APUSH Period 6: The Gilded Age recall

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John Muir

"father of national parks" conservationist who's essays and stories of the Sierra Nevada Mtn wilderness greatly popularized the conservation movement Founded the Sierra Club in 1892 as one of the first large-scale environmental preservation organizations in the world - goal: to protect the environment and nature As big business continued to move to consolidate forests and mining rights conservationists rushed to protect them before they were gone

Cornelius Vanderbilt

1794-1877 "The Commodore" Created a coherent system spanning several states lowered costs, increased efficiency, and sped up travel and shipment times the first tycoon of the age

Dakota War

1862 - first war between US and Sioux in Minnesota Sioux pushed out of MN to the Dakotas

Sand Creek Massacre

1864 - Colorado militia attacked and destroyed a peaceful village of Cheyenne and Arapaho inhabited in southeastern Colorado Territory

Promontory Point

1869 by Salt Lake City Utah - two railroad companies meet

Ulysses S. Grant

1869-1877 won Civil War - most famous person in America Force Act, 15th Amendment, Radical Republicans, Credit Mobilier

Great Sioux War

1875 - Black Hills of South Dakota - was sacred Sioux land but gold was discovered there - leading to a gold rush and boomtown in Deadwood - to keep miners off Sioux lands the army sent Lt. Col. George Custer and 7th cavalry - he did not do so

Dawes Act

1877 Mix tribes together - break tribal identity and create group of small farmers - later citizens Created Reservations - eventually authority changed to individual tribes

Rutherford B. Hayes

1877-1881 Compromise of 1877, Bland-Allison Act

Bland-Allison Act

1878 - remonetizes silver (Hayes Presidency) 5 years without silver $ but limited amount purchased by government Ends up having little inflationary effect - inflationists not satisfied

James Garfield

1881 shot

Chester A. Arthur

1881-1885 becomes president after Garfield's death Pendleton Act

Chinese Exclusion Act

1882 - no Chinese immigrants will be allowed in for next 10 years

Grover Cleveland

1885-1889 and 1893-1897 morally corrupt - illegitimate child only president to serve 2 non-consecutive terms

Interstate Commerce Commission

1887 Created to stop discriminatory pricing limited power - had to sue railroad company - very hard to prove

Benjamin Harrison

1889-1892 McKinley Tariff and Sherman Anti-Trust Act

Rerum Novarum

1891 "new things" - letter from the pope addressing issues faced by working classes pope comes out in support of labor unions afterwards the catholic church becomes more aligned with social gospel

U.S. v. E.C. Knight

1895 hurts Sherman Anti-Trust Act - disallows sugar trust combining to produce sugar did not restrain the trade of sugar - just production - gov can't control it =makes Sherman Act too weak Result - will be way more business mergers = huge companies

transcontinental railroad

2 companies: Union Pacific - starts out in Chicago going W Central Pacific - start in California going E U.P goes further C.P. - problems (accidents and deaths)

Credit Mobilier

=1872 - the biggest scandal of the Grant Administration Background: building of trans-continental railroad Union Pacific creates a fake company - Credit Mobilier - Congress have Railroad stock (tax payers pay and Congress profits) All of these people were Republicans =end of the rule of Radical Republicans

"Rum, Romanism, and Rebellion"

=Republican rally in NYC Republicans call Dems the party of the drunken Irish Catholics who brought on Civil War - upsets Irish Result: Irish side with Cleveland - made difference in election of 1884

vertical integration

=business method used by Carnegie Controlled everything from natural resources to finished product =take control of lower stages - Carnegie bought coal mines, iron ore areas =control all levels of productions

Horizontal Integration

=business method used by Rockefeller and oil different companies producing same product - take them over so you control all competition =driving out competition


=farmers movement against the eastern financial interests Complaints: - Railroads - overcharging them - lack of competition - Farm prices going down - better fertilizers, machinery - Lack of inflation - money based on gold - Prices increase on things farmers buy - blame businesses - make less while prices increase - Taxes - based on land ownership not income - High mortgages = in debt

Sound Money

=hard money based on gold standard - in opposition to greenback movement Gold - not going to inflate = make money hold its value - tends to be a Republican position

Poll tax

=have special tax to pay when you vote Disproportionate # of poor blacks = causes many not to vote Can't afford the extra cost to vote

literacy test

=read passage and correctly answer questions to vote many blacks couldn't read so were not permitted to vote


=slight variation within species good change - live on - pass of trait; bad-die Over long period of time - eventually trait becomes part of species

solid south

=southern whites unite as Dems to take vote away from Southern blacks Started in 1877 Can the south stop blacks from voting? no 15th amendment

Jim Crow Laws

=state laws that require segregation in public places all former slave states pass some form of these laws separate schools, prisons, hospitals, cemeteries, transportation are technically illegal - 14th amendment federal government does nothing to stop this


Alexander Graham Bell in 1876 founds AT&T - takes over smaller companies

McKinley Tariff

Big tariff increase under Harrison - 48% many new products included

A century of dishonor

Book by Helen Hunt Jackson sheds light on real Indian situation Leads to attempt to make things better for Indians

Homestead Strike

Carnegie Steel in Pittsburgh - today's Waterfront Workers strike due to long work hours in poor conditions Henry Clay Frick - chairman of Carnegie Steel - runs mills (brings in Pinkerton agents to break strike/fights and riots - 16 people killed) Attempt on Frick's life by an anarchist turns public against strike Result - strike fails

Coinage Act of 1873

Congress eliminates silver and just has gold dollars During Grants presidency

Charles Beard

Economic Interpretations of the Constitution said that the wealthy control the direction society evolves and wrote the Constitution to serve their own interests

Alliance Movement

Farm groups come together rather than being separate = more effective Members run for office - 1890 - both R and D but identify as alliance members Strong movement but weaknesses: members are small minority in each party Result: form own political party - People's party

Ghost Dance and Wounded Knee Massacre

Ghost Dance began on Sioux reservation (prophesy that white expansion would end) led the American Army to again subdue the Sioux Result: Wounded Knee Massacre - soldiers killed 300 NAs (mostly women and children) =End of Native American conflict

Sherman Silver Purchase Act

Government purchased twice the silver - coins Businesses concerned over inflations - drop in investments - start moving into Depression

William Belknap

Grant's Sec of War - department responsible for Indian Reservations - gov promised to give supplies needed to survive accepted bribes from suppliers and didn't deliver/crappy/less supplies to Indians


Great Plains tribes life centered around hunting buffalo - use all parts - totally dependent Railroads - don't like buffalos= jams and stampedes Result - hire buffalo hunters - kill them - led to more conflict during Indian Wars

Frederick Jackson Turner

Historian who wrote SIgnificance of the Frontier in American History in 1893 Stressed idea that American democracy was formed by the frontier Evolved in American - vast frontier affected our evolution - had to survive - created type of person and outlook = created our economic and pol system Issue: according to the 1890 census the frontier was closed - we settled coast to coast - if no frontier then what's next?


Idea - going to be change within species - try to control it = selective breeding Oneida - read Darwin - match best and brightest Nazis - create better source of people = weed out worst traits ex. Criminals Problem: who makes the decision what to get rid of? - how far do we carry it out

Forest Reserve Act

In 1891, Congress passed it, which allowed the President of the United States to set aside forest lands on public domain Harrison, Cleveland, and McKinley transferred 50,000,000 acres into the forest reserve system Business leaders of the Gilded Age will use their money and power to fight against conservation to gain access to the resources of Federal Lands for their own interests Theodore Roosevelt will do more than any other president for conservation

James Weaver

Iowa Congressmen - People's/Populist Presidential Candidate in 1892

Battle of Little Big Horn

June 1876 - Custer and everyone in his unit were killed by an Indian Force led by Crazy Horse (Sioux) and Sitting Bull (Sioux) where he was outnumbered four to one - Congress orders the Army to starve the Sioux and they were forced on reservations and later murdered

Pendleton Act

Law to reform patronage (spoils) system - public feels it has gotten out of hand Establishes Civil Service Commission - give exams - high scores get gov jobs Cannot fire gov employees for political reasons Seen as biggest success of Arthur's Presidency

Crime of 1873

Lots of silver found in W after this Coinage Act of 1873 - could have brought inflation Some feel that sound money (wealthy) did this on purpose western silver miners and farmers see this as eastern conspiracy Would have made more $ for silver miners and led to inflation (supported by farmers)

election of 1896

McKinley (Rep) defeats Bryan (Dem) McKinley favors big business and is well-known and likable Bryan favors farmers McKinley ends up being shot and then the country transitions out of the gilded age into progressivism

Tammany Hall

New york city political machine run by Boss Tweed - Irish immigrants Very corrupt

Chief Joseph

Nez Perce chief who led his tribe in resistance of American Army in 1877


Northern whites (pro-business), African Americans, Northern Protestants, Old WASPs (support for anti-immigration laws), and most middle class

Currency Reform

Not a party-side issue For inflation: Farmers and debtors Against inflation: Businessmen and creditors (people who have given out loans) - want $ to hold value =some believe an increasing population and economic growth required monetary expansion

Compromise of 1877

Official end to Reconstruction Republican Hayes gets to be President Democrats get the Federal troops removed from the South - another continental railroad

People's/Populist Party

Platform: gov-run railroads telegraphs unlimited coinage of silver more paper $ In favor of graduated income tax - more $ you make the higher % you pay Shorter hours for industrial workers Immigration restrictions Have strength in South and West but need labor support

Mulligan letters

Previous scandal involving Blaine Mulligan - Railroad President - letters from Blaine - unclear but people feel he was paying off Blaine - he denied but was obviously involved =Blaine was corrupt and Cleveland was morally corrupt

Henry George

Progress and Poverty - landowners have great wealth without being fit - increases in value Gov should eliminate all taxes except high "single tax" on land then re-distribute societies wealth

Pullman strike

Pullman Railroad Car Co - Chicago - cut wages but didn't lower prices so workers went on strike (spreads) Result - railroads shut down all over nation - violence President Cleveland - sends in military - keep railroads moving Courts: order workers back to work

Great Railroad Strike of 1877

Railroad workers go on strike - shut down one line after another - try to shut down entire system State governors - felt railroads needed to keep running - send out state militia Hundreds killed - strikers have to back down to army - give up on demands

land grants

Railroads given hundreds of millions of acres - cities spring up and farms expand =good deal for railroads and towns (railroads profit from reselling free land to farmers)

Civil Service Reform

Reformers want more professional gov employees (not spoils system) - would eliminate corruption and inefficiency Want government employees to get jobs based on exam rather than political connections =patronage spoils system - clean up politics and give jobs to qualified people - idea is that nobody needs rewards so people help with elections

Tom Watson

Representative from Georgia wanted to get support from Southern Blacks Promised to divide south by economic interests


Republican faction want reform - especially civil service reform Led by James Blaine - Speaker of the House

Waving the Bloody Shirt

Republicans blame democrats for Civil War and label them as party of secession and disloyalty in campaigns


Republicans that supported cleveland in election of 1884 (opposed Blaine and Corruption)


Rockefeller - oil - sets up where his co. turned over control of their stock =get others to give control of stock - he had the power - control all companies making one product controls production and prices To public - monopolies could charge what they wanted - do what they wanted

Whiskey Ring

Scandal during the Grant Administration exposed in 1875 Federal tax on whiskey Pay off tax collector and not pay as much tax = bribes Result: gov defrauded of millions of $

Natural Selection

So many changes can happen that animal has evolved into different species

Samuel Gompers

Starts American Federation of Labor =union based on skilled workers - want more out of system - better wages, hours, conditions Local groups based on skill - linked into larger federation - strikes could become violent if strikebreakers brought in Still small # of workers joining Unions at this point

Bessemer Process

Steel-making uses a blast furnace - 1855 easier productions with less expense and more efficiency

Soft Money

Supporters want inflation through cheaper $ (silver) or paper money (greenbacks) Democrats more for it but exceptions Many Western Republicans were for inflation - farmers in debt and silver mines Most other Republicans are against it but exceptions

Munn v Illinois 1877

Supreme Court said that if you have a business that serves the public interest (RR Co) then you can be regulated for the public good =states can tell businesses what prices to charge - hard to do - bribery of gov officials was rampant


US traditionally used both gold and silver and the gov determined ratio between them Gov wasn't purchasing enough silver - value stayed low =not worth selling silver to gov - stopped coining silver - less mining Eventually Congress - eliminates silver and just has gold dollars

Veteran Pensions

Union veterans have very small pensions Republicans - more for Union veteran's pensions but don't push for it Democrats - don't like it because Confederates' don't get $$

Industrial Workers of the World (IWW)

Wanted all unions to go on strike in hopes of bringing down entire economic system Wanted to replace gov w socialism = very radical

Victoria Woodhull

Women's rights advocate, free love and birth control

On the Origin of Species

Written by Darwin Introduces Survival of the Fittest (survival required change and adaptation) Change = survival lack of change = extinction =theory of evolution

Political machines

a political organization in which an authoritative boss or small group commands the support of a corps of supporters and businesses (usually campaign workers), who receive rewards for their efforts.

Conservation movement

began as a result of Americans developing a deep passion for nature from landscape paintings of the American West As industry continued to expand the need for natural resources increased and vast tracts of wilderness disappeared Preservation of wilderness critical for future generations to live in a healthy environment

Booker t. washington

black leader from south - thinks lack of social acceptance and rights is temporary Important thing - get jobs - work with the system tied with new south idea - low level industrial jobs to lift blacks up in society founds tuskegee institute in 1881

Gospel of Wealth

book written by Carnegie about what millionaires should do with $ Gives away half his worth - $350 million

ellis island

busiest and most famous port of entry/processing center in the United States checked criminal records, infectious diseases - 98% pass - get working papers go into city and get job most immigrants passed through here (good treatment and high passing rate)

standard gauge

by late 1800s all railroads use same width size track - now can connect to other lines without stopping

thomas nast

cartoonist who attacked boss tweed and corruption in Harper's weekly leads to investigation of Tweeds actions Tweed ended up dying in prison

Wabash Case

causes state govs become much more limited Supreme Court rules that a state cannot regulate interstate trade = crossing state lines But says that state governments can regulate within state

W.E.B. DuBois

challenges washington for leadership amongst american blacks felt that blacks should have equal rights should do what it takes for full equality founds NAACP - national association for the advancement of colored people

social gospel

churches should focus on getting people material they need idea that religion should get involved with gov. to make life better for the poor mostly protestants helping catholics


concern: 1 million immigrants per year will change us - instead lets change them - teach their kids what we want them to know mandatory education pledge of allegiance teach english, us history, civics and gov

hull house

created by Jane Adams in Chicago =first settlement house - idea spreads - help things with immigrants

Indian Peace Commission

created in 1867 to separate hostile from non-hostile tribes and convince them to move to reservations far away from the major trials and white settlements (also away from gold discoveries)

Yellowstone National Park

created in 1872 as the world's first national park

Sherman Anti-Trust Act

created to limit the power of trusts =made it illegal to have business combination in restraint of trade supposed to bring competition - problem in wording - what does it mean to "restrain trade"

Coxey's Army

demonstration by unemployed workers in D.C. led by Ohio businessman Jacob Coxey wants gov jobs for workers not permitted to rally in park - marchers arrested =example of gov not helping poor

Edwin Drake

developed oil well - control amount coming out 1859 now possible to get way more oil out of the land

ida wells-barnett

documented lynching in the United States and tried to show how it was often a way to control or punish blacks who competed with whites also active in women's rights and the women's suffrage movement

Andrew Carnegie

dominate figure of the steel industry hardworking, smart, amazing salesman by 1880 - produced 1/4 of countries steel

talented tenth

dubois - within every group 10% of people are capable of leading society - rise up

Richard Ely

economist - "positive state" government should actively intervene in the economy to help it evolve in right direction

Thorstein Veblen

economist - Theory of the Leisure Class = wealthy are not more fit and have too much power Power should be in hands of the government trained technicians

Standard Oil company

established by John D. Rockefeller in 1870 bought rival refineries and developing companies for distributing and marketing its products around the globe. Took over competitors, meticulous businessmen but also used bribes Combined various companies to form Standard Oil Trust in 1880


farmers organizaiton feel over-charged by railroads - unhappy with corruption and gov deals Railroads charged more in W (less competition)

craft unions

first unions - skilled workers based on craft - try to improve things for themselves as a group

national woman suffrage association

founded by susan b. anthony and elizabeth cady stanton in 1869 worked to secure the right to vote for women on a national level (amendment)

Colored Farmers Alliance

founded in central Texas in 1877 by black farmers who were not permitted to join the Farmers Alliance - tried to protect black farmers against "land sharks", merchants, horse thieves, and cattle ranchers

settlement houses

group of reformers would come together to live in poor area and try to help people in the community - teach them, services

Eugene Debs

head of railway union - refuses to put men back to work after Pullman Strike - thrown in jail

Lester Frank Ward

idea: societies do evolve but can go beyond survival of the fittest to society of cooperation Help others rather than compete =we can direct our social evolution Gov must be given power to direct economic and social evolution = gov control to help people

progressive education

john dewey - advocate - students learn best from doing things - centered on group projects (part of socialization)

Knights of Labor

labor union established in 1869 and wanted an 8 hour work day led by Terrence Powderly - one of the largest of the 1880s open to all workers - even blacks Long term plan - all workers would someday combine wealth and buy out workplaces - share $$

tenant farming/sharecropping

landowners let people live on their land - former slaves - give them area to farm Result - soil depletion, over production and lower prices

Open Range

late 1800s large grasslands were opened up Cattle companies wanted to let cattle feed on wide open areas - fatten them up Problem: farmers moved in and fenced lands off Result - leads to violence with cowboys against sheep herders - over fencing - kill each other

Washington Gladden and Walter Rauschenbusch

leaders of the social gospel movement

William Graham Sumner

leading advocate for Social Darwinism Ideas: laissez-faire economics allow natural selection to operate and society to evolve =gov stays out of businesses - only best survive

Oliver Wendell Holmes

legal thinker who believed law evolves as society evolves we should not be held back by older laws and precedents should not be absolute - past societies were different

wilson-gorman tariff

lowered tariff rates from McKinley tariff still very protective 2% income tax


main form of corruption used by political machines lots of contracts (utilities, garbage) in cities people would pay off gov officials to get contract - machine take lots of $

henry ward beecher

major religious leader taught that poor brought on own problems - lifestyle choices felt that changing the way they lived would fix their problems

US department of the interior

manages and conserves most federally owned land. Includes National Parks, US Fish and Wildlife Services, and Indian Affairs charged with managing natural resources will become a battle between business and conservationists with how "resources" were to be managed - tended to side with business at this time

Gold standard act

mckinley makes gold the only standard of value doesn't matter - lots of gold being found - alaska - leads to inflation


movement to stop drinking (key to city problems) Women's Temperance Movement evolves into prohibition movement Led by Carrie Nation

Robber Barons

negative view of industrial leaders unscrupulous businessmen - wiped out competitors, corruption 2 depressions - people blame industrial leaders

grandfather clause

only can vote if your grandfather was registered to vote

Las Gorras Blancas

organization of Hispanics active in American Southwest that tried to take back lands lost to white land grab in 1880s and 1890s Used intimidation and raids to scare off whites - failed

Department of the Interior

oversaw Indian Peace Commission and was responsible for providing the tribes with necessities to survive on the reservations


people who feel we don't need to change spoils system=no reform led by Roscoe Conkling

Greenback Labor Party

political party for bringing back greenbacks (non-gold backed money) Want inflation Does best in farm areas but never in national elections =regional but not national

Captains of Industry

positive view of industrial leaders - Rockefeller, Carnegie, Morgan, Vanderbilt Created enormous wealth and production = living standards go up

dwight moody

protestant evangelist against social gospel believed that people should focus on spiritual ideas not material

Discriminatory Pricing

railroads would charge different rates along same line - depends on where you were =farmers are ripped off Farmers turn to state govs to do something Issue: does gov have the right to tell businesses what kinds of prices they can charge?


religion - belief that bible is literal unchanging word of God =accept bible literally at all times and all places regardless of time periods


secret agreement made by producers producers agree hey were all going to limit production to cause prices to increase problem - hard to enforce - producers didn't trust each other

new south

south tries to industrialized Cigarette industry Cotton textiles

conspicious consumption

spending money on acquiring luxury goods and services to publicly display economic power wealthy during the Gilded Age

Haymarket Square

strikes in Chicago - fighting with Pinkerton Agents Local anarchists - decide to have rally in Haymarket Square in favor of strikers - join w Knights of Labor Bomb goes off - 7 police killed =destroys Knights of Labor - guilt by association - seen as anti-American -wiped out

henry grady

supporter of industrialized south =leader of the new south movement

plessy v ferguson

supreme court to decide if segregation is legal background - louisiana law requiring separate railroad cars for races - homer plessy 1/8th black - challenges - arrested for sitting in white seciton supreme court ruling - this type of segregation is legal as long as one standard is met = separate but equal is legal!!! leads to more separation but not equal in south

Social Darwinism

taking Darwin's ideas and applying them to human society =those who succeed are most fit Welfare interferes with natural selection allows unfit to survive and procreate Believe evolution of mankind would benefit from no government assistance to poor


tax break or cash payment to ease a burden (cost of production, etc) =better than laissez-faire (government actually helping businesses)


thomas edison - direct current (backed by JP Morgan) George Westinghouse and Nicola Tesla create safer system - alternating current

national labor union

tried unsuccessfully to create a national coalition of local trade unions - want 8 hr day and arbitration allowed unskilled industrial workers - want to be more a political movement - try to take over government hurt by depression of 1873 - people would rather work than strike (paved the way for other organized labor groups)

dingley tariff

under Mckinley - raise tariff rates back to McKinley tariff rate - 47% remains in effect for 12 years - longest lived tariff in US history economy does very well under McKinley Makes him very popular

Gold Democrats

want to stay on gold standard - against inflation (unlike rest of D party) - cleveland gold dems unite with Reps and repeal Sherman Act Depression of 1893 - very bad - JP Morgan loans US gov $

American Protection Association

wanted limits on # of immigrants to protect American workers and jobs (certain % per country and pass literacy test)


white southerners, catholics, recent immigrants, urban working poor (pro-labor), and most farmers

Mother Jones

worked with Knights of Labor and helped found the IWW Turned her attention later in life to child labor and making public aware of working conditions and frequent accidents Organized many groups of workers in protest of working conditions

Looking backward

written by Edward Bellamy in 1888 novel of time traveler in 2000 looking back society has evolved into a perfect nationalist society of cooperation and gov control = utopian socialism People like these ideas at the time - 3rd most popular book of the 1800s couldn't predict Nazi Germany or Communist Russia, China-murder At the time: fear was in big corporations not human rights violations

Jacob Riis

wrote how the other half lives (about people being jammed into cities reformer concerned with the plight of immigrants in cities

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