APUSH Period 6

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Among those who joined the movement from farms to cities were African Americans from the south. Between 1897 and 1930, nearly ________ southern blacks settled in northern and western cities.

1 million

By 1900, __ of all working Americans worked for wages


How many transcontinental railroads were competed by the end of the 19th century?


Brought nationwide chain stores to the towns and urban neighborhoods

Frank Woolworth's Five and Ten Cent Store

The ______ produces new cultural and intellectual movements,public reform efforts, and political debates over economic and social policies

Gilded ages

Discovered that blasting air through molten iron produced high-quality steel

Henry Bessemer and William Kelly

Some southerners promoted a new vision for a self-sufficient southern economy built on modern capitalist values, industrial growth, and improved transportation. Chief among them was _____ _____, the editor of the Atlanta Constitution

Henry Grady

Led by English philosopher _______, some people argued for social Darwinism, the belief that Darwin's ideas of natural selection and survival of the fittest should be applied to the marketplace and human society. An American social Darwinist professor William Graham Sumner of Yale university , argued that helping the poor was misguided because it interfered with the laws of nature and would only weaken the evolution of the species by preserving the unfit.

Herbert Spencer

The _______ of 1862 encouraged farming on the great plains by offering 160 acres of public land free to any family that settled on it for a period of five years. About 500,000 families took advantage of it. However, five times that number had to purchase their land, because the best public lands often ended up in the hands of railroad companies and speculators.

Homestead act

The expression "gilded age" first used by ______ in 1873 as the title of a book, referee to the superficial glitter of the new wealth so prominently displayed in the late 19th century

Mark Twain

When was the first transcontinental railroad completed?

May 10, 1869

Since neither party had an active legislative agenda, politics in this era was chiefly a game of winning elections, holding office, and providing government jobs to the party faithful. Republicans who supported this patronage system where divide it into two factions stalwarts and half breeds. Republicans who favored reform and did not play the patronage game where ridiculed as the ______ for sitting on the fence their mugs on one side of the fence and wumps on the other


As migrant populations increased in number and the American bison population was decimated, competition for land and resources in the West among white settlers, American Indians, and Mexican Americans led to an increase in violent conflict.


Political parties in major cities came under the control of tightly organized groups of politicians, known as political machines. The most noteworthy political machine was Tammany Hall in New York City.


Some business leaders argued that the wealthy had a moral obligation to help the less fortunate and improve society, as articulated in the idea known as the Gospel of Wealth, and they made philanthropic contributions that enhanced educational opportunities and urban environments


The South's postwar economy remained tied mainly to...

growing cotton

Founded in 1886 and ed by Samuel Gompers until 1924; did not make controversial political demands; included only skilled workers, focused mainly on higher wages and improved working conditions; was by far the nation's largest union, with nearly 1 million members

American Federation of Labor

By 19, for the first time, more _______ lived in urban areas than in rural areas. Those moving into the cities were both immigrants and internal migrants born in the rural United States. They left farms for industrial and commercial jobs.


_______ article written in 1889 entitled wealth, more commonly know as the gospel of wealth, argued that the wealth had a God give responsibility to carry out projects of civic philanthropy for the benefit of society. Carnegie distributed more than $350 million of his fortune to support the building of libraries, universities, and various public institutions.

Andrew Carnegie

Increasing public debates over _______ and Americanization accompanied the growth of international migration. Many immigrants negotiated compromises between the cultures they brought and the culture they found in the United States.


Henry Bessemer and William Kelly discovered that blasting air through molten iron produced high-quality steel. This process was known as...

Bessemer Process

______ argued for accommodating segregation for the time being. Washington, a former slave, had graduated from Hampton Institute in Virginia. In 1881, he established an industrial and agricultural school for African-American and Tuskeegee Alabama. There, African-Americans learned skilled trades. Earning money, he said, would empower African Americans more effectively than a political ballot. Speaking at an expedition in Atlanta in 1895, Washington argue that the agitation of the questions of social equality is the extremist Bali in 1900, he organize the national Negro business lead to support business owned and operated by African-Americans

Booker T. Washington

Where was the first transcontinental railroad completed?

Promontory Point, Utah

About iPhone third of the western miners in the 1860s were _____ immigrants. Native born Americans resented the competition. Political pressure from western states moved Congress to pass the _____ Exclusion Act in 1882, which prohibited further immigration to the United States by _____ borders. The law was the first major act of congress to restrict immigration on the basis of nationality.


____ of Nebraska delivered an anti-gold standard speech at the Democratic national convention in 1896. In the most famous line from the speech he said you shall not crucify mankind upon a cross of gold. He won the Democratic presidential nomination. The democratic platform favored the unlimited coinage of silver. The populist party also nominated him as it's candidate in the 1896 presidential

Congressman William Jennings Bryan

________ need for managers and for male and female clerical workers as well as increased access to educational institutions, fostered the growth of a distinctive middle class. A growing amount of leisure time also helped expand consumer culture.


A new phase in the relationship between the US government and American Indians was incorporated in the _____ of 1887. The act was designed to break up tribal organizations, which many felt kept American Indians from becoming "civilized" and law abiding citizens. The act divided the tribal lands into plots of 160 acres, depending on family size

Dawes severalty act

Between 1877 and the mid 20th century, ______ could count upon winning every election in the former states of the confederacy. In the north, democratic strength came from big city political machines and the immigrant vote. They were often Catholics,Lutherans, and Jews who objected to temperance and prohibition crusades conducted by Protestant (and largely republican) groups. ____ of the gilded age argued for states rights and limiting powers for the federal government


the first department stores

R.H. Macy and Marshall Field

The most hotly debated issue of the gilded age was how much to expand the money supply. Depth does, farmers, and start up businesses wanted more "______" money in circulation, since this would enable them to pay off their loans more easily with inflated dollars to expand the supply of US currency, easy money advocates campaigned for more paper money (greenbacks) and then for the unlimited coinage of silver coins

Easy or soft

The ______. Of 1896 had significant short term and long term consequences on American politics. In marked the end of the stalemate in stagnation that had characterize politics in the gilded age. It initiated an era of Republican dominance of the presidency seven of the next nine elections and of both houses of Congress 17 of the next 20 sessions. The populist party declined and seems to be a national party. The election of 1896 with a clear victory for big businesses, urban centers, conservative economics, and moderate middle-class values. Mckinley emerged as the first modern president, and active leader who made the US a major player in international affairs


Reformers build a settlement houses in poor neighborhoods. Settlement houses provided social services for people in the neighborhood to help relieve the effects of poverty. The most famous such experiment was _______ in Chicago, which was started by Jane Addams and a college classmate in 1889. Settlement houses Todd English to immigrants, pioneered early childhood education, Todd industrial art, and established neighborhood theaters and music schools.

Hull house

In 1924, the federal government granted US citizenship to all American Indians. As part of President Franklin Roosevelt's new deal in the 1930s, congress adopted the ______ (1934) which promoted the reestablishment of tribal organization and culture. Today more than 3million American Indians, belonging to 500 tribes, live within the United States.

Indian reorganization act

helped expand the middle class


Required railroads rates to be "reasonable and just"

Interstate Commerce Act of 1886

The Interstate Commerce Act set up the first federal regulatory agency, which had the power to investigate and prosecute pools, rebates, and other discriminatory practices

Interstate Commerce Commission

Many women sought grader and equality with men, often joining voluntary organizations, going to college, promoting social and political reform, and, like _______, working in settlement houses to help immigrants adapt to US language and customs

Jane Addams

Founded Standard Oil, a company that refined oil into kerosene to fuel lamps

John D. Rockefeller

In the 19th century, American industrialists appealed to this theory to justify their methods of doing business-even while they readily accepted the protection of high tariffs and federal subsides. This theory argued that governments should avoid interfering in the workings of the free market


was organized in 1868 by Oliver H. Kelley primarily as a social and educational organization for farmers and their families. Within five years, these existed is almost every state. As it expanded, it became active in economics and politics to defend members against middlemen, trusts, and railroads. For example, these established cooperatives- businesses owned and run by the farmers to save the costs charged by middlemen

National Grange of Patrons of Husbandry

Beginning in the 1890s and continuing Who the outbreak of World War I in 1914, the national origins of most immigrants changed. The ______immigrants came from southern and eastern Europe. The immigrants were Italians, Greeks, Croats, Slovaks, Poles, and Russians. Mini were poor and illiterate peasants. The immigrants were largely Roman Catholic., Greek orthodox, Russian orthodox, and Jewish. On arrival, most new immigrants crowded into pour ethnic neighborhoods in New York, Chicago, and other major cities.


Henry Grady spread the gospel of the ___ _____ with editorials that argued for economic diversity and laissez-faire capitalism

New South.

The ______, once set aside for the use of American Indians, was opened for settlement in 1889, and hundreds of homesteaders took part in the last great land rush in the west

Oklahoma territory

Public outrage over the assassination of President Garfield led to the passage of the _______, which set up the civil service commission and created a system by which applicants for classified federal jobs would be selected on the basis of their scores on a competitive exam. The law also prohibited civil servants from making political contributions. At first, it only applied to 10% of federal employees, but in later decade, it was expanded to cover most federal jobs.

Pendleton act

The discovery of gold near _________, in 1859 brought nearly 100,000 miners to the area. In the same year, the discovery of the fabulous Comstock Lode (which produced more than $340 million in gold and silver by 1890) was responsible for Nevada entering the union in 1864. Idaho and Montana also received early statehood, largely because of mining booms.

Pike's peak Colorado

The Supreme Court decision in _______that upheld racial segregation helped to mark the end of most of the political gains African Americans made during reconstruction. Facing increased violence, discrimination, and scientific theories of race, African American reformers continued to fight for political and social equality

Plessy v Ferguson

In an urban atmosphere where the access to power was unequally distributed,_______ thrived, in part by providing immigrants and the poor with social services

Political machines

Farmers provided the foundation for this new political party, the People's or ________ party. Politically, the party demanded an increase in the power of common voters through direct popular election of US senators (instead of indirect election by state legislatures) and the use of initiatives and referendums, procedures that allowed citizens to vote directly on proposed laws


advocated unlimited coinage of silver to increase the money supply, a graduated income tax, public ownership of railroads, telegraph and telephone systems by the US government, loans and federal warehouses for farmers, and an eight hour day for industrial workers

Populist party

The _____ during the gilded age included many union veterans, African Americans, reformers, men in businesses, and middle class Anglo Saxon Protestants, many of whom supported temperance or prohibition. Republicans followed the tradition of Hamilton and the whigs, supporting a pro business economic program of high protective tariffs.

Republican Party

Two large mail-order companies that used the improved rail system to ship to rural customers everything from hats to houses ordered from their thick catalogs

Sears, Roebuck and Montgomery Ward

Resulted in the growth of large scale industry and the production of steel, petroleum, electric power, and the industrial machinery to produce other goods

Second Industrial Revolution

After failing to curb trusts on the state level, reformers finally moved Congress to pass this, which prohibited any "contract, combination, in the form of trust or otherwise, or conspiracy in restraint of trade or commerce." Although a federal law against monopolies was now on the books, it was too vaguely worded to stop the development of trusts in the 1890s

Sherman Antitrust Act

Social commentators advocated theories later described as ________ to justify the success of those at the top of the socioeconomic structure as both appropriate and inevitable.

Social Darwinism

Bankers, creditors, investors, and established businesses stood for"_____"money meaning currency backed by gold stored in government vault. Supporters of hard money are you dead dollars of backed by gold would hold their value against inflation.

Sound or hard

In the 1890s _______, provided half of federal revenue. Western farmers and Easton capitalist disagreed on the question of whether tariff rates on foreign imports should be high or low eastern capitalist favored a high tariffs to protect industry. Many Democrats, especially southern Democrats, objective to high tariffs because these taxes raise the prices. On consumer goods. Farmers objected to high tariffs because other nations retaliated by placing taxes of their own on US farm products


Established a research laboratory in Menlo Park, New Jersey, in 1876

Thomas Edison

Dramatic social changes in the period inspired political debates over citizenship, corruption, and the proper relationship between business and government.


In 1896, in the landmark case of Plessy versus Ferguson, the Supreme Court upheld creation laws when it upheld a Louisiana law requiring separate but equal accommodations are white and black passengers on railroads.


In hoes of achieving ideals of self sufficiency and independence, migrants moved to both rural and boomtown areas of the west for opportunities, such as building the railroads, mining, farming, and ranching.


In the 1880s and 1890s, a number of Protestant clergy espoused the cause of social justice for the poor——-especially the urban poor. They preached what they called the social gospel, or the importance of applying Christian principles to social problems. Through those preached what the social gospel, Christianity was linked with the progressive reform movement and many middle class Protestants were encouraged to attack urban problems.


In the election of 1880, the Republican comply comprised on the nomination of halfbreed James a Garfield of Ohio for president and stalwart Chester a Arthur of New York as vice president. After winning the presidency, President Garfield was giving most offices to half breeds. In 1881 a daranged office seeker who identified with stalwarts shot and killed president Garfield.


Many American Indians preserved their cultures and tribal identities despite government policies promoting assimilation, and they attempted to develop self-sustaining economic practices.


New cultural and intellectual movements both buttressed and challenged the social order of the gilded age


The U.S. government violated treaties with American Indians and responded to resistance with military force, eventually confining American Indians to reservations and denying tribal sovereignty


The building of railroads, the discovery of mineral resources, and government policies promoted economic growth and created new communities and centers of commercial activity.


The major political parties appealed to lingering divisions from the civil war and contended over tariffs and currency issues, even s reformers argued that economic greed and self interest had corrupted all levels of government.


a number of artists and critics, including agrarians, utopians, socialists, and advocates of the social gospel championed alternative visions for the economy and US society


By 1900, which country was the leading industrial power in the world?

United States

Which country was the largest market for industrial goods during this time period?

United States

_________ based on particular ethnicities, races, and classes provided new cultural opportunities for city dwellers.

Urban neighborhoods.

____ was a social scientist to used new statistic methods to study crime in urban neighborhoods. The first African-American to receive a doctorate from Harvard. He was deleting black intellectual of the era. He advocated equality for blacks, integrated schools, and equal access to higher education for the "talented tenth"

WED Du Bois

Larger number of immigrants moved to the ____ in search of land and economic opportunity, frequently provoking competitor and violent conflict


For their presidential nominee, the Republicans nominated ______of Ohio, best known for his support of a high protective tariff but also considered a friend of labor. The Republican platform proposed a higher tariff to protect industry and upheld the gold standard against unlimited coinage of silver. The defection of gold bug democrats over the silver if you gave Republicans an advantage. He was elected president in 1896 winning a decisive victory over Bryan.

William McKinley

After fighting between Indians and US troops in the 1870s, constant pressure from the US army forced tribe after tribe to agree to move onto reservations. In addition, the slaughter of most of the Buffalo by Americans by the early 1880s doomed the way of life of the plains Indians. In December 1890, the US army gunned down more than 200 American Indian men women and children in the "battle" (massacre) of _____ in the dakotas. This final tragedy marked the end of the Indian wars in the prairie.

Wounded knee

In 1890, two of the pioneer feminist of the 1840s, Elizabeth Caddy Stanton and Susan B Anthony of New York, helped found the national American woman suffrage Association (NAWSA) to secure the boat for women. A western state,_______, was the first to grant full suffrage to women, in 1869


Where, when, and who was the first US oil well drilled by?

by Edwin Drake in 1859 in Pennsylvania

Improvements in _____________ helped agricultural production increase substantially and contributed to declines in food prices


The industrial workforce expanded and became more diverse through internal and international _________; child labor also increased


What were the most important innovations of the railroads?

modern stockholder corporation and complex structures in finance

From colonial times until the 1880s, the vast majority of immigrants came from...

northern and western Europe (the British Isles, Germany, and Scandinavia

Most of the ___ immigrants were Protestants. Their language (mostly English speaking) and high level of literacy and occupational skills made it relatively easy for these immigrants to blend into a mostly rural American society in the early decades of the 19th century


Businesses and foreign policy makers increasingly looked _______ US boarders in an effort to gain greater influence and control over makers and natural resources in the Pacific Rim, Asia, and Latin America


Controled half of the land in some western states; the nation's first big business


By 1900, more than half the region's while farmers and three fourths of the black farmers were...


The combination of _____________ and crop liens forced poor farmers to remain tenants, virtual serfs tied to the land by debt


Tried to organize all workers, skilled and unskilled

the first national labor unions

What did the first transcontinental railroad do?

tied California to the rest of the Union

During the Civil War, Congress authorized land grants and loans for the building of the first...

transcontinental railroad

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