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What were the Five Parts of the Compromise of 1850

1) Northwest Border of TX goes to NM for $10 Million 2) Utah and NM use popular sovereignty 3)California enters as a free state 4) Increased fugitive slave law 5) No slave trade in DC

What did the passing of the KNA cause?

Political splits and strain in many parties.

What was the Kansas Nebraska Act-

Proposed by Douglas in 1854- wanted kansas and nebraska to be organized under popular sovereignty

What was the Lecompton Constitution?

Proslavery constitution- opposed by douglas

What did the first election in Kansas end in?

Proslavery won as a result of border ruffians

Why did nativism become so popular?

Religion differences Immigrant culture disagreed with tolerance

What did the KNA essentially do to a previous act?

Repealed the missouri compromise

Who was Anthony Burns?

Similar to Minikins, people attempted to free him, they did not succeed, so bostonians went to the street and the court to mourn his departure

Who were the secret six?

Smith, Stearns, Sanborn, Higginson, Parker, and Howe

Who wrote 12 Years of slave?

Solomon Northrup

What was the south's view of the south? The North?

South was a great engine of economic growth and a blessing to the inferior race; North had wage slaves and did not help their workers

What did the north and south feel about the Mexican- American War?

South- Sopported and wanted to expand into cuba North- Thought they shouldn't have had the Mexican American War because of antislavery reasons, not anti expansion reasons

When was the gag rule repealed?


When did Taylor die, and from what?

1850; Gastroenteritis

What was the population of the US in 1850?

23 Million

What happened in retaliation to the heightened law?

9 northern states passed laws that they would not cooperate with slave recapture

WHo were the fire eaters?

Those who urged secession

What did the NY Times say about the KNA?

Thought it was a scheme to extend slave power

Why did they choose moderates?

To make it seem as if they seceded for reasons other than slavery

Why did douglas want to pass the KNA?

Transcontinental Railroad ending at Chicago

What was the foundation of the Constitutional Union Party

Wanted to keep the union together

Why did small farmers without slaves support the civil war?

White Skin Privilege

Who was the first man killed?

A freed slave who was warning the rest of the town

What is a filibuster?

A group of attackers that went to the Caribbean and Central American Countries to try and take over

What was the American Renaissance

A movement where newspapers, magazines, and communication improvements created an audience for American Scholars and Writers

What was scandalous about the decision?

A northerer agreed with the southern decision- Some thought that Buchanan Conspired the northerner

What did both the North and South use in their arguments?

Basic rights- both felt they were defending their property and rights

What is the nickname for kansas during this time period?

Bleeding Kansas

Where was the fugitive slave law attacked most fiercely?


What made the raid fail?

Brown did not have an escape plan, and did not tell the slaves to revolt

Who were the candidates in the election of 1856

Buchanan- Democrat Fremont- Republican Fillmore- American Party

What other ruling was made during this case?

Called the missouri compromise unconstitutional, and made Calhoun's thoughts on states' rights the law of the land

What the north accuse the south of doing?

Censorship, using the gag rule, suppression of free speech, and the moral wrong of having slaves

Were were sectional splits first shown?


Who wrote the Compromise of 1850, and what was strange about it?

Clay, but it was carried out by the younger generation

What did these threats say to northern abolitionists

Confirmed that they were being threatened by the slave power- Thought that admitting the same number of slave states as free states was a conspiracy

When did SC secede?

December 20, 1860

What was happening in Europe during the 1850s?

Democratic Revolutions

Who were the candidates for the election of 1852?

Frankin Pierce: Democrat Winfield Scott: Whig (LAST OF THE WHIGS) John P. Hale: Free Soil

Who wrote cannibal's all? What is his group of people called?

George Fitzhugh; Apologists

Who Wrote Uncle Tom's Cabin?

Harriet Beecher Stowe

Who were some writers during this time?

Hawthorne, Whitman, Melville, Dickinson, Douglass, Stowe

Why did Buchanan Win?

He did not vote for the KNA

Who was Sumner?

He insulted South Carolinian Politician, Butler, His nephew beats him nearly to death. "Beat him again"

How did Webster handle Southern threats of secession?

He rejected their claim that secession was desirable or possible

What was the foundation of the republicans>

Homestead act, transcontinental RR, internal improvements and a higher tariff

Who was Lajos Kossuth?

Hungarian revolutionary who went to the US and was treated like a hero

What did the constitution of the Confederacy say?

Identical to the US constitution except it made it impossible to have abolition and supported states rights

What were the Lager Beer Riots?

Immigrants protested over sabbatarianism

What was so important about the heightened Fugitive Slave Act?

It allowed slavers to capture suspected slaves and free blacks alike.

What was the state of cotton importance in 1850?

It's political importance diminished

Who were the P and VP of the confederacy?

Jefferson Davis and Alexander Stephens

What was the Pottowamie Creek Massacre?

John Brown led him and his sons into a proslavery camp and beat 5 unarmed men to death- got off scott free

What was the John Brown Raid?

John brown put together a group of 20 men including free slaves to capture the Harpers Ferry Arsenal

What were some tribes that owned the land proposed to be used in the KNA?

Kickapoos, Shawnees, Sauks, Foxes, Delawares, Weas, Iowas, Cheyennes, and Sioux

What was a large Free SOil settlement?


What the south accuse the north of doing?

Libeling slave owners, bombarded the south with literature, abused the right to petition and incited slave revolts

Who was matthew perry?

Lieutenant who went to Japan and opened trade

Who were the candidates in the election of 1860?

Lincoln- Republican Douglas- Northern Democrat Breckinridge- Southern Democrat Bell- Constitutional Union

What did the NY legislature do in retaliation?

Made a statement that they had lost confidence in the supreme court, and refused to allow slavery within their borders

What did the panic do to america?

Mass panic, business failures, and slowdowns, but nothing was permenant

What other states seceded?

Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, and Texas

Who were border ruffians?

Missouri men who attacked free soil settlements and voted in elections

What was the voting like on the compromise of 1850?

No consistent majority- sectional splits remained

Which section was more harmed?


Who were the cotton whigs?

Northerners who had ties to southern slave owners- disapproved of abolitionists

What did congress do when kansas pressed for statehood

Originally passed, but douglas convinced them to force Kansas to have a proper vote- Second constitution written in Topeka and Kansas entered as a free state in 1861

Who was the Emigrant Aid Society

Paid northerners to go to kansas

WHo was Theodore Weld?

Abolitionist who though the split was inevitable

What did the KNA do in congress?

Allowed the south to get control of congress

What was this new nativist party called?

American Party AKA Know Nothings

What was the Wilmot Proviso?

An act that would make all states in the west free- never passed

What caused the panic of 1857

An ohio bank closed, and the telegraph made it spread to everywhere in the country,.

What was the north's view of the south? The north?

Backwater aristocracy ruled by slave owners; North was essential for national growth- had free labor that offered economic opportunity

What was Dred Scott v. Sandford

Dred Scott's owner brought him through free states, and he married and had a son in a free state so he argued he was free. The decision by Taney stated that he was property and could not be free

Who was Pierre Soule

Embassador to spain who tried to force spain to sell cuba for $130 million- talks about using force to take it

Who was Shadrach Minikins?

Escaped slave who was going to trial in boston when a band of african americans came into the court and brought him to canada

What was the young america movement?

Expansion movement where the US wanted to take cuba and central america

What did Calhoun think of the Compromise?

Felt that it overruled states rights, and that congress could not force people to not have slaves

Who was william walker?

Filibuster who invaded Nicaragua, became the ruler, and encouraged southern slave owners to migrate

Who took over, and what did they do?

Fillmore, did not oppose the compromise of 1850 (Literally known for doing nothing)

How did sectional splits affect the cotton whigs?

The southerners stopped listening to the pleas of the cotton whigs

What did CHarles Francis Adams think?

The union finally threw off their slavery dependancy

How did the split affect the whigs? The Democrats?

The whigs disappeared, voted with democrats. The Democrats lost 2/3 of their seats

What did the north feel about the KNA?

There were over 300 large protests against the act

How did the northerners react to Brown's hanging?

They adored him, rung funeral bells, and mourned him

What did the Republicans feel about the south?

They didn't think that they would seced if lincoln won

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