Apologetics and Ethics - Hicks - Fall Final Exam

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True or False The existing edition of the Catechism say the following on the ethics of lying

"To lie is to speak or act against the truth in order to lead into error someone who has the right to know.":False

Which one of the following statements would a Catholic Virtue Ethicist affirm?

A Catholic Virtue Ethicist would affirm all of the following statements - Humans are radically relational beings created in the image and likeness of God; Humans desire to give and receive infinite love and participate in the eternal and divine fellowship of the Holy Trinity; Humans should respond to God's grace in the affirmative and cultivate the Fruits of the Spirit in their own lives in order to achieve their natural end

The Catholic view of creation is that it is

A Good-in-of-itself

According to the classical Catholic view, Life itself is

A gift of unmerited grace

In Pope Francis' 2016 Apostolic Exhortation entitled Amoris Laetita or One Love in the Family, he argues that the Sacrament of Eucharist is all but one of the following

A prize for the perfect

Plato as a proponent of the virtue school of ethics asserts all but one of the following: A. The good is unknowable B. people come from the good C. people can rediscover knowledge of the good the contemplation once a person finds the good again such a discovery compels the person to do the good

A. The good is unknowable

In Christ's lone story of the final judgment, he declares that one's ______ will be given primacy in the judgment process.


Oxford center for animal ethics director Reverend Dr. Andrew Lindsay contends that: A. The Tello's or final aim of all other animals is God not humans B. humans are called upon to go follow God's example revealed in the incarnation and use their sophistication and leverage to be of service to all of gods other creatures C. animal experimentation treats other animals exclusively as a means to our human and it is therefore a violation of the stewardship principle D. all of the above are contentions

All of the Above

Oxford Historian of Doctrinal Development Rev. Dr. Alister McGrath explains that

All of the following are aspects or impacts of theological beliefs according to McGrath

Pope Benedict XVI interprets the "wrath of God" discussed in Sacred Scripture to be

An experience of inner turmoil brought about as a consequence of one's desire to cease to do what we as humans are created to do - to love God and our neighbor

According to bioethicist Rev. Benedict Guevin, the deactivation of a pacemaker (including letting a battery die) for an individual with a terminal condition unrelated to the heart would be considered

An illicit or immoral act

According to the bishop referenced in the "St. Luke's Hospital" end-of-life ethics situation, the practice of "Terminal Sedation", or the sedating of someone into a state of unconsciousness and then depriving him or her of natural or artificial nutrition and hydration, is considered

An illicit or immoral act

What concept of ecclesiology is defined as the handing on of the beliefs, practices, and spiritual authority of Jesus' apostles to those that would follow them the bishops.

Apostolic Succession

Which of the following is not a question of virtue ethicist asks: A. What kind of person do I aspire to become B. Which course of action will maximize the happiness of all parties involved in and aggregate C. what kind of habits and behavior do I need to cultivate to become a person of character

B. Which course of action will maximize the happiness of all parties involved in and aggregate

On the topic of salvation and non-christian religions, the Vatican II document Lumen Gentium declares

Both A and B are aspects of Vatican II's declaration on the relationship between salvation and non-christian religions.

When it comes to the status and treatment of animals the catholic catechism teaches all but one of the following: A. they have intrinsic value B. they are stakeholders that do not make moral claims on humans C. they have absolute value D. they can be used for food clothing and medical experimentation

C. They have absolute value

According to Princeton University preference utilitarian Peter Singer A. all sentient animals should be designated moral status B. all sentient animals should be given equal consideration in analysis of ethical obligations C. both A and B or statement singer would confirm

C. both A and B or statement singer would confirm

This congregation of the Roman Curia is responsible for protecting the integrity and unity of the Church's core beliefs and morals

Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith

According to the classical Catholic view, the divine act of Creation should be understood as a

Continual gift of being that is imparted to Creation and creatures at every moment

In recent years, a moral conundrum has arisen as to what one should do with cryopreserved fertilized embryos. Dr. Tad Pacholczyk of the National Catholic Bioethics Center argues that parents should

Cryo-preserve the fertilized embryos until technological advances enable them to be brought to term (e.g. artificial womb or safe embryo adoption) or until they are no longer viable (i.e. frozen "death")

According to Emmanuel camp as a proponent of the Deontological school ethical reasoning: A. pure reason reveals some a priority truths about reality B. reason depends on respect for rules C. as creatures of reason humans are duty-bound to follow logical ethical principles D. all of the above

D. All of the Above

According to the utilitarian framework of ethical reasoning and actions that blank of all parties involved in an aggregate is the proper course of action: A. Maximizes the happiness B. minimizes the suffering C. minimizes the happiness D. both A and B

D. Both A and B

Virtue Ethics/Utilitarianism/Deontology The catechism teachers that adult film pornography allows viewers to objectify actors and actresses, treating them solely as means to the viewers carnal ends, which is a violation of Cance practical imperative


Virtue Ethics/Utilitarianism/Deontology The classical Hippocratic oath states that doctors have an ethical obligation to improve the health or at the very least preserve the health of patients. This long held responsibility or duty would be violated if a doctor assisted a terminally ill patient and his or her efforts to end his or her life prematurely


Virtue Ethics/Utilitarianism/Deontology student teams from the con UFC broadcast side universalized their opponents line of reasoning and contended that in any other context within a society fighting or brawling for money would be considered illegal and violators would be apprehended and charged with assault. (a violation of Kant's categorical imperative)


seeks to bridge the gap by obeying categorical and practical imperatives


Which ecclesiological principle affirms that Christian teachings, including key doctrines related to Theology and Morality have developed over time -i.e. As organic and legitimate outgrowths in continuity with the singular sacred deposit given to us in Christ?

Development in Doctrine

The late philosopher and theologian John Hick's attempt to prove the irrational nature of the Christian Tradition's belief in the Incarnation via his "square circle" analogy fails to fully appreciate the mysterious nature and infinite power of the _________.


Oxford Historian of Doctrinal Development Rev. Dr Alister McGrath argues that

Doctrine is an invaluable interpretive lens through which members of a faith community see, interpret, and then respond together reality.

According to the Catholic Church, the ethical principle of "____" could be appealed to in order to justify the offering of pain relief (such as morphine) to a patient, even if it hastens death


An Atheistic Existentialist (e.g. Jean Paul Sartre) would say all BUT one of the following

Each individual human is made by a God who is Love for the purpose of loving

According to the catholic Church, the term "_____" is defined as an action or omission that in of itself or by intention causes a patient's death in order to alleviate his or her suffering.


The Catholic Church teaches scientific and theological truths are compatible and complementary with one another. As an expression of this belief, IN HIS 1950 ENcyclical Humani Generis, Pope Pius XII taught on the subject of evolution that

Evolution can explain the physical development of human beings over time, but not their spiritual development

In addition to the ethical tenets of the Catholic Intellectual Tradition, Pope John Paul II's Deontological or Action-based Ethical Approach was also greatly shaped by his

Exposure to the multitude of mass atrocities that occurred during the 20th century

The Catholic Church teaches the medical ethics principle of double effect which states that the doctor can intentionally accelerate the dying process for terminally ill patients for the primary purpose of ending the patient's life


True or False According to Pope Benedict XVI's 2010 post-synodal apostolic exhortation on Holy Scripture entitled Verbum Domini, it is possible for humans to receive, comprehend, and communicate to others a "word" from God that is purple "divine" (i.e. that is, stripped of all of one's culturally conditioning).


True or False According to the Utilitarian School of Ethics, human beings are intrinsically valuable irrespective of their level of development, sentience, or cognitive competency.


True or False Affirming the principle of Divine Impassibility, St. Thomas Acquinas argued that all "wrath" or "divine anger" language should be understood literally.


True or False All Kantians agree that humans, from conception, should be treated as ends-unto-themselves


True or False God created the world to make God complete.


True or False In the Catholic Ethical Framework (as one facet of the Catholic worldview) there is nothing worse than physical death.


True or False In the Catholic Ethical Framework, the intrinsic dignity and welfare of other individuals does make moral claims upon us


True or False Science can tell us when a human being becomes a "person" with "moral status"


True or False St. Augustine and St. Thomas Aquinas believed that petitionary prayers could alter the divine will, plan, and activity of God.


True or False The 4th Lateran Council in 1215 dogmatically professed, "We firmly believe and confess without reservation that there is only one true God, eternal, infinite, an unchangeable, comprehensible, almighty, and fully describable.


True or False The Magisterium has definitely declared that women cannot serve as deacons


True or False The catholic church declares that Catholics no longer have the obligation to proclaim the Good News to people around the world.


True or False The foundational Church doctrine of Creation ex nihilo is fully comprehensible.


Which fallacy does Catholic Philosopher aPeter Kreeft cite to challenge Warren's definition of "Personhood" (personhood=the ability or inability to perform certain actions)


According to the classical Catholic Tradition, what is the relationship between God and God's attributes?

God and God's attributes are identical (i.e. God doesn't just do good, God is Goodness)

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, what is the relation between God and God's attributes

God and God's attributes are identical (i.e. God doesn't just do good. God is Goodness.)

How did your teacher explain the Joshua 6 Genocide text?

God directed God's Chosen People (who had just been liberated from Egypt) to settle in the Promised Land, and given the "warrior" mentality of the time, the Israelites falsely assumed that such a resettlement would require the destruction of all present inhabitants

The classical doctrine of "Divine Immutability" states

God does not change in God's nature and is unaffected by an external force

The classical doctrine of "Divine Immutability" states

God does not change in God's nature and is unaffected by any external force, good or evil

According to the classical Catholic Tradition (affirmed by Augustine, Anslem, Aquinas, and others), God is understood to be a "simple" being which means

God is a composite- i.e. made up of parts, including a mind, heart and will

According to the classical Catholic Tradition (affirmed by Augustine, Anslem, Aquinas, and others), God is understood to be a "simple" being which means

God is one - i.e. made up of parts, including a mind, heart and will.

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, the most appropriate way to describe existence in relationship to God is to say that

God is the sheer act of "To Be" itself (i.e. Pure Existence)

The Catholic Church teaches that Holy Scripture is "divinely inspired", What the Church means by this is that

God is the source of scripture, the originator, but human recipients are also "true authors" who make use of their own "powers and abilities" to convey the wisdom of their divine encounter.

According to Bishop Barron, the Catholic belief in Hell is tied to two other more fundamental beliefs. What are they?

God's Love & Human Free Will

According to Rev. Dr. Ronald Rolheiser, what fuels the lives of the saints?


According to the St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI, those who participate in the Beatific Vision will

Have direct access to and yet never fully grasp the fullness of the Triune God

According to Tradition, why did St. Thomas Aquinas fail to complete his Summa Theologica?

He had a vision that made all of his work seem to him like "straw"

Which third century presbyter and eventual saint wrote the early church catechetical text entitled The Apostolic Tradition?


In contrast to the viewpoints advocated by the Epicureans and Stoics of the Classical Philosophical Traditions, the Catholic Church from its inception has held ______ to be the highest human good.

Human life

St. Anselm's Satisfaction Model of Atonement teaches all but one of the following tenets

Humanity can and does, on its own, repay the infinite debt owed to the infinite God

Which one of the following is NOT one of the beliefs the church teaches concerning human nature.

Humanity's original condition is one of strife and disharmony

According to Bishop Robert Barron, _______ are responsible for Christ's death on the cross.


Which of the following concepts of ecclesiology reflects the idea that if God reveals doctrine especially related to our salvation, it is also logical that God would want to give some kind of authority to protect that doctrine from being corrupted or misunderstood as it is developed.


According to the classical Catholic Tradition, God

Is pure actuality and fully what God is before, during, and after Creation.

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, God

Is pure actuality and fully what God is before, during, and after creation

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, a key implication of the doctrine of Divine Simplicity is that God

Is unable to act in a way that is inconsistent with God's nature

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, a key implication of the doctrine of Divine Simplicity is that God

Is unable to act in a way that is inconsistent with God's nature.

The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops say all but one of the following about the Genesis Chapters 2-11 "Creation, Flood, and Recreation" narrative found in Sacred Scripture

It came directly from the hand of God in its entirety at a specific place and time and was received by the Jewish writers of Sacred Scripture (with no influence from sources outside of the Jewish Tradition).

Which of the following statements is NOT part of the discussion related to understanding the personhood of Jesus in Christianity."

It does not matter whether or not Jesus existed historically if it leads people to the truth about the nature of God and His relationship with humanity

Which of the following is MOST true about "historical" or "special" revelation?

It involves the direct communication of God with people

Pope Francis said which one of the following about Tradition

It is the dynamic guarantor of the Future; it provides the roots that guarantee the tree grows, flowers, and gives fruit.

Which of the following is not related to the congregation referenced above (#16)?

It was established by John Paul II

Who is considered the founder of the Utilitarian School of Ethics?

Jeremy Bentham

Which of the following is NOT one of the essential ways one can know God?

Knowledge gained by connecting with the divine essence within oneself (especially through the use of sacred rituals and following one's astral guide)

While both traditions affirm the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus, Catholic adherents of a ________ Christology put more emphasis on the Humanity of Jesus (e.g. Matthew and Mark's Take on Christ's words from the Cross) whereas Catholic adherents of a _________ Christology put more emphasis on the Divinity of Jesus (e.g. John's Take on Christ's words from the Cross).

Low - High

The task of Theology (which include Apologetics) according to Oxford Theologian and Orthodox Bishop Rev. Dr. Timothy Ware is to

Makes us progressively aware of a Mystery - i.e. the Cause of Our Wonder

According to the Utilitarian School of Ethics, the most ethical action is the one that

Maximizes pleasure and minimizes the suffering of all sentient beings involved

In Pope John Paul II's opinion, _____________ flow from the Catholic belief in the Imago Dei and are the only impregnable safeguard for society's marginalized groups (as opposed to social contracts and free markets which often exhibit blindspots)

Moral absolutes

According to St. Athanasius, Creation

Neither adds or subtracts anything from the Creator God's being

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, can a created being actually live apart from the presence and grace of God at any moment?

No, a created being "lives, moves, and has its being" at every moment in God and without God, it cannot exist

Which of the following did Pope John Paul II declared in his 2004 declaration on artificial nutrition for patients in a persistent vegetative state?

Nutrition provided, via artificial means, for patients in this condition is an example of ordinary means, and therefore, is ethically obligatory

Sacraments are _______ signs of grace, instituted by Christ and entrusted to the church, by which divine ______ is dispensed to us.

Physical, Life

Which one of the following occupations was prohibited for new members of the early Church?

Politician, Charioteer, and Gladiator - All of the above were prohibited

In a 2010 post-synodal apostolic exhortation entitled Verbum Domini, Pope Benedict XVI said this about the study and interpretation of Sacred Scripture

Pope Benedict XVI said all of the following above about the reading and interpretation of sacred scripture

Which one of the following terms best reflects the Catholic ethical principle that states that in an ambiguous medical situation where medical conditions are ambiguous and treatments results are difficult to discern or predict, one should make the prudent decision in favor of life-sustaining care


Which one of the following is an intrinsically disordered act (i.e. incompatible with the Triune "way of being") and therefore always prohibited according to Pope John Paul II?

Rape, murder, sduction, and adultery are all intriniscally disordered and therefore always prohibited

What does authentic human freedom look like in the Classical paradigm?

Sacrificial love

this principle of environmental ethics contains the animals with greater awareness should be afforded greater consideration and ethical analysis


Which fourth century martyr and eventual saint was stoned to death for interrupting a gladiator competition in Rome in 391 AD?


Which of the following BEST summarizes the Church's position with respect to whether or not one should withdraw or reject life-sustaining treatment in both ordinary and extraordinary cases in Catholic hospitals

The Catholic Church does believe that patients or their proxies play an important (and often deciding role) in the decision making process when it comes to medical situations; however, medical decisions are also relational and communal in nature. Therefore, doctors in Catholic hospitals must comply with the Ethical directives outlined by the Bishops and work within the parameters of Catholic Moral Teaching.

Which philosophical school of antiquity valued pleasure and peace of mind as the highest human goods?

The Epicureans

Which of the following beliefs does the Church NOT teach concerning Hell?

The Eternity of Hell is an endless amount of time

A Catholic Ethical Framework derives its moral foundation from a fundamentally different source than that of the Utilitarian Ethical Framework. The Catholic Moral Discourse finds its universal norm in and begins/ends with a reflection upon

The Holy Trinity

Which one of the following is NOT a critereon pro-choice philosopher Mary Anne Warren used to determine the "Personhood" of an unborn entity?

The Physical Ability of a Self-enclosed New Entity to Divide and Multiply its cells

According to the classical (and Catholic) view, Human Freedom should be understood as

The ability to choose to act in tune with or against one's created nature

How does the CHurch describe the relationship between the "jesus Of History" and "Jesus of Faith?"

The belief that Jesus is the human and divine Son of God was promulgated from the beginning by the Apostles' oral tradition, through the authorship of the scriptures, and recognized by subsequent councils..

According to the text, which of the following is NOT one of the reasons "the Christian understanding of Jesus is a shock and offense to millions of people?"

The command Jesus gives to "love one's enemies" when properly understood goes against every human instinct for self-preservation and survival, and are therefore shocking at their deepest level

According to your instructor, what is problematic with Warren's criteria?

The criteria are inherently arbitrary (i.e. groundless or based on personal whims) and the criteria crafted can be interpreted to be a "power move" - an effort on behalf of those in power to justify the exploration of the weak

The classical doctrine of "Divine Impassibility" states

The ethos or temperament of God's inner life and GOd's external disposition towards God's Creation (which are identical) do not change.

The Classical doctrine of "Divine Impassibility" states

The ethos or temperament of God's inner life and God's external disposition towards God's Creation (which are identical) does change

Which of the following beliefs DOES the Church teach concerning the human soul?

The human soul is the "image of God" in humans and is associated with: the human capacity for greater intelligence, the moral capacity to distinguish between right and wrong, the power of free will, etc..

Which of the following features of christ is understood in Catholicism as the foundation for the sacraments, since they are physical means of commuting salvation from God

The incarnation

According to the classical Catholic Tradition, Divine Freedom should be understood as

The infinite liberty that God possesses to manifest God's gracious and loving self in creation

In examining the question of "why can't God just forgive?" the text notes that which of the following is a deep-seated need in the human heart, which can be observed in numerous religions?

The need for atonement/sacrifice

In the sacrament of Penance, who is changes and transformed through the process?

The penitent

In the atonement debate, an alternative atonement proposal was presented that argued

The union of the human and divine in Christ's life of perfect obedience to God's commandment of Love made eternal life accessible to all of humankind.

From the Catholic Perspective, What is the main motive for God's revelation to humans?

To Love

The Greek word, ekklesia from which we get our word church is based on which of the following verbs thus giving the church its deeper existential meaning.

To call out

According to Cardinal John Henry Newman (in the context of his discussion on the Development of Doctrine

To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often

According to Cardinal John Henry Newman the principle of the "Development of Doctrine" suggests that

To live is to change, and to be perfect is to have changed often

T or F. In End-of-life emergency situations where CPR might be employed, the doctor Has a responsibility to follow the patients stated wishes or those of his or her proxy so long as they are within the bounds of the church's moral teachings according to the USCCB ethical and religious directives.


The classical Catholic view suggests that we are created in the image and likeness of God (who is love) and that some choices make us more free (align us with our natural desire to love), and some choices make us feel less free (draw us away from our natural desire to love).


True of False Catholic Theologian Galvin d"costa theorizes that because an explicit declaration of discipleship must be declared by the Christ-follower in order for salvation to be achieved, it is possible that Christ evangelizes to the unsaved in the realm of the dead on Holy Saturday to reach those who never got the chance to hear the gospel during their lifetimes.


True or False A Catholic Virtue Ethicist argues that morality is as much about who we are as what we do.


True or False According to Bishop Robert Barron, in a paradoxical way, sometimes in order for things to remain the same, things have to change.


True or False According to Catholic priest father Kenneth Doyle while Catholics must affirm the belief that it is through the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ that we are redeemed, we do not have to confess that God the Father orchestrated the crucifixion of Jesus.


True or False According to Oxford Dominican Herbert McCabe, OP the heart of Christian Special Revelation reveals a God "who loves us absolutely conditionally"


True or False According to Pope Benedict XVI's 2010 post-synodal apostolic exhortation on Holy Scripture entitled verbum Domini, Scripture does reveal the limitations of its human co-authors (E.g. ethnocentrism, scientific naivete, pre-modern ethical mores, ect.)


True or False According to St. Augustine, the Beatific Vision, our actions will be perfectly in tune with our nature, with the natural desire embedded deep inside of us by God, to Love. We will be freed to do what we most deeply wish and delight to do or what is most natural to us - which is Love. (We'll be like artists who are given free reign in an art studio)


True or False According to the text above, an analysis of one's occupation was part of the rigorous screening process for entry into the early church. It was believed that Christ was the Lord of the whole of one's life, including the means by which an individual earned his or her money.


True or False In contrast to other theologians presented in class, Cardinal Ratzinger leaves the question of the salvation of non-christian open and appears reluctant to speculate or theorize on the subject.


True or False One fundamental difference between a Christian and Zen Buddhist worldview is that Christians possess a far more positive view of what humans can know about Ultimate Reality.


True or False Since Vatican II, The catholic Church has taught that the one church "subsists in" The catholic church.


True or False St. Athanasius' use of the newly minted Greek term that described Jesus as "homoousios" or of the same divine substance as the Father was considered to be dangerous and heretical by some at the Council of Nicaea in 325 A.D.


True or False St. Augustine once said that if someone believes he or she fully grasps God, what he or she possesses is an idol, not God.


True or False St. Thomas Aquinas believed that we should use a multitude of images to describe God's nature because none exhaust the fullness of what God is, and the use of many images reminds us that all of them are ultimately inadequate.


True or False St. Thomas Aquinas' philosophical-theological ideas were greatly influenced by a Muslim philosopher named Avicenna and a Jewish philosopher named Moses Maimonides


True or False The Catechism says that Hell is the state of "definitive" self-exclusion from the communion of God.


True or False The Vatican II document Noster Aetate declared that while the church contains the fullness of the truth and holiness, other religions do contain elements of truth and holiness.


True or False The baked-in philosophical assumption of most (if not all) Beginning-of-Life Ethical dilemmas, which significantly impacts one's ethical calculus, is one's foundational belief in the personhood status (or lack thereof) of the fertilized embryo (or described later in its development as a fetus by the scientific community)


True or False The emptiness we feel on a regular basis is a reminder to us that we are not self-subsistent or self-sufficient beings - i.e. we are not the source, ground or end of our own beings


True or False While the Church is clear that certain actions are by their very nature consistent or inconsistent with the Divine Life, it does acknowledge that extenuating factors can lower the offending party' culpability or blame-worthines before God.


According to Bishop Barron, the physical sciences are, by their very nature

Unable to prove or disprove the existence of God

In his encyclical Veritas Splendor, Pope John Paul II was critical of utilitarian ethical frameworks. His criticisms included all but one of the following

Utilitarian ethical frameworks often fail to maximize the pleasure or happiness of all of those affected by the decision

Virtue Ethics/Utilitarianism/Deontology embryonic stem cell research has the potential to provide in numerable cures which could significantly reduce the worlds aggregate suffering and increase the worlds aggregate happiness at zero cost i.e. fertilized embryos are not sentient and therefore do not feel pain or experience suffering


seeks to bridge the gap by maximizing happiness and minimizing pain


St. Thomas Aquinas described God as a more of a "____" in an effort to highlight the fact that God is a self-subsistent or self-sustaining being (i.e. One who sustains Oneself) at all moments


St. Thomas Aquinas describes God as more of a "_____" in an effort to highlight the fact that God is a self-subsistent or self-sustaining being (i.e. One who sustains Oneself) at all moments


Seeks to bridge the gap by acting as a good person of high character

Virtue Ethics

Virtue Ethics/Utilitarianism/Deontology in March 2015 the New York Catholic conference expressed concern that the sanctioning of UFC events in the state would cultivate British appetites or vices among viewers particularly younger ones

Virtue Ethics

According to Oxford Dominican Theologian Herbert McCabe, the intellectual sanctity of St. Thomas Aquinas derived from his ability to accept defeat in the face of what daunting question?

What is God?

Kant's categorical imperative states that one should

act only according to the maximum whereby you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law

According to Aristotle is a proponent of a virtue school of ethics the telos of humanity is to attain

excellence and character

As preference utilitarian finger Peter Singer would affirm

experimentation on some animals in some cases

According to the Catholic Church other animals have equal moral status to that of humans


T/Fin the deontological ethical framework humans have instrumental not intrinsic value


The utilitarian school of ethical reasoning is compatible with the basic principles of Catholic morality


When evaluating the morality of withdrawing or rejecting treatment the church affirmed the truth that there is a set list of ordinary and extraordinary treatments


Which important term and ethical discourse of firms that living entities matter morally for their own sake irrespective of what they can do for others

moral status

According to Pope Francis is 2015 second and cyclical entitled l according to Pope Francis is 2015 second and cyclical entitled laudato si or praise be

on care for our common home , the telos or ultimate purpose of other animals is God not us as humans:true

Catholic theologian Karl Rahner's concept of anonymous Christians contends that

people can implicitly accept the offer of salvation through Christ without knowing Christ directly.

According to Dr. Liberty Hall, the existence of ________ makes salvation possible for people of all religious backgrounds


Whose perspective is altered in Christ's Story of the Prodigal Son?

the Son's

Utilitarianism judge is the moral content of an action by assessing

the consequences of an action

Oxford center for animal ethics director Reverend Linsay argues that a Christian as a disciple of the servant Lord Jesus is obligated to serve other animals and use his or her leverage and earthly domain to bring about the flourishing of all gods creatures


T / F The Catholic Church affirms both cardio pulmonary and brain dead definitions of death


T/ F The virtue ethicist teaches that it is by practicing virtue that we learn it


T/F According to Aristotle the Telos of the human being is to actualize excellence in living by acting in accordance to the golden mean in moderation


T/F according to utilitarian John Stuart Mill only the competent members of society should determine how society should move forward or advance


T/F from a deontological perspective the consequences of moral actions are irrelevant


T/F utilitarianism is an example of a consequentialist ethical framework


The Catholic Church has never definitively stated whether or not animals were participate in the beatific vision


The English word Dentonology comes from the Greek word Deon which means obligation or duty


while tentatively affirming the use of medical experimentation Pope John Paul II stated that the diminution of experimentational animals which has progressively been made ever less necessary corresponds to the plan and well-being of creation


According to Jeremy Bentham, as a proponent of utilitarian school ethical reasoning the "calculus of felicity" compels adherents to consider all but one of the following questions in order to maximize its societies aggregate pleasure

virtue - what kind of person will this course of action create

According to Aristotle it is through blank that a human achieve his or her telos

virtuous action

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