likely, is Assu's purpose?

It is a way to use the image of a cereal box to critique the way the dominant culture sees Native people.

16. Use "Shutting Up" to answer the following question. What purpose does the use of the Warren Beatty 1967 film title Bonnie and Clyde and the booing of Bob Hope during a show in Vietnam serve in Schwartz's argument?

It supports the claim that people throughout time have always voiced their opinions

Chapter 9, The Jungle

Jurgis learns to read and becomes an American citizen only to find out when voting that there is a corrupt political machine in Chicago.

iJean-Jacque Rousseau

Man is basically good, but society corrupts individuals.


One individual confronts and is humiliated by the societal norms of his school and the line between those who have material resources and those who don't

1. Which of the following best exhibits a stereotypic statement?

Rich people are more concerned about possessions than poor people.

Self Reliance by Ralph Waldo Emerson

Self-sufficiency gives mankind the freedom to one's true self and the opportunity to attain true independence.

8. Why does Ruthie reveal Tom's secret?

She wants to impress a girl who is picking on her

What is the problem with how society deals with the homeless?

Society does not want to be associated with the homeless.

2. Which of the following descriptions fits the definition for circumstantial evidence?

The sidewalks are wet and puddles abound, so you infer that it rained.

Reference "Man in the Mirror" for this question. Read the following lines. "I'm gonna make a changeFor once in my lifeIt's gonna feel real goodGonna make a differenceGonna make it right" How does the point of view affect the message?

The use of first person shows a personal commitment to change

12. What does punishing Hester by wearing the scarlet letter reveal about the Puritan community?

They are declaring their own smug self-righteousness.

10. The inscription on the tombstone that Hester and Dimmesdale share says "On a field, sable, the letter A, gules." Which theme statement below best matches this line?

Unbridled passion invites the devil's wiles that leads to sin.

17. Use "Shame" by Dick Gregory to answer this question. What was the tone of the teacher's dialogue with Helene as compared to the tone of the dialogue with Richard?

With Helene the tone is respectful, even affectionate and with Richard, it is exasperated


a broad strip or area of something



Use "Making a Visual Argument: The Issue of Privacy" to answer the question. The dual-edged sword of writing a cartoon includes ⎼

delivering the cartoonist's point while incorporating humor

Read the following passage. " "There is a strange secrecy in nature," replied Hester,thoughtfully; "and it has grown upon him by the hidden practices of his revenge. I deem it not likely that he will betray the secret. He will doubtless seek other means of satiating his dark passion." "And I!-how am I to live longer, breathing the same air with this deadly enemy?" exclaimed Arthur Dimmesdale, shrinking within himself, and pressing his hand nervously against his heart,-a gesture that had grown involuntary within him. "Think for me, Hester! Thou art strong. Resolve for me!" " (p. 17) Which phrase is most useful in providing context for the word satiating?

doubtless seek other means


easily irritated

Angelou uses anaphora in stanzas 2 and 4 to -

emphasize the important ideas

13. Which of the following is NOT part of the Toulmin Logical Structure of Arguments?


synthesis essay

explanatory and argument


expressed strongly

the joad's dog

foreshadows the many unknown hardships facing the joads

13. Use "Gallup/Knight Foundation, Free Speech on Campus" to answer the following question. The purpose of the survey is to ⎼

garner student ideas/views about First Amendment issues


impressive array

13. Hawthorne uses irony in the novel to -

increase the feelings of apprehension and suspense in his readers

6. Which verb below would be NOT be considered a frequently used signal verb?


4. Use "Making a Visual Argument: The Issue of Privacy" to answer the following question. Mike Smith says that his craft, "editorial cartooning" is really about ⎼

reading as much information as you can

Read the following quote from The Scarlet Letter. "On the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fantastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter 'A.' It was so artistically done, and with so much fertility and gorgeous luxuriance of fancy, that it had all the effect of a last and fitting decoration to the apparel which she wore; and which was of a splendor in accordance with the taste of the age, but greatly beyond what was allowed by the sumptuary regulations of the colony." (p. 50) Which phrase is most useful in providing context for the word sumptuary?

regulations of the colony

9. Which of the following symbols in The Scarlet Letter is a symbol of Hester's passion that led to her sin but ultimately brought forth something of great value in her child, Pearl?



showing an arrogant superiority

What is the purpose for managers to use Maslow's hierarchy?

to identify the needs of their staff and help them feel fulfilled.

6. In Chapter 12, what comparison does Steinbeck make between business transactions the action of theft?

Business charges more than items are worth but to take what is needed without paying for it is considered theft.

Caged Bird by Maya Angelou

Freedom is an innate characteristic of humans and knowledge of this fact cannot be undone by any amount of oppression or limitation of opportunity.

11. Those who functioned best in the Puritan society of Boston were -

Governor Bellingham and Reverend Wilson

8. Use from World without Mind: The Existential Threat of Big Tech to answer the following question. Foer believes that the Internet is killing privacy. What is an overarching threat that he associates with the Internet?

The Internet is a non-erasable memory of our purchases, correspondences, search inquiries, and even deleted thoughts we at one time typed.

20. According to the narrator, what are two things that are typically constructed first in a Puritan community?

a cemetery and a jail

. Eigner shifts his tone in the essay beginning with an informative and descriptive approach to -

a critical and analytical one.

6. Pearl is a complex character and serves as a symbol throughout the novel. Which of the following is NOT a function of her role as a symbol?

a human contrivance set apart by society

Use "They Should Stop: In Defense of the Singular They" to answer the following question. How does Smith organize her blog?

a mixture of information, quotations, visuals, and personal commentary

18. When Hester visits the Governor's house in Chapter 7, she is mesmerized by a distorted reflection of herself in -

a suit of armor


always complaining

14. Use "Gallup/Knight Foundation, Free Speech on Campus" to answer the following question. The structure of the argument when using a survey moves from construction of an idea and finding the proof to ⎼

analysis and interpretation of the data to drawing a conclusion

"A skunk padded heavily and unself-consciously down the trail, carrying a faint effluvium with him." (Chapter 28) Which synonym below could best be used to replace effluvium?


"What we got lef' in the worl'? Nothin' but us. Nothin' but the folks." (Chapter 16, p. 230) In this statement by Ma, Steinbeck uses the anaphora to -

appeal to the emotions of the family

Use the excerpt from The Power of Words to answer the following question. Which of the following is NOT a type of argument included in this excerpt?

arguments based on hearsay


ask for

Microaggressions could best be described as ⎼

assumptions on the part of the speaker about what the world is like or should be like

Read the following passage. "Madman, hold! What is your purpose?" whispered he. "Wave back that woman! Cast off this child! All shall be well! Do not blacken your fame, and perish in dishonor! I can yet save you! Would you bring infamy on your sacred profession?" (p. 225) Who is speaking?


Pa observed querulously, "That Rosasharn is gettin' awful scary an' nimsy-mimsy." The author uses the word querulous to convey Pa's nature of ________ habitually.


Read the following quote from The Scarlet Letter. "Trust me, good jailer, you shall briefly have peace in your house; and, I promise you, Mistress Prynne shall hereafter be more amenable to just authority than you may have found her heretofore." Complete the following analogy. amenable is to ______________ as peace is to tranquility



confused; bewildered


confusion due to misunderstanding

According to Smith in her article "They Should Stop: In Defense of the Singular They," the determination of what rules of grammar are acceptable for print lie ultimately with

copy editors


defiantly aggressive

Use "Thick of Tongue" to answer the following question. McWhorter's analysis rests on definitional arguments, including the definition of "sounding black." Arguments of definition rely on arguments of ⎼


"The film of evening light made the red earth lucent, so that its dimensions were deepened, so that a stone, a post, a building had greater depth and more solidity than in the daytime light; and these objects were curiously more individual - a post was more essentially a post, set off from the earth it stood in and the field of corn it stood out against." (p. 135) Which phrase is most useful in providing context for the word lucent?

film of evening light

"Connie Rivers lifted the high tail-gate out of the truck and got down and helped Rose of Sharon to the ground; and she accepted it nobly, smiling her wise, self-satisfied smile, mouth tipped at the corners a little fatuously." (p. 134) Which definition below best defines the word fatuously as it is used in this sentence?

foolishly or without thought

Read the following passage. "'Hold thy tongue, naughty child!" answered her mother with an asperity that she had never permitted to herself before." (p.164) Which definition for the word asperity best fits the way the word is used in the context above?

harshness of tone


having a facial appearance, seeming, looking


having a fantastic or deceptive appearance, as something in a dream or created by the imagination

12. Jolliffe's Rhetorical Framework is a model designed to -

help an analyst explain the meaning/purpose/effect of a text

Read the following passage. "In order to free his mind from this indistinctness and duplicity of impression which vexed it with a strange disquietude, he recalled and more thoroughly defined the plans which Hester and himself had sketched for their departure." (p. 192) Complete the following analogy. duplicity is to __________ as vexed is to pleased


Karl Marx

human nature is determined through the social and economic system under which one lives

7. Which of the following is NOT a way to use sources to clarify and support your own argument?

incorporate 'patchwriting'

"And the girl moved about, poking the fire, shifting the rusty stove lids to make a better draft, opening the oven door; and all the time the baby sucked, and the mother shifted it deftly from arm to arm." (Chapter 22) The use of the word deftly strongly suggests that the girl -

is capable of multi-tasking

20.Use "Shame" by Dick Gregory to answer this question. Read the following lines. "There was shame in wearing the brown and orange and white plaid Mackinaw the welfare gave to 3,000 boys." Though the coat was made for warmth, this coat was cold because

it was a symbol of a loss of identity by the number of kids wearing the Mackinaws

12. Hawthorne uses dramatic irony when he -

lets the audience know that Chillingworth is slowly and methodically torturing Dimmesdale, but Dimmesdale is unaware of this

10. Use "How Privacy Became a Commodity for the Rich and Powerful" to answer the following question. Hess relies on the appeal of ____________ to build her argument.


Read the following passage. "All we got is the family unbroke. Like a bunch a cows, when the lobos are ranging, stick all together. I ain't scared while we're all here, all that's alive, but I ain't gonna see us bust up." (Chapter 16, p. 231) Steinbeck uses a simile to compare the family to a herd of cattle protecting themselves from the lobos. Which level of Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs would this best exemplify?

love, belonging

"And they scampered about, looking for work; and the highways were streams of people, and the ditch banks were lines of people. Behind them more were coming." (Chapter 21, p. 385) The metaphor compares -

migrants heading to California to streams

Use "Why a Moratorium on Microaggression is Needed" to answer the following question. One of Lilienfeld's concerns is the underlying assumptions causing cognitive-behavioral therapists to leap to a faulty assumption which he says is simply ⎼

mind reading


move unobtrusively

Which symbol did Steinbeck use that best resonates with the sounds of survival and hope?


Read the following quote from The Scarlet Letter. "In other words, Mr. Dimmesdale, whose sensibility of nerve often produced the effect of spiritual intuition, would become vaguely aware that some inimical to his peace had thrust itself into relation with." Which definition below best describes how the word inimical is used in this sentence?

not friendly


not neat such as a person's dress

was would have been

not strong signal verbs

Use "Shame" by Dick Gregory to answer this question. Read the following lines. "Pregnant with poverty. Pregnant with dirt and pregnant with smells the made people turn away. Pregnant with cold and pregnant with shoes that were never bought for me. Pregnant with five other people in my bed ..." What rhetorical devices are used in the text above?

parallelism and repetition

"You got to have patience. Why, Tom - us people will go on livin' when all them people is gone. Why, Tom, we're the people that live. They ain't gonna wipe us out. Why, we're the people - we go on." (Chapter 20, p. 383) Steinbeck uses anaphora in this passage when Ma is speaking to Tom. The author establishes a tone that is -

passionate, intense, and assertive

. Use "Playing with Prejudice: The Prevalence and Consequences of Racial Stereotypes in Video Games" to answer the next question. One alarming conclusion the authors of this study found was that -

people fail to distinguish between stereotyped associations they imagine and those they have actually seen

the turtle

perseverance and determination of the joads


pick the fruit, put it in a box, load the truck, deliver to the market


shriveled or wrinkled with age

7. According to Chapter 19, who were the first Americans to settle in California?


Read the excerpt from "Redskins: Insult and Brand." Redskin is a problem. It is an outdated reference to an American Indian. It is best regarded as a racial slur on par with other denigrating terms. What is a social psychological term for the problem that King is attacking?


alludes confirms disputes

strong signal verbs

1. Practicing infotention calls for -

synthesizing and thinking critically about vast amounts of information available on the Web


synthesizing and thinking critically about vast amounts of information available on the Web

. Which of the following acts does NOT break the spell on Pearl allowing her to find joy?

taking the scarlet letter off of her mother's dress

6. Reference the excerpt from The Jungle for this question. What does Marija tell Jurgis?

that diseased animals, covered in boils, are used to make canned meat which is shipped to American soldiers.

2. The exposition for this novel can best be described with the following information -

the Dust Bowl during the Depression and the introduction of the Joad family

7. Why is the argument by King in "Redskins: Insult and Brand" considered an invitational argument?

the reader is invited to explore a complex set of issues they may not have previously considered.

Use "Activists Athletes" to answer the following question. Brown concludes that athletes can leverage their high profiles and in some cases the revenue they can generate to draw attention to areas of concern; however, few athletes participate due to ⎼

the risks involved

12. Use "Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces" to answer the following question. Palfrey argues that free expression enables people to find ⎼

the truth

v11. Use "Safe Spaces, Brave Spaces" to answer the following question. Palfrey argues that "free expression and diversity are essential components of democracy" and that the ⎼

the two ideas are compatible even though they are often set up as combative ideas

7. Use "Congress Let Internet Providers 'Spy On' Your Underwear Purchases, Advocacy Group Says" to answer the following question. The claim under investigation by PolitiFact is ⎼

the verity of a nonprofit tweet that the House of Representatives voted to let ISPs sell your data without permission

4. Read the following simile from The Scarlet Letter. "...there came a red light out of his eyes; as if the old man's soul were on fire and kept on smouldering duskily within his breast..." What does Hester realize about Chillingworth?

though he wears a mask, there is a blackness in his soul

19. Not only did Eighner have a desire to record what he learned as a Dumpster diver, but he also had another purpose in writing this essay. What likely was that purpose?

to criticize those who take what they have for granted.

Read the following statement from "Shooting Guns: It's Rather Fun, Actually." Shooting a handgun at a target is a thrill; don't let anyone tell you otherwise. What is D.K.'s primary purpose in starting the essay this way?

to disarm those who might be defensive about the claims in the essay

Read the following anaphora from The Scarlet Letter. "...with the hot mid-day burning down upon her face, light up its shame; with the scarlet token of infamy on her breast, with the sin-born baby in her arms, with the whole people, drawn forth, as if to a festival." (p.59) What is the purpose of this literary device?

to emphasize the significance of the day of Hester's punishment

8. Hawthorne seems to have a primary purpose in mind when penning The Scarlet Letter. What is that purpose?

to expose the life and hypocrisy of the Puritan communities

13. Use the "Social Contract" video for this question. Thomas Hobbes, the philosopher wrote a book called Leviathan, a term used in the Old Testament, for the name of a sea monster. Hobbes believed that a government should be a Leviathan. Why?

to keep everyone in check

"Too hot, loose connections, loose bearings, rattling bodies." (p. 165) What is the purpose for using this literary device?

to make the situation more dramatic and effective by speeding up the rhythm and pace.

"When she spoke her voice had a beautiful low timbre, soft and modulated, and yet with ringing overtones." (p. 183) Complete the following analogy. timbre is to _________ as modulate is to adjust



unable to be felt by touch

Use "How a Bible-Belt Evangelical Church Embraced Gay Rights" to answer the following question. Pasulka structures her essay by ⎼

using the story of Wigden as a frame

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