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In the 2000 presidential election, the state of Florida had a fairly even split between Republican and Democratic voters, and could have gone either way in terms of either a majority voting for Gore or a majority voting for Bush. This made Florida a:

"Swing" state

What controversial term is associated with Ronald Reagan's characterization of people who abused the social welfare system in America?

"Welfare Queens"

This event demonstrated human rights abuses committed by American troops in Vietnam.

My Lai Massacre

Which of the following was NOT created as a part of JFK's "New Frontier" program?

A federally-mandated health insurance program for the elderly

The Selective Service Act enabled which of the following:

A military draft of young men into the nation's armed services during a time of war

Match the correct historical figure to his or her role in 1950s America: (Alger Hiss)

Alger Hiss accused of being a communist sympathizer, and in 1950, was found guilty of perjury

What action did Jimmy Carter take that angered radical Shiites in Iran, who quickly took over the American embassy in Tehran in 1979.

Allowing the deposed Iranian shah entrance into the US for cancer treatment

All of the following were key features of the early civil rights protests EXCEPT:

Armed retaliation against police forces

The 1966 case of Miranda vs. Arizona decided that:

Arrested persons are read their constitutional rights as they are taken into police custody

Saddam Hussein, a one-time American ally turned enemy, was associated with which political faction?

Baath Party

Which of the following battles did NOT occur in the Pacific theater of the war?

Battle of El Alamein

During the 1960s, the term "LIBERAL" in American politics referred to those who:

Believed the government should take a proactive approach to tackling poverty, preventing racial discrimination, and providing more social welfare services for the American public

Match the historical personality to her correct description: (Betty Friedan)

Betty Friedan author of The Feminine Mystique

Match the correct historical figure to his respective political scandal: (Bill Clinton)

Bill Clinton Monica Lewinsky affair

In 1974, the Supreme Court limited the scope of this practice, relieving concerns of many middle-class families with school-aged children.


Salvadore Allende, the democratically elected president of this Latin American nation, was violently overthrown in 1973 by Augusto Pinochet, who received support from the American CIA.


Match the terms below with the correct definition: (Coup d'etat)

Coup d'etat military ousting of a standing leader

Which of the following was NOT true about Cuba before the 1959 revolution?

Cuba had high rates of education and literacy, despite its economic inequalities

Which of the following is TRUE about Cuba after the Cuban Missile Crisis was resolved?

Cuba's communist government outlived the Cold War, since Fidel Castro did not die until 2016

This Latin American nation was entangled in a brutal civil war during the 1980s, one in which the CIA supported death squads who killed many civilians.

El Salvador

Match the correct historical figure to his or her role in 1950s America: (Dick Clark)

Dick Clark host of American Bandstand from 1956 onwards

Match the historical personality to her correct description: (Dolores Huerta)

Dolores Huerta cofounder of the National Organization for Women

Match the terms below with the correct definition: (Domino theory)

Domino theory once one nation fell to communism, neighboring nations were likely to get knocked down into the communist pit in quick succession

Which of the following was NOT true about rebuilding in the post-World War Two world?

East Germany was forced to pay heavy reparations to Britain and France for the decade following the end of the war

Job Corps, Upward Bound, and VISTA were all programs created specifically by the:

Economic Opportunity Act of 1964

All of the following were pieces of legislation passed in the aftermath of the Watergate scandal EXCEPT:

Economic Recovery Tax Act

Match the correct historical figure to his respective political scandal: (George H.W. Bush)

George H.W. Bush Iran-Contra

Match the correct historical figure to his respective political scandal: (George W. Bush)

George W. Bush weapons sales to Hezbollah

Match the historical personality to her correct description: (Gloria Steinem)

Gloria Steinem cofounder of Ms. Magazine

Which pair of nations were the first to receive "containment" aid from the United States as part of the Truman Doctrine policy?

Greece and Turkey

Which public health crisis emerged in America during the 1980s, and was finally addressed by Reagan's surgeon general in 1986?


This San Francisco city council leader was a key figure for the gay rights movement in America in the 1970s, and his assassination turned him into a political martyr.

Harvey Milk

Which of the following is NOT true about Richard Nixon?

He lost the 1972 election to George McGovern by a slim margin

The American government at first claimed that Francis Gary Powers' plane was a weather plane, but what in fact was Francis Gary Powers doing in Russian airspace?

He was flying a U2 spy plane as part of an espionage mission

Which major natural disaster was not handled well by FEMA during Bush's second presidential term?

Hurricane Katrina on the Gulf Coast

Roth vs. the United States and Miller vs. California both dealt with:

Issues of censorship of materials that were sexually explicit, or obscene, in nature

Which of the descriptions below best describes Levittown?

It was a suburb that began development on Long Island in 1947, and conveniently allowed residents easy access to New York City by car and by train

Which of the following was unique about the 1960 presidential election?

It was the first election in American history to be prefaced by a televised debate between the two final candidates

Chose the list below that has events that are in their correct chronological order:

Japanese bombardment of Pearl Harbor, Second Battle of El Alamein, Battle of the Bulge, American bombing of Nagasaki

Match the correct historical figure to his or her role in 1950s America: (Joseph McCarthy)

Joseph McCarthy Used the House Un-American Activities Committee, or HUAC, as a vehicle to accuse people of communist sympathies.

The primary location of America's Manhattan Project atomic testing was:

Los Alamos, New Mexico

Crack cocaine in the 1980s was a problem in primarily:

Low-income, predominantly African-American urban communities

What was the primary point of disagreement between President Truman and General MacArthur in the course of the Korean War?

MacArthur believed that the US needed to push through North Korea and into China in order to take out China's communist government, while Truman believed this was unwise

This civil rights leader was shot dead in the driveway of his Mississippi home in 1963, prompting the March on Washington that summer.

Medgar Evers

Which of the foreign leaders below was backed by the United States during the 1950s?

Ngo Diem

This Central American country was home to a right-wing paramilitary group that received funds from an American weapons sale to Iran, sparking the Iran-Contra scandal.


During the 1990s, Bill Clinton achieved a diplomatic victory by supporting a successful peace settlement in:

Northern Ireland

The US bombing campaign on military targets over North Vietnam that began in 1965 was known as:

Operation Rolling Thunder

This female conservative activist pushed against the ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment, or ERA, because she believed it would lead to women being forced to serve in the military and widows being denied their husband's pensions.

Phyllis Schlafly

Which of the following places was NOT occupied by Mussolini's forces between 1923 and 1943?


Victims of the Nazi Holocaust most often included all of the following demographic groups EXCEPT:

Protestant Christians

Match the terms below with the correct definition: (Proxy War)

Proxy War when two superpowers support conflicting factions in different countries, leading to ideological confrontations that reflect the differences between the superpowers, even though those superpowers do not directly engage with one another in battle

Match the historical personality to her correct description: (Rachel Carson)

Rachel Carson author of Silent Spring

In the 1950s, what was NOT considered to be a hallmark of a middle-class nuclear family?

Residence in a large urban center, usually in multi-family tenement complex

Match the correct historical figure to his or her role in 1950s America: (Richard Nixon)

Richard Nixon Vice President to President Eisenhower

Match the correct historical figure to his respective political scandal: (Richard Nixon)

Richard Nixon Watergate

Which of the following became an American public health concern in the late 1990s and early 2000s?

Rising healthcare costs and more Americans without health insurance

Which genre of music was strongly associated with youth culture in the 1950s?

Rock n' roll

In 1993, US marines were killed and their bodies dragged through the streets of the capital city of this war-torn country.


Match the terms below with the correct definition: (Suburb)

Suburb an area of land set aside on the edge of an urban center where residential homes were built

Which pairing correctly matches the term to its most appropriate definition? (tea party)

Tea Party: Fiscally conservative group that emerged to object to increased government spending and involvement in things like health care during the Obama years

What did John Kenneth Galbraith address in his 1958 publication, The Affluent Society?

That despite the economic growth of the 1950s, America was still home to a poor underclass of people

This major episode of the American presence in Vietnam was an important turning point in exposing the war's brutality and futility to the American public.

The Tet Offensive

Prior to his presidential ambitions in 1968, Robert F. Kennedy had served as:

The attorney general in JFK's administration

Which event in 1953 signaled a potential if brief reprieve for US-Soviet relations?

The death of Josef Stalin and the denunciation of Stalin's brutality by Nikita Khrushchev

What event prompted the United States to become concerned about the spread of communism into the country that would become the independent nation of Vietnam?

The fall of French colonial forces in 1954 at the fortress of Dien Bien Phu to rebels, some of whom had communist leanings

The term "Jim Crow" was applied to refer to:

The practice of having racially segregated facilities

What was the purpose of the 1924 Dawes Plan?

To ease the burden of Germany's war debt reparation payments to Britain and France

Which piece of legislation below granted the federal government broader surveillance powers, and helped to create the Department of Homeland Security?


Which of the following was NOT true about the women's movement in the 1970s?

Women of all racial and socio-economic issues generally agreed and presented a united front for the movement

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