ARE Project Management

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Zoning board of appeals

A zoning board of appeals renders judgment on variances, exceptions, and modifications to zoning ordinances

joint venture

Addresses matters in connection with projects already acquired by the architect.

CMa (Agent)

-The CM as Agent is brought on board early during a project to advise the owner on constructability aspects and can stay further into project to coordinate construction for a fixed price. - provides early consulting and may begin by assembling and coordinating trades. - work for fixed fee and assume no risk and pass along all savings and cost overruns to the owner.

Initial rate of return = ?/?

= annual savings/investment Example: the investment is $10,000 with annuals savings of $2,000. IRR= 2,000/10,000 = 20% or .2


A Variance is an exception made through the zoning law. In an example where the maximum height of the building needs to be higher than what is allowed in the zone, the client can apply for a variance to allow for the extra height.

Conditional Use Permit

A conditional use permit allows a land owner to use a parcel of land in a way other than how it is zoned. Conditional uses are listed in a district zoning ordinances. Allowing a home-based business in a residential district would be an example of a conditional use


A limited right to make use of a property owned by another. An example is a utility easement where a gas pipeline traverses a property

Surety Bond

A performance bond is a surety bond issued by an insurance company to guarantee completion of or performance on a project by a contractor. In the event of a contract failure, the surety will either perform the remaining work to be completed or provide the funds in order to do so.

Planning advisory committee

A planning advisory committee is a group that assist in the preparation of a plan for a building, site landscape, etc. The members may be subject matter expert or represent a local constituent groups

Public utilities commission

A public utilities commission is a group that assist in the preparation of a utility plan


A system for classifying specifications

Process based system of quality mabo

A system that continually incorporates reviews of documents during production, which means every step of the documentation phase

Inspection based at management

A system that uses checklists to review project deliverables before submitting to the client


A system used to classify specifications

As of Right Zoning

A type of zoning that refers to the landowner's bundle of rights associated with the property that they own. Makes it so everything is fair within that particular ordinance.

CMAR (at risk)

Is a delivery method where the CM commits to complete the project without a GMP which is based on the construction documents and specifications.

Integrated Project Delivery (IPD)

Is the best choice when high collaboration and shared risk among all parties is desired.

Planning and zoning commission

Planning and zoning commissions are responsible for improving the well-being of the community by proposing plans for a future land-use and

Request for Information (RFI)

RFIs are use during construction to clarify questions about the construction documents

Preliminary project description

The preliminary project description or PPD format describes the expected project quality in a way that all stakeholders can understand. In lieu of a full set of drawings and specifications, the PPD form can be used to describe the project in early phases

Benchmarking Tours

Benchmarking includes the direct observation of state of the art facilities similar to that being programmed.


- Advises on constructability and cost estimates during the design of a project and then shifts to the responsibility of building according to the contract. - Allows contractors to typically work with the client by giving them a GMP commitment early in the project as they are already involved and know the construction type as well - A good delivery method for a project that requires highly technical details for a client whose focus is on the design and innovation of the building. With this method, a contractor will be able to advise the design team on construct ability and detailing of the building early on in the design phase.

Teaming Agreement

- An agreement between the architect and one or more design professionals or consultants. - Addresses matters in connection with the pursuit of projects not yet obtained by the architect.

Which AIA documents can help facilitate the architects management of a project specific procurement phase (aka bidding and negotiation phase)

- B101: owner architect agreement - B132: this form references the architect's duties during procurement - A201: This includes provisions affecting the architects interests regarding the procurement phase, & will refer to the AIA owner architect agreements

Construction Costs Determination per Project Delivery

- Design Bid Build: construction costs are determined after permitting phase - Bridging version of design build: construction costs are determined directly following the design development phase - CM as Advisor: construction costs are determined after the permitting phase - Fast Track Method: construction costs are determined after the design development phase is complete

AIA advocates and promotes the development and adoption of building code that:

- Include participation by architects and the public in a consensus process (to promote health, safety and welfare of community) - Are the product of informed education and research - Are without favoritism or bias to any special interest - Include provision for a prompt appeals procedure for all that might be aggrieved - Are cost effective in relation to public benefit (Public should not be burdened by costly decisions and impacts of codes) - Promote building code provisions that set performance rather than prescriptive criteria

Additional Services that require compensation (B101; Article 4)

- LEED certification - Fast Track Design Services - Documentation of bid alternatives: bis review is a standard service in B101 but including bid alternatives in a bid package requires extra review that can be considered an additional service under B101

What are the key aspects of a design team agreement (also called memorandum of understanding or partnering agreements)?

- Purpose: team members agree to cooperate and to prepare a joint proposal to submit to the client for the project. - Term: the teaming agreement will identify the period of time it will be in effect - Obligations of the team members: the teaming agreement describes the services to be rendered by each team member in connection with submitting the proposal for the project as well as the services each team member will provide if the team's proposal is accepted by the client - Exclusivity: project marketed as part of the team, team members will not market for projects with any other design entity, they will no independently market services for the project, can't accept engagement from owner without involving other team members - No solicitation of other team members employees - Proprietary Information: provisions included to protest each team members data, info, materials, etc - Public Relations: appropriate credit due in publications or to prospective clients - Limitations of teaming agreement: Makes clear that teaming agreement itself does not create joint venture, partnership, or formal business organization of any kind. - Enforceability and dispute resolution: provisions to enforce the terms of the teaming agreement and to resolve disputes among team members.

What documents to include in BOTH the project manual and contract documents package?

- Technical Specifications - Supplementary Conditions: the supplementary conditions outline procedural, administrative, and contractual requirements unique to the project - Owner Contractor Agreement (A101): The project manual contains that legal and contractural information - General Conditions (A201): describes the rights, responsibilities and relationships of the owner, the contractor and the architect.

CMa (Advisor)

- The CM as advisor provides advice on constructability and cost estimation but does not construct buildings. - CM Advisor only acts as a constructability and cost management consultant and does not build the building. - Good project delivery method for projects where client has knowledge of buildings like hospitals and only needs construct ability and cost management services

Life Cycle Cost Analysis

- These items added together will yield to the lifecycle cost for a given material or product. Formula: LCC = IC + MC + AC + OC Life cycle cost = investment cost + maintenance cost + amortization cost + operating cost

How should the architect best manage expectations to align with project milestones?

- Tracking Required Services: keep owner- Architect agreements readily accessible, providing standard of care throughout project phases, and managing scope of services with appropriate staff - Monitor Client Objectives: Project programming, establishing design and construction schedules, budgets, and milestones, managing consultants, document reviews, and providing quality assurance are essential criteria for monitoring client objectives - Manage Information: Managing and directing the flow of project information and saving the information as an orderly manner is perhaps the most important responsibility of the project manager and the architect. This includes distribution of information effectively to all parties and establishing a project filing system that is flexible and comprehensive

What are some rules and regulations for the practice of architecture?

1) architects consultants my stamp their documents prepared under their own responsible charge (All changes to drawings after the building permit has been issued must be stamped and signed by the architect and the engineers, respectively) 2) All changes to the drawings after the building permit has been issued must be stamped and signed by the architect 3) Architects are required to have a stamp or seal 4) Architects may become licensed in another state through reciprocity 5) Architects must stamp only those documents prepared under their control. NCARB model Law makes it clear that reviewing or reviewing and correcting technical submissions after they have been prepared by others does not constitute the exercise of responsible control

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