APUSH 1870-1920

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On the Origin of Species

(1859) Book by Charles Darwin in which he introduced the theory of evolution

Homestead Act

(1862) Provided free land in the West to anyone willing to settle there and develop it. Encouraged westward migration.

the Gilded Age

(1870-1890) the popular but derogatory name for the period from the end of the Civil War to the turn of the century.

Great Railroad Strike

(1877) first national labor walkout in which workers protested a pay cut and paralyzed rail traffic. militia units tried to force them back to work, and the troops fired on strikers in Pittsburgh, killing 20 people

Massachusetts Bureau of Labor Statistics

(1881) reported that almost every worker it interviewed complained of overwork, poor housing, and tyrannical employers

Chinese Exclusion Act

(1882) Congress temporarily excluded all immigrants from China entering the country. It was the first time that race had been used to exclude from the country an entire group of people

Civil Rights Cases

(1883) Supreme court invalidated the Civil Rights act of 1875 and stated that the 14th amendment prohibited unequal treatment by state authorities, not private businesses

atlantic cable

(1886) device that made it possible to send electronic telegraph messages instantaneously between the US and Europe

The Dawes Act

(1887) broke up the land of nearly all tribes into small parcels to be distributed to Indian families and white purchasers. Indians who accepted the farms and adopted "habits of civilized life" would become American citizens

Interstate Commerce Commission

(1887) law that ensured that the rates railroads charged farmers and merchants to transport their goods were reasonable and they they did not offer more favorable treatment to some shippers. It was the first federal agency intended to regulate economic activity

Wounded Knee Massacre

(1890) Soldiers opened fire on Ghost Dancers in South Dakota and kiled 150-200 Indians. It marked the end of 4 centuries of armed conflict between the continent's native population and european settlers and their descendants

National American Woman Suffrage Association

(1890) association that promoted women's suffrage and wanted to reunite the rival suffrage organizations formed after the civil war

The Sherman Act

(1890) federal agency intended to prevent business mergers that stifled competition

Homestead Strike

(1892) steelworker strike near Pittsburgh against the Carnegie Steel Company. Ten workers were killed in a riot when armed strikers confronted 300 private police men. It demonstrated that neither a powerful union nor public opinion could influence conduct of the largest corporations

immigration restriction league

(1894) blamed new immigrants for the problems of society like urban crime, poverty, and mass unemployment. It called for reducing immigration by barring the illiterate from entering the US

Atlanta Compromise

(1895) Booker T Washington's speech in which he urged black people to adjust to segregation and abandon agitation for civil and political rights

Plessy v. Ferguson

(1896) the Court gave its approval to state laws requiring separate facilities for black and white people

Philippine War

(1898-1903); War in which America used brutal tactics to crush rebellion; involved executions, concentration camps, destruction, and savagery

Open Door Policy

(1899) demanded that European powers that had recently divided China into commercial spheres grant equal access to american exports

Lochner v. New York

(1905) Supreme court voided a state law establishing 10 hours per day/60 per week as the maximum hours of work for bakers

Niagara Movement

(1905) group of black leaders organized by WEB DuBois that called for restoring the right to vote, the end of racial segregation, and complete equality in economic and educational opportunity

Muller v Oregon

(1908) Louis D Brandeis filed a brief citing scientific and sociological studies to demonstrate that because women had less strength and endurance than men, long hours of labor were dangerous for women. The supreme court set maximum working hours for women

the women's era

3 decades during which women, although still denied the vote, enjoyed larger opportunities than in the past for economic independence and played a greater and greater role in public life

Bureau of Indian Affairs

A government agency created in the 1800s to oversee federal policy toward Native Americans

the Social Gospel

A movement in the late 1800s / early 1900s which insisted that freedom and spiritual self-development required an equalization of wealth and power

subtreasury plan

A program promoted by the Farmers' Alliance in which farmers would store their crop in a warehouse created by the governmend where farmers could store their crops until sold

Lost Cause

A romanticized view of slavery, the Old South, and the Confederacy that arose in the decades following the Civil War.

Thomas A Edison

Amerian inventor that transformed private life, public entertainment, and economic activity with his invention of the light bulb and discovery of electricity

Andrew Carnegie

American industrialist and philanthropist who founded the Carnegie Steel Company in 1892. By 1901, his company dominated the American steel industry. He ran his companies with a dictatorial hand

John D Rockefeller

American industrialist who rose to dominate the oil industry and drove out rival firms through cutthroat competition

why did US policymakers insist on open markets

Americans discussed foreign policy as the language of freedom and wanted to trade in order to spread the ideas of liberalism. Also, securing new markets abroad would help the US with their own economics

Why did Cuba not become independent after the Spanish-American war

Americans were convinced that the people were unfit for independence

how did Roosevelt get land for the Panama Canal

Because Colombia refused to cede land for the project, Roosevelt helped to set up an uprising by conspirators and then prevented teh colombian army from suppressing the rebellion. Panama then created a treaty with the US, giving the US the right to construct and operate a canal and sovereignty over the zone

WEB DuBois

Black civil rights activist who was dissatisfied with the policies of Booker T Washington

WIlliam Jennings Bryan

Democratic candidate for president in 1896 under the banner of "free silver coinage" which won him support of the Populist Party.

why did more Americans go on strike in 1919

During the war, there was inflation, so it was difficult for workers to pay their families' basic needs, so they pushed for higher wages and better working conditions. Wartime language also inspired the hope that economic opportunity was possible

Wealth against Commonwealth (1894)

Expose of how Rockefeller's standard oil company made a mockery of economic competition and political democracy by manipulating the market and bribing legislators

Did the expansion of agriculture into the lands west of the Mississippi River lead to the predominance of small family farms or giant agricultural enterprises

Giant agricultural enterprises dominated because farm families were more dependent on loans to purchase land and industrial products, and giant agricultural enterprises could pay for investments like irrigation and machinery

Standard Oil Company

John D. Rockefeller's company, formed in 1870, which came to symbolize the trusts and monopolies of the Gilded Age

Bonanza Farms

Large farms that covered thousands of acres and employed hundreds of wage laborers in the West in the late nineteenth century.

Consumer protection- Square deal examples

Meat inspection act, Food and Drug Act

the oregon system

Reforms to political process including initiative, referendum and recall, soon adopted by other states

did republicans or democrats like the high tariff

Republicans because they wanted to protect American industry

Square Deal

Roosevelt's program of reforms to keep the wealthy and powerful from taking advantage of small business owners and the poor. It's goals were control of corporations, consumer protection, and conservation of natural resources

Progressive Presidents

Roosevelt, Taft, Wilson

New Nationalism

Roosevent's program that called for heavy taxes on personal and corporate fortunes and federal regulation of industries

where were most immigrants from in the 1890s to the US

Southern and eastern europe

Elk v. Wilkins (1884)

Supreme Court denied Native American John Elk the right to vote, ruling that the rights guaranteed in the 14th and 15th Amendments did not apply to Indians

Dollar Diplomacy

Taft's foreign policy that pressed for economic investment and loans from American banks rather than direct military intervention. It wanted more efficient revenue collection, stable governments, and access to land and labor by American companies

Palmer Raids

The attorney general, Mitchell Palmer, dispatched federal gencies to raid the offices of radical and labor organizations throughout the country. More than 5000 people were arrested and the government deported hundreds of immigrant radials

Social Darwinism

The belif that evolution was as natural a process in human society as in nature.

Populist party

U.S. political party formed in 1892 representing mainly farmers, favoring free coinage of silver and government control of railroads and other monopolies

Woodrow Wilson policies

Underwood Tariff, Adamson Act, federal reserve system, federal trade commission, new freedom

Henry Ford

United States manufacturer who developed techniques of production and marketing that brought them within the reach of ordinary Americans

New Freedom

Wilson's program that envisioned the federal government strengthening antitrust laws, protecting the right of workers to unionize, and actively encouraging small businesses

Wilson's 14 Points

Woodrow Wilson's plan for post-war peace: no secret treaties, freedom of the seas, removal of economic barriers, reduction of arms, and the League of Nations


a British liner that in May of 1915, a german submarine sank, causing the death of 124 Americans

Chicago 1919 race riot

a black teenager accidentally crossed an unofficial dividing line between black and white beaches on lake michigan, so white bathers drowned him

American Federation of Labor

a federation of trade unions founded in 1881, composed mostly of skilled, white native-born workers

how did the 18th Amendment come about

a lot of breweries were german American, so drinking beer and other alcohol seemed unpatriotic

Second Industrial Revolution

a period of rapid growth in U.S. manufacturing in the late 1800s in which the federal government promoted industrial and agricultural development


a philosophical movement that emerged in the late 19th century that insisted that institutions and social policies should be judged by their practical effects

ghost dance

a relgious revitalization campaign that foretold a day when white people would disappear, the buffalo would return, and Indians could once again practice their ancestral customs

model T

a simple, light vehicle sturdy enough to navigate the country's poorly maintained roads

Hepburn Act

allowed teh ICC to nullify rates and set max rates

what did lack of patriotism during the world war represent

antiwar sentiment, labor radicalism, and sympathy for the russian revolution

moral imperialism

belief that the US foreign policy should be guided by morality and hsould teach other people about democracy. It was used to repudiate Dollar Diplomacy and justify military interventions in Latin America

Roosevelt and Race

believed in Anglo-Saxon racial destiny and saw black people as unfit for suffrage

Progressives record on race

black people were excluded from nearly every progressive definition of freedom, they were barred from joining most unions and from skilled employment, progressives accepted segregation as natural and equitable and displayed indifference to the black condition. They came up with "scientific evidence" confirming that the Anglo-Saxon race was superior


broad-based reform movement that sought governmental action in solving problems in many areas of American life, including education, public health, the economy, ehte environment, labor, transportation, and politics

Conservation of natural resources- Square deal examples

built dams and irrigation projects to regularize their rivers' flow, prevent waste, and provide water for large-scale agriculture and urban development

How was the US transforming into an industrial economy in the late 1800s?

by 1880, the majority of the workforce did non-farming jobs. 11 million Americans moved from farm to city, and there was a large growh in cities

examples of how classes were divided during the gilded age

by 1890, the richest 1% of americans had the same total income as the bottom half of the population. They increasingly resided in their own exclusive neighborhoods

how were railroads financed

by private investment and massive grants of land and money by federal state and local governments

robber barons

captains of industry who wielded power without any accountability in an unregulated marketplace

why did Progressives not defend civil liberties

civil liberties were never a major concern of the Progressives. They insisted that freedom flowed from participating in the life of society

W.T Stead

claimed that the US was not territorial about their colonies, they were more intellectual (wanted to spread ideas, not conquer)

The Populist platformof 1892

classic document of American reform written by Ignatius Donelly that listed proposals to restore democracy and economic opportunity.


coalition of planters, merchants, and business entrepreneurs who moved to undo as much of reconstruction as possible


collection of white, Mexican, and black men who conducted cattle drives. They became a symbol of life of freedom on the open range, thus inspiring people to move to the west

Election of 1896

considered the first modern presidential campaign because of the amount of money spent. The results revealed a nation as divided as in 1860, and party politics seemed to mute class conflict. William McKinley won

why was Eugene Debs in jail

convicted under the Espionage act for delivering an antiwar speech

Liberal internationalism

conviction that economic and political progress went hand in hand, so greater worldwide freedom would follow inevitably from increased investment and trade abroad

Americanization movement

creation of a more homogeneous national culture in which new immigrant cultures were expented to assimilate to the new American culture

Elkins Act of 1903

curbed power of railroads

Foraker Act of 1900

declared Puerto Rico an insular territory where the inhabitants were defined as citizens of Puerto Rico, not the US

southern and eastern european immigrants 1890s

described by native-born Americans as members of distinct races. THey were willing to work for substandard wages

socialist party and IWW after the war


how did progressives actually restrict democracy?

disenfranchisement of black people in the south and restriction of immigrants voting

East St. Louis 1917 race riot

dozens of black people were killed when employers recruited black workers in an attempt to weaken unions

Roosevelt Corollary

extension of the Monroe Doctrine that stated that the US had the right to exercise an international police power in the western Hemisphere

Federal Trade Commission

federal agency that investigated and prohibited unfair business activities. It reflected the expansion of the federal role in the economy during the Progressive era

what effect did the labor conflict have on Americans' first amendment rights

freedom of speech was a significant public issue because employers made restraints on open-air speaking. Investigations revealed the absence of freedom of speech in many factories

19th Amendment

gave women the right to vote

Committee on Public Information

government organization that flooded the country with prowar propaganda and consciously and intelligently manipulated the organized habits and opinions of the masses

American Protective league

helped the justice department identify radicals and critics of the war by spying on their neighbors

Consequences of WW1

helped wilsonian ideals spread around the globe, the appeals of democracy was spread around the world, it laid the foundation for one of the most conservative decades in american history, and laid the foudnation for the US intervening in other countries' problems and politics

Ellis Island

immigration receiving station that most European immigrants to the US entered through. It became the nation's main facility for processing immigrants

Woodrow WIlson and race

imposed racial segregation in federal departments in DC

Haymarket Affair

in 185, iron moulders union organized a strike against a wage reduction, and in 1886, 4 strikers were killed by the police

Kansas Exodus

in 1879 + 1880, 40-60000 African-Americans migrated to Kansas seeking economic equality, freedom from violence, access to education, and economic opportunity

why did the US join the Spanish-American war

in 1898, an explosion destoryed an American battleship USS Maine in havana Harbor

why did the Great Migration happen

increased in wartime production and a decrease in immigration for Europe led to thousands of open industrial jobs for black laborers

how did Social Darwinism affect people's opinions

it gave people the ability to blame the poor for their fate. The people were also able to claim that the government should not interfere with the "evolution" of individuals and groups

affect of Haymarket Affair

it was used to paint the labor movement as dangerous and un-American, prone to violence, and controlled by foreign-born radicals


journalists who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life

Knights of Labor

labor union that sought to organize all workers and focused on broad social reforms. It involved millions of workers ins trikes, boycotts, political action, and educational and social activities

why were farmers so poor in the years following reconstruction

low rainfall in the great plains area, farming was being industrialized, the power of railroads was strangling small farmers, deflation, falling agricultural prices (especially cotton)

Underwood tariff

lowered the tariff

New feminism

merged issues like the vote and greater economic opportunity with open discussion of sexuality

Civil Service Act of 1883

merit system for federal employees that marked the first step in establishing a professional civil service and removing officeholding from the hands of political machines

Tulsa 1921 race riot

more than 300 black people were killed and over 10000 left homeless after a white mob burned an all-black section of the city to the ground. It erupted even further after a grop of black veterans tried to prevent the lynching of a youth who had accidentally tripped and fallen on a white female

Eugene V Debs

most important figure in spreading the socialist gospel and linking it to ideals of equality, self-government, and freedom

Jane Addams

most prominent female reformer who resented the expectation that a woman's life should be governed by the obligation to devote herself to her parents, husband, and children


movement for African independence and black self-reliance in which black people should enjoy the same internationally recognized identity enjoyed by other peopels in the aftermath of the war

the great migration

movement of over 300,000 African American from the rural south into Northern cities between 1914 and 1920

Ida B Wells

nation's leading antilynching crusader who insisted that given the conditions of southern black people, the United States had no right to call itself the "land of the free"

Federal Rserve System

national bank empowered to handle the issuance of currency and influence interest rates

did the majority of southern + eastern european immigrants intend to stay in the US?

no, they initially planned to earn enough money to return home and purchase land

importance of railroads in late 1800s

opened new areas to commercial farming and created a national market for manufactured goods

National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)

organizaiton that launched the long struggle for the enforcemen tof the 14th and 15th amendments. It was founded because of a lynching in Illinois

Industrial Workers of the World

organization that rejected the AFL's exclusionary policies and sought to mobilize those excluded from the AFL

18th Amendment

outlawed alcohol

Platt Amendment

part of the Cuban constitution that McKinley forced the island's new government to approve that authorized the US to intervene militarily whenever it saw fit

party politics during the GIlded Age

parties were closely divided. Gilded age presidents made little effort to mobilize public opinion or exert executive eladership. Party loyalty was intense, and 80% or more of the eligible voters casted ballots

Progrssive era

period of explosive economic growth between 1900-1917 that was fueled by increasing industrial production, a rapid rise in population, and the expansion of a consumer marketlace

William Howard Taft policies

persuaded the Supreme court in 1911 to declare Rockefeller's standard oil company in violation of the Sherman antitrust act. He stressed that economic individualism could remain the foundation of the social order so long as government and private entrepreneurs cooperated in addressing social ills

Margaret Sanger

placed birth control movement at the heart of the new feminism

how were black people disenfranchised

pol tax, literacy taxes, grandfather clause, etc

Causes of Immigration from Southern and Easter Europe

poverty, illiteracy, taxation, declining economics, political turmoil

How did the national government actively promote industrial and agricultural development between 1865-1900

prevented American industry from foreign competition, gave land to railroad companies for construction, used the army to remove Native Americans from western land, supported industrial companies

Espionage Act

prohibited both spying and interfering with the draft and false statements that might impede military success. It barred newspapersand magazines critical of the administration

Seventeenth Amendment

provided that US senators be chosen by popular vote rather than by state legislature


putting a person to death by mob action without due process of law. black people who sought to challenge the system or who refused to accept the demeaning behavior that was a daily feature of southern life were threatened

who supported the treaty system

railroad companies who saw tribal sovereignty as an obstacle to construction and by Republicans who thought that tribes contradicted national unity

Society of American Indians

reform organization founded in 1911 that brought together Indian intellectuals to promote the discussion of the plight of Native AMericans in the hope that public exposure would be the first step toward remedying injustice

Boarding schools for Native Americans

reservation schools in which Indian children were removed from the "negative" influences of their parents and tribes and educated in white ways

what did the Great Railroad Strike reveal

revealed strong sense of solidarity among workers and close ties between the Republican Party and the new class of industrialists

how did the McKinley administration justify its policies in the Philipines

said that their aimswas to uplift and civilize and Christianize the Filipinos

insular cases

series of cases between 1901 and 1904 in which the supreme courtheld that the constitution did not fully apply to the territories recently acquired by the US

Hull House

settlement house that was devoted to improving the lives of the immigrant poor

Control of corporations in Square Deal examples

sides with workers in a mining strike, Elkins Act, Hepburn Act, prosecution of Northern Securities Company

liberty of contract

state and federal courts struck down state laws regulating economic enterprise as interference with right of free laborer to choose his employment and working conditions

at what level of government did most social legislation become law during the progressive era

state and local governments enacted most reform measures because the US was less decentralized that most European governments


studied the alleged mental characteristics of different groups of people. It offered "scientific experise" of anti-immigrant sentiment

Teller Amendment

the US declared that they had no intention of annexing or dominating Cuba


the belief that private control of economic enterprises should be replaced by public ownership in order to ensure a fairer distribution of the benefits of the wealth produced

why did Urban workers not rally to the populists

the demand for higher prices for farm goods would raise the cost of food and reduce the value of workers' wages

the treaty system

the federal government had negotiated agreements with Indians as if they were independent nations. It was eliminated in 1871

The Cooperative Commonwealth

the first book to popularize socialist ideas for an American audience written by Laurence Gronlund

the Farmers' Alliance

the largest citizens' movement of the 19th century in which farmers sought to remedy their condition by the cooperative financing and marketing of crops

why did Progressives support US participation in the war

the war offered the possibility of reforming American society and could instill a sense of national unity and self-sacrifice

labor organizations after the war

they faced setbacks because they were associated with communism

What was the attitude of the Supreme Court during the Gilded age towards government efforts to protect workers?

they generally sided with businesses that complained of the loss of economic freedom. They viewed state regulation of business as an insult to foreign labor, and claimed that people have the right to labor as much as they choose

how did most progressives feel about government power

they sought to reinvigorate the idea of an active, socially conscious government and rejected the traditional assumption that a powerful government posed a threat to freedom

Why did the US government create Indian reservations

they wanted the Plains indians to surrender their lands and exchange their culture for Christian worship, private ownership, and small farming on reservations

what did WEB DuBois encourage black people do do

thought they must use their education and training to challenge inequality

goal of Knights of Labor and other labor unions

to guarantee a basic set of economic rights for All americans

impact of insular cases

two principles central to American freedom--no taxation without representation and government based on consent of the governed--were abandoned

farmers revolt

uprising by farmers as a response to falling agricultural prices and growing economic dependency in rural areas

the Americanization of the world; or, the trend of the twentieth century

volume that predicted that the US would emerge as a world power and that they would involve themselves in other countries' problems

why did American soldiers intervene in Latin America between 1900-1920

wanted to create a welcoming environment for American companies that wanted access to raw materials and bankers who were worried that their investments may not be paid

Zimmerman Telegraph

when British spies intercepted a message by German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmerman calling on MExico to join in a coming war agianst the US and promising to help it recover the territory lost in the Mexican-American war

how was the 19th amendment passed

women's patriotic service pushed the administration toward full-fledged support for woman suffrage

was progressivism elitist?

yes because most progressives cared about the fitness of voters, not the quantity and wanted a democracy run by experts

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