APUSH Review Unit 1 1491-1607

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*AMERICAN INDIANS* *Mayas, Incas, Aztecs* - *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments. * *I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *A) The spread of maize cultivation from present-day Mexico northward into the present-day American Southwest and beyond supported economic development, settlement, advanced irrigation, and social diversification among societies.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

* Definitions from Wikipedia.org:* American Indians are a people whose pre-Columbian ancestors were indigenous to the lands within the nation's modern boundaries. These peoples were composed of numerous distinct tribes, bands, and ethnic groups, and many of these groups survive intact today as sovereign nations. The *Maya* were a group of Mesoamerican Indian people inhabiting southeast Mexico, Guatemala, and Belize. The *Inca* are group of Quechuan peoples of highland Peru who established an empire from northern Ecuador to central Chile before the Spanish conquest. The *Aztecs* are a group of people of central Mexico whose civilization was at its height at the time of the Spanish conquest in the early 16th century. *Significance to U.S History:* American Indians are the natives that long arrived and lived on the North American continent before Christopher Columbus arrived. They were able to adapt the the various environments in the regions they lived in. They had hundreds of tribes, spoke many different languages, practiced different cultures. In Central and South America, civilizations built complex societies. The Mayas built remarkable cities in the rain forests of the Yucatan peninsula. The Aztecs lived in Central Mexico and the Incas lived in Peru and built vast empires. All 3 civilizations developed highly organized societies, traded, and created calendars that were based on scientific observations.

*Sir Walter Raleigh -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from AMSCO book:* Sir Walter Raleigh was an English adventurer who attempted to establish a settlement at Roanoke Island off the North Carolina coast in 1587,but the venture failed( page 9). *Significance to U.S history:* Sir Walter Raleigh set high standards for future English settlers, although many English settlers had a rough time at first. Raleigh encouraged others to start building their own colonies, which would later lead to the establishment of the 13 colonies.

*Asiento System -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *II. The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in extensive demographic, economic, and social changes.* *A) Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas were accompanied and furthered by widespread deadly epidemics that devastated native populations and by the introduction of crops and animals not found in the Americas.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* Asiento System operated between the early 16th and the mid-18th century, an agreement between the Spanish crown and a private person or another sovereign power by which the latter was granted a monopoly in supplying African slaves for the Spanish colonies in the Americas. The contractor agreed to pay a certain amount of money to the crown for the monopoly and to deliver a stipulated number of male and female slaves for sale in the American markets. *Significance to U.S History:* The Spanish slowly shift towards using slavery because the native americans had mostly died from disease and overwork and so the Spanish turned to African slaves from Africa to replenish the labor shortage. This resulted in hundreds of thousands of slaves being brought to the New World and showed the shift from labor usage of native americans towards predominantly using slaves for labor.

*Metis - * *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *III. In their interactions, Europeans and Native Americans asserted divergent worldviews regarding issues such as religion, gender roles, family, land use, and power. * *C) Extended contact with Native Americans and Africans fostered a debate among European religious and political leaders about how non-Europeans should be treated, as well as evolving religious, cultural, and racial justifications for the subjugation of Africans and Native Americans.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* Metis are an indigenous people of mixed Native American/First Nations and European ancestry. Some Métis also have African or/and Asian or/and Pacific Islander ancestry. *Significance to U.S History: Metis were the children who had parents of mixed races from the indigenous people of the Americas and Europe. Cultures between the new and old world were mixed together. They usually had a higher social status and sometimes aided explorers by being traders, guides or interpreters. *

*New laws of 1542 -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* * Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *III. In their interactions, Europeans and Native Americans asserted divergent worldviews regarding issues such as religion, gender roles, family, land use, and power.* *C) Extended contact with Native Americans and Africans fostered a debate among European religious and political leaders about how non Europeans should be treated, as well as evolving religious, cultural, and racial justifications for the subjugation of Africans and Native Americans.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* New Laws of 1542 provided sweeping changes in Spain's colonies. The natives were to be considered free, and the owners of the Encomienda could no longer demand free labor or services from them. They did need to pay a certain amount of tribute, but any extra work was to be paid for. Natives were to be treated fairly and given expanded rights. Conquistadores were outraged and they were repealed. *Significance to U.S History:* The new laws ended Indian slavery, temporarily stopped forced Indian labor, and attempted to end the encomienda system, which kept Indians in serfdom. Showed early signs of reform thoughts. Attempts to better treatment of natives and democratic ideas of treating people of different races nicely and not discriminate them.

*Prince Henry the Navigator -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *C) Improvements in maritime technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade, such as joint-stock companies, helped drive changes to economies in Europe and the Americas.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* Prince Henry the Navigator was a Portuguese explorer who explored the western coast of Africa and largely helped Portugal become the top maritime power in the 1400's. *Significance to U.S History:* Explored the west coast of Africa and helped the Portuguese became prominent in the Atlantic slave trade as he traveled to Africa and began trades in slaves and gold. He also developed a government sponsored institution that focused on cartography and maritime travel. This led to the Portuguese to become a maritime empire

*Chinook -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* * I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *D) Societies in the Northwest and present-day California supported themselves by hunting and gathering, and in some areas developed settled communities supported by the vast resources of the ocean.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* The Chinook were a settled tribe in the Pacific northwest. They had distinct social castes. Upper castes included shamans, warriors, and successful traders and were a minority of the community population compared to common members of the tribal group. The Chinook were fisherman and hunters. *Significance to U.S History:* The Chinook signified societal development as they had distinct social classes that were similar to the social hierarchy systems of the Europeans.

*The Protestant Reformation -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* The Protestant Reformation was the 16th-century schism within Western Christianity initiated by Martin Luther, John Calvin and other early Protestants. It was sparked by the 1517 posting of Luther's Ninety-five theses. The efforts of the self-described "reformers", who objected to the doctrines, rituals, and ecclesiastical structure of the Roman Catholic Church. *Significance to U.S History:* The conflict caused many European countries of Catholic religion, like Spain and Portugal , and the Protestant countries, like England and Holland to want to spread their versions of Christianity to people in other countries that weren't European. Also a religious motive for exploration and colonization in the new world.

*Atlantic Slave trade - * *Period 1, 1491-1607* * Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* * I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies. * *C. Improvements in maritime technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade, such as joint-stock companies, helped drive changes to economies in Europe and the Americas.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* The transatlantic slave trade took place across the Atlantic Ocean from the 15th through to the 19th centuries. The vast majority of those enslaved that were transported to the New World, many on the triangular trade route and its Middle Passage, were West Africans from the central and western parts of the continent sold by other western Africans to western European slave traders, with a small minority being captured directly by the slave traders in coastal raids, and brought to the Americas. *Significance to U.S History:* The trans-Atlantic slave trade was the first trade that involved African slaves. Later, other countries would follow and slavery would gradually increase. Slavery was needed for economic needs.

*Treaty of Tordesillas -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from APUSH Unit 1 term review:* Treaty of Tordesillas, 1494 - Portugal and Spain feuded over who got what land. The Pope drew this line as he was respected by both. The line ran North-South. Portugal got everything east of the line and Spain got everything west of it. *Significance to U.S History:* To avoid war, Spain and Portugal sign the treaty in which the Line of Demarcation divided the two spheres of land in half. Other European countries were also fervent about exploring the new land. This led to increased exploration by european countries to the new world.

*Conquistadores -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* * Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *II. The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in extensive demographic, economic, and social changes.* *A) Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas were accompanied and furthered by widespread deadly epidemics that devastated native populations and by the introduction of crops and animals not found in the Americas.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from WIkipedia.org:* A general term for any one of a group of Spanish explorers in the New World who sought to conquer the native people, establish dominance over their lands, and prosper from their natural resources, including gold. The Conquistadors established a large Hispanic empire stretching from Mexico to Chile and wreaked havoc among native populations. *Significance to U.S History:* Conquistadors conquered much of the Americas and brought the land under Spanish rule. They subjugated the native indian civilizations and put them under forced labor. Spanish first introduced forced labor in the New World.

*Gunpowder, Compass, Sextant -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *C) Improvements in maritime technology and more organized methods for conducting international trade, such as joint-stock companies, helped drive changes to economies in Europe and the Americas.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from WIkipedia.org:* Gunpowder is an explosive consisting of a powdered mixture of saltpeter, sulfur, and charcoal. A compass is an instrument containing a magnetized pointer that shows the direction of magnetic north and bearings from it. A Sextant is an instrument with a graduated arc of 60° and a sighting mechanism, used for measuring the angular distances between objects and especially for taking altitudes in navigation. *Significance to U.S History:* New inventions helped the europeans defeat the native indians. Gunpowder allowed the europeans to easily defeat the native indians who only had tools. New inventions for the sea allowed europeans to reach their destination more easily and better ships allowed travel to be faster. New inventions, better shipbuilding, and mapmaking marked a new age of explorations as european countries continued to explore the new world.

*Northeast settlement:* * Iroquois Confederation; 5 tribes - Seneca, Cayuga, Onondaga, Oneida, & Mohawk, Algonquian -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* *I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *C) In the Northeast, the Mississippi River Valley, and along the Atlantic seaboard some societies developed mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from WIkipedia.org:* The Northeast is a geographical region of the United States bounded to the north by Canada, to the east by the Atlantic Ocean, to the south by the Southern United States, and to the west by theMidwestern United States. The Iroquois Confederation of five (later six) Indian tribes across upper New York state that during the 17th and 18th centuries played a strategic role in the struggle between the French and British for mastery of North America. The five Iroquois nations, characterizing themselves as "the people of the longhouse," were the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca. Algonquian are a collection of many tribes speaking a similar, Algonquian language, located in the Atlantic northeast. lived by hunting and fishing, although quite a few supplemented their diet by cultivating corn, beans, squash, etc.. The Algonquians of New England (who spoke Eastern Algonquian) practiced a seasonal economy. The basic social unit was the village: a few hundred people related by a clan kinship structure. Villages were temporary and mobile. *Significance to U.S History:* The indians in the northeast had cultures that included farming and hunting. Farming techniques, however led to soil exhaustion and the tribes moved to new land from time to time. The Iroquois Confederation was a political union of 5 tribes who lived in the Mohawk valley of New York. The Confederation sought to become a peaceful and civilized civilization and were a powerful force among indian groups, battling the europeans and rival American Indians.

*Christopher Columbus -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* *I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *B) Societies responded to the aridity of the Great Basin and the grasslands of the western Great Plains by developing largely mobile lifestyles. * *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org* - Christopher was an Italian explorer, navigator, colonizer and citizen of the Republic of Genoa. Under the auspices of the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, he completed four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean. Those voyages, and his efforts to establish permanent settlements on the island of Hispaniola, initiated the Spanish colonization of the New World. *Significance to U.S History:* Columbus had hoped to find a route to India, but instead he found a new land, the Americas. His findings introduced new goods and foods to the Old World, which forever changed the world. Other European countries, such as England, France, Portugal, and the Dutch quickly followed Spain in exploring the new world and soon established colonies and settlements. This united the eastern and western hemispheres together.

*Bartolome de Las Casas -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* A Spanish missionary who was appalled by the encomienda system in Hispaniola and protested for better treatment of the Native Americans. *Significance to U.S history:* From the beginning when Spain first arrived to the new world, they always felt superior to Native Americans resulting in the establishment of the encomienda system, which allowed Spaniards to take away Native American land and use them for labor. Unlike the majority of Spaniards, Bartolome de Las Casas aimed to improve Native American treatment. The issue over unfair Native American treatment would later be seen again with the increase number of American's migrating westward and the trail of tears which forced many Native Americans to flee their land.

*Viceroys -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *II. The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in extensive demographic, economic, and social changes.* *A) Spanish exploration and conquest of the Americas were accompanied and furthered by widespread deadly epidemics that devastated native populations and by the introduction of crops and animals not found in the Americas.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* A viceroy is the governor of a country, province, or colony who rules as the representative of the sovereign. *Significance to U.S History:* The Spanish used viceroys, who represented the King, to govern the Spanish colonies in the new world. The viceroys supervised the colonies and reported back to the king of Spain on how the colonies were doing.

*Mid-west settlements: Adena-Hopewell, Cahokia, Woodland mound builders -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* *I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *C) In the Northeast, the Mississippi River Valley, and along the Atlantic seaboard some societies developed mixed agricultural and hunter-gatherer economies that favored the development of permanent villages.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* Area around the St. Louis, Missouri area and spread northwest along the Mississippi and Illinois rivers and entered the state along the Kankakee River system. The Adena-Hopewell were a Pre-Columbian Native American culture that existed from 1000 to 200 BC, in a time known as the Early Woodland period. The Adena culture refers to what were probably a number of related Native American societies sharing a burial complex and ceremonial system. Cahokia was an Indian center for trade in 1200 A.D. that was once located near present-day St. Louis. The Cahokia lived in a village of southwest Illinois, a suburb of St. Louis, Missouri. It is located on the site of a large Mississippian settlement (c. 800-1350) with numerous extant earthworks. Woodland mound builders in the Eastern Woodland tribes, the Adena, Hopewell, and Mississipian groups are also referred to as mound-builder groups. The Adena and Hopewell cultures developed along the Ohio River, while Mississipians lived in the entire Mississippi valley. They primarily built burial grounds with grave goods. *Significance to U.S History:* The midwest was supported by agriculture, hunting, and fishing, so many permanent settlements were able to develop in the Mississippi and Ohio Valleys. The groups of Indians were known as the Woodland American Indians.

*Encomienda system -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* * II. The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in extensive demographic, economic, and social changes.* * B) In the encomienda system, Spanish colonial economies marshaled Native American labor to support plantation-based agriculture and extract precious metals and other resources.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* Encomienda, in colonial Spanish America, legal system by which the Spanish crown attempted to define the status of the Indian population in its American colonies. *Significance to U.S History:* The Encomienda system used native Indians as a labor source. The conquistadors that were in charge of the system had to take care of the native Americans Although the system was supposed to be used to Christianize the Indians and protect them, it ended used as an effective system to enslave native Indians.

*John Cabot -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* John Cabot was an Italian navigator and explorer whose 1497 discovery of parts of North America under the commission of Henry VII of England is commonly held to have been the first European exploration of the mainland of North America since the Norse Vikings' visits to Vinland in the eleventh century. *Significance to U.S History:* The English began to show interest in exploring the new world and signifies that more European countries began to show interest in the new world due to economic and political motives.

*Maize/corn* - *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* * I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *A) The spread of maize cultivation from present-day Mexico northward into the present-day American Southwest and beyond supported economic development, settlement, advanced irrigation, and social diversification among societies. * *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* Maize or corn are grains or kernels of this plant, used as food for humans and livestock or for the extraction of an edible oil or starch. Also called Indian corn, maize. *Significance to U.S. History:* Corn or maize, was one of the most important crops grown by the Native American peoples in the region of South America and Mexico. Corn helped the natives develop agricultural villages and shift and from a nomadic society to a permanent settlement. As it spread towards the American southwest, it helped support economic development, settlement, irrigation, and create social diversification among societies as food was stable, so people could have job specialization and work in other jobs other than farming such as becoming an artisan.

*Samuel de Champlain -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* * A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* Samuel de Champlain, a Frenchman, explored the Great Lakes and established the first French colony in North America at Quebec in 1608. *Significance to U.S history:* Samuel de Champlain helped encourage other French people to settle in the new world. Champlain's first settlement in the new world later lead to an increase desire to conquer the rest of the westward hemisphere. This desire later turned into ambition leading to future conflict with Americans and conflict with Native Americans.

*Columbian Exchange: * *Horses, smallpox, silver, gold, and potatoes* - *Period 1, 1491-1607* * Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* * I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *B) The Columbian Exchange brought new crops to Europe from the Americas, stimulating European population growth, and new sources of mineral wealth, which facilitated the European shift from feudalism to capitalism.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* The Columbian Exchange was the name given to the biological and cultural exchange between the new and old world coming together. A horse is a solid-hoofed plant-eating domesticated mammal with a flowing mane and tail, used for riding, racing, and to carry and pull loads. Smallpox was an acute contagious viral disease, with fever and pustules usually leaving permanent scars. It was effectively eradicated through vaccination by 1979. Silver is a precious shiny grayish-white metal and gold is a yellow precious metal, the chemical element of atomic number 79, valued especially for use in jewelry and decoration, and to guarantee the value of currencies. Potatoes are a starchy plant tuber that is one of the most important food crops, cooked and eaten as a vegetable. *Significance to U.S. History:* The Columbian Exchange was the transfer of goods, crops, and diseases between the New and Old World. The New World introduced the Old World to foods such as gold, silver, potatoes, corn, tobacco, and cocoa beans. These new foods helped diversify the diet of the Europeans, which created more variety in food and thus helped increase the health of people. Diseases were exchanged such as syphilis from the New World and from the Old World, diseases such as small pox, measles, bubonic plague, typhus, and scarlet fever. These exchanges caused population to decrease in both worlds. People from the Old World brough animals such as pigs, horses, and cows to the New World. Horses were traded by the Spanish for goods from Native Americans. The introduction of horses allowed Native Americans who followed buffalo herds to travel more easily and practice to nomadic lifestyle more easily.

*Roanoke Island -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* * A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* The Roanoke Colony, also known as the Lost Colony, established on Roanoke Island, in what is today's Dare County, North Carolina, United States, was a late 16th-century attempt by Queen Elizabeth I to establish a permanent English settlement. *Significance to U.S History:* The 1st attempt at colonization by England turned out to be a dramatic failure. All the colonists in the colony disappeared. Shows the English having an increased interest in the New World and wanting to colonize the land. People did not just want to explore and look for goods in the new land. They wanted to colonize it and establish societies that they could live in.

*Spanish Caste system* - *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *II. The Columbian Exchange and development of the Spanish Empire in the Western Hemisphere resulted in extensive demographic, economic, and social changes.* *D) The Spanish developed a caste system that incorporated, and carefully defined the status of, the diverse population of Europeans, Africans, and Native Americans in their empire.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* The Spanish Colonial Casta System. The Casta system of colonial Spain determined a person's social importance in old Mexico. Peninsulares were native Spaniards, Creoles were Spaniards born in the new world, Mestizoes were Spanish Indian people, Mulattoes were Black Spanish people, and Zamboes were black indian people. *Significance to U.S History:* The Spanish Caste System was a social hierarchy that was determined by wealth, education, and physical appearance. There were few women in Spanish colonies and so many men married native women. THis led to the development of the racial caste system in which those with "pure" blood were at the top followed by the mixed ancestries and races. The people at the top had the most privileges. Signified the establishment of social hierarchies. .

*Renaissance influence -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.2: Contact among Europeans, Native Americans, and Africans resulted in the Columbian Exchange and significant social, cultural, and political changes on both sides of the Atlantic Ocean.* *I. European expansion into the Western Hemisphere generated intense social, religious, political, and economic competition and changes within European societies.* *A) European nations' efforts to explore and conquer the New World stemmed from a search for new sources of wealth, economic and military competition, and a desire to spread Christianity.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from Wikipedia.org:* The great period of rebirth in art, literature, and learning in the 14th-16th centuries, which marked the transition into the modern periods of European history. The beginning of absolute European monarchies attempting to expand their control, thus leading in part to the discovery of the "New World." *Significance to U.S History:* The Renaissance sparked curiosity about geography, and generated new maritime inventions that allowed Europeans to travel easier to new locations. Also, trade was expanding, so europeans were looking for new routes and new goods to trade to increase and support the economy.

*Southwest settlement: Hokokam, Anasazi, and Pueblos - * *Period 1, 1491-1607* * Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* *I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *B) Societies responded to the aridity of the Great Basin and the grasslands of the western Great Plains by developing largely mobile lifestyles. * *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definition from the APUSH AMSCO textbook and from Wikipedia.org:* The Southwest region is a dry region that now includes New Mexico and Arizona. The Hokokam were an ancient Native American culture centered on the present-day US state of Arizona. The Hohokam Peoples are one of the four major archaeological prehistoric Southwestern cultural divisions of the American Southwest and Northern Mexico. The Anasazi were an ancient Native American culture that spanned the present-day Four Corners region of the United States, comprising southern Utah, northern Arizona, northwestern New Mexico, and southwestern Colorado. They lived in a range of structures that included small family pit houses, larger clan type structures, grande pueblos, and cliff sited dwellings. The Pueblo is a name for the Native Americans of the present-day southwestern US Pueblos were also apartment like structures made of adobe and mud that formed the "towns" of the pueblo people. *Significance to U.S History:* These early Indian tribes showed strong civilized capabilities as they developed multifaceted societies that included farming, irrigation systems, and multistoried buildings. These groups were able to adapt to the dry and arid environment, however with the arrival of Europeans, conflicts with the Europeans and other hostile natives, including several droughts, ultimately led to the groups to fail and fade away.

*Great Plains:* *Nomadic or sedentary people, Lakota Sioux -* *Period 1, 1491-1607* *Key Concept 1.1: As native populations migrated and settled across the vast expanse of North America over time, they developed distinct and increasingly complex societies by adapting to and transforming their diverse environments.* * I. Different native societies adapted to and transformed their environments through innovations in agriculture, resource use, and social structure.* *B) Societies responded to the aridity of the Great Basin and the grasslands of the western Great Plains by developing largely mobile lifestyles.* *(source: 2015 Revised College Board Content Outline for A.P. U.S. History)*

*Definitions from Wikipedia.org:* The Great Plains is the broad expanse of flat land, much of it covered in prairie, steppe and grassland, that lies west of the Mississippi River tallgrass prairie states and east of the Rocky Mountains in the United States and Canada. The Lakota Sioux are an indigenous people of the Great Plains of North America. *Significance to U.S History:* The native Indians of the Great plains adapted to the environment by either being nomadic hunters or sedentary people who farmed or traded. Nomadic hunters hunted buffalo and used its hide for shelter, clothing, and made it into goods to trade. Farming tribes also hunted buffalo and lived in permanent settlements. The native Indians were able to survive by just hunting animals and using the natural environment around them. The buffalo could be used to make decorations, tools such as knifes, and crafts. Crops that were grown included corn, beans, and squash. Later when the Spanish arrived and brought horses with them, the Lakota Sioux Indians used the horses they obtained from the Spanish to follow the buffalos more easily. Although Europeans provided goods and did trade with the Indians, more conflicts outweighed the good and the Europeans and Indians eventually stopped trades while conflicts increased.

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