APUSH final

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unemployed men marching to the nations capital to petition the government

according to the excerpt, what did coxeys army have in common with the bonus marchers

they questioned his right to criticize the war

according to king, how did many americans respond to his increasing criticism of the war in vietnam

dropping the atomic bomb would prevent the additional loss of human lives that might result from a prolonged war

according to the excerpt, which is the most likely reason that president truman decided to drop atomic bombs on hiroshima and nagasaki


according to the excerpt, which of the following mattered LEAST when it came to the employment of african americans in the south

the creation of trusts

business leaders used the ideas above to justify

containing communism

by striving to prevent "disturbances arriving as a result of the desperation of the people" the author hopes to support which larger us strategy

congress was holding televised hearings on the watergate affair

by the time this cartoon was published in the boston globe

the lack of women in positions of power in the highest echelons of government and business

chisholms proposal for an equal rights amendment most directly reflects which of the following

the soviet union sought to expand its area of influence after world war II

churchill's description of an iron curtain vest serves as evidence of

fannie lou hamer and the mississippi freedom democratic party

despite the success of the advertisement, a significant challenge to the democratic party game from

americans postwar emphasis on conformity to white, middle class norms

he community depicted in the image reflects

they questioned his patriotism and tried to get him to postpone or cancel the march

how did members of the roosevelt administration initially react to his plan for an all black march on washington dc

they were ceded by spain after the war of 1898

how did the us acquire the philippines and guam

they were usually paid less than men

how were american women discriminated against in the war effort

the idea that american involvement overseas was interfering with progress at home

kings denunciation of american involvement in vietnam has the most in common with

the belief that home ownership is a key guarantor of success

long's endorsement of a homestead allowance reflects which of the following

manifest destiny

mahan's opinion can be compared to what earlier philosophy?

the creation of the fair employment practices committee

one direct effect of a phillip randolphs threatened march on washington was

it further undermined hoover's reputation

one direct effect of the armys troops attack on the bonus marchers was that

college educated women were able to find a social niche outside the home

one direct effect of the settlement movement espoused by addams was that

it did not include domestic workers, thereby shutting out many african americans

one limitation of the original social security act was

widespread racist violence, such as lynchings

one of the reasons for the worsening of conditions for african americans in the south was

the outbreak of race riots as white immigrants viewed blacks as competitors for jobs

one significant effect of the move to chicago and other northern cities was

an economic aid plan to ensure that the standard of living in western european countries would be significantly higher than that of eastern europe

one significant effect of the situation described by churchill was

rise of the sunbelt as a political and economic force

one significant result of the economic trend described in the excerpt was the

the expansion of federal power through the department of justice, which was authorized to monitor voting activity

one significant result of the voting rights act was

passage of the emergency banking act

president roosevelt's comment that "things are a little better than they were two months ago" refers to

germanys policy of unrestricted submarine warfare and the Zimmerman telegraph

president wilson ended the policy of us neutrality in response to which of the following

a nation's right to self determination

president wilson's declaration of war most directly reflects which principle

convince the american public to support entrance into ww1

publication of this telegram in the united states newspapers helped to

uncle toms cabin

rachel carson's silent spring can be compared to

the idea that government could provide citizens with some aid to deal with life's vicissitudes

the advertisement for social security most directly reflects which of the following developments

previous american disagreements and distrust of government during the vietnam war and watergate

the bitterness and divisions described by the author are a continuation of

barry goldwater

the campaign ad of the little girl helped to detail which presidential nominee

fear of nuclear war

the campaign ad of the little girl reflects which of the following developments

the cuban missile crisis

the cartoon in which stalin is depicted as a dentist is associated with

the involvement of american businesses in developing products that would help the war effort

the development of the atomic bomb was accompanied by similar breakthroughs in medicine and technology. which of the following best explains these advances?

the belief that a handful of people were pushing the country into war

the excerpt from lindberghs radio address best serves as evidence of which of the following

the idea of collective action to improve urban and industrial society

the excerpt from twenty years at hull house msot directly reflects which of the following

african americans are entitled to the same rights they had fought to protect overseas

the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following

the rhetoric accompanying world war II created an increased awareness of racial inequalities in society

the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following

the desire for international cooperation that would stave off future world war and ensure a standard of international behavior

the excerpt reflects which of the following motives for declaration

substantial social and economic limitations placed on women in the postwar period

the feminine mystique was written in response to

us isolationism after world war I to us international involvement after world war II

the idea expressed in the excerpt mark a complete shift from

a shift from international involvement to isolationism

the ideas described in the excerpt are an example of which of the following developments in the early 1900s?

the birthrate in the united states

the ideas expressed in FM contributed to

a number of americans violated the law prohibiting the production of alcohol

the image best serves as evidence of which of the following

the federal government can promote moral behavior

the image depicting the destruction of a still by federal agents most directly reflects which of the following

the soviet union hoped to gain supremacy in space technology

the image of sputnik serves as evidence of which of the following

he post civil war creations of corporations if a size not previously known in the US

the image of vanderbilt controlling his rail empire reflects which of the following

economic prosperity in the us, as europeans spent money in american goods

the implementation of the idea expressed in the excerpt most directly led to

the 1920s

the increased culture of consumerism during the 1950s is similar to

the supreme court ruling in schneck v. united states

the main point argued in the excerpt is most consistent with the sentiments presented in which of the following?

the lack of voting rights in the south for african americans prior to the passage of the voting rights acts

the map above directly reflects

american territorial acquistions in the pacific

the map of the american empire in 1900 reflects which of the following

the meat processing scandal exposed by the Jungle

the political cartoon featuring president theodore roosevelt trying to clean up a mess most directly reflects which of the following

the passage of the pure food and drug act

the problem highlighted in the cartoon led to

fords pardon of nixon in september 1974

the process of healing was most directly begun by

social darwinism

the quotation above most clearly illustrates the ideas supported by

de facto segregation

the sale of homes depicted in the image led to the continuation of

tensions over continuing segregation and discrimination in the public and private sectors

the sentiments expressed in the excerpt highlight the

Roosevelt Corollary

the sentiments expressed in the platt amendment are most similar to those expressed in

the second new deal

the social security act was one of the most significant accomplishments of which the following

the suburbs promoted uniformity in thought and behavior

what best reflects the views of the growth of the suburbs

the soviet unions desire to create a buffer zone between themselves and germany

what contributed most directly to the situation depicted by churchill bear russians western borders

he instituted a peacetime draft

what could serve as evidence that FDR believed that us entry into the war was inevitable much earlier than most americans

levittowns refusal to sell homes to african americans

what could serve as evidence to support mumford's contentions in the excerpt


what group criticized and rejected the type of suburban community


what group would be almost affected by a railroad monoplys ability to charge any freight rate

his belief that the french under which many african american troops served treated them better than their white american counterparts

what would prompt francis grimke to refer to "liberty, equality, and fraternity?"

washington's farewell address

which founding document could lodge use to most directly support his argument

increasing the size of the us navy

which of the following actions by teddy roosevelt best reflects the ideal of the above quote

the violent response to voting rights demonstrations in selma

which of the following contributed most directly to the passage of the voting rights act

the civilian conservation corps

which of the following could not be attributed to the influence of carson's writing

two car families

which of the following developments is most closely related to suburbanization

he considered him a dangerous demagogue

which of the following expresses FDR's view of long

a surge in the national birthrate

which of the following factors directly contributed to the economic trend that Patterson describes

muckraking journalists

which of the following groups contributed most directly to exposing economic, social, and political evils in the progressive era

african americans in the us

which of the following groups would question the efficacy of the universal declaration

rural louisianans

which of the following groups would support the perspective of huey long in this excerpt

it sought to be part of the community, rather than offer help from above

which of the following is significant about hull house and its place in the community

they were racially integrated group of wwI veterans who camped together

which of the following is the most accurate characterization of the bonus army

it provided the president with the power to unilaterally make war

which of the following most accurately describes the resolution excerpted above

the fear that us labor strikes were linked to the russian revolution

which of the following most directly led to the post war red scare

his ability to connect with his audience in a personal way

which of the following most directly led to the widespread public support that roosevelt enjoyed his first term

more women entered the workforce than ever before and did jobs that had been previously only open to men

which of the following most directly reflects how world war II impacted american women

president nixon's denial of the watergate break-in is implausible

which of the following most directly reflects the meaning of the cartoon

the lack of evidence of a widespread conspiracy

which of the following precipitated the end of the palmer raids

the gilded age

which of the following refers to the accumulation and lavish spending of wealth by some american capitalists in the post civil war era

they sparked discussion and helped to promote interest in a world beyond the self

which of the following reflects the effect of silent spring, other america, and the feminine mystique

the idea that the us had a mission to foster democracy and protestant christian civilization

which of the following was a contributing factor to us expansion in the pacific

the growth of organized crime

which of the following was a direct effect of prohibition

an urgency to ratify international treaties limiting the arms race

which of the following was a long term response to the cuban missile crisis

the mounting of a grassroots campaign that successfully prevented its ratification by the states

which of the following was a significant effect of passage of the equal rights amendment by the house and senate

the armed forces eventually integrated over a number of years

which of the following was an effect of truman's executive order

the creation of a new federal agency and expanded funding for education

which of the following was an immediate consequence of the sputnik launch

republican leaders in congress

which of the following would most likely have supported lindberghs views before 1941

a democrat who voted against the president

which one of the following would agree with the nixon cartoon

as a result of u-2 plane surveillance, eisenhower knew that the us was actually far ahead in missile development

why could americans panic about the launch of sputnik be considered excessive

women were used in technical occupations such as telegraphy and nursing, which freed males for combat roles

why were women recruited as members of the army and navy during world war II

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