APUSH ch 19-22 Exam

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. "Forty acres and a mule" refers to (A) the proposal to make freed slaves small scale farmers (B) the terms of the Homestead act of 1862 (C) the allotment given to Native Americans under the Dawes Severalty Act (D) The inducement given recent immigrants if they would settle outside of urban centers (E) A typical homestead on the Great Plains in the 1870's


After the Civil war, the practice of sharecropping (A) turned African Americans into a labor force with housing and supplies provided by white planters (B) taught African Americans and Whites to work together as farmers (C) Made it possible for African Americans to save enough money to buy their own farm (D) required African Americans to form groups to work as gang labor (E) forced African Americans to migrate to the North.


By the end of his presidency, U S Grant's popularity had declined substantially because of (A) the corruption evident in his administration (B) the harsh and brutal policies toward the South (C) his support for "greenbacker" monetary policies (D) his refusal to support the radicals in Congress (E) revelations about his poor military leadership during the Civil War.


In the early years of Reconstruction, an important function of the Freedman's Bureau was (A) the protection of the economic rights of former slaves (B) registering former slaves to vote (C) establishing schools for free blacks in the North (D) setting up "Black Codes" to regulate the behavior of former slaves (E) the Prosecution of plantation owners who had abused their slaves.


Lincoln was doubtful that he would be reelected in 1864 because (A) there was such dissatisfaction with the progress of the war (B) the Republicans were badly split over the Emancipation Proclamation (C) Andrew Johnson, the Vice Presidential candidate, was unpopular with Congress (D) Southern secession had removed much of his political support (E) the scandals that characterized his administration became public in 1864.


The Compromise of 1877 resulted in (A) the ascension of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to the presidency in return for assurances that what was left of Reconstruction in the South would be ended (B) the division of Dakota Territory into North Dakota and South Dakota (C) government financing for a southern transcontinental railroad route in return for financial grants allowing the completion of the Great Northern Railroad from Minnesota to the Pacific Northwest (D) the ascension of Republican Rutherford B. Hayes to the presidency in return for the passage of an Amnesty Act which would pardon former Confederate soldiers, allowing them to regain their voting lights (E) the formal separation of Virginia and West Virginia and the official acceptance of statehood for West Virginia.


The Southern cause was weakened by (A) the concept of states' rights upon which the Confederacy was founded (B) a president, Jefferson Davis, who catered to public opinion and did not work hard at his job (C) the failure of the southern people to commit to the ideal of Southern independence (D) a lack of sound military leadership (E) Northern sympathizers who destroyed Southern morale


The theory of nullification, according to which a state can reject a federal law is associated with (A) John C. Calhoun (B) Daniel Webster (C) Andrew Jackson (D) James Madison (E) John Marshall.


Which of the following Northern military objectives was the last to be achieved? (A) capture of the Confederate capitol (B) establishment of an effective blockade of Confederate seaports (C) to gain control of the Mississippi River (D) to divide the Confederacy in two in a drive from Chattanooga to Atlanta to Savanna (E) the defeat of Stonewall Jackson.


Which of the following states seceded from the Union first? (A) South Carolina (B) North Carolina (C) Kentucky (D) Georgia (E) Virginia.


126. All of the following were advantages the North had over the South at the start of the Civil War except: (A) a larger population (B) better military leaders (C) greater industrial production (D) more railroad and canal networks (E) a larger navy.


98. Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that (A) Lincoln had ordered the fort reinforced with federal troops (B) Lincoln had ordered supplies sent to the fort (C) the fort's commander was planning to secretly evacuate his troops from the fort (D) Lincoln had called for 75,000 militia to form a voluntary Union army (E) Lincoln had announced the Emancipation Proclamation.


After the South seceded, the Congress was able to pass special legislation to benefit the north and the West, such as the (A) Kansas-Nebraska Act (B) Pacific Railroad Bill (C) Underwood Tariff (D) Sherman Anti-Trust Act (E) Chinese Exclusion Act. raid from Canada (E) which bordered Mexico.


All of the following were advantages the North had over the South at the start of the Civil War except: (A) a larger population (B) better military leaders (C) greater industrial production (D) more railroad and canal networks (E) a larger navy.


By the Compromise of 1877, the Democrats agreed to allow the Republican candidate to become president in exchange for (A) a promise that they would be allowed to win the next two presidential elections (B) an end to Reconstruction (C) large personal bribes to leading Democrats (D) a substantial lowering of protective tariffs (E) retroactive compensation for freed slaves.


During the Civil War, African-Americans in the North (A) were not allowed to join the Union Army (B) fought in segregated regiments (C) were allowed to join the Union Army but saw no combat (D) were integrated into white regiments (E) were permitted to select their own officers.


Hinton R. Helper's book The Impending Crisis of the South was intended as (A) a refutation of Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin (B) an argument against slavery as an economic institution (C) a rallying cry against abolition (D) a condemnation of the violent acts of Preston Brooks (E) a rational defense of the practice of slavery.


The "Lame Duck" President James Buchanan believed that (A) southern states had a legal right to secede from the Union (B) the Constitution did not authorize him to force southern states to stay in the Union (C) the election of 1860 was a fraud (D) southern states had no other choice but to secede from the United States (E) the Southern states would come back if not pressed.


The Battle of Antietam was especially crucial because it (A) inflated an already dangerous overconfidence among the Southerners (B) probably prevented the intervention of Britain and France on the side of the Confederacy (C) delayed Lincoln's plan to announce the Emancipation Proclamation (D) assured the reelection of President Lincoln (E) increased the popular support for Republicans in the election of 1864.


The Morrill Land Grant Act provided (A) one hundred sixty acres of free land within the public domain to any head of household who would settle on it and improve it over a period of five years (B) large amounts of federal government land to states that would establish agricultural and mechanical colleges (C) forty acres of land to former slaves (D) that the land of former Confederates should not be confiscated (E) large reservations for the Indians of the Great Plains.


The official reason for the impeachment of President Andrew Johnson was his (A) refusal to support ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment (B) violation of the Tenure of Office Act (C) veto of the first Reconstruction act (D) campaigning against Radical Republicans in the election of 1866 (E) belief that African- Americans were not equal to whites.


The outcome of the disputed election of 1876 was significant because it (A) was the last victory for the Radical Republicans (B) meant the end of Reconstruction (C) Marked the beginning of a long line of Democratic presidents (D) demonstrated that black voters held the balance of power in Southern politics (E) showed that the North and South were able to reconcile.


Under Lincoln's plan for Reconstruction (A) Congress would judge when one of the states was ready for readmission (B) 10% of the voters in each state would take an oath of loyalty to the Union (C) the Republicans would have time to rebuild their party in the postwar South (D) at least 50% of the voters in each state would approve the 14th Amendment (E) Congress had complete charge of there requirements for readmission.


What was an important immediate result of the Emancipation Proclamation? (A) it increased the number of black voters in the North (B) it forestalled British recognition of the Confederacy (C) it deprived the Democratic Party of its chief political plank (D) it increased the hostility of the border states toward the South (E) it created more Southern Republicans.


What was the significance of the Shenandoah Valley in the Civil War? (A) it was the approach used by Grant to capture Richmond (B) it was used repeatedly in raids by the South that threatened Washington (C) linked the eastern and western halves of the Confederacy (D) was the site of most of the important north-south railroad controlled by the South (E) it was the entrance to the Mississippi Valley.


Which of the following best describes the message of this cartoon? (A) a plea for keeping the Union together on the eve of the Civil War (B) An appeal to the colonies to unify against the threat from France (C) An appeal to slaveholding states against the Missouri Compromise (D) A call for Native American tribes to unite against white settlers (E) A plea to end sectional differences over tariff policy.


"For an enemy so relentless in the war for our subjugation, we could not be expected to mourn; yet, in view of its political consequences, it could not be regarded otherwise than as a great misfortune to the South. He had power over the Northern people, and was without personal malignity toward the people of the South. His successor was without power in the North, and the embodiment of malignity toward the Southern people, perhaps the more so because he had betrayed and deserted them in the hour of their need." 141. Which of the following was the author of the passage above? (A) William Seward (B) Abraham Lincoln (C) Jefferson Davis (D) John Wilkes Booth (E) William T. Sherman.


. Which of the following statements regarding the draft and the Union Army is true? (A) More than half of the men serving the Union Army were draftees. (B) Congress passed the draft law at the beginning of the Civil War. (C) A potential draftee could hire a substitute or buy his way out of service. (D) There was widespread public support for the draft because of the patriotism generated by the war. (E) The minimum draft age was set at sixteen.


33. When President Andrew Johnson removed Secretary of War Edwin M. Stanton without the approval of the Senate, contrary to the terms of the recently passed Tenure of Office Act, he (A) was impeached and removed from office (B) came within one vote of being impeached (C) was impeached and came within one vote of being removed from office (D) resigned to avoid impeachment and was subsequently pardoned by his successor (E) was impeached, refused to resign, and his term ended before a vote could be taken on his removal from office.


50. The main reason that President Grant's administration is considered a failure is (A) his failure to retreat from the radical Reconstruction policies of his predecessors (B) his failure to effectively quell the Indian uprisings in the Western territories (C) his failure to control the corruption permeating his administration (D) his attempts to destroy the Democratic Party and return the country to a one-party system (E) his failure to be reelected after serving his first term in office.


52. The sharecropping system in the South following Reconstruction had the effect of (A) allowing many former slaves and poor white tenant farmers, who could have never otherwise owned land, to buy their own farms (B) moving many former slaves and poor white tenant farmers into the middle class (C) pushing tenant farmers and poor independent farmers into deep levels of debt to large landowners and merchants (D) helping to limit the power of former plantation owners and Northern business interest (E) changing the basic attitudes of whites and blacks who were now forced to work side-by-side farming the same land.


All of the following were parts of Andrew Johnson's plan for Reconstruction except: (A) recommending to the Southern states that the vote be extended to the recently freed slaves (B) requiring ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment (C) requiring payment of monetary reparations for the damage caused by the war (D) requiring renunciation of secession (E) requiring repudiation of the Confederate debt.


In response to southern intransigence in the face of President Andrew Johnson's mild reconstruction plan, Congress did all of the following except: : (A) exclude southern representatives and senators from participating in Congress (B) pass the Civil Rights Act of 1866 (C) order the arrest and imprisonment of former Confederate leaders (D) approve and send on to the states the Fourteenth Amendment (E) divide the South into five districts to be ruled by military governors with almost dictatorial powers.


In the early years of Reconstruction, an important function of the Freedman's Bureau was (A) the protection of the economic rights of former slaves (B) registering former slaves to vote (C) establishing schools for free blacks in the North (D) setting up "Black Codes" to regulate the behavior of former slaves (E) the Prosecution of plantation owners who had abused their slaves.


In the post Civil war period, the idea that African Americans should concentrate on economic betterment rather than political or social equality was advanced by (A) W.E.B. DuBois (B) Frederick Douglass (C) Booker T. Washington (D) Marcus Garvey (E) William Lloyd Garrison.


In undertaking to reconstruct the defeated Confederate states, it was President Andrew Johnson's view that they (A) had committed "state suicide" by seceding from the Union (B) were to be treated as conquered territory (C) had never actually been out of the Union (D) should be made to indemnify the government for the cost of the war (E) should never be readmitted to the Union.


Lincoln won the 1860 presidential election primarily because (A) there was overwhelming support throughout the country for the Republicans' anti-slavery platform (B) he was seen as a moderate, by both Northerners and Southerners, who could possibly negotiate a compromise between abolitionists and slaveholders (C) he gathered overwhelming support in the highly populated Northern states while his three opponents divided the anti-Lincoln vote in the North, West, and South (D) the Know-Nothing Party gave Lincoln its endorsement, and combined with Republican support, the two parties were able to outpoll the politically isolated Democrats (E) he was able to discredit his chief opponent, Stephen Douglas, as a "closet abolitionist."


Reconstruction legislation passed by Congress included all of the following except: (A) Tenure of Office Act (B) Civil Rights Act of 1866 (C) Black Codes (D) First Reconstruction Act (E) Reconstruction Act of 1868.


Senator Stephen A. Douglass managed to engineer the Compromise of 1850 by (A) Winning the endorsement of President Zachary Taylor for the Compromise (B) letting the Southern Democrats dictate the terms of the Compromise (C) Securing the passage of the different parts of the compromise as separate laws (D) Threatening to remove political opponents from important congressional committees (E) A policy of conciliation for all factions.


The "black codes" of many Southern states in the 1830s were intended to (A) force Northern states to return runaway slaves to their Southern masters (B) prevent slave rebellions by allowing the execution of any slave found guilty of attempting to gain his or her freedom (C) limit the rights of freed blacks and force them to migrate to Northern states where they couldn't serve as models for slaves to idolize or emulate (D) keep all blacks in servitude by refusing to recognize any black as free and allowing so-called "free blacks" to be rounded up and enslaved whenever a shortage of slave labor developed (E) deal with the increased number of people of mixed race (due to white slaveholders impregnating black slaves) by setting up strict standards as to who was genetically white and who was genetically black.


The Civil Rights Act of 1866 was significant because I. it meant that congress rather than the President would determine Reconstruction policies II. it showed President Andrew Johnson's unwillingness to accept the Radical Republican approach to Reconstruction III. it was the first major piece of legislation that became law over a presidential veto IV. it guaranteed that former slaves would control the state legislatures in the South (A) I only (B) III only (C) I and III only (D) II and IV only (E) I, II, and III only


The Dred Scott decision held that a slave (A) could sue for his freedom in the courts (B) became free when transported to free territory (C) was private property when even in a free territory (D) was a citizen when in free territory (E) could not be transported when in a slave state.


The South hoped to gain diplomatic recognition and active support from Great Britain because (A) slavery was still legal in the British empire (B) British public opinion generally supported the south (C) British factories needed Southern Cotton (D) Britain wanted the help of the South to regain the Oregon territory (E) the North had placed high tariffs on British goods.


The battle that is considered to be the "turning point" of the Civil War and the last chance at a military victory by the Confederacy is (A) Antietam (B) Shiloh (C) Gettysburg (D) Chattanooga (E) Chickamaugua.


The controversy over the presidential election in 1876 between Samuel J. Tilden and Rutherford B. Hayes arose because (A) the Greenback-Labor Party's presidential candidate prevented either Tilden or Hayes from winning a majority of the electoral votes (B) no candidate received a majority of the popular vote as required by the Constitution (C) three Southern states, South Carolina, Louisiana, and Florida, submitted contested electoral votes (D) the Democratic Party withdrew its nomination of Tilden (E) Ulysses S. Grant, the incumbent president, refused to vacate the presidency to either Tilden or Hayes.


The doctrine of popular sovereignty called for the question of permitting slaves in a new territory to be decided by the (A) House of Representatives (B) Supreme Court (C) people living in the territory (D) Compromise of 1850 (E) Wimot proviso.


The leading radical Republicans in Congress included I. Charles Sumner II. William H. Seward III. Edwin Stanton IV. Thaddeus Stevens (A) I only (B) III only (C) I and IV only (D) II and III only (E) I, III and IV only


The two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil were (A) Shiloh & Chancellorsville (B) Bull Run & Vicksburg (C) Gettysburg and Antietam (D) Peninsula Campaign & Fredericksburg (E) New Orleans & Bangor.


Which of the following would best characterize the basic principle behind Lincoln's reconstruction plan? (A) an example should be made to discourage future rebellions (B) the Democratic Party should be illegal (C) the South could not legally secede (D) the South had to be readmitted to the Union like a new territory (E) the Republicans must have time to consolidate their political gains.


"Jim Crow" laws were laws that (A) effectively prohibited blacks from voting in state and local elections (B) restricted American Indians to U.S. government reservations (C) restricted open-range ranching in the Great Plains (B) restricted American Indians to U.S. government reservations (C) restricted open-range ranching in the Great Plains (D) established separate segregated facilities for blacks and whites (E) restricted the consumption and distribution of alcohol within the limits of pro-temperance communities.


. In the eighteenth century, the view of American whites generally about slavery was that it (A) was wrong for religious and moral reasons (B) should not be hereditary (C) would soon fade as an economic practice (D) affected white people in its political and social impact (E) was a dangerous practice that could bring violence and race war.


General Winfield Scott's "Anaconda" strategy for securing a Union victory over the Confederate States I. proposed a naval blockade of the European countries shipping the Confederacy military supplies. II. proposed a naval blockade of the Confederacy's Atlantic and Gulf coastlines. III. proposed to divide and subdivide the Confederacy by gaining control of the Mississippi, Tennessee, and Cumberland rivers. IV. was supported by the press as being prudent and brilliant. (A) I and II only (B) II and Ill only (C) III and IV only (D) I, II, and III only (E) II, III, and IV only.


In announcing the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln's immediate purpose was to (A) free black slaves in all of the slave states (B) free black slaves in only the border slave states which had remained loyal to the Union (C) let the Southern states know that whether or not they chose to secede from the Union, slavery would not be tolerated by his administration once he took office (D) rally Northern morale by giving the war a higher moral purpose than just preserving the Union (E) recruit freed blacks into the Union army and overcome the shortage of white soldiers in the army at that time.


In the presidential election of 1860, Abraham Lincoln (A) received strong support from the Southern yeomen farmers opposed to slavery (B) constantly reassured Southern slave-owners that he was not opposed to the extension of slavery (C) won a majority of the popular vote (D) failed to win a majority of the popular vote, but he won in the Electoral College (E) ran against Jefferson Davis and Stephen A. Douglas.


The "Crime of 1873" was (A) the blatant frauds exposed in the 1872 presidential election (B) the buying and selling of votes in attempts to defeat the Bland-Allison Silver Purchase Act (C) revelations of the Credit Mobilier rail road construction scandal (D) the decision by Congress to stop the coinage of silver (E) the refusal of Congress to remain on the gold standard.


The slave states that remained in the Union included (A) Missouri, Kentucky, and Virginia (B) Delaware, Kentucky, and Tennessee (C) North Carolina, Tennessee, and Arkansas (D) Missouri, Kentucky, and Delaware (E) South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama


The term "Seward's Folly" referred to Secretary of State William Seward's (A) advocacy of a lenient policy toward the defeated Southern states (B) break with the majority radical faction of the Republican party in order to back President Andrew Johnson (C) belief that the Civil War could be avoided and the Union restored by provoking a war with Britain and France (D) negotiation of the purchase of Alaska from Russia (E) ill-fated attempt to gain the presidency in 1860.


Which is the correct chronological order to illustrate a cause-and -effect relationship among the following events leading to the Civil War? (A) South Carolina secedes, Election of Lincoln, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Dred Scott Decision, Kansas Nebraska Act (B) Kansas -Nebraska Act, Dred Scott Decision, South Carolina secedes, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Election of Lincoln (C) Dred Scott Decision, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Election of Lincoln, South Carolina secedes (D) Kansas-Nebraska Act, Dred Scott Decision, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Election of Lincoln, South Carolina secedes (E) Dred Scott Decision, Lincoln-Douglas Debates, Election of Lincoln, South Carolina secedes, Kansas- Nebraska Act.


Which of the following sources would not be useful in understanding the military campaigns of the Civil War? (A) Newspaper accounts (B) Diaries kept by soldiers (C) Photographs (D) Presidential speeches (E) Official unit histories.


"War is at best barbarism . . . . .Its glory is all moonshine. It is only those who have neither fired a shot nor heard the shrieks and groans of the wounded who cry aloud for blood, more vengeance, more desolation. War is hell." 142. Which of the following was the author of the passage above? (A) Robert E. Lee (B) Abraham Lincoln (C) Jefferson Davis (D) John Wilkes Booth (E) William T. Sherman.


After the collapse of the Reconstruction governments, the men who came to power in the "New South" were called (A) Carpetbaggers (B) Scalawags (C) Copperheads (D) freedmen (E) redeemers.


Andrew Johnson was impeached primarily because (A) he was an alcoholic and made several major speeches while totally drunk (B) angry Northern Congressmen resented the fact that Johnson, a Southerner (from Tennessee) had become president following Lincoln's death and was administering Southern Reconstruction (C) members of Congress felt that Johnson's Reconstruction policies were too harsh and unfairly penalized former Confederate leaders trying to rebuild their economy (D) he demanded suffrage for blacks in addition to the abolition of slavery (E) he obstructed the enforcement of congressional Reconstruction policies that he felt were too harsh


In speaking of "scalawag," white Southerners of the Reconstruction era had reference to (A) former slaves who had risen to high positions within the Reconstruction governments of the southern states (B) Northerners who had come south to take up high positions within the Reconstruction governments of the southern states (C) the U.S. Army generals who served as military governors in the South (D) the Radical Republicans in Congress who imposed the Reconstruction regimes on the South (E) Southerners who supported or participated in the Reconstruction regimes.


In the presidential campaign of 1860, Abraham Lincoln ran on a platform that (A) reaffirmed the Republican party's support of John Brown (B) proposed the immediate abolition of slavery in the states (C) supported the passage of a fugitive slave code (D) promised to protect the rights of each state "to order and control its own domestic institutions" (E) avoided the issue of slavery in the states and territories.


The Trent Affair was important because (A) it discredited the revolutionary government in France in the eyes of most Americans (B) it prevented the Confederacy from being able to purchase several warships from Britain and France for use against Union shipping (C) it was the first clear case of treason by a United States official and it badly embarrassed the administration of John Adams (D) it resulted in the sinking of the Confederate raider, the Alabama (E) it nearly led to British recognition of the Confederacy and war between Britain and the Union


The biggest failure of Reconstruction governments was that they (A) failed to reestablish an effective plantation system to rejuvenate the South's devastated economy (B) were dominated by blacks, which aroused such white hostility that, combined with the inexperience of black legislators, doomed Reconstruction governments to failure (C) failed to reestablish an effective public education system in the occupied South (D) failed to effectively industrialize the South (E) failed to change basic white attitudes in the South and they were unable to effectively reorganize the South's social structure.


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