Aplia: Chapter 16

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According to Alderfer's ERG theory, a person who has growth needs can never be motivated by lower-level needs


According to Herzberg, these factors, such as recognition and opportunity for growth, satisfy employees when they are present, but when they are absent, employees have neutral levels of satisfaction.

Esteem, Existence

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, employees who are motivated by the recognition they get when they are awarded a company ski trip haveesteem Correct needs. According to Alderfer's ERG theory, employees who are motivated by supermarket food vouchers because they are hungry haveexistence Correct needs.

Decide that raking leaves is harder than she thought it was initially Work harder at raking leaves

According to equity theory, what is Diana likely to do in this situation? Check all that apply.


Behavior modification Correct is a process used to change behaviors, while the termreward Correct refers to a consequence that causes the behavior to change.


In Herzberg's two-factor theory, increases in recognition are considered

Skill variety

A person in a one-man band who plays guitar, drums, and harmonica is higher on this dimension than a musician who plays only the piano.

Team-based compensation

Adam's entire workgroup was just given an award for working together to complete an especially difficult engineering problem—$500 for each group member. When the award was presented, Adam's manager mentioned how well everyone had cooperated on the project.

Positive reinforcement

Also known as a "reward," this technique increases the likelihood of a behavior occurring again.


Are you kidding? I get to be outside, it'll take an hour at the most, and I can have my friends over while I work. Myinputs Correct are much lower than yours, and you know it! And since I get the same allowance you do, ouroutcomes Correct are equal!


As secretary of state, Hillary Clinton wanted to change the behavior of nations. Her bid for president of the United States in 2008 was based in part on her desire to lead others.

Gain sharing

At ACME Fireworks, all of the employees in the company get a raise when company profits are 10% more than the profits from the preceding year.


At OhioHealth, managers observed too many hospital employees who were overweight, so they started a new program. Employees who wanted them received pedometers to measure how far they walked each day. Those employees who walked the most got cash awards of up to $500.

Pay for performance

Carla has just received her annual performance review. Because Carla had the highest productivity of anyone in her department, she will get the largest raise this year.

Two days off with pay

Do you think some kind of reward would be appropriate to motivate Jayden? If so, what should it be?

A personal meeting with the CEO

Do you think some kind of reward would be appropriate to motivate Jennie? If so, what should it be?

Full tuition for a course of her choice

Do you think some kind of reward would be appropriate to motivate Juliet? If so, what should it be?

Team-based compensation

Elena's workgroup just completed a difficult architectural design, including structural specifications and compliance standards. As a reward, the group's manager scheduled a group ski trip to celebrate their accomplishments.

job enrichment

Hackman and Oldham's job characteristics model is similar to the job design strategy of

Employee stock ownership plan (ESOP)

In the late 1800s, Sears and Roebuck started setting aside shares of stock for their employees' pension plans. This enabled employees to share in company profits.


Jennifer Baum is a motherly boss—she is always willing to listen when her employees have a problem.

Lump-sum bonuses

Last week, Carly got a $50 "Bravo" award from her company for helping a new employee learn how to use the corporate time-keeping system.


Lelani really likes her new boss. During a meeting last month, the boss outlined specific goals for Lelani to meet, which excited Lelani. But now Lelani isn't sure how well she is doing in terms of meeting the goals, so she is not very motivated.


Suppose a student who was participating in this study set a goal of getting an A in a class. For this student, midterm grades would provide


The job characteristics model is most effective when people have needs.


The owners of Flight 001 are using___ to improve their employees' motivation.


These employee assignments show a job design strategy of

Process theories

These theories focus on how people are motivated.

avoidance learning

Max has not met his sales quota for the last three months. His manager, Sally, has talked with him repeatedly, and now she is forced to write him up for poor performance. In her write-up, Sally states that Max will be on probation for the next three months. If he meets his quota during that time, he will keep his job; otherwise, he will lose his job. Max starts selling more in order to protect himself from being fired. In reinforcement theory terms, Sally is using ___ Correct to modify Max's behavior.


Recently, your employee Greg has developed the annoying habit of chatting with you while you are trying to work. You want Greg to stop this, so when he comes into your office, you don't look up, and when he talks to you, you don't respond. In reinforcement theory terms, you are using extinction Correct to modify Greg's behavior.

I'll be sharing some special sales tips with you tomorrow that will make your job easier.

Which of the following sentences should I use to increase Jayden's E→P expectancy?

Your goal for this month is to sell 10% more lattes, and you will receive a reward if you reach it.

Which of the following sentences should I use to increase Jayden's P→O expectancy?

You asked for new promotional posters last week—I've gotten those for you.

Which of the following sentences should I use to increase Jennie's E→P expectancy?

Any employee who increases sales by 10% this month will receive a reward.

Which of the following sentences should I use to increase Jennie's P→O expectancy?

I'll be sharing some special sales tips with you tomorrow that will make your job easier.

Which of the following sentences should I use to increase Juliet's E→P expectancy?

Your goal for this month is to sell 10% more lattes, and you will receive a reward if you reach it.

Which of the following sentences should I use to increase Juliet's P→O expectancy?

Nonfinancial incentives are just as effective as financial incentives in changing behavior. Taking away something negative can act as a positive reinforcer.

Which of the following statements are true? Check all that apply.

Feed back

refers to information people receive about how well they are doing on reaching a goal.


The student who knows almost immediately how well he or she did on a test is high on this dimension, but the employee who hasn't talked to his or her boss for a year is probably low.


When managers offer high-performing employees promotions for a job well done, they are attempting to satisfy relatedness needs.

Needs Hierarchy

Self-Actualization Needs Esteem Needs Belongingness Needs Safety Needs Physiological Needs


Thelaw of effect Correct states that a behavior that is rewarded will increase, while thereinforcement Correct approach to motivation focuses on changing or modifying behavior through the appropriate use of rewards and punishments.

Making progress principle

This theory says that employees are most motivated and have the best perceptions of their job when they are doing work that significantly helps them to achieve goals.

Increased job challenge Increased job variety

What can you expect as a result of your job design strategy? Check all that apply.

Training students in goal setting leads to an increase in their GPAs.

What do the results of Morisano's study (shown on the graph) illustrate?

Feel engaged

Employees who feel like they are part of the growth of a company are more likely to

Job enrichment

In this approach, employees take on tasks that give them increased responsibilities and opportunities for growth.

Once an employee has satisfied a lower-level need, he or she can no longer be satisfied by a reward at that level

According to Maslow's hierarchy of needs theory, the Adecco plan for motivating employees by providing food voucherswill not Correct work with employees who were previously motivated by recognition. This is because:

Flexible work schedule

Adrastos is a championship soccer player, but in the off season he works as a paramedic, driving an ambulance and tending to the sick and injured. Fortunately, Adrastos works for an emergency medical transport company that allows job sharing, so Adrastos is able to work for six months and his friend Spyros takes the job for the other six months.

To see a temporary increase in the rewarded behaviors To satisfy the employees' lower-level needs

If a manager uses positive reinforcers, such as money and gift certificates, to shape the behavior of his or her employees, what can the manager then expect? Check all that apply.

Lump-sum bonuses

In 2009, Bank of America paid Thomas Montag a single payment of $39.4 million at the end of the year, based on his 2008 performance as the sales and trading chief of Merrill Lynch. This money was in addition to Montag's $600,000 salary.

Listening to employees and caring about their problems and concerns. Give people work that they can feel proud of, something they feel is significant and important.

Suppose that you are a new manager at Flight 001. You want to motivate your employees by using engagement. Which of the following actions will be most effective for this purpose? Check all that apply.

Vicarious learning

This occurs when someone sees someone else get rewarded or punished for a behavior and increases or decreases his or her own behavior accordingly.

Goal Specificity

Vonda is frustrated with her manager, Glenda. Last week, when Vonda asked about Glenda's expectations, Glenda said, "Just do your best." But Vonda doesn't know exactly what to do, and as a result, she isn't very motivated.


Wait, what? Thanks for helping me to recognize howinequitable Correct this situation is!

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