APUSH Cold War and Containment and the 50's

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In The Crack in the Picture Window, John Keats described suburban life as:

"homogeneous, postwar Hell"

Houses in Levittown in the mid-1950s all sold for just under:


The United States experienced a shock in 1949 when Communists took over:


By the spring of 1945, the United States and Britain were becoming deeply concerned over Soviet actions in:

Eastern Europe

Since the nineteenth century, Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia had been ruled by:


The Egyptian leader who seized the Suez Canal was:

Gamal Abdel Nasser

In 1956, a Soviet invasion of Hungary was sparked by:

Hungary's attempt to leave the Warsaw Pact

Which of the following is NOT true of the GI Bill?

Its huge cost did not justify its benefits.

All of the following were original NATO members EXCEPT:


In 1958, Eisenhower sent U.S. Marines into:


The location of William Levitt's first suburban development was:

Long Island

The African American writer who explored the theme of social alienation in Invisible Man was:

Ralph Ellison

The 1948 election is probably best remembered for:

Truman's upset victory

Ho Chi Minh's primary goal was:

Vietnamese independence

The Reverend Norman Vincent Peale emphasized:

a cheerful approach to life and religion

The theologian Reinhold Niebuhr emerged as:

a critic of social conformity and complacency

UN forces reaching the Yalu River brought about:

a massive Chinese intervention

The arrest of Rosa Parks in Montgomery, Alabama, in 1955 inspired:

a massive bus boycott

Life magazine's ideal woman of the mid-1950s was:

a white suburban housewife

During the 1948 presidential campaign, Truman endorsed all of the following EXCEPT:

abolishing Social Security

Jackson Pollack pioneered the style of painting known as:

abstract expressionism

At the 1948 Democratic convention, Minneapolis mayor Hubert Humphrey urged his party to:

adopt a strong civil rights plank

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947:

allowed the president to impose a "cooling-off" period during major strikes

Howl was:

an explicit prose poem by Allen Ginsberg

The result of the 1956 election was:

apparent voter approval of Eisenhower's "modern Republicanism"

Dulles's policy of "brinksmanship" involved:

averting war through the threat of nuclear force

The fact that "We Shall Overcome" became the civil rights anthem showed the powerful influence in the movement of:

black evangelical churches

While college enrollments soared in the postwar period:

black veterans encountered barriers to entrance

One of rock and roll's most important contributions was to:

bridge class and racial divisions

The Korean War did all of the following EXCEPT:

bring about major changes in boundaries

The postwar economic boom was fueled mainly by:

cold war-related military spending

The islands of Quemoy and Matsu were:

controlled by the Chinese Nationalists

In retrospect, the material successes of the 1950s:

created new problems that would be addressed in the 1960s

One major way Eisenhower's conservatism was revealed was in his determination to:

cut taxes and government spending

Alan Freed was a notable:

disc jockey

The 1954 Geneva Accords:

divided Vietnam until elections two years later

Secretary of State John Foster Dulles could be viewed as a Calvinist in that he:

divided the world into forces of good and evil

When Castro came to power, the Eisenhower administration was most alienated by:

fears that Cuba would become Communist

Soviet and Communist activities in regard to Turkey and Greece were intended to:

gain the Soviets access to the Mediterranean

With the end of World War II, women workers were encouraged to:

give up their jobs to returning veterans

All of the following are true of Harry Truman EXCEPT that he:

had an Ivy League education

Ultimately, the Beats:

helped inspire the youth revolt of the 1960s

A major economic problem President Truman faced immediately after the war was:

high rates of inflation

FBI director J. Edgar Hoover blamed rising rates of juvenile delinquency on:

lack of religious values

Truman's response to the Soviet blockade of West Berlin in 1948 was to:

launch a massive airlift of supplies into West Berlin

Given his own personal views on the matter, Eisenhower's support for civil rights would be:

mainly left up to the courts

Truman viewed his victory as a mandate for:

moderate liberalism

Montgomery showed African Americans and the civil rights movement the power of:

nonviolent protest

The GI Bill did all of the following EXCEPT:

pay veterans large bonuses to remain in the military

The new president of South Vietnam, Ngo Dinh Diem

proved to be corrupt and authoritarian

The Yalta pledges of democratic elections in Eastern Europe:

proved to be meaningless

The Hiss-Chambers case:

resulted in Hiss's conviction for perjury

In regard to New Deal programs, Eisenhower:

retained most and even expanded some of them

The music Alan Freed labeled rock and roll was actually:

rhythm and blues

State Department official George Kennan:

said the United States should contain Soviet expansionist tendencies

In response to the Little Rock crisis of 1957, Eisenhower:

sent 1,000 federal troops to protect black students

Between 1945 and 1960, home ownership:

significantly increased

The baby boom:

started in 1946

In the Brown decision, the Supreme Court:

struck down "separate but equal" in public education

When the Israelis, British, and French opposed Egypt in the Suez War, the Eisenhower administration:

supported Arab nationalism

When confronted with strikes in the coal and railroad industries in 1946, President Truman's response was to:

temporarily seize those industries

All of the following were established by the National Security Act of 1947 EXCEPT:

the Department of Homeland Security

One sign of the times came in 1954 when Congress added the words "under God" to:

the Pledge of Allegiance

In the aftermath of the Brown decision, all of the following defended segregation EXCEPT:

the Southern Christian Leadership Conference

The Eisenhower administration was deeply embarrassed when:

the Soviets shot down an American spy plane

Senator Joseph McCarthy's power began to unravel when he made reckless charges about Communist influence in:

the U.S. Army

When North Korean Communists invaded South Korea:

the United Nations authorized military intervention against the aggressors

Toward the end of the Eisenhower presidency, the country could celebrate:

the addition as states of Alaska and Hawaii

One major reason for religion's growing appeal in the 1950s was:

the desire to combat godless communism

In 1947, President Truman took actions to banish Communists from:

the federal government

In his farewell address, Eisenhower warned about:

the power of the military-industrial complex

Willy Loman was:

the tragic lead character in Death of a Salesman

To help bring about an armistice in Korea, Eisenhower:

threatened the Communists with atomic weapons

In The Lonely Crowd, David Riesman described the dominant corporate personality as one who:

tried to please people and gain the boss's favor

By the 1950s, suburban life was marked by an increasing:


By the end of the Eisenhower years, public school integration:

was still massively opposed in the Deep South

The Civil Rights Acts of 1957 and 1960:

were largely ineffective

In The Affluent Society, John Kenneth Galbraith pointed out the:

persistence of poverty

The Twenty-second Amendment:

prohibited presidents from serving more than two terms

The Warren Court's 1957 decision in regard to the Smith Act:

protected free political expression

After the war, Americans were most eager to:


One major reason that World War II inspired postwar changes in race relations was the:

racist nature of the enemies of the United States

In regard to the Rosenbergs, who had been convicted of atomic espionage, President Eisenhower:

refused to halt their executions

To President Eisenhower, the most important reason to construct the interstate highway system was to:

strengthen national defense

Elvis was especially controversial because of his:

suggestive gyrations on stage

When North Korea attacked South Korea, Truman concluded:

that Stalin and the Soviets were behind it

Between 1945 and 1960 in the United States:

the gross national product almost doubled

Before becoming president, Eisenhower was most shaped by his experience in:

the military

In 1948, President Truman desegregated:

the military

Most blacks who moved to Chicago were fleeing terrible poverty in:

the rural South

The postwar era witnessed its most dramatic population growth in:

the sunbelt

By and large, Truman's Fair Deal proposals:

were thwarted by a conservative coalition in Congress

Inch'on was the site:

where General MacArthur turned the war around with a surprise landing

During the 1950s, the income gap between whites and blacks:


All of the following were sources of Dwight David Eisenhower's political appeal EXCEPT his:

years as a leader in Congress

In regard to Israel's founding in 1948, the United States:

became the first country to recognize the Jewish state

President Truman vetoed the McCarran Internal Security Act:

because he felt it promoted thought control

By 1960, about 65 percent of Americans:

belonged to a church

In the postwar era, the trend in the corporate sector was toward:

bigness and concentration

In the 1950s, teenagers became especially important as:


As a leader, Eisenhower:

could be quietly effective

Permanent members of the United Nations Security Council:

each have veto power over major UN decisions

On the domestic front, President Truman soon made clear his intention to:

expand the New Deal

Senator McCarthy was very effective in:

exploiting public fears

All of the following increased through the postwar years EXCEPT:

family savings

The youthful rebels known as the Beats:

favored road trips, Buddhism, and jazz

In retrospect, the cold war was probably:


In the 1948 campaign, the Dixiecrats did all of the following EXCEPT:

influence Truman to slow down on civil rights

To Eisenhower and Dulles, one big advantage of emphasizing nuclear weapons as part of a deterrence strategy would be that:

it would save money

In the immediate postwar period, much of Africa and Asia was swept by movements devoted to:


Suburban growth was spurred by all of the following EXCEPT:

new construction of mass public transportation

Blacks who moved to northern cities found:

new problems and forms of exploitation

By the early 1950s, the United States was supporting the French effort against the Viet Minh:

only financially

The Soviet acquisition of the atomic bomb in 1949 inspired Truman to:

order the development of a hydrogen bomb

Baseball was integrated in 1947 when Jackie Robinson played for the:

Brooklyn Dodgers

The secretary of state who devised the plan of massive economic recovery aid to Europe was:

George Marshall

The 1946 congressional elections resulted in:

Republican control of Congress

One notable aspect of the 1952 election was:

Republican gains in the South

The person who benefited most from the outcome of the Hiss-Chambers case was:

Richard Nixon

As the 1948 election approached:

Truman seemed to be in deep political trouble

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