APUSH Midterm

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The passage best serves as evidence of which of the following

African Americans challenging their prescribed "place"

Prior to European contact, which of the following developments best reflect the ideas expressed in the excerpt?

American Indians in the Southwest developing complex irrigation systems.

During the antebellum era which of the following groups shared the most similar experiences to that described in the excerpt

American Indians on the frontier

The image was created most directly in response to

British efforts to assert imperial authority in the colonies

Accept was most likely written in response to

British efforts to tax the colonies

Which of the following best illustrates a consequence of the historical patterns described in the excerpt?

Social systems within American Indian tribes were often a result of environmental factors.

What historical evidence could be used to support Nash's argument in the excerpt above?

The multi tribal groups of the Algonquian people.

movements similar to that depicted in the image most directly contributed to which of the following 17 century historical developments in the British North American colonies

a greater degree of religious independence

The ideas expressed in the painting most directly reflects which of the following continuities in US history

a sense of unique national mission and a superior cultural identity

The argument in the excerpt most clearly warn against the perceived dangers of

a strong central government

which of the following was a significant result of the cultural interactions that occurred as a result of the Columbian Exchange

change in American Indian gender roles

Pattern depicted on the map most directly contributed to which of the following

colonia dissatisfaction over trade

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following developments

colonial resistance to the end of salutary neglect

By the mid-18 century the activities depicted in the image above

contributes to resistance towards imperial control

The concerns expressed by Jefferson in the letter are best understood as a response to

debates over the extension of slavery into the western territories

The excerpt most clearly provides evidence for which of the following continuities in US history

debates over the proper role of political parties

The excerpt is most clearly written in response to

debates over the ratification of the US constitution

Following groups no strongly oppose the ideas expressed by Washington in the excerpt

democratic republicans

Which of the following most directly influenced colonial reaction to the ideas expressed in the excerpt

enlightenment thinking

The sentiments expressed in the painting most directly lead to which of the following

environmental transformation of the Western region

American colonial settlements such as the one Winthrop lived intended to

establish like-minded, close-knit, homogenous communities

The following factors represented Britain's greatest challenge in controlling the North American Atlantic trade in the 17th and early 18th centuries

external competition

The excerpt is best understood in the context of

fears many people had of centralized federal power

Do you accept above would be most useful to historians analyzing the

focus in colonies on gaining new sources of labor

Ideas expressed in the passage above most directly show the influence of which of the following

greater religious independence in the colonies

The ideas about government expressed in the excerpt are consistent with all of the following principles except

hereditary privilege

Exit the most clearly provides evidence for which of the following

highly partisan political debates of the 1790s

The excerpt is best understood in the context of

idea of Manifest Destiny

Which of the following developments most directly contributed to the passage of the stamp act

imperial struggle of the mid-eighteenth century

This argument was most likely written in response to

increased competition in Europe to d develop colonies in North America.

Which of the following changes to the British colonies during the 18th century most directly contributed to the development depicted in the image

increased political activism by laborers, artisans, and women

The changes described in the excerpt most directly contributed to which of the following

increasing numbers of American men and women working in factories

Following most directly resulted from the sentiments expressed in the excerpt

increasingly bitter national debates over the institution of slavery

Group would have most opposed the sentiments expressed in the excerpt


The establishment of the navigation act of 1660 most directly reflects the influence of which of the following ideas


which of the following are best supported by the claims in Las Casas' passage

mutual misunderstandings between Europeans and Native Europeans

Which of the following most directly made possible changes described in the excerpt

new transportation systems and technologies

The excerpt was most clearly created as a response to National debates over which of the following

passage of new tariff legislation

Jeffersons letter was most likely written in response to

passage of the Missouri Compromise

Which of the following has the most impact in shaping colonial resistance to the above law

political thought shaped by the European intellectual exchange

A long term reaction to the Columbian Exchange by American Indians in the period 1491-1607 was the

resistance to European encroachments

Which of the following European approaches to colonization is most directly reflected in the excerpt

sending men and women to acquire land and populate settlements, while having relatively hostile relationships with the American Indian inhabitants

The excerpt about his best understanding the the

spread of European conflicts to North America

The long-term effects of the miraculous plague described in the excerpt most directly

stimulated cultural and demographic change

The authors of the excerpt above are most likely motivated by

the British government's relative indifference to colonial governance

Which of the following antebellum era historical developments most directly contributed to efforts such as those described in the excerpt

the Second Great Awakening

Which of the following best describes the overarching goal of freed men in the post Civil War.

the acquire property and be left alone

Passage is most likely reaction to which of the following events or processes

the assertion of US power in the Western Hemisphere

which of the following movements would best support the argument that Taviani makes

the continued improvement in maritime technology

The sentiments expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in US history

the economic and class tensions resulting after migration to the Western Hemisphere

The ideas expressed in the passage most directly relate to which of the following continuities about European colonization?

the effort to convert American Indian populations to European religions

Sentiments expressed in the excerpt most directly result of which of the following

the election of Lincoln in 1860

The argument expressed by walker in the excerpt that serve as evidence of which of the following

the emergence of African American abolitionist movements

The passage above is most likely written in response to

the ethnic and religious diversity of the Middle colonies

Knox's arguments are best understood in the context of

the failure of the Constitution to define the relationship between American Indian tribes and the federal government

Which of the following antebellum era historical developments most directly contradicted the Jeffersonian goals expressed in the excerpt

the growth of Northern manufacturing

The excerpt best serves as evidence of which of the following developments in the antebellum era

the growth of moral and social reform movements

Which of the following historical developments most accounts for the fact that the law in the excerpt has scant success in modifying English colonial behavior in North America

the initial lax attention paid to the colonies by Britain

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of which

the labor market of the Atlantic economy in the 18th century

Winthrop is most likely motivated to write the excerpt as a result of

the need to justify the takeover of American Indian lands

The excerpt is best understood in the context of

the passage of the fourteenth and fifteenth amendments

The ideas expressed in the excerpt most clearly reflect debates over which of the following

the relationship. between the federal government and state governments

the passage above best serves as evidence of which of the following

the search for new sources of wealth

the passage above most supports the development of which of the following?

the spread of Christianity

The ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to political controversies over

the spread of European Enlightenment ideas

The ideas expressed in the image revealed that in 1770 which of the following was the most true of the New England colonies

there was a widespread belief that in the superiority of republican forms of government

The sedition act was passed in response to which of the following challenges

threats posed by foreign alliances and entanglements

Following was the most difficult challenge facing American Indians in the late 1700s

treaty disputes and the seizure of American Indian tribal lands

Which of the following would most likely have supported the perspective expressed in the image

urban entrepreneurs

Which of the following groups would be most likely to support the perspective of the cartoon

women activists

Spanish colonization led to which of the following changes in the agricultural system?

An enslaved American Indian labor force.

Which of the following groups would have been most likely to agree with the sentiment expressed in the excerpt

British military officers stationed in the thirteen colonies

During the period 1585-1607, the ideas expressed in the passage above most directly led to which of the following settlement patterns?

English settlements along the Atlantic seaboard of North America









Which of the following changes resulted from the market revolution in the period 1800 to 1848

an emphasis on domestic ideals for women

Which of the following 20th-century ideas or developments were most similar to those described in the excerpt

arguments that Americans were destined to expand their culture and norms to nonwhite nations prior to World War 1

Sentiment expressed by Dorothy Dix in the excerpt most directly reflects which of the following

attempts by individuals and voluntary organizations to improve society

Shut the following best represents the reaction of American colonist to the legislation above

boycotts intended to secure their rights as Englishmen

Washington's ideas were most directly a reaction to which of the following historical developments

disagreements over the French revolution and foreign policy

In the years between 1820 in 1840 southern states such as South Carolina as evidenced in the excerpt grew increasingly frustrated over which of the following

federal policies potentially favoring different regions

Which of the following mid-19th century groups most strongly supported the sentiment expressed in the excerpt


Which of the following historical developments of the 17 century is most directly reflected in the image

protestant evangelism

Which of the following was a major consequence of the ideas expressed in the excerpt

some women's equality activists abandoned the movement to grant and protect African American rights

The proposals in the excerpt most similar to the prior approach toward American Indians by which European country in the 1600s and 1700s


Which of the following best exemplify the Jeffersonian embrace of the ideas described in the excerpt

the Louisiana purchase

Which of the following events or processes in the 1840s and 1850s best represent an example of a new irritation that Jefferson warned about in the letter

the acquisition of territory in the West through the US-Mexico War

The ideas expressed in the excerpt most clearly show the influence of which of the following

the believe that slavery was protected by the Constitution

which of the following evidence could be used to support taviani's argument

the change to capitalism in Europe

the excerpt above is indicative of which of the following

the colonies having grown accustomed to a large measure of autonomy

Which of the following historical developments most directly caused the conditions Dickinson addressed in the excerpt

the large British debt incurred from the seven years war

The controversy depicted in the cartoon most directly led to

the progressive stripping away of African American rights

The map most strongly supports which of the following arguments about the role of Britain's more northern colonies in global trade in the middle of the 18th century

they had an export economy based on food products and raw materials

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