apush chapter 17 part 1
Brian's speech was promoting a stronger government role in (the):
American economic system
Republican presidential candidate William McKinley____.
Argued in favor of the gold standard
Who migrated to Kansas during the Kansas exodus?
In the south, the redeemers______.
Imposed a new racial order
The election of 1896___.
It is sometimes called the first modern presidential campaign
What court case would have contributed to the action seen in the cartoon?
Plessy v Ferguson
(Quote) William Jennings Bryan, 1896. The above statement would most likely been made by member of which political party?
The silver issue____.
Refers to the site to increase the money supply by minting silver money
The People's party platform would most benefit:
The Mountain West Great Plains
(Quote) people's party platform, 1896. Which of the following was a significant cause for the People's party to adopt this platform?
The increasing political power of industrial trusts and monopolies
By the end of the 19 century, African-American men in the south____.
Were forced out of politics and passed leader ship to African-American women activist such as those in the national Association of colored women.
At the end of the 19th century, lynching____.
What is an active violence directed mostly at black man