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During the "starving time

" the Jamestown colony depended on which of the following form of chater for its support?, Joint-stock company

Which of the following phrases from the excerpt indicates the feature of Pennsylvania that was most attractive to settlers?

"He will compel no man to belong to his particular society"

Which of the following ideas is Douglas appealing to when eh says

"Whether the people of the territories shall be allowed to do as they please upon the question of slavery"?, Popular sovereignty

Mayhew would probably apply his warning

"not use our liberty for a cloak of maliciousness" to, Bacon's Rebellion

Which period was the peak of manifest destiny?

1842 to 1853

What is the the "geographical line"

36 30 N

Which of the following best represents the "new man" described by Crevecoeur?

A native-born Pennsylvania merchant

Jay's Treaty contained all of the following provisions except

A promise by the British to stop selling arms to the Indians

Which of the following resulted most directly from the debate described in the passage above?

A solution to the slave issue was postponed, setting the stage for recurring conflicts

Probably the most alarming characteristic of the new Constitution to those who opposed it was the

Absence of a bill of rights

The long-range purpose of the Albany Congress in 1754 was to

Achieve colonial unity and common defense against the French threat

Which of the following parts of the Compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the North?

Admitting California as a free state

The cartoon above was published in 1754 specifically to

Advocate colonial unity in aiding Great Britain to defeat the French and Indians in North America

Locke believed that political society was based on

Agreement of the majority

Locke's writings had the most direct influence on the

American Revolution

Support for the bill would have been consistent with support for which of the following?

American System

Which of following reinforced the message tat Burleigh was sending to people who wanted to move to America?

American System

which of the following was the immediate cause of the publication of the statement in this excerpt?

An increase in the tariff passed by congress

The passage above best serves as evidence of

An increased awareness of the inequalities in society

The image above best serves as evidence of

Arguments over the rights of British subjects

Which of the following events in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries represents a continuation of the processes described in the excerpt above?

Attempts by the US government to gain dominance over the North American continent through military and other means

Monroe counted on which of the following European nations to be an ally if any nation challenged the Monroe Doctrine?

Britain because it opposed the strengthening of its european rivals

The Union was most disturbed because they believed that Britain was supporting the Confederates by doing which of the following?

Building warships

Common Sense

Called for a democratic republic

President Lincoln delayed issing an Emancipation Proclamation because of his concern that it would

Cause the border states to secede

Which of the following best summarizes the attitude toward religious beliefs expressed in this document?

Christians should be able to practice their faith without fear of persecution

Which of the following documents most forcefully disagreed with the views king George expressed in this excerpt

Common sense by Thomas Paine

How did the natives surprise Coronado?

Coronado was enamoured by stories the natives told about cities of gold, and was shocked that the natives had tricked Coronado and his men to save themselves

Jay's 1794 treaty with Britain

Created deeper splits between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans

Which of the following was a direct British response to the colonial views expressed by the Stamp Act Congress?

Declaratory Act stating the right to tax

Which political party felt that the "Missouri question" violated the principles of the NW Ordinance?

Democratic Republicans

Which individual or group among the following would be the strongest supporter of the Kentucky Resolution?


Strong's statement that the British feared "diminishing the supply of breadstuffs on which her operatives depend" explains why he thinks the British

Depended as much on trade with the Union as with the Confederacy

To encourage African-Americans to fight Hamilton suggested in the excerpt that they should be promised

Emancipation from slavery

The dispute involving the KY Resolutions demonstrated that some people had rejected GW's warning against

Encouraging sectional differences

The primary market for the Virginia tobacco crop during this period was


Which of the following European nations would be the least likely to share the characteristics Stannard uses in describing Columbus?


Which of the following factors that affected Native Americans is directly implied but not stated in this excerpt?

European diseases were killing millions of Native Americans

Shays' Rebellion was provoked by

Foreclosures on the mortgages of backcountry farmers

Which of the following did Washington believe was very important for the United States to avoid?

Foreign alliances.

Tecumseh believed that which of the following would be the best way for the American Indians to respond to the desire of white settlers for land?

Forming a confederacy among all American Indians

By the mid-18th century the largest group of non-English people to come to America were


What goals did Coronado have in his travels?

Glory and gold

King George's rejection of the Olive Branch Petition demonstrates that he believed that most colonists

Had always planned to revolt

Which of the following describes a policy of Jefferson's that reflects the attitude toward Federalists expressed in this speech?

He attempted to gain the trust of Federalists by continuing the national bank.

How is the topic of Locke's writing similar to most writing in the colonies in the 18th century?

He wrote about politics, and most writing was about politics or religion

which of the following individuals would be most critical of Van Buren's economic policy as presented in this excerpt?

Henry Clay

This image best serves as evidence of which of the following?

How native peoples adapted to and transformed their diverse environments

Hamilton's constitutional argument was based on which of the following types of powers?


Which of the following groups made up most of the servants referred to in the passage?

Indentured servants from Europe

Benjamin Franklin's plan for colonial home rule was rejected by the individual colonies because

It did not seem to give enough individual independence to the colonies

Which of the following is a reason historians are most likely to criticize the view of Columbus expressed in this excerpt?

It uses highly charged language

The major opposition to the Mexican War was based on the belief that

It would expand slavery

Who of the following provided the strongest influence President Monroe in the writing of the Monroe Doctrine?

John Quincy Adams

Which of the following did Locke see as the original limit on human freedom?

Law of nature

Which of the following groups or individuals would have been most likely to agree with King George


Which of the following benefited most directly from the bank that Hamilton strongly supported?


President Polk was motivated to reject eh treaty with Mexico because of which of the following?

Many Southerners wanted the United States to get larger gains in territory

Who was the following would be most likely to agree with German's position on the war?

Merchants from New England

Which of these was a common reaction by Indians to Europeans and represented a rejection of Chief Johnson's suggestions?

Migrating westward

Which of the following acts of Congress was declared unconstitutional in the Dred Scott decision?

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Which of the following leaders from an earlier period represented a group in a similar situation as cited in this excerpt?

Nathaniel Bacon

All of the following provided motives for English colonization except

Need a place to exploit slave labor

Tecumseh objected to the treaty selling Indian land because he thought

No individual or single tribe had the right to sell the land

Which of the following political groups had its efforts to find a compromise over slavery effectively ended by Taney's decision in the Dred Scott case?

Northern Democrats

Which of the following describes a reason not mentioned by Strong in this except that ultimately stopped Britain from recognizing the Confederacy?

Opposition form the British working class

Which of the following parts of the compromise of 1850 was the most appealing to the South?

Passing a new FSL

The activities undertaken in the image above had their most direct origins in

Perceived constraints on the colonial economy

Winthrop suggests that Polk's slogan of "Fifty-four Forty or Fight!" was based mainly on which of the following attitudes?

Polk hoped to get political benefit

An increase in which of the following was the kew part of the Kansas- Nebraska Act to attract Southern support?

Popular sovereignty

To issue and emancipation Proclamation

President Lincoln felt that he needed which of the following?, A military victory

n July of 1861

President Lincoln was particularly concerned about how his policies on slavery would affect which areas?, The states in white because they were slave states that remained in the Union

According to this diary entry

President Polk felt pressure to accept the treaty with Mexico for which of the following reasons?, He believed the Whigs would not support more aggressive expansion

Pres Adams sought a peaceful solution to the undeclared naval war with France in order to

Prevent the outbreak of a full-scale war

The concern expressed in this excerpt helps explain why the British passed the

Proclamation of 1763

Which of the following best explains the underlying cause of the Spanish actions described by Las Casas?


Mayhew considers the greatest threat to liberty is

Radical positions

Both the Virginia and Plymouth colonists shared a commitment to

Representative government

Which group would most strongly support Zenger's position on the press?

Residents of cities

Which of the following religious groups were the authors of the Maryland Act of Toleration trying to protect?

Roman Catholics

In the context of the various disputes between the colonists and Britain which of the following would be the most important right sided

Section 2: all power comes from the people

Which of the rights in the excerpt is expressed in a way that would today be considered a limitation of individual rights

Section 6: right to vote

The protests by the Paxton Boys occurred during a period when many colonists were objecting to British policies that were a result of the

Seven Years' War

Chief Justice Taney's basic ruling in the Dred Scott case was based on which of the following principles?

Since slaves were property, they could not sue

Which of the following groups in the colonies in the late 17th century would be most critical of Locke's ideas?

Slave owners

To which politicians is Clay directing the last line of the excerpt?

Southerners who were threatening to secede

The VA and KY Resolutions presented the argument that

States could nullify acts of Congress

Which of the followin most accurately identifies the author's beliefs?

States' rights

The antifederalist camp included all of the following groups except

Supporters of a strong central authority

Which of the following actions by the colonists is most similar to the one recommended in the excerpt above?

The Boston Tea Party

Which of the following was the primary reason for Hamiltons call for African-American soldiers

The British were recruiting African-Americans

Which of the following possible influences on Mayhew is most clearly reflected in his statement?

The Great Awakening

Which of the following provides the best explanation for why Radical Republicans opposed Lincoln in 1864?

The Radical Republicans wanted immediate emancipation of slaves, but Linc refused to cooperate

President Polk accepted a compromise with Britain on the Oregon dispute because

The United States was facing problems with Mexico

The immediate cause of the undeclared naval war between the US and France was

The XYZ affair

Which of the following was a long-term effect of the jury's decision in the Zenger case?

The colonial press became more willing to criticize the British

Which of the following resulted most directly from events such as those described in the passage above?

The development of the encomienda system as a means of resource extraction

Thispassage best serves as evidence of which of the following?

The forces that fueled European exploration and conquest

The resolution of the Stamp Act Congress expressed respect for which person or group?

The king

According to the compact theory advocated by Jefferson and Madison

The national government was the creation of the thirteen sovereign states

Which of the following was the primary reason for charging J Peter Zenger with libel?

The prosecutor wanted to defend the royal government

What was the outcome of the request made in the quote?

The request went largely unheeded, and women were treated as second class

The excerpt quoted above would be most useful to historians analyzing

The series of compromises worked through to form a national government

Which of the following had an effect on attitudes toward traditional authority similar to the effect of the Zenger case?

The spread of the great awakening

Which of the following did Winthrop offer as a final way to settle the Oregon question?

The two countries should submit their claims to arbitration

Which of the following statements best describes the states in dark gray?

They had strong military tradition

Which of the following statements best describes the states in medium gray?

They included most of the country's population

Who of the following would be most critical of Hamilton's position on the bank?

Thomas Jefferson.

In his pamphlet Common Sense

Thomas Paine defended the idea of American Independence on the grounds that, people should not pledge allegiance to to a king and corrupt government

Why was this statement made in 1776?

To remind the men who could shape the future of the nation that woman were an integral part of its development

This image would have been used for which of the following purposes?

To warn colonists of the repercussions of disloyalty

For some the revolutionary was also a civil war because of the role played in the war by


Which of the following groups would most likely have supported the point of view expressed in the image above?

Tories or Loyalists

The group most likely to oppose the ideas expressed in this excerpt would have been

Tories such as william franklin

Commercial farming expanded rapidly in the NW by mid-centruy primarily bc of

Transportation improvements

Which of the following factors best explains why Native American efforts to unite were rare?

Tribes had traditions of independence

Jefferson's call to avoid entangling alliances is similar to advice found in

Washington's Farewell address

One attempt to prevent slavery int eh territories was the

Wilmot Proviso

Which of the following is the underlying goal of the colonists in the excerpt?

Win political representation

A major part of the Confederate strategy for winning independence was based on

Winning recognition and support from Great Britain

Andrew Hamilton

Zenger's lawyer, argued that any printed statement could not be libel if it was, True

President Jackson's veto of the bank bit would contribute most significantly to

a financial panic

Sojourner truth saw connection between the women rights

antislavery movement

Bacon's Rebellion was initiated by a group of farmers who felt most directly threatened by

conflicts with American Indians

the crop that best fits Downing'd description as one of "the great staples" in the mid-19th century america was


Urban workers such as the Philadelphia Mechanics union of trade associations believed they could improve their conditions through labor unions and


One of the strong reasons Washington and others warned against political parties as concern about...

divisive sectionalism.

workers in the 1820s faced difficulty because of the problems with

ethnic rivalries

van buren believed that the strength of the American economy was based on

farmers and planters

the opposition to foreigners is most similar to the view that many had toward which of the following in America at this time?

free africans americans

Thoreau believed that a just man should be prepared to do which of the following?

go to jail for his beliefs

Which phrase by Burleigh best addresses the motives of the largest number of immigrants coming to the united states during the years from 1816 to 1848?

good pay for labor

thoreau challenged the government because

he opposed war in all cases

Based on Columbus' log

how did columbus view the native peoples he encountered?, As kind but naive people who were willing to give what they had freely

which of the following caused the movement described in the excerpt?


Stevens disagrees with those who oppose free public education because

it will result in increased taxes

which of the following is or are most similar to the statement in the excerpt?

kentucky and virginia resolutions

president Jackson's guiding principle to check "the injustices of government" was

limited government

the first free public education system in the united states began in which of the following colonies


which of the best explains why the American people were so supportive of the Monroe Doctrine?


What was the context in which Mayhew was writing?

opposition to British rule of the colonies was increasing

In addition to his Farewell Address

part of Washington's legacy was that he , Established the precedent of a two-term limit

The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions were issued in reaction to the...

passage of the Alien and Sedition Acts.

the development of which of the following best demonstrates the growing power of the nativist movement in the mid-19th century?

political party

The development of commercial farming in the Old Northwest by the time this excerpt was written gave support

population growth in eastern cities

which of these groups would most strongly agree with stevens on this view of education?

protestant churches

Thomas Paine argued that all government officials

should derive their authority from popular consent

Under the Barbados slave code of 1661

slaves were, Denied the most fundamental rights

In the United States

support for the War of 1812 was the strongest from, frontier settlers who wanted land and protection from American Indians

Based on the voting patterns shown in the chart

support for the federal funding for internal improvements was strongest in, undeveloped regions

For the first time

the Stamp Act placed on the colonies a tax that was, direct

By going to war

the United States gained the territory labeled as the, Mexican Cession

Which of the following led the opposition to Bacon's Rebellion?

the colonial governor

Despite the success of tobacco in Virginia

the colony still faced problems and eventually became a, royal colony

Northerners were most upset by the Supreme Court's Dred Scott decision because

the decision allowed slavery in the territories

According to Dickinson

the distinction between the Stamp Act and other previous laws Parliament passed was, Parliament had the power to pass taxes that were designed to regulate trade, not raise revenue

According to the passage

the final decision on whether a federal law or action was legal should be made by..., each state.

Which of the following is the best support for German's claim that the United States has "abundant cause for war"?

the impressment of US sailors

The activities of Coronado and other Spanish and Portuguese explorers in the Americas in the 16th century primarily depended on the support of

the monarchs

The primary audience that Las Casas hoped to influence by his writing was

the monarchs of Spain

According to Mayhew

the people should be willing to challenge abuses by the, king

In the two decades following Burleigh's comments

the portions of the United States most affected by immigration were the, lands west of the Appalachian Mountains

According to Mayhew

the power of the people to oppose the government comes from, God

Sojourner Truth strongly rejects criticisms of women that are based on which of the following

the teachings of religion

while calhoun and many other southerners disagreed with president jacksons opposition to nullification

they agreed with him on, his opposition to anti-slavery movement

John Dickinson defended the idea of no taxation without representation by arguing that

to tax people without their consent violated British law

which of the ifllowing groups held views most similar to the ideas expressed in this excerpt


Which person would most strongly disagree with "We are all republicans

we are all federalists", Alex Hamilton

which of the following groups provided the greatest support for the Jackson's veto of the bank?


Based upon the excerpt and your knowledge

what conclusion can be drawn about the time period?, The goal of obtaining wealth and power was tantamount to exploration

Based on the information in this excerpt

what is Samuel Kercheval 's point of view toward Bacon and his followers?, They were frustrated men who were taking action because the government did not

Settlers of Connecticut River colony developed a document known as the Fundamental Orders

which Established a regime democratically controlled by "substantial" citizens

Jefferson's statement "that the minority possesses their equal rights

which equal law must protect" was supported by his actions with regard to, the alien and sedition acts

As described in the excerpt

which individual or body makes the final decision on whether a law is valid in a state?, states

Based on Coronado's observations

which of the following best describes Spanish efforts in Mexico in the mid-16th century?, Exploring lands new to them

According to the excerpt

which of the following does King George hold primarily responsible for the American revolt?, The traitorous views of some colonial leaders

According to Jefferson's address

which of the following should be relied on to protect equal rights for all people?, Laws

Based on the excerpt

which of the following would Tecumseh most likely have objected to?, The Louisiana Purchase

BAsed on the tone of the excerpt

which of the statements below best expresses German's position on declaring war in June 1812?, He opposed going to war because he did not believe the country was prepared for one

In the excerpt above

which quote best explains why Jackson chose to veto the re-charter of the Second Bank?, "Interests are identified with those of foreign stockholders"

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