APUSH chapter 37 quizlet

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Two agreements also slowed the arms race between America and the Soviets, what were they?

1) An anti-ballistic missile (AMB) treaty limited the U.S. and the Soviet Union to two clusters of defensive missiles. 2) SALT (Strategic Arms Limitation Talks) froze the numbers of long-range nuclear missiles for 5 years.

Casualties in Vietnam exceeded what number?


In January 1968, the Viet Cong (VC) attacked what?

27 key South Vietnamese cities, including Saigon

How many new Nixon-appointed members did the supreme court have by the end of 1971?


What discouraged U.S. troops from being used in other countries' wars began to take hold?

A new feeling of "New Isolationism"

The Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 did what?

Abolished the quota system that had been in place since 1921. It also doubled the number of immigrants allowed to enter the country annually.

On January 23, 1973, North Vietnamese negotiators agreed to a cease-fire agreement. This agreement was really just a disguised what?

American retreat.

In 1972, Nixon visited China and paved the way for improved relations between the United States and whom?


Who was appointed as a Justice to the Supreme Court in 1953 that made many controversial rulings?

Earl Warren

Who entered the race for the 1968 Democratic presidential nomination?

Eugene McCarthy and Robert F. Kennedy

Senator George McGovern won the 1972 Democratic nomination. What did he base his campaign on?

He based his campaign on pulling out of Vietnam in 90 days.

Who won the Democratic nomination and what did he support?

Hubert H. Humphrey, vice president of Johnson, Humphrey supported the increased use of force in Vietnam.

what started the Six-Day War?

In June 1967, Israel launched a pre-emptive attack on Egypt's airforce

Racially-motivated violence continued to spread as the militant Black Panther party emerged. What did they do?

It openly carried weapons in the streets of Oakland, California. Stokely Carmichael preached the doctrine of Black Power, which emphasized racial pride and the creation of black political and cultural parties.

In November 1973, Congress passed the War Powers Act. What did this do?

It required the president to tell Congress within 48 hours about all commitments of U.S. troops to foreign conflicts.

The sources of immigration shifted from Europe to where?

Latin America and Asia.

The Democrats nominated whom to run for president for the election of 1964?

Lyndon Johnson

Who overwhelmingly won the election of 1964?

Lyndon Johnson

Nixon expanded the Great Society programs by increasing funding for what programs?

Medicare, Medicaid, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC).

What agencies did Nixon created that gave the federal government more control over businesses?

Nixon created the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OHSA), and the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC)

In the spring of 1972, the North Vietnamese burst through the demilitarized zone separating the two Vietnams. How did Nixon respond?

Nixon ordered massive bombing attacks on strategic centers, halting the North Vietnamese offensive.

Who won the election of 1772?

President Nixon,won the election of 1972 in a landslide.

Who won the election of 1968?

Richard Nixon

The Republicans nominated whom?

Richard Nixon for president and Spiro T. Agnew for vice president. The Republican platform called for a victory in Vietnam and a strong anticrime policy

The Republicans chose whom?

Senator Barry Goldwater

No president since Lincoln had done more for civil rights than LBJ. But, what sucked tax dollars away from LBJ's Great Society programs?

The Vietnam War

Johnson used the event to get Congress to pass the Tonkin Gulf Resolution. What did this do?

This basically let the president use unrestricted force (at his discretion) in Southeast Asia.

By the middle of March 1965, "Operation Rolling Thunder" had begun. What was this?

This involved regular bombing attacks against North Vietnam.

Nixon's southern strategy helped him win the Southern vote. What did this tragedy consist of?

This strategy consisted of opposing civil rights for African-Americans.

On August 2nd and August 4th, two U.S. ships were allegedly fired upon. Johnson called the attack "unprovoked" and moved to use the incident for what?

To make political gains

In an attempt to end the liberal rulings, President Nixon set to whom replace the retiring Earl Warren in 1969.?

Warren E. Burger

What slowed the sexual revolution?

Worries in the 1980s of AIDS and other sexually-transmitted diseases

Days after the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was passed, what erupted?

a bloody riot erupted in Watts, a black ghetto in Los Angeles. The Watts explosion marked increasing militant confrontation in the black struggle.

What were the Pentagon Papers?

a leaked, top-secret Pentagon study that documented the deceptions of the previous presidential administrations, in regards to the Vietnam War.

What was The Stonewall Rebellion?

a series of riots that emerged when off-duty police officers attacked gay men.

Johnson started a "War on Poverty." What was domestic program, called the "Great Society"?

a set of New Dealish economic and welfare measures tried to reduce poverty and racial discrimination

To conserve oil,what MPH was imposed?

a speed limit of 55

Cambodia, which was officially neutral in the war, bordered South Vietnam. The North Vietnamese had been using Cambodia as what?

a springboard for troops, weapons, and supplies

In regards to the Great Society plan, LBJ's big four legislative achievements were what?

aid to education, medical care for the elderly and poor, immigration reform, and a new voting rights bill.

Who was Malcolm X?

an African-American Muslim minister who rallied black separatism. In 1965, he was shot and killed by a rival Nation of Islam.

On June 5, 1968, Robert Kennedy was shot and killed by whom?

an Arab immigrant resentful of the Kennedy's pro-Israel views.

The embargo caused what in America and several other countries?

an economic recession

What did LBJ believe would defeat the enemy?

an orderly escalation of American force in Vietnam

Where did The Free Speech movement take place?

at the University of California at Berkeley in 1964.

In 1960s in America, a negative attitude toward all kinds of what took hold?


More of what weapon had been used in Vietnam than in World War II?


On April 4, 1968, Martin Luther King, Jr. was shot and killed, where and by whom?

by a sniper in Memphis, Tennessee

Cambodia was taken over by the cruel dictator Pol Pot, who later did what?

committed genocide of over 2 million people over a span of a few years.

President Johnson began to doubt the wisdom of what?

continuing to send troops to Vietnam

The Tet Offensive ended in a military defeat for the VC, but it caused the American public to do what?

demand an immediate end to the war.

In May 1972, Nixon traveled to Moscow and negotiated what?

détente, or relaxed tensions between the Soviet Union and China.

This ended the "Bretton Woods" system of international currency stabilization, which was the agreement that what?

each country would tie its monetary exchange rate to gold.

Black voter registration eventually increased, and by the late 1960s, several hundred blacks held what?

elected positions in the South

The Civil writes also created the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) to do what?

eliminate discrimination in hiring (race, national origin, gender).

By the 1960s, gay men and lesbians were increasingly what?

emerging and demanding sexual tolerance.

Nixon ordered a two-week bombing campaign of North Vietnam in an attempt to do what?

force the North Vietnamese to the peace table.

President Nixon brought knowledge and expertise in what to the presidency?

foreign affairs

On March 31, 1968, President Johnson stated that he would do what?

freeze American troop levels and gradually shift more responsibility to the South Vietnamese. Bombings would also be scaled down. He also declared that he would not be a candidate for the presidency in 1968.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did what?

gave the federal government more power to enforce school-desegregation orders and to prohibit racial discrimination in public accommodations and employment.

He also created the Supplemental Security Income (SSI), doing what?

giving benefits to the poor aged, blind, and disabled.

Senator William Fulbright held a series of televised hearings in 1966 and 1967 in which he did what?

he convinced the public that it had been deceived about the causes and "winnability" of the war.

When Defense Secretary McNamara expressed discomfort about the war, what happened to him?

he was quietly removed from office.

Nixon's Philadelphia Plan of 1969 required construction-trade unions to establish quotas for what?

hiring black employees

American support helped Israel win the war, but it caused the Arab nations (OPEC) to do what?

impose an oil embargo on the United States.

The Philadelphia plan changed the definition of "affirmative action" to do what? What court case upheld this?

include preferable treatment on groups, not individuals; the Supreme Court's ruling on Griggs v. Duke Power Co. (1971) upheld this. Whites protested this decision, calling it "reverse discrimination."

Nixon and Kissinger wanted to get the Soviet Union and China to pressure North Vietnam into what?

into peace

Despite assurances to the American public that Cambodia's neutrality was being respected, what was discovered? How did Nixon respond?

it was discovered that secret bombing raids on North Vietnamese forces in Cambodia had taken place since March of 1969; this caused the public to question trust of the government. Nixon ended the bombings in June 1973.

By early 1968, the Vietnam War had become the longest and most unpopular foreign war in the nation's history. The government failed to do what?

justify the war

What did the 26th Amendment do?

lowered the voting age to 18

LBJ was persuaded by his advisors that an easy victory in Vietnam could be achieved by what? How did he respond? "

massive aerial bombing and large troop commitments. He did not want to continue to escalate the fighting, though, and this offended the war "hawks." His refusal to end the war also offended the war "doves.

Antiwar demonstrations increased significantly as what happened?

more and more American soldiers died in the Vietnam War.

The Free Speech Movement was one of the first what?

organized protests against established authority

The Clean Air Act of 1970 and the Endangered Species Act of 1973 both aimed at what?

protecting and preserving the environment.

OPEC (Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries) lifted the embargo in 1974, but it did what?

quadrupled the price of oil.

President Johnson convinced Congress to pass the Civil Rights Act of 1964, banning what? What did this strengthen?

racial discrimination in most private facilities open to the public, It strengthened the federal government's power to end segregation in schools and other public places.

The National Endowments for the Arts and the Humanities was designed to do what?

raise the level of American cultural life

During the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Syria and Egypt tried to do what?

regain the territory that they had lost to Israel during the Six-Day War.

From the 1950s to the 1970s, educated people became more secular while uneducated people became more what?


Gideon v. Wainwright (1963)

ruled that all criminals were entitled to legal counsel, even if they were unable to afford it.

Engel v. Vitale (1962) and School District of Abington Township vs. Schempp (1963)

ruled that public schools could not require prayers or Bible reading.

Reynolds vs. Sims (1964)

ruled that the state legislatures would be required to be reapportioned according to population.

Escobedo (1964) and Miranda (1966)

ruled that those who were arrested had to the "right to remain silent." (Miranda warning)

Protests erupted at Kent State University, in which the National Guard did what?

shot 4 students.

In response to racial violence across the South, Congress passed the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which did what?

sought to prohibit minorities from being disenfranchised (through poll taxes, literacy tests, etc).

In 1967, Johnson ordered the CIA to do what?

spy on domestic antiwar activists.

Griswold v. Connecticut (1965)

struck down a state law that banned the use of contraceptives, even by married couples, creating a "right to privacy."

Johnson gave educational aid to whom? .

students, not schools

On November 3, 1969, Nixon delivered a televised speech to the "silent majority," who presumably did what?

supported the war; he hoped to gain supporters.

In 1965, President Johnson issued an executive order requiring all federal contractors to do what?

take "affirmative action" against discrimination

The conflict in Vietnam became very Americanized. Pro-war hawks argued what?

that if the United Sates left Vietnam, other nations would doubt America's word and succumb to communism.

Nixon withdrew the troops from Cambodia on June 29, 1970, although the bitterness between whom increased?

the "hawks" and the "doves"

In the War on Poverty, Congress it created two new cabinet offices, what were they?

the Department of Transportation and the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD)

Following the six days war, Israel gained the territories of what?

the Golan Heights, the Gaza Strip, and the West Bank

Congress passed many bills in support of what?

the Great Society plan

In the War on Poverty, Congress gave more money to whom?

the Office of Economic Opportunity

What was the Nixon Doctrine?

the United States would honor its existing defense commitments but in the future, Asians and other countries would have to fight their own wars without the support of large numbers of American troops.

The Republican and Democrat candidates supported what in the election of 1968?

the Vietnam War

By the end of the 1960s, students for a Democratic Society (SDS) had created an underground terrorist group called what?

the Weathermen.

The 1960s also witnessed a "sexual revolution." The introduction of what made unwanted pregnancies easy to avoid?

the birth control pill

In 1965, Congress created Medicare for whom and Medicaid for whom?

the elderly, the poor

On April 29, 1970, President Nixon ordered American forces to attack whom?

the enemy in Cambodia.

Goldwater attacked what?

the federal income tax, the Social Security System, the Tennessee Valley Authority, civil rights legislation, the nuclear test-ban treaty, and the Great Society.

In 1962, Rachel Carson's book Silent Spring exposed what?

the harmful effects of pesticides.

Leader of the free speech movement Mario Savio condemned what?

the impersonal university "machine."

The American Independent party, headed by George C. Wallace, called for what?

the of segregation of blacks.

President Johnson realized the problem that few blacks were registered to vote. The 24th Amendment, passed in 1964, abolished what?

the poll tax in federal elections

Conservatives said that poverty could not be fixed by the Great Society programs, but what actually happened?

the poverty rate did decline in the following decade.

The upheavals of the 1960s could be attributed to the three Ps, what were they?

the youthful population bulge, protest against racism and the Vietnam War, and the apparent permanence of prosperity.

The two great communist powers, the Soviet Union and China, disagreed over what?

their interpretations of Marxism.

Nixon and his national security advisor, Dr. Henry A. Kissinger, used the Chinese-Soviet tension to do what?

to play off one country against the other.

Nixon started a policy called "Vietnamization," which was what?

to withdraw 540,000 U.S. troops from South Vietnam. The South Vietnamese, with American money, weapons, training, and advice, would then gradually take over the war. Nixon did not want to end the war; he wanted to win it by other means.

Worried about inflation, Nixon imposed a 90-day wage freeze and then did what?

took the nation off the gold standard (devaluing the dollar).

Johnson also encouraged the FBI to do what?

use its counterintelligence program, code-named "Cointelpro," to investigate members of the peace movement.

The United States agreed to sell the Soviets at least $750 million worth of what?

wheat, corn, and other cereals.

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