APWH ch 38

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Global Corporations 4

-Global corporations symbols of the new economy -Multinational businesses operate apart from laws and restrictions of any one nation -Seek cheapest labor and resources; prefer lax environmental laws -Pay less in taxes in developed world than formerly

Pan-American Culture 5

-Eva Perón images continually appeared around the world especially in the Americas after her death -Evita mania has indicated that the sharing or imposing of cultural practices is a two-way phenomenon -Latin Americans once called for the protection against such alien implants but by the 1990s many had relax the guard and seen evidence of increasing cultural sharing among Latin societies -the sheer dominance and size of US entertainment/technology industry keeps cultural sharing lopsided -cultural dominance is also limited by those society's ability to blend in absorb a variety of foreign and indigenous practices

External Migration 5

-A combination of voluntary and forced international migration's has transformed the human landscape especially the past 500 years -The nazi regime initiated the largest mass expulsion of the 20th century deporting 8 million people to forced labor sites and extermination camps the Soviet regime expelled 10 million ethnic Germans from Europe and transfer them back to Germany -according to the UN at the end of 2003 there were 10 million refugees who lived outside of the countries of origin and could not return because of persecution -people leave their country of birth and search of better jobs or more ready available healthcare education opportunities and other services provided by the new society thus more contemporary mass migrations involves the movement from developing countries to developed ones -approximately 130 million people currently live outside of the country of citizenship

Defining Terrorism 2

-A key factor of terrorism is the deliberate and systematic use of violence against civilians with the aim of advancing political religious or ideological causes they use violence as a means to magnify their influence and power -during the 21st-century terrorism increasingly assumed a global character because sustained terror campaigns required sophisticated financial support networks are reliable supply of weapons technology and places of sanctuary


-AIDS is a fatal disorder of the immune system which is caused by the human immunodeficiency virus HIV which slowly attacks and destroys the immune system leaving the infected individuals vulnerable to diseases that eventually cause death -AIDS is the last stage of the HIV infection -factors contributing to the spread of AIDS includes poverty ignorance the prohibitive cost of drugs and sexual promiscuity -AIDS developed into a worldwide epidemic that affected virtually every nation

Perestroika and Glasnost 5

-Gorbachev try to shock the economy out of its coma by using different kinds of reform under the term Perestroika or reconstructing to describe his efforts to decentralize the economy -to make Perestroika work, they used Glasnost which referred to the opening of the Soviet society to public criticism and admission of past mistakes -many of Gorbachev's comrades and certain factions of the military objected to Perestroika and worked to undermine or destroy it -The pressure on the Soviet system was exacerbated by an ill considered and costly Soviet military intervention to save the Marxist regime in Afghanistan who had US support -eventually pulled the troops out of the costly unpopular an unwinnable war

Japan 6

-Japan benefited from direct US financial aid investment; there were no restrictions on the entry of Japanese products into the US market -japan's post war leaders channeled the nations savings into economic development because they signed a treaty saying they couldn't use it on defense -Japanese have lost its oversee empire and was hampered by the large population and lack of natural resources; partially made up for by cheap labor -during the 1960s Japanese companies use their profits to switch to capital-intensive manufacturing -1970s Japanese corporations shifted their economic resources towards technological products -Japan seemed to be growing to the world's largest economy but post war growth rates for not sustainable and the Japanese economy sputtered into recession

Trafficking 4

-One or 2 million human beings annually are brought and sold across international and within national boundaries -once they are lured in they become captives of ruthless traffickers who force them into bonded labor domestic service or commercial sex industry through threats and physical brutality including rape torture starvation incarceration and death -in South Asia poverty-stricken parents so young women to traffickers for the sex trade or forced labor -most victims of trafficking are women and girls

European Union 3

-The European Union is categorized by a common market and free trade -representatives from West Germany Italy the Netherlands Luxembourg and Belgium signed the Treaty of Rome which established the European economic community where they took down tariffs and other barriers to free-trade -The development of a supranational organization dedicated to increasing European economic and political integration accumulated in the treaty of Maastricht which established the European Union

War in Afghanistan and Iraq

-The Taliban emerged out of the disorder and devastation of the Afghan Soviet war promoting itself is a new force of unity the Taliban proclaimed its followers the liberators who brought peace to Afghanistan in pursuit of the purest Muslim state on earth -the Taliban intolerance alienated people inside and outside of Afghanistan -they for a series of holy wars against other ethnic and Muslim groups such as the Shia minority -A strict brand of Islam banned women from education and the workplace they must be veiled and burkas and the men had to grow full beards -some of the rules had little to do with pure Islam but a religious police and forced them with an extremely harsh code of justice -The Northern alliance became a crucial ally of the United States and its mission to find and punish those responsible for 9/11 -The refusal of the Taliban government surrender Osama bin Laden prompted the US and its allies to begin military operations against the Taliban -The United States coalition hampered both the Taliban and Al Qaeda but conflicts continued the war against terrorism promised to be a long term struggle -Bush coordinated operation Iraq freedom a multinational coalition made up of US and British troops which carried out an invasion on Iraq designed to wage war on terrorism by ousting the regime of Saddam Hussein and creating a democratic state -November 2001, U.S. forces invaded Afghanistan, drove out Taliban, al-Qaeda

Towards an Uncertain Future 2

-The cold war that resulted from the ideological contest between the superpowers had ordered and defined the world for almost 50 years the cold war also shaped how the nations and peoples of the world perceived themselves -The end of the Cold War suggested the possibility of a radical shift in power relations a global realignment that marked a new era of world history devoid of the categories embraced during the Cold War

Human Rights 5

-The concept of human rights came in the aftermath of World War II with the exposure of crimes that Nazi regime unleashed on its own citizens -The concept of crimes against humanity was brought up at the Nuremberg war crimes trial design to bring Nazi leaders to justice -UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights: forbids slavery, torture, discrimination -The concern for human rights is shared by non-governmental organization such as amnesty international and the humans right watch which bring the pressure of a world of public opinion to bear on offending governments -collaboration within and between international organizations has been inadequate meetings talks and consultations have frequently deteriorated into arguments

AIDS in Africa 8

-The disease has struck the developing world the hardest especially sub-Saharan Africa to 22.4 million people in Africa live with aids -by 2010 the life expectancy in the region is expected to decline from 59 years to 45 -aids touches children in two ways as a disease infecting the children and has a disease that leaves them orphans -although sophisticated palliative treatment are available only the wealthy can afford them and most Africans are desperately poor -communities must bear the burden of caring for those left behind and the countries must draw on the diminishing number of trained and talented workers -although infection rates in Asia remain low health officials fear that the disease will spread faster as it travels to India -when scientist first identified AIDS there was no treatment for the disease existing antiviral drugs at best delayed the inevitable and at the worst failed completely -they produced what is now known as the HAART which can prolong life and definitely by 2007 1 million people in sub-Saharan Africa routinely received and Anti-aids drugs

The Causes of Poverty 4

-The division between rich and poor has been a defining characteristic of all complex societies -A worldwide shortage of natural resources and uneven distribution of the resources has figured as major causes of poverty and has divided nations into haves and have-nots -another major cause of poverty is the unequal distribution of resources in the world economy resulted from 500 years of colonialism defined by the appropriation of labor and natural resources -economic globalization has generated unprecedented a while for developing nations creating an even deeper divide between the rich and poor countries

Poland, Bulgeria, Hungary 3

-The end of communism in Poland a combined trade union and nationalist movement put pressure on the crumbling rule of the Communist Party -in Bulgaria popular unrest forced there dictator to resign in 1989 they began dismantling the communist state 2 mons later -Hungarians tore down the Soviet style political system during 1989 and held free elections and launched their nation on the path towards democracy

Globalization and its critics 4

-The global economy is still a work in progress and it is not clear what long-term effects will be -to supporters it delivers markets that operate with maximum efficiency directing goods and services at wherever there is demand for them and always expecting the highest returns possible -to its critics it is and untamable force that is neither inevitable nor desirable a force that rewards the few and impoverishes the many -detractors of globalization also claim that the hallmark of globalization is responsible for their destruction of the environment that widening gap between rich and poor societies and the worldwide homogenization of local diverse and indigenous cultures

Effects of Mass Tourism 5

-The industry is sustained by growing personal wealth which continues to produce more tourists and cheaper and more efficient transport -The attraction of an industry that generates wealth and jobs relatively quickly has served as a powerful incentive for both governments and businesses and developed and developing world to further promote tourism -tourism often creates well-paying jobs and profits flow to the developed world -tourism has acted as a global influence sometimes initiating dramatic an irreversible changes within the cultural traditions of host communities -large numbers of visitors have the tendency to transform local cultural traditions into commodities which of been consumed like any other commodities

Population control 5

-The issue of population control was highly politicized -The problems caused by rapid population growth eventually persuaded many governments to take action to control fertility -as death rates declined persistently throughout the world during the later part of the 20th century reducing birthrate became an essential concern of many governments -resistance stems from religious and political motives -Global attempts to prevent excessive population growth has had mixed results

Internal Migration 2

-The largest human migrations today are rural-urban flows these internal migrations led to rapid urbanization in much of the world -Part of process of industrialization; in western societies 75 percent of population is urban

The Little Tigers 3

-The most successful imitators of Japan were Hong Kong Singapore South Korea and Taiwan four little tigers -they suffered from a shortage of capital lack to natural resources and overpopulation but transformed apparent disadvantages into advantages -Indonesia Thailand and Malaysia joined the original tigers in their quest for economic development/prosperity

Perils of the new economy 4

-The spectacular economic development of Asian societies was proof globalization could deliver prosperity -asian economies had started to embrace the market opening their borders to imports and courting foreign investments -in Thailand international investment lost confidence in the booming economy and withdrew support their stock dropped 75% in the country found itself and depression -The same thing happened to Malaysia Indonesia the Philippines and South Korea in each instance the rise and fall of individual economies resulted from their integration into the global economy which rewarded and punished new participants

Transient Migrants 4

-Transient form of migration is tourism; travel for a long time took place mainly in connection with military conquest religious pilgrimage trade or diplomacy -industrial society gave birth to mass tourism by providing both safer and faster transport and by industrializing to modern features of social life leisure and travel -working-class families took the road during holidays to scape the grimy drudgery of industrial cities and in the process created working class pleasure zones -by the 20th century leisure travel took on added symbolic value when travelers could show off special clothes required for their journeys i.e. ski apparel or bikinis

Feminism and equal rights 4

-Women in most of those nations had gained the right to vote after the great war but found that political rights did not guarantee economic or sexual equality -after World War II women started to protest job discrimination those complaints and more expanded into a feminist movement that criticized all aspects of gender inequality -in addition to demanding equality in the work place women demanded full control over their bodies and their reproductive systems -U.S. Civil Rights Act of 1964 forbids discrimination on basis of race or sex

Nongovernmental organizations 3

-a prototypical Nongovernmental organization is the Red Cross an international humanitarian agency which was originally dedicated to alleviating the suffering of wounded soldiers prisoners of war and civilians of the time -later protocols revised and amended the original principal enunciated in the first Geneva convention to include protection for non-combats as well - the Red Cross ultimately extended its mission to peacetime rendering medical aid for victims of natural disasters

Fall of the Berlin Wall 3

-aging leader Erich Honecker clung to Stalinist policies his party removed him from power -East German regime decided to open the Berlin wall to intraGerman traffic -thousands of East and West Berliners tore down the Berlin wall in 1989 and a 1990 they formed a United nation again

Labor Servitude 3

-although legal slavery ceased to exist in the 1960s forced and bonded labor practices continue to affect millions of poor people in developing countries -250 million children between the ages of five and 14 work around the world many conditions that are inherently harmful for the physical health and their emotional well-being -most child labor occurs in agriculture domestic service family business and the sex trade making it difficult to enforce existing laws against those practices

The Planets Carrying Capacity 4

-scientists and concerned citizens have become increasingly convinced that human society cannot infinitely expand beyond the physical limits of the earth and its resources -The club of Rome attempted to specify the limits of both economic and population growth in relation to the capacity of the planets to support humanity -two decades later 1500 scientists signed a document titled the warning to humanity which stated that human beings and the natural world were on a collision course that may alter the living world and it will be unable to sustain life -The club of Rome's inaccurate predictions have not diminished it's dystopian confidence

Domesticity and Abuse 5

-although women in the industrial and communist nations are guaranteed basic if not full legal rights women in other areas of the world have been long denied access to education -in the Arab/Muslim land women were twice as likely to be illiterate as men but the situation is changing -in India by 2001 female literacy had reached 54% yet women remained largely confined to the home less than one quarter of women were engaged in work -Dowry deaths- if the husband and his family perceives the dowry as inadequate if the husband wants a new wife without returning his first wife's dowery or if the wife has annoyed at the husband then the wife is doused with kerosene and set on fire -in Pakistan the motives for burning go beyond dowry because the husbands have set fire to wives who overcooked or oversalted the mans food

Gorbachev's reforms 3

-antiquated industrial plants obsolete technologies and ineffective government control of production resulted in outmoded products -The diversion of crucial resources to the military made it impossible to produce enough consumer goods -by 1990 the government imposed rationing to cope with the scarcity of essential consumer goods and foods

Collapse 3

-as industrial and agricultural production continued their downward slide against a backdrop of skyrocketing inflation the Soviet economy disintegrated -many minorities contemplated succession from the Soviet union the Baltic people declared independence in 1991 -in 1991 a group of conspirators decided to seize power Boris Yeltsin crushed the coup with help of red army units and Yeltsin dismantled the Communist Party pushing the country towards market oriented economic reform

Climate Change 6

-as people are born pollution levels increase more habitats and animals and plant species disappear and more natural resources are consumed -climate change usually refers to a human induced climate change known as global warming -scientist have concluded that the influence of the human activities since the beginning of industrialization have altered the earth's climate -most of the observed temperature increases are caused by increasing concentration of greenhouse gases which prevent solar heat from escaping the earths atmosphere -in Kyoto at a conference dedicated to climate change the delegates from 187 nations agreed to cut greenhouse gases omissions but since then carbon dioxide omissions have risen by a third -developing countries made no promise to stop and insisted that the rich would bear the cost of producing the omissions

The Rise of China 4

-china's leaders launched economic reforms which encouraged foreign investment and imported foreign technology -China benefited from its large pools of cheap labor and enormous domestic markets have made the Chinese economy the destination of choice for foreign investment capital -in 2001 China became a member of the world trade organization and move to global economics superpower status -The rich developed countries no longer dominated the global economy in the way that they did during the 19th and 20th century

Preeminence of the English language 4

-critics say that mass media is a vehicle for cultural imperialism because most electronic media and the message they carry is a mandate from advanced capitalist society -English has become a universal tongue of the 21st-century- originally people spoke their own language and the language of their colonizer -english-language dominance on the Internet rankled some users, Chinese political leaders go to great lengths to ensure the China and it's communication systems does not become a spiritual society of capitalist powers such as the US -they are trying to contain the influences the Internet by erecting around China so called firewall


-emerging economies identified as a BRICs because they included the fast growing and developing economies of Brazil Russia India and China -The governments composing the BRICs initiated political and economic reforms that embrace capitalism and allowed their countries join the world economy


-established in 1967 by the foreign minister's of Thailand Malaysia Singapore Indonesia and the Philippines it's principal objectives were to accelerate the economic development and promote political stability in Southeast Asia -in 1992 member states agreed to establish a free-trade zone and to cut off tariffs on industrial goods over 15 year period

Free Trade 3

-free-trade meaning freedom from state imposed limits and constraints on the trade across borders - the issue of free trade engendered a debate about the extent to which free-trade enhances the prosperity of a society -in the aftermath of World War II leaders from industrialized nations took a decisive stance on the issue

11 September (5)

-hijackers seized four passenger jet lines and used them as guided missiles two planes crash into the world trade towers causing the collapse of towers the destruction of adjacent skyscrapers and thousands of deaths -another plane crashed into the Pentagon and the fourth jet was intended for another DC landmark but was thwarted when passenger stormed the hijackers -The Islamic militant Osama bin Laden was the mastermind behind the attacks, bush declared war on bin Laden and global terrorism itself -The stationing of US troops on the holy soil of Saudi Arabia the bombing of Iraq and supporting Israel in oppression of Palestine bin Laden claimed were tantamount to a declaration of war against God -he called on every Muslim to kill Americans and their allies

Velvet and violent revolutions 2

-in Czechoslovakia a velvet Revolution swept communist out of office and restored democracy velvet = little violence and was associated with the transfer of power in societies -disagreements over the time frame led to a velvet divorce breaking Czechoslovakia into to new nations the Czech Republic and Slovakia

Gender Equality in China 4

-legally the position of women most closely match that of men in communist or formally communist countries -The communist dedication to women's rights led to improvement in the legal status of Chinese women once the communist gained power in China -critics argue that despite socialize China's women have never gain true equality few women have gained high status in the communist party leadership and they do not receive equal wages -confucian values continue to degrade the status of women parents prefer boys over girls and demographic or's estimate that annually more than 1/2 million female births go unrecorded

Migrant Communities 3

-migrants established cultural and ethnic communities that maintained their social customs and native languages -although the arrival of migrants enriched societies it also spark to resentment and conflict people believed that foreigners undermined the national identity and viewed migrants as competition for jobs -Xenophobia or an unreasonable fear foreigners has sometimes produced violence and racial tension

Women Leaders 3

-some women have attained high political office -Women demonstrated their leadership abilities in a variety of ways they became highly visible in the political figures or they more anonymously joined organizations or participated in activities designed to further the cause of woman's rights -The United Nations launched a decade for women program and since then global conferences on the status of women have been held regularly

Adaptations of Technology 2

-televisions have been used to promote state building around the world since most television industries are state controlled -The revolution in electronic communications has been rigidly controlled and other societies were authorities limit the access to for in-service on the Internet they best harness the power of technology for their own purposes while avoiding cultural interference


-the OPEC A producer cartel established in 1960 by the the oil producing states of Iran Iraq Kuwait Saudi Arabia and Venezuela -The mostly Arab and Muslim states for sought to raise the price of oil through cooperation -The huge increase in the cost of petroleum triggered a global economic downturn in as did the curtailment of oil exports -OPEC policies therefore contributed to the global recession and debt prices that hurt many developing nations

GATT and WTO 3

-they pushed for the elimination of restrictive trading practices that stood in the way of free trade -GATT was signed by the representatives of 23 non-communist nations and they agreed to sign an agreement to establish the world trade organization which took over the activities of the GATT -the WTO developed into a form settling International trade disputes with the power to enforce its decisions

The United Nations 4

-this association of sovereign nations attempts to find solutions to global problems and deal with the virtuality any matter of concern to humanity -The vast majority of the worlds countries have a voice and vote in shaping the international community of Nations -however flawed it's roles as international peace maker and a forum for conflict resolution, the UN has compiled an inevitable record with respect to another world defined in its charter mainly to achieve international cooperation in solving international problems -The specialized agencies of the UN have achieved numerous success outside of the media's eye

Urbanization 3

-urbanization proves to be a challenging transformation for rural folks who have chosen or been forced to adjust to a new way of life -people migrated to metropolitan areas in search of relief from rural poverty once in the cities though they were equally destitute -Life is bleak in the slums more than 10 million people are crammed in small spaces and diseases run rampant, many suffer from malnutrition

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