ARE BS 18- telecommunications

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A bus topology connects each workstation, meaning node, to a single cable trunk.

In a bus topology, all signals are broadcast to all workstations. Each computer checks the address of the signal as it passes along the bus.

Light reflects from the cladding no matter what angle the fiber it's self is bent. Because the cladding does not absorb any light from the court, the light wave can travel great distances.

Late is generated by a laser or late emitting diode. Lasers have more power than LEDs, but very light output more with changes in temperature and are more expensive.

Optical fiber carries much more information than copper wire, it is generally not subject to electromagnetic interference.

This makes optical fiber ideal for areas subject to large amounts of electrical interference. This characteristic makes it the standard transmission medium for connecting networks between buildings.

The transmitting medium used in networks can be copper wire, glass or plastic as in fiber optic cables, and air as in microwave and radio waves.

A signal sent through a telecommunications network can be sent through any or all of these media.

Digital transmission over radio systems, microwave, cellular, or satellite, can be accomplished by varying the amplitude of the wave.

Digital transmission technology offers a rapid method of voice and voice transmission.

Infrared radiation wireless cannot pass through walls, Sue a link is not possible between different rooms at a building or different buildings, unless they have facing windows.

Infrared radiation wireless technology is used it home entertainment control units, robot control units, and other line of sight communications, such as cordless microphones, headsets, modems, printers, etc.


Wide area networks

And optical receiver that decodes the signal receives the light signal.

The receiver uses a photocell or photodiode to detect the light signal, decodes it, it sends and electrical signal to a computer, TV, or telephone.

Coaxial cable is effective at carrying many analog signals at high frequencies. In contrast to twisted-pair wires, coaxial has a much higher bandwidth to carry more data, and offers greater protection from noise and interference.

Twisted pair cable consists of copper wires that are twisted to certain specifications.

A network that is wired in the ring topology connects workstations equipment and devices in a point to point cereal manner, in in unbroken circular configuration.



A device that functions as a transmitter and a receiver

Optical fibers are long, thin strands of very pure silicon Glass or plastic, about the diameter of a human hair.

A single fiber optical fiber consists of three elements: a core, the thin glass center of the fiber where the light travels. cladding, the outer material surrounding the core that reflects light back into the core. And a buffer coating, a plastic coating that protects the fiber from damage and moisture.

Analog transmission in an electronic network is the conversion of useful sound or data into electrical impulses

Analog transmission is capable of transmitting both voice and voice messages, but nonvoice transmissions are bulky when transmitted in analog format, so they cannot be transmitted rapidly.

Optical fibers come in two types: single mode fiber's that are used to tear and submit one signal per fiber, and used in telephones and cable TV

And multi mode fiber's, that are used to transmit many signals per fiber, and are used in computer networks and local area networks.

A fiber optic relay system transmits and receives a light signal that is transmitted through an optical fiber.

And optical transmitter produces and encodes the light signal that is sent through the optical fiber.

In telecommunication systems, bandwidth is the range between the highest and lowest frequencies of transmission, measured in hertz.

Bandwidth varies with the type and method of transmission. It is a measure of the information capacity.

Although coaxial cable is difficult to install, it is highly resistant to signal interference.

Coaxial cable can also support greater cable lengths between network devices then twisted pair copper cable.

High-capacity coaxial cable is widely used in cable television systems, because it is capable of carrying mini TV and radio signals simultaneously.

Coaxial cable is generally used by telephone companies from the central office to the telephone poles near the users. It is also widely used for use in business and school local area networks.

Peer-to-peer wireless networks consist of a number of computers, each equipped with a wireless networking interface card.

Each computer can communicate directly with all of the other wireless in a both computers and equipment.

As light passes through the optical fiber, the light signal degrades over its length. Degradation is principally due to impurities in the glass or plastic.

Fiber optic cable has the ability to transmit signals over much longer distances then coaxial and twisted pair cabling, and carry information at much greater speeds.

In a star topology, all workstations, nodes, are connected to a central unit called a hub.

Home runs our cables that extend from the hub to the terminal, without splicing or other connections.

Each strand can pass a signal in only one direction, so fiber optic cable on a network typically consist of at least two strands, one for sending and one for receiving.

Hundreds or thousands of optical fibers are arranged in bundles called optical cables. The cables outer sheathing, called a jacket, protects these bundles.

Digital transmission in and electronic network involves a transmission of a signal that varies in voltage, to represent one of two separate states, on and off, or zero and one.

In in optical network, digital signaling can involve either pulsating, on and off, lights, or a variation in the intensity of the light signal.

Access point or base station wireless network has a computer or receiver that serves the point at which the network is accessed.

It acts like a hub, which provides connectivity for the wireless equipment.

The most common type of connector used with a coaxial cable is the bayonet Neil Consol men, BNC connector.

It has a pin. Different types of adapters are available including T connectors, barrel connectors, and terminators.


Local area networks


Metropolitan area networks

Over long distances, and optical regenerator is needed to boost the light signal.

One or more optical read generators may be spliced along a long cable to amplify the D created light signal.

RJ 45 cable, registered jack cable, implies that the connector follows a standard borrowed from the telephone industry.

RJ-45 is an eight pin connector used for data transmission or networking, telephone connectors are RJ 11, or RJ 12, and have four or six pens respectively.

Radiofrequency wireless technology uses radio waves to send and receive information, similar to a garage door opener, baby monitor, walkie-talkie, or portable phone.

Radiofrequency wireless technology can transmit data through walls in between nearby buildings.

Infrared wireless is the use of technology devices or systems that convey data through infrared radiation.

Radiofrequency wireless transmits data through radio wavelengths.

The most common connectors used with fiber optic cable or the ST and SC connectors. The ST connector is barrel shaped, similar to a BNC connector.

The SC connector has a square face, it is easier to connect in a confined space.

Coaxial cable has two conductors, an inner solid wire surrounded by and outer braided metal sheath.

The conductors run concentrically along the same axis, that's the name coaxial. send coaxial cable is also referred to as send that.

Fiber optic cables broadens communication possibilities to include services such as video conferencing and interactive services.

The cost of fiber optic cable and is comparable to copper cabling, but is more difficult to install and modify.

Fiber optics refers to the technology in which communication signals in the form of modulated light beams are transmitted over a glass fiber transmission medium.

The light in a single optical fiber travel through the core, by reflecting from the mirror like cladding, a physical principal called total internal reflection.

In that coaxial cable is about one quarter inch thick, it is very flexible, it looks like regular TV cable.

Thick coaxial cable is referred to as thick net.

In design and layout of communication networks, the term topology describes the configuration of the network, including its nodes, connecting cables, and equipment.

Topology describes the manner in which cable is run to individual workstations on the network.

Triax cable is a type of coaxial cable with an additional outer copper braid insulated from signal carrying conductors.

Twin axial cable, twin acts, is a type of communication transmission cable consisting of two Center conductors, surrounded by an insulating spacer.

Local area networks connect computers and hardware such as printers, located relatively close together, and sharing resources, equipment, and files.

Types of local area networks including ethernet, architect, and token ring, with each having their own method of transmitting data.

Copper wiring used in building telecommunication transmission is being replaced by optical fibers, because they have much greater signal capacity.

Wireless transmission capabilities are used in buildings and are replacing hardwired direct connections.

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