APUSH Unit 6

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Which quotation was associated with the forced assimilation of American Indians at the Carlisle Indian Industrial School?

"We all wore white man's clothes and ate white man's food."

Horatio Alger wrote over one hundred books aimed at American youth. His message is most accurately described as which of the following?

"rags to riches" is possible for a hardworking young man

In the 1890s, Florence Kelley and the National Consumers League sought to

force retailers and manufacturers to improve wages and working conditions for women workers

In the late 19th century, many immigrants to the United States

formed close-knit ethnic communities within cities

Westerners and farmers who attacked the "Crime of '73" were calling for

the coinage of more silver money to stop deflation

The most important factor in the destruction of the Plaines Indians' societies by the whites in the late 19th century was

the destruction of the buffalo herds by whites

The use of barbed wire is most directly associated with which outcome?

the end of the open range frontier

A key to Henry Ford's success in the mass production of automobiles was

the moving assembly line

In 1896, the major economic issue for William Mckinley's administration was

the need for higher tariff rates

Which of the following statements regarding Coney Island is FALSE?

the park developed a reputation for wholesome family attractions

In the late 19th century, political "machines" in cities owed their existence to

the rapid growth of urban America and the influx of millions of immigrants

According to the ideas expressed by Andrew Camegie in his The Gospel of Wealth

the rihc had great responsibilities to society

A major problem faced by settlers on the Great Plains in the 1870s was

the scarcity of water

Why did nativists worry about an influx of immigrants during the 1880s?

they considered immigrants from southern and eastern Europe more difficult to assimilate into American culture than earlier immigrants

Cheif Joseph, Sitting Bull and Geronimo shared what common experience?

they resisted efforts to displace their people from traditional homelands

Which statement is TRUE of most immigrants going through Ellis Island?

they were allowed to enter the United States

In the late nineteenth century, Social Danwinists argued that people who failed economically in the United States did so because

they were not fit enough to survive in the market

The US calvary's buffalo soldiers shared what experience with most other African Americans of their time?

they were segregated because of their race

To improve efficiency, some factory employers relied on Frederick W. Taylor's

time and motion studies

Chinese men came to America for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

to get jobs in NE text mills

Why did cowboys drive their cattle north from Texas along the Chisholm Trail?

to ship their cattle to markets in eastern cities like Chicago

The first Chinese immigrants to the United States came primarily

to work in the gold fields and railroads

The Panic of 1893

triggered the nation's most severe depression up to that point

In which way did their protest at Chicago's Haymarket Sqaure affect the Knights of Labor?

union members grew disillusioned as newspapers printed articles blaming workers for the violence that occurred

At the turn of the 20th century, motion pictures

were the first true mass entertainment medium

The development of the Bessemer process allowed architects to design the first


The Dawes Act of 1887

Was designed to force Indians to become landowners and farmers

Which of the following would have been most likely to support the presidential campaign of William Jennings Bryan in 1896?

a Kansas farmer

The Populist Party platform is 1892 called for all of the following EXCEPT

a gold-based currency

A researcher seeking primary source material on the massacre at Wounded Knee would likely consider which of the following to be the most authentic and authoritative evidence on the topic?

a letter describing an eyewitness account of the event

In 1920 the census of the United States revealed that

a majority of Americans lived in "urban" areas

President James Garfield was assassinated by

a mentally unstable disappointed office seeker

In the late 19th century, the social writer Henry George argued in favor of

a single land tax to replace all other taxes

The government consistently in labor disputes took the side of the

business owners

During the late 19th century, college education for American women

had expanded significantly

How did John D. Rockefeller gain control of the oil industry?

he practiced horizontal integration

Grant's greatest failing in the scandals that plagued his administration was

his toleration of corruption and his loyalty to crooked friends

Edward Bellamy's 1888 book, Looking Backward,

imagined an ideal future in which all corporations were combined into one great trust

During the late 19th century, child labor in the United States

increased significantly

Where did European immigrants often settle in the United States?

industrial cities

The depression of the 1870s led to increasing demands for

inflation of the money supply by issuing more paper currency

Tenement buildings in urban America were

initially praised as an improvement in housing for the poor

The election of 1888

involved clear differences on tariff issues between the major parties

The Sand Creek Massacre of 1864

involved the killing of Indian women and children

Which summary of the massacre at Wounded Knee is most accurate?

it represented the culmination of the US government's military operations against native peoples

The Molly Maguires were a militant

labor union in the coal industry.

In 1900, regarding work conditions in American factories,

laborers could expect to work at least 10 hours a day, 6 days a week

Once all the loose gold had been mined from streams, who moved into the mining towns?

large mining corporations

In 1900, the emergence of research laboratories in American corporations

led to a diversification of research interests

A historian researching the relationship between labor and capital during the late 19th century is evaluating the merits of 4 different sources. Which source would most likely offer the most authentic perspective of a worker regarding working conditions and wage rates at that time?

letters written by a member of the Knights of Labor to another member of an international affiliate

Which of these statements BEST describes the experience of immigrants landing at Angel Island?

many were detained for weeks and sometimes months

Which term BEST describes a company that completely dominates a particular industry?


In the 1840s and 1850s, in the far west, the response by white Americans to the Chinese

moved from initial acceptance to gradual hostility

The cartoon above is a commentary on the late 19th century

municipal corruption

In the American business community at the end of the nineteenth century,

one percent of corporations controlled one-third of all manufacturing

Unlike the Knights of Labor, the American Federation of Labor included in its membership

only white, male skilled workers

One thing a person could do in 1900 but not in 1865 was

play a phonograph

William Cody's Wild West shows

proved to be popular in Europe as well as the United States

The Sherman Silver Purchase Act of 1890 called for the federal government to

purchase silver but not coin it

Until its repeal in 1885, the Labor Contract Law

put many new immigrants in debt to American businessmen.

The Credit Mobilier scandal involved

railroad corporation fraud and the subsequent bribery of congressmen

In the late 19th century, urban political bosses did all of the following EXCEPT

reduce the costs of city services

In 1890s, Jacob Riis

reported on the living conditions of the urban poor to encourage improvements

Between 1890 and 1910, incomes in the United States

rose for almost all Americans

In the late 19th century, efforts to reduce poverty in America

saw charitable organizations try to limit aid only to those deemed "deserving poor"

During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, the growth of newspapers

saw circulation increase much more rapidly than the general population

In 1917, automobile production in the United States

saw nearly 5 million cars on American roads

In the late 19th century, industry in the United States

saw the federal government eager to assist in its growth

The Pullman strike of 1894

saw the president of the United States order federal troops to break the strike.

According to the philosophy of pragmatism, society should be guided by

scientific inquiry

Most new immigrants

settled among others from their home country

By the 1890s, the largest number of immigrants to the United States came from

southern and eastern Europe

A transcontinental railroad is one which

spans the entire country

what technological development of the mid 19th century most revolutionized the U.S. steel industry?

steam power

Chester A. Arthur

supported the Pendleton Act as part of civil service reform

In "The Significance of the Frontier in American History," Frederick Jackson Turner claimed

that the end of the "frontier" also marked the end of one of the most important democratizing forces in the American life

The one immigrant group that was totally banned from America after 1882 nativist restrictions was

the Chinese

In what significant way did the Knights of Labor differ from the American Federation of Labor?

the Knights of Labor opened the membership or the organization to women,blacks, and ethnic minorities

In 1890 at Wounded Knee, South Dakota,

the U.S. Seventh Cavalry massacred more than 300 Indians.

The major significance of the rail lines across the US was it

united East and West

An examination of American voters in the late 19th century reveals

voter turnout for both presidential and nonpresidential elections was very high

Before 1860, the traditional policy of the federal government was to regard Indians as

wards of the president of the United States

In the late 19th century, the surge of farming settlement in the West

was a result of many factors, but the most important was the railroad

The 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn

was a short-lived Indian victory

In 1890, the "Ghost Dance"

was a spiritual revival among Plains Indians.

The Sherman Antitrust Act of 1890

was indifferently enforced and weakened by the courts

The great railroad strike of 1877

was launched in response to a wage cut.

Throughout the late 19th century, the federal government

was relatively inactive

The theory of Social Darwinism

was used to justify the social consequences of industrial capitalism.

To many middle-class Americans, the major labor upheavals of the late 19th century

were dangerous signs of social instability

The Farmers' Alliances

were far more widespread than the Grange movement

What does nativism mean?

favoring interests of native-born Americans over immigrants

The Exoduster movement involved which group?

African Americans leaving the South after the Civil War

collective bargaining is

workers who negotiate as a group with employers

The Homestead Act provided

160 acres of free land to any head of household who would live there and make an improvement

During 1850-1900, which group was most adversely affected by the spread of mining boomtowns?

American Indians

The mining frontier played a vital role in

Attracting population to the west

"I am tired of fighting...The old men are all killed. It is the young men who say yes and no. He who led the young men is dead. It is cold and we have no blankets. The little children are freezing to death. My people, some of them, have run away to the hills and have not blankets, no food; no now knows where they are, perhaps freezing to death. I want time to look for my children and see how many of them i can find. Maybe I shall find them among the dead...I am tired; my heart is sick and sad. From where the sun now stands, I will fight no more forever.' These words were spoken by

Cheif Joseph after the final defeat of the Nez Perce Indians

The first group of people to be legally excluded from entering the US was the


Among the major political issues on which Congress passed legislation during the years 1877-1892 were all of the following EXCEPT

Civil Rights

In the 1870s, the "internal combustion engine" was developed in


Eugene V. Debs played a leading role in what labor event?

Homestead strike

After 1880, most new immigrants to America were

Jews and Catholics from eastern and southern Europe

Which American writer is LEAST associated with the trend toward social realism in literature in the late 19th century?

Mark Twain

One of the most significant aspects of the Interstate Commerce Act was that it

actually did little to control the abuses of big business

William Jennings Bryan "Cross of Gold" oration was primarily an expression of his

advocacy of free and unlimited coinage of silver

Charles Darwin's theories of evolution met initial resistance from

all these answers are correct

Socialism is

an economic and political philosophy that favors public control of income and property

In the 1850s, the U.S. policy of "concentration" for indians

assigned all tribes to their own defined reservations

Which of the following concepts is illustrated by the changes you see in these photographs?


Which of the following was an important pull factor that drew european immigrants to the United States after the Civil War?

availability of land

The congressional law of 1873 that officially discontinued silver coinage

became known to critics as the "Crime of 73"

The political battles between Stalwarts and Half-Breeds constituted a fight

between Republic traditionalists and reformers

Which of the following contributed MOST to the end of the cattle ranching boom?

blizzards, droughts, blizzards

In 1894, Jacob Coxey and his supporters

called for a public works program for the unemployed

In the campaign of 1896, William Mckinley

campaigned largely from his house

By 1890, populations in the biggest urban areas

consisted mostly of foreign-born immigrants and their children.

In the 19th century, vaudeville theater

consisted of a variety of stage acts

How did vertical integration benefit companies such as Carnegie Steel?

controlling production and distribution processes increased efficiencies and profits

Financiers Jim Fisk and Jay Gould tried to involve the Grant administration in a corrupt scheme to

corner the gold market

In their work wit immigrants, settlement houses mainly addressed which need?

cultural adjustment

The Pullamn strike of 1894 began when George Pullman, owner of the company,

cut wages by 25% due to a slumping economy

The designers of New York City's Central Park

deliberately created a public space that would look as little like the city as possible

In 1894, the population density of Manhattan in New York was

greater than most crowded European cities

Capitalism is

economic system in which the means of production are privately owned

In 1890, the superintendent of the census announced the

end of the frontier

Another important push factor for people coming to the US from Russia, Poland and the Ottoman Empire was

escape from religious persecution and massacres

Which of the following contributed to the cattle ranching boom?

expansion of the railroads

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