APUSH Henretta Final Ch. 17-30

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In 1950, African Americans accounted for what percent of the u.s. Population?


In their 1892 Omaha platform, Populists called for

A federal income tax.

Which of the following statements characterizes changes in the lives of middle-class American children in the last decades of the nineteenth century?

A high school education became more common.

Which of the following resulted from industrialization in the decades after the Civil War?

A higher standard of living

Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev's policies of Glasnost and Perestroika resulted in

A new willingness to tolerate significant changes in the Soviet Society.

What spurred the US Congress to pass the Pure Food and Drug Act in 1906?

A public uproar caused by Upton Sinclair's realist novel The Jungle.

Which of the following statements characterizes the Red Scare of 1919 through 1921?

A series of 1919 bombings led Americans to associate radical political groups with violence.

In the case of Bakke vs. University of California in 1978, which of the following issues was under review?

Affirmative action

The development described in the excerpt resulted in which of the following consequences?

African Americans found better opportunities in Northern cities despite racial discrimination and jobs.

The term Great Migration refers to

African Americans moving from the south to the North during the war.

Throughout the 1920's, the sector of the American economy in the worst shape was


Which of the following statements describes Hawaii in the 1890's?

American sugar Planters overthrew Hawaii's Queen Liliuokalani and applied for annexation.

Which of the following precipitated a crisis in American-Iranian relations in 1979?

American support for the deposed Shah of Iran.

The developments described in the excerpt most similar to which of the following developments in earlier periods of the u.s. History?

Americans creation of the Populist party in Nebraska in 1892.

Ronald Reagan's 1980 Victory can be attributed to

Americans frustration over the nation's declining prosperity and Power.

In the 1968 election and during the Nixon Administration, the expression " silent majority" was used to refer to

Americans who are hardworking and avoided protest activities.

Around 1900, if any ordinary American city dweller, weather Emigrant or native-born, needed a favor done by a person with authority, he or she would most likely have turned to whom?

An aldermen or ward boss.

Who of the following represented the American notion that through hard work, even a poor immigrant could be tremendously successful?

Andrew Carnegie

Who of the following was the greatest benefactor of public libraries in the 19th century America, who in 1881 announced that he would build a library in any city that was prepared to maintain it?

Andrew Carnegie

Which of the following statements describes Charles Darwin's theories as presented in his book, On the Origin of Species?

Animals and plants adapt to better suit their environment through natural selection.

The person who contributed most directly to the rise of conservatism in American politics after World War II

Barry Goldwater.

Which of the following events was a major foreign-policy blunder during the Kennedy administration?

Bay of Pigs.

Which of the following phenomena emerged as an important new influence on Urban entertainment in the early 20th century?

Black Music

Women's Liberation activists modeled their ideas, goals, and tactics after the

Black Power movement.

Who pioneered the sit-in method of civil rights protest that began in Greensboro, North Carolina, in 1960?

Black college students.

Which of the following was a major similarity between the Great Migration and emancipation?

Both offer the promise of significant change in African Americans social, economic, and political conditions.

What was President Carter's major achievement for world peace in 1978?

Brokering a " framework for peace" for Egypt and Israel.

Which of the following describes the tenements that were typical of many urban areas in the early 20th century?

Buildings that housed many families in cramped, airless Apartments.

How did President Carter respond to the energy crisis of the 1970s?

Carter advocated for energy conservation efforts as "the moral equivalent of War."

What late-nineteenth-century development made it possible for Rural Americans to participate in the National Consumer culture?


By 1916, which of the following religious groups had increased immensely in the United States because of Immigration?


During the Reagan Administration, the CIA funded an anti-communist movement in

Central America.

The ideas described in the passage above most directly led to political debates and protests in the 1950s and 1960s over which of the following?

Civil rights.

What was the first action Roosevelt took to address the nation's economic crisis?

Closed all banks in a banking holiday.

What changes occurred in American trade with the Allies in the central powers between 1914 and 1916?

Commerce with the Allies Rose nearly fourfold, while it dwindled with the Central Powers.

Which of the following caused increased racial tensions and an outbreak of race riots in more than a hundred cities in 1943?

Competition for housing and jobs between whites and black immigrants.

Before the Civil War, most manufacturing operations sprang up in

Countryside locations.

Which of the following policies would the Dixiecrats have opposed?

Desegregating the Armed Forces

Which of the following statements describes the status of Mexican immigrants and Mexican Americans in the southwest in the 1940s?

Discrimination against people of Mexican descent had much in common with that of African Americans in the south.

Which of the following statements characterizes the economics of working class family life in the late 19th century America?

Do to their dire economic circumstances, working-class families frequently sent their children out to work in Mills, factories, or mines.

What was the name of the black activists strategy for defeating American racism during World War II?

Double V campaign

The development discussed in the excerpt differed most from the Red Scare of the 1920s in which of the following respects?

Duration and scope of impact.

Which of the following factors contributed to the incredible number of militant strikes that occurred during 1919?

Employees tried to root out labor unions after the war.

Which of the concepts followed directly from the philosophy of Social Darwinism?

Eugenics Laws.

Which segment of the American population drove the creation and success of the People's Party in the early 1890s?


Which of the following statements describes the feminist movement in the United States in the 1960s and 1970s?

Feminist activism addressed many issues, took a variety of forms, and affected millions of women.

The American victory at San Juan Hill and Cuba can be credited mostly to

Four African-American us regiments that bore the brunt of the fighting.

Who was the first woman Cabinet member, who served as Secretary of Labor?

Frances Perkins

Lyndon Johnson's approach to the presidency, as described in the excerpt, is most similar to that of which of his predecessors?

Franklin Roosevelt.

Which provision of the Geneva accords was never realized?

Free elections for a United Vietnam in 1956.

In a famous 1941 speech, Franklin Roosevelt excluded which of the following from his definition of the "four essential freedoms"?

Freedom from discrimination.

Which of these factors were the critical determinants of workers occupational opportunities in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

Gender and race

The creator of containment, who enumerated his fears in the Telegram in 1946, was

George Kennan

The presidential candidate was most explicitly identified with the issue of segregation in 1968 was

George Wallace.

Which of the following groups would have been unlikely to support prohibition in the late nineteenth century?

German Immigrants.

The largest New Deal product in the West Was the construction of the

Grand Coulee Dam.

Which of the following concepts championed black racial pride and cultural identity in the 1920s?

Harlem Renaissance

What was President Truman's response to the invasion of South Korea in 1950?

He asked the UN Security Council to authorize a " police action"

What was Franklin Roosevelt's attitude toward the federal government's provision of welfare payments to the unemployed?

He had strong reservations about it, preferring to provide federally funded jobs / cash subsidies.

Which of the following statements summarizes Booker T. Washington's approach to racial change in the United States?

He promoted industrial education for blacks as a strategy for lessening white prejudice.

Which of the following actions did President Truman take in support of African-American civil rights?

He threatened to use federal troops to register blacks in the south.

Which of the following statements characterizes president Theodore Roosevelt's approach to the Nations natural resources?

He was a conservationist who tried to balance commercial and public interest.

Why did President Ford pardon Nixon a month after Ford took office in 1974?

He wished to spare the country the agony of rehashing Watergate.

Which of the following statements most characterizes residential patterns in the typical American city around 1900?

Immigrants from a particular region of a country tended to settle by ethnic group.

The excerpt above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

In the opening of economic opportunities to African Americans during World War 1.

What was distinguished characteristic of president Eisenhower's " new look" in foreign policy in the 1950s?

Increased hydrogen bomb production and long-range bomb strength.

Which of the following issues did evangelicals disregard as they fought against the influences of what they believed to be an immoral Society?

Individual Rights.

During the Eisenhower Administration, the CIA helped overthrow the government of


The development described in the excerpt was most similar to which of the following from earlier periods In American history?

Irish immigrants migration to American cities in the Northeast in the 1840s.

Why was Margaret Sanger's newspaper column "What every girl should know" significant?

It contributed to launching a national birth control movement.

Which of the following statements describes the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

It outlawed discriminatory voter registration measures and was highly effective in the south.

Which of the following describes the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU) in the late nineteenth century?

It supported woman suffrage as a tool that could challenge the liquor interest.

Which of the following statements describes the state of racial segregation in the United States at the dawn of the post-civil Rights Movement?

It was a nationwide problem.

Which of these statements describes the America First committee?

It was intent to keep its nation out of war.

Which of the following describes the Equal Rights Amendment?

It was ratified by 34 states by the end of 1974, but it's progress stalled.

Which of the following assumptions shaped Theodore Roosevelt strategic thinking about us foreign policy during his presidency?

It was the duty of the "civilized" countries of the world to police "backward" peoples.

The practice of racial segregation in the American South in the 20th century was commonly known

Jim Crow.

What was the outcome of the Korean War?

Korea remained divided at the 38th parallel.

The philosophy of nonviolent direct action was first espoused by

Mahatma Gandhi.

Which of the following characterizes the 1968 Tet offensive?

Many Americans changed their opinions of the war after the Tet offensive.

To forestall economic difficulties, which could Foster the rise of Communism throughout Europe, the United States gave nearly $13 billion to a European recovery program called the

Marshall Plan

Why was McKinley's campaign in the 1896 presidential election Superior to Bryan's?

McKinley raised and spent a great deal of money donated by corporations.

Who Mastermind the 1972 break-in at the Democratic National headquarters in the Watergate complex?

Members of the committee to reelect the president.

In the late nineteenth century, Social Darwinists, such as William Graham Sumner, believed that

Millionaires were the fittest Americans.

Which prominent politician fanned fears of domestic radicalism after a bomb exploded outside his home in 1919?

Mitchell Palmer.

Which of the following was characteristic of Fascist governments in the 1930s and 1940s, especially Nazi Germany?


The rise of the Ku Klux Klan and the National Origins Act representative Resurgence of


Which of the following was the United States initial response to world problems in the 1930s?


Johnson's Great Society program had a great deal in common with the

New Deal.

In the summer of 1975, which city was loaned money by the federal government and granted a three-year moratorium on Municipal debt in order to stave off bankruptcy?

New York City.

The Triangle Shirtwaist company fire of 1911 led to which of the following outcomes?

New York State's passage of the most advanced labor code in the country at that time.

The passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following?

New opportunities as a result of economic growth.

The War Powers Act, the Freedom of Information Act, the fair campaign Practices Act, and the federal intelligence surveillance act were passed as a result of

Nixon's imperial presidency.

Which of the following developments best exemplify the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

Nonviolent protest such as Greensboro sit-ins.

In the 1970's, the phenomenon of deindustrialization in the United States was most visible in the

Northeast and the Midwest.

Which of the following contributed to the rise of the movement described In this passage?

Oil crisis in the Middle East.

Which of these actions gave the United States the right to intervene in Cuba if its independence was threatened?

Platt Amendment

Which of these late nineteenth century U.S. Supreme Court rulings settled the question of African Americans' access to regular first-class seats on American Railroad cars until the 1950's?

Plessy vs. Ferguson

Which of the following would most likely support the ideas described in the excerpt?

Posters featuring Housewives promoting rationing and recycling.

Which of the following organizations did president Hoover create in 1931 to stimulate the economy through Federal loans to Major businesses in 1931 and 1932?

Reconstruction Finance Corporation.

Which of the following was that the NRA, the AAA, and other New Deal legislation were unconstitutional?

Roosevelt attempted to pack the court with his own nominees.

Two of Nixon's greatest foreign policy successes were

SALT I and restoring relations with communist China.

Which of the following statements describes the proceedings against Sacco and Vanzetti?

Scholars still debate their guilt, but most agree that they did not receive a fair trial.

Which of the following was the first federal law ever passed to regulate trusts?

Sherman Antitrust Act.

Which tariff, passed in 1930, raised rates to an all-time high, further deepening the worldwide depression?


The expansionist foreign policy of the 1890s derive significant inspiration from

Social Darwinism.

New immigration patterns in the early 20th century reflected growing emigration from

Southern and Eastern Europe

By the Wendy's, schools in Northern cities were more racially segregated than schools in the South because of


Which of the following describes vertically integrated corporations?

Such corporations controlled all aspects of their operations' businesses.

Americans who were attracted to the ideas described in the excerpt would have been most likely to participate in which of the following activities?

Taking the train to California to see and experience the Yosemite Valley.

Which major Scandal and Harding's Administration was named after the national oil reserves it involved?

Teapot Dome.

Which invention transformed Urban and Suburban Communications in the United States after 1876?


Which of the following describes life in the United States during the Cold War?

Tension over communism abroad fostered a period of domestic repression and fear at home.

From which of the following concepts from earlier periods in US history?

The " new - woman" of the 1920s.

Which of the following was a nineteenth-century example of a trade Union?

The American Federation of Labor.

The ideas described in the excerpt were most similar to those promoted by which of the following groups from the earlier period of US history?

The Anti-Federalists of the 1780s and 1790s.

The United States had become the leading steel producer in the world by 1900 because of

The Bessemer process.

The ideas described in the excerpt can be viewed as a direct reaction against which of the following developments from earlier periods of US history?

The Great Society.

The Gibson Girl of the 1890's personified which of the following?

The Middle-class "new-woman", public spirited and athletic.

Which of the following events was an outcome of Rosa Parks 1955 arrest?

The Montgomery Bus Boycott

Rachel Carson is associated with

The Rebirth of environmental activism.

Where did almost ninety percent of African Americans live in 1900?

The South

Which of the following Cold War-era policies is most closely associated with the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

The Taft-Hartley Act of 1947, which placed restrictions on organized labor that made it more difficult for unions to organize workers.

Which of the following is true regarding the 1991 Persian Gulf War?

The United States acted with the approval of the UN Security Council.

Which of the following occurred during the Cuban Missile Crisis?

The United States and the Soviet Union came closer to nuclear war than at any other time.

How did the United States acquire the land it needed to build the Panama Canal?

The United States lent Cobra assistance to free Panama from Colombia.

What did William Jennings Bryan mean when he stated, "you shall not crucify mankind on a cross of gold" in his famous 1896 speech?

The United States should abandon the gold standard to stimulate industry.

Which of the following statements characterizes the energy needs and resources that the United States faced in the late 1960s in early 1970s?

The United States, once the world's leading producer of oil, had become heavily dependent on imported oil.

Which of the following is true of Lyndon Johnson's Administration?

The Vietnam War undermined his commitment to the war on poverty and his presidency.

Which of the following made a critical contribution to the emergence of the sexual revolution of the 1960s?

The birth control pill.

Which of the following ideas or trends of the 20th century would compare most closely with those described in this excerpt?

The demands of African Americans for equality in the 1960s.

The ideas expressed in this excerpt above most directly reflect which of the following Continuities in US history?

The emergence of movements advocating policy changes.

The ideas described in the excerpt emerged most directly out of which of the following historical antecedents

The experience of minorities during World War II.

Which of the following describes the Guerrilla war that followed the conquest of the Philippines?

The fighting was extremely brutal and continued until 1920.

Which of the following rendered the international monetary Supply in flexible in the Great Depression during the 1930s?

The gold standard.

Why has it been so difficult for conservative politicians to shrink the size and scope the federal government?

The government is entrenched in the social, economic, and defense welfare of Americans.

How did the rejuvenated Ku Klux Klan of the 1920s differ from its Reconstruction Era form?

The group targeted Catholics and Jews as well as blacks.

The idea conveyed in the excerpt serves as evidence of which of the following occurring in the Unites States at the time?

The growth of a conservative movement.

Which of the following historical developments was the most direct cause of the phenomena Montgomery described in the excerpt?

The growth of big businesses and its power to influence local and National governments.

Which of the following was the most decisive American factor in determining the outcome of World War II?

The immense production of War material and other needed supplies

Which of the following describes title IX?

The legislation benefited women athletes.

Which of the following American philosophies influenced Herbert Hoover's initial response to the economic downturn in the early 1930s?

The market is self-regulating and government should not intervene during a downturn.

Which of the following describes discrimination in the armed services during World War II?

The military segregated African Americans and assigned them menial duties.

Which of the following was the most direct effect of the ideas described in the excerpt?

The passage of new immigration laws in 1965.

The development described in the excerpt most strongly suggests which of the following about that time?

The presence of large numbers of young working people in cities fostered New Attitudes about sexuality.

What was the significance of the new deal?

The program's expanded the federal government's presence both in the economy and in people's lives.

Which of the following initiatives serves as the best evidence for the argument expressed in the excerpt?

The programs of the Great Society.

Which of these developments spurred the birth of the modern environmentalist movement?

The publication of Silent Spring in 1962.

The development described in the excerpt was a direct reaction against which of the following phenomena?

The reforms associated with progressivism.

What did women like Jane Addams seek to provide to the Working Class People they served through settlement houses in early 20th century cities?

The resources and political voice they needed to improve their lives.

Which of the following examples most directly supports the argument expressed in the excerpt?

The size and influence of the emerging Reagan coalition.

Which of the following statements characterizes the Scopes "Monkey Trial" of 1925?

The trial quickly became a media circus.

Which of the following statements describes the Chinese immigrants to the United States in the 19th century?

They faced more severe discrimination than European immigrants.

What spurred many big cities pursuit of state-of-the-art sewage and drainage systems at the end of the 19th century?

They sought to improve Public Health.

The typical American middle class family household in 1900 consisted of husband, wife, and how many additional family members?

Three Children.

A nuclear reactor came close to meltdown in 1979 at

Three Mile Island in Pennsylvania.

Which of the following was the purpose of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?

To authorize the president to take any action necessary to prevent further aggression in Vietnam.

What was the purpose of the Securities and Exchange Commission, which Roosevelt Congress empowered in 1934?

To regulate and rationalize the US Stock Market.

Which of the following describes the 1955 murder of Emmett Till in Mississippi?

Unlike most murders of black men in the South, Tills gained national attention.

Which of the following events most directly supports the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

Violent labor protest such as the one at Haymarket Square in 1886

The development expressed in the excerpt most strongly suggests which is the following about that time?

Wartime regulations politicized Woman's Work and valorized Housewives as patriotic Americans.

Which region of the United States had responded to the women's voting rights movement by 1900?


The trend Cohen describes in the excerpt led to which of the following developments?

Widespread support for the expansion of federal power.

What was the outcome of the 1912 presidential election?

Wilson won with a minority of the popular vote because Taft and Roosevelt split the Republican vote.

Which of the following describes both the reform movements in the 1880s and the 1890s and those between 1900 and 1920?

Women played an integral role in the reform movements of both periods.

Which of the following was a direct and important consequence of the development described in the excerpt?

Woodrow Wilson's creation of the National Park Service.

Which of the following developments most directly supports the argument Cohen makes above?

World War 1 veteran's formation of the Bonus Army in 1932.

Which of the following assesses the impact of World War 1 on the international balance of power?

World war hurt France and England while it strengthened the United States.

Two Hundred Sioux, organized by AIM to dramatize there cause, engaged in several gun battles with the FBI for over 2 months in 1973 at

Wounded Knee.

Which of the following types of evidence would most directly support the argument Peiss makes in the excerpt?

Writers commentary about urban life in newspapers and magazines from the 1860s to 1900.

William Randolph Hearst and Joseph pulitzer's sensationalist reporting was known as which of the following?

Yellow journalism.

The excerpt best reflects which of the following historical patterns associated with late 19th century American cities?

Young adults creation of "dating" and its increased visibility and popularity.

Senator Huey Long from Louisiana became a major political threat to Roosevelt when he called for

a national share our wealth movement to redistribute income fairly.

In the early 1900s, the industrial workers of the world were committed to achieving

a new Society run by and for workers.

The profits from The Secret sale of arms to Iran in the 1980s were used to

aid the Contras, and opposition group in Nicaragua.

Franklin Roosevelt's executive order 9066

allowed for the forced internment of Japanese-Americans.

Deciding that Roosevelt had not done enough to alleviate suffering, Francis Townsend called for

an old-age revolving pension plan.

After considering his options for the disposition of the Philippines, President McKinley

annexed the entire Philippines on the basis that the Filipinos could not govern themselves.

Gustavus Swift boosted productivity in his Chicago slaughterhouses in the 1860s by using

assembly lines

The federal government responded to the problem of discrimination against the Chinese in 19th century California by

barring Chinese immigration to the United States in 1882.

During 1932 presidential campaign, Franklin Roosevelt promised,

bold, persistent experimentation.

Reaganomics increased the share of wealth held by

corporations and Wealthy Americans.

The Pendleton Act of 1883

created the Civil Service Commission, which field some government jobs by examination.

In the years from 1973 to 1975, the oil exporting nations of OPEC

declared and Oil Embargo against the United States.

President Kennedy decided to ask for civil rights legislation after the

demonstrations in Birmingham.

African Americans who served in World War II home to find

discrimination and race riots.

The Civil Rights Act of 1964 addressed

discrimination in many areas of American society.

The GI Bill of Rights provided

education, Medical Care, pensions, and mortgage loans to veterans.

Advocates of free silver believed it would

encourage borrowing and stimulate industry.

The open door note, composed by the US Secretary of State John Hay, called for

equal access for all countries seeking to trade with China.

Organized in 1905, the Niagara Movement embraced

equal opportunity for African Americans.

During the Cold War, the world was divided between the Rival communist and capitalist blocks but, by 1990, it was clear that the post-cold war world would be

focused around multiple centers of power.

Herbert Hoover emerged from World War 1 as one of the nation's most admired men because of his leadership of the

food administration or fuel Administration

The 1969 Stonewall riot in New York City was a spontaneous protest led by

gay people.

As a result of the economic policies of John Maynard Keynes and the need for social welfare legislation, the term liberalism came to be associated with

government intervention to guarantees citizens basic welfare.

Franklin Roosevelt responded to a. Philip Randolph's plan for a March on Washington by

issuing executive order 8802.

The Supreme Court's 1908 decision in Muller vs. Oregon upheld a law

limiting the work day for women to 10 hours.

To bring coal companies to the negotiating table during the 1902 coal strike, president Theodore Roosevelt threatened to

nationalize the coal companies

From 1941 to 1943, Stalin was most interested in securing a guarantee that Britain and the United States would

open a second front in France to force Germany to withdraw troops from Russia.

To avert further banking panics, during which account holders raced to withdraw funds, the New Deal

passed the Glass-Steagall act in 1933.

Roosevelt heeded John Maynard Keynes advice and

practiced deficit spending.

President Eisenhower undermine Muhammad Mossadegh's political power to

protect Western Oil interests.

From 1969 to 1972, Richard Nixon's strategy to end the Vietnam War was to

reduce American troop involvement and turnover most of the ground fighting to the South Vietnamese Army.

The Immigration Act of 1965

replaced the national quota system of the 1920s non-discriminatory numerical limits.

The Indian reorganization Act of 1934

reversed the Dawes Severalty Act and promoted tribal self-government.

In 1978, California voters began a national Trend by enacting a ballot initiative called Proposition 13 that

rolled back property taxes in required future tax measures to pass the legislature with a two-thirds vote.

President Dwight Eisenhower promoted civil rights by

sending federal troops into Little Rock, Arkansas.

Buddhists in Vietnam Express their discontent with the Diem authoritarian Regime in May 1963 by

staging dramatic demonstrations, including self-immolations.

The ideas described in the excerpt differ most from those exposed by the Supreme Court in this period with respect to the

tactics for achieving social change.

In the late 1940s and early 1950s, the house Non- American Activities Committee

targeted the film industry as part of its larger anti-communism agenda.

The philosophy exemplified in this quote reveals that it was taken from

the Roosevelt Corollary.

The National Security Council report known as NSC - 68 proposed that

the United States must significantly increase its defense spending.

When Japanese troops occupy the northern part of French Indochina in 1940,

the United States restricted trade with Japan, including Fuel and scrap metal vital to Japan's war effort.

The Free Speech movement at Berkeley began in response to

the University band on political activities by students on University property.

In the insular cases of 1901, the Supreme Court ruled that

the constitution did not automatically extend citizenship to people in newly acquired territories.

Young adults' revolt against Authority and middle-class respectability in the 1960s was exemplified by

the counterculture.

After Civil War, Republican economic policies led to

the dominance of large corporations.

Korematsu versus United States legitimized

the forced internment of Japanese-Americans into relocation camps.

In the 1960s, black nationalism gained adherence because of

the movements advocacy of militant protest rather than non-violence.

The Supreme Court decision in Roe versus Wade was based on

the right to privacy.

In Brown versus Board of Education, the Supreme Court rule against segregated schools on the grounds that

they denied black children " equal protection of the laws."

A major weakness of the 1920s economy was the

unequal distribution of wealth.

After the Japanese invaded China in 1937, president Rose

urged peace-loving Nations to "quarantine" Japan and other aggressors.

Supply-side economics, as practiced by the Reagan Administration, rested on

using tax cuts to stimulate investment, which would eventually result in higher tax revenues.

In 1934, the night committees report concluded that

war profiteers had maneuver the nation into World War 1 for financial gain.

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