APUSH Unit VI Exam (Chapters 20-22)

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To find effective high-level commanders, the Union

used trial and error

Which of the following best describes the situation of freedmen in the decade following the Civil War?

the majority entered sharecropping arrangements with former masters of other nearby planters

Which of the following was a serious constitutional question after the Civil War?

the political and legal status of former Confederate states

Andrew Johnson had been put on Lincoln's ticket as vice-president in his second term

to appeal to War Democrats and pro-Union Southerners

To achieve independence, the Confederacy had to

fight the invading Union army to a draw

The Battle of Antietam, September 17, 1862, is considered pivotal to the outcome of the Civil War because it

forestalled the possibility of European intervention

In invading Maryland, one of General Lee's key objectives was to

inspire the Border States to join the Confederacy and its secessionist cause

All of the following are true statements about the federal conscription (draft) law EXCEPT

it was passed despite a healthy rate of volunteers

The Union victory at Vicksburg was a major importance for all of the following reasons EXCEPT

it was the last major battle of the Civil War

After the Civil War, women reformers and former abolitionists were divided over

legislation that ensured the voting rights of African American males

As the Civil War began, the South seemed to have the advantage of

more talented military leaders

As president of the Confederacy, Jefferson Davis did not exercise the arbitrary power wielded by Abraham Lincoln because

of the South's emphasis on states' rights

In 1861, the North went to war with the South primarily to

preserve the Union

The Battle of Antietam was particularly critical because it

probably prevented intervention by Britain and France on behalf of the Confederacy

In 1867, US Secretary of State William Seward achieved the Johnson administration's greatest success in foreign relations when he

purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million

The South believed that the British would come to its aid because

Britain was dependent on Southern cotton

When it was issued in 1863, the Emancipation Proclamation declared free only those slaves in

Confederate states still in rebellion against the United States

____________ believed that the Southern states had completely left the Union and were therefore "conquered provinces" that had to seek readmission on whatever economic and political terms Congress demanded

Congressional Radical Republicans

The political group in the North most dangerous to the Union cause was the


The root cause of the battle between Congress and President Andrew Johnson was

Johnson's "soft" treatment of the white South clashed with the Congressional emphasis of promoting black freedom and racial equality in the South

Confederate batteries fired on Fort Sumter when it was learned that

Lincoln had ordered supplies sent to the fort

As a result of the Union fighting to a draw militarily at Antietam Creek with Robert E. Lee's Confederate army

Lincoln was now prepared to issue his Emancipation Proclamation

In 1865, following the conclusion of the Civil War,

Southern blacks often began traveling to test their freedom, search for family members, and seek economic opportunity

In the election of 1864, the Republicans joined with the pro-war Democrats and founded the ____________ party


President Lincoln's decision on what to do about the situation at Fort Sumter in the first weeks of his administration can best be characterized as

a middle of the road solution

As a theorist of warfare, General William T. Sherman was

a pioneer of the strategy of total warfare aimed at destroying civilian morale

President Johnson's plan for Reconstruction

aimed at swift restoration of the southern states after a few modest political conditions were met by the Southern states

The North's greatest strength in the Civil War was its

economy, particularly its greater manufacturing capacity and more efficient and extensive railroad network

The greatest weakness of the South during the Civil War was its

economy, particularly its limited manufacturing capacity and inferior railroad network

The main purpose of the Black Codes was to

ensure a stable and subservient labor supply

The two major battles of the Civil War fought on Union soil were

Gettysburg and Antietam

The Fourteenth Amendment guaranteed

citizenship and civil rights to freed slaves

The official charge that the House of Representatives used to impeach President Johnson was his

dismissal of Secretary of War Stanton contrary to the Tenure of Office Act

In his 10 percent plan for Reconstruction, President Lincoln promised

rapid, straightforward, and readily achievable readmission of Southern states into the Union

Slavery was legally abolished in the United States by the

ratification of the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution

In Lincoln's attempts to preserve the Union, he did all of the following questionable actions as president EXCEPT

refused to implement a draft, or conscription law, during the war

The Freedmen's Bureau was established to do all of the following EXCEPT

relocate blacks West or force them into labor contracts with former masters

The Border States offered all of the following strategic advantages EXCEPT

shipbuilding facilities

During Reconstruction, a major economic development in the South was the

spread of sharecropping

When the Emancipation Proclamation was issued at the beginning of 1863, its immediate effect was to

strengthen the moral cause of the Union

The Emancipation Proclamation had the effect of

strengthening the moral cause and diplomatic position of the Union

After the Peninsula Campaign, Union strategy included all of the following EXCEPT

striking deep into the Confederacy via the Appalachian Mountain chain

Johnson was narrowly acquitted on the impeachment charges because

sufficient numbers of Republican senators recognized that the impeachment charges were legally dubious and politically charged and voted "not guilty"

The goals of the Ku Klux Klan included all of the following EXCEPT

support the Force Acts of 1870 and 1871

Napoleon III's attempt to install Maximilian on the Mexican throne was a clear violation of

the Monroe Doctrine

During the Civil War, Britain and the United States were nearly provoked into war by

the Trent affair, involving the removal of Southern diplomats from a British ship by a Union warship in 1861

The Union's defeat in battle at Bull Run in 1861 was better than victory because

the defeat caused Northerners to face up to the reality of a long, difficult war

In the post war South

the economy and social structure was utterly devastated

The Civil War resulted in all of the following EXCEPT

the end of protective tariffs and isolationism

Which of the following occurred during Radical Reconstruction?

the formation of the Ku Klux Klan

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