Aristole quiz
According to Aristotle, people never voluntarily do anything bad. True or false
Aristotle claims that the happiness is found in honor. True or False
Aristotle claims that the human good is pleasure. True or False
Aristotle claims that the virtues are innate? True or false
Emotions are irrelevant to eudaimonia or happiness because they are non rational. True or False
In Aristotle's view, anyone who is virtuous is guaranteed to be happy. True or False
According to Aristotle, happiness is an activity, not a state. True or False
According to Aristotle, the function of human life is rational activity. True or false
Aristotle argues that we are morally responsible for whether we are virtuous or vicious. True or False
Aristotle characterizes virtue as a state of character disposing one to choose the mean between extremes. True or false
in Aristotle's view, people sometimes perform bad actions voluntarily. True or False
Aristotle describes each virtue as:
a mean.
Aristotle conceives of a virtue as:
a state of character.
In Aristotle's view, the virtues are:
acquired through habit.
According to Aristotle, happiness is:
activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.
According to Aristotle, an action is involuntary if:
both a and b.
According to Aristotle, the best kind of life is essentially one of:
According to Aristotle, courage is the virtue that governs:
Aristotle divides the virtues into:
moral virtues and intellectual virtues.
Aristotle states that if we ask what the highest good of human action is:
nearly everyone agrees that it is happiness.
Aristotle claims that virtue is:
necessary for a good life, but not sufficient for one.
In Aristotle's terminology, incontinence is when:
one knows that one's actions are wrong, but does them anyway.
Aristotle claims that the function of human life is:
rational activity
According to Aristotle, we should begin ethical inquiry by specifying:
the aim of human life.
Aristotle claims that:
virtue is in our power, and so is vice.