APUSH Final Chapters 1-41

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Fundamental Orders

Essentially a modern constitution, founded by the settlers of the Connecticut River colony. Democratic law controlled by the "substantial" citizens.

Dominion of New England

Grouping made by London, tried to defend the colonies from wars but also make them more submissive to the English government.

Oliver Cromwell

Puritan Soldier, defeated King Charles and ruled England for almost 10 years.

William Penn

Quaker who was in search of religious tolerance and eventually founded Pennsylvania due to a grant of land from the king.


A Native American empire in Mexico, one of the biggest and most advanced empires in the Americas. Eventually conquered by Hernán Cortés in 1521.

Noche Triste

(Sad Night), a night when the Aztecs attacked Cortés and his people (June 30, 1520) after the Spaniards had exhausted their welcome.


A Portuguese type of ship that could sail closely into the wind, which helped them sail south along West Africa.

Francisco Coronado

A Spanish soldier and commander who in 1540 led people north from Mexico into Arizona. He wanted to find the Seven Cities of Gold, but only found Adobe pueblos.

Battle of Acoma

A battle between the Spaniards and the Pueblo people (in New Mexico), where the Spaniards took off one foot of each Pueblo survivor.


A grant of (written) authority for the king, these governed the royal colonies.

Massachusetts Bay Colony

A group of much more moderate puritans, who wanted to make a colony in Massachusetts. Many believed they had a covenant w/G-d.


A huge settlement in Mississippi that housed up to 25k people.

Great Migration

A time in the 1630s when many refugees left England. Most went to West Indies, but some went to Chesapeake and others to New England.

Treaty of Tordesillas

A treaty shared by Spain and Portugal, where they split up the lands of the New World. Mostly to Spain, but Portugal "got" some Africa, some Asia, and Brazil.

Yamasee Indians

A tribe of Indians who were eventually defeated by the South Carolinians.


A tribe of Indigenous people in Peru, who were one of the most developed civilizations in the Americas. Their agricultural techniques (including terrace farming) were how they managed to make a big society in the harsh Andes Mountains. They were eventually conquered by Spanish forces in 1532.

Anne Hutchinson

A woman who believed in antinomianism, and was eventually tried for her preachings. She claimed G-d was speaking to her, and this led to her being exiled heresy.

Christopher Columbus

An Italian explorer, known for being the leader of the first Europeans to arrive at the Americas who would eventually settle it.


An economic system that uses private property and a free market, that some scholars believe was fueled by the increase in prices in Europe after the Columbian Exchange.

Popé's Rebellion

An uprising in 1680, where the Pueblo people destroyed all the Catholic churches in New Mexico, killed priests and settlers, and then built religious chambers on the sites of those churches.


Basically slavery, but with the intent that the Indians being enslaved were being converted to Christianity.


Big agricultural location that grows crops for commercial use. Almost always uses indentured servants or slaves.


Big estates on the front of the Hudson River, granted to Dutch settlers who would settle 50+ people on them.

Royal African Company

British company that originally had a monopoly (but lost it eventually) on carrying slaves to the colonies.

Duke of York

Charles II's brother, who had been granted the rights to NY by Charles. Is the reason for New York's name.


Chieftain of an Indian tribe near Jamestown, father of Pocahontas. For a while tried to make peace w/settlers but eventually it turned into wars.

English Civil War

Civil War in England during Charles I's reign between those who liked Parliament and those who were Royalists.

Barbados Slave Code

Code that denied all rights to slaves and gave masters all those rights. This became the forerunner for much of American slavery.

Mayflower Compact

Contract signed by Pilgrim leaders, ended up being a forerunner to later constitutions. Agreed to follow majority will w/regulations.

3-sister farming

Cultivating maize, squash, and beans together-beans on the cornstalk trellis, and squash over the planting mounds (which kept moisture in).


Daughter of Powhatan, she eventually married John Rolfe to cause a peace treaty and went back to England, where she died.


Dealers who work between original goods-producers and the merchants who do the final sail. Muslim Middlemen's heavy tolls were part of why Europeans really wanted a direct passage to Asia.

Peter Stuyvesant

Director of New York colony, attacked the Swedish settlements near Delaware but was eventually defeated by the English.

Roger Williams

Disagreed with MBC about separation between church and state, and was eventually exiled. He went on to found the colony of Rhode Island.

James I

Elizabeth's nephew, king during the first settlement of Jamestown (hence the name)

Henry Hudson

English explorer who represented the Dutch and sailed into the Hudson River, giving the Dutch claim to New York.

John Rolfe

English settler, married Pocahontas. Fater of the Tobacco industry.

Second Anglo-Powhatan War

Final effort of the Indians to move the Virginians out, but it failed and ended in their banishment from white settlements-origins of reservation system.

Captain John Smith

First real leader of Jamestown, got the colonists to work, and began a small alliance between Powhatan's people and the colonists.

Roanoke Island

First settlement by the English in America, mysteriously disappeared and nobody raelly knows why.

Lord Baltimore

Founder of Maryland, Catholic, wanted religious tolerance.

Martin Luther

Founder of the Protestant Reformation, criticized Church and then broke from it and started his own church.

Robert de La Salle

French explorer, who had gone to the Mississippi river and claimed Louisiana for the French.

Sir Edmund Andros

Governor of the Dominion of New England, he was extremely unpopular, and was eventually kicked out of office and sent back to England.

Hernán Cortés

He conquered the Aztecs, who were at first welcoming to him but eventually grew tired of him.

Malinche (Doña Marina)

Hernán Cortés's translator, a Native American woman who helped him defeat them. Her name now means "traitor" in Spanish.

Headright system

If you paid for a worker to the colony, you got 50 acres of land in Maryland and Virginia.


In this case, Georgia, which protected the valuable southern colonies from Spain in Florida.

Giovanni Caboto (John Cabot)

Italian explorer, one of the first explorers sent by the English to the Americas. He went to North America, not South like most Spaniards did.

Protestant Reformation (England)

King Henry wanted to divorce his wife, but the Catholic church wouldn't let him, so he split from the church and created his own Church of England.

WIlliam III

King after Charles II, also King of the Netherlands. Was much more relaxed towards the colonies.

Henry VIII

King of England who split away from the Catholic Church and created Church of England, causing a huge rift b/w Catholics and Protestants for future generations.

Lord De La Warr

Later governor of Jamestown, who was much harsher towards the Indians around him as well as towards the settlers.


Laws saying that only eldest sons are eligible to inherit land.

Navigation Laws

Laws that tried to make American trade almost exclusively with England and English territories.

Bacon's Rebellion

Lots of ex-indentured servants and others who couldn't get jobs were angry with governor William Berkeley and rebelled against him, attacking Indians, and torching Jamestown. Led by Nathaniel Bacon.

Isabella of Castile

Married Ferdinand of Aragon, and united Spain, a catalyst for Columbus's adventure.

Ferdinand of Aragon

Married Isabella of Castile, and united Spain, a catalyst for Columbus's adventure.

Act of Toleration

Maryland religious statute, granted religious tolerance to all Xians but death penalty for non-Xians (atheists and Jews).

Metacom (King Philip)

Massasoit's son, who did not want English expansion, and led a war against the English. He was killed along with many others and his wife/child were enslaved, but it did slow English expansion.


Mohawk leader who helped form the Iroquois confederacy.

Tuscarora War

North Carolinian war against the Tuscarora Indians, selling many into slavery and leaving the rest to become part of the Iroquois confederacy.

James Oglethorpe

One of the original founders of Georgia, a political activist who esp advocated for prison reform.

Sir Walter Raleigh

Organizer of Roanoke Island, a settlement attempt which mysteriously vanished.

Blue Laws

Pennsylvania laws that prevented things like plays, cards, dice, games, and too much fun.


People who believed that the Church of England should be entirely reformed to go back to Christianity that they believed in, hated catholicism and liked calvinism.


People who lived on/worked a land with no legal right to it.

Indentured servants

People who volunteered to come work for exchange of passage to America for periods of time (generally 4-7 years) and who would eventually be granted freedom. Sort of predecessors to slaves, often treated very harshley.


People who were of mixed European and Indian heritage, who created a new mix of culture.

William Bradford

Pilgrim who was the second governor of Plymouth.

Elizabeth I

Queen of England, Henry VIII's daughter via his second wife, who really took control of the country after the rifts created between different Christian denominations and sent the first English attempts at settlement.


Religious teachings based on the teachings of John Calvin, based on Martin Luther's ideas but elaborated. Included predestination and the need to live a good life.


Showing that you're one of the elect people who are predestined for heaven.

Joint-Stock company

Similar to modern corporations, many adventurers would share their money to make a bigger company.

Charles II

Son of Charles I, brought back after Oliver Cromwell. He intended to be active governing the colonies, and disliked the MBC. He eventually gave Connecticut a charter and then revoked the MBC charter.

Sir Francis Drake

Sort-of pirate, supported by the English crown, who stole from the Spanish and gave a lot of money to his investors, including Queen Elizabeth.

Father Junipero Serra

Spanish Catholic Priest, who founded 21 missions in California from San Diego to Sonoma. Christianized them, but also meant that they lost contact w/native cultures.


Spanish explorers who came to the Americas looking for money and adventure (G-d, Gold, Glory). They eventually conquered the Incas, Aztecs and other tribes.

Francisco Pizarro

The conquistadore responsible for destroying the Incas in Peru.

John Winthrop

The first governor of Massachusetts Bay Colony who served on and off for over 19 years. Religious Puritan, disliked total democracy but was willing to compromise many aspects.

Canadian Shield

The first part of North America that went above sea level, in the Northeastern part of the continent.


The first successful settlement the English had in America, in Virginia.


The king of the Aztecs, who was initially hospitable to Cortés. Still was eventually killed when Cortés attacked.


The idea that the saved have already been saved and the not-saved have no chance of going to heaven.


The idea that those who were saved didn't need to obey any laws. (Greek meaning: against the law)

Columbian exchange

The intermingling and trading of living things (crops, food, animals, diseases) between the "old" and the "new" world upon Columbus's encounter with them.

Black Legend

The stories of the bad things that the Spaniards did in the Americas-encomienda, forced conversion, massacres, spread of diseases, etc.

Spanish Armada

The very large and powerful Spanish navy, which was defeated by the much weaker British navy in 1588. This defeat marked the end of the Spanish dominance in the New World.

John Calvin

Took Luther's ideas a step further, created Calvinism. He believed in predestination.


Wampanoag chief who met with the Pilgrims at first and managed to maintain relatively peaceful relations until his death.


Wanted to cut all ties with Church of England.

Pequot War

War between Connecticut Puritans and Pequot Indians, that ended in a slaughter/siege of a Pequot village and almost complete destruction of the Pequots.

King Philip's War

War between Metacom and New England, lead to many deaths. Eventually slowed English settlement expansion, but left bad defeat on the Indians and afterwards they posed very little threat.

First Anglo-Powhatan War

War using "irish tactics" against the Powhatans from 1610-1614, ended when Pocahontas married John Rolfe.

Salutary Neglect

When William/Mary came into power, they rarely enforced the Navigation Laws.

Glorious (or Bloodless) Revolution

When the English dethroned James II and replaced him with Protestant William and Mary.

Mary II

William III's wife, daughter of of King James II.

Bartolemé de Las Casas

a Spanish priest who wanted to defend the Natives and make their lives better, he disapproved of the ways the Spaniards were attacking them.


a country (under a unified government) where the people share a sense of national identity like culture and language

Iroquois Confederacy

a powerful group of Native Americans in the Northeast part of the United States made up of five nations: the Mohawk, Seneca, Cayuga, Onondoga, and Oneida.

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