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Lincoln's original plan for Reconstruction in 1863 was that a state could be re-integrated into the Union when:

10 percent of its voters took an oath of allegiance to the Union and pledged to abide by emancipation

Which Constitutional Amendment freed the slaves ("except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall have been duly convicted")?


Which Constitutional Amendment guaranteed citizenship to all persons born in the United States?


which Constitutional Amendment prohibited states from denying a diltenthe right to vote based on race, color, or former state of slavery?


The existence and growth of the "underground railroad" throughout the 1830s and 1840s added to southern demands for:

A stricter federal fugitive slave law

Which of the following was the primary market for cotton produced in the American south during the antebellum period?


The above selection represents how the emancipation proclamation was a turning point in the war for which or the following reasons?

Confirmed the Union insistence that the war was being fought to right the moral wrong of slavery, strengthening the Union both militarily and politically.

The ideas expressed in the cartoon most directly reflect which of the following continuities in United States history?

Debates about access to voting rights

The provision above overturned the:

Dred Scott v. Sandford decision

The above selection represents how the Emancipation Procamation was a turning point in the war for which of the following reasons?

It confirmed the Union insistence that the war was being fought to right the moral wrong of slavery, strengthening the Union both militarily and politically.

Which of the following would serve as a significant effect of the emancipation Proclamation?

Nearly 200,000 Black men would ultimately serve in the Union army and navy to help abolish slavery.

The ideas expressed in the passage most directly led to the political controversies of the 1860s and 1870s over the:

Process of reconstructing the United States in the aftermath of the civil war

This amendment was adopted in 1868 primarily to:

Protect the rights of formerly enslaved persons

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon?

Radical Republicans

Which of the following groups would most likely object to the perspective in the passage?

Radical Republicans

Which of the following statements best describes the event in this political cartoon?

Radical Republicans resorted to threats and intimidation against freedmen to coerce them into voting.

The purpose of the cartoon is to show that:

Reconstruction was not protecting the civil rights of former slaves

In the Dred Scott v. Sandford decision, the Supreme Court:

Ruled that congress couldn't prohibit slavery in the territories because slaves were property

The language used in both excerpts most directly reflects the influence of which of the following?

Second Great Awakening

The speech by John C. Calhoun to the United States Senate in 1837 can be used as evidence of which of the following?

Southern pro-slavery arguments that further entrenched the institution of slavery in the south and deepened sectional divisions in the Antebellum period.

The Southerners in the cartoon above wanted a "Union" characterized by which of the following?

Sovereignty centered in the states.

The men shaking hands in the cartoon championed

Strong states rights

The compromise of 1850 included all of the following provisions EXCEPT:

The 36* 30* latitude line that was introduced in the Missouri Compromise would be formally extended to the Pacific Ocean

Which of the following had the most significant impact on the production of cotton and the development of the cotton kingdom in the Antebellum period?

The cotton gin

The excerpt from James Henry Hammond is most clearly an example of which of the following developments in the mid-19th century?

The growing tendency among Southern slaveholders to justify slavery as a positive good

The sentiments expressed in the cartoon above most directly contributed to which of the following?

The passage of the 14th and 15th Amendments

Throughout the late Antebellum era, Stephen Douglas argued for the expansion of "popular sovereignty." What did this concept involve?

The people of a territory should determine for themselves whether or not to permit slavery.

The major Civil War battle in the West which split the Confederacy in half and isolated Arkansas, Louisiana, and Texas from the eastern half of the Confederacy was -

The siege of Vicksburg

Which of the following serves as an advantage that the South had as the Civil War broke out in April of 1861?

The south had experienced military leadership who proved their skills in battlefield strategy.

President Andrew Johnson was impeached as a result of his:

Violation of the Tenure of Office Act

Which of the following was an effect of Nat Turner's 1831 Rebellion in Virginia?

Virginia and other Southern states passed new legislation to tighten the reins of slavery and restrict the movement and freedoms of slaves.

What acts by Congress were intended to prevent the social and political order depicted in the Cartoon?

constitutional amendments granting civil rights and suffrage rights to former slaves

The "Compromise of 1877" did which of the following?

ended federal military support of Republican administrations in the South

The Black Codes passed by many of the Southern state governments in 1865 aimed to:

ensure a stable and subservient labor force under white control.

In the Emancipation Proclamation, Lincoln:

freed slaves in areas of the United States that were still in rebellion

Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin:

greatly strengthened northern antislavery support.

The Union's victory at Gettysburg was significant because it:

halted the last major Confederate invasion of the North

Northerners especially resented Stephen Douglas' Kansas-Nebraska Act because It:

repealed the Missouri Compromise prohibiting slavery in northern territories

The creator of the political cartoon above is directly criticizing -

the Democratic platform of preserving slavery in the South while not expanding slavery westward

Winich of the following contributed most directly to the battle between free-soilers and pro-slavery people in Kansas?

the Kansas-Nebraska Act's principle of popular sovereignty

After the Civil War, freedmen in the South had difficulty improving their economic condition because:

the system of sharecropping kept them in a cycle of poverty

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